Gavia immer = Common Loon/= Great Northern Diver/= big loon/= black-billed loon/= call-up-a-storm:/= ember-goose/= greenhead/= guine-a-duck/= imber diver/= ring-necked loon/= walloon.


Vergleich: Siehe: Aves: + Wasservögel:


[Jason-Aeric Huenecke]

Loons are usually monogamous and will seek another mate after the death partner. Begin to breed between 4 - 7 years old; loons breed annually and will renest when first nest be disturbed by weather or by predators.

Their clutch size is small, one to three eggs on a hollowed-out mound of dirt and plant matter on water edge; incubation is 26 to 29 days, both birds sit on the nest. The young are relatively mature and mobile from

the moment of birth or hatching; the loon can leave the nest within the day after hatching. They eat fresh whole foods caught by their parents.


    “…when the Loon is breeding, it will dart down suddenly from the air, and alight securely in its nest. I have never witnessed such a procedure, although I have closely watched, from under cover, at least twenty pairs.

On such occasions I have seen the incubating bird pass over the dear spot several times in succession, gradually rounding and descending so as at last to alight obliquely on the water, which it always did at a considerable

distance from the nest, and did not approach it until after glancing around and listening attentively, as if to assure itself that it was not watched, when it would swim to the shore, and resume its office.”

These loons are graceful swimmers and divers, with red eyes, a black head, white body, and checkered black and white mantle; they are 24 - 40 inches in length with a 4 - 5 foot wingspan; they require a long distance in

order to take off in flight. Their feet are set back on their bodies, making the loon excellent swimmers and cause difficulty in walking. However, they are expert divers with the ability to go to depths of over 90 feet.

“Although its wings are rather small, its flight is strong and rapid, so that it is enabled to traverse a large extent of country on wing. When travelling, or even when only raised from its nest, it moves through the air with

all the swiftness of the other species of its tribe, generally passing directly from one point to another, however distant it may be. Its long transits are at times performed at so great an elevation that its form can scarcely

be distinguished, and yet, even then, in calm weather, the noise of its wings striking the air comes distinctly on your ear.”

“The geographic location of the common loon during the breeding season is in forested areas surrounding freshwater, oligotrophic lakes in the northern region of North America, Greenland, and Iceland. During the winter

months, the common loon migrates to coastal marine habitats in the southern portion of North America. Migration in winter Sept. - Dec. and migration in summer between March - June.

Migration groups can be composed of thousands of irregularly spaced individuals, a small group of individuals, or a single individual.”

Primarily fish-eaters.

Ecotoxicity is an issue of great concern for the common loon. Acid rain, industrial waste, and pollutants collect in freshwater lakes; the common loon (Gavia immer) and bald eagles (Haliaeetus leucocephalus), both fish

eaters are therefore susceptible to poisons that affect neurochemistry such as, but not limited to, mercury, methylmercury, and selenium poisoning.

Ancient peoples ate loons. The loons’ diver skin used for making cloth, caps karpuses, a kind of cap or hood that protects the ears and neck), bags and other items are well-known from the circumpolar area. Alaskan Inuits

made loon-skin parkas made entirely from the neck skin and feathers. “The great northern diver has played a significant role in the traditional environmental knowledge of the various people living within its range.

Of course its impact has been greater in North America, where the species is common in the boreal and sub arctic areas. It has there been of great importance from economic, symbolic and cognitive aspects.

However, its size, loud voice and its behaviour have also attracted the people on the island and coastal societies of the northern Atlantic sea. It has been a well-known bird both in Norse and Celtic traditions and it has been

seen as a weather prophet, but also its meat and skin, and the live bird have been utilized too.”

“An interesting feature in this whole story is the fact that the great northern diver seems also to have been caught alive in Greenland in former times and used as a “watchdog”, i.e. tied with a rope around its legs or neck

and put somewhere high up (e.g. on a house-top or roof), “on guard”, so to speak, as it made loud sounds when it saw someone approaching, and thus warned the owner of coming visitors.”

Several Native American Indians have a Loon Medicine Ceremony. Loon Medicine is an awakener and dream medicine.

“Divers have always played an important role in the folk ornithology of people of the circumpolar area. Peasants, hunters, herdsmen and others wandering in wetland areas and forests are well acquainted with their call,

which can be heard over long distances in the evenings. Sometimes fishermen at sea have also encountered them. “Once a raven and a loon happened to meet, and they agreed to tattoo each other. First the raven tattooed

the loon, and when it was done, the loon set about tattooing the raven. But the raven was very ill pleased with its tattooing, and would not keep still, and again and again the loon said: “If you won’t keep still, I will pour

the soot I am using all over you.” At last the loon lost patience, and poured all the soot over the raven, and then ran out of the house. But just as the loon was on the point of disappearing, the raven picked up the fire stones

that lay in the house and threw them at the loon. The fire stones struck the loon on the thighs, and it sank down and could hardly walk. From that day all ravens are black and all loons awkward on their feet”.

The mythology of loons focuses primarily on loons’ diving ability and their calls or their distinctive black and white feather patterns. The story of a miracle performed by a loon is one legend repeated in several ways.

The Copper Inuit tribe, in western-most Canada, tells of a loon who restores the sight of a blind boy. In other tribes, a version tells of a shaman who’s sight was cured by a loon. In one version, the shaman carried on the

back of the loon to the bottom of the lake several times curing his blindness. In gratitude, the loon receives a necklace from the boy or shaman; this necklace, thrown over the loon’s head and becomes the white pattern of

feathers which we know as the loon’s necklace.

A Canadian movie about the legend that explains the white band around the black neck of the loon. Kelora, the main character, once a proud medicine man, blind and neglected in his old age; however, his totem, the loon,

remains faithful to him and gives him back his sight. In gratitude Kelora places his necklace of magic shells around the loon’s neck, where it remains to this day in her ancestors.

The loon has a connection to the ancient world, a vigilant bird whose hauntingly eerie voice pierces the veils between worlds. "During the summer the loons' voice has been described as falsetto wails, weird yodeling,

maniacal quavering laughter, and at night as a tremulous ha-oo-oo; in flight as a barking kwuk. Winters find this bird quiet.”

“The Indians in the Pacific Northwest traveled mainly by water, because the forest was so thick it was difficult to travel by land. This story tells how they were able to find their way back to shore.

One day, a little girl went deep into the forest. She walked until she found a family of loons. She stopped and played with the loons. In fact, she stayed for several days, becoming good friends with the loons.

They taught her many things. But, soon, she knew it was time to return to her family, so she said good bye and returned to her village.

In time, this little girl grew to be a Mother and then Grandmother. One day she was out in a canoe with her two Grandchildren. All of the sudden the fog rolled in. They couldn't see the shore. They heard a splashing off in

the distance. The children thought it was a sea monster. But, the Grandmother new it was something far worse. It was hunters from a tribe farther north. If they captured them, they would take them as slaves. The children

would never see their family or village again.

The Grandmother told the children to get down in the canoe and be quiet. The other canoe passed by them with out seeing them. The children were still hiding in the bottom of the canoe. But, how would they find their way

back to the village? How would they avoid the hunters in the other canoe? The Grandmother started to sing. This was a strange song. The Grandmother sung often, and the children new all of her songs. They thought.

The children looked up. Where their Grandmother had been sitting, there was a giant loon. It spread its wings and flew out of the canoe. It circled the canoe and then flew off. The children watched it fly off into the fog.

Soon, the loon returned and circled again. When it left, this time, the children followed it. It lead them safely back to their village. For you see, only the loon has eyes that can see though the fog.

When the Grandmother was a girl, playing with the loons, they thought her a song. If she ever sang that song, she would change into a loon forever. So when the Indians were canoeing in the fog, they always listen for

Grandmother loon to guide them back to shore.”

The common loon is the state bird of Minnesota, United States and the provincial bird of Ontario, Canada.


Themes - Mentals

Apathy vs. Productivity

Appearing, disappearing quickly


Contamination, Filthy, Disgust, In Disrepair

Desire for Nature and Fresh Air

Distance and Space from Others

Esoteric, mysterious, trance-like

Exhausted, Waking with the Birds

Gaining a Deeper Understanding




No Worries

Playfulness, Attractiveness, Sexuality

Spacey, Disconnected




Themes - Physicals



Extremities: Weak, Trembling, Pain



Heightened Senses: Hearing, Smell, Vision



Mind: Acceptance


Ailments from - anger (suppressed)/anticipation/cares, worries over a loved one/disappointment/embarrassment/quarrelling/


Ambition (increased)


Anger - internalized/paralysis from anger/”As if paralyzed”/about past events/sudden

Animal consciousness

Love for animals


Anxiety (after anger/from anticipation (an engagement)/of conscience/about his family/from doubt about success)/Fear [of  accidents (with a car)/of animals/being attacked/of a city/of impending danger/

of electrical wires/something will happen/of being injured/insanity/of misfortune/making mistakes/of poverty/of punishment/of reproaches]

Aversion - to those around him/to members of family/to friends/to fuss/to certain places




Must keep busy from restlessness

Full of cares (daily cares/about others/about relatives)

Censorious with dearest friends



Clarity of mind

Aversion to company - > alone/desires solitude

Desires company - of his family/yearning for it

Concentration - active/difficult (studying)

Want of self-confidence

Confident/confident (= centered, I am just present.)

Confusion - on attempting to concentrate the mind/”As if in a dream”/loses his way in well-known streets

Content [with himself (and the world)/with others]



Death - presentiment of

Delusions. -  is not appreciated/seeing birds (blue heron/crow/eagles/loon/raven)/sees a boat, a canoe/out of the body/cannot breathe (under water)/is criticized/time has come to die/”As if drugged”/of emptiness/

Floating (in air/swimming in bed/swimming in air)/head (= black, rotted, mass/disease will break out of head)/is held up high when sitting/is under a powerful influence/sees insects/is lost/hearing noise/people are

beside him  (touching his right shoulder)/being possessed/being immersed in the sea/were tossing on a rough sea/seeing herself/feels a snake crawling up the leg/snakes in and around her/sounds muted/sees spiders/

under superhuman /is trapped/of water/is under water

Detached (from daily activity)/”As if detached”

Confused + disconcerted



Drinking more than she should

Dull - unable to think long

Too much sense of duty

Emotions - predominated by the intellect/suppressed

Energized feeling




Forgetful - about business/daily things

Sensation of isolation




During heat

Sensation of heaviness (morning)


Desire to be held

High spirited




Ideas abundant - morning after restless sleep/at night

Impatience (with unhelpful people)





Insects - disgust of

Insecure mental



Irresolute (changeable)

Irritable - # patience/driving a car/to her family/towards husband/suspicious/from trifles



Laughing # weeping


Alpha type (= leader)


Longing - sense of

Loss; sense of



Mathematics - inability for calculating

Mental exertion - impossible



Mistakes - in speaking (in spelling/in words/misplacing words)

Mood - changeable/repulsive

> Motion

>/< Music

Nature - loves it/yearning for

< Noise

Nonplussed (= surprised + confused)

Objective, reasonable

Observer - being an



Peace - yearning for


Pities herself



Prostration of mind - of thoughts < of work


Quarreling - aversion to/quarrelsome

Disposition - calm and quiet

Quiet; wants to be [desires repose and tranquillity (> bird song)/>]



Restless - > motion/sitting (while at work)/and sleepy

Sadness (about aging/children growing up)

Self-control lost


Sensitive to - nature and natural objects/to noise (of birds)/noise (of city/lawn mower/of refrigerator)

Sensitive - to presence of other people

Shrieking in anger



< Sleepiness

Speech hasty

Staring thoughtless (morning)

Starting - easily/”As if electric”

Stranger - sensation as if one were a

Studying difficult

Succeeds never

Suicidal disposition



Taciturn - sits, does not move

Tension, mental

Time - appears longer; passes too slowly

Time - sensation of timelessness;



Tranquility (morning on waking)

Travelling - desire for

Telling the plain truth

Unreal - everything seems


Verses (making)


Weeping (desire to weep/difficult/weeping with sobbing)

Wild feeling in head


Wrong, everything seems


Vertigo: Lying, must lie down;

< Motion of head

With Nausea

< Sitting/walking

Head: Congestion;

Constriction “As from a band”

Heat (like a dome)


Pain - right # left/> pressure/cutting/dull/piercing/pressing/wandering/ext. eyes/in forehead/in occiput/in vertex/in temples (pulsation)


Eye: Discharges - morning/yellow;

Discoloration - red sclera/redness accompanies cough;




Pain - burning/during heat


Vision: Visual disturbances.

Ear: Inflamed;


Lumps, hard, behind the ear;

Noises internal

Pain - comes and disappears/fleeting/piercing

“As if water in ear”

Hearing: Acute (awareness of birds sleeping)

Illusions (sounds remain longer)

Nose: Discharge, copious;

Heat internal



Smell acute;

Sneezing concussive.

Perspiration - at night with wakefulness/body parts touching each other, from/single part,

Face: Discoloration, red;

Drawing (pulling) sensation

Eruption - acne


Heat internal;


Pain in jaw

Quivering lips;

Swelling glands;


Mouth: Cotton, sensation of;



Numbness - (tip of) tongue,


Sores, gums;



Ulcers, canker sores

Teeth: Enamel deficient;

Pain in molars.

Throat: Constricted;


Hawk, disposition to;

“As if a lump”

Mucus patches;

Pain (< cough/> warm drinks/< talking)



Swallowing, desire to;

Swelling, glands;


Stomach: Anxiety in stomach;

Appetite - diminished/increased (morning on waking),



Gagging, cough;


Heaviness after eating;

“As if a lump”

Nausea + vertigo,

Pain - cramping < eating/sharp/sore/twisting;




“As if about to vomit”

Abdomen: Distended;

“As if a lump in abdomen”

Pain - l./comes and disappears/sudden/cramping/dull/twisting/in lower abdomen


Rectum: Constipation (two days);


Pain - aching during menses/cramping;

Urging stool, after a small amount has passed.

Stool: Dry/hard/loose

Kidneys: Pain in l. kidney.

Bladder: Urging to urinate;

Urination - < cough/interrupted/spurting stream.

Urine: Odor - strong/like horse’s urine

Female organs: Discharge, sensation of;

Menses - copious/+ lethargy/+ pain in mammae/+ by weeping

Menses - clotted/dark/burning/cramping (in uterus)/labia (l.),

Pain in uterus cramping

Male organs: Erection “As from a younger man”/excessive, unusual for age;

Masturbation, disposition to,

Sexual desire increased.

Cough: + urination;






< during sleep



Expectoration: Greenish;

Mucous, morning on rising;


During sleep


Respiration: Arrested;

Breathing deep;





Chest: l.


Diaphragm, complaints of;


Heat, rising up;


Hollow (Emptiness, sensation of);


Pain -, comes and disappears/< cough

Palpitation < lying down

Pulsation, slow;


Back: Pain - l./> lying on painful side/> pressure/> rubbing/cramping/spasm/dull/sharp/sore/stinging/stitching/electric-like/in lumbar region/< motion (walking impossible)/radiating to lower extremities/< stepping/

> warm bathing

Sacroiliac region, complaints of;

Stiffness in cervical region/> warm bathing

Neck: Pain, drawing,

Pain - in glands/sore/throbbing



Extremities: l. sided


Ankles, complaints of;

Coldness, hands, toes;

Cracking in joints;

Cramps, calves spasmodic;

Eruptions - blisters/boils/upper limbs;



Heat - lower limbs (feet/soles)/upper limbs;

Hips, complaints of;

Inflammation; feet, soles, plantar fasciitis;


Knee, complaints of (Housemaid’s knee (fluid-filled swelling of the bursa in front of the knee cap, often resulting from frequent kneeling, see bursitis)

Numbness, upper limbs (curative);

Pain - achy/burning (in an old scar)/lancinating/piercing/sharp/sore/comes and disappears quickly/gouty/joints (hands)/tendons/< motion/radiating up back of leg/< wet weather

Quivering sensation in legs;

Restless at night in bed;



Stretching out hand > cramp;

Swollen - feet/vein



Vein, sensation of;

Walking, difficult;

Sleep: Morning early - 1 h./3 h./4 h./5 h./6 h.

spells of deep sleep

Falling asleep - after eating/difficult/while working;

Interrupted (awareness of birds, birdsong/sensation of heat)


Position - changed frequently/sleeping upright;

Prolonged, day and night;



Short - catnaps;

Sleepiness, overpowering;

Sleepless - until 1 h./from noise/from activity of thoughts;

Dreams: Amorous/anger/domestic animals (pets/chickens/dogs/fish/frog)/annoying/being attacked/beach/birds (eagles)/car/strange cities/cleanliness/climbing ladders/clothes underwear/computers/confused/cooking/

committing a crime/cruelty/dancing in a spiral/dead bodies/dirty buildings/disoriented/drinking/erections/faeces/pagan festivals/flood in the house/food (pizza/preparing)/freezing/old friends (relieved to have harmony

with)/frightful/groups (gangs)/guilt/helpless feeling/humiliation/ice/insects/journeys//kicked by a man/killing/kissed/laughing/has no legs (with sensation of loss)/making mistakes/motorcycles/music/playing violin/

(overlooking) the ocean/about parties/parties/penis cut off/of crowds/performing/taking photographs/pursued by a man/quarrels (with father/with mother)/river/sad/school/people being separated/sexual/snakes (biting)/

snow (storms)/storms (tornados/tsunamis)/talking with someone/teeth (falling out/stained, yellow and brown)/performing in theatre/thunderstorm/underground (cave)/in the underworld/urinating/vivid/

voice lost/water (high waves/swamp)/wedding/work/has done wrong

Chill: Periodical;

Shivering (Shaking).

Skin: Boils;


Eruptions - acne/circinate (ringworm like)/hard/herpetic/small



Pain, pricking like pine needles;


Generals: l. sided

> cold air

Dry sensation, whole body;

Excess - of energy/lack of energy (see Weakness);

Food and drinks: Aversion: to smell of food/water; Desires: Alcoholic drinks (beer/wine/blackberry honey wine/dandelion wine)/beetroot/sponge cake/caramel/cereals/chocolate/coffee/sunflower seeds/warm drinks/

Water; >: warm drinks, small sips of water;

< heat/flushes of heat/heat radiating/wave of heat;


Pain - burning/migrating/piercing/> pressure/prickling externally/stitching/wandering;


< Talking

Trembling/vibration, fluttering, etc;

> Walking slowly

Wavelike sensations;


< change of weather/wet

Yawning frequently.



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