

Vergleich: Siehe: Seefahrtgruppe + Aqua pluvia + Tempest


Acon. = Blauen Eisenhut/= Monkshood/= Ziegentod/= Teufelswurz/= Sturmhut/= Venuswagen/= Fuchswurz/= Giftkraut/= Kappenblume/= Wolfskraut/= Würgling

Agrostis stolonifera = Weiße Straußgras/= Windähre Commelinidae.

Anemone nemorosa.

Aquila chrysaetos. Hellas: Schafft den Wind

Bell. = Regenblume/= Tollkirsche/= Wutbeere/= Sautod/= Säukraut/= Teufelsbeere/= Banewort/= dead nettle/= deadly nightshade/= Wolfsaugen = Windbeere

Butomus umbellatus [= (Doldige) Schwanenblume/= Wasserliesch/= Blumenbinse./= Wasserviole. = Windstreuer. Alismatales.]

Gavia immer. = Common Loon/= Great Northern Diver/= big loon/= black-billed loon/= call-up-a-storm/= ember-goose/= greenhead/= guine-a-duck/= imber diver/= ring-necked loon/= walloon.

Gelber Drachen = Sandsturm.

Goss. = Geschenk des Mondgöttin/Schützt (Eule)/= gewebter Wind

Larus argentatus. (= Silber-/=Lach-/= Mantel-/= Herings-/= Sturm-/= Dreizehenmöwe).

Myriophyllum alterniflorum = Wechselblütige Tausendblatt/= Armleuchter.Windbestäubung/Samenverbreitung über das Wasser. Quelle: Aquaristik Saxifragales.

Opal. = Splitter entstanden wann neidischer Sturmgott Regenbogengott zerstörte

Lava Kilauea.

Peles Haar. = Lava durch den Wind in Faden gezogen und erstarrt Feuergruppe

Phaseolus vulgaris. = Buschbohne/= Schwertbohne/= Windbohne

Puls. = Kuhschelle/= Wolfspfote/= Windflower/= Osterglöckchen/= Schafblume

Salsola tragus. = Tumbling weed/= Russian thistle/= saltwort/= Russian cactus/= buckbush/= roly-poly/= Wind Witch

Squil. = Meerzwiebel/= Sea onion/= weiße Zwiebel/= „Auge des Typhon (= Riese + Drachen/= Wirbelsturm)

Vario. = Windpocken

Verb. = Köningskerze/= Molen/= Mullein/= Cow’s lungwort/= Mottenkruit/= Woolly mullein/= Shepherd’s club/= Aaron’s rod/= Himmelbrand/=

                       Donner- und Blitzkerze/= Windblumenwollkraut

Tornado = Spirale.

Windei. Ei ohne Schale


            Anemophily or wind pollination is a form of pollination whereby pollen is distributed by wind. Almost all gymnosperms are anemophilous, as are many plants

in the order Poales (grasses, sedges and rushes). Others are oaks, sweet chestnuts, alders and members of the family Juglandaceae (hickory or walnut family).

Windpferd. = Transportmittel. für Shamanen und Seelen


[Sven Sauter]

Die Griechen der Antike und die Germanen hielten die im mythischen Norden beheimateten Adler für die Erschaffer des Windes



Die Hard Flint. boys (Navaho) spielen mit dem Wind und machen den Wind schlecht


China: Pangu. trennt als Säule den Himmel von der Erde/als zwergenhaft überliefert/nach seinem Tod bildete sein Körper das Universum/aus l. Auge wurde Sonne./

aus r. der Mond. Seine Haare wurden zu den Sternen/restlicher Körper bildete die Erde. Aus seinem Odem entstand der Wind

Sandsturm = Gelbe Drachen.

In TCM. gehört sauer zum Windelement

China: Wind – Gerüch, Eifersucht, sexuelle Betätigung

Schistocerca americana. = American bird grasshopper/= Heuschrecke = Zähne des Windes

India: Adam. als Weiße Oktaeder (= achtflächig) Indra geweiht (Sturm-/Blitz-Gott)/schwarze Oktaeder (= Ursprung der Dämonen) = Yama (= Todesgott) geweiht/

Schutz gegen Schlangen/Feuer/Gift/Krankheit/Dieben/Flut/Dämonen.


„Wer Wind säht, wird Sturm ernten“

„Man kann der Richtung des Windes nicht ändern, aber die Segel neu setzen“

Indisches Sprichwort:

„Wenn der Tiger durch den Dschungel schleicht wie finstere Gewitterwolken, bewegt sich der Leopard so leise wie Nebel, der im frühmorgendlichen Wind treibt.“


Orkane, Hurrikans, Taifune und Zyklone

Als Orkan bezeichnet man einen schweren Sturm ab Stärke 12 auf der Beaufort-Skala. Erreichen Windgeschwindigkeiten von mindestens 64 Knoten (± 120 Km pro Stunde)

Hurrikans, Taifune und Zyklone sind tropische Wirbelstürme, deren herausragendes Merkmal ist, dass sie ihre Energie aus dem tropisch warmen Meer beziehen.

Bei Wassertemperaturen der oberen 50 Meter von mehr als 26,5° C verdunstet langsam viel Feuchtigkeit, die beim Aufstieg in der Atmosphäre wieder kondensiert und ihre Wärmeenergie schnell an die Luftmassen abgibt - und den Sturm antreibt.

Hurrikan und Taifun

Im Atlantik, Nord- und Südpazifik werden tropische Wirbelstürme als Hurrikane bezeichnet, im asiatischen Raum heißen sie Taifune.

Hurrikans und Taifune sind großräumige Gebilde, deren imposante Wolkenwirbel vielfach einen Durchmesser von 200 Km erreichen und von der Erddrehung in Rotation versetzt werden. Verliert ein Hurrikan oder Taifun den Kontakt zum Meer -"geht also an Land"- verliert er seinen Energienachschub und schwächt sich ab.

Ein tropischer Sturm wird definitionsgemäß erst dann zum Hurrikan oder Taifun, wenn er Windstärke 12 oder mehr (118 km/h) erreicht.


Die Bezeichnung für tropische Wirbelstürme im Golf von Bengalen und im indischen Ozean. Derartige Stürme können mehrere Meter hohe Wellen aufwirbeln, die schließlich im Bereich von Bangladesch, Myanmar oder Indien auf Land treffen. Damit führen die Zyklone zu großen Verwüstungen, weil sie meist in besonders flachen Regionen aufs Land treffen. Das kann zu Überschwemmungen bis im Landesinneren führen, da die flachen Übergänge vom Flussdelta ins Meer kaum Schutz für die Menschen und die Gebäude bieten.

Tornados sind dagegen viel kleiner und zeichnen sich durch ihre Spiralform aus. Sie entstehen über dem Festland -vor allem in den USA- wenn unter einer Gewitterwolke Warmluft aufsteigt und sich der Wind dann zu einem Strudel formt. Unterhalb der Wolke wird das als Schlauch sichtbar.

Tornados können Geschwindigkeiten von bis zu 500 Kilometer pro Stunde erreichen. Der Sog des Tornados fegt alles in die Luft, was der Windspirale in die Quere kommt.


[Mary English]

'Tempesta' the Storm 

Certain things happened before I conducted this proving and I will just out-line the build-up.

I was a student Homoeopath. I studied for 2 years at Regents College in London, then transferred to The School of Homoeopathy in Devon run by Mr Misha Norland.

In my original ignorance I believed that anything was possible (I still do). I read books about the ancient crafts, the way women used to live, with the earth, with herbs,

with experience. I admit I one day when I was sitting on my back step, a storm ensued. I popped into the kitchen and got a remedy bottle and left it

in the garden and captured the rain in it. There was a small amount of thunder, a flash or two of lightning.....after about 20mins it went as quickly as it had come.

But I left the bottle there until the calm came, and after a while, took it back in. I added some brandy and left it on the shelf in the kitchen.

A few weeks later I had some friends round for drinks and chats and remembered that I'd got this 'remedy' and asked if anyone wanted to try it.

My sister, being a true Aquarius, was well up for it, and we all had a drop in our drinks.

This was not a proving. I hadn't really much idea about provings, but anyway we all sat there and the conversation got round to fires and, it's quite strange looking back,

how we all had a story to tell of buildings burning and escaping from them, or being near them or cars igniting, that sort of stuff.

The party animal who is normally the last to go to bed, suddenly announced she was very weary and retired to her camper van.

Weeks elapsed, then my sister told me she'd met a new bloke. She had finished with her old boyfriend, after a lot of trauma, and this new man had (very romantically) captured her heart.

Then I got a call to say another 'prover' had found a new woman having gone through a horrible divorce.........I was pleased for them both. I even gave some live on air to

the presenter of BBC Radio Bristol and I've still got on tape his primary reaction to imbibing a storm. I took more remedy myself in the mistaken, and un-homoeopathic

belief, that more is best...I basically overdid it and had a very short-lived fling.

Then the bottle leaked into my handbag and that was the end of that!

A year later, in May 1999, another storm began during a week of weird events (for me) and it was an evening storm. Hooray!

I ran into the garden with my bottle and laid it on the step, then sat in my veranda and watched it all unfold.

I LOVE storms. Thunder raged, lightning flashed, and rain beat heavily onto the ground; no wind, just pure energy wrapped around me.

This time I left the bottle only for the height of the proceedings. I wanted to get the maximum amount of whooooosh captured. I ran into the deluge and rescued my

bottle and skipped back inside.

Storm 2 sat on the shelf overnight.

The next day I sent it to my chum John Lee at Ainsworths and he made it into a nice 6c and sent me back the remedy.

I then set about organising a proving, having learned about them from Jeremy Sherr's book The Dynamics and Methodology of Homeopathic Provings, published by

Dynamis Books, from college and Samuel Hahnemann, verse 121 Organon of the Medical Art, published by Birdcage Books.

I was worried that this remedy would be rubbished by other Homeopaths, so I was at pains to ensure that the proving I did was a cross section of people: male, female,

gay, straight and also an actual Homoeopath.

(I tried to find, and managed to get, all the elements from astrology; Earth, Air, Fire and Water; namely; Taurus 2x, Libra 2x, Gemini, Leo, Scorpio and Pisces.

This is because I have an interest in astrology.)

My final proving list involved 8 volunteers. Only 2 of them knew each other. Everyone else only knew me.


The proving took place in August 1999.

The Nature of a Storm

Storms mostly occur in England during the early summer and generally last only 1-2 hours.

They begin when a parcel of warm, moist air close to the ground rises quickly, creating an unstable situation with upcurrents and downcurrents all vying for attention.

The condensation that is formed bashes about with the water droplets creating static electricity with negative electrical charges collecting in the middle and lower parts

of the cloud and positive charges collecting at the top.

Eventually the differences between these two charges is so great that BANG a massive spark is released as the charges even themselves out.

Lightning is the negative charge trying to reach the ground as quickly as possible and is attracted to places that are positively charged; i.e. that tree you're standing under

or T.V. arial on your roof. When the two charges meet, that's the flash you see.

Thunder is the sound of air expanding at super speed 'cos the lighting has heated it up to the temperature of the Sun in seconds flat. (Bet you didn't know that air could

make a sound!)

Basically the inside of a storm cloud is chaos trying to find a way to sort itself out and re-balance.

The Provers consisted of : 1) Male (gay),  2) Female,  3) Male,  4) Female,  5) Female,  6) Male,  7) Female,  8) Female.


7) I then had a dream that he was an old fashioned sailing ship with drawers. Inside the drawers were old fashioned tools.

4) Dreamed of the end of the world, or a least, massive tsunami (tidal wave) hitting San Francisco. I was with an alien who seemed to know what was going to happen

and was getting an underground shelter ready. Alien was yellow and furry.

8) Very unpleasant dream where I was in court re the death of my son, some considerable time after the event. Threat of imprisonment or indefinite psychiatric detention

hung over me and I felt my life was ruined. The judge adjourned the case for a private psychiatric review at which I had no representation. My godmother who is herself

a psychiatrist said the tribunal chairwoman was dreadful. I had to appeal against the judge's ruling to have the nature of the hearing changed so that I could have any (e.g. legal) representation.

8) Working in an office looking at maps of rivers and harbours. An official was visiting and he was meant to check each person's work in turn, but he wouldn't come and

sit with me, each time he'd find a reason to go off and do something else - even though my colleagues said he should sit with me and check my work, and it was simple

work and wouldn't take long.

8) Dream of having hair highlighted at a hairdressers and it goes wrong. Some of the hair comes out very pale blonde and other parts bright red. Feel bad about the whole business.

8) My brother was ill in hospital (youngest brother). He was like a zombie. It was proposed that this was a psychiatric condition, but I protested that no search had been

made for any physical cause it might have, such as hypothyroidism and that this ought to be done. There was a feeling of powerlessness against the establishment and

having to fight to defend my rights - quite similar to the feeling of the first dream.

6) I cannot remember any dreams but I do know that I dreamed often. I remember that they were dreams about the days events but the sleep was very deep and I was

unable to recall facts in the morning. As if I was working hard subconsciously but also very deeply.

5) Dreamed about painting houses and scavenging (skips etc.)

5) Dream of groups of people and kids, not family but family groups. General interaction.

5) Slept deep. Dreamed that other people's belongings had been left at my door.

5) Dreamed vividly. Dreamed that I met up with my brother. (I've only 'met up' like this twice before since he died) He took me to a room and then left me there.

In the room were a group of angels. They made a fuss over the condition of my chest and gave me a long and strong healing.


Primary Action

7) Mild panic / excitement.

4) Felt energised, mostly mentally, seemed to reinforce my positive side.

8) Immediately, feeling of increased energy.

6) Mentally I felt a little confused.

5) Muzzy head.

Physical Symptoms

2) My periods seemed to be protracted by about 2 days from normal - very little flow but just not stopped properly - dark brown blood for the last 3 days - very small


2) My pre-menstrual symptoms seemed to be a lot less intense this month - only really a slight dull ache - far less emotional swings.

8) Period was shorter and lighter than usual ( 3-4 days )



8) Tingling feeling generally, almost like having an orgasm.

4) Got hot throughout body - feet felt cool.


8) Headache, frontal, left-sided. Day 2.

5) Head feels muzzy. Day 1.

5) Migraine-type headache, before bed. Day 3


5) Heightened sense of smell. Day 4


2) Wanted to eat a lot, starchy, wheaty things which I feel slightly sluggish on.

5) Crave salty food, meat pizza, meat and wheat, feel sleepy


1) Shooting cramps in intestines, feels like I've got intestinal parasites.


8) Laxative effect, soft stool twice in morning rather than once, and more formed.Day 1.

5) Remedy 8 h., 10.44 Diarrhoea. Day 1

5) Feel full, tired, diarrhoea. Day 2.


8) Tingling feeling in wrists, ulnar aspect, bilateral.

2) Red spots and itching around the knees which scabbed when scratched, red, 3mm across, not hot just itchy, turned into pussy scab with very little scratching.


Themes of Storm Remedy~ Tempesta

Sexually predatory vs. Celibate 

Reckless vs. Responsible 

Liberation & Freedom vs. Imprisonment & Incarceration

Sexually predatory.

8) Noticed people more in a sexual way, more readily felt attracted to people; e.g. walking down the road, builders were working outdoors stripped to the waist,

I thought they had good bodies (not usually my style)


1) Firstly one of my friends boyfriends went away for a while, so he was feeling lonely and one thing led to another and we kind of got together a couple of times and committed acts of gross indecency. Next there's ******. A really sweet guy. His boyfriend was also away so once again we got together and once again lust and desire won over common sense.

6) I woke up each morning with women on my mind. This may have just been all my chickens come home to roost but there were some old birds I hadn't heard from in a long time and there were some new ones I hardly recognised.



7) We decided to spend the night together without having sex as he was already in a relationship.

6) I spent a night in bed (just cuddling ) with an ex that I've always wanted to get back with and then decided that I didn't feel that way about her anymore.

We split up 3 years ago.



8) I drank rather freely, champagne kept being poured out, and I think I was in a reckless mood and could have got into something I couldn't handle.

5) In a feisty mood. Organise (badger) the others up the Tor.

4) Felt energised (mostly mentally) and seemed to reinforce my positive side. Had 3 clear winners on horses !



6) It was like actually counting up how many beers you drink each week and realising you had a problem.

3) I have been thinking a lot about having children - in the past I've always been dead against having them but I think I might be becoming a little broody.

1) There are now plans to split up some of the other teams and give them to me so that I have more responsibility and so my profile can be raised.


Imprisonment & Incarceration

7) I was locked into my bathroom at 11.30pm, alone with 3 children. I called for help. Eventually my neighbours heard me, called my brother, who eventually got into the house. The lock was so broken that he had to kick the door in.

7) In meditation with my friend I saw a past life experience when I was imprisoned

8) Very unpleasant dream where I was in court. Threat of imprisonment or indefinite psychiatric detention hung over me and I felt my life was ruined

8) A lot of thoughts about a pregnant Irish woman who was imprisoned in Holloway on IRA related charges.


Liberation & Freedom

4) Felt dawning of possibility of freedom, however, mentally able to see a way out of long-term situation, although still no physical means. That seemed a significant change, not feeling totally trapped and hopeless anymore.

3) Cravings for solitude and mountains have gone. Feel more relaxed and now not frustrated as my desire to earn a living from Chinese medicine has at last been fulfilled.

2) This is quite hard to describe - but I am different from how I was at the beginning of the proving quite substantially. I became particularly conscious of this on my birthday when I spent the day with women friends - not planned it just happened - and I came to a real understanding of how completely wonderful it is to hang out with my girlfriends and brings me more joy than male company does.



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