Haaren Anhängsel


[Werner A. Fabian]
Human pelage (Fur as word used for mammals particularly those with extensive body hair coverage/body hair of an animal as a complete coat "pelage".)
The hairs on our outer body surface grow throughout life. To gain insight into the mystery of this continuous vegetative process we compare the human being with the plant world where the growth laws are presented in their purest form. An apple falls to the ground following the laws of gravity. It is, however, thanks to the powers of growth that it has developed up there on the branch of the tree. The life body acts in the opposite direction to the physical body, and we can see that the physical human being has an inverted living plant inside him.

The root, as the mineral pole of the plant, corresponds to the human head where the sense organs are least alive and show greatest resemblance to outer physical apparatus.

The leaf organism of the plant corresponds to the human lung. Oxygen and carbon dioxide are exchanged as opposites here.

Flower and fruit correspond to the reproductive pole in the human being.
Let us now consider the growth zones of a plant, which show characteristic differences at its aerial shoot and its underground root poles. In the root, the growth zone is in the apex. "Extension growth is limited to a short zone immediately behind the growing point. This prevents curvature when growing against resistance from the soil" (Strasburger). Visualizing all the root tips of a plant, we get a more or less spherical form that is continually expanding. The growth image of the root is thus a sphere. Rudolf Steiner described it like this:
Someone able to see will never see the root in any other way but that in seeking to go down into the earth it creates at the same time a roundness in the soil. The root rounding into the soil - that is the image we must see of the root.

The blackboard drawing from 15 Sept. 1924 drawn by R.S. should not be seen as a realistic representation of roots showing radial growth but as a comprehensive image, rounding itself out, of all the root tips, the growth zones of roots. This living image of the root can be directly compared with the sphere of the human head, with the "growing points" of hair at the periphery.
In the aerial part of the plant, the growing points are not at the leaf tips but in the leaf axils. The primordia of side shoots lie in the axils of the leaves enveloping the shoot apex. In the outer human form

we must look for the leaf.

It is now known that embryos are hairy all over, with hair covering the face, the forehead, the nose and all other parts. Darwinism interprets this as due to man's descent from apes, with the hair lost, to end up as a 'naked ape'.

It is beyond me why people refuse to see that this soft woolly hair known as lanugo is something entirely different from the hairy pelt of apes and from permanent human hair. Why do embryos have this hair cover, and indeed, what are hairs?

Hairs are antennae, organs of perception. People were aware of this in times past. With the aid of hairs (= appendages), the organism focuses on the environment, perceiving forces radiating towards it and taking them in. Take a spoon and stir your coffee and you will see a vortex forming in the coffee. Forces coming from outside have an effect on the fluid. The same thing is to be seen in the embryo.

1st Spot: The hair forms a vortex that terminates in a point over the posterior fontanelle at the back of the head. That is the exact spot where these vortices enter.

2nd point is between the shoulder blades.


[Danna Norek]

Posted Saturday, November 9, 2013 at 09:30

Castor oil is often overlooked for its benefits for the skin and hair because of its extremely thick and sticky consistency. However, if you’re looking for a cheap, natural remedy for several common skin and hair complaints, then castor oil is definitely worth your time.

Castor oil for regrowing and thickening hair, eyelashes and eyebrows

I first stumbled on castor oil as a remedy for regrowing thin eyebrows. I had over-plucked my brows back in the nineties when it was the hip thing to have pencil thin brows, and they never did quite recover.  It became necessary for me to pencil in the “bald” spots and I missed the natural look of real hair where these spots were missing.

I read about castor oil as a remedy for thinning brows and hair, and thought I’d try it. I bought a hexane free, organic and cold pressed castor oil and started applying it to my eyebrows every night after washing my face. After about three months, I noticed my brows were noticeably thicker (they seemed to be growing in darker as well), and attributed it to the nightly application of castor oil.

I’m not the only one that this has worked for. So, why would castor oil help you regrow hair - both on your head and the other two important places, the eyebrows and the eyelashes.

Castor oil is high in ricinoleic acid. This acid is a very effective natural anti-bacterial and anti-fungal agent. This can help keep any fungus or bacteria from inhibiting hair growth. Since the oil is also very thick, it may help to prevent hair loss simply by helping to coat the hair and protect it from falling out.

Castor oil is also high in omega 9 fatty acids, which are nourishing to both the hair and the follicle, as well as the surrounding skin. Castor oil has a unique ability to be deeply penetrating, and this helps it to deliver its nourishment deeply into the pores and the follicles that produce hair.

It also has a high gloss, so it lends a lush glossiness and shine to the hair. A little goes a long way, and it is best to only add a tiny bit to the very ends of your hair instead of putting it up near the scalp if you’re just looking for a natural hair smoother.

Simply put about two drops on your hands and rub, then smooth through the ends. If you use too much, there is a fine line between subtle shine and a heavy greasiness so go very light until you figure out the amount that works right for your hair type.

If you’re looking to regrow the hair on your head, you can use castor oil as a scalp treatment. However it can be tricky to get on the scalp without thinning it out with a lighter oil. You can add some melted coconut oil, apricot kernel oil or another lighter oil to help get it spreadable enough.

If you’re simply looking to help thicken hair that is thinning at the edges of your hairline, you can use pure castor oil, with a light hand of course. Another use is to apply the oil to eyelashes to help thicken and strengthen them, as well as to help prevent thinning and shedding.

Castor oil for scar tissue reduction and shiny, smooth lips

Many attest to the wonders castor oil offers for keloid types of scars and other scars that involve a lot of hardened scar tissue. This is presumably due to its ability for deep penetration through multiple skin layers.

Because castor oil softens the skin so much, the thought is that this softening helps to break down deep scar tissue so it may be smoothed out. In addition, castor oil has shown promise as a white blood cell stimulating agent. Studies have also shown that castor bean oil helps reduce the inflammatory response in subcutaneous tissue. This may be why it seems to speed wound healing, and may also contribute to its ability to reduce scarring more quickly.

Castor oil is also excellent for the lips. Our lips needs constant protection against the elements. Although our lips regenerate and recover quickly, they also dry out and begin to peel when they are dehydrated.

Castor oil not only smooths the lips with fatty acids, but it also helps protect them due to its naturally thick and immovable nature. In other words, it doesn’t budge without being wiped off. It also imparts a natural shine to the lips, which makes it ideal for both improving the appearance and health of the lips.

Sources for this article include: http://science.naturalnews.com/2010/2015454_Subcutaneous_tissue_reaction_to_castor_oil_bean_and_calcium_hydroxide.html



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