Menses Anhängsel Wechseljahren




[Dr. Petrie Hoyle]

Calc. profuse menses at some period of life unless constitutionally treated by homoeopathy prior to puberty. Blonde hair, fair thin skin, complexion is shell pink, pale blue eyes.

Prone to run to flabby fat before or at puberty unless, as I say, they are cured of their hidden and inner weaknesses before puberty. Later on they are disposed to lay on fat too easily. They take cold easily. Young girls, are flesh and grow too fast, in the nursery they were accustomed to burst out in profuse sweats (head and neck), wetting the pillows at night.

A child having a large head and protruding abdomen it will most likely develop the true Calc. constitution. At puberty develops great acidity of the digestive tract, sour mouth,

sour eructations, even to sour vomiting, sour smelling stools, and perhaps a sour odour of the body, difficult to wash of.

This type will generally run into abnormally profuse menses: too early, too profuse and too long lasting, with fingers, hands, toes and feet "going dead" (waxy-white); feet very

damp and always icy cold. (sometimes only 5 - 8 days clear intervals between periods). A leucorrhoea may accompany this profuse flow. Little or no pain at periods is the general rule. The least excitement causes flow to start again. Often there is burning and itching in vaginal orifice before and after menses, but this irritation is oftenest met with at the beginning of the menstrual epoch. The breasts become hot and tender and swell before menses. Much sweat about genitals.

Ip. Menorrhagia. Menses too early and too profuse. The blood is bright red, sometimes clotted, but there is also colic and great and persistent nausea (is necessasery to cure).

The patient will be found to be peevish and irritable, not her usual self, her breathing is heavy, rather forced and oppressed during the flow, with stitches from navel to womb. Vomits glairy mucous and in quantities, all of which does not afford relief from the nauseated feeling. If she has accompanying diarrhoea, it is nearly always grassy-green, as if fermented, and there often is colic. Often the body surface will be covered with cold sweat.

Bell. Painful type, too early and too profuse, the flow being of gushing bright red blood, which feels very hot to her. May be a result of a successfully dried-up (not cured) leucorrhoea. Cramps in the arms and some cramps in back. Bearing-down sensations < lying down, > standing or sitting upright. Arteries throb perceptibly. „As if a rush of blood to the face and head“; throbbing headaches generally; pressing down sensation as if contents of abdomen would issue from vulva (vagina) with abdomen very tender and distended. Pains < least jar (bed). Some cases have fever and all are of the congestive type.

Cham. Emotions: nervous, excitable and over sensitive to pain. Driven to despair by her pains; snappish, cannot return a civil answer, all of which we will put down to nerves ajar and not to bad disposition. This mental element makes this remedy useful in many diseases; it is not simply the baby or nursery remedy, as so often carelessly stated. Menses early, very profuse, with pain, and even slight pain is very badly endured. Emotion is out of proportion to the actual pain. The flow is generally black and very clotted. The colic „As of pressure from below upwards“; many little shivers # some heat and generally have one cheek red and the other very pale. The emotional side must predominate, the patient declaring or think, „I cannot bear this any longer", an expression so often heard. Cham. has been called the "Opium" of homoeopathy,

Ham. FLOW is dark and is more of a venous (vein) bleeding than arterial. Passive bleedings appearing between normal times of periods; always with complaints of extreme soreness and bruised sensation in lower abdomen (Arn.), with bearing down pain in the back. Ovaries, womb and vagina feel tender and sore. Bruised soreness with passive dark profuse flow are the keynotes of this remedy, which has been called the "Aconite" of the veins.

Plat-met. Menses too early, too profuse, dark, clotted, + some bearing down o./+ painful weight with great sensations of chilliness. Pain increase and decrease gradually. HyperSENsitive of the genital area, of nearly all possible types, degrees and conditions, and there are thoughts which are quite foreign to the patient if she is in a normal state of health. These irregular thoughts obtrude themselves against the patients desire. In calm moments she hates them.

Menstrual syndrome mixed with many sex reflexes. exalted pride, haughtiness, the belittling of everyone around her, all of which are foreign to the woman when she is well. Sometimes home objects seem unfamiliar to her. The sufferer becomes melancholic, she may have a desire to kill someone, but not herself. There is no suicide motive in the make-up of the Platina patient. To sum up, Platina cures profuse bleedings with self exaltation and great genital irritation.

Chin. The long-continued haemorrhagic floodings dark, sometimes with clots. The flooding is profuse, so much so that the patient becomes bloodless with faintings, loss of sight, and ringing in the ears, with general coldness of the body. "The patient wants to be fanned". Although the patient is icy cold he wants to be fanned. His or her face is ghastly pale, pinched, shrunken, eyes are sunken in head, and there are dark blue circles surrounding the eyes. It is a grave picture.



Menses painful


[Petrie Hoyle]

Cimic. Rheumatic and neuralgic, with neuralgic periods, irregular, sometimes too early and sometimes delayed. Pain darts from side, from the womb and ovaries across from hip joint to hip joint. The womb feels sensitive and very bruised. Some hysterical (epileptic)/spasms at time of menses; bearing down in region of womb and from the small of the back (lumbar); some pains shoot upwards from ovaries, or down in front of the thighs, menses profuse, dark, coagulated, sometimes offensive, true ovarian neuralgia Mentally very irritable weakness. Fears to go crazy if not quickly relieved; the headache generally worse low down at the back of the head (occiput). Headache back of head # over the eye (frontal), with a typical point being over the right eye. These headaches described as piercing, lancinating and they fly over the head to the back at the base of the skull.

Sometimes the pain settles in both eyeballs for time. When the headache reach the top of the head (vertex) the skull feel a if it would burst open.

Very often PAIN under the breasts, << under the left breast when she thinks that there is something wrong with the heart. This left sided breast pain also occurs in the subjects between the menses. During the periods she will complain of many pricking, stabbing pain actually in the breasts. All pains this distant from the womb are reflex irritation from

the trouble is leucorrhoea.

Bell. 1. for repressed leucorrhoea by chemicals.

2. period painFUL + some fever and cutting, lancinating pain through the region of the womb; pain comes and goes with sudden stabbing paroxysms, arteries and headache throbbing, eyes glistening, cheeks flushed, light hurts the eyes; menses and any discharge are offensive and always feel very hot to the patient. Womb tenDER, discharge feels

very hot, gushing, bright red, with pulsations felt internally and if the pains are lancinating << every step with much bearing down round the womb and if these symptoms < lying down and > if anything when standing erect, sitting upright.

Coc-c. Weak and tired all the time, that she can hardly stand, walk or think. Flow is never excessive and it may grow less and a slight leucorrhoea appear in its stead, or slight leucorrhoea may appear in between the scanty period. Any such leucorrhoea will be like discolored water (serum) which generally excoriates. Always DIStension of the abdomen, with cramping, griping, colic-like pains, associated with this continued physical weakness and bloating. PAIN in the back, some dizzy spells (vertigo), confusion of intellect, and very often nausea at each menstrual period with trembling sensations about the head and great weakness of the muscles of the neck; with much mental confusion, even to stupefaction and not being able to gather her thoughts. Many of these cases complain that "time passes too quickly". These bloated menstrual patients are very nervous; they talk hastily, not waiting to listen what is being said to them.

Sec. 1. prevents bleeding, 2. injure or completely destroy the milk function in every woman who is susceptible and this is why so many women cannot nurse their babies.

This action of sucking is arranged by Nature to induce contractions of the womb, which thus becomes of normal size during lactation.

(alternative to Ergot at childbirth an attendant should without fail keep a hand on the womb for at least one hour and if at any time the womb relaxes when it is no longer feeble

it should at once be grasped through the abdominal wall by the attendant, and by firm and careful squeezing with the hand it will soon contract, feeling like a small cannonball, which term is classical in the profession. This obviates the routine doses of Ergot to prevent bleeding, as a cannonball womb wont bleed and the latter lactation wont be spoiled).

Painful menses with great cramping, expulsive, forcing pain + coldness of the surface of the body. Cannot bear to be covered. Throws something off if she is bed. With this surface coldness she will complain of internal heat. This surface coldness may extend from clammy conditions to icy cold sweats with weakening and slowing pulse and with very cold and pale face.

These agonizing expulsive menstrual pains may occur for a long time without resulting flow. Pain are very irregular in spasms. When the flow is seen it will be abnormally dark, often a few small clots with much cutting pains referred too the bladder and lower bowels. Oftener than having clots, the flow will be almost black, fluid and foetid. Flow worse from the last motion. All parts of the pelvis (uterus and ovaries) very sensitive to touch. Menses generally too profuse and of too long duration. Many patients complain of creeping, tickling sensations under the skin (formications). RestLESS. Frail, thin, scrawny subjects with lax muscular fibre.



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