Myristica o. Virola sebifera Anhang


[Dr. R. Mehram]

1. Hastens suppuration and cuts short the duration of an abscess. More powerful than Hep. or Sil.

2. Indicated for inflammation of finger nails, inflammation of the middle ear when pus has formed, fistula with pus, etc.

Great antiseptic powers and one of the most efficacious remedies for ulcerative and suppurative conditions in every tissue (in cellular tissue and periosteum).

It hastens the process of suppuration and shortens the period. The pain during the inflammatory and suppurative stage is generally removed within 24 hours.

Whitlow and panaritium (superficial or septic inflammation about the margin and base of a nail), where lancinating and throbbing pains are present, it acts miraculously when compared

with penicillin and conventional surgical operations. Surgery performed on the finger generally disfigures it for a life-time. In whitlow, panaritium and abscesses, a Calend. compress is

very helpful.

Matures abscesses, hastens suppurations, shortens its duration and provides an outlet for the drainage. It has acted very well even compared with penicillin which did not provide relief.

After the drainage is established, Hep. and Sil. may be given to hasten the process of healing.

DD.: Myris: burning/lancinating, sleepless/restless

Hep.: pus thick, yellow/very sensitive and touching the wound excites the pain.

Sil.: chilly and the discharge is thin arid white.

Acts well in C 3 and C 6 potencies, given every 3 hours. Hepar. and Sil. should be given in higher potency.

Can be successfully used it in treating the following additional conditions:

1. Parotid abscess (a localized collection of pus surrounded by a wall of lymph affecting the parotid gland, a gland located near the ear).

2. Carbuncles (hard, deep-seated, painful, suppurative inflammations of under-skin tissue).

3. Peritonsillar abscess (localized collection of pus surrounded by a wall of lymph about the tonsil).

4. Scrofulous glands [morbid tuberculous condition of glands (chronic enlargement and cheesy degeneration)].

5. Phlegmasia cellularis or cellulitis (inflamed cellular tissue).

6. Furuncles (local inflammatory infections commonly involving a skin gland or hair follicle and ending in suppuration).

7. Osteitis (inflammation of bone).

8. Periostitis (inflamed fibrous membrane covering the surface of bones.

9. Ulcerous dermatitis [inflamed skin characterized by loss of substance due to necrosis (death) of tissue].

10. Perityphlitis (inflammation of the portion of the membrane enclosing the intestines which surrounds the large blind pouch in which the large intestine begins.


A remedy of great antiseptic powers. Inflamed skin, cellular tissue and periosteum. Traumatic infections. Parotitis. Fistulas.  Carbuncles. Specific action in panaritium. Pain in the finger

nails with swelling of the phalanges. Hands are stiff, as if from squeezing something a long time. Coppery taste and burning in throat. Tongue white and cracked. Phlegmonous inflammations.

Hastens suppuration and shortens its duration. Often does away with the use of the knife. Inflammation of middle ear, suppurative stage. Fistula in ano. Acts more powerfully than Hep. or Sil.


[Eigen Erfahrung]





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