Oscillococcinum Anhängsel Pyrogenium


Einnahmehinweise: ABC

Bakteriolysat aus Kulturen von Oscillococcus-Mikroben nach Dr. Joseph Roy.

Herz und Leber der Barbarieente werden bei 37°C fermentiert und 4 Wochen kultiviert. Die Suspension wird keimfiltriert und zur C200 hochpotenziert.

In seinem Buch „Vers la connaissance et la guerison du Cancer" (Erkennung und Heilung von Krebs), erschienen 1925, beschreibt er die Mikroben, die er in

Krebstumoren, aber auch in gonorrhoischem Eiter und in den Sekretionen von schweren Grippeerkrankungen findet. Nachdem das Mittel ungefähr 40 Ratten

injiziert worden war, starben dieselben an „Grippe" innerhalb 24 - 48 Stunden. Die einen wiesen eine gastrointestinale Grippe auf, die anderen eine

Bronchopneumonie. Erst durch die klinische Arbeit von Dr. Chavanon bekam diese Nosode einen praktischen Wert. ABC C200 in Globuli-Fom erwies sich

als günstig bei den folgenden klinischen Indikationen.


    Grippale Otitis



Jede beginnende Grippe, jedes Kind, das über Ohrenschmer­zen, über beginnende Angina, über Schnupfen klagt, sollte sofort und vor allen anderen Mitteln

eine Gabe ABC C200 bekommen. Der Kranke, die Familie und der Arzt werden durch dieses Vorgehen gleichermaßen belohnt werden.

ABC C200 und Eupatorium perfoliatum C12 sind zwei Hauptmittel bei jeder beginnenden Grippe.

Bei den ersten Anzeichen von Grippe oder grippalen Infekt alle 3 Stunden 5 Globuli ABC C200 auf der Zunge zergehen lassen. 15 Minuten vorher und nachher nichts

essen und trinken. Solange einnehmen, bis die Symptome beginnen, sich zu verändern, dann absetzen.



[Dr. Nienhuys] a retired mathematician, formerly at Eindhoven University of Technology in The Netherlands. He is also secretary of the Dutch organization Skepsis.

An earlier version of this article appeared in the organization's magazine, Skepter.

The Story of Oscillococcinum [freely adapted from Jan Willem Nienhuys]

Osc. discovered by Joseph Roy (1891-1978), a French physician at the time of the Spanish flu in 1917. Examining the blood of victims he found a strange microorganism:

a bacterium that consisted of two unequal balls that performed a quick vibratory motion. Roy called them "oscillococci" and thought they could vary much in size.

Sometimes they shrunk so much that he couldn't see them with his microscope. But they could also grow and get one or two more balls.

Next Roy discovered these bacteria in the blood and the tumors of cancer patients, in syphilitic ulcers, in the tubercles of tuberculosis patients and in the pus of gonorrhea

sufferers. Also people who had eczema, rheumatism, mumps, chickenpox and measles turned out to harbor this "universal germ."

It is not clear today what Roy saw in his microscope. One thing is certain: he did not see the causes of those diseases. Rheumatism, eczema, and most forms of cancer are

not caused by microbes, and mumps and measles are caused by viruses, which can't be seen with an ordinary microscope. No other bacteriologist has ever reported seeing

Roy's special cocci again. Roy thought he had made a new and thrilling discovery on the road to the cure for cancer.

Roy thought of a homeopathic application. The fundamental teaching of Samuel Hahnemann (1775-1843) disease is a disturbed "life force", specific causes for diseases

do not exist. He thought possibly vague environmental factors may play a role (scabies and syphilis were such factors, which he called "miasmas“). Other parts of

Hahnemann's theory was that diseases can be cured if one imparts to the patient an artificial disease that produces similar life force disturbances as the real disease.

The short-lived artificial disease will drive out the real disease and then the patient is cured. The remedies act by their spiritual power and this spiritual nonphysical power

can be imparted to alcohol or milk sugar by a process of shaking or rubbing, just like iron can be made magnetic by rubbing it with a magnet.

Roy's finding fit perfectly with the homeopathic view that diseases do not have specific causes, and he thought that his discovery could be adapted to treat cancer

homeopathically. Just take any abundant source of oscillococci, and after homeopathic reinforcement, it will become a panacea.

Roy took as source the muscovy duck called Canard de Barbarie known as Cairina moschata. Completely in line with the unscientific traditions of homeopathy, Osc.

As a remedy is named in Latin with the wrong name, "Anas Barbariae, Hepatis et Cordis Extractum," even though Anas ducks are quite different from Cairina ducks.

Since 1925, Osc. has been prepared as follows. Into a one litre bottle, a mixture of pancreatic juice and glucose is poured. Next a Canard de Barbarie is decapitated and

35 grams of its liver and 15 grams of its heart are put into the bottle.

Why liver? Roy: "The Ancients considered the liver as the seat of suffering, even more important than the heart, which is a very profound insight, because it is on the

level of the liver that the pathological modifications of the blood happen, and also there the quality of the energy of our heart muscle changes in a durable manner."

Maybe the French tendency to call any form of not well-being a "crise de foie" ("bilious attack") had also something to do with it. After 40 days in the sterile bottle,

liver and heart autolyse (disintegrate) into a kind of goo, which is then "potentized" with the Korsakov method.

Doctor Roy: this concoction worked against cancer, syphilis, scabies and Tb., but Boiron only recommends it for "flu-like states".

Exaggerated: Diabetics who are afraid when during a thunderstorm their husband seems to be late, while they have a feeling of electric currents through their varicose

veined legs, anal itch and itchy bumps on their wrist, that they keep trying to wash off in a maniacal way, (having a runny nose and stubbornly resist advice not to worry).

    Tuberculosis patients sensitive to chilling.

    Luetic patients having obsessive ideas.


[Dana Ullman]

"Oscillococcinum ist das einzige frei verkäufliche Grippemittel, dessen Wirksamkeit von mindestens VIER unabhängigen großen Arzneimittelstudien belegt wird.

Oscillococcinum -wegen der umständlichen Aussprache des Namens von vielen auch kurz „Oscillo“ genannt- ist ein ausgezeichnetes Grippemittel, das seine Wirksamkeit

am besten entfaltet, wenn es gleich zu Anfang einer Grippeerkrankung (48 Stunden nach Eintreten der ersten Symptome) eingenommen wird.

Die Ausgangssubstanz für dieses Mittel wird aus Herz und Leber einer Ente gewonnen. Während sich jetzt der Verdacht der Quacksalberei aufdrängt - das Wortspiel

sehen Sie mir an dieser Stelle bitte nach – haben Biologen und Epidemiologen nachgewiesen, dass 80% einer Entenpopulation jeden uns bekannten Virus in ihren Verdauungsorganen tragen. Oscillo enthält also homöopathische Mengen dieser Viren und ihrer Antikörper.

Folgende Studien konnten die Wirksamkeit von Oscillococcinum nachweisen: Ferley (1989), Cassanova (1992) und Papp (1998). Jede dieser Studien war relativ groß

angelegt (mit jeweils 487, 300 und 372 Patienten) und wurde als placebo-kontrollierte, doppelblinde Multi-Center-Studie durchgeführt. Darüber hinaus waren zwei

der Studien randomisiert. Alle drei Studien konnten statistisch signifikante Ergebnisse aufweisen. Sogar das angesehene Cochrane Netzwerk bezeichnete die Ergebnisse

als vielversprechend."


The True Story of Oscillococcinum

[Jan Willem Nienhuys]

Whenever the flu season nears, prudent consumers get immunized against the most virulent strains of flu that are expected. This is especially recommended for people who

are elderly or have chronic lung disease, diabetes, or various other chronic diseases. In France, however, lots of people arm themselves against this by taking Oscillococcinum. What a strange name! Where does it come from, and what does it mean?

Oscillococcinum was discovered by Joseph Roy (1891-1978), a French physician who was on military duty when the Spanish flu hit the world in 1917. He examined the blood of victims and found a strange microorganism: a bacterium that consisted of two unequal balls that performed a quick vibratory motion. Roy called them "oscillococci" and thought they could vary much in size. Sometimes they shrunk so much that he couldn't see them with his microscope. But they could also grow and get one or two more balls.

Next Roy discovered these bacteria in the blood and the tumors of cancer patients, in syphilitic ulcers, in the tubercles of tuberculosis patients and in the pus of gonorrhea sufferers. Also people who had eczema, rheumatism, mumps, chickenpox and measles turned out to harbor this "universal germ."

It is not clear today what Roy saw through the eyepiece of his microscope. But one thing is certain: he did not see the causes of those diseases. Rheuma, eczema, and most forms of cancer are not caused by microbes, and mumps and measles are caused by viruses, which can't be seen with an ordinary microscope. Moreover, no other bacteriologist has ever reported seeing Roy's special cocci again.

Roy thought he had made a new and thrilling discovery on the road to the cure for cancer. He even wrote a book about it. In his time, many people doubted the idea that

every disease has its own cause (such as its own microbe). Such skeptics embraced Roy's discovery.

Roy thought immediately of a homeopathic application. The fundamental teaching of Samuel Hahnemann (1775-1843) is that disease is a disturbance of "life force" and that specific causes for diseases do not exist. Possibly vague environmental factors may play a role, he thought, and his idea was that scabies and syphilis were such factors, which he called "miasmas." Hahnemann first published his views in 1796. Other parts of Hahnemann's views were that diseases can be cured if one imparts to the patient an artificial disease that produces similar life force disturbances as the real disease. The short-lived artificial disease will drive out the real disease and then the patient is cured.

The remedies act by their spiritual power and this spiritual nonphysical power can be imparted to alcohol or milk sugar by a process of shaking or rubbing, just like iron can

be made magnetic by rubbing it with a magnet.

Roy's finding fit perfectly with the homeopathic view that diseases do not have specific causes, and he thought that his discovery could be adapted to treat cancer homeopathically. Just take any abundant source of oscillococci, and after homeopathic reinforcement, it will become a panacea. Now oscillococci occur virtually everywhere, but for reasons nobody knows Roy took as source the muscovy duck, which French cooks use to prepare duck breast. These cooks call the animal Canard de Barbarie, but biologists know it as Cairina moschata. Completely in line with the unscientific traditions of homeopathy, Oscillococcinum is denoted in Latin with the wrong name, "Anas Barbariae, Hepatis et Cordis Extractum," even though Anas ducks are quite different from Cairina ducks.


Since 1925, Oscillococcinum has been prepared as follows. Into a one litre bottle, a mixture of pancreatic juice and glucose is poured. Next a Canard de Barbarie is decapitated and 35 grams of its liver and 15 grams of its heart are put into the bottle. Why liver? Doctor Roy writes: "The Ancients considered the liver as the seat of suffering, even more important than the heart, which is a very profound insight, because it is on the level of the liver that the pathological modifications of the blood happen, and also there the quality of the energy of our heart muscle changes in a durable manner." Maybe the French tendency to call any form of not well-being a "crise de foie" ("bilious attack") had also something to do with it. After 40 days in the sterile bottle, liver and heart autolyse (disintegrate) into a kind of goo, which is then "potentized" with the Korsakov method.

Semyon Nicolaevich Korsakov (1788-1853) was a modest landowner in the village Tarusovo near Moscow. After 1813, he held a not-too-demanding desk job in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, enabling him to dabble in lay medicine. In about 1829, he converted to homeopathy and invented a quicker way of preparing high dilutions.

The glass containing the remedy is shaken and then just emptied and refilled, and the dilution factor is assumed to be 1:100.

In ordinary homeopathy one has to use a new clean glass for every dilution, so the Korsakov method is very cost-effective. In preparing Korsakov potencies, distilled water

is used rather than alcohol (sometimes only after the 30th dilution), which saves a lot of money if one has to repeat the dilution step 200, 1000 or even 50,000 times. Oscillococcinum's manufacturer (Boiron) uses "ultrapure water" from the first step on. Oscillococcinum is designated as "200K" -which means that the original amount is subjected to 200 Korsakov dilutions- and the resulting fluid is used to moisten small 5 milligram balls of milk sugar. Some packages have been labeled "200CK." ("C" is the abbreviation for centesimal, which means 1-to-100 dilution, and "CK" stands for "centesimal Korsakovian." ) Other packages have been labeled 200C," which does not specify which dilution method was used.

Korsakov's first name is often incorrectly transcribed as Semen, and some biographers use the nonexistent first name Iseman or Isemen. In German transcription he is Simon Korsakoff. Various myths say that he was a nobleman or count, a physician with or without PhD, the czar's personal physician, or even a general who invented the Korsakov method on the battlefield. None of this is true. Hahnemann addressed him as "Monsieur le comte de Korsakoff" in a time that foreigners customarily used noble titles for any Russian who could speak French. Korsakov's method gained Hahnemann's approval in 1832.

Dubious Claims

The good doctor Roy thought that his concoction worked against cancer, syphilis, scabies and tuberculosis, but Boiron only recommends it for "flu-like states" and asks just over a dollar per gram for it. Hundreds of thousands of French buy this energetically advertised nonsense product. It is recommended for prevention (one dose per week

in the flu season) and as cure. And, contrary to classical homeopathic usage, one has to gobble up a one-gram doses, rather than take a single 5 mg ball as a lifetime dose.

There's no logical reason to believe that anything in duck liver or heart will be an effective flu remedy. But even if there were some magic substance, the manufacturing process guarantees that it will not be in the finished product. The laws of chemistry indicate that after the 12th dilution, it is unlikely that a single molecule from the original organs

will remain. Moreover, at "200C" (or "200K" or "200 CK") the concentration of the original substance would be 1 part in 100200, which is a 1 followed by 400 zeroes.

A 1 followed by 100 zeroes is called a googol. The estimated number of particles in the universe that we can see is a googol, give or take a few zeroes. So in order for one of the original molecules to be present in a container of Oscillococcinum, the mass of that container would have to be about a googol googol googol times our world, which would be incomprehensibly larger than the visible universe.

How, then, could anyone conclude that Oscilloccinum is effective? Homeopathic theory holds that if large amount of a substance can produce symptoms in healthy people, infinitesimal amounts can cure diseases with those symptoms. The alleged effects are determined through experiments (most done over 100 years ago) in which people ingest the substances and report what they experience afterward. These reports have been compiled into huge books that supposedly provide the "drug picture" of each substance. The books, called materia medica, are said to comprise "all the recorded mental, general and local (particular) symptoms and signs, modalities, pathological changes and test findings" for each substance."

Oscillococcinum's drug picture illustrates irrationality to the nth degree. I received it after I complained about an ad. A Dutch Boiron representative responded that the drug picture supported the company's claims of curative powers. The drug picture alleged that oscillococcinum can can help:

    Diabetics who are afraid when during a thunderstorm their husband seems to be late, while they have a feeling of electric currents through their varicose veined legs, anal itch and itchy bumps on their wrist, that they keep trying to wash off in a maniacal way, especially when they have a runny nose and stubbornly resist advice not to worry.

The list of relevant individual symptoms included:

    Tuberculosis patients sensitive to chilling.

    Luetic patients having obsessive ideas.

    General symptoms: Lean, pale, chronic invalidity, weakness, need for fresh air even when afraid of cold. Stiffness, shivering, feeling too hot, headache, weakness,

repeating shakes descending down the body. Feeling of electric current running through the diseased part. Bitter and grayish secretions, not much.

    Aggravates: when you think about it, by moisture, fog, changes of weather, in the night, when resting, after eating eggs or drinking milk.

    Improves: in free air, at the seaside, by heat, resting, after evacuations.

    Sleep: sleepless with agitation during the night.

    Mental symptoms: Latent anxiety (when someone doesn't return on time) fear, unquietness without clear cause. Impatience, improves when one is busy.

Quick speech and understanding. Futility, tendency to be maniacal. Pettyness. Can't stand disorder, fear of dirt and pollution. Urge to often wash hands. Afraid to shake hands for fear of contagion. Stubbornness. Depressed, thinks back of his past fear of thunderstorms.

    Local symptoms: Clouding of the senses. Sudden vertigo. Pain in the right of the head, with repeated shaking. Heavy feeling in the head. Sudden feeling of decoupling

in the head. Headache in the front of the head, also occipital, < in the morning than in the evening, > when one blows the nose. Pain in the maxillary region.

Feeling of something running across the face on the right half. Feeling of a bug that runs over the face during the night.

That's about half. The rest include:

    Violent needle-like pain in the ears; flu-like state; runny nose; yellow conjunctiva; dry painful cough; wet cough with mucopurulent expectoration; whole tongue putrid; vomit; pain in the appendix region; abdominal cramp followed by fetid smelling diarrhea; persistent obstipation; full feeling in the belly; anal itch, worse in the warmth of

the bed, with or without hemorrhoids; itch after antibiotics; hyperglycaemia; painful micturation; cloudy urine; sugar in urine; fetid and yellow leucorrhea; hypotension; hypertension; varicose veins; phlebitis; ulcerations in the legs, painful in the night; chronic streptococcal eczema; feelings of electric shocks in the lower leg; little bumps that itch on the inside of the wrist.

Do you believe that any product can provide such wide range of benefits? I certainly do not!


[László Bóna]

László Bóna discusses the influenza remedy Oscillococcinum that is incubated for 40 days, and the historic significance of that time period.

Edited by Péter Hassmann / Translated by: Tibor Sebestény

This series was driven by how we could give advice based on remedies that can be easily obtained and used.  One such useful remedy is Oscillococcinum.

Usually we can find it even in those pharmacies which do not sell homeopathic remedies otherwise.  Boiron registered it and this remedy reached the highest sales volume

of all homeopathic remedies. The remedy is made from the ‘muscovy duck’, also called ‘Anas Barbariae’.

Peter Fraser wrote a book, titled “Birds”, about the homeopathic remedies made from different kind of birds’ feathers or a drop of their blood. In his book he states that Oscillococcinum is similar to the Carconisinum nosode. “The remedy indicates a gentle picture of Carcinosinum. It is worth using if the patients’ reaction to Carcinosinum would be too intense.”

Because the remedy did not have a regular proving, its symptoms were collected mainly by practical experiences of those who took the remedy. “Oscillococcinum is mainly used in colds or in the initial phase of influenza by most people. … Influenza symptoms of the remedy are as follows: fever, cold shivering, shattered sensation, throbbing headache, pain of the sinuses, stopped up nose, coryza and sneezing. The lungs may also be affected along with dry, painful cough, with hoarseness and loss of voice. …. Digestive problems may also occur…., distension in the abdomen, painful cramps, putrid, forcible diarrhoea… The patient is anxious, pale and very chilly.

Usually warmth and rest ameliorates all symptoms.”

The remedy has many mental symptoms that are characteristic of this epidemic, such as fears and compulsive behaviour.  Fraser writes: “It is typical that, many times and

for a long time, the patient is anxious, with no reason whatsoever, about either herself/himself or about her/his family. The patient desires tidiness and neatness, and has

fear of dirt and untidiness. If the patient’s fear of dirt or diseases becomes extreme, then compulsive symptoms can show up, eg. in the form of excessive  handwashing.

At this pathological level the patient may even reject handshaking and touching others.”

Therefore, no other medicine is available at home or we cannot buy anything else, we can immediately use this remedy when the mildest typical symptoms of influenza

appear, or when in an epidemic situation we have anxiety or fear.

It can easily be understood why homeopathy is looking for the most suitable remedy for influenza among the bird remedies. I am quoting Fraser again: “Birds are related

to influenza in many ways. In the past, all massive influenza pandemics started off with the bird populations. … The symptoms of the influenza are mainly similar to that

of the birds, so that it is not surprising that the most popular influenza remedy, Oscillococcinum, is also made from a bird.”

There is another peculiar timely relevance of the remedy. Again Fraser wrote: “The homeopathic remedy is made from the animal’s liver and heart that have been in an incubator for 40 days.” The word “quarantine” originated from the Italian expression of “40 days”, i.e. “Quaranta giorni”. This is the time a merchant-ship had to wait

in the port of Venice in the 14th century, in order to establish that the ship was not bringing in any disease along with her commodities.

There had already been a tradition of this earlier when Hippocrates already wrote that all acute diseases show up within 40 days. Towards the end of the first millennium AD, a Persian physician, Ibn Sina, introduced the 40-day waiting period into the history of healing. In ancient Persian language he called his method “the 40”.

Béla Hamvas wrote in his paper “One drop from the perdition” about 40-day fasting: ”Adam lived for 40 years in the paradise, Israel and was wondering for 40 years.

Jesus was in the desert for 40 years. Christ was laying in the grave for 40 hours.” And we may also add to it, that we are born after 40 weeks from conception,

Buddha was meditating under the trees for 40 days before his enlightenment. So 40 is a mystical number, and 40 days is not just mere waiting time but the period

of a great transformation, the mystical turn, the period for transformation, offering the possibility of transubstantiation. Or the downfall as a possibility.

So, the most common and best-known homeopathic influenza remedy – by way of preparing it – can be related to the mystical state of shamanic hell-going; being broken

into pieces and to reconstruction, the life between worlds, the life of an embryo, the after birth isolation or the temptation in the desert. This remedy may include the power

of 40 days and the healing power hidden in the birds.

It appears that the 40 days is not avoidable. We must go through those internal processes of what the 40 day is meant for. But in order to stay healthy the duck helps, as the healing power of a sacrificial animal that was transformed by potentisation.



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