Scrophularia nodosa (Scroph) = Knotiger Baumwurz/= Throatwort/= Carpenter's Square/=  (Irish) Rose Noble/= Braunwurz/= Herbe du siège/= Figwort/Sprossteile


Vergleich: Enthält Ca + Calc-ox + Mg + Si + Flavanoide + Glykosiden; Carc Dig

Adenolin-Entoxin® Spenglersan: Clematis erecta, Phytolacca americana, Scrophularia nodosa:

Siehe: Lamiales


Negativ: Grübelt über Vergangenheit + sorgt sich um Zukunft, hoffnungslos, schwaches Empfinden hinterm Brustbein, schläfrig, Drüsenschwellungen + andere Beschwerden, Haut;

    Ailments from anger.

    Sadness. Anxiety.

    Overpowering sleep. Frightful dreams.

    Lymphoma. Epithelioma. Hodgkins.

Enlarged glands. Ailments of the breast. Eczema. Often after grief.

[Rosina Sonnenschmidt]

Scrophularia nodosa (== figwort/= pilewort) betrachte ich als Regent dieses komplexen Miasmas, deshalb habe ich es in der nachfolgenden Tabelle groß und fett gedruckt. Diese Arznei habe ich am häufigsten verordnet und die verwandten Mittel daran gemessen. Das half mir auch, die Konflikte der Skrofulose besser zu verstehen:

Schwache oder keine Bindungsfähigkeit, muss sich deshalb ganz stark an jemandem oder an einer Idee festhalten (Tub.)

Wenn eine Verbindung zerbricht, folgt extreme Verlustangst, eventuell Schrecken mit Wahnvorstellungen (Tub.)

Gleichgültigkeit dem Tod gegenüber (Syph.)

Militante Fixierung auf Glaubenssätze (Syph.)

Kompensationsverhalten: Kein Bedürfnis nach Bindung trotz der Suche danach (Syk. Abspaltung)

[Dr Sunitha Devi Vannemreddy]

The Knotted Figwort, common throughout England, is similar in general habit to the Water Figwort, but differs both in the form of its root and in having more acutely heartshaped leaves. The stem is without the projections or wings at its angles, and the lobes of the calyx have only a very narrow membraneous margin. The plant, also, though found in rather moist, bushy places, either in cultivated or waste ground, and in damp woods, is not distinctly an aquatic, like the Water Figwort.

The flowers, which resemble in appearance and character the Water Figwort, are in bloom during July and are specially visited by wasps.

During the 13 months' siege of Rochelle by the army of Richelieu in 1628, the tuberous roots of this Figwort yielded support to the garrison for a considerable period, from which circumstance the French still call it Herbe du siège. The taste and smell of the tubers are unpleasant, and they would never be resorted to for food except in times of famine.

Enlarged glands are present. Hodgkin’s disease. Skin. Breast (tumors) (Scirr). Eczema of the ear. Pruritus vaginae. Lupoid ulceration. Scrofulous swellings (Cistus.) Painful hemorrhoids. Tubercular testis. Epithelioma. Pain in all flexor muscles.


• ENLARGED GLANDS (Hodgkin's Disease).

• Weakness, wants to lie down. Too weak to speak.

• Excessive drowsiness in the fore- and afternoon, before and after eating.

• Head: Vertigo felt in vertex greater when standing.

• Dizziness, fullness and pressure in vertex.

• Pain from forehead to back of head.

• Severe lancinating pains periodically.

• Eyes: Severe cutting pain, unable to move them with profuse sweat.

• Soreness of eyeballs.

• Black spots before eyes.

• On closing eye, visions of objects.

• Ears: Ringing in ears and sudden loss of hearing.

• ECZEMA around EARS.

• Deafness before and after menses > during flow.

• Abdomen: Pain in r. hypochondrium

• Colic just below navel and gripping in sides.

• Dull heavy, periodic pain

• Rectum: Painful, bleeding, protruding PILES.

• Female organs: Pruritus vaginae.

• Recurrent metritis with painful piles.

• Chest: Violent dyspnoea, oppression of chest with trembling.

• Pain about bifurcation of trachea.

• Constricted feeling in chest, cramp like pain transversely across lower chest < weeping.

• Asthma in scrofulous pts.

• Tumours and nodosities in the breast.

• Skin: sallow .

• Burning of surface when rubbed.

• Hair falling.

• Prickling, itching all over back of hand, between fingers.

• Irritating vesicles on inside of lips.


Miasm: Cancer;


Gemüt: Angst (i.B. auf die Zukunft)

Beschwerden durch - Zorn


Traurig (durch Bewegung)

Wahnideen (Gegenstände erscheinen beim Augen schließen)


Schwindel: vom Scheitel (< Stehen)

Kopf: Hautausschläge – Furunkel/Milchschorf

Schmerz im Stirn erstr. nach hinten/über den Augen < Gehen

Auge: Entzündung skrofulös

“Wie kalte Tropfen“ auf den Lidern


Pulsieren in Augenbrauen

Schmerz [wund schmerzend/in Augenbrauen/stechend]

Sehen: Flecken

Ohr: Hautausschläge - Ekzem/rot und geschwollen/hinter den Ohren/um die Ohren (Ekzem)

Hören: Schwerhörig < vor/während Menses

Taubheit, Gehörverlust bei stiernackigen Knaben

Innerer Hals: Schleim verdorben, faulig

Mund: Zahnfleisch leicht blutend

Zunge - Schleimansammlung auf der Zungenspitze/schmeckt süßlich

Geschmack - Übelkeit erregend in Halsgrube

Bauch: Hautausschläge - Ekzem um Nabel herum

Schmerz nach Ärger, Verdruss (krampfartig)/in Hypochondrien r. (stechend)/in Nabelgegend morgens 7 h (schneidend)/in Nabelgegend nach geringem Ärger,

Verdruss (krampfartig)

Rektum: Blutung aus dem Anus

Hämorrhoiden (schmerzhaft/in Trauben)


Nieren: Schmerz (ausstrahlend)

Männliche Genitalien: Jucken


Tuberkel in Hoden

Weibliche Genitalien: Jucken in Vagina/Jucken in Vulva

Krebs in Uterus

Atmung: Asthma, asthmatische Atmung

< (r.) Seitenlage

Brust: Angst in der Brust nach Essen

< Einatmen

Beschwerden der Mammae [Krebs (l.)/kanzeröse Geschwüre/empfindliche Knoten/Tumoren]

Herzklopfen hörbar

Schmerz (schneidend nach oben)

Zittern innerlich

Glieder: Jucken zwischen den Fingern/auf Handrücken/Innenseite

Konvulsionen in Handflächen/Krämpfe in Handflächen

Steife Kniekehle

Schlaf: Einschlafen nachmittags

Schläfrig (morgens/vormittags/< vor/nach (Mittag)essen/mit Schwäche/überwältigend/mit Völlegefühl)

Verlängert – tagsüber/mittags und nachmittags

Träume: Schrecklich

Haut: im Allgemeinen


Hautausschläge - Ekzem


Wucherungen - Epitheliom

Allgemeines: Entzündete Drüsen

Hodgkin Syndrom; Lymphogranulomatose/Epitheliom

Krebsleiden in fortgeschrittenes Stadium/Lymphom/in Drüsen

< r. Seitenlage

Schleimhautabsonderung - dick, schleimig/Fäden ziehend, zäh

Schmerz in Beugemuskeln

Speisen und Getränke: <: Essen; 

Schaudern nervös

Schwäche (vormittags/nervös)

Geschwollene Drüsen (chronisch)

Tb. in Lymphdrüsen


Gut gefolgt von: Dig


Unverträglich: Herzbeschwerden           


Antidotiert von: Bry


Wirkung: psorisch

Allerlei: Eurasien/Gebüsch/Gräber/Ufer/Ödland auf nicht feuchter Boden           


Phytologie: Insektenbefall im Frühjahr

Drüsenschwellung/skrofulöse Beschwerden/Kropf/Beulen

Called the Scrofula Plant, on account of its value in all cutaneous eruptions, abscesses, wounds, etc., the name of the genus being derived from that

of the disease for which it was formerly considered a specific.

It has diuretic and anodyne properties.

The whole herb is used, collected in June and July and dried. A decoction is made for external use and the fresh leaves are also made into an ointment.

Of the different kinds of Figwort used, this species is most employed, principally as a fomentation for sprains, swellings, inflammations, wounds and diseased parts, especially in scrofulous sores and gangrene.

The leaves simply bruised are employed by the peasantry in some districts as an application to burns and swellings.

The Welsh so highly esteem the plant that they call it Deilen Ddu ('good leaf'). In Ireland, it is known as Rose Noble and as Kernelwort. Gerard tells us, referring to what he evidently considered an exaggerated estimate of its worth: 'Divers do rashly teach that if it be hanged about the neck or else carried about one, it keepeth a man in health.'

The herb was said to be curative of hydrophobia, by taking

'every morning while fasting a slice of bread and butter on which the powdered knots of the roots had been spread and eating it up with two tumblers of

fresh spring water. Then let the patient be well clad in woollen garments and made to take a long, fast walk until in a profuse perspiration, the treatment being continued for seven days.'

A decoction of the herb has been successfully used as a cure for the scab in swine. Cattle, as a rule, will refuse to eat the leaves, as they are bitter, acrid

and nauseating, producing purging and vomiting if chewed.



Vorwort/Suchen                                Zeichen/Abkürzungen                                    Impressum