Sulphur Kind Anhang


Vergleich: Comparison.x of Carcinosinum and others

Comparison Child Antimonium crudum and Chamomilla / Antimonium crudum and Sulphur

Learning disability



Dominance of the metabolism; egocentric


Vorsicht mit hohen Potenzen!!!

Sulphur hat eine entgiftende Wirkung und unterstützt den raschen und günstigen Heilungsverlauf bei vielen Kinderkrankheiten, indem er den Hautausschlag fördert und den Juckreiz lindert.

Bei Kindern passt es für warme, hungrige Babys, die die Bettdecke wegtreten, es ist unmöglich, sie nachts zugedeckt zu halten. Es passt für hungrige Kinder, die alles in den Mund stecken und herunterschlucken, die jeden beim Essen beobachten. Sie haben einen aufgetriebenen Bauch, sind aber sonst mager. Auch die Kinder haben ein schmutziges Aussehen, sie machen sich aber nichts aus Baden, ja sie hassen es und oft verschlimmert es ihren Zustand.

   -   Curious. Investigating

       Obstinate. Domineering. Wants to be treated as grown-ups.

       Picky. Disgust. Don't eat from the plate someone touched.    Dirty, eat from their nose.


Excessively religious (anxiety, despair, fear)

Unhappy; sadness, mental depression

Impaired thinking; dull, sluggish



[David Lilley]

The wild and wilful Sulphur child has been immortalised in the character of Dennis the Menace. They are in perpetual motion; mercilessly tease their siblings; are always into everything and at the centre of any mischief; extremely high spirited; naughty; forever getting into trouble and into fights; disobedient; unheeding and defiant of reprimand. Something must always be happening; they need plenty of action, stimulation and excitement..

No child can become dirtier or more dishevelled in shorter time than Sulphur, or prove so difficult to clean. Water is inimical to fire, and these fire children are averse to any serious use of water, as in washing, bathing and brushing teeth, but delight in using it to make mud, drench things and do irreparable damage. Their hair is in keeping with

their volcanic nature. Unless wet and clinging to the scalp, it is wild and unmanageable, standing up at all angles, more like a hedgehog than a human. Its texture is unhealthy, coarse and brittle and it lacks lustre.

They also have unpleasant habits. They are inclined to chronic catarrhal discharges from the nose, ears and eyes. These are conveniently smeared off on their sleeves.

They are forever digging around in their noses and eating the gleanings. Sulphurs are great nose pickers.

Coarseness and roughness are common characteristics of the lower Sulphur. Many a rough diamond is a Sulphur. This roughness is also to be seen in their lack of refinement and sensitivity. They are not shy and do not suffer from self-consciousness, nor are they easily embarrassed. They can be painfully blunt and forthright, often lacking in tact.

The Teenage Sulphur

Possibly the teenager remedy, for its picture is replete with all the classic characteristics of that time of life: the complexes, prejudices, dissatisfaction, paranoia, selfishness, resentment of authority, rebelliousness, arrogance, insolence, sulkiness, laziness, untidiness, lack of hygiene, bad posture, bad skin, the love of the torn and the ugly, procrastination, lack of manners, lack of discipline, love of play and parties, irresponsibility, love of loud strident music, love of speed, high sex drive, late retiring – late rising, love of alcohol and of recreational drugs. Always looking for the short cut, the quick fix, they even try to gate-crash heaven by taking mind altering substances.

There are many damaged Sulphur adolescents.

[Mohinder Singh Jus]

Die Eltern eines Sulfur-Kindes sind oft introvertiert oder schwach, die Mutter ist z.B. Nat-m. oder Calc., der Vater z.B. Lyc.

Das Kind kommt dann als Balance in diese Familie, nicht ein Bar-c.- oder Calc. nein, ein bewegliches, lebhaftes Kind.

Sulfur ist der «shining star». Er ist kräftig, hat eine gute Ausstrahlung, ist präsent, beweglich, voll mit Energie. Er erscheint wie Licht in der Dunkelheit. Beachten Sie seine Augen. Bereits mit 2 Wochen blickt er umher. Er ist wach und aktiv. Er versucht, die Umgebung wahrzunehmen und muss wissen, was da läuft. Nicht wie sonst Kinder in diesem Alter.

Von Geburt an hat der Sulfur-Säugling viel Hunger. Bereits in den ersten Tagen ist die Ungeduld ausgeprägt, wenn er nicht sofort die Brust bekommt,  beginnt er zu schreien. Er will jetzt die Brust haben und nicht erst Minutenspäter.


Sulphur, the child cannot bear to be washed at all.


Paul Herscu's book on children's constitutional types:

Extroverted, curious, tend to be leaders. Sometimes hyperactive. Can also be lazy and procrastinate.

The cerebral type is shyer and neater, though still haughty. Fear of heights

Sleeps on left side

Craves sweets, spice, fat

Avoid eggs, sour food

Thirst for ice-cold drinks

< warmth

Itchy red skin eruptions with burning sensation and < warmth

Prone to loose stools, offensive diarrhea


Mager mit dickem Bauch. vertragen Baden/Bedecken nicht; unsaubere Angewohnheiten.

Liebt Bier/widerspenstig/streitlustig. neugierig/begeistert für “eigene” Idee/Hobby. großzügig. schmutzig/isst schmutzige Sachen/VIEL + mager;

Stuhl großvolumig und schmerzhaft (fürchtet sich vor dem Stuhlgang); Katarrh. kann sich nicht nach vorne beugen. Klasseanführer/denkt alles zu wissen/strengt sich

nicht an. befolgt Ratschlägen nicht. Gesicht. + Lippen rot/weigert schlafen zu gehen/baden. leichter Schlaf/Angst (sich an zu stecken/schmutzig machen). Durst/Appetit;

1st. Obstinacy springs from the desire for freedom/it is absolutely necessary to let their inquisitiveness run wild.

2nd. Nasty. irritable sort (rare). Stubborn/has a negative attitude toward practically everything.

3rd. Introverted and prefers to be alone and indulge in endless science fiction books or movies and tends to have only a few friends. (Nat-m. + child does not want to be consoled/wants to be alone).

Child is typically all over the office. exploring everything. touching the pictures. pulling all the toys off the shelves. and generally making a mess of the office –

something a sanguine temperament simply would do because it lies in his nature: in constant movement and seeing potential in every situation.

Teenager = Rebell (Schule schwänzen/Drogen u.s.w.)/ADHD/ADD.; Comparison Antimonium crudum and Sulphur;

Positiv: Groß. + schmal/kräftig. neu-/wissbegierig/interessiert/optimistisch. teilt mit aus Freude am Wissen. freundlich/humorvoll. liberal/intellektuell/schnell/aktiv. zurückgezogen/schweigsam.

Respekt vor Tradition + nicht konservativ. liebt Natur. zukunftsorientiert/anpassungsfähig. furchtlos/selbst sicher. erzählt gern + gut. macht leicht Kontakt + zieht sich

leicht zurück; feurige Kreativität und menschliche Verbundenheit;


[C.G. Raue]

Do not like to be washed, have pimples, boils and other eruptions on head, face and everywhere. Pick at the nose, have red lips, crave sour things, feel faint in the forenoon, may have diarrhoea early in the morning.

Sleep is restless, start when falling asleep, cry out during sleep or murmur, moan and whine, or snore; their feet are cold in the morning and hot in the evening. They run about, but do not like to stand, sit hunched and walk stooping.


[Tanja Hofmann]

Fall: Florian, 3 Jahre alt

Florian wurde mit der Saugglocke geboren; der Geburtskanal war für ihn zu eng. Seit seiner Geburt hat er keine Nacht durchgeschlafen; jede Nacht wacht er auf, schreit und jammert, bis seine Mutter kommt, und lässt sich von ihr in das Ehebett tragen. Dort schläft er umgehend weiter. Er hat extreme Angst vor Tieren (und hat sich an seine Zimmertür auch ein „Tiere verboten“-Schild gemalt ….) und hat keinen Freund, denn er ist mit anderen Kindern sehr aggressiv. Mit seinem einjährigen Bruder geht er ebenfalls äußerst rabiat um. Er schreit ihn oft an, schlägt ihn, auch mit Gegenständen, tritt nach ihm. Intellektuell ist Florian sehr weit, seine sprachlichen Fähigkeiten sind sehr gut entwickelt. Als ich ihn das erste Mal begrüße, schaut er mich nicht an und gibt mir auch nicht die Hand.

Er setzt sich sofort auf den Boden und beginnt, laut mit den Autos zu spielen. Aufgrund der Saugglocken-Geburt, der extremen Angst vor Tieren und dem jammernden Erwachen bekommt Florian Stramonium C 200. Vier Wochen später wachte Florian nachts immer noch auf, aber er jammerte dabei nicht mehr, und seine Angst vor Tieren

war besser geworden. Er hatte sogar schon einen Hund gestreichelt. Ich wiederholte Stramonium C 200. Weitere vier Wochen später war Florian sehr viel weniger aggressiv,

er begrüßte mich mit Handschlag und redete mit mir. Zum Schluss war er sogar sehr freundlich und wollte mit mir spielen.

Florians Mutter empfahl ich, doch einfach mal eine unbequeme Matratze neben das Ehebett zu legen - denn auch Eltern haben ein Recht auf geruhsamen Schlaf und ein eigenes Leben im Ehebett.

Ich habe Florian aufgrund des veränderten Bildes dann noch zweimal Sulphur gegeben; vier Monate nach Beginn der Behandlung ging er nachts, wenn er aufwachte

(was nicht immer der Fall war) allein ins Ehebett. Er hatte noch einmal ein Kind geschlagen; sein Verhalten gegenüber seinem kleinen Bruder war nicht mehr auffällig.

Beurteilung: Florian litt deutlich unter seinem Geburtstrauma. Mit der Gabe von Stram. konnte sich sein eigentliches Wesen zeigen: Er ist ein kleiner Sulph.-Junge. Und Sulphur hat keine Neigung zur Eifersucht.


[Barbara Nowecki]

Checkliste zur Bestätigung des Mittels:

Schläft in l. Seitelage. decken sich auf/kicks off clothing even in coldest weather. Erwacht oft

Verlangt: Süßigkeiten/gewürzten Speisen/Fett;

Meiden Eier und saure Nahrungsmittel

Haben DURST auf eiskalte Getränke

Neigt zu breiigen Stühlen und wund machendem, übelriechendem Durchfall (früh morgens).

Viele juckende. rote Hautausschläge. brennend. < Wärme/Wolle/Baden

Entzündungen. die durch wund machende Absonderungen den Bereich röten.

Sehr warmblütig (Kopf und Füßen)

Krankheiten mit schleppendem Verlauf. die immer wieder auftauchen oder nie ganz verschwinden.

Mangelhafte Hygiene. unordentlich. unsauber

Waschen abgeneigt. < Baden

< Wärme


Dominance of the metabolism; egocentric.

ADHS: Sulphur. D12

By pronounced reactions. discontinue. decrease frequency or dilute with water.

It is telling that sulphur in mineral form is completely combustible and in its elemental form is involved

in numerous metabolic processes.

Sulphur. which is released chiefly by volcanoes from whence it enters the biosphere. always has to do with life and movement in nature. Potentized sulphur has a fundamental regulating action when the metabolic-limb system and the will-life associated with it gain too much independence from the soul life.

Leading symptoms:

• a remedy for boys

• body build tends to be slender; pronounced postural weakness

• intelligent but lazy. Seeks out disputes. likes to argue. Absorbs much in school despite chatting and appearing uninterested.

• socially awkward. makes hurtful remarks. puts off others with arbitrary self-centered behavior; at the same time naïve and gullible (these children are not really hard to understand)

• handwriting nearly illegible. notebook disorderly. e.g. may be spotted with fat; child cannot (and will not) keep order; possessions are quickly broken (= high material "turnover rate”!)

• typically display intolerable behavior when hungry. improving immediately on eating; craving for sweet foods (markedly improved by remedies); tendency to hypoglycaemic phases in the 2nd seven-year period with behavior problems markedly increasing in late morning (around 11 h.).

Medical history may show multiple allergies and descending respiratory infections (frequently treated with antibiotics); hence attention should be given to possible disturbance of intestinal flora (candidiasis).

Eating a sufficiently sturdy breakfast -ideally based on oak flakes- is beneficial (and not only for this type of constitution)


DD.: Compare Oxygen.



Child cannot bear to be washed or bath [ears (in cold water: Ant-c) Am-c. Calc. Psor. Rhus-t].

Children 1. scorned (Bry. Cham. Nat-m. Nux-v). criticized (Coloc. Ign. Lyc. Nat-m. Pall. Staph) and suppressed by pushy or dominating parents (Anac. Carc. Lyc. Staph);

2. they feel humiliated and become perfect examples of Sulph children.

Extremely inquisitive (Agar. Aur-met. Lach. Lyc. Puls. Sep. Verat) and curious child; feels very insecure if they do not understand and try to compensate by theorizing.

In the doctor’s office child extremely destructive; 1. touches everything (Bell. Cina. Hyos. Merc. Sacch. Thuj). 2. make a mess.

Indifferent to his personal appearance (Aur-s. Calc. Nat-sil); always dirty. filthy and disorderly. However the opposite type is also common: They can be very clean, polished and tidy.

Precocious children (Aur-met. Calc-p. Lach. Med. Merc. Verat); extremely intelligent with sharp senses.

Experiences a constant internal conflict between on one side the ego and honor (Aur-s. Nat-m. Nux-v. Pall-met. Staph) and on the other side humiliation and embarrassment (Ambr. Bar-c. Merc. Op).

In later years. the children don’t give a damn about the parents and ultimately become defiant and indifferent.

Useful in situations where the child is constantly compared with other children in the family (his abilities and qualities) and the child thus develops a feeling of being disgraced (Mag-s. Nat-s. Nux-v. Plat-met. Staph.) or scorned (Bry. Cham. Nat-m. Nux-v.) and feels unimportant.

He then learns to live in his own world. which gives him a sense of well-being and security.

Very selfish (Calc. Lyc. Med. Nux-v. Pall-met. Plat-met. Verat.) and mean.

Children who are envious and jealous (love/affection/knowledge/shared activities). In relation to other children within the same family or at school.

While playing with other children. Sulph. children tend to be leaders (Caust. Lyc. Nux-v. Plat-met. Sil) rather than followers and tend to be choosy about their friends.


3 types of ‘constitution’:

            1. Fat. rotund. well-nourished with a red face and ears and a generally unkempt appearance.

2. Lean. emaciated. big-bellied (Bar-c. Calc. Iod. Nat-m. Sil). stoop-shouldered (Carb-v. Mang-met. Phos. Sil. Tub). wormy children. who sit and walk stooped like an

            old man.

3. Shriveled (Ant-t. Apis. Merc. Op. Plb-met). disheveled children with an unwashed look and an unpleasant body odor. which persists even after washing.


Bright redness of the orifices of the body (Apis. Bac. Med. Merc): Anus. ears. eyelids. lips. mouth. nostrils and urethra.

Excessively sensitive to atmospheric changes (Hep. Psor).

Burning sensations like hell-fire all over the body.

Deficient reaction in children (external manifestation of the disease suppressed by ointments. surgery. or systemic antibiotics).

Drinks much and eats little.

Sulph children cannot stand (Cocc. Merc); it is their worst position.

Other important symptoms


Boasting (Lyc. Med. Plat-met. Stram)

Capricious (Ant-c. Cham. Cina. Plat-met. Verat-v)

Children always impatient (Cham. Ign. Ip. Nux-v. Sep. Sil); cannot wait for what they want. everything should be done immediately or else they become irritable.

Children who love to be the center of attention (Calc-s. Hyos. Ign. Mag-m. Phos. Pall. Plat-met. Puls. Stram. Tarent. Tub). as they need a lot of love or approval from their

friends or group.

Ill-humored. irritable children. extremely faultfinding; in a permanent state of bad humor (Ars. Cham. Nux-v. Tub).

Love of cats (Aeth. Lac-f. Lach. Tub)

Loves to collect and hoard things. however old. tattered and useless (Ars)

Loves to read books about civilization. culture. history and philosophy (Aur-met. Nat-c. Stram. Tub)

Uncontrollable desire to touch things and put everything in his mouth (Calc. Merc)

Biting nails and other objects constantly.

Busy all the time; always doing something or the other.


Fear of being bathed or washed. ghosts at night and high places.



Loves to play chess and puzzles when indoors and soccer and cricket when outdoors.

Manipulative children (Puls. Sil. Staph. Tarent. Tub). who can flatter and please you to get their work done.

Self-deprecation (Aur-met. Lac-c. Naja. Nux-v); want of self-confidence.

Temper tantrums; stamp their feet and roll on the floor when angry.

Tendency to tease and wink at other children; very mischievous (Anac. Cham. Cina. Nux-v).

Very destructive towards his toys and clothing; loves to break things.

Wringing of hands (Kali-p. Phos. Psor. Stram. Tarent).


It is difficult to comb their hair (Thuj). which is brittle. dry. knotted (Borx. Lyc. Med. Petr) and lustreless (Med. Psor. Thuj)

Sensitive to touch (Bell. Chin. Gels. Mez. Nux-v. Sil)

Headache from overstudy. suppressed discharges (like coryza). suppressed eruptions and washing of hair (long hair of young girls).

Migraines preceded by drowsiness with perspiration of the scalp.

Examination findings:

Bores his head into the pillow (Apis. Bell. Hell. Med. Stram. Tub) during meningitis. migraine and temper tantrums.

Hot head (Apis. Ars. Bell. Glon. Lach. Phos)

Kernig’s sign ++ (Bell. Hell. Op. Stram. Zinc).

Open fontanels (Calc. Calc-p. Sil)

Rolling of head (Bell. Stram. Tarent. Tub)

CT Scan: Cerebral hemorrhage.


Catnaps tend to be enough for him (Fl-ac. Nux-v); makes him fresh.

Nightmares when lying on the back (Cadm-s. Mang-s. Nicc-s).

Somnambulism (Bry. Cycl. Nat-m. Op. Phos. Zinc-met.).

During sleep: Eyes half-open. increased salivation (Lyc. Merc. Puls. Rhus-t).

jerking and twitching of leg muscles (Arg-n. Phos). moaning. shrieking. sighing and talking loudly (about all that he has read or studied).

Can’t get sleep from 2 - 5 h.

Sleepless due to warmth of bed; constantly searching for a cool place.

Sleeps on the back with his hands over the head.


Ailments from: Dentition. measles.

Heat:   - Heat of head and face with cold hands and feet (Sep. Stram).

- Circumscribed redness of the cheeks (Bell. Chin. Sep)

- Desire to uncover with the fever.

Perspiration: - Perspiration cold and of a strong sulphur-like odor.

Remittent or obstinate intermittent fevers in infants (Calc. Op. Sep).

Septic fever.


Eruptions # other complaints (e.g. asthma) (Ars. Psor).

Eruptions: Boils. chickenpox. eczema. herpes. measles. etc.; with voluptuous itching. especially at night from warmth of bed (Ant-c. Lyc. Merc. Psor); offensive discharges and crust formation.

Every little injury suppurates.

Examination findings:

- Bedsores of infants and neonates (Calc. Cham. Chin. Lyc. Med. Sep.)

- Excessive growth of hair in children (Carc. Nat-m. Sep. Thuj.).

- Scabies (Ars. Carb-v. Kali-s. Psor. Sep.)

- Cracked. dry. scaly and unhealthy skin.

- Ecchymotic spots.

- Intertrigo.

- Nevi.


Ailments from or Aggravation from: Anger (Calc. Cham. Cupr-met. Nux-v.); cough; sleep; suppressed eruptions (Bry. Camph. Cupr-met. Ip. Stram. Zinc-met.) or when the eruptions fail to break out.

During convulsions: Clenching of thumbs; deep sleep; jerks and involuntary movements that begin in the upper limbs. or start from the left side of the body and spread to the right side.

After convulsions: Deep. almost comatose sleep and exhaustion.


All complaints < at night and from warmth of bed (Apis. Cham. Merc. Op. Puls.).

Aversion to being washed or bathed (Am-c. Ant-c. Psor. Sep.).

Child is most uncomfortable in the standing posture (Cocc. Puls. Sep.); constantly leans against something when standing. or prefers to sit down.

Discharges are acrid. bloody. offensive (Bapt. Kreos. Lach. Nat-c. Nit-ac.). and cause burning (Ars. Gels. Kali-i. Merc. Nit-ac.). itching. and excoriation of the parts over which they flow.

Emaciation in spite of a voracious appetite (Calc. Cina. Iod. Nat-m.).

Everything affects the epigastrium (Kali-c. Mag-p.).

Allergic to allopathic medicines (antibiotics).

Bad effects of vaccination: Otorrhea and pustular eruptions.

Slouching gait.

When carefully selected remedies fail to act (in acute diseases) (Carc. Mosch. Op. Tub.).

Wounds heal slowly or suppurate. with reopening of old healed wounds.



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