Mehre Mitteln bietet folgende Krebsmitteln an:
Carcinoma mammae
Carcinominum (10T)
Nelsons+Co Ltd London - Carcinosinum besteht aus den Komponenten:
Carcinoma Adeno
Papillary (colon)
Papillary (ovary)
Papillary (uterus)
Carcinoma (bowel)
Carcinoma Co.
Carcinoma Co. (K) - (K is a composite of
carcinomas supplied by Koch Light)
Scirrhus (mamma)
Scirrhus (stomach)
Squamous (pulm.)
Ausgangsstoff: Atemwege-Epipharynx
Pleurametastasen Ovar
Pleuritis Hodgkin
Brustdrüse: Mamma
und Mastopathia cystica
Mamma medullär
Mamma scirrhosum
Mamma simplex
Unterlippe (Cutis und Tunica mucosa oris)
Harnblase, Harnröhre-Blasenpapillom
Urethra posterior papillaer
Urothel papillaer
Urothel solid-papillaer
Vesica Plattenepithel
Keimdrüse-Ovar Kystadenom
Ovar simplex
Lymphatische Leukose
Myelotische Leukose
Ventriculus scirrhosis
Ventriculus Ulcus
Niere hypernephroid
Nierenbecken papillae-infiltration
Cervix Plattenepithel
Portio und Cervix
Uterus und Polyp
Uterus Corpus
Vorsteherdrüse-Prostata und nodulaere Hyperplasie
Prostata Adenom
Prostata cribiformis
Prostata Plattenepithel
Wangenbereich-Parotis Zilyndrom
mammae cum Cuprum
mammae scirrhus
squamous pulmonaria (Fincke)
Vergleich: Siehe: Nosoden
adeno stomatitis (Cars-st-ad)
= Cars. + nicht tuberkulin + TIEF;
Chronisch Hepatitis
Komplementär: Nat-m.
intestis (“Bowel. Co“) (Cars-in)
= Cars. + darmbezogen;
Komplementär: Nat-m.
Vergleich: Siehe: Darmnosoden allgemein
Carcinosinum pulmo
Krankheit: Akute
Beschwerden: Husten „Als ob was in Luftrohre ist“/Blut im
Auswurf/Stimmveränderung/Sprechbeschwerden; Lungen.;
Vergleich: Carcinosinum squamous pulmonaria (Fincke). Siehe: Lungengruppe
Scir = harter Brusttumor/Szirrhus-Karzinom/= Carcinosinum mammae scirrhus
‡ Folgendes hat anthroposofische Einschlüße ‡
Frei nach: Markus Sommer, M.D.
Effect of
organ preparations on tumor cells
History and
concept of using organ preparations
Potentized homologous
organs used in homeopathy from an early date. Constantin Hering, who introduced
important medicines made from "lower" animals (Apis/Lach.) wrote that
"potentized parts of the body act on the same parts in a living organism
if given by mouth“.
In 1848,
Dr. Hermann described using preparations made of healthy fox organs to treat
the corresponding organs in humans, saying that "Tinctura hepatica vulpis
proved effective without fail in the treatment of swellings, inflammatory
conditions, hardening of the liver, jaundice and constipation“. Hermann's
Hepatin (for the liver), Pulmonin (for the lung) and Lienin (for the spleen)
have largely fallen into oblivion (= Vergessenheit).
In the
field of homeopathy potentized organ preparations were used to modify the
"vital energy" when it was not taking proper effect in an organ.
Nowadays substitutive use of organs evolved.
treatment using organ preparations depends on passive tolerance on the part of
the target organism. An immune response to the medicament can prevent its
action. This can be seen most clearly in organ transplantation, the acme of
substitutive organotherapy. The recipient's immune responses have to be
permanently suppressed in this case. With potentized organ preparations, on the
other hand, an active response from the recipient is essential for success.
suggested use of potentized organ preparations (parts of the nervous
system/endocrine organs).
R.S. gave
only a few detailed statements on the subject. In a lecture he gave in Dornach
on 2 January 1924, he spoke of conditions affecting the spinal marrow (M.S.?).
R.S. spoke of the important role Arnica plays in the treatment of the condition
and then went on to say: "One makes an extract of the part of the nervous
system which is the real source of the disease, and injects this in a high
potency # Arnica“. Experience has shown that high potencies of organ
preparations are useful in the treatment of inflammatory conditions/in
hyperactive states, low potencies in the treatment of degenerative states with
insufficient organ activity. Low potencies of organs may be given "to
support the plant-based medicament" (= Visc./Hel-n./Colch.).
of potentized organ preparations
A large
range of organ preparations is available today from the anthroposophical
pharmaceutical firms (Wala/Weleda = w).
A question
that is often asked is how an animal organ can have an effect in human beings
who are, or are designed to be, independent of and higher than the animal
world. The question really applies to all medicines obtained from the natural
answer was that medicines from the different elemental worlds act on different
aspects of the essential human being. The animal-based medicines on the ether
body. In the special case of organ preparations deriving from higher
vertebrates, there is also another point of view. If we compare the embryos of
those vertebrates with human embryos, the morphology shows considerable
agreement. Developmental stages of fox and human embryos are comparable.
Animals go through a stage that is close to the human but then move away from
this, whereas the human being remains close to his origin in his conformation.
This is impressively demonstrated by the embryogenesis of the hand. At one
stage, animals (pig) also show a five-rayed "human hand" with a thumb
capable of opposition, but this later becomes an animal extremity with
different specialization. We see, therefore, that forces have been active in
the animal organ and lie hidden in it that relate to the human being. These
form-giving forces originate in the etheric. This explains why such organs can
be made into medicines for humans. Direct evidence is presented here that the
whole of nature, in its origins, is related to man - something also discovered
in the science of the spirit.
Only brief
reference can be made here to the particular significance of the cow as the
donor. This creature lives in a dream, in a tremendously anabolic metabolism
that intensely vitalizes not only the animal but also its surroundings (dung)
if allowed to live a proper life.
of cancer patients with organ preparations
low potencies (D 4 - D 8) are usually indicated for the treatment of cancer.
Higher potencies may be indicated for a time if an undesirably powerful
inflammatory action should develop with mistletoe treatment, which is unusual.
potencies may be expected to act in 3 ways:
1. Inhibition of pathological growth and
perhaps activation of apoptotic processes. Activation of specific immunity may
also be assumed to inhibit tumor growth indirectly.
2. Low potency of the homologous organ
preparation regularly vitalizes and stimulates the functions of the organ
concerned. If a cancer patient has chemotherapy Hepar (nicht sulfuris) D 5 or D 6 will not only result in laboratory
values returning to normal more quickly than without this adjuvant treatment,
but the general condition will improve considerably, with tiredness,
exhaustion, etc. much less of a problem. Medulla ossium D 6 will markedly
reduce the degree of myelosuppression.
3. The above actions, one acting downwards, in
suppression and the other anabolic, acting upwards, come together in the
differentiating activities observed in experimental cell cultures. Limits are
set to a vitality that has gone out of control without killing and this, in
conjunction with configuration according to the tissue's original tendencies,
leading to reintegration in the organism.
In addition
to Visc./Hell-n./Colch. etc. tumor patients receive low potencies of the organ
preparation homologous with the primarily- or secondarily-affected organ
(mamma/colon/bronchi/prostate). In some instances a preparation homologous with
an organ that is particularly likely to be the site for metastases
(Hepar/Pulmo). Preparation given 1 - 2 weekly by s.c. injection in the region
of the organ or into the fatty tissues of the subcutis on the upper
tissue preparations play a special role as they act in a wider sense than individual
organ preparations [Amnion/Mesenchyme = lining of all internal organs;
the connective tissues
(blood/lymph/bones/cartilages/muscles/skin/fascias/coverings of organs)]
Above is
showed how differentiation impulses come to the embryo from outside.
preparations to treat pain
indication for organ preparations in cancer patients:
patients are not sufficiently awake organically in the affected organ to begin
with (condition initially painless/largely unnoticed by the immune system)
conscious awareness may be permanently tied to the diseased organ later on,
causing it to be excessively awake. Apart from potentized medicinal plants and
minerals, high potencies of organ preparations are helpful in this situation.
coeliacus D 15 - D 30 (epigastric tumors). This autonomic plexus (or celiac
ganglia) serves not only to supply the epigastric organs but is also connected
(via the major splanchnic nerve) with viscero-sensitive fibers. Conventional
pain treatment, attempts made to
eliminate this organ with local alcohol infiltration (pancreatic tumors).
mesentericus D 15 - D 30 (lower abdominal pain).
brachialis D 15 - D 30 (middle chest).
Plexus lumbalis D
15 - D 30 (pain in lumbar region )
gelatinosa D 15 - D 30 (spinal cord)
cinguli [responsible for the link between pain and emotion/sufferers damage in
this part of the brain state that while they still feel the chronic pain, it
"no longer worries" (D 15 - D 30)]. This is also utilized in clinical
methods based on destruction of the organ, but functional modification with a
potentized organ preparation would be a more differentiated approach.
symptoms [with bronchogenic carcinoma/pulmonary metastasis involving pain or
dyspnea Plexus pulmonalis (D 15 - D 30)].
= Uterustumor, Tumor of Uterus
One of
Dr. Burnett's nosodes, used in cases of hæmorrhage and obtained from a case of
hæmorrhage in a patient suffering from fibrous tumour, possibly with malignant
I have
found it of great value in controlling uterine hæmorrhage, whether connected
with fibrous growth or not. I have used it in the 30th upwards, giving one or
two doses weekly.
Compare: The cancer nosodes: in fibrous tumours and uterine hæmorrhages. Epihysterinum. Thlas. Frax. Hydr. and its alkaloids.