Cocculus indicus Anhang


[Joy Lucas]

External ointment for scabies and ringworm - it paralyses and stops the mites.

Adulteration of beer increasing the inebriating quality/strength of the beer/preventing 2nd fermentation. Used by thieves for the purpose of hocusing (= betrügen). It is a strong climbing plant. The active substance is Picrotoxine (Picrotoxic acid).

Poisoning: trembling gait/protruding eyes/agitated muscles followed by convulsions and contortions of the whole body/falling backwards and forwards/entire loss of consciousness/foaming at the mouth/nausea and vomiting/tongue and gums livid/respiration laboured or quickened. Symptoms remit and then return with even greater violence. = Camph-ähnlich + brain;

Theme of paralysis but from suppression or being stopped in some way. The connection between themselves and the cause of their illness has been broken. The stem has been broken and they are separated from the roots.

They have lost sight of their own sense of being. But in contrast to this they develop extreme sympathy to the sufferings of others. In a way they are denying themselves.

They have stupefied their own feelings but can still sense the intense feelings of others. They over absorb but with a sense of emptiness. The sensitivity to others is so intense that they will go to great lengths in helping or relieving the suffering. They will go without sleep and food and although this will have its consequences, they still persevere.

Just as it is a strong climbing plant the person will climb and climb great heights (figuratively speaking) to help others whilst running away from their own roots. (comes to

the top and is exhausted).

Hence the rubric ‘recognises everything but cannot move.’ Interestingly it can effect just one half of the body, leaving the other half untouched. So they have only half the sense of themselves.

Clarke describes a characteristic symptom as an ‘opening and shutting’ sensation (akin to the remission and relapse common to MS?) Of course none can keep this state going for long. The consequence is extreme tiredness, dullness, staggering, very imbalanced gait, staggering around trying to make the connections.

Why and how do they get like this? Trauma or long standing, chronic situations are usually the cause. A sudden illness in the family, someone who needs constant care

a Catastrophic incident in the community - a long standing, sad, situation where they cannot express their own feelings.

They can be very romantic (absorbed in reveries) but are very easily offended, (sadness, “As if from an insult”) so a loving relationship is very easily broken. They will dwell

on this chronically and suppress their feelings until a diseased state begins to appear. So sensitive, there will be profound sadness (horrible stories and sad things affect her profoundly). This is where the focusing aspect comes in.

They are so vulnerable, so giving, so easily led, so easily stupefied. In chronic states I would see this as a more gradual process but of course the client can present at any stage but if it is the extreme, final stages you might well have someone who just sits there staring, doing nothing and hardly moving.


[Joy Lucas]

Used by Arabian physicians but it was chiefly employed as a stupefying poison for fish, making them easy to catch. Its main medicinal use was for an external ointment for scabies and ringworm - paralyses and stops the mites?

The plant has also been used in the illicit adulteration of beer increasing the inebriating quality and strength of the beer and preventing a second fermentation which would cause the barrels to burst. It was also an ingredient used by thieves for the purpose of deceiving their victims!!

It is a strong climbing plant and the fruit is the size of a pea.

The active substance is Picrotoxine (Picrotoxic acid). The shell is emetic and it is the kernal which contains the Picrotoxic acid.

The symptoms of poisoning are trembling gait, protruding eyes, agitation of the muscles followed by convulsions and contortions of the whole body, falling backwards and forwards, entire loss of consciousness, foaming at the mouth, nausea and vomiting, tongue and gums livid, respiration laboured or quickened. Symptoms remit and then

return with even greater violence.

It exerts its influence similar to that of Camphor, more particularly on the brain. In fact Camphor is the main antidote.

Hahnemann was the first to use this substance internally.

Again the theme of paralysis but from suppression or being stopped in some way. The connection between themselves and the cause of their illness has been broken.

The stem has been broken and they are separated from the roots. They have lost sight of their own sense of being. But in contrast to this they develop extreme sympathy

to the sufferings of others. In a way they are denying themselves, they have stupefied their own feelings but can still sense the intense feelings of others. They over absorb

but with a sense of emptiness.

The sensitivity to others is so intense that they will go to great lengths in helping or relieving the suffering. They will go without sleep and food and although this will have

its consequences, they still persevere. Just as it is a strong climbing plant the person will climb and climb great heights (figuratively speaking) to help others whilst running

away from their own roots. Hence the rubric 'recognises everything but cannot move.'

Interestingly it can effect just one half of the body, leaving the other half untouched. So they have only half the sense of themselves. And Clarke describes a characteristic symptom as an 'opening and shutting' sensation (akin to the remission and relapse common to MS?)

Of course no-one can keep this state going for long. The consequence is extreme tiredness, dullness, staggering, very imbalanced gait. Staggering around trying to make the connections.

Why and how do they get like this? Trauma or long standing, chronic situations are usually the cause. A sudden illness in the family, someone who needs constant care – a catastrophic incident in the community - a long standing sad situation where they cannot express their own feelings.

They can be very romantic (absorbed in reveries) but are very easily offended, (sadness, as if from an insult) so a loving relationship is very easily broken. They will dwell on this chronically and suppress their feelings until a diseased state begins to appear. So sensitive, there will be profound sadness (horrible stories and sad things affect her profoundly). This is where the deceiving aspect comes in. They are so vulnerable, so giving, so easily led, so easily stupefied.

In chronic states I would see this as a more gradual process but of course the client can present at any stage but if it is the extreme, final stages you might well have someone who just sits there staring, doing nothing, hardly moving.


[Yakov Freed]

Cocculus Indicus C 30 verbessert Aufmerksamkeit und die motorischen Fähigkeiten bei Ratten nach Schlafentzug (Eine Nanopartikel-Behandlung in Form von homöopathisch potenzierten Cocculus indicussamen).durchgeführt, bis eine Gesamtzuordnung von 16 Ratten in den Gruppen mit Schlafentzug und 12 in den ohne Schlafentzug behandelten bzw. behandelten Ratten erzielt war. Behandlungen mit Cocc. C30 oder Plazebobehandlungen wurden nach der Analyse der Ergebnisse offen gelegt.

Sie wurde durch die Anwendung der Methode der multiplen Plattformen für 48 Stunden induziert. Die Wirkungen des SEs wurden über das Verhalten evaluiert [Präpulsinhibition (PPI), Schreckreaktion und Rotor-Rod]

vor Behandlungsbeginn, sowie nach 6, 12 und 24 Stunden und 14 Tage nach dem Schlafentzug.

Die Ratten wurden randomisiert vier Gruppen zugeordnet: ohne Schlafentzug (naive, n = 12), Ratten ohne Schlafentzug, denen Cocc. C 30 verabreicht wurde (naive treated; n = 12),

unter Schlafentzug (SD; n = 16), und unter Schlafentzug und mit Behandlung (SD treated; n = 16). Am Tag nach der Geburt (PND) beginnend wurden 70 Ratten über einen Schlafentzug (SD) Behandlung (Cocc. C30, alle 3 Std.)

In Zeitraum von 48 Stunden dem SE ausgesetzt, wobei die Methode der multiplen Plattformen MPM (wie unten beschrieben) verwendet wurde (Suchecki and Tufik, 2000). Cocc. C 30 oder Plazebo wurden oral unmittelbar ab den Basislinien-Tests verabreicht (d.h. 1 Stunde nach dem SE) und nachfolgend alle 3 Stunden über einen Zeitraum von 24 Stunden nach dem SE. Eine Stunde nach dem SE und vor der Behandlung, wurden die Ratten zur Evaluation der Basislinie in der Schreck-Box getestet.

Zusätzliche Wiederholungstests wurden nach 6, 12 und 24 Stunden durchgeführt, wie auch 14 Tage nach dem SE. Präpulsinhibition (PPI) wurde um 12 und 24 Uhr untersucht. Der Test des motorischen Lernens im Rotor-Rod wurde durchgeführt, wobei 48 Stunden nach dem SE begonnen wurde (insgesamt 4 Tage Training). Die Ratten wurden vor jeder Manipulation untersucht. Eine Beschreibung der Vorgehensweise ist in Abbildung 1 zu sehen.

Am Tag 14 wurden Blutproben genommen und die Serumwerte von Corticosteron, Testosteron, Serotonin und Leptin bestimmt.

Wir fanden heraus, dass Cocc. C 30 den PPI 12 und 24 Stunden nach dem Schlafentzug verbesserte, ebenso verbesserte Cocc. C 30 das motorische Lernen. Am Tag 14 führte der SE zu vermehrter Schreckreaktion, die von Cocc. C30 gelindert wurde. Ebenso führte der SE zu erhöhten Werten von Corticosteron und Serotonin, während er Testosteron und Leptin verminderte. Interessanterweise mäßigte Cocc. C30 diese hormonellen Veränderungen.

Wir ziehen den Schluss, dass die Behandlung mit dem homöopathischen Arzneimittel Cocc. C 30 die schädlichen Wirkungen von 48 Stunden SE auf Aufmerksamkeit und Fähigkeiten des motorischen Lernens zu verringern scheint. Betrachtet man die Langzeitwirkungen von SE, so stellte Cocc. C 30 in dramatischer Weise die normalen Hormonwerte wieder her.


Zusammenfassung des Artikels und die Highlights aus „Neuroscience“ Volume 253, 3. Dezember 2013, Seiten 1–8,

Autoren: S. Zubedat*, Y. Freed*, Y. Eshed, A. Cymerblit-Sabba, A. Ritter, M. Nachman i, R. Harush, S. Aga-Mizrachi , A. Avital


[ABC Homeopathy]


Flatulent colic about midnight.

Woke up by incessant accumulation of flatulence, which distended the abdomen, causing oppressive pain here and there.

Some was passed without remarkable relief, whilst new flatus constantly collected for several hours.

He was obliged to lie on one side and on the other in order to obtain relief (after twenty hours),.

Mens es 8 days too early, with distension of the abdomen, and pain in the upper region of the abdomen, not only on every motion (every stooping was painful), but sitting,

as if the inner parts were suffering from the sharp pressure of a stone.

Parts are painful to external touch, as if there were an internal ulcer,.

Within the sphere of action of Cocculus indicus are many spasmodic, and paretic affections, notably those affecting one-half of the body. Affects the cerebrum, will not cure convulsive seizures proceeding from the spinal cord ( A. E. Hinsdale.) Painful contracture of limbs and trunk; tetanus. Many of the evil Effects of night-watching are relieved by it. It shows a special attraction For light-haired females, especially during pregnancy, causing much nausea and backache. Unmarried and childless women, sensitive and romantic girls, etc. All its symptoms are worse riding in a carriage or on shipboard; hence its use in seasickness. Sensation of Hollowness, or emptiness, as if parts had gone

to sleep. Feels too weak to talk loud.

Acute senses with heavy or paralytic, muscular relaxation

Too weak to hold up head, stand or even speak


Tremor; intention; of head; lower jaw

Cramps; in masseters; abdomen; dysmenorrhoeal; in heart

Benumbed Spasms



Weak, nervous women, worse menses

VOMITING (with syncope)

Hysteria (asthma)

Sensitive to cold

Dazed; things seem unreal

Slow grasp

Easily offended

Extremely sad, taciturn and peevish

Vertigo: in forehead; in morning

with nausea; with palpitation; worse raising head

Heavy head

Occiput; aches; < lying on it; > bending backward; OPENS AND SHUTS

Throat tickles; with lachrymation

Speaks or swallows with difficulty


Nausea; rising into head


Train and sea sickness

Abdomen seems full of sharp stones; bloated

Colic; twisting (wind); nervous; hysterical; with faintness; with salivation

                                               Clutching in uterus

Depleting menses; worse standing on tip toe; replaced by gushes of leucorrhoea


Weak neck


SPINAL WEAKNESS; <: lumbar/walking;




Limbs go to sleep, < grasping objects


Alternations between arms


Humerus feels broken


Hands numb; alternately hot and cold


Knees weak; cracking


Clumsy gait


Sleepless, from mental or physical exhaustion




Low fever




Cocculus Indicus. N. O. Menispermaceae. Tincture prepared from the powdered seeds, which contain a crystallisable principle Picrotoxine (which see), a powerful poison.

cracking in. Memory, weak. Mental excitement, effects of. Menstrual headache. Menstruation, painful. Overstrain, bodily or mental. Palpitation. Paralysis. Parotitis. Phthiriasis. Rheumatism. Riding in carriage, effects of. Sea-sickness. Sleep, affections from loss of. Somnolence . Spasms. Spinal irritation. Tympany. Vertigo. Vomiting.

Cocculus has been used from ancient times as a poison for stupefying fish, and making them easy to catch. Correspondingly we find it produces great disturbance of the sensorium in human beings, and all the symptoms of intoxication. It is commonly used as an adulteration of beer to heighten its intoxicating properties. A very characteristic symptom is a sensation of hollowness or emptiness in the head or other parts. Allied to this is a sense of lightness of body. Another characteristic is an opening and shutting sensation, especially in the occiput . Along with the vertigo is nausea and vomiting which bring it into close relation with sea-sickness and carriage-sickness. Coccul. corresponds perfectly to the sensitive condition caused by loss of sleep and night-watching, and is the first remedy to think of for removing this. "Irritable weakness" is a leading note in the Cocculus effects. The Cocculus patient is very sensitive to fear, anger, grief, and all mental disturbances.

< noise and touch. Enlargement of liver after anger. Easily startled. Fear of ghosts and spectres. Stinging pains, stitches, constriction.

in the hands a pithy feeling. Many symptoms < at menstrual period.

piles during menses . Cocculus has cured a case of delirium at onset of menses during first and second days.

the patient said, "I always see something alive, on wall, floor, chairs, or anywhere, always rolling, and will roll on me." Cocculus is suited to persons of mild and sluggish temperament.

light-haired persons. hypochondriacal, timid, fearful, and nervous persons. Other prominent features of Coccul. are Paralytic pains, or pains as of dislocation. Paralytic weakness.

lax-muscles. "Weakness of neck muscles with heaviness of head." Sensation as if single parts had gone to sleep. Immovability of parts affected. Of localities, the right hypochondrium (liver), inner hypogastrium , inner forehead, back, upper arm, and bones of arm are chiefly affected. This has been verified "Spasmodic, flatulent colic, about midnight, flatus passed without relief," recurring several nights.


promptly cured by Coccul. 3x. Lippe cured a case of enlargement of the liver after parturition, the indication being "the liver was more painful after anger." The sensitiveness to touch is very great and serves to indicate Cocculus in preference to other remedies in many affections where this is pronounced, in articular rheumatism, in ulcers, in neuralgic affections of bones. The least jar is unbearable (travelling by land or sea). agg. By touch, pressure, or jar. agg. From motion generally.

moving body. rising from bed.

bending over or stooping. agg. Kneeling.

walking. swallowing saliva. Sitting amel. some symptoms. Many symptoms <: evening/night (about midnight and 1 h.). Sensitive to air either hot or cold. Longs for cold drinks, but eating or drinking anything cold = tearing in limbs. <: Open air/sun; >: Warmth of bed/in a room; A decoction of Cocculus is a domestic remedy used locally for destroying head- or body-lice.


Cocculus Indicus. Hahnemann. Menispermaceae.


* * *


We will study the general system and The mind as usual. Cocculus slows down all the activities of the body and mind, producing a sort of paralytic weakness. Behind time in all its actions.


Slowly All the nervous impressions are slow in reaching the centres. If you pinch this patient on the great toe he wants a minute and then says "oh," instead of doing it at once. In response to questions he answers slowly, after apparent meditation, but it is an effort to meditate.

And so with all nervous manifestations, thought, muscular activity, etc. He cannot endure any muscular exertion, because he is weak.


he is tired. First comes this slowness, then a sort of visible paralytic condition, and then complete paralysis. This may be local or general. There are certain causes which produce these effects. A wife nursing her husband, a daughter nursing her father, becomes worn out by the anxiety, worry and loss of sleep.


She is exhausted. unable to sustain any mental or physical effort.


weak in the knees, weak in the back, and when the times comes for her to sleep she cannot sleep. Sickness brought about in this manner is analogous to that caused by the Cocculus poison, and hence Cocculus from the time of Hahnemann to the present time has been a remedy for complaints from nursing, not exactly complaints that come on in the professional nurse, for Cocculus needs the combination of vexation, anxiety and prolonged loss of sleep, such as you have in the mother or daughter who is nursing, or the nurse when she takes on the anxiety felt by a member of the family.


At the end of it she is prostrated in body and mind, she cannot sleep, she has congestive headaches, nausea, vomiting and vertigo. That shows how a Cocculus case begins. One who is thus exhausted in body and mind goes out for a ride. She gets sick headache, pain in the back, dizziness, nausea and vomiting. She gets into the car to take a journey. Sick headache comes on. She goes on a mile or two and will have nausea, vomiting and sick headache. She feels weak all over, feels as if she would sink away.


The Cocculus patient gets into a wagon to ride, sick headache, nausea, vertigo come on. The Cocculus patient cannot endure motion. Aggravated by talking, by motion, by the motion of the eyes, by riding. Wants plenty of time to turn the head cautiously to see things. Wants plenty of time to move, to think, to do everything. The whole economy is slowed down, inactive.


Tremulous, tired, excitable. The hands tremble when taking hold of anything, or he takes hold of awkwardly and drops it. Incoordination runs through Cocculus Indicus, and hence it has been used with good effect in locomotor ataxia. It has staggering and numbness. Numbness is quite a feature of Cocculus Indicus. Numbness of the lower extremities, in the fingers, in the shoulder, of the side of the face. Complaints from anxiety.


Sensation of seasickness and dizziness is sometimes felt all over the body; a sort of faint feeling which is followed sometimes by loss of consciousness, or a paralytic rigidity.


Joints Stiffness of the joints is a common feature in Cocculus It belongs to the limbs in general. But it is such a strong symptom I will mention it here. Limbs straightened out and held there for a while are painful when flexed. Persons who have been suffering from anxiety, prostrated, will lie on the back, straighten out the limbs, and get up only with great difficulty.


The doctor comes and he discovers what is the matter. He bends the limbs and she screams, but she is relieved after the bending, and then she can get up and move about.


You cannot find that anywhere else. It is entirely without inflammation. It is a sort of a paralytic stiffness, a paralysis of the tired body and mind. The Cocculus headaches and backaches, pains and distress are present.


A man will stretch out his leg on a chair and be cannot flex it until he reaches down with his hands to assist. Such things are strange. Faintness on moving the body, fainting from pain in the bowels, from colic. With all this slowing down of the thoughts and activities the patient remains extremely sensitive to suffering, sensitive to pain.


Spasms through the body Iike electric shocks, convulsions after loss of sleep. This patient goes on with nervousness and excitement, anxiety and loss of sleep until convulsions supervene. Tetanus. Cholera, attacks of paralytic weakness with pain, paralysis of the face, of the eyes, paralysis of the muscles everywhere, paralysis of the limbs. Even diphtheria has been known to induce a state very much like I have described as due to loss of sleep and anxiety.


I remember a case of paralysis of the lower extremities that was prescribed for by a very careful homeopathic physician many years ago. It was one of the things that surprised me in the early days of my prescribing and observation.


It was the case of a little girl with paralysis of lower extremities after diphtheria and no hope was given. But Doctor Moore (he was then an Octogenarian) looked over the case. I was acquainted with the family and with the doctor.


He studied the case carefully and gave Cocculus c.m. It was not many days before the child began to move the legs, and the condition was perfectly cleared up, and I have never ceased to wonder at it. It was a good prescription perfectly in accord with all the elements of the case.


Doctor Moore was one of the pupils of Lippe and Hering.


He cannot realize that it has been a whole night. A week has gone by, and it seems but a moment, he is so dazed. Slowness of comprehension.


cannot find the right word to express his thoughts, so slowly does his mind work.


what has passed he cannot remember.


forgets what he has just read.


cannot talk. cannot bear the least noise.


cannot bear the least contraction.


The tongue will not respond. There is confusion of mind and difficulty of articulation. An idea comes into his mind and becomes fixed. He cannot convert it or move it, but it just stays there, and if he speaks he will say something that will cause you to realize that that same idea is holding on to him. So he appears to be in a state of imbecility.


There is an appearance of ecstacy, a smile upon the face. Knows what is going on, yet with complete relaxation of the muscles without speech or apparent recognition of anyone. Perfectly relaxed, and yet knowing what is going on. That resembles catatonia. Unable to think.


The vertigo is visually attended with nausea. A Cocculus case cannot look out of the car window, cannot look down from the boat and see water moving, without nausea immediately.


Perhaps you can even now surmise what the head symptoms are to be. With the headaches comes dizziness, extreme nausea and gastric symptoms.


Congestion of the head, pressing, throbbing headache. Headache as if the skull would burst, or like a great valve opening and shutting. Sick headache with vertigo. Headache again from working in the sun. Sick headache from riding in a carriage.


Tearing pains in the face. Neuralgia of the face.


Prostration and nervous exhaustion accompany most of the complaints of Cocculus


You go to the bedside and you ask the nurse,


"What have you been feeding the patient?" and the patient gags. The thought of food makes the patient gag.


The nurse will say that every time she mentions food the patient gags. The thought of food or the smell of food in the other room, or in the kitchen, will nauseate the patient. Two medicines have this Cocculus and Colchicum.

Paralysis Paralytic conditions. Paralysis of the oesophagus . Cannot swallow.

"Paralytic condition of the throat after diphtheria."

Sore throat with low forms of fever. The fever is gone but the patient does not rally, there is much nervous trembling, numbness, twitching of muscles and great weakness. Sensation as though a worm were crawling in the stomach.

Spasms of the stomach. Violent attacks of gastralgia , violent cramp of the stomach. Griping, pinching, constrictive pain. The pain in the bowels feels as if the intestines were pinched between sharp. stones.

Tearing, cutting, spasmodic pains in the bowels. Radiating pains in the bowels accompanying diarrhea. A paralytic condition of the rectum. Inability to press at stool.

Urging to stool and burning in rectum. Disposition to stool, but peristaltic motion in upper intestines is wanting.

Women: Copious menstrual flow, menses too soon; last too long. Catamenia two weeks before the time. In women prostrated from grief and from anxiety, and from prolonged loss of sleep, menses come too soon, are copious and prolonged.

The woman is emaciated, and grows more and more sickly and chlorotic. The face is of greenish, yellow, sallow hue.

"Leucorrhea in place of the menses ," or "copious leucorrhea between the menstrual periods."

The heart is weak, pulse feeble. Paralytic weakness in the limbs, numbness, jerking of the muscles, twitching, quivering, loss of sensation, loss of power, muscular weakness

in all the limbs. Numbness and paralytic feeling in the limbs.

Awkward fingers and hands. On attempting to grasp the one band with the other there is migratory numbness, or a more permanent numbness associated with paralytic weakness, sometimes changeable; sometimes one side is numb and the other paralyzed.

The soles of the feet go to sleep. Numbness of the soles of the feet, such as we have in locomotor ataxia.

Cold feet. The knees give way from weakness. Totters while walking and threatens to fall to one side. Knees stiff. Paralysis of the lower extremities, proceeding from the small of the back. Arising from cold, from the abuse of Mercury.

Paralysis of the lower limbs, with stiffness, numbness and bruised feeling.

"Slightest loss of sleep tells on him."

ache, vertigo, nausea. Violent, cramping pains in the bowels, clutching pains in the uterus during menstruation. Again, just such a patient as described will have a suppression of the menstrual flow, or for weeks and months will have no menstrual flow.

or just at the time the menstrual period should come on there is a copious leucorrhea that takes the place of the menses .

Weakness of cervical muscles, can hardly hold the head up.

Weakness in small of back as if paralyzed; gives out when walking; can hardly stand, walk or talk.

Hands and feet get numb; asleep.

Headache with nausea and vomiting; gets faint and sick on rising up or riding in carriage or boat.

General sensation of weakness; or weak, hollow, gone feeling in head, stomach, abdomen, etc.; worse by loss of sleep or night watching.


Great distention with flatulent colic, wind or menstrual colic; crampy pains, inclined to hernia.


Modalities worse sitting up, moving, riding in carriage or boat, smoking, talking, eating, drinking, night watching; better when lying quiet.


Farrington says "Cocculus acts on the cerebro-spinal system, producing great debility of these organs. * * * It causes a paralytic weakness of the spine, and especially of its motor nerves; thus we find it a certain and frequent remedy in paralysis originating in disease of the spinal cord. * * * It is especially indicated in the beginning of the trouble, when the lumbar region of the spine is affected.


"Weakness of the cervical muscles with heaviness of the head, muscles seem unable to support the head." (

Calc. phos,


Verat. alb.). "Paralytic pain in the small of the back, with spasmodic drawing across the hips, which prevents walking." "His knees sink down from weakness, he totters while walking and threatens to fall to one side."


"At one time his feet are asleep, at another the hands." "The hand trembles while eating, and the more the higher it is raised." "Now one hand, now the other, seems insensible and asleep." The soles of the feet go to sleep, while sitting." "General attacks of paralytic weakness, with pain in the back."


All these are verified symptoms from Allen's Encyclopaedia of Pure Materia Medica. They are in the simplest terms, and while they do agree with the statements of the above quoted learned men, acting upon the spine and motor muscles, could be applied to the cure of the sick according to the directions of Hahnemann by any layman of ordinary intelligence. Thus is the practice of curative medicine simplified, being delivered from speculative theorizings of dreamers, and if it will cure the sick in the case of a Cocculus patient, it will by the same unerring law of "symptom covering" do it in every curable case.


We might sum up the whole action of Cocculus Indicus upon the nervous system in one word, viz., prostration, but what does that amount to for purposes of prescribing. Many remedies prostrate fearfully, but each one has its peculiar kind of prostration, and when men, like I heard a celebrated surgeon in a homoeopathic college do, make their boast that they prescribed on physiological ground, without any regard to symptomatology, I can but feel that such know little or nothing of the art of homoeopathic prescribing, no matter what their other attainments. According to Hahnemann's teachings symptomatology leads in scientific prescribing, no matter what the pathological condition.


Aside from the symptoms which attend the general prostration and spinal trouble, or coupled with them, we have the following which are characteristic. "Confusion or stupefaction of the head, increased by eating and drinking." "Vertigo, as if intoxicated and confusion of the mind." "Whirling vertigo on rising up in bed; which compelled him to lie down again." "Sick headache with nausea and inclination to vomit." "All these symptoms are made particularly worse by riding in carriage or boat." Sea-sickness. (Sea-sickness better on deck in fresh cold air.) (

Tabac.). The headaches and vertigo of Cocculus are different from Bryonia, notwithstanding the fact that both are made worse by rising up in bed. In


Bryonia and some other remedies the sickness at the stomach precedes the headache which in Cocculus is exactly the reverse. Painful sensation of weakness or emptiness in the head is found under Cocculus and is in keeping with the general weakness. This sensation of emptiness, which is another name for weakness, is a general characteristic of Cocculus, and is found in head, abdomen, bowels, chest, heart, stomach.


The sensorium comes under the same profound depression that invades the general nervous system. The patient is sad, absorbed within himself, brooding, moody, silent, sits in a corner buried in sad thoughts, etc. This is particularly the case in nervous fevers. Depression, depression, depression. Cocculus has some very important symptoms in the abdominal and uterine regions.


One is great distention of the abdomen. This is found in both flatulent colic and dysmenorrhoea. In flatulent colic, for which it is so valuable a remedy, the patient complains of a sensation as if the abdomen were full of sharp sticks or stones. The attacks are often at mid-night. The flatus seems here and there, and passage of it does not seem to relieve much, for new forms again take its place.


Then again there seems to be great pressure in the inguinal region as if hernia would occur. In dysmenorrhoea, in addition to the distention , there are griping, cramping pains, which are very severe, and also a remarkable degree of weakness. She is so weak that she can hardly stand, walk or talk. This is very characteristic and, so far as weakness goes, resembles Carbo animalis, but in Cocculus it is in line with the general prostration of the remedy, while in


Carbo animalis the flow weakens her. In Cocculus the flow may not be at all excessive, but on the contrary may grow less and less and a leucorrhoea appear in its stead, or even between the menses also. This is the way we have to differentiate between remedies if we are successful in practice.

If I were to give the four great characteristic symptoms of Cocculus Indicus they would be these

1. Weakness of cervical muscles, with heaviness of head.

2. Affections caused or worse by riding in cars, carriage or boat.

3. Sensation of weakness, or hollowness in various organs.

4. Ill effects from loss of sleep, night-watching or over-work. (Caust. Cupr-met. Ign. Nit-ac.).




Cerebro-spinal axis OCCIPUT

Lumbar Muscles

Female sexual organs

One sided:

<: During and after meals/drinking/evening/carriage riding/cold or open air/after sleep/coffee/tobacco/eating/after loss of sleep/open air/smoking/riding/swimming/touch/noise/jar; afternoon/Menstrual period. After emotional disturbance.

<: Motion of boat/cars/carriage/slight causes/loss of sleep/exertionp/pain/noise/touch/emotions/anxiety/cold/open air/eating/during menses;

>: In house/when quiet/warmth of bed;

Desires and aversions: hunger without appetite/thirst with aversion to drink/thirstless/disgust for beer/aversion to sour things/longing for cold drink (beer).


Sensation of hunger in the pit of the stomach, little diminished by eating, nearly the whole day,

Aversion to eating and drinking,

He is averse to sour things; bread tastes sour (after three hours),

No desire for breakfast; he seems full,

Thirst: Great thirst at all times (especially after eating)/unquenchable thirst (third day)/thirst for cold drinks (beer).

Eructation and Hiccough.

Eructations of musty bad air (after eight hours),

Empty eructations , which leave a bitter taste in the mouth and throat (after twenty-four hours),

Frequent empty eructations (after three hours and a half),

Offensive eructations , in the forenoon,

Bitter eructations (after a quarter of an hour),

Very bitter eructations, immediately,

Sharp scraping eructations (evening).

Attempts to eructate, with incomplete ineffectual eructations , instead of which there is hiccough, lasting an hour (after three hours),

Inclination to hiccough,

Hiccough (immediately); (after one-eighth of an hour),; (after ten minutes),


Metallic taste

Paralysis of muscles preventing deglutition

Dryness of oesophagus

Seasickness ( Resorcin)

Hiccough and spasmodic yawning

Loss of appetite

Desire for cold drinks (beer)

Distended, with wind, and feeling as If full of sharp stones when moving; >: lying on one side or the other;

Pain in abdominal ring, as if something were forced through

Abdominal muscles weak; it seems as if a hernia would take place.


during period

behind lower ribs; as if bandaged

Contraction; navel

Bloated (during period/trapped wind)


Enlarged (liver/after anger/spleen)

Sensation of fullness (after eating/groin region)


Hernia [groin/strangulated/painful]

Inflammation (appendicitis/liver)

“As if something were in abdomen (movements, lumps, etc.”) “As if stone in abdomen (about navel)”. “As if abdomen full of stones”

Abdominal muscles; muscle spasms; in hysterical women

Noises from abdomen; gurgling

Pain <<<((( viele )))>>>



urging to urinate (unhealthy desire); morning

urination; involuntary, incontinence; during convulsions

urination; unsatisfactory (see incomplete and fullness, after urinating)



appetite; lacking, no appetite; with hunger




desires, cravings; alcoholic drinks (beer)/cold drinks/mustard/refreshing things/salt things/tonics

distended (swollen from inner pressure); during chill

disordered - mental exertion/during headache/without hunger

burping, belching - ineffectual and incomplete/bitter/foul (late morning)/putrid/fullness; during chill

indigestion; after mental exertion


sensation of movement in stomach


sinking (see emptiness)



thirst - with dread of liquids/while eating/after eating/during heat/for large quantities/without desire to drink

with desire to drink

during heat

Eating - Aversion to food, drink, tobacco

Cramp in stomach during and after meal

Sensation in stomach as if one had been a long time without food until hunger was gone

Smell of food disgusts (Colch.)

Pain - after eating (incl. certain foods)/after eating (incl. certain foods); after dinner/cramping, griping; after dinner

Appetite; ravenous, excessive; without enjoying food (see aversion to food)

Aversion to certain foods or drinks – acids/beer/all drinks/all food; with hunger (smell of)/tobacco

desires, cravings; warm food

emptiness, weak feeling, faintness, hungry feeling; aversion to food

burping, belching; tasting like food

loathing of food (see nausea)

nausea; from odours; any food

nausea; thought of food

Flatulence – night/midnight/obstructed

Nausea from riding in cars, boat, etc., or looking at boat in motion; < becoming cold or taking cold/disordered; during nausea <<<((( oft )))>>>

Vomiting - with faintness and vomiting <<<((( oft )))>>>

Pain; with vomiting, blood and mucus in stool (intussusception); pain in region of liver



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