Comparison Aloe + Podophyllum + Croton tiglium + Sulphur in diarrhea


Acute cases of diarrhea: Aloe:

Podophyllum:  and often it will be very difficult to differentiate between these two remedies. It is therefore necessary to study carefully their similarities and differences.

Both can have prolapse of the rectum with diarrhea (more common in Podophyllum).

Both can have involuntary stool in sleep or when passing flatus. Both < motion/summer heat/after eating or drinking.

Both can have profuse, watery, yellowish, gushing diarrhea. (Podophyllum a gush “As from a fire hydrant”.)

The Podophyllum child can have a deathly look, very pale, as if he is going to die.

Both can develop hemorrhoids with the diarrhea. Both can have offensive diarrhea. (in Podophyllum it can smell like carrion).

Both can have a morning aggravation, < 5 h., and both can be driven out of bed. Both can have alternation of complaints: diarrhea # with headaches.

Aloe has # lassitude with great activity.

Both have heat in the abdomen with full, bloated feeling, distention and the soreness of the abdomen, all > after stool. Both have a pressing out feeling.

(Podophyllum feels that the uterus will come out while urinating and that during a stool, all the internal organs will come out).

What are the main differences?

Aloe: Prominent with Aloe is the insecurity of the sphincter of the rectum. The bolus moves with great rumbling and when it reaches the rectum a weakness is felt.

There is a feeling of not being able to hold the stool. The haste to go is therefore more prominent with Aloe because of this weakness.

Aloe will also have a greater tendency to lose control and have involuntary stools, which is < after eating or while walking. Aloe commonly has involuntary stool while urinating like Mur-ac. The involuntary stools of Aloe can even happen with hard-formed stools and can even be unnoticed.

Another good differentiating symptom is the amount of flatus during diarrhea, which is definitely more pronounced in Aloe where it is characterized by a loud sputtering. Loud gurgling, as of water running out of a bottle, prior to passing stool or large amounts of gas is more characteristic of Aloe.

Aloe will characteristically pass hot flatus. Jelly-like stool is more characteristic of Aloe while Podophyllum’s is generally watery. It is more characteristic of Aloe

for the diarrhea < standing +/o. walking. Aloe will tend to be hungry after every stool like Veratrum album while Podophyllum tends to have no appetite with the

diarrhea. Above all, the Aloe patient is a more unpleasant patient when acutely sick. Podophyllum is more depressed, he thinks he is going to die.


Podophyllum: The most characteristic symptom of the Podophyllum diarrhea is how profuse it is. You wonder where so much can come from. The profuse gushing stool

of Podophyllum tends to be more changeable, in terms of the color. It can be yellow, green, white or black. It is changeable also in terms of the consistency. It can be

watery, slimy, gelatinous, lienteric, bloody, pasty or naturally formed. The very offensive stool like carrion belongs to Podophyllum. Podophyllum can have empty retching with the diarrhea. The diarrhea of Podophyllum < during dentition, not found in Aloe. In this condition there is a desire to press the gums or teeth together.

The sleep of Podophyllum tends to be more restless. He sleeps with his eyes half open, whining, moaning and rolling the head from side to side. However, both grind their teeth in sleep. The painless stool is more characteristic of Podophyllum. The hot flatus is not characteristic of Podophyllum, but instead it passes hot eructations.


DD.: Crot-t. from Aloe and Podophyllum in cases of acute diarrhea, which shares with them many characteristic symptoms such as the loud gurgling before the diarrhea followed by a profuse, yellow, watery stool which is aggravated by drinking, eating and motion. The most characteristic aspect of the stool of Croton tiglium is the explosiveness. It comes out like a sudden explosion, in like a shot all at once, in one violent gush like water from a hydrant. The aggravation of drinking (Infant nursing)

and eating is more intense in Croton tiglium and more characteristic of it. The gurgling before the stool can sound like a loud swashing of water. The diarrhea tends to be

more painful in Croton tiglium, more griping pain and tenesmus. Other characteristic symptoms of Croton tiglium are the great pallor and weakness associated with faintness, vertigo, nausea, vomiting, dimness of vision, perspiration and coldness.

Podophyllum can have vomiting preceding its diarrhea. The time aggravation is not very prominent in Croton tiglium. Aloe has most prominently the urgency with insecurity

of the rectum, Podophyllum has the great quantity of stool and Croton tiglium has the explosiveness of its stool. Only Aloe, among these three remedies, will pass stool without noticing it.


Sulphur: the chronic level. Both share hundreds of similar symptoms. Both are hot remedies but Aloe is more intolerant of the heat. For instance, the diarrhea of Aloe < heat

of the summer, which is not characteristic of Sulphur. However the great heat of the feet and the desire to uncover them (at night) is more characteristic of Sulphur.

Both are driven out of bed in the morning 5 h. but it is more striking for Sulphur and less for Aloe. Aloe and Sulph. will desire apples, beer, farinaceous foods and salt but Sulphur will also tend to desire spices and sweets more prominently. The 11 h. aggravation is more characteristic of Sulphur. The aversion to change and the cycles of fixations are characteristic of Aloe. The great indolence and lassitude # activity is also more characteristic of Aloe. Sulphur tends to be often hungry during the day and especially at

11 h., while Aloe tends to be most hungry after stool.



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