Comparison Haemachatus haemachatus + Naja mossambica




Hemachatus haemachatus

Naja mossambica



can spit its venom



Similar to Naja mossambica

sudden changes in mood, absent: the unbalanced, manic quality.

alertness, mental clarity, increased focus and concentration. There is increased energy and enthusiasm and motivation to get things done. Provers felt carefree, relaxed and light-hearted. There were


feelings of not caring about tests and work, just wasting to have fun.

heightened emotions, even emphasized to the extreme, with mood swings and a sense of being unbalanced. Provers felt somewhat manic and mad, with bouts of uncontrollable laughter and giggling and acting in a silly manner. There was restlessness and hyperactivity, a feeling of being rushed


spaced-out feeling, the feeling „As if taken tranquilizing drugs. A spiritual element of transcendence, of reconnecting to themselves or of observant spaciousness.


feeling of being spaced out, light-headed, dazed or stoned


Similar emotions as in Naja mossambica experienced by provers in the Hemachatus haemachatus proving. Depression was also described as a feeling of being low or flatness.

feeling seems more out of control and dazed. In Naja mossambica there is anxiety and feelings of being overwhelmed and not able to cope. There was depression, a feeling of being low, and anti-social feelings.


(More) tiredness and lethargy and a lack of motivation

tiredness and lethargy and a lack of motivation


need for private space, an effort to connect with old friends, and dreams of old friends and work colleagues. Sentimental longing or yearning, as well as the sense of vulnerability and insecurity


absent in Naja mossambica.



Irritability more central to the proving, as it was experienced more intensely by a greater number of provers. It was either causeless or triggered by trifles, or specifically felt in response to incompetence, inefficiency and poor planning; on the road towards incompetent drivers; when provers felt harassed by others; or when they felt emotionally hurt or neglected.

irritability and frustration, with a desire to just be at home by themselves, a need for space and quietness. The irritability was directed at family, and everything they did irritated provers. It was also felt

towards authoritative people pushing them around, as well when driving.


Dreams: fighting/being bothered or harassed by a man and then punching or attacking him/attack on one’s house/ships/strange but familiar places/sleeping or bathing in excrement/rescuing animals/vivid dreams/frustrating dreams about difficulties in communication/snakes/being pursued/being stuck.

Dreams: fighting/being bothered or harassed by a man and then punching or attacking him/attack on one’s house/ships/strange but familiar places/sleeping or bathing in excrement/rescuing animals/vivid dreams/frustrating dreams about difficulties in communication/snakes/being pursued/being stuck.






vertigo, and a feeling of heaviness of the head, as well as various strange sensations: as if the head wrapped in cotton wool, made of feathers, or is under water.

feelings of lightness of the head, as well as light-headedness


headaches felt in the frontal, temporal or occipital areas or around the eyes

Many headaches ext. one area to another: from the occiput to behind the eye, or from the neck to the temple, from the temple to the eye, or from the temples to the teeth. Some headaches exte. to or from the neck or back, or were accompanied by neck stiffness or spasm.


headaches felt in the forehead and temple


Eyes: itchiness, scratchiness, a gritty feeling and photophobia predominated.

Eyes: caused burning, redness, marked swelling, difficulty in focusing and even purulent discharge from the eyes,


sneezing and coryza, as well as dryness of the mouth and lips, and a tendency to formation of vesicles in the mouth.

sore throat – sharp raw scratchy pain


“As if a lump in the throat”

sneezing and coryza, as well as dryness of the mouth and lips, and a tendency to formation of vesicles in the mouth.

Throat scratchiness.

“As if a lump in the throat”


increased thirst and an increase in appetite.

increased thirst and an increase in appetite.

intense cramping in the stomach and abdomen, with mild symptoms of nausea and flatulence.


cramping, heartburn and marked nausea in the stomach; and cramping, burning or stabbing lower abdominal pain, and much flatulence. The lower abdominal pain likened to that of cystitis.

sense of constriction, or a burning pain “As if fingers dug into the chest”.






sharp pains in the chest


Incontinence, hot and viscid urine

Absent in Naja


pain in the ovarian region

dark red, almost black menses, with absence of clots and pain

pain in the ovarian region

scanty menses, late in appearing, also with decreased pain.


increased libido in both sexes

Not in Naja


painful enlargement of axillary lymph nodes (mastitis?)

painful enlargement of axillary lymph nodes


More: low back pain and pain in the extremities

Low back pain and pain in the extremities


Itchy, dry skin, with eruptions and redness.



increase in body temperature, feeling hot. at night, preventing sleep, and flushes of heat to the face.

Sleep was either restless and disturbed or deep.

intense lethargy and sleepiness

increase in body temperature, feeling hot


Sleep was either restless and disturbed or deep.

Less intense lethargy and sleepiness



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