Comparison in love and sexuality: Plat. Sep. Con.


Frei nach: Dr. Marcela N. Casais     

A great number of variations in the way of feeling and expressing love. In Plat., Sep. and Con., affection and sexuality display deviations that characterize them.

Plat. can feel love only for himself/related to his narcissism and egotism/feels so important that everything begins and ends in himself/other people are only spectators and admirers/suffers from feeling of greatness

and solitude = forsaken feeling with the delusion of not belonging to his own family/being alone in the world, makes his relationship with other people very difficult.

Other people are inferior [own kids/hates them, finds them inferior/wants to kill them (abortion/threat of abortion in women who have had children/kid will not fill expectations/sexual desire increases during menses/sterility/ailments in childbed and labor)]. Loves being in the middle so others can see he is great. But so avaricious with own family, sees them inferior/don't worth the trouble.

A child of Plat. is suffering: Plat. despite being affectionate/usually dictatorial/obstinate/intolerant to contradiction/contemptuous/cruel/haughty, that he can't apologize.

Sex: superiority feeling is present with excessive and premature desire, violent and insatiable/joy absent, can't find satisfaction in the other because he is not at his level. [women with vaginism and vaginal insensibility during coition (nymphomania/sexual desire increasing lying/Plat. virgins with obsessions. of being married)/men with precocity in ejaculation/genital hypersensitivity to touch is the origin of the painful coition without enjoyment

and aversion to sex].

The loving theme in the male as in female: violent symptoms/both have increase in desire and sexual aversion. Genital EXcitability with fits of sexual desire and violent erections, < by the simple fact of touching a woman.

But the orgasm is absent (because of his contempt for others)/this predisposes him to masturbation. Erections may be troublesome, incomplete and without desire. The priapism is frequent. Coition and ejaculation are painful. These symptoms usually drive him to sexual aversion, but he can't avoid erotic dreams that end with pollutions.

Plat. is the high intensity of the sensations generated in him, but frustrated when he must intercourse with other person. So, he presents great desire but the coitus is painful and the orgasm is absent.  

Sep.´s expression of love is blocked.

Kent: in Sep. "love is not shown as affection" (love exists, but manifests as benumbed/can’t be expressed). Emotions are not absent but the intention of escape from them. All the love expressions, marital, paternal, filial and

even friendship burns Sep. out/feels that they wear her privacy and independence out. (< company/> being alone). Sep. shelters in occupation/being alert to the house and family. But finally, burns out/desires to fly away from them, but her duty feeling doesn't let her and the indifference to loved ones comes forth. Sep. women reject their feminity, they are masculine, and like active games, so the trigger of her pathological picture, appears when she must assume her feminine roll: first menses, marriage, sexuality, pregnancy, childbed, and kids. Marriage is a crucial period. Making concessions to her mate is very difficult because her intolerance to contradiction, generates discussions in which she shrieks with anger and trembling, and then, she leaves the room smashing the door with violence in order to have the last word. Sep. can be highly irritable, quarrelsome and impatient, especially with her mate, overwhelming him with sarcasms and insults. She never gives her married last name, to keep her individuality. She feels that her children suffocate her individual growing. So as she cannot get her independence, she chooses the complaint, the discontent with everything, the offense, and the sermon. Playing the roll of a martyr, she claims for love and affection, feeling forsaken, but when they give love to her, she shows indifference, and laments her destiny. "She is never happy unless she bothers someone" (Kent). She is neither sentimental nor dictatorial with her kids, though she is frequently positive and doesn't bear silliness, she gets angry for any trifle, she is censorious, she scolds everybody, and finds others´ faults. She shows a great irritability for the tiniest thing, she is nasty and she's in a constant bad mood. She's not indulgent and she wants to make her children to be self-sufficient so she can get her own freedom. But in some cases she is over demanding with them. Maternity is not easy for Sep., because it is an excessive psychological drainage too much tiresome, so the indifference to the loved ones, is the result more than the cause of her troubles, that's why she presents ailments during pregnancy, labor and childbed. Sep. frequently has sterility and abortion tendency. There is an interesting symptom: "leucorrhoea after coition", this is an infertility mechanism, because the flux washes out the spermatozoids, avoiding fecundation. She can be antisocial with family and friends due to her aversion to company and to the physical effort that being sociable demands. In the social intercourse she is excessively open, and almost rudeness. Sep. isn't mischievous but impolite, although her comments can make us feel uncomfortable. In a social party, she keeps away and silent, till the dance begins (dance am.) then she begins to enjoy the party. Female sexuality is characterized by having little interest or sexual energy. It is carried as a charge, the symptom that better express it is "bearing down". Pain in the sexual intercourse is intolerable and can become vaginism. The absence of enjoyment and the insensibility in vagina are not infrequent. There also may be irritability post-coitus and symptoms aggravation after coitus. Menses and sexual ailments are common, including frigidity and menopause disorders. It is remarkable her aversion to being touched, bothered, and to be approached. She desires to be alone and to lie with her eyes shut. The affective problematical in Sep. men don't differs from the female's, and there is a parallel in the sexual symptomatology. Despite in both there can be an increase in the sexual desire, most of the symptoms are referred to the diminution. We find erection troubles when he has sexual desire, and shows priapism after coitus. The ejaculation is too fast, painful and incomplete. He frequently has night pollutions interrupted by waking up, it seems that being conscious he cannot allow sexuality. Coition is so painful that he can have aversion to it.  

Con. is a remedy that lives sexuality in a very special way, because he has troubles for the routine and also for the absence of sex. The anxiety of conscience torments and paralyzes Con. 

His fear for punishment, turns him into a serious and formal individual. That's why he shelters in religion and governs himself with strict parameters of ethic and correctness. Everything brings him guilt (sex). Delusion: the world is full of enemies who pursue him to injure him/feels persecuted. This makes him restless, frightened and easily started, with a great sensorial and affective hypersensitivity. This situation is unbearable and paralyzes him, not only in love, with indifference, but also with intellectual and physical impotence. Sentimental/gets sick from disappointment in love. He is jealous with the characteristic that jealousy drives him to sexual excitement. Desires company and > in company, and his slow nature makes him boring. Everything impresses him in a bad way, so sadness appears, with the tendency to weep loudly, absorbed in thoughts and dwells. If his desire for solitude is not respected, he drives them off with insults. He is violent and destructive. He is morose and dictatorial with intolerance to contradiction, that's why the relationship with his children is very difficult, besides his proud and his contradiction tendency don't make things easier.

Even to love is tiresome for him, so, it appears the solitude desire, he feels estranged from his family and isolated. Finally the weariness is so deep that he shelters in indifference, the misanthropy and loathing for life. He gets < in company although he is afraid of being alone. In Con., aversion is not an active reject atittude, he gives up on account of indolence. In this period we find the aversion to his children, family, men, women, and company and he desires solitude. His expression is calm and inexpressive like a wax figure. In his unsociability, sometimes he is like Nat-m. lonely mind, because he gets also < by company although he is afraid of being alone, but Nat-m. needs the love that seems to reject and suffers for it's absence, something that Con. doesn't express. In Con. sexuality is extremely conflictive, he has ailments for the practice of sex, owe to anxiety of conscience, and for the sex absence, may be because of his biology. The absence of sexual intercourse brings trembling weakness, hysteria, excitability, and incapability to sustain mental effort. Sexual thoughts intrude and torment him with blame. But extended continence, also generates guilt, hysteria and hypochondria. His fear is so intense that he prefers to punish himself than being punished, and he does it with abstinence or a hipersexualtity plenty of impotence and masturbation. It seems that Con. can only live his sexuality during dreams, the only place where he can escape from guilt. Then he shows voluptuous and vivid dreams and amorous dreams with pollutions. Sexual desire in men can be diminished, increased or they can be easily excited. They have erection troubles, because they are incomplete or fruitless. Erections can appear without desire and with frequent pollutions. Ejaculation can be too quick, incomplete, and painful. In female delayed and scanty menses, dysmenorrhoea with bearing down, and breast pain while walking. Con. during pregnancy presents the symptoms abortion, labor pains false, too painful and distressing, after-pains and puerperal ailments. Like Sep. she rejects conjugal coition, but her sexual aversion appears during menopause. She can present increased sexual desire (virgins and as the previous remedies, she has sterility and vaginism.



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