Cyanatumgruppe = Verbindungen C + H + O + N + andere/ Cyanat bedeutet Verbunden mit C + N


Vergleich.: Rosen und Zyanide: Laurocerasus hat den stärksten Zyanid-Aspekt; doch haben die Rosen in der Regel einen romantischen Unterton, im Gegensatz zu

Blausäure (Hydr-ac).

Siehe: Nitrogen element + Carbon Anhang 3


[Outer and Protein, 1987]

Cyanat: a toxic compound produced by industry, but it is also produced from some metabolites, such as urea and carbamoylphosphate


Vergiftung: Hemmt Enzymsystemen, Fängt plötzlich an/mit einem Schrei + Stupor,

Atem 1. schnell, 2. langsam/stockend, Kleinere Menge: ängstlich/schwindlig/verwirrt/Kopfschmerz/verbrennte Geschmack; Krämpfe mit Schaum um den Mund;

Haut gräulichWie Blei

Cyanide disrupts the ATP cycle (cellular respiration).

Low dose: general weakness, giddiness, headaches, vertigo, confusion, and difficult breathing,

Higher doses: 1. 2. followed by coma, seizures, pulmonery edema and cardiac arrest in higher doses;

Klinisch: Herz-Probleme mit Zyanose. Erstickungszustand mit Asphyxie und blauen Lippen. Blaue Babys. Kardiale oder pulmonale Zyanose. Stenokardie,

Druck auf der Brust, Engegefühl;


Ammoniumferrihexacyanoferrat = GIESE-salt hemmt Cäsium

Argentum cyanatum.

Aurum cyanatum

Calcium ferrum cyanid = E 538

Chininum hydrocyanicum

Crot-h. another hydrocyanic containing remedy

Cuprum cyanatum.

Ferrum cyanatum. periodisch + spastisch

Hydrocyanicum acidum.                       

Kalium cyanatum.

Kalium ferrocyanatum.

Kalium thyocyanatum.

Mercurius cyanatus.

Merc-s-cy. = Pharao´s Serpent

Natrium cyanatum

Natriumferrocyanid = E 535

Pteridium aquilinum

Zinc-cy. = Zinc-ähnlich + INTENSIV/manipulative teenagers, intelliGENT, who seem to be able to induce seizures or “faint” to their advantage.

Zincum ferrocyanatum.


Antidotiert von: Aml-ns.


Vergleich: Enthalten in: Bad.;


Rosaceae: Laur. contains cyanides and share some cyan aspects such as dyspnoea, but they have a romantic undertone unlike hydr-ac;

Carbons (Carb-ac and Carb-v.) are either more sluggish or more rigid;

Snake venom may also contain or release H according to personal information by Louis Klein (Bitis. Both. Bung. Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.).

But snake remedies have a more septic character and are more flattering and treacherous in their onset, they rather attack in a roundabout way than directly;

Enthalten Zinc/Natrium cyanicum hydraten = löslich im Alkohol

Cupr-met. and Camph.: the bowel disorder is more pronounced, Camph. = cold, but it cannot stand covering, is less paralytic;

Opium: more constipated, less active air-hunger, dyspnoea more passive although otherwise very similar;

Lyss: more psychotic and has a dependent attitude underneath its violence (the rabid dog).

Rhodiola rosea


The chemical composition of Hydr-ac is  Hydrogen, Carbon and Nitrogen.

Hydrogen:   the acid principle, sudden onset, vehement, issues of life and death, to be or not to be.

Carbon:       physical structure, rigid or labile physical existence, imminent death and fear of death.

Nitrogen:     suffocative expansion, takes much space, assertive, vascular activity.

Cyanide or CN suppresses or blocks oxygen: it stifles breathing and suffocates by blocking the Fe-atom of cytochrome-oxidase of the respiratory chain. It is the active substance in Zyklon B, which has become notorious for being one of the deadliest poisons in history. Another notorious killer is potassium cyanide or Cyankali, well

known as a rapid acting suicide substance.

Especially the cyan salts with Stage 1 cations: Hydrogen (Hydr-ac), Kali (Kali-cy) and Natrium (Nat-cy) are the most poisonous ones. Whereas cynanides in bitter

almonds are less virulent.


Cyanosis. A vehement and suffocating state.

An essence of Hydr-ac. can be derived from these cases as well by its chemical constituents:

Cyanosis (CN) with a vehement (H) and suffocating (N) presence (H).

Manic (H), takes his surroundings by storm (H), stifles (CN) opposition by talking others down (H); this is also reflected in the proving symptom: fear of being run over

by cars (Lyss and Op.).

Takes too much space (N) and suffocates (CN) others and himself.

The color preference is orange 4-5C and blue 15-1, less pronounced.

It is interesting to see the handwriting of these patients; they write huge and reckless, take enormous space; the writing speed and drive is forward-oriented and quick.


[Christopher Hedley]

The general properties of anthocyanadins and flavonols are peripheral vasodilation and anti-inflammatory. Any peripheral vasodilator will be hypotensive, by taking pressure off the heart, and will tend to be cardio-tonic, by improving blood flow to the coronary arteries. They may also bring on sweating, by increasing circulation to the skin, or increase urination, by increasing circulation to the kidneys. The specific uses of individual plants depends on the balance of the whole of the constituents of the plant.

In traditional medicine this may be referred to as the appropriation of the plant - ie. the constituents can give a clue to expected action but only traditional understanding,

and analysis, can tell us what the plant actually does. For example; Yarrow (Achillea millifolium) improves circulation in the veins and the legs, is a good sweating herb but

is also used to stop heavy menstrual bleeding.


Wirkung: Most nitrites fall in the syphilitic. miasm. Die funktionelle Gruppe aus C und dreifach gebundenem N wird als Nitril- o. Cyanogruppe bezeichnet.

Allerlei: Most nitriles fall in the syphilitic miasm. In plants, cyanides usually bound to sugar molecules in the form of cyanogenic glycosides and serve the plant as

defence against herbivores.



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