Miasma Syphillis/Syphillinie


Syphilis Miasm: A situation beyond salvage, leading to complete hopelessness and despair. In a desperate effort, he tries to change the situation and the result is usually destruction. homicide;

suicide; syphilis; ulcers; impossible; despair; psychosis; devastation

Animalia: Apis, Bad. Bufo, Canth. Cor-r. Crot-h. Eryth. Lac-c. Lach. Sep. Spong


[Henry C. Allen, M.D. – 1836-1909]

Syphilinum – Teeth decay at edge of gum and break off. Craving alcohol, in any form. Hereditary tendency to alcoholism (Asar., Psor., Tuber., Sulph., Sulph. ac).

[Roland Guenther]

Ice cold, analytical way of thinking

[Dr RD Jain & Dr Smita Trivedi]

Inorganic acids - predominantly syphilitic


[Judyth Reichenberg-Ullman]

This is the final miasm in the progression, and the most desperate. Prior to antibiotics, syphilis carried a death sentence, resulting in physical or mental destruction.

Pathologies involve destruction of the bones, heart, and nervous system, leading ultimately to death. Violent thoughts, suicidal ideation, and destructiveness, such as

through addictions, are common, including alcoholism.

The syphilitic miasm is about end-stage destruction, decay, despair, devastation, violence, murder, and death. The mere image of victims’ noses falling off, a deformity resulting from the destruction of the bony framework, makes one shudder. Think of anarchy, suicide bombers, nuclear war.

Having babies in bomb shelters or missiles being fired on a maternity hospital. The moment-to-moment life-threatening work conditions of journalists in war zones internationally, such as the Palestinian, Shireen Abu Akleh, as she shouted for aid to save the life of a colleague. The utter, senseless destruction of humans, animals, habitats for the sake of resources, power grabs, pure selfishness. The breakdown and wanton desecration of bodies, families, homes, hospitals.

War is nothing new in our lifetimes. As much as we might hope that the genocide and mass destruction of WW2 might have taught us “never again,” that is far from what has happened.

Ukraine- The world is now riveted on the current battle for Ukraine which is only too real and immediate thanks to the social media and the intimate, up-to-the-moment world wide web. Vladimir Putin, for one, seems to be the epitome of the syphilitic miasm: poisoning or imprisoning enemies, sending 19-year-old Russian soldiers to die in a foreign land for no apparent reason except for power.

I recently learned a bit about the chilling history of Putin’s family. During the Siege of Leningrad, Putin’s brother died of diphtheria and his parents only later learned where he, along with half a million other victims of the siege were buried.

Putin himself shared the story of his mother’s remarkable salvation. Returning from the hospital, Putin’s father saw corpses being carried out on stretchers to be buried in

a mass grave. He recognized his wife, Putin’s mother, injured but alive, on her way to being buried in a mass grave.

Striking out with his crutches, he made them carry her back to their apartment. There he nursed her back to health, only to give birth, sometime later, to their son, Vladimir. Previous to that time, five of his six brothers had perished in battle, as well as some of his mother’s relatives. This is the ongoing generational terrain of the syphilitic miasm.

The Destruction of Sea and Land Habitat Worldwide– The Amazon rain forest is a prime example of this unconscionable selfish land rape. We had the good fortune to visit the indigenous Huaorani tribe of Ecuador some years ago. They were the victims of extraction and logging by Royal Dutch Shell, then Texaco.

The deforestation, illegal hunting, and collection of animals and their parts for food, Chinese medicine, and pet trade, have pushed many species to the brink of extinction. This is the same message of the recent films Seaspiracy and Becoming Cousteau.

Deaths Due to Covid Worldwide– The number of reported deaths worldwide are 522 million, of which over 6 million have been reported in the US, 43 million in India, and 31 million in Brazil. I have no desire to engage in a discussion of accuracy of reporting, but rather to point out the enormous destruction/loss of life during this time, not to mention of livelihood.

Decay and Despair on Individuals, Families, Social Systems During the Pandemic– Regardless of personal beliefs about CV diagnosis, mass vaccinations, lockdowns, the effect on the social fabric worldwide has been devastating, individually, culturally, societally.

[Rosina Sonnenschmidt]



[Frans Vermeulen]

Syphilis was known as the "great imitator" because its multiple manifestations mimicked other known diseases. Lyme borreliosis, likewise, has now entered the stage as

"the new great imitator." P.H. Duray concedes: "Initially thought to be a disorder beginning in the skin and progressing to involve the joints, Lyme disease is now ranked

as one of the great mimickers of other diseases, in a manner similar to that once ascribed to syphilis." Sir William Osler remarked that "to know syphilis is to know all of medicine."


Syphilis = destructive and self-destructive processes (e.g. alcoholism; phagedenic ulcers, etc);


Destruction Homicide Suicide Ulcers Total Impossible Despair Psychosis Devastation

[Andreas Holling]

Einschätzung der Situation und der nötigen Reaktion

Der Mensch hat das Gefühl, er stehe vor einer Situation, die nicht mehr zu retten ist. Das führt zu völliger Hoffnungslosigkeit und Verzweiflung. Er unternimmt einen verzweifelten Versuch, die Situation zu verändern, was meist in Zerstörung endet. In einer syphilitischen Situation muß etwas endgültig zuende gebracht werden.

Die Situation ist weit jenseits der eigenen Möglichkeiten und Fähigkeiten. Man ist fühlt sich in höchster Weise und alleinig verantwortlich. – das unverzeihliche Verbrechen.

Es entstehen stärkste Schuldgefühle.

Häufiges Thema: "Menschen wollen mich töten, also töte ich sie."

Andererseits wollen sich Syphilitiker auch selbst umbringen – manchmal durch Rauchen oder Alkoholismus.

Gegenüber anderen Menschen besteht ein Gefühl von völliger Isolation. Man steht völlig allein im Leben. Totale Verzweiflung um die Genesung. Es ist ein Gefühl als ob man verrückt wird.

Version der Bewältigung

Die unmögliche und hoffnungslose Aufgabe auf sich nehmen – das Mögliche in der Situation noch tun. Hohe soziale Position. Anführer, König.

Version des Versagens

Suizid. Völlige Verzweifelung. Zerstörung. töten, morden. Katatonie, völlig zurückgezogen, völlig gleichgültig

Wo findet man die syphilitische Haltung physiologischerweise?

Typisch wäre die Situation eines Kapitäns auf einem sinkenden Schiff. Er weiß, daß er mit dem Schiff untergehen wird, hält aber das Steuer bis zuletzt. Ein typisches Spiel wäre: Schach gegen einen Computer zu spielen.

Das passende Alter ist jenseits von 80 Jahren.


Geschwüre, Herzanfälle, Lähmungen, Psychosen, Schizophrenie, Manie Gelüste sind selbstdestruktiv (Rauchen, Alkohol), Alkoholismus

DD.: Man kann es oft mit dem Akut-Miasma verwechseln.

Wenn jemand z.B. von Gefahr träumt, muß man nachforschen, ob es einen Weg zur Flucht gibt. Wenn nicht, ist es eine ausweglose Situation – das weist dann auf ein Miasma nahe der Syphilis hin. Das syphilitische Gefühl ist völlig hoffnungslos. Will keine Gesellschaft mehr. Gefühl, wie verrückt zu werden. Totale Isolation. Das Isolationsgefühl ist im Psora-Miasma am geringsten, im Syphilis-Miasma am stärksten

China ist suizidal aber hat keinen Mut dazu – liegt zwischen Sykose-Miasma und Malaria-Miasma.

Psorinum hat auch größte Verzweiflung um die Genesung. Hat Angst und Vorahnungen z.B.: "Mein Geschäft blüht heute, aber morgen, was wird morgen sein? Da ist immer noch ein Rest Optimismus. Man muß alles tun, damit das nicht passiert. Und dann ist es auch noch nicht das Ende der Welt.

Psoriker sprechen von Suizid, wollen aber leben.


Syphilis: Alum. Anag. Androc. Atra-r. Aur-met. Berb-a. Clem. Cory. Crat. Dendro–p, Echi. Echinacea, Franc. Hep. Ho. Hydr. Jab. Jug-r. Lac-leoninum, Lath. Lept. Merc. Orig. Phyt. Plat-met. Plb-met. Psil. Still. Syph.

Arg-n.: Tuberkulin-Miasma

Einschätzung der Situation und der nötigen Reaktion

Es herrscht das Gefühl intensiver Unterdrückung (oppression) und Ausbeutung und der Wunsch nach Veränderung vor. Die Reaktion darauf ist intensive, hektische Aktivität, um aus der Unterdrückung auszubrechen.

Gefühl von gepackt und zusammengedrückt. Die Situation ist erstickend. Der Spielraum ist eng; Zeit ist zu kurz, zu viel muß in zu wenig Zeit getan werden.

Version der Bewältigung

Intensive hektische Aktivität, um aus der unterdrückenden, erstickenden Situation auszubrechen. Die Situation muß um jeden Preis verändert werden. Es darf nicht so bleiben.

Version des Versagens

Wo findet man die Lepra- Haltung physiologischerweise?

Typische Situation wäre die eines gelähmten, inkontinenten Menschen. Das typische Alter wäre zwischen 70 und 80 Jahren. Man ist nicht mehr in der Lage, sich nützlich zu machen und leidet an Alterskrankheiten. Es ist schwierig, mit den jüngeren Menschen und ihren Werten in Beziehung zu treten, und der Kreis an Bekanntschaften ist entsprechend eingeengt. Man ist nicht mehr erwünscht bei seiner Familie und in der Gesellschaft.

Man wird in ein Altersheim gesteckt. Man fühlt sich ausgestoßen. Es gibt keine Hoffnung, es bleibt nur der Tod.

Perversionen wie Sadismus und Masochismus könnte man mit Lepra-Miasma in Verbindung bringen. Der Mensch gewinnt seinen Genuß daraus, daß er einer anderen Person Grausamkeit und Schmerz zufügt oder man hat das Gefühl, daß andere grausam zu einem sind und einem Schmerzen zufügen.

Eine sadistische Handlung ist auch gesellschaftlich geächtet und wirkt damit auch isolierend.

Pathologien: Gangrän; Lähmung


Träume von Tempeln; Gefühl, daß er eine hohe Position erreichen muß;

Träume vom Fallen.


Lepra: Aloe. Arist-cl. Caesal. Cast-v. Cere-b. Cic. Coca. Com. Cub. Cur. Cycl. Falcon, Gink. Grat. Hura. Hydr. Hydroi, Inul.m. Iod. Kali-i. Kola. Lact. Lappa, Laur. Led.

Lep. Mand. Oci-s. Raph. Rhus-g. Sec. Sep.?, Sol-t-ae. Xan.


Einschätzung der Situation und der nötigen Reaktion

Der Mensch hat das Gefühl, er stehe vor einer Situation, die nicht mehr zu retten ist. Das führt zu völliger Hoffnungslosigkeit und Verzweiflung. Er unternimmt einen verzweifelten Versuch, die Situation zu verändern, was meist in Zerstörung endet. In einer syphilitischen Situation muß etwas endgültig zuende gebracht werden. Die Situation ist weit jenseits der eigenen Möglichkeiten

und Fähigkeiten. Man ist fühlt sich in höchster Weise und alleinig verantwortlich.

– das unverzeihliche Verbrechen. Es entstehen stärkste Schuldgefühle.

Häufiges Thema: "Menschen wollen mich töten, also töte ich sie."

Andererseits wollen sich Syphilitiker auch selbst umbringen – manchmal durch Rauchen oder Alkoholismus.

Gegenüber anderen Menschen besteht ein Gefühl von völliger Isolation. Man steht völlig allein im Leben. Totale Verzweiflung um die Genesung. Es ist ein Gefühl als ob man verrückt wird.

Version der Bewältigung

Die unmögliche und hoffnungslose Aufgabe auf sich nehmen – das Mögliche in der Situation noch tun. Hohe soziale Position. Anführer, König.

Version des Versagens

Suizid. Völlige Verzweifelung. Zerstörung. töten, morden. Katatonie, völlig zurückgezogen, völlig gleichgültig

Wo findet man die syphilitische Haltung physiologischerweise?

Typisch wäre die Situation eines Kapitäns auf einem sinkenden Schiff. Er weiß, daß er mit dem Schiff untergehen wird, hält aber das Steuer bis zuletzt.

Ein typisches Spiel wäre: Schach gegen einen Computer zu spielen.

Das passende Alter ist jenseits von 80 Jahren.


Geschwüre, Herzanfälle, Lähmungen, Psychosen, Schizophrenie, Manie

Gelüste sind selbstdestruktiv (Rauchen, Alkohol), Alkoholismus

DD.: Man kann es mit dem Akut-Miasma verwechseln.

Wenn jemand z.B. von Gefahr träumt, muß man nachforschen, ob es einen Weg zur Flucht gibt. Wenn nicht, ist es eine ausweglose Situation – das weist dann auf ein Miasma nahe der Syphilis hin. Das syphilitische Gefühl ist völlig hoffnungslos. Will keine Gesellschaft mehr. Gefühl, wie verrückt zu werden. Totale Isolation. Das Isolationsgefühl ist im Psora-Miasma am geringsten, im Syphilis-Miasma am stärksten

China ist suizidal aber hat keinen Mut – liegt zwischen Sykose-Miasma und Malaria-Miasma.

Psorinum hat auch größte Verzweiflung um die Genesung. Hat viel Angst und Vorahnungen z.B.: "Mein Geschäft blüht heute, aber morgen, was wird morgen sein? Da ist immer noch ein Rest Optimismus. Man muß alles tun, damit das nicht passiert. Und dann ist es auch noch nicht das Ende der Welt. Psoriker sprechen von Suizid, wollen aber leben.


Syphilis: Alum. Anag. Androc. Atra-r. Aur-met. Berb-a. Clem. Cory. Crat. Dendro-p, Echi. Echinacea, Franc. Hep. Ho. Hydr. Jab. Jug-r. Lac-leoninum, Lath. Lept. Merc. Orig. Phyt. Plat-met. Plb-met. Psil. Still. Syph.

sykotisch: die Gruppe besteht zunehmend aus Auserwählten. Der eigene Schwachpunkt muss verdeckt werden. Der Mensch fühlt sich nur in Gesellschaft von Wenigen wohl.

syphilitisch: Hier herrscht das Gefühl der völligen Isolation vor. z.B. Lepra-Miasma (steht Syphilis sehr nahe) ist das Gefühl, von den eigenen Leuten aufgegeben und verlassen worden zu sein.

Somit hat man niemanden mehr auf der Welt.

Groß und klein – Ego und die Angst vor dem Fallen

Gefühle von Größe bzw. Egoismus und Kleinheit bzw. Wertlosigkeit sind auch in der miasmatischen Betrachtung zu unterscheiden.

z.B. Sulphur und Plat-met. haben beide das Gefühl, verachtet zu werden.

Die Sulphur-Person hat Phantasien von ihrer Großartigkeit und das Gefühl, sie sei die Größte. Aber sie (psorisch) hat auch ein charakteristisches Gefühl von Zufriedenheit. Sie strengt sich an, den Respekt anderer Menschen zu gewinnen, und wenn ihr einmal Anerkennung als gelehrter Mensch zugekommen ist, dann ist sie glücklich. Das darunterliegende Gefühl von Verachtet sein geht nur so weit, daß es durch wieder gewonnen Respekt durch Andere ausgeglichen wird.

Im Fall der Platinum-Person geht das Gefühl des Verachtet seins mit einer solch intensiven Demütigung einher, daß sie die Rettung nur darin sieht, sehr große Höhen zu erreichen. Sie muß über allen anderen Menschen stehen, sie muß die Adlige sein, die Königin. Sie kann sich nicht damit zufrieden geben, normal zu sein. Die daraus folgende Angst vor Höhen, entweder bewusst ausgesprochen oder in Träumen ausgedrückt, variiert entsprechend mit dem Miasma.

Im Falle von Sulphur mag es im Traum um den Sturz von einem hohen Vorsprung gehen.

Im Fall von Platinum wird der Traum von der Angst handeln, vom höchsten Gebäude der Welt herabzustürzen.



Syphillinum                        Complete failure/Degeneration

            Reacts realizing that adjustment is no longer sufficient/to survive must change radically the internal +/o. external circumstances

            Aspects: Polarity/remorseless/tax-inspector - - Censorious (= critical)


                        Subservience/sacrifies self for benefit of others


            Duty/conformity/guilt/“As if guilty of crime“/lost birthright/Anxiety

            Oxygenoid, and characterized by destruction. Homeopathic treatment can't undo the damage, but can stop the trait being passed on.

            < at night/from sunset to sunrise/heat of the bed. The person is self-destructive, may be suicidal, has no itch but skin eruptions that can ulcerate, and < elimination.

Syphilinie: Scharlach, Diphterie

[H.A. Roberts]

Child: weak wrist and ankle joints, difficulty in holding on to objects, drop things easily, clumsy in getting about and stumble over a straw, are manifesting the effects of the combined syphilis and psora,

for this combination affects the tendons about the joints by weakening them so that they will not stand the strain of much use.



    Avoiding eye contact

    Withdrawal from people

    Indifferent to other people

    No facial expression

    Slow learners/monomania

    Aggressive: breaking, biting…

    Mute (sometimes all their life)

    Echolalia or robot-like voice

    Freezing in position or rocking

    Change in routine is disturbing

    Rapid head growth

    Fragile X syndrome: 5% have a defective X chromosome

    Does not babble, point or make meaningful gestures by 1 year of age

    Does not speak one word by 16 months

    Does not respond to name

    Does not know how to play with toys

    At times hearing impaired


[Rajan Sankaran]

There is no hope.

Task is far beyond my capacity.

Have committed an unpardonable crime.

Highest and sole responsibility.

Taking it on.

Doing the utmost.

Highest position, leader, king.

Complete despair.

Homicide suicide.

Self destructive, like alcoholism.

Catatonic withdrawal, total indifference.

A captain of a sinking ship.

The task is hopeless, but let me do the best I can (Sankarans Schema).

With the syphilis miasm the person is unable to be themselves because they have begun to hate themselves. With this they are understandably very sensitive to being disliked by others around them. We find this feeling of being hated also in the following symptoms;

Enemy, considers everyone (Merc.).

Suspicious talking about her, people are.

Delusion laughed at mocked, being (Bar-c.).

Fear, hanged to be (Platinum) (Dr Chawla).

These remedies are at least partially derived from substances of row 6 of the periodic table of elements. The main feeling common to the remedies derived from this row is also of being hated.

With Platinum it is the feeling of being powerless (column 10) and hatred that is suppressed.

With the suffering corresponding to Mercury it is the suppression of being treated immorally (column 12) together with the feeling of being hated. The rubric of Mercurius “When taking a walk he

felt a strong inclination to catch by the nose strangers whom he met” (Materia Medica Pura), means to treat someone immorally, which is an expression of the non-integration of the feeling of oneself being treated immorally.

The difference between the feeling of row 6 and of the syphilis miasm is that in syphilis it is more having come to hate oneself while with row 6 it is the feeling of being hated, is healthy because it

is real or was originally real and is therefore giving information to the person about how they are feeling. With the syphilis miasm the hate of oneself is an expression of non-acceptance of self.



He is under the delusion that he is surrounded by enemies. He is suspicious of everyone, thinks everyone is his enemy. This intense suspiciousness gives him the impulse to kill, he wants to kill anyone that contradicts him, even loved ones. Becomes antisocial, indifferent, thinks there is no hope of recovery, in despair may even become suicidal. Also present is compulsive handwashing. A patient in this stage will have this feeling of I cannot manage. I cannot cope with all of these problems both on the inside and outside. This kind of feeling results in a last ditch attempt to change himself or his environment, this is a violent process, while at the same time there is an internal feeling of despair and futility. Some of the associated pathologies are ulcers, heart attack, psychoses and paralysis. The keywords he uses for Syphilitic miasmatic classification are: destruction; homicide; suicide; syphilis; ulcers; impossible; despair; psychosis; devastation (Sankaran, 2002: 65).

[Herbert A. Roberts]

In the mouth we find the characteristic tell-tale of the syphilitic taint, even though the child may appear well otherwise. Pathological and structural changes take place in the dental arch and the teeth come through deformed, irregular in shape and irregular in order of eruption. The teeth often decay before they are entirely through the gums.  They are always worse at night; all the symptoms develop more after the sun goes down. There is oppression, restlessness and anxiety at night; they dread the night because it is so oppressive. Restlessness is so great that it drives them out of bed.


Wenn man auch die Unterdrückung der Syphilis durch die Allopathie natürlich nicht bemängeln kann, so hat diese Unterdrückung dennoch schlimme Folgen gehabt, indem sie die Menschheit

insgesamt negativ beeinflusst hat. Die Unterdrückung der Syphilis mit Penicillin hat die Lebenskraft der Menschheit in ihrem inneren Kern, auf der geistigen und emotionalen Ebene, unterminiert. Hier ist der Grund zu suchen, warum das syphilitische Miasma die jüngeren Generationen so sehr prägt und warum Aurum heute so häufig benötigt wird. Vithoulkas schätzt, dass 20% der homöopathisch behandelten Menschen irgendwann eine Gabe Aurum brauchen.

[Dr. Ernst Trebin]

Syphilinie: dessen Verbreitung schätze ich auf 30 bis 40% und seine Hauptarzneien sind nach meiner Ansicht Quecksilber, Gold und Arsen, und Halogene, also Jod, Brom, Fluor und Chlor, schließlich als Ergänzung bei gewissen Zuständen alle anderen Metalle wie Cupr-met. Plb-met. Arg-met. etc.


There may be a great fear of the night, and a tendency to negative thoughts, and the patient may be always washing their hands.

Thema: Mutlos/hoffnungslos/VERzweifelt/destruktiv/lost/collapsed/Antwort auf Druck + Industrialisation;

Negativ: Destruktiv/intensiv/Herbst/Winter/Alter/kalt/Abend/Nacht;

Schlüsselwort: Ohne Hoffnung/gestörte Funktion (Geisteskrankheit/Darmgeschwür usw.);

Lösung: Brutal/unredlich sein; Negativ: Mangel an Lebensfreude/Ehrgeiz und Motivation/fehlender Antrieb, verbunden mit Kapazitätsmangel; dies deutet darauf hin dass Hekla Lava bei alten Leuten indiziert sein könnte, bei Krankheiten wie Arteriosklerose, Alzheimer, gesitesabwesend/verwirrt/kann nicht klar denken/depressiv/hoffnungslos   < nachts/blitzartige Schmerz; Knochenschmerz/Zerstörung/brechen; kann nicht mit Stress umgehen, überfordert, kann sich nicht anpassen und kann keine Kontrolle erlangen. Eine unmittelbare Änderung = notwendig (Suizid/ psychotischer Abwehr). Langsam degenerierende Prozessen mit gelegentlich eine Ausbruch. Reagiert kaum auf Reizungen und wenn heftig (Scheinbar Akut) hoffnungslos/nutzlos, chronische + hoffnungsloser Kampf mit Selbstzerstörung, ein heftiger Versuch in einer hoffnungsloser Situation. Knochenschmerz/spontane Abtreibungen, Zorn/Pessimismus/Geiz (Alt)

Körper: Geschwüren/Missbildungen/Deep bony pains „As if by a trauma to the joint“.

Geist: leeres Empfinden, Geisteskrankheit/selbst zerstörerisch durch Vernachlässigung/stoisch

Problems relating to lungs and nerves seem to share Merc. (= Hg) and P. Merc being cognate homoeopathically with the nervous system - with many associated remedies/the Syphilis miasm - but Phos. also relates as remedy to the lungs/the nerves both in its provings/the chemistry of nerves and fats. Significantly for Steiner, neither the nervous system nor the lungs contain a single muscle fibre.

Mercury as the ruler of Gemini also rules the lungs/hands/arms/chest from an astrological viewpoint.

Ursache: Eltern = Alkoholiker/operativ Verschließen von Fisteln, Geschwüren etc.;

Physischer Leib - skleroseartig /black bile

The condition is utterly destructive: physically (bone/tissue)/mentally. Extreme nihilism marks the patient in the uncompensated state. The patient reacts „As if under a death sentence“. Feelings of violence/revenge. Suicide or homicidal feelings are common. Destructive addictions often result. cardiac conditions/aortic disease/aneurysm/alcoholism.

Alum. Anag. Aur. Cench. Clem. Crat. Echi. Elaps. Hep. Hydrocotyle. Lach. Lath. Lept. Mercurius. Orig. Osm. Naja. Plat-met. Plb-met. Plut. Psil. Still.

Carbon-s. Cupr-cy. Hydr-ac. Kali-cy. Merc-cyanatus. Zinc-cyanatum.

Nosode -- Syphilinum

Immer gemischt mit Psora +/o. Sycose

Dekompensation => Kompensation bricht weg

Syphilis ist durch Degeneration charakterisiert; Rückzug, was Zurückweisung gleichkommt, dazu Zerstörung sowohl der Organe/Geist/Gemüt - funktionelle Perversität, Spasmus, Geschwüre, Gewebsdegenerationen, verzehrende Leidenschaften, Mord, Aggression

Charakter: nervös, gehässig, zerstörerisch, ziellos, aggressiv, diktatorisch

Tendenz: Revolution

Farbwahl: rot

Krankheitsbereiche: Schuldkomplexe, zwanghaftes Handeln, Psychosen, Wahnideen

Mittel: Mercurius, Kalium bichromicum, Lachesis

Die funktionelle Gruppe aus C und dreifach gebundenem N wird als Nitril- o. Cyanogruppe bezeichnet. Most nitriles fall in the syphilitic miasm.


Vergleich: Syphillitisch Miasma: Rad-br. + Syph. + X-ray.

Stadium 17:


Spenglersan Kolloid E.

Vergleich. PsoraSykoseSyphillinieTuberkulinie


Neue Variante von Syphillis = AIDS.


Agki-p. Alum. Anag. Androc. Atra-r. Ars. Asc-t. Aur-met. Aur-m. Aur-s. Bar-c. Benz-ac. Berb-a. Bism. Both-a. Both-l. Bufo. Bung-s. Bung-f. Buth-aust. Carb-an. Cench. Cinnb. Clem. Cloth. Coriandrum. Cor-r. Cory. Crat. Crot-c. Crot-h. Cund. Dao-r. Dendro-p. Echi. Echis-c. Elaps. Euph. Ferr-i. Fl-ac. Franc. Guai. Hep. Hydrc. Iod. Jab. Jug-r. Kali-ar. Kali-bi. Kali-i. Lac-leo. Lach. Lant. Lath. Lept. Maia-l. Merc-c. Merc-d. Merc-if. Merc-ir. Merc. Merc-p. Mez. Naja. Nep. Nit-ac. Note-s. Orig. Osm-met. Oxyu-m. Oxyu-s. Passi. Petr. Ph-ac. Phos. Phyt. Plat. Plb-met. Plut-met. Pol? Psil. Rhen. Sars. Scorp. Sel-met. Sil. Still. Sulph. Syph. Tantal-met. Tall-met. Thuj. Tung-met. Vip. Vip-a. Vip-d. Vip-r.

NosodeSyphillinum. Borrelia Nosode.

Arg-m. Ars-i. Ars-s-f. Ars. Asaf. Aur-m-n. Aur-m. Aur-met. Bad. Benz-ac. Calc-i. Calc-s. Carb-an. Carb-v. Cinnb. Clem. Con. Cor-r. Crot-h. Fl-ac. Guai. Hep. Iod. Kali-ar. Kali-bi. Kali-m. Kali-i. Kali-s. Lach. Led. Merc-c. Merc-i-f. Merc-i-r. Merc. Mez. Nit-ac. Petr. Ph-ac. Phos. Phyt. Sars. Sil. Staph. Still. Sul-i. Sulph. Syph. Thuj.

Syphillinie: Anthr. Camph. Coca. Lyss. Merc. Merc-c. Merc-d. Merc-p. Merc-prr. Merc-m.

            Sekundär: Ars. Asaf. Aur-ar. Aur-s. Caps. Cocain. Fl-ac. Kali-bi. Kali-i. Lach. Merc-br. Merc-if. Merc-ir. Merc-ki. Nit-ac. Phyt. Still. Vanad.

            Tertiär: Aur. Aur-i. Aur-m. Aur-mn. Carb-an. Merc-aur. Plb. Sumb.  

            Heriditär: Syph.

Nosoden Syphilitische Gruppe: Syphilinum, Framboesinum, Borrelia, Leptospira Ictero-Hemorrhagica, Yersiniae, Pestinum


Cory. (Papaveraceae + syphilitic miasm or stage 17:)

Franc. (Solanaceae + syphilitic miasm or stage 17:).


[Katja Schütt]

The syphilitic miasm and its destructivness on the physical, mental and spiritually levels. She describes the hatred, desire for revenge and hopelessness that the miasm



Night thoughts

If I think of Germany in the night,

my sleep won’t come or just be light,

I can no longer close my eyes,

and my hot tears, they flow and, fill the skies…


                                              Heinrich Heine:


Denk ich an Deutschland in der Nacht,

Dann bin ich um den Schlaf gebracht,

Ich kann nicht mehr die Augen schließen,

Und meine heißen Tränen fließen.


Extreme right-wing terrorism, politically motivated violence and hate-crimes are a growing threat to Germany as in many other countries, with statistics showing an increase

in Germany during the so-called “refugee crisis” in 2015/2016, when hundreds of thousands Syrians fled to Germany to escape war.

Recently (10/10/2019), a 27-year-old boy, intending to make a massacre with worldwide impact, carried out a terrorist attack on a Jewish synagogue in Halle/Germany,

killing several people. The Jews he blamed for everything. Many Germans and especially those who have not forgotten the horror of the World War II, are shaken to the core and convinced that the sad history of the Nazi era must be prevented from being repeated. Policy and institutions struggle for an understanding of the crimes and to find adequate ways to counter that elusive threat. A threat that finds their breeding ground in the destructive syphilitic miasm as we homeopaths know from Hahnemann’s theory of the chronic diseases.


After years of investigating patients and their disease patterns Hahnemann found  that primal maladies were of a miasmatic, chronic nature and he established the theory of chronic diseases. He investigated the ways of suffering through group anamnesis and found that a variety of diseases were linked by a mutual background, thereby giving diseases a constitutional basis and the subject a predisposition towards certain diseases. Miasms show themselves in each aspect of the individual, altering the entire physical and psychical constitution and urging the subject to behave and live in certain ways. In disease, they find their expression in characteristic symptoms and patterns. Neither the healthiest diet nor lifestyle could cure them, not even in persons with the most robust constitution. Constituting a deep-rooted disease force that rules at the very foundation

of the person’s body and mind, miasms continue to increase with the years until the end of life. Miasms can be inherited or acquired from contagion and get worse from suppression, which causes the miasm to develop further and more serious symptoms to occur. In Europe, Hahnemann found three of such miasms which he named Psora, Sycosis and Syphilis, with the main features of weakness and inhibition (psora), excess and overgrowth (sycosis), destruction and perversion (syphilis).

Understanding the nature and dynamics of these disease patterns and the character of symptoms allows the homeopath to recognize the patient’s miasmatic state and what

is behind the symptoms that is to be cured.

The syphilitic miasm = destruction, degeneration and deformity on all levels

The syphilitic miasm carries with it a mental, emotional and physical destructiveness of sheer enormity. Syphilitics show in their appearance asymmetries in the face, ears or elsewhere, with deformities of bones, birth defects or missing toes or fingers. Lips are thin and early hair loss is common. Caries of bones may show in the sunken nose bridge, and teeth may be serrated, missing, crack or crumble, or are irregular, not in the correct position. Early tooth decay with caries is common. The expression is emotionless, they don’t want to be talked to or looked at, and their hardened, cold-blooded look let‘s you feel their hate. Skin is cracked and ulcerated. They are sensitive to heat and cold and typically averse to meat.


The syphilitic subject has distorted ideas and a pessimistic view of life. They are usually depressed and often suicidal. They tend to isolate themselves and to keep their troubles to themselves, feeling alone and hopeless about them. Syphilitic persons can’t comprehend or remember anything because their mind is destroyed.

They have nothing to say and if so, are unable to express themselves. Because of their weak mental power they forget what they were about to say and lose the meaning

when reading. Syphilitics have few fears but fear being killed and threatened. They are physically insensitive.


Syphilitic children frequently look old and have a grayish skin and often some deformities. The baby cries as soon as he is born (at night), but cannot be consoled.

They don’t like being held or touched, don’t smile and do not seem to need their mother. The mothers, when being syphilitic too, may have had several aborts, stillborn children, or bleeding during pregnancy. At school, syphilitic children have learning difficulties due to their lack of comprehension. They cannot concentrate and do not remember what they have learned. They don’t find any friends because of their inability to make contact and they sit alone, or show their aggressive tendencies by fighting with others. They prefer to play at fighting, shooting and playing dangerous games. With their innate feelings of hatred you can see these kids tramping on insects or snails

and enjoying killing them. They like wearing dark colors like gray, brown and black, and later, in youth, they spend their time in dark clubs and at goth parties, pierced and tattooed with death’s heads, and wearing barb wires around their neck. They dress to shock and to hurt other’s feelings and often hurt themselves by self-mutilation, cutting

or body piercing. I remember a little boy when being on vacation, who asked me for the tick that I had just removed from my dog. He said he wanted to be the one to kill

the tick because he loved to see the blood splashing around. With the progression of the syphilitic miasm these early sadistic or masochistic tendencies will cause the most destructive symptoms to appear.

Having a fondness for aggression and violence, syphilitics prefer watching horror movies with lots of killing and shooting. Their desire to fight and kill is often fulfilled

by choosing professions or hobbies that support their tendencies. They may even join the army voluntarily to kill other people without any feeling of compassion.

Their desire for death also finds its expression in alcoholism, drug problems and addiction, which make them even more aggressive and slowly destroying themselves. Syphilitics mistrust people and expect everyone to be their enemy. This may drive them to kill others, even their own children. Feeling easily provoked, they react with

extreme anger and violence.

Hate is always present, wherefore they use the word hate a lot. They hate  people, their life, job and family, and may become anarchists, assassins or serial killers due to their maliciousness. …There is only defiance, hate, hate, and again hate… Hitler shouted with his murderous slogans, filling his speeches with hateful accusations and promises

of revenge. As a syphilitic person he tended to react by counterattacking and fighting at each perceived provocation and promised …to destroy anybody who is against me. Brutality, cruelty, contemptuousness, madness, insanity, and ferocity, all indicate the  destructiveness of this miasm. War and genocides literally demonstrate an ultimate intensification of its destructive features with indescribable cruelties as happened in Rwanda in 1994 or the Holocaust from 1941-1945. Hitler had always expressed his

love for war and is most remembered for his central leadership role in the rise of fascism in Europe. He constantly perceived threat, was insanely suspicious and suffered from persecution mania. One of his basic delusions was that Germany was surrounded by enemies and the Jews …a parasite in the body of other nations. He had a strong tendency to blame others and fervently expressed his hatred and desire for revenge. His syphilitic delusions and inveterate antisemitism became the pillars of his ideology and made

him capable of killing and destroying nations without feeling guilt or moral scruples.

Hitler feared infections and especially syphilis, in which he saw one of the greatest dangers to mankind. This made him obsessive with hand washing and always carrying

a suitcase of medicine with him when travelling. He knew about the mental diseases in his family and was concerned about the questions of heredity and malformation,

which lead him to promulgate the euthanasia program in Nazi Germany, systematically killing physically or mentally disabled and emotionally distraught people.

Although Hitler himself hadn’t been infected with syphilis we can find strong traits of it in his family history – psychotic and mentally retarded family members, heavy drinkers, criminals, early death of children, severe depression etc. Hitler tried to make a secret of his ancestry as he wanted nobody to know where he came from.

In syphilitic patients the family history frequently reveals the signs of destructiveness, with early death and suicides, stillborn children, and birth defects affecting the most precious organs like kidneys, brain and heart, or genetic mutations such as Down syndrome. Destructiveness also shows in the family history with mental diseases such

as bipolar disorder and schizophrenia, or they may suffer from Alzheimer‘s disease, multiple sclerosis or Parkinson‘s disease due to the destruction of the brain or nerve cells. Diseases of aging may also include destroyed function of memory such as dementia and advancing to mental paralysis. Autoimmune diseases, in which the person’s immune system attacks itself are syphilitic. As all diseases come with a destructive tendency, lung infections may be lethal, and there is a tendency to perforation in otitis media

or appendicitis. Ailments such as sepsis, gangrene or necrosis may appear, and a corrosive, suppurative and bleeding tendency renders all ailments dangerous.

Syphilitics die suddenly, at a relatively young age, although they may seem to be in good health for many years. Suppressive treatment measures and a lifestyle that is out

of sync with nature account for the miasms to become stronger and complicated during the years of life.

Due to the inheritability of miasms it is also common to find people afflicted whose parents, grandparents and even more remote ancestors originally acquired the miasmatic infection. During the 18th and 19th century, syphilis was an extremely common disease, stigmatizing its victims and their families, who tried to hide the disease.

The Old School had already discovered that syphilis is a constitutional pathological disease, but for centuries, syphilis was not differentiated from gonorrhea.

It was Hahnemann who reached to single them out and characterize them as different miasmatic diseases that leave their lifelong traits in those who have been infected

and in their offspring.

The syphilitic miasm is most active at night, from sunset to sunrise, and so ailments start or aggravate at twilight and make the syphilitic subject fear night. He gets easily depressed and more so at night, when he can’t sleep or has horrible dreams of murder and killing.  Brooding over his ailments he cannot fall asleep and tosses and turns restlessly. Thoughts of suicide or other destructive thoughts may come to mind. Syphilitics prefer to have sex in secret because of the shame. Their sexual expression is unnatural, perverted and destructive; they can have anal sex, sex with animals or incest, leading to birth defects. Sexual abuse, rape, or any sort of violent or harmful sex

or sexual fantasies are common. Hiding is a central theme wherefore the syphilitic is secretive in many ways. The German Wolfgang P., who kidnapped Natascha Kampusch at the age of 10 and kept her hidden underground in secret for 8 years was strongly syphilitic. He demanded absolute obedience, felt easily provoked, and reacted with extreme anger and violence from a small provocation, beating and kicking her. He let her almost starve and molested her until she could finally manage to flee at the age of 18, when

he went right away to the railway track to commit suicide by throwing himself before the train. He lived in isolation and was unable to connect with other people, capable

of hiding his crime for so long even from his close family members who visited him regularly.

Every thought, feeling, creation, action or reaction mirrors the current miasmatic state of the individual. In art, syphilitics typically express themselves through a heavy tinge

of melancholy, defeat and hopelessness. Many artists in the 18th and 19th century became victims of that dreaded disease, that caused many to die early, often from suicide,

or to suffer from the aftermath of neurosyphilis. With psychiatric symptoms, loss of cognitive functioning and change in personality they often had to spend the rest of their lives in insane asylums, paralyzed, blind or deaf. Their families often destroyed their medical documents to keep the shameful secret, or dragged them away from publicity

to preserve their fame and dignity. Anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder, mania, despair, hallucinations and paranoid delusions tortured them and influenced their creations. One can feel the clouds always present in their works and becoming increasingly darker with the progress of the disease, until finally reflecting bleakness, despair and feelings of presentiment of death.

Some of the most famous composers of classical music of that time bear the signs of syphilitic mental deterioration like Franz Schubert. He was born in 1797 in Vienna/Austria and died in 1828 from syphilis. In 1823 syphilis was diagnosed when he suffered from severe mood swings, depression, periods of dark despair and violent anger, headaches and dizziness. It is said that the shock of the diagnosis was so huge that he decided never to return and finish his Unfinished Symphony. Symptoms of mercury poisoning

from treatment added to his torment, and especially his last works depict the melancholic feelings of a tormented soul which despairs over his situation. Both his works,

Winter Journey and Death and the Maiden are filled with strong syphilitic elements like death. Reflecting his despair about having been infected so young with the prospect

of an early end of his career and life, his hopes had come to nothing and he wrote to a friend: In one word, I feel myself the most unhappy and miserable man on earth.


Robert Schumann was a German composer and pianist and is regarded as one of the greatest composers of the Romantic era. Born in Germany in 1810 he died already in

1856 from syphilis. He probably got infected at the age of 20 and reached neurosyphilis early, suffering from a lifelong mental disorder, and melancholic, depressive episodes alternated with phases of exaltation. He made several attempts at suicide and spent his last years in a mental asylum, suffering from delusions and hallucinations of angelic and demonic visions because of the neurological damage. Schumann tended not to compose during his periods of depression but would wait until he felt better. Nevertheless there is a great sadness in some of his works as for example, the opening of the slow movement of the First Piano Trio, Op. 63, in which he leads us into the world of hopeless depression.


Syphilitic drawings and paintings are usually painted in dark colors and have a threatening look as those of Egon Schiele (1890-1918), an Austrian painter of expressionism, whose father died of syphilis. Although he himself hasn’t been infected, his artwork with distorted faces and often painted in brown or black, depict the typical syphilitic

traits of deformity and  asymmetry. He died very young, at the age of 28, from the Spanish flu.

In poetry, we can also find the agony of a soul suffering from the syphilitic miasm as in Robert William Service`s poem A Hero, which shows the destructive mind of a

person who wishes to kill another, and in the end decides it’s better to kill himself (in the poem). He was a British-Canadian author who was born in 1874 and passed away

in 1958 from a heart attack.


A Hero

Three times I had the lust to kill,

To clutch a throat so young and fair,

And squeeze with all my might until

No breath of being lingered there.

Three times I drove the demon out,

Though on my brow was evil sweat. . . .

And yet I know beyond a doubt

He’ll get me yet, he’ll get me yet.


I know I’m mad, I ought to tell

The doctors, let them care for me,

Confine me in a padded cell

And never, never set me free;

But Oh how cruel that would be!

For I am young - and comely too . . .

Yet dim my demon I can see,

And there is but one thing to do.


Three times I beat the foul fiend back;

The fourth, I know he will prevail,

And so I’ll seek the railway track

And lay my head upon the rail,

And sight the dark and distant train,

And hear its thunder louder roll,

Coming to crush my cursed brain . . .

Oh God, have mercy on my soul!


Great artists of all genres dealt with the emotional truth of mankind of their time and many of them gained the immortality they deserved by their creations, being capable

of inspiring audiences and especially those who can deeply resonate with the expressed feelings. Franz Schubert said: My music is the product of my genius and my misery; and that which I have written in my greatest distress is that which the world seems to like best.

The syphilitic miasm is seen on the mental, emotional and physical levels with the following main characteristics:

General characteristics of the syphilitic miasm

    Dystrophy, destruction, asymmetry and deformity


    Hidden growth and reaction

    < at night – from sunset to sunrise

    < too hot or cold


Prominent mental and emotional symptoms

    Hatred, resentment and revenge

    Maliciousness and contemptuousness

    Want of moral feeling and absence of guilt

    Cruelty, violence, violent anger, and rage

    Dullness and emptiness of mind and emotions

    Difficulty comprehension

    Secretive, closed and isolated

    Perverted sexual behavior

    Suspicious and distrust

    Desire to kill and suicide

    Delusions of being threatened, persecuted, attacked or surrounded by enemies

    Destructive addictions

    Mental illness, psychosis

Prominent physical symptoms

    Bone pains, < at night

    Bleeding and blood diseases

    Physical insensitivity

    Offensive, bloody, grayish discharges

    Deformations, asymmetries of spine, bones, face

    Missing organs or extremities

    Deafness or blindness

    Ulcers and breakdown of tissues

    < Natural discharges

    Sudden, dangerous diseases

    Piercing eyes


The theory of miasms elucidates the fundamental cause of true chronic diseases and is essential to understand humans illnesses and how they affect the individual and the group as a whole. Being supported by the whole German nation, C.G.Jung called Hitler “the loudspeaker that magnified the inaudible whispers of the German soul“. Untreated, the syphilitic miasm is transmitted to future generations, where it continues to manifest with even more destructiveness due to suppressive measures and a lifestyle that is out of tune with the individuals pure nature. Proceso Sanchez Ortega opined about miasms and the curative power of the homeopathic simillimum:

“The miasms represent everything that has been superimposed on his essential being… they also represent a false personality, that is, a personality which does not correspond faithfully to his intimate essential nature.“

“The homeopathic remedy, that is, the true simillimum prescribed one after another through time will effect liberation of this essential nature of man and reintegrate it into the homeostasis or harmony with the whole as well as with itself. Thus, it stimulates and impels him toward plenitud.“

The capability of curing miasms by homeopathy based on the law of similars is unparalleled by any other therapeutic method and makes the destructive force of syphilis an evitable fate of mankind. As homeopaths, we are able to go back to the very origin of the disease which allows homeopathy to be truly eugenic, for the good of humankind!



The syphilitic miasm is oxygenoid, and is characterized by destruction. Homeopathic treatment can’t undo the damage, but can stop the trait being passed on.

Symptoms < night, < sunset to sunrise, < heat of the bed. The person is self-destructive, may be suicidal, has no itch but skin eruptions that can ulcerate, and is worse for elimination.

There may be a great fear of the night, and a tendency to negative thoughts, and the patient may be always washing their hands.


Comparisons between the three main miasms

Locomotor pain

Bone pain is syphilitic Joint pain is sycotic Neuralgic pain is psoric

Pains in general

Itching and burning pains are psoric Stitching, pulsating, wandering pains are sycotic Burning, bursting, tearing pains are syphililitic


Sycotic – quick movements Syphilitic – slow movements


Itch and burn – psoric Oily, oozing, copious perspiration – sycotic Ulcerated with pus and blood - syphilitic


Sycotic – thick Syphilitic – thin with baldness


Psoric – better with discharges Sycotic – worse for no discharge, and better for discharges Syphilitic – Worse for discharges, better with no discharge


Psoric – burnt taste Sycotic – putrid, fishy, Syphilitic – copper, metallic



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