Miasmen Anhang.
Miasmen Core Issues.x (Mati Fuller)
Miasmen und Einordnung der Mitteln.
Vergleich Miasmen in Kinder und Jugendlichen.
Vergleich. Carsinosinum - Syphillinum - Tuberculinum - Leprominum.
Vergleich. Psora – Sykose – Syphillinie – Tuberkulinie
Anhang. 2
Alone + abandonment
Sycosis Syphillis
Expansion more and more Destruction – less and less
Hyperexpansion (excessive life/greed) Hypercontraction (excessive death/hatred)
Psora +
Seperation – abandonment Destruction > homelessness
Sycosis +
Expansion more and more - Destruction -
less and less
Syphillis Psora
Violation and destruction of
boundaries of self
Immunesystem breaks down – Isolation, enstrangement
The term „miasm.‟ comes from the Greek, meaning “pollution or
taint”, and was used in relation to various unknown causes of illness from the
time of Hippocrates, through the Middle Ages, and into the 18th century.
Hahnemann eventually used the term
in his great theory of the origins of chronic disease (de Schepper, 2001: 355).
While pondering for years on the reason why some patients would improve with
the help of a homoeopathic remedy only to return later with a recurrence of
their former disease state that responded less effectively to repetitions of
the same remedy, Hahnemann realized that diseases which were not acute
infections had to be of a
chronic, deep-seated nature
(Sankaran, 2000, 449). Through tireless work studying these patients‟ cases,
he found patterns of diseases in the patients and their family histories which
he felt explained the true basis of chronic disease. He called these patterns
„miasms‟ (de Scheeper, 2001: 355) and classified diseases as venereal
(sycosis and syphilis) and non-venereal (psora or scabies), and proposed that
all disease states had their origin in these „miasms‟ (Sankaran, 2000:
449). Hahnemann therefore proposed that underlying the symptoms of all diseases
is an all pervasive miasm or tendency to react in an identifiable set of ways
(Hahnemann 1996: 190).
As mentioned earlier, this also
began the tendency to systematize the prescription of homoeopathic remedies.
Hahnemann‟s original theory of
miasms was published in Chronic Diseases (1828) and outlined 3 miasms: psora,
sycosis and syphilis. Later homoeopaths defined the tubercular
miasm (a combination of psoric and syphilitic) and the cancer miasm
(based on a mixture of at least 2, often 3 or even all 4 of the other miasms)
(de Scheeper, 2001). De Scheeper (2001) describes psora as „the sensitizing
miasm‟, sycosis as „the miasm of excess and overgrowth‟ and
syphilis as „the destructive miasm‟. He also refers to the tubercular
miasm as „the reactive/responsive miasm‟ and the cancer miasm as „the
mixed miasm‟.
Miasmen und Impfungen im Zusammenhang mit Kinderkrankheiten
Absolute Gesundheit ist – homöopathisch gesehen – gleichbedeutend mit „frei von Miasmen“!
Wer also kann sich so glücklich schätzen und von absoluter Gesundheit sprechen ? Die meisten von uns haben irgend eine latente chronische Grundkrankheit geerbt o. erworben. Die Voraussetzung jeglicher Erkrankung
ist demnach das Vorhandensein einer Schwäche. Die natürliche Immunität beruht nicht nur auf dem Vorhandensein von Antikörpern, sondern einer ganzen Reihe von generellen und lokalen Abwehrkräften. Ein Gesunder
wird nicht krank!
Wenn nun ein Kind an einer Kinderkrankheit erkrankt, so ist dies als positiver Versuch der Natur zu sehen, sich von einem dieser ererbten chronischen Miasmen vorübergehend – für vielleicht fünf bis zehn Jahre – zu
befreien. Erinnern wir uns daran, dass alles Chronische auf nur drei, bzw. vier chronische Grundkrankheiten, die so genannten Miasmen (Psora, Syphilline, Sykosis, Tuberkulinie) zurückgeht.
So gesehen können wir auch besser verstehen, warum nicht jedes Kind jede Kinderkrankheit durchmacht. Der Organismus braucht diese Krankheit für seine Entwicklung! Und das nicht nur auf organischer Ebene.
Viele von uns werden schon festgestellt haben, dass ihr Kind nach einer durchgemachten Kinderkrankheit nicht nur körperlich stabiler geworden ist, sondern auch geistig reifer und verständiger.
In jeder Kinderkrankheit findet also ein Reifungsprozess statt, der für die menschliche Entwicklung notwendig ist.
Dies gilt aber nur dann, wenn die Krankheit in Ruhe gelassen wird. Eine Behandlung mit fiebersenkenden Mitteln, Antibiotika, Cortison o. anderen unterdrückenden Methoden hat strengstens zu unterbleiben. Dadurch
würde der Organismus in seinen ausleitenden Funktionen massiv behindert werden. Auch bei jeglicher Form lokaler Anwendungen ist Vorsicht geboten, denn der Krankheitsprozess ist ja bekanntlich energetischer Natur und
nicht materieller.
A miasm is a condition which may be acquired or inherited. An underlying
chronic or recurrent disease state (Gaier, 1991:342).
repertory is a source used in case analysis to identify the medicine indicated
for the patient. This process is called repertorisation. A repertory is a
systemic cross reference of symptoms and disorders to the homoeopathic
medicines in whose therapeutic repertoire (Materia Medica) they occur. The
strength or degree of the association between the two is indicated by the type
in which the medicine name is printed (Swayne, 2000:183).
Extended Miasmatic Model
Acute. ----à Typhoid. - ---à Malaria. ----à Ringworm. ----à Psora. -----à Sycosis. ----à Cancer. ----à Tubercular. ----à Leprosy. ----à Syphilis.
(Panic) (Critical) (Persecuted) (Trying) (Struggle) (Fixidity) (Perfection) (Change) (Persecuted) (Destruction)
Acute Miasm: An acute threat and
reacts strong and instinctive. acute; sudden; violent; panic; danger; reflex;
escape; helpless; terror; insanity; fright; alarm; instinctive.
Typhoid Miasm: A critical situation
which, if properly handled for a critical period, will end in total recovery.
The reaction is an intense struggle against it. intense; recover; typhoid; emergency;
homesick; sub-acute; collapse; impatient; critical
Psora Miasm: The feeling is that of
a difficult situation where one has to struggle in order to succeed. Anxiety with
doubts about his ability, but he is hopeful and failure does not mean the end
of the world. He must struggle in order to recover or maintain his position.
Ringworm Miasm: Alteration between
periods of struggle with anxiety about success, and periods of despair and
giving up. trying; giving up; irritation; try; ringworm; tinea; acne; discomfort;
Malarial Miasm: Acute feeling of
threat that comes up intermittently, in phases, between which there is an
underlying chronic, fixed feeling of being deficient. Characterized by sudden,
acute manifestations that come up from time to time, followed by periods of
quiescence. stuck; persecution; colic; paroxysmal; malaria; worms; migraine;
periodicity; hindered; obstructed; torture
Sycosis Miasm: Fixed, irremediable
weakness within the self. Attempting to cope with it and hide it from others;
overs it up with egotism, compulsive acts, very secretive etc. fixed; guilt; hide;
secretive; warts; tumours; gonorrhea; neurosis; avoidance; weakness; accepting;
Tubercular Miasm: Intense oppression
and a desire for change. The reaction is intense, hectic activity in order to
break free from this oppression. hectic; intense; suffocation; trapped; change;
activity; freedom; defiant; tuberculosis; oppression
Cancer Miasm: Weakness and
incapacity within, and the need to perform exceedingly well and live up to very
high expectations. The reaction is a superhuman effort, stretching himself beyond
the limits of his capacity. It is continuous, prolonged struggle which seems to
have no end. Survival depends on it, for failure would mean death and
destruction. control; perfection; fastidious; superhuman; cancer; expectation;
capacity; chaos; order
Leprosy Miasm: The feeling is of
intense oppression, intense hopelessness, isolation and an intense desire for
change. disgust; contempt; isolation; leprosy; mutilation; hopeless;
oppression; dirty; despair; outcast; sadism; repulsion.
Syphilis Miasm: A situation beyond
salvage, leading to complete hopelessness and despair. In a desperate effort,
he tries to change the situation and the result is usually destruction. homicide;
suicide; syphilis; ulcers; impossible; despair; psychosis; devastation
Hahnemann introduced a threefold
miasmatic classification of chronic disease: Psora, sycosis and syphilis.
Sankaran has elaborated on these and differentiated ten miasms. He sees them as
specific attitudes or reactions towards typical forms of disease, with a
progressing depth or intensity of desperation. He grouped them in horizontal
succession. There is high hope in the miasms to the left and dejection and
desperation to the right, ending with syphilis. This clearly corresponds to
Scholten’s stages. ’Acute miasm’ is stage 1, ’ringworm’ is stage 3, ’malaria’
in stage 5, ’sycosis’ spans stage 6-12 with a peak in stage 10 ’leprosy’ is
stage 16 and ‘syphilis’ is stage 17. Another parallel of miasms and stages
according to Sankaran, the miasm can be seen on every level of a case. In
Scholten’s theory, the stages are common to all series. But these authors
interpret ‘level’ and ’series’ quite differently.
Vaccinosis = a variant of sycosis [growths of
all types (cysts/polyps/warts/tumors/cancer)/skin affections/lymphatic
system/susceptible to fungal infections/susceptible
to cold, damp weather/arthritis/affections of the blood etc.]
wird als Akut gesehen und als Vaccinosis
Stages of consciousness
Sykose (Übermaß/alternierend) ó Cars (schleichend/geheim/Angst anjagend). ó Syphillinum (reinLICH/peniBEL/ANGST)
(Haut/hoffnungslos) ó Ringwormoid
(Beschwerden = nicht auflösbar)/Tub
(Kerzen brennt an beide Enden/UNRUHE). ó
Sykose (Übermaß/alternierend)
Vaccinosis (Sykosis ó Vaccinosis ó Carsinosinum)
Vaccinosis = a variant of sycosis [growths of all types (cysts/polyps/warts/tumors/cancer)/skin affections/lymphatic system/immune system/susceptible to fungal infections/susceptible to cold, damp weather/arthritis/
affections of the blood and others]
Siehe: Tierhomöpathie Anhang
Aids Miasm
Suggested remedies: Adam. Agar.
Agath-a. Agn. Aids. Ambr. Anac Anan Androc. Ang. Anh. Ara-maca. Ars. Berlin-w. Buteo-j. Cact. Cann-i.
Carb-dioxid. Carieg-g. Castm. Cath-a. Cere-b. Choc. Coca. Coca-c. Cocain. Colum-p.
Conv-a. Corian-s. Corv-cor. Cur. Cygn-b. Cygn-s. Dream-p. Falco-pe. Galeoc-c-h
(= Tiger Shark Liver). Galla-q-r. Germ-met. Gink-b. Haliae-lc. Helodr-cal.
Helo-h. Helo-s. Heroin. Hir. Hydrog. Ignis-alc. Ipom-p. Irid-met. Jug-c. Lac. Lac-cp. Lac-del. Lac-e. Lac-f.
Lac-h. Lac-leo. Lac-lox-a. Lac-lup. Lars-arg. Latex. Lepd-s (= Lepidoptera
saturniidae). Limen-bc (= Limenitis bredowii californica). LSD. Lumbr-t.
Maias-l. (= Maiasaura lapidea = Fossilized Bone of a Maiasaura Dinosaur).
Ecstasy: Meph. Mosch. Musca-d. Neon.
Nux-m. Oncor-t. Opun-v. Osm.
Oxyg. Ozon. Phasco-ci (= Australian Koala): Phos. Pip-m. Plac. Plat. Plut-n. Polys (= Polystyrenum).
Postr (= Antimatter): Propl. Ptel. Ptel. Pyrus. Querc-r. Rhus-g. Rhus-t.
Sal-fr. Sanguis-s. (=
Blood of the Rat). Sel. Seq-s. Syph. Tax. Tax-br. Tell. Tung-met. Uro-h (=
Urolophus halleri). Vacum. Visc. Xan.
AIDS = einen neuen Varianten/Nachfolger von Syphillis.
Atrophy miasm suggested by Jan Scholten. The clinical
picture of atrophy is clearly depicted by his concept of stage 14 (drained,
empty shell, lifeless mask)
Physischer Leib - skleroseartig / Ich -
lähmungsbedingt ‡
Siehe: Theorien
Upper man: Intellectual/Thought/Attitude (‡ astralische Leib/Ich-Leib ‡)
Psora = Itch
= Search
= Excessiveness
= Degeneration
man: Physical experience/Activity (‡ physische Leib/ätherische Leib ‡)
= Victimization
Ringworm = Persecution
Cancer = Sacrifice
Lyme = Isolation (= Lepra das Bessere?)
Vorwort/Suchen Zeichen/Abkürzungen Impressum