Malaria (Akut ó
Malaria ó
Sykose) Needing
Malarial Miasm: Acute feeling of threat that comes up intermittently, in
phases, between which there is an underlying chronic, fixed feeling of being
deficient. Characterized by sudden, acute
manifestations that come up from time to time, followed by periods of
quiescence. stuck; persecution; colic; paroxysmal; malaria; worms; migraine;
periodicity; hindered; obstructed;
Malaria-Erreger: Plasmodium, ein einzelliger Parasit.
Überträger und Zwischenwirt der Malaria ist die weibliche Anopheles-Mücke.
Inkubationszeit 8 -12 Tage
300 - 500
Millionen Menschen sind an Malaria erkrankt.
Krankheitsentstehung/-entwicklung wird möglicherweise durch freiwerdende
Stoffwechselprodukte, die hämolytische Anämie und durch Autoimmunreaktionen des
Wirts sowie durch kapillare Stase infolge Verklumpung befallener Erythrozyten
Verlauf mit grippeähnlichen Vorläuferstadium und Fieberanfällen.
tropica - schwerste und akut lebensbedrohliche Verlaufsform -
Bewusstseinstrübung bis zum Koma, Nierenversagen, Störungen im Elektrolyt-
Säure- und Basenhaushalt,
Insuffizienz, Hämolyse - Abbau der Erythrozyten (rote Blutkörperchen)
tertiana - Fieberanfälle alle 48 Stunden; neigt zu Revidenzen, die auch nach
Jahren auftreten können
quartana - günstige Prognose bei adäquater Therapie der akuten Phase (Achtung:
Nierenbeteiligung) Rückfall nach Jahren möglich.
Situation is still less severe/patient suffers but is not in immanent
danger for his life. Instead he finds himself repeatedly accosted by highly uncomfortable
conditions. These conditions leave him weak and vulnerable between the
attacks/partially crippled by the condition causing him to be dependent on
those around him. His forward progress is arrested as he deals with these
harassing attacks/for chronic conditions, the remedies of the malarial miasm
feel they are facing recurring attacks from life - they feel stuck in a
situation where nothing goes right and he is never truly well/can do little
more than complain or act out. Patients in this miasm often feel miserable and
make those around them miserable from their negative outlook (intermittent
fevers/recurring hemorrhoids/recurring or allergic
# Schwäche erlebt. Anlauf = Bedrohung - Aufgeben = Schwäche. Der fiebrige
Zustand wirkt bedrohlich. Fiebriger Dämmerzustand. Schwebt weg (Clem).
Fieberkrise - Rückzug
in eine
Traumwelt. Geistig abwesend. Reiche Vorstellungskraft. Fehlender
Realitätsbezug. Wahrnehmung der Umwelt wird getrennt “Wie durch eine
Watteschicht erlebt”. Schwebend.
Benebelt. Dumpf
Distinct feeling of
being stuck in a situation that is hopeless. Feel isolated as no one can
understand the plight they are in. The feeling of being stuck even surfaced in
the dreams.
There were intermittent
stages of depression and absolute frustration # periods of mania and a sense of
being very important with great responsibility. There were also intermittent
of violent
homicidal and suicidal thoughts. They are lamenting and paranoid. Physical
symptoms incl. rheuma, headaches, skin complaints and complaints of the
respiratory system.
Kälte # Hitze/Stuck and intermittently
Patient suffering +
not in immanent danger for his life. Is repeatedly accosted by highly uncomfortable
conditions (leave him weak/vulnerable between the attacks/
= partially
crippled by the condition causing him to be dependent on those around
him/progress is arrested by dealing with harassing attacks).
For chronic
conditions, „As if facing recurring attacks from life“/“As if stuck in a
situation where nothing goes right and he is never truly well“. Must complain
or act out.
irritable; often miserable + make those
around them miserable from their negative outlook. Intermittent fevers/recurring
hemorrhoids/recurring (allergic) asthma/migraines/neuralgia/rheuma
Abies-n. Abrom-a. Am-c. Am-m. Ang. Ant-c.
Arum-m. Aur-mk. Berb. Bol-e. Cact. Cann-s. Caps. Casc. Cedr. Chel. Chelo. Chin (+ it’s salts). Cina.
Clem. Colch. Coll. Coloc. Dios. Eup-per. Eup-pur. Ib. Ir-vg. Kali-m. Kalm. Lac-d. Lysim.
Mag-m. Magn-gr. Merl. Meny. Myric. Nat-m. Peon. Polyp-p. Prun. Ran-b. Rhus-r.
Rob. Ros-c. Sarr. Spig. Sumb. Verb.
Nosoden: Malaria
Compound Nos. (Plasmodium falciparum, Plasmodium vivax, Plasmodium ovale,
Plasmodium malariae). Malaria tropica.
Most sugars fall in the malarial or typhoid miasm.
Vergleich: Siehe: Stadium 5:
Vorwort/Suchen Zeichen/Abkürzungen Impressum