
















Vergleich: Siehe: Theorien + Anhang + Kritische Bemerkungen und Ansichten + Die 18 Methoden according to Dr. Sarkar + Posologie + Muscle Testing + Science

5th Edition of Organon]



Patient is very excitable and weak, the application of a remedy by olfaction is more efficacious and safe than the administration of a substantial dose of homoeopathic medicine, however fine and highly potentiated. This is done by holding the mouth of the vial, containing one small globule moistened with the medicine, first to one nostril, and if the dose is to be still more efficacious, also to the other nostril of the patient, who takes a momentary inspiration. This process of olfaction is not to be repeated at shorter intervals, than if the medicine had been given in substantial form.

Patient is very excitable and weak, the application of a remedy by olfaction is more efficacious and safe than the administration of a substantial dose of homoeopathic medicine, however fine and highly potentiated. This is done by holding the mouth of the vial, containing one small globule moistened with the medicine, first to one nostril, and if the dose is to be still more efficacious, also to the other nostril of the patient, who takes a momentary inspiration. This process of olfaction is not to be repeated at shorter intervals, than if the medicine had been given in substantial form.


Vital force: Described by Hahnemann (O’Reilly, 1997) as the spirit-like life force that enlivens the material organism as dynamis, governs without restriction and keeps all

parts of the organism in admirable, harmonious, vital operation (Swayne, 2000).


[Vatsala Sperling]

Practically, anything and everything can be turned into a homeopathic remedy using the methodology invented by Dr. Samuel Hahnemann. In our practice when our remedy choices are based on time-tested homeopathic processes and principle, we encounter their incredible healing potential. Clinical evidence of successful application of remedies do occupy a vast section of our voluminous materia medica.

[Richard H. Pitcairn]


Coming back to the question of susceptibility, we can say that to be susceptible requires that when one encounters, at the level of perception and feeling -which is a conscious process- the influence is seen as potentially harmful. If it were not seen that way, it would have no effect. Therefore, as Hahnemann says, in itself the inimical influence does not have absolute power to affect the individual.

When I say it is a conscious process I am not implying that it is conscious in the usual way we refer to as being conscious of something. It is happening outside of the usual awareness in what we call the subconscious or unconscious.

How can this be? Hahnemann says, in the Organon, that it is our spiritual being which is “rational” implying a condition of consciousness. He doesn’t use the word consciousness as likely it was not used much in his day as it is now. However, what he is describing to us when he says that the body is an instrument, only a receptive mechanism, is that consciousness does not reside there. Therefore, it will be at the level of conscious perception that the disease influence is perceived, which is the level

of spirit.

You might say “Why could it not be just a reaction to a harmful influence, like sensing a pain? It could be like sitting on a tack — sudden pain and reaction.” A reasonable question but when you consider it, you can see that if one is not conscious there would be no sensing or reaction to pain.

Let us come back to the consideration of susceptibility. This is an important factor as we know, from observation, that not everyone is susceptible, even sometimes to toxic substances. My thinking about this is we must not limit to the sensing or perception, but include the interpretation of it as a conscious act. When we go in this direction we

are coming up to placebo sitting at the side of the road.


My thoughts about placebo, as I went through my medical career. was that it was showing us that it was possible to imagine an improvement by taking something that had no effect on health. When we consider it as imaginary, it is dismissive, like it is a fantasy.

However, research into the phenomenon suggests otherwise. In fact, it strongly suggests that much of what we consider medical treatment is acting that way, that it is the action of our minds, the interpretation, that determines the outcome. Most people reject this idea but the studies that have been done are supportive of this understanding.

There is much research we could go into, but I will just give one good example from a study I went over in our meeting last  year, but would like to do it again, to emphasize the importance of this.


[Daniela Karsten]

Of importance was reflection on the fact that often “the cure”, is not returning a client to perfect health, but to maximise and optimise human existence, by the many means

we have at our disposal. History of homoeopathy

According to Castro (1999), homoeopathy is an effective and scientific form of healing which helps the natural tendency of the body to heal itself. It treats symptoms with minute quantities of natural substances that would normally bring on those same symptoms if taken in significantly large quantities (Bruno 2009).

Homoeopathy was founded by Samuel Christian Hahnemann (1755-1843), a German physician, at the end of the 18th century (Jonas, Kaptchuk and Linde (2003).

Early in his career, Hahnemann became very disillusioned with the practice of medicine and abandoned it, and instead earned his living as a translator [Fisher (2012)]

While translating a “Treatise of Materia Medica” in 1790 Hahnemann made his first crucial observation (Fisher 2012). He disagreed with the explanation given by the author

of that work, William Cullen, about the effects of the bark of Cinchona officinalis or China officinalis (the source of quinine) on malaria being due to its bitterness (Jonas, Kaptchuk and Linde 2003). Hahnemann then took repeated doses of Cinchona to personally determine its effects, which he found to be similar to the symptoms

of malaria but to a milder degree (Jonas, Kaptchuk and Linde 2003). This led Hahnemann to the belief that if a patient had an illness, it could be cured by giving a medicine which, if given to a healthy person, would produce similar symptoms of that same illness but to a lesser degree (Loudon 2006). Hahnemann then continued to experiment with many other substances to determine what symptoms of illness they could produce in healthy individuals, recording individual reactions and common themes or patterns of illness produced by each substance, including sensations and feelings.


[Lauren Fox interviewed by Karen Allen]

Polarity Analysis emphasizes the reliable indicators of the state that are present in symptoms that have two poles: >/< heat, >/< open air, increased or decreased sensitivity

to light or sound. These do not depend on practitioner interpretation, and they are not difficult to determine or discuss. They are not symptoms that a patient would be likely

to avoid or misconstrue because of shame or guilt or any other emotion. These data points are different from those that many homeopaths have been taught to use.

“In the case examples, I became aware of how much reliable data I had never considered! Patients had clear symptoms like >/< hot or cold, sitting or standing, eating or not eating, stormy weather or bright light. Boenninghausen had identified these data points that are unambiguous, not subject to interpretation by the practitioner.

Our patients do not know what information we need in order to select an accurate homeopathic medicine for them. We have to ask. And there was so much I had not been asking! This was an eye opener for me,” she continued.

Lauren noted Boenninghausen’s focus was on the organism’s ‘dis-ease’ presentation

Boenninghausen (b.1785-d.1864) brought a fundamentally well structured, holistic and pre-Freudian view to homeopathy. He was born into a prosperous and titled Dutch family, benefitted by the maturing Age of Enlightenment which valued reason and rigorous scientific discourse.

He studied law, and became an auditor, General Secretary of taxes, and Royal Librarian for Holland’s king. After his father died in 1812, Boenninghausen returned to the family home and devoted himself to the study of agriculture and botany. He wrote articles and published a book on the flora of the Prussian Rhineland and Westphalia regions.

In 1827, Boenninghausen became ill with tuberculosis, and was so near death that he wrote farewell letters to family and friends. One of these letters went to a botanist colleague, Carl Weihe, who was the first homeopathic physician in Rhineland and Westphalia. Weihe wrote back requesting details of Boenninghausen’s symptoms, and

with those he selected Pulsatilla, which was curative.

Boenninghausen lived on to become a diligent student of Hahnemann. His prior life experience in legal definition and precedent, tax structures and records, library and

archive organization, botanical observation and taxonomy were now applied to the study of homeopathy. He was uniquely equipped to consider large amounts of data and create structure that allowed access to what was important.

Although Boenninghausen did not attend medical school, Frederick William IV, King of Prussia, decreed his authority to practice as a physician in 1843. Boenninghausen became Hahnemann’s closest ally and took on the task to systematize materia medica. All of this was built into his repertory, The Therapeutic Pocketbook, first published

in 1846, which Hahnemann himself preferred to use.

Boenninghausen practiced in the Westphalia city of Munster, seeing patients from 9 h. – 14 h. daily, until his death in 1864. He continued to refine his data. Almost all of

his homeopathic writing focuses on the importance of identification of each remedy’s chief characteristics, so that they can be understood and used by practitioners.

Boenninghausen’s recognition of “Polar” Symptoms

In his writings and his case books, Boenninghausen prioritized polar symptoms. He noted that certain symptoms have opposites: >/< from some condition or modifier.

The materia medica often showed that both poles were present, but one was almost always much stronger than the other.

For example, Bryonia is well known for the indication ‘< motion’, but also has some proving and clinical symptoms that clearly showed ‘> from motion’. For a client who

had the ‘better from motion’ end of the polarity appearing in his symptom picture, Boenninghausen became convinced that Bryonia would never be curative.

The weaker pole never won the day.

This observation became a focus and the subject of decades of work by Heiner Frei. Through repeated review of successful and unsuccessful cases, he and his colleagues identified which were the most reliable indicators in the Therapeutic Pocketbook, and which were more likely to throw the case toward an unworkable choice.

In many iterations of this refinement process, Frei identified the most reliable symptom indicators for success. He eventually designed a software tool that highlighted the strong and weak polarities that Boenninghausen emphasized. This is the unique advantage of the method, and why it is named Polarity Analysis.

“Once I understood the importance of finding and using the reliable, unambiguous data points, my case taking changed. Using the Polarity Analysis software highlighted the symptoms and materia medica options that Boenninghausen and Frei had proven to be more likely and less likely. My job got easier,” Lauren observed.

To demonstrate her experience, Lauren shared two cases that are presented here. One is a simple acute case of heartburn, and the other is a very longstanding and intractable case of psoriasis. These show her use of Polarity Analysis and the results that her patients have had with it.

An acute case of heartburn in pregnancy in a 32 yo female

The patient was early in her third pregnancy, at a gestational age of six weeks. She began experiencing severe heartburn. She described her discomfort as strong heat and burning that was relentless. She felt the pain along the esophagus, behind the sternum. Fluid with an acidic taste regurgitated into her mouth.

The symptoms were worse when she had not eaten; after food, the discomfort lessened. A heating pad applied locally to the sternum, firm pressure, and rubbing the area all brought relief. Deep inhalation worsened the pain, as did talking and anything cold (weather, food or drink, etc).

When the heartburn was troubling her, she had a strong desire for open air, and felt better when she could breathe fresh air from an open window; a closed room felt stuffy and made her more uncomfortable.

Using these symptoms, Lauren created a chart (See diagram 1) using the Polarity Analysis software designed by Heiner Frei. The columns with gray shading were those

with contra-indications. According to Boenninghausen, these remedies would not bring a good result, because the patient’s reported symptom aligned with the weak side

of the pole, less strongly represented in the materia medica.

These were dismissed from consideration. The unshaded columns with the highest polarity scores showed consideration of Alumina, Arnica and Ammonium carb. Interestingly, none of these medicines are well known for heartburn. When Lauren reviewed materia medica for Alumina, the symptoms of heartburn with retrosternal burning and regurgitation were well documented. Materia medica confirmation and a high polarity suggested that this was the best indicated choice.

The patient was given Alumina 30c to be taken in water. Within 24 hours she had definite improvement, and all symptoms were gone within a few days. A few months later, at 5 months gestation, the patient began to wake in the night with acid in her throat, and the burning discomfort returned. Lauren relied on the same medicine that had helped before. The patient took Alumina 200c, and symptoms were promptly relieved and did not return during or after her pregnancy.


A chronic case of psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis in a 73 yo female

This patient was referred to Lauren in January 2021 by a local acupuncturist. The woman presented with a diagnosis of psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis pain in her knees and ankles, which impaired her mobility to a significant degree. Her scalp, elbows, knees were covered with large thickened patches, and her torso had many scattered plaques.

Her chief complaints were insomnia, itching and joint pain. She was very talkative, describing her 25-year history of psoriasis which had come on after a major life change when she moved from California to Maine.

She related a difficult period in her late teens; as a 19-year-old she had a psychotic break and was treated with Thorazine. Her family history included the mental illness of a brother who was manic depressive and committed suicide when the patient was 32 years old. A close friend also committed suicide that year. This aggravated her lifelong anxiety.

The patient had been diagnosed with Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (CLL) which was monitored and under treatment with infrequent blood infusions. She described her greatest discomfort as pronounced internal heat from the psoriasis, a burning felt inside. The continual heat and burning brought on remarkable irritability, which was observable in the consultation. The itching of her skin bothered her both day and night.

Sleep had always been difficult and was now made worse by both the heat and itching of the skin which flared up when she lay down in bed. Her hunger increased at night which drove her to get out of bed most nights to eat. She woke at least hourly, with very fractured sleep.

Her knee and ankle joints were very painful when she got up. The psoriatic plaques on her elbows and knees felt better when they were covered, and from gentle rubbing. Her skin eruptions and joint pain were improved with cold.

She expressed her great sadness and discouragement about these complaints. Because of the severity of the weight bearing pain on her knees and ankles, she spent most of her time sitting. She dreaded getting up. She was not able to complete simple tasks like preparing food or cleaning the home, and this placed a burden on her partner.

Based on the patient’s report, Lauren repertorized her symptoms (See diagram 2) using the Polarity Analysis software. Again, white columns represent viable options, and gray shaded columns are those with contra-indications which were dismissed. The three medicines with the strongest polarity were Chamomilla, Magnetis polus arcticus and Graphites.

In her differential for these three remedies, Chamomilla seemed less well justified in the skin and joint pain, without reference to formation of plaques or thickened patches on the skin.  Graphites was a likely consideration, known for use in stubborn psoriasis, and confirmed in joint pain. “Voracious hunger” was well documented.

Notably, Graphites is not present in the rubric for amelioration from rubbing; Magnetis polus arctus is the only one of the three that captures this aspect of the patient’s picture. With this unfamiliar remedy, Lauren explored the materia medica.

Lauren found in the materia medica for Magnetis polus arcticus:

·         “Smarting itching of the hairy scalp” (Allen)

·         “Burning sensation or burning tearing in tetters (an archaic medical term for skin eruption)” (Murphy)

·         “He frequently wakes in the night with a burning heat… Warmth in the night… Frequent waking” (Allen)

·         “Greedy appetite…” (Allen)

·         “Indolence when seated, as if power of moving were lost” (Clarke)

·         “Ravenous hunger in the evening” (Hahnemann)

Prior to studying Polarity Analysis, a remedy like Magnetis polus arcticus certainly would not have come forward! This is one of the advantages Lauren reports in using this method; she is learning materia medica in a different way with new presentations of well-known remedies, and through the appearance of unfamiliar remedies that now come up in her case work.


After some deliberation, Lauren gave the patient a vial of Magnetis polus arctus 30c, with instructions to take a dose twice weekly. At the 3 week follow up, the client said, “Almost immediately there was no question that it was working. Before taking this medicine, I felt that I was on fire 100% of the time with the skin itching and joint pain.

It was 50% improved by the second dose. Now I am able to get up and move around more. I can cook a meal. I am sleeping for longer stretches now, sometimes up to 3 hours without waking. My energy has improved, and I feel better.”

At another follow-up in March 2021, the patient was continuing to improve steadily. Lauren advised her to begin dosing on alternate days, taking the remedy in water.

In April 2021, the client reported that she was discouraged. Her improvement, though remarkable, had plateaued. Overall, she still had less pain, less itching, better sleep, and less anxiety, but she was not seeing the rapid improvements of the prior two months.  Lauren asked her to begin taking a daily dose of the remedy in water, and also gave her

a vial of Magnetis polus arcticus 200c to hold.

In June 2021, she reported another big improvement. She had visited her physician who monitored her CLL and she had a blood infusion in May. After that, she had decided to take a dose of the Magnetis 200c on her own, and reported, “It really helped me. I feel much better, body-centered, with a further improvement in my symptoms.”

Over the summer of 2021, she reported that her sleep was “fantastic, through the night”, the psoriasis skin eruptions were 98% gone, and her psoriatic arthritic pain had completely resolved.  She noted that her energy was very good, rating it an 8 on a scale of 1-10.  This is a remarkable response over 6 months for a complaint of 25 years standing.  Lauren plans to continue to follow this patient and see what else unfolds for her health!

“I learn from cases and clients”

In summary, Lauren related the contribution that Boenninghausen, Frei, and Polarity Analysis have made to her practice, and for her clients:

“It has been over a year since I started that course in Polarity Analysis, and I use it now with all of my clients. I was already getting reliable results, but now they are even better, quicker. I have learned to trust this approach. I spend less time researching materia medica in differentials because of the way that Polarity Analysis rules out remedies that are contraindicated. I am confidently able to use unfamiliar remedies that I would never have come to in any other analysis approach, like the Magnetis polus arcticus

for the woman with psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis.”

“At first, I was not sure how my long-term clients would feel about this somewhat different style of inquiry, and my use of the computer for the Polarity Analysis software during our consultations. I was relieved to find that it has not been a problem at all. Heiner Frei has worked for more than a decade to refine and research and publish and teach Polarity Analysis. This approach is worthy of attention. I am so glad I studied it!”

Lauren Fox FNP, BC, CCH practices in Massachusetts and in Maine. You can learn more about her through her website:  https://laurenfoxfnp.com/

Karen Allen CCH directs the Trinity Health Hub, a virtual resource for homeopaths around the world.  You can learn more about her at www.trinityhealthhub.com

Heiner Frei MD‘s website for Polarity Analysis, including his research studies: http://www.heinerfrei.ch




Compelling Truths.

Homeopathy is a system of medicine used by over 500 million people and tens of thousands of physicians worldwide.

Health care in France is rated by the W.H.O. as the very best in the world. It is interesting to note that 95% of all French general practitioners, dermatologists, and

pediatricians and 75% of all midwives use homeopathy for their patients.

In 2011, the Swiss government, with the help of a panel of European scientists, conducted an official and comprehensive study of homeopathy. The conclusions of that study: “That… especially homeopathy (is) effective, under Swiss conditions safe, and as far as could be judged from the trial situation, also cost efficient.”

On Tuesday, March 29, 2016 - the Swiss government officially took the additional important step of recognizing homeopathy as having equal standing with ordinary, conventional medicine.

Research scientists in 12 separate laboratories in the U.S., Russia, France, Italy and India have confirmed that homeopathy may well be the first form of nanomedicine

(albeit natural) ever discovered.

In addition to 200 years of positive clinical outcomes and the extensive positive evidence for homeopathy found in reliable public health records, there are literally hundreds

of basic science, pre-clinical and clinical studies (including very large observational studies) that show homeopathy to be an effective therapeutic intervention.



Die Zeit, die Hahnemann in Torgau verbracht hat, ist für die Homöopathie sehr wichtig. Hier hat er 1804/05 einen sehr interessanten Artikel verfasst, der umfassend über die damals neue Heilkunst berichtet. Der Titel lautete „Heilkunde der Erfahrung“. Diesen Artikel hat das Homöopathiekolleg 2010 (zum Gedenken an 200 Jahre Organon) in einer geringen Auflage noch einmal veröffentlicht und solange die Auflage reicht, kann man dieses Werk fast ausschließlich im Hahnemannhaus erwerben.
Aber noch bedeutender ist das Jahr 1810 für die Homöopathen. Damals erschien in Torgau das erstes „Organon“, in dem Christian Friedrich Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843) die Prinzipien seiner neuen Heilmethode festhält. Ein Werk, das heute in der erweiterten 6. Auflage auf jedem Schreibtisch eines Homöopathen zu finden ist.


[Alan V. Schmukler - April 18, 2020]

Homeopathy – When the World Needs it Most

Every time I turn on television news, some expert is saying “There is currently no effective treatment for coronavirus.”  And it’s true, in the sense that, the industrialized countries have made it difficult or impossible for homeopaths to openly treat this disease. The UK, France, Italy, Spain, Australia, the U.S. and others, have been working

hard to suppress homeopathy, the one medical science which has historically succeeded in treating deadly epidemics, including viral ones.  They disparage homeopathy,

engage in disinformation campaigns, pass laws to limit it and forbid homeopaths to make any claim of curing disease.

In the U.S., up until the early 1900’s, homeopathy had a golden age, with exceptional medical schools, marvelous hospitals and thousands of experienced homeopathic physicians. Insurance companies gave discounts to people who used homeopathic doctors.  Homeopathic hospitals also treated mental illnesses humanely and without drugging patients.  Now the U.S. Food and Drug Administration is threatening to ban homeopathic remedies.

How did this recent suppression of homeopathy come about?  Over the last 15 years or so, corrupt officials at the highest levels of government received favours to undermine homeopathy. The media was also complicit and waged a massive propaganda campaign. Witness the closing of homeopathic hospitals in the UK and removal of homeopathy from the health services of the UK and France, based totally on disinformation.

Homeopathy is being hamstrung now just when the world needs it most. What serious healer would forgo all the tools at their disposal?  Including homeopathy as part of the total medical schema makes all kinds of sense, including economic. Enlightened leaders who wish to be heralded for success in this pandemic, should foster homeopathy in their countries. We pray for those in government to have the wisdom to free homeopathy to achieve its highest end: to heal the sick, speedily, gently and permanently.


[Edward Peter Phahamane]


2.0.3 The homoeopathic approach Homoeopathy has a dynamic view of disease. Human disease is viewed as a mistuning of the spirit-like force that resides in all beings. Humans and nature all exist harmoniously as energy and this relationship can be affected at an energy level. Therefore, according to this dynamic view, human disease exists

at a subtle level that it is immaterial and energetic in nature. When a mistuning occurs at that subtle, energetic level, the entire being on all levels is affected. In this view, therefore, it is imperative to treat the human in disease by re-tuning his/her spirit-like force rather than treating the disease in the human. Thus, homoeopathy employs a holistic approach involving a comprehensive case history followed by the administration of energized, infinitesimally small doses of remedies that energize the body to heal itself in disease. The remedial medicines used retune the spirit-like force to swiftly, gently, and restoratively cure symptoms a large dose of the original substance would cause in healthy test subjects (O’Reilly 1996).

2.0.4 The vital force in homoeopathy

Homoeopathy has a concept of the ‘vital force’ which is thought to be experienced by all living organisms as life energy. The vital force is a spirit like life force that resides within a living organism as a dynamic force which maintains the organism in admirable, harmonious function (O’Reilly 1996; Gray2000). Homoeopathic physicians answer to their highest and only calling of cure, that of making the sick healthy, by targeting the vital force (O’Reilly 1996).

According to Hahnemann’s writing in the Organon (Aphorism 2, Principles of cure) “The highest ideal of cure is the rapid, gentle and permanent restoration of health; that is, the lifting and annihilation of the disease in its entire extent in the shortest, most reliable and least disadvantageous way, according to clearly realizable principles” (O’Reilly 1996). Homoeopathy directly increases the amount of the vital force available within the organism (Gray2000). Homoeopathic therapy aims to establish

a balance between all the levels (e.g. spiritual, mental, emotional and physical) by gently targeting the vital force which is the central core of all and is capable of balancing energy between all levels (O’Reilly 1996). The vital force is otherwise understood as the vital sensation which, according to Sankaran (2007), defines the nucleus of a being. According to the homoeopathic philosophy, an individual’s symptomatic response to stimuli is dependent on the vital force i.e. a strong vital force helps the body to balance bodily energy on all levels to fight off diseases easily as opposed to a weakened vital force which fails to balance bodily energy so the body succumbs to diseases. In order to bring on cure and to maintain harmony an energetic balance has to be maintained in all planes by the vital force (Gray2000).


[Steve Hayes]

Umlernen mit Massimo Mangialavori:

Ein Rückblick auf Massimo Mangialavori ́s Seminar, in Still River, Massachusetts, vom 1.-5. März 2000, unterstützt von der New England Homeopathic Academy.

Die Treffen früherer Jahre behandelten schwerpunktmäßig die Themen von Mitteln von Meeresmittel und Mittel mit dem Thema des Verlustes. Obwohl es sich herausstellte, dass das Thema dieser Tagung die Mittel der Arsenicum- Familie waren, wurde es als "Umlernen in der Homöopathie“ angekündigt. Es scheint mir, dass der Grund dafür

war Aufmerksamkeit auf den besonderen Stil und die Herangehensweise von Massimo zu lenken, die er dem Studium und der Praxis der Homöopathie entgegen bringt.

Wie im letzten Jahr nahm sich Massimo während des ganzen Tagung Zeit die Methode, mit der er die Homöopathie praktiziert und die Überzeugungen, die er mit dieser Methode verbindet, zu verdeutlichen.

Vielleicht ist die Basis dieses Ansatzes Massimos grundlegende Erfahrung mit seinen eigenen Patienten. Er besteht darauf nur anhand geheilter Fälle zu unterrichten und stellte, wie Letztes Jahr auch, nacheinander zwei Fälle für jedes Mittel vor. Seine Kriterien für geheilte Fälle sind sehr hoch und beinhalten eine Periode von 2 Jahren, in denen das verordnete Mittel alle chronischen und akuten Beschwerden des Patienten abgedeckt hat. Die Glaubwürdigkeit, die diese Kriterien seinem Unterricht geben, ist gewaltig und der Wert, den er auf „induktive Erfahrung“ legt, macht seinen Unterricht sofort zugleich erfrischend wagemutig und demütig bodenständig.

Während des ganzen Tagung gab es Beispiele dafür, dass sich Massimo weigerte in Spekulationen über Kennzeichen von Arzneimitteln hineingezogen zu werden, wenn er

nur mangelhafte persönliche Erfahrung mit diesen Arzneien hatte: "Ich habe keine fortlaufenden Erfahrungen mit Arsenicum hydrogenisatum, deshalb kann ich leider keine Bemerkungen darüber machen.“

Er beeilte sich, mit seinem besonderem Humor und seiner Bescheidenheit darauf hinzuweisen, dass sehr wahrscheinlich einige seiner Ideen falsch seien und die Erfahrungen anderer Homöopathen gebraucht würden um das wahre Bild ganz hervorzubringen.

Er ermutigte die Teilnehmer mehr auf ihre eigenen Erfahrungen zu vertrauen und ihre Patienten zum Studium der Materia medica heranzuziehen. Wenn Sie einen guten Fall von Arsenicum sulfuratum flavum finden, ist es besser ihren Patienten zu studieren, der die lebendige Realität eines Arzneimittels repräsentiert, als Bücher der Materia Medica, die oft Kopien! von Kopien anderer Bücher sind.

Massimo`s Überdruss gegenüber Büchern als Quelle des Wissens kontrastiert deutlich mit seiner Wertschätzung von Erfahrung, die sich auf „induktive“ Forschung gründet. Dies führte häufig dazu, dass er die Zuhörer mit einer abweichenden Interpretation eines wohlbekannten Mittels verblüffte, so wie seiner Darstellung der Plumbum-Persönlichkeit, die bei der Differenzierung von Aurum arsenicosum auftrat und in eine köstliche vom Thema leicht abweichende Diskussion mündete, in der es Massimo gelang das „Standardbild“ von Plumbum, das sich um die Vorstellung von „gutem Leben“ dreht, mit seinem eigenem Bild von Plumbum als „dem ernsten, in-sich-gekehrten Mönch“ zu versöhnen.

Sein Misstrauen gegenüber Büchern schließt Repertorien ein, die er als eine Art Telefonbuch beschreibt - unvollständig und aufgrund der unterschiedlichen, subjektiven

Erfahrungen von Prüfern und Ärzten bei der Klassifizierung der Symptomen nicht ganz genau. Falls ein bestimmtes Arzneimittel dasselbe Konzept in der Gesamtheit seiner

Symptome ausdrückt (geistig, emotional und körperlich), dann kann dieses Konzept sehr viel eher als ein echter Aspekt des Arzneimittels angesehen werden, und wird zu einem Thema dieses Arzneimittels (wir könnten beispielsweise über das Thema von Zusammenziehen/Zusammenschnüren oder Innerlichkeit im Arzneimittel Plumbum nachdenken).

Indem er die Materia medica durch die Ergebnisse seiner induktiven Erfahrung mit seinen geheilten Fällen neu beschreibt, sammelt Massimo die für ihn wesentlichen Themen der Arzneimittel, die er dann bei differentialdiagnostischen Überlegungen während der Verschreibung als eine Art von „das muss da sein“ Kontrollliste benutzen kann.

Die Sammlung dieser Themen ermöglicht es Massimo auch, damit zu beginnen, Arzneimittel, die einander ähnlich sind, in Familien zu gliedern.

Während die Tendenz, Arzneimittel in ähnlichen Familien zu charakterisieren, eine der Hauptbewegungen in der heutigen Homöopathie ist, wird Massimos Ansatz dadurch

gekennzeichnet, dass die Familien nach den allgemeinen Themen, die sie homöopathisch charakterisieren, bestimmt werden sollen. Für Massimo gibt

es nicht notwendigerweise eine Verbindung zwischen den Gruppen der Chemie, Botanik, Zoologie, etc. und den Gruppierungen der Homöopathie.

Auf der Tagung stellte Massimo Fälle von Cuprum arsenicum vor und fuhr fort, dieses Mittel als zu derselben homöopathischen Arzneimittelfamilie wie viele Korbblütler (Arnika, Calendula und Millefolium) zugehörig zu betrachten, weil sie als Thema das Bedürfnis nach der Bewahrung ihrer körperlichen Unversehrtheit angesichts einer Verletzung teilen. Der Höhepunkt beim Studium der Arsenicummittel bei dieser Tagung war die Darstellung der essentiellen Konzepte jedes Mittels und wie ein oder zwei individuelle Themen es abhoben von den mehr allgemeinen Themen der Arsenicumgruppe.

Massimo teilte uns mit, wie er in der Lage ist mit den Beschränkungen des Repertoriums zu arbeiten und es als Werkzeug zur Erforschung möglicher Themen einer Familie wie der von Arsenicum zu benutzen. Assistiert durch David Warkentin, der die technische Unterstützung während der Tagung leistete, zeigte er, wie er die Suchmaschine von McRepertory benutzt um nach Gemeinsamkeiten einiger der Arsenicumverbindungen, die besser im Repertorium vertreten sind, zu suchen und so eine Hypothese möglicher Wesenszüge, die eine wirkliche Wiedergabe der Arsenicumkomponente sein könnten, aufzustellen. Diese werden dann zu einer Hypothese von Wesenszügen, die man vielleicht auch bei anderen, weniger bekannten Arsenicummitteln erwarten kann.

Eine der grundlegenden, philosophischen Überlegungen, die Massimo in die Homöopathie einbringt, ist, dass alle Arzneimittel der Materia medica sozusagen gleichberechtigt nebeneinander auf einem Spielfeld stehen. Anders ausgedrückt, es ist die Auffassung, dass zwischen Polychresten und kleinen Mitteln keine eigentlichen Unterschiede bestehen. „Klein“ an den kleinen Mitteln ist nur unser Wissen von ihnen und nicht ihr Anwendungspotential bei der Heilung. Es scheint mir klar zu sein, dass seine Entwicklung von Themen und die Bildung von Arzneimittelfamilien sowohl eine Entwicklung seiner Überzeugung als auch eine gedankliche Strategie ist, um eher an die Verordnung weniger bekannter Mittel zu denken.

Da Massimo geheilte Fälle in seiner Darstellung benutzt, wird ein erheblicher Teil seines Unterrichts durch eine Betrachtung der follow ups, die er in allen Einzelheiten durchgeht, gestaltet. Trotzdem war er nie so auf seine geplante Darstellung festgelegt, dass er nicht auf Fragen der Zuhörer zur Differentialdiagnose der Materia medica

oder speziell seiner Art und Weise Homöopathie zu praktizieren, eingehen konnte.

Zum Glück für uns im Nordosten von Amerika hat sich Massimo einverstanden erklärt seine Verbindung mit der New England Academy of Homeopathy fortzusetzen und

er wird jährlich zurückkehren um weiterhin mit uns die Ergebnisse seiner Untersuchungen von Arzneimittelfamilien und Themen der Mittel zu teilen. Er wird uns wertvolle neue Kenntnisse über die Materia Medica vermitteln und uns inspirieren unsere eigenen Erfahrungen mit geheilten Fällen für unser weitergehendes Verständnis der Homöopathie zu nutzen. Ich freue mich darauf.


[Louis Klein]

Identifying Miasms History and Nosodes,

Some relevant concepts and definitions

Homeopathy can treat the residual effects of infection even when the infective agent is not present. This is a bold statement, with great significance, because from the point

of view of conventional medicine without an infective agent present there is little to be done except palliate or suppress. A corollary to the first statement (also crucial to the homeopathic understanding) is that a very large percentage of chronic diseases can be associated with an infective agent.

The main thrust of this book is not about the acute infection. Nor will we discuss whether conventional medicine is completely effective in treating every proliferation of an infective agent.

What we will study in this book is the impact of infective agents on the development of chronic disease, and how that impact can be transmitted to offspring, even without

the infective agent present.

In homeopathy, we believe that there are two aspects to any infective disease condition. One is the material aspect that can be seen with the microscope, and the other is the energetic aspect which remains unseen. In fact, we hold that either simultaneously with, or prior to, the manifestation of any disease (including an infection) there is an energetic shift and change in the host.

For the homeopath, this energetic shift can best be discerned through attention to the individual disposition of each patient (that is, the host) rather than through the narrow and exclusive task of identifying the common infective agent. A good homeopathic prescription always takes into account the individual nature of the person and their recent and longterm life history as well as a specific external etiology. To the homeopath, the real clues to treating any disease condition are uncovered not only by way of laboratory investigation but by way of a thorough investigation into the individual and their history.

This focus on the whole of the person is no longer emphasized in modern conventional medicine.

As noted, there are energetic shifts, which manifest (from an even earlier, latent state) and act as pre-cursory fields for disease, and these have been discussed in homeopathy for the past two centuries. Homeopathy has named them miasms and homeopaths have prepared energetic homeopathic remedies from actual infective agents or from discharges and these Preparations are called nosodes. These nosodes were, and are, an attempt to treat the energetic disturbance in the patient with a similar energetic vibration. when a homeopathic remedy is prepared from a nosode, it is no longer material; what it becomes is an artifact of the original substance from which it was made.

This is what homeopathic remedies actually are – an energetic artifact of the original substance.

When discussing, studying, or even seeing the effect of these nosodes, it is always important to keep in mind that the homeopathic remedy itself is energetic. There is nothing left of the original substance; therefore, a nosode is no longer infective by all conventional standards.

If we are to study and to develop homeopathic materia medica, it will require that we focus on the individual dispositional state that can be generated or seen for each remedy rather than completely focusing on the common infective pathology. (I will give further explanation of this distinction below).

Especially in the present modern climate of great drug-taking, with suppression or palliation of the pathological symptoms and thereby a lack of traditional homeopathic modalities, the disposition is ultimately the key to effective homeopathic prescribing.

I have already mentioned some terms which outsiders to the homeopathic community will likely find strange or archaic. Indeed, even within the homeopathic community

these words can have different shades of meaning. As a result and before proceeding any further, I feel it is important to give my own definition of these terms and offer

some insights into the historical evolution of the concepts involved.


First and foremost, we begin with the word disposition, which Hahnemann used in his Organon: Disposition is that which shapes each person’s unique way of responding

to events. This includes those consistent attributes, positive and negative, that form our attitudes and our actions.

I came to this succinct definition after careful thought and much application.

Hahnemann stresses both symptom and disposition, but especially the latter, in Aphorism 210 of the Organon:

.... and in all cases of disease we are called on to cure, the state of the patient’s disposition is to be particularly noted, along with the totality of the symptoms, if we would trace an accurate picture of the disease, in order to be able therefrom to treat it homoeopathically with success.

As much as disposition plays a prominent role in the selection of the remedy, the evaluation of whether we have successfully applied a homeopathic remedy is to be found

in the curative positive change in pathology, in the “annihilation of the disease” (as Hahnemann said), and not necessarily with regard to any change of disposition in the

early follow-ups. In counter-distinction, pathology can be defined as the true manifestation of disease.

This distinction between pathology and disposition is necessary for effective evaluation of the homeopathic match between the remedy prescribed and the patient.

In a section of each chapter of this book which bears the title “Clinical Focus Guide,” the reader can find short phrases describing each aspect of the remedy under study – both pathology and disposition are combined together.

This book is specifically about miasms and nosodes. In the next chapter, I will be discussing definitions of these words and how there has been an evolution in understanding that has allowed a change of perception concerning miasms. This topic, however, needs some initial explanation.

Miasms the word miasm derives from the Greek miasma (gen. miasmatos) meaning “stain, pollution” related to miainein “to pollute.” It also refers to the mist that one may

see swirling and arising from a swamp. Hippocrates used the term to describe the idea of tainted water or air that he believed was responsible for the spread of infectious diseases.

Although it seems archaic to us today, “miasma” was a common term in Hahnemann’s day. Diseases such as cholera, dysentery, leprosy, malaria (which actually means

“bad air”), bubonic plague and pulmonary tuberculosis were all understood to be caused by “miasma.” Miasma was considered “a dangerous, foreboding, or deathlike influence or atmosphere” – the “contamination” or “pollution” that one absorbed when exposed to sickness, death and decomposition.

As the dominant theory of disease causation for several hundred years, “miasma” was the precursor to modern “germ theory.” An understanding of the nature of infection

and contagion and its airborne, waterborne, or contact-mediated means of transmission in epidemics emerged as early as the 12th century.

A definitive link between microorganisms and specific diseases had yet to be accepted in Hahnemann’s time, but the stage was in many ways already set; the theorists had long debated the possibility. The existence of microorganisms had been established and accepted 75 years before Hahnemann’s birth, and “seeds” of specific contagion had been proposed as a means of disease causation at least 130 years earlier.

Given its common usage, it was a natural enough step for Hahnemann to appropriate the term “miasm” and remold its definition to envelop the whole of his theory regarding the origin of chronic disease. He included the role of specific infectious agents, but also drew attention to the creation of a long-lasting “miasmatically induced” “change of state” as a result of a disturbance in the energetic field, or the vital force surrounding and permeating the body.

In Hahnemann’s view and in subsequent usage within the homeopathic profession, the word evoked both the energetic and contagious aspect.

This ability to combine simultaneously energetic, vitalistic views with scientific ones is part of the splendor of homeopathy. To effectively grasp the meaning and utilize the concept of miasm, a description needs to include the energetic and infectious facets.

Further discussion.

Nosode: Each miasm has a nosode associated with it. A nosode is a homeopathically-prepared remedy made from an infectious disease product either directly from the bacteria or virus, or less directly from a tissue purported to contain it. Due to potentization -the dilution and shaking- nosodes lose their infectious nature even while their energetic possibilities are increased. As I do not practice an isopathic or pleomorphic approach, there will be little discussion in this book of these methodologies.

With an emphasis on the disposition of miasms and nosodal remedies, the isopathic approach is marginalized.

The use of homeopathically prepared vaccines in the treatment of chronic disease and for the effects of vaccination.

As mentioned, some of the meanings of words and concepts used have changed and evolved from Hahnemann’s original ideas.


[Delia Hoffmann]

Principles of Homoeopathy

(Roberts, 2002)

Homoeopathy follows principles well known to ancient civilizations and because homoeopathy is founded upon natural laws, its tenets remain constant and true.

The 1st principle is known as the „law of similars‟ and can be explained as follows: that which creates imbalance is also that which can create balance.

This principle was recognised by Aristotle around 350 BC and Galen in about AD 150.

Later, Paracelsus, in about 1500 and Dr. George Stahl a German physician, in 1623, described the first accurate definition of the law of similars. Only Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843) disillusioned with the accepted medical practices of his day, actually put the principle to the test, developing the theory and philosophy of homoeopathy thoroughly (Cook, 2000).

Following naturally on from the law of similars and inseparable from it, is the law of least action (formulated by the French mathematician, Malpertius), which states that:

the quantity of action necessary to effect any change in nature is the least possible; the decisive amount is always a minimum an infinitesimal (Roberts, 2002).

Hahnemann used it to describe the 2nd important principle: the principle of the minimum dose.

A herb given in small amounts will cure the symptoms that it will create in larger doses.

For example, Belladonna as important homoeopathic remedy, will cure violent, sudden complaints such as headaches, sweating, fever and convulsions, whereas in its plant form, it will cause these symptoms (Curtis and Fraser, 2003).

Homoeopathic remedies are prepared by a controlled process of successive dilutions alternating with succussions (shaking in a prescribed manner).

These may be continued to the point where there are no more molecules of the original substance in the solution.

Each stage of dilution and succussion produces a homoeopathic potency. Low potencies are lesser dilutions and higher potencies are greater dilutions. The higher the dilution, the greater the potency of the medicine (Cook, 2002).

The Arndt-Schultz law:

Small doses of drugs encourage life, large doses of drugs impede life activity, very large doses of drugs destroy life. Kotschau repeated this work and produced the biphasic response curve, which effectively validates the law of the infinitesimal dose (Wilcher, 1996).

The 3rd principle: homoeopathy treats the person and not the disease (Digby, 1996).

Homoeopathic remedies are “proved”. During the proving process, the potential remedy is given to a number of healthy people and they record all effects they may experience-physical, mental or emotional. These are analysed at the end of the proving period. In this way all the effects of the substance upon the healthy individual can be established and used to build a “picture” of that substance (Digby, 1996).

The aim of the homoeopathic consultation is to determine the patient’s similimum, matching of all the symptoms provided by the patient to the most similar remedy picture, thus finding the closest fit (Vithoulkas, 1980).

This is arrived at by taking into Stimulatory effect Inhibitory effect

Small doses

Moderate doses

Lethal dose

Very high doses

Normal consideration all the symptoms that distinguish the person as an individual. Including his family history, past medical history appetite, thirst, bowel habits, sleep and temperament among others, taking special note of any changes on the mental, emotional and physical levels (Sankaran, 1991).

The principle of treating the person and not the disease recognises the unique individuality of each person, who manifests his disease symptoms in his own way (Digby, 1996).

The 4th principle is healing takes place from above to below, from the interior to the exterior and symptoms disappear in reverse order of their appearance.

This law was described by Hering in 1845 and is a set of observations on how true healing occurs.

Traditional Chinese Medicine has recognised the direction of cure for over 5000 years (de Schepper, 2001).

Some examples to illustrate this: Patients often start to feel better before all the signs and symptoms of their illness have gone (a sense of well-being is registered in the mind before the physical symptoms have completely disappeared).

A bout of gastro-enteritis is manifested by vomiting and diarrhoea - the body’s attempt to exteriorise the disease.

With homoeopathic treatment for chronic disease, the patient may be surprised to find a manifestation of symptoms that occurred some time previously, but milder, before totally and permanently disappearing as they return to complete health. (de Schepper, 2001).


The Vital Force

Vithoulkas (1980) describes the biophysical energy of an individual, sometimes known as the “vital force” as that which animates the integrated entity and includes the normal protective functioning of the defence mechanisms of the body. When disease occurs, it disturbs the normal equilibrium, producing symptoms on the physical, mental or emotional levels.

When the patient is given the homoeopathic similimum it restores the normal balance of the biophysical energy and effects cure (Cook, 2000).

This biophysical energy has been the subject of much research in recent years.

Anagnostatos (1994) has shown how homoeopathic solutions become stronger with succussion. He describes the small water clusters (clathrates) that occur and multiply during the preparation of homoeopathic dilutions as being the way in which the characteristic properties of the initial substance, which is no longer present are maintained.

In addition, the biophysical energy in the ultra-high dilutions has been shown to transfer information by means of long-range electro-magnetic fields.

The effects in the body seem to be based on the mutual interaction of the body’s long-range electro magnetic fields with those of the ultra-high dilution (Schulte and Endler, 1998). This is prefigured by Vithoulkas (1980) in his description of how the homoeopathic similimum works - the symptom manifestation of the patient, when matched to the symptom manifestation of the remedy, enable the principles of resonance to excite and strengthen the defence mechanism of the patient and bring about cure.


Homoeopathic potencies

These are made by a process of sequential dilution and succussion of materials in solution. They are diluted according to the following series:

the decimal series (1:10) represented by the suffix D or X

the centesimal series (1:100) represented by the suffix C

the millesimal series (1:1000) represented by the suffix M

fifty millesimal scale (1:50 000 dilution), represented by the prefix LM.

The first dilutions are known as 1X, 1C, 1M or LM1 in each scale (Cook, 2000).

As explained by Cook (2000), the Italian physicist avogadro, postulated that equal volumes of substances contain equal numbers of molecules. A unit volume (1ml) contains

a specific number of molecules – calculated as 6.4 x 10²³.

In this way it becomes possible to dilute out every molecule of the original substance. Once the dilutions reach 24X or 12C they exceed the Avogadro limit and are considered to have no molecules of the actual solute remaining, only its electro-magnetic energy.

Avogadro’s hypothesis has been validated and can be used to understand the lack of toxic effects, but powerful action of high homoeopathic dilutions that have been succussed at each stage.

Plussed potency

The 30th centesimal potency was used in this study as a “plussed” potency. This is given in liquid form. A liquid potency enhances the effectiveness of the remedy

(de Schepper, 2001). It is issued to the patient with instructions to succuss the bottle 10x before each daily dose of 5 drops.

The rationale behind this is that each dose becomes a little stronger with the daily succussion, the patient is, therefore, not receiving the same potency every day and the dynamic action of the remedy continues to stimulate the vital force.

Hahnemann argued that if the dose is repeated many times in the same potency, it may lead to a worsening of symptoms (known as an <:) and a gradual decrease in the body’s responsiveness to the remedy (O’Reilly, 1996). Also, because patients are accustomed to taking allopathic medicines daily, it was decided to give the homoeopathic remedy daily. Many of the patients were also taking allopathic drugs, for example for hypertension, or pain and frequent repetition of the remedy would ensure it was not being antidoted by the other drugs (de Schepper, 2001).



The tinctures used in this study were produced according to the German Homoeopathic Pharmacopoeia, Method 3(a) (Appendix G) and are homoeopathic mother tinctures.

These are the first potencies prepared from the crude drug substance and form the basis from which homoeopathic remedies are made.

The homoeopathic mother tinctures of a combination of Calendula officinalis and Hypericum perforatum were chosen for this study because they are commercially available

in some European countries as over-the-counter lotions or creams, specifically indicated for home use in the care of wounds.

Hypercal, formulated by A Nelson & Co. of London, is made from the homoeopathic mother tinctures of equal parts of Hypericum perforatum and Calendula officinalis and

is available as a lotion, or in a cream.

Nelson’s Hypercal is recommended for the wound healing properties of Calendula officinalis and the pain relieving properties of Hypericum perforatum, but as far as can be determined, this product has not been scientifically studied.

Calendula officinalis and Hypericum perforatum were also selected, in combination, and as a lotion, as they cover all the common problems associated with chronic venous leg ulcers, providing pain relief and improving wound healing.

As far as can be ascertained by this researcher, no study has been done using the homoeopathic mother tincture of these two plants in combination for the treatment of venous leg ulcers.


Drug pictures

According to Vermeulen (2002) the natural sciences like homoeopathy make use of a wealth of traditional information about the actions of substances on the body and advocate that the drug picture should relate to the substance from which it is derived.

Knowledge of the traditional uses of plants for healing is recognised in homoeopathy and used in prescribing remedies in the form of the mother tincture and in low potencies, where there is still a material dose of the original plant, but through the process of potentisation of homoeopathic remedies the invisible medicinal force of the crude plant is brought out to act dynamically on the whole organism (Kunzli et al, 1982).

Thus potentised homoeopathic remedies differ from herbal remedies in their actions upon the organism, but the indications appear to be similar for topical use of diluted forms of either the herbal tincture or homoeopathic mother tincture of the same plant.


[Elaine Lewis]

Sooner or later, you’re going to find yourself saying, “You should see a homeopath for that!” And they’re going to say, “Why?” And you’re going to say… what, exactly?

Homeopathy is a strange-sounding word but it just means “Like Cures Like” in Greek. It may not make a lot of sense right now, but give me a minute.

“A Hair Of The Dog That Bit You” Everyone’s heard that phrase. It’s what you say to someone who’s had too much to “drink” and now he’s got a headache–what we call

a “hang-over”.

It means, “Here, take a small sip of the liquor that got you drunk and you’ll feel much better.”

Here’s another one: “What that person needs a taste of his own medicine!” Or, “We have to fight fire with fire!”

These are all examples of “like cures like”, but it took Samuel Hahnemann, MD in 1810…


60 Reasons to Choose Homeopathy

Austesten von Arzneimitteln

Anhang 1. (Markus von Grill/Veronika Hackenbroch/Der große Schüttelfrust)

Antidotieren viele: Camph. Coff. Cortison. Mentha-p. (= Pfefferminz). Sulph. (auch durch riechen)

Blockages in Homeopathy.

Computer Programme.

Darmnosoden. and cervical spondylosis

Dummys Guide to LM/Q Potencies. (Vaibhav Mhamane Satara/Manish Bhatia/David Little/Dr. Croserio's Letter/Boenninghausen)



Gemmotheraphie sind Arzneimittel aus Pflanzenknospen gewonnen

            Wirkungsvoll besonders bei Allergien bei kleinen Kindern. “Als Ergänzung zu schulmedizinischen Therapieformen kann die Gemmotherapie sicherlich bedenkenlos

            eingesetzt und vielleicht sogar wirklich für Besserung sorgen.

Gender in Homeopathy.

Genus epidemicus. oder oft richtig


Zur Bedeutung der Geschichte der Materia Medica für die zeitgenössiche Homöopathie. (Cand. med. André Röper)

Goethe, Hahnemann und die Homöopathie.

Group Analysis Evaluation.

Hahnemann's Final Methods.

Herstellen von einem Mittel (David Little/r. P. Strub, Dr. P. Mattmann, Dr. B. Bichsel/Francis E. Boericke/from a forum/Elaine Lewis/Fluxionspotenzen Quelle: Remedia.at Guido Korbach)

Herstellen von einem Mittel 2 (Henriette Kress/Robert Münz/von Korsakoff/S. Hahnemann)

Homeopathy Aids and its Miasmatic Identity.

Homöopathie Anhang. (Michael Frass)

Homeopathy vs. Ayurveda.


Homeopathic Complexes.

Homeopathic treatment in Post Traumatic Disorder.

Homöopathie + Epidemie.x

Homöopathie und Klassifizierung. (Jan Scholten)

Homeopathy and Lyme Disease.

An Interview mit Josephina Maier und Jan Schweitzer mit Cornelia Bajic

An Interview with Massimo Mangialavori.

An Interview with Jan Scholten.



Machine-Made Potencies History. (Robert Muentz)

Materia medica.



Mythos - Symbol - Homöopathie im Zeichen der Ähnlichkeit. (Olaf Räderer)

Nanopartikel in homöopathische Mitteln.

Nosodes, Homeopathy and Autism. (Deborah Olenev)

Pflanzen Anhang Madaus 5 (Dr. G. Madaus 1931)


Prüfungen. (Dr. P. Strub, Dr. P. Mattmann, Dr. B. Bichsel/Izel Botha/Stephanie Hile)


Evolution or History of Hahnemannian Posology [Vikas Kumar Verma]


Study of Blockages in Homeopathy.

Systemische Ansatz in der Klassischen Homöopathie. (Rajan Sankaran)

Systemische Ansatz in der Klassischen Homöopathie. (Dr. Mirjana Zivanov)

Der systemische Ansatz. in der Klassischen Homöopathie „Feld der Ähnlichkeiten“

TCM Anhang.3 Chinesische Medizin und Homöopathie


Terminology in Homeopathy.

Tetractys of Simillimum.

Theorie different Homeopaths.

Theories of Remedy Mechanisms


Vital Force in Homeopathy (Konstantinos Pisios)

Wissenschaftlichkeit und Homöopathie. (Prof. Dr. Gerhard Fasching/Prof. Dr. med. Phil. J. Schmidt)


Arbeiten auch mit potenzierte Mitteln:

Anthroposophische Medizin.



            According to Gaier (1991:290) isopathic remedies are made from the exact product which shows a causal relationship with the disease.


Schüssler remedies.

Spenglersan. Kolloide



[David Owen]

Models of Health in Homoeopathic Clinical practice

David Owen has been practicing medicine and integrated complementary and alternative medicine for 30 years. He has proposed five models in his book, Principles and Practice Of Homoeopathy to explain the process of analysis in different cases. Case taking plays a very important role in homoeopathy. The information that we receive

and record during case taking helps us to find the most similar medicine, understand the constitutions, diathesis, miasmatic forces or tendencies, susceptibility etc. 

Hahnemann has provided a comprehensive plan for homoeopathic case taking in the Organon of Medicine. The directions are recorded in aphorisms 83 to aphorism 104.

In our day to day practice, we have seen many homoeopaths who prescribe considering complete symptoms (Boennighausen’s method); giving more importance to general symptoms, especially mind symptoms (Kentian school of philosophy); followed by particulars, considering pathological generals or common symptoms in pathologically advanced cases (Boger’s school of philosophy), considering only keynotes symptoms present in the case, and so on.

A man is constantly acting and reacting with surroundings and trying to strike a balance in order to remain healthy. Hence, while understanding the case, a physician should also explore the various environments of a patient and should be able to find the reasons for the imbalance causing the sickness3. It is difficult to find all the symptoms (mental, pathological or complete symptoms) in a single case. Each case is different and the case itself demands how a physician should consider case taking and analysis. Giving undue importance to any of the elements like mental symptoms, may misguide the physician.

These models help a physician to consider and analyze health and disease in five different ways. These five different models help a physician from case taking to analysis

to arriving at the simillimum. These models are not exclusive and are used in combination as the case demands. This combined strategy helps a physician to understand

a patient’s illness in different perspectives.

The five models as stated by David Owen are as follows:

    Pathogenic model

    Biological model

    Holistic model

    Holographic model

    Relational model


Pathogenic model:

    This model sees illness in terms of effects by external causes. In this model health is the ability to withstand causes of illness.

    It concerns itself with the cause of the problem using many different modalities including simple lifestyle changes. For example, avoiding acidic foods in indigestion.

    This theory is based on the fact that once the cause is removed, treatment or recovery will follow it. It is more effective when there is a single causative factor.

    It is the level of much conventional disease treatment today, such as treating an infection by killing the infective organisms.

    Once a disturbance is caused by some external stimulus, the organism will be attempting to rebalance itself in response to the cause.

    If, despite treatment, the cause is maintained then, although treatment may give relief, the illness may remain or resurface later as a recurrence.

Clinical application:

    Causation includes predisposing and precipitating or provoking factors.

    A homoeopathic treatment using causation may be chosen on the trigger event, on the factors that precede the patient’s illness. The following things can be considered in this model:

    Trigger event or etiology

    Maintaining cause

    Never well since rubric

    Ailments from etc.

    The question to be asked by the homoeopath in these cases will be:

“What is the cause?”

    This model can be used especially in acute cases, where one can relate illness to the causation and causation can be from both the mental and physical plane.

Case 1:

Pediatric case of asthma:  An 8 year old male had an acute attack of breathlessness in school and was brought home by his parents. Sudden fits of cough and breathlessness

for one day. When asked about the causation, the mother revealed that he consumed roadside chats like Gobi Manchurian, which he craves the day before the attack.

The mother confirmed that whenever he consumes Gobi Manchurian, he ends up with breathlessness the same day.

So, as the case was acute, a  remedy which covered the causation was needed. In the HOMPATH repertory, this rubric was found:

(ASTHMA) difficult ailments from: CABBAGE – PETROLEUM

The only remedy present in this rubric was petroleum. Petroleum 200 thrice a day was given and relieved his symptoms.


Biological model:

    The biological model considers health as effects of causation on the organism. That is the capability of an organism to rebalance itself after a threat or cause.

    This can be related to auto regulation or homoeostasis.

    This model explains the relationship between causes and effects as a linear one, as always cause is followed by effects.

    This model explains illness as a reaction of the body to causation and as a set of signs and symptoms.

Clinical application:

    Here a homoeopath should try to elicit the cause behind the cause and also effects of the cause.

    It can be used both in acute and chronic cases, but more in acute ones where the cause and effects are clear and analysis is not complicated.

    A homoeopath can use the following questions with this model to elicit a history from patients:

    Why has this happened now?

    Why has this caused these particular symptoms?

    What was your response to the cause?

    What is the disease process that has ensued?

    Why even when the cause is removed, have things not improved? In chronic cases, a homoeopath should also consider maintaining causes along with exciting ones.

    As we know that a single cause or even multiple causes can lead to diseases, it is the duty of the homoeopath to elicit information in cases with multiple causes and also consider the dynamicity between the patient and the situation they are in.

    Factors which help a homoeopath while adopting the biological model are as follows:

    Single main symptoms

    Single keynotes or PQRS (peculiar, queer, rare symptom)

    Complete symptoms

    Local or clinical prescribing symptoms.

Case 2:  A woman of 27 years came with excessive vomiting during pregnancy. <: in the morning/from the odor of food; She was in the 24th week of gestation, and morning sickness was persisting. She has consulted her gynecologist and taken an antiemetic, which was of no use. The only PQRS found in the case was aversion to drinking water since pregnancy.  She was a thirsty person who turned out to be thirstless after pregnancy.

Analysis: By considering the above case, the only PQRS symptom in the case was found under the rubric indicating a single remedy in Phatak’s repertory:  Aversion, dislikes water, pregnancy during (see thirstless) – Phosphorous 200 (2doses) helped the patient in 2 days reducing nausea and vomiting.


Holistic model:

    Recognizes that any single cause may in different people, have different effects. This model suggests that any individual can produce similar symptoms from diverse causes.

    In this model, we should think about the susceptibility of a person, his sensitivity or degree of response to the causes from signs and symptoms.

    The susceptibility of a person can be considered at both the physical and mental levels.

Clinical application:

    The question to be asked by a homoeopath using the holistic model is:

“What are you sensitive to?”

    In this model, it’s not only about external causes and reactions of those organisms, here local causes, local symptoms, psychological and general symptoms are also considered.

    Here a homoeopath, should be able to form a totality of the case by considering:

    Physical symptoms

    Mental symptoms

    General symptoms

    The overall effect of the disease on the patient as a whole will be considered and can be understood as the person’s susceptibility to the disease.

Case 3:  A 29 year old female had complaints of dysmenorrhea since 2 years and sudden weight gain of 8 kgs since 2 years. A complete case history was taken and the following totality was formed:

Physical appearance: obese

Mental symptoms:

    Quarrelsome before menses


PQRS considered:

    Rectum, diarrhea menses before

    Discharges , loss of vital fluids: acid excoriating (pathological general )

    Thermals chilly, cold in general <:.

Physical complaints:

    Abdomen, pain, aching dull pain: menses during

Investigations revealed: USG (Abdomen and Pelvis)

    Mild Fatty infiltration of liver

    Both ovaries are bulky and demonstrate multiple small peripherally arranged follicles

    Bilateral renal microliths

    Left sided extra renal pelvis

    Isolated dilatation of lower pole calyces of right kidney

The case was repertorized using HOMPATH and Ammonium carbonicum 200 was given monthly, one dose for 7 months. Follow-up found relief of all symptoms.


Investigation after treatment revealed: GRADE 2 fatty infiltration of the liver.


Holographic model:

    When a case is partially treated and advancement in the pathology and deceleration in general well being takes place, there will be only few symptoms that are expressed and most of the symptoms are masked due to advancement. So these few symptoms act as source for forming totality.

Clinical application:

    When a case only presents with a few symptoms and most of the symptoms are overshadowed and masked, one can think of using this model to solve the case.

    Here a homoeopath tries to find an essence or themes which are expressed by the patient in all circumstances. This theme runs through both the mental and physical plane.

    Here the physician seeks the order or pattern being expressed or revealed by the patient.

    This can be related to different kingdoms to differentiate the individual as a plant, animal, or mineral remedy.

Case 4:  A man of 36 had come for the treatment for infertility. When he was advised to undergo semen analysis, oligospermia was diagnosed. This information below was considered to form a totality:

    Basically he was a shy and timid man, who always wants his wife to go along with him outside and avoids going out alone.

    Since childhood, he doesn’t talk much in school or even public meetings or family gatherings.

    Very slow in doing work, but does it with extra care and perfection.

    His wife gives all decisions at home as he becomes indecisive and asks for her suggestions for every matter related to the home.

    He is a very dull person since his childhood and needed extra tutoring to study. He cannot learn new things easily and needs more time than most.

    He’s very anxious about health matters and worries about what people think of him.

By considering the above mentioned items which runs through the case (slowness, dullness, retarded growth at the mental level for his age), and his thermals and thirst, Baryta carbonicum was selected.

After 3 months with follow-up for every month, a dose was repeated. His lab tests reports were redone after treatment and came out normal. His wife subsequently conceived and was blessed with a baby girl.


Relational model:

    This model has a broader sense of connecting the living organism with its surroundings. It suggests that the patient is at all times projecting onto the surrounding people and environment, and people and the environment will be constantly projecting onto the patient.

    This model can be called a reflective approach. The physician tries to apply psychodynamic methodologies to assess the case. Here the dynamic nature of the relationships between the homoeopath and client reveals important aspects of the case.

Clinical application:

    Applicable in one sided cases where most of the picture is masked.

    It requires a lot of experience to use this model in day to day practice.

    This model requires the homoeopath to reflect carefully about her mental and physical reactions to the client and also to knowing herself well.

    Cases which come with reports and investigations lacking in general symptoms can be treated using this model.

This model is used only by experienced homoeopaths who can analyze the case by intuitive methods with their clinical experience and knowledge



[David Owen]

Models of Health in Homoeopathic Clinical practice

David Owen has been practicing medicine and integrated complementary and alternative medicine for 30 years. He has proposed five models in his book, Principles and Practice Of Homoeopathy to explain the process of analysis in different cases. Case taking plays a very important role in homoeopathy. The information that we receive

and record during case taking helps us to find the most similar medicine, understand the constitutions, diathesis, miasmatic forces or tendencies, susceptibility etc. 

Hahnemann has provided a comprehensive plan for homoeopathic case taking in the Organon of Medicine. The directions are recorded in aphorisms 83 to aphorism 104.

In our day to day practice, we have seen many homoeopaths who prescribe considering complete symptoms (Boennighausen’s method); giving more importance to general symptoms, especially mind symptoms (Kentian school of philosophy); followed by particulars, considering pathological generals or common symptoms in pathologically advanced cases (Boger’s school of philosophy), considering only keynotes symptoms present in the case, and so on.

A man is constantly acting and reacting with surroundings and trying to strike a balance in order to remain healthy. Hence, while understanding the case, a physician should also explore the various environments of a patient and should be able to find the reasons for the imbalance causing the sickness3. It is difficult to find all the symptoms (mental, pathological or complete symptoms) in a single case. Each case is different and the case itself demands how a physician should consider case taking and analysis. Giving undue importance to any of the elements like mental symptoms, may misguide the physician.

These models help a physician to consider and analyze health and disease in five different ways. These five different models help a physician from case taking to analysis

to arriving at the simillimum. These models are not exclusive and are used in combination as the case demands. This combined strategy helps a physician to understand

a patient’s illness in different perspectives.

The five models as stated by David Owen are as follows:

    Pathogenic model

    Biological model

    Holistic model

    Holographic model

    Relational model


Pathogenic model:

    This model sees illness in terms of effects by external causes. In this model health is the ability to withstand causes of illness.

    It concerns itself with the cause of the problem using many different modalities including simple lifestyle changes. For example, avoiding acidic foods in indigestion.

    This theory is based on the fact that once the cause is removed, treatment or recovery will follow it. It is more effective when there is a single causative factor.

    It is the level of much conventional disease treatment today, such as treating an infection by killing the infective organisms.

    Once a disturbance is caused by some external stimulus, the organism will be attempting to rebalance itself in response to the cause.

    If, despite treatment, the cause is maintained then, although treatment may give relief, the illness may remain or resurface later as a recurrence.

Clinical application:

    Causation includes predisposing and precipitating or provoking factors.

    A homoeopathic treatment using causation may be chosen on the trigger event, on the factors that precede the patient’s illness. The following things can be considered in this model:

    Trigger event or etiology

    Maintaining cause

    Never well since rubric

    Ailments from etc.

    The question to be asked by the homoeopath in these cases will be:

“What is the cause?”

    This model can be used especially in acute cases, where one can relate illness to the causation and causation can be from both the mental and physical plane.

Case 1:

Pediatric case of asthma:  An 8 year old male had an acute attack of breathlessness in school and was brought home by his parents. Sudden fits of cough and breathlessness

for one day. When asked about the causation, the mother revealed that he consumed roadside chats like Gobi Manchurian, which he craves the day before the attack.

The mother confirmed that whenever he consumes Gobi Manchurian, he ends up with breathlessness the same day.

So, as the case was acute, a  remedy which covered the causation was needed. In the HOMPATH repertory, this rubric was found:

(ASTHMA) difficult ailments from: CABBAGE – PETROLEUM

The only remedy present in this rubric was petroleum. Petroleum 200 thrice a day was given and relieved his symptoms.


Biological model:

    The biological model considers health as effects of causation on the organism. That is the capability of an organism to rebalance itself after a threat or cause.

    This can be related to auto regulation or homoeostasis.

    This model explains the relationship between causes and effects as a linear one, as always cause is followed by effects.

    This model explains illness as a reaction of the body to causation and as a set of signs and symptoms.

Clinical application:

    Here a homoeopath should try to elicit the cause behind the cause and also effects of the cause.

    It can be used both in acute and chronic cases, but more in acute ones where the cause and effects are clear and analysis is not complicated.

    A homoeopath can use the following questions with this model to elicit a history from patients:

    Why has this happened now?

    Why has this caused these particular symptoms?

    What was your response to the cause?

    What is the disease process that has ensued?

    Why even when the cause is removed, have things not improved? In chronic cases, a homoeopath should also consider maintaining causes along with exciting ones.

    As we know that a single cause or even multiple causes can lead to diseases, it is the duty of the homoeopath to elicit information in cases with multiple causes and also consider the dynamicity between the patient and the situation they are in.

    Factors which help a homoeopath while adopting the biological model are as follows:

    Single main symptoms

    Single keynotes or PQRS (peculiar, queer, rare symptom)

    Complete symptoms

    Local or clinical prescribing symptoms.

Case 2:  A woman of 27 years came with excessive vomiting during pregnancy. <: in the morning/from the odor of food; She was in the 24th week of gestation, and morning sickness was persisting. She has consulted her gynecologist and taken an antiemetic, which was of no use. The only PQRS found in the case was aversion to drinking water since pregnancy.  She was a thirsty person who turned out to be thirstless after pregnancy.

Analysis: By considering the above case, the only PQRS symptom in the case was found under the rubric indicating a single remedy in Phatak’s repertory:  Aversion, dislikes water, pregnancy during (see thirstless) – Phosphorous 200 (2doses) helped the patient in 2 days reducing nausea and vomiting.


Holistic model:

    Recognizes that any single cause may in different people, have different effects. This model suggests that any individual can produce similar symptoms from diverse causes.

    In this model, we should think about the susceptibility of a person, his sensitivity or degree of response to the causes from signs and symptoms.

    The susceptibility of a person can be considered at both the physical and mental levels.

Clinical application:

    The question to be asked by a homoeopath using the holistic model is:

“What are you sensitive to?”

    In this model, it’s not only about external causes and reactions of those organisms, here local causes, local symptoms, psychological and general symptoms are also considered.

    Here a homoeopath, should be able to form a totality of the case by considering:

    Physical symptoms

    Mental symptoms

    General symptoms

    The overall effect of the disease on the patient as a whole will be considered and can be understood as the person’s susceptibility to the disease.

Case 3:  A 29 year old female had complaints of dysmenorrhea since 2 years and sudden weight gain of 8 kgs since 2 years. A complete case history was taken and the following totality was formed:

Physical appearance: obese

Mental symptoms:

    Quarrelsome before menses


PQRS considered:

    Rectum, diarrhea menses before

    Discharges , loss of vital fluids: acid excoriating (pathological general )

    Thermals chilly, cold in general <:.

Physical complaints:

    Abdomen, pain, aching dull pain: menses during

Investigations revealed: USG (Abdomen and Pelvis)

    Mild Fatty infiltration of liver

    Both ovaries are bulky and demonstrate multiple small peripherally arranged follicles

    Bilateral renal microliths

    Left sided extra renal pelvis

    Isolated dilatation of lower pole calyces of right kidney

The case was repertorized using HOMPATH and Ammonium carbonicum 200 was given monthly, one dose for 7 months. Follow-up found relief of all symptoms.

Investigation after treatment revealed: GRADE 2 fatty infiltration of the liver.


Holographic model:

    When a case is partially treated and advancement in the pathology and deceleration in general well being takes place, there will be only few symptoms that are expressed and most of the symptoms are masked due to advancement. So these few symptoms act as source for forming totality.

Clinical application:

    When a case only presents with a few symptoms and most of the symptoms are overshadowed and masked, one can think of using this model to solve the case.

    Here a homoeopath tries to find an essence or themes which are expressed by the patient in all circumstances. This theme runs through both the mental and physical plane.

    Here the physician seeks the order or pattern being expressed or revealed by the patient.

    This can be related to different kingdoms to differentiate the individual as a plant, animal, or mineral remedy.

Case 4:  A man of 36 had come for the treatment for infertility. When he was advised to undergo semen analysis, oligospermia was diagnosed. This information below was considered to form a totality:

    Basically he was a shy and timid man, who always wants his wife to go along with him outside and avoids going out alone.

    Since childhood, he doesn’t talk much in school or even public meetings or family gatherings.

    Very slow in doing work, but does it with extra care and perfection.

    His wife gives all decisions at home as he becomes indecisive and asks for her suggestions for every matter related to the home.

    He is a very dull person since his childhood and needed extra tutoring to study. He cannot learn new things easily and needs more time than most.

    He’s very anxious about health matters and worries about what people think of him.

By considering the above mentioned items which runs through the case (slowness, dullness, retarded growth at the mental level for his age), and his thermals and thirst, Bar-c.

After 3 months with follow-up for every month, a dose was repeated. His lab tests reports were redone after treatment and came out normal. His wife subsequently conceived and was blessed with a baby girl.


Relational model:

    This model has a broader sense of connecting the living organism with its surroundings. It suggests that the patient is at all times projecting onto the surrounding people and environment, and people and the environment will be constantly projecting onto the patient.

    This model can be called a reflective approach. The physician tries to apply psychodynamic methodologies to assess the case. Here the dynamic nature of the relationships between the homoeopath and client reveals important aspects of the case.

Clinical application:

    Applicable in one sided cases where most of the picture is masked.

    It requires a lot of experience to use this model in day to day practice.

    This model requires the homoeopath to reflect carefully about her mental and physical reactions to the client and also to knowing herself well.

    Cases which come with reports and investigations lacking in general symptoms can be treated using this model.

This model is used only by experienced homoeopaths who can analyze the case by intuitive methods with their clinical experience and knowledge



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