Homeopathic Complexes



Vergleich: Tinea pedis

Siehe: Kombinierte Mittel (Wolfgang Springer und Heinz Wittwer) + Traumeel S (Graeme John Harpham) + Spenglersan + Akne (Govender Nervashnee) + Einige bewährte Komplexmittel für die Schilddrüse + Aquae allgemein + the effect of a homoeopathic complex in Atopic Dermatitis in children (Yasmeen Lankesar) +

efficacy of the complex: Ginkgo biloba, Panax ginseng, Bacopa monerii, Rhodiola rosea (Sindisiwe Sthembile Mazibuko)




H.: His studies of drugs had led him to the realisation that 'single drugs in moderate doses' offered up the best if not the only hope of creating a gentle and effective system

of curative medicine. That point implicitly involved a prior and firm rejection of the Galenic diktat of using mixed drugs in strong doses, because instinctively and temperamentally he was "a most passionate opponent of mixed doses that contained a large number of ingredients." [Gumpert, 96] This sets the scene for the first proving,

of Cinchona in 1790, deriving as it did both from a translation work and from his own intimate knowledge and personal use of the drug in question. Here we have to note

a possible peculiar sensitivity of Hahnemann himself to Cinchona bark, as he had contracted malaria in his youth, during his Hermanstadt journey.


Complex Remedy - A combination of two or more Homoeopathic medicines which are prepared from more than one stock and incorporated into one dosage (Swayne, 2000).


Anthroposofische Medizin gebraucht viele Complexen als Heilmittel

Naja comp. w [= Lach. + Naja + Crot-h. + Vip.]

Carcinosinum con Cuprum

Quietud = Complex. (Nux-m. C 4, Hyos. C 3, Passi. C 3, Stram. C 6)


Sore Throats and its Ingredients

Apis mellifica (from crushed, angry honey bees)

Relieves the sore throat of someone with a dry fever that alternates with sweating, facial flushing and when the throat is very sore with swollen tonsils.

Pain may extend to the ears, and the eyelids may be swollen.

Exposure to cool air and cold applications may bring relief. When given constitutionally (and the issue may play into why the person is susceptible to sore throat in the first place) often present is an underlying life conflict between work and procreation.

Lachesis (from the venom of the Brazilian Bushmaster snake)

This remedy relieves throat pain with swelling that is initially worse on the left side but may spread to the right; symptoms < warmth, warm liquids, swallowing (including saliva), and constrictive clothing. Someone needing this remedy will likely be a chatterbox prone to jealousy, with an intense, seductive personality.

People needing snake remedies constitutionally struggle to control their primordial instincts (what Freud called the Id and that is housed in the body’s trunk) with the need

to suppress primordial or convert primordial reactions (such as via sublimation (singing or chattering) via a suppressive agenda housed “in the head.” Separating the head

from the trunk of the body is the terrain of the throat where pathology such as a sore throat or difficulty swallowing consequently occurs.

Phytolacca decandra 2x (made from poke root) 

This low potency remedy is called upon when the tonsils are red, swollen, with white spots, that may coalesce into patches. The pains run up into the ears, usually accompanied by an aching, bruised, sore feeling in head, back and limbs. There is usually also an irresistible inclination to bite the teeth or gums together. Though the remedy’s psychological picture is difficult to pin down it is a strong stand-by for sore throats.

Mercurius Iodatus Flavus 2x (yellow iodide of mercury)

This remedy has a strong indication for tonsillitis when only the superficial part of the tonsils is involved. Usually present too, are a cheesy exudate and offensive breath. Swelling typically begins on the right side, small ulcers appear on the posterior pharynx.

Eigene Erfahrung:

Eine Frau, 50 Jahre alt, verheiratet, hat 2 Kindern. Hat im Alter von etwa 25 Jahre Mandeln entfernen lassen. Jetzt hat sie wiederholt Beschwerden in der Kehle.

Ich mische oben angegebene Mitteln. Der Erfolg ist grandios. Ihre Stimme war immer sehr laut. Sie sitzt das erste mal mit Man und Kindern am Frühstückstisch.


Headache be gone™ Congested Headache relieves headaches caused by throbbing pain, weakness +/o. dizziness, congested feeling, often stress-related.

Homeopathic Ingredients:

    Calc-f. cracking noise

    Ferr-p. pain < with motion

    Nat-p. throbbing headache

    Nat-m. blinding headache


[Springer (1997)] ‘

In cases where both components of the salt are well known as homoeopathic remedies, the Materia Medica of the correspondent salt will contain elements of both its constituents’.

[Smith SA1, Baker AE, Williams JH.]

Oral therapy using a low-dose homeopathic preparation combining Potassium bromide (= Kali-br.) C 1, Sodium bromide (= Nat-br.) C 2, Nickel sulfate (= Nicc-s.) C 3

and Sodium chloride (= Nat-m.) C 6, provides significant improvement in seborrheic dermatitis and dandruff after 10 weeks of dosing.

[Johannes Wilkens]

Aus homöopathischer Sicht stellt das individuell richtig gewählte Arzneimittel das Optimum dar. Ein Kombinationspräparat, welches ein breiteres Symptomenspektrum abdeckt, ist jedoch bei weitem einem möglicherweise falsch gewählten Mittel vorzuziehen. Wesentliches Argument für den Einsatz des Kombinationspräparates ist die unmittelbare Situation im Klinikalltag, die von Notfallbedingungen und Zeitmangel geprägt ist.

[Graeme John Harpham]

Homeopathy is a self-consistent scientific system of medical therapy, which was founded by Christian Friedrich Samuel Hahnemann in 1796.

It is based on the observed biological fact that if a disease process disturbs an organism’s bio-energetic state, it can be predictably restored to normal by specially prepared medicinal stimuli that need only be administered in small doses, or more often in sub-physiological deconstructions to which the body has an altered receptivity to

(Gaier 1991). This receptivity occurs provided that, in a healthy organism the medical agents chosen would produce symptoms and clinical features like those of the

disease, and that obstacles to cure have been removed (Gaier 1991).

There are three main principles that feature in Homeopathy, the first is “Like Cures Like” which is also known as the Law of Similars which implies a match between

the primary symptoms of the remedy and the symptoms of the patient. An example of this would be the remedy for stings and histamine reactions being derived from

bees (Apis), or the remedy for insomnia being derived from the green coffee bean (Coffea) (Kayne 1997).

The principle of “Minimal Dose” is quite unique to homeopathy, remedies are diluted down to various degrees of dilution depending on the condition being treated,

acute conditions are treated using dilutions right down to 1 in 1060 and even further, due to the fact that the potency of the remedies are increased, this dilution process

is called „potentisation‟.

However, different conditions require different potencies to be effective, therefore only the minimal amount of the remedy that is effective is used in treatment (Kayne 1997).

The „Single Remedy‟ principle comes from the belief that Hahnemann had that the body could not suffer from more than one disease at a time, and that any and all diverse symptoms were linked to a single cause or disease process, Hahnemann therefore believed that only one simple remedy was all the treatment necessary to provide relief

(Kayne 1997).

It has been found through clinical experience that some homeopathic remedies can be mixed together and administered successfully as a complex, breaking away from the „Single Remedy‟ philosophy (of Hahnemann). Traumeel S is such a complex.

Complex remedies can be administered if the prescriber is unsure of which remedy is the most appropriate, thereby increasing the chance of a correct prescription.

Complexes are also used to address multiple symptoms of a single condition at the same time which saves time and is more convenient (Kayne 1997).


[Shelley Main]

THE EFFICACY OF NASOSINUS (Hep. D3, Calc. D3, Nux-v. D3, Puls. D3)





[Vimlen Vaithilingam]


This method of prescribing was developed in the late 1800’s predominately amongst French and German homoeopaths (Geddes and Grosset, 1997:404 - 405).

This system advocates the prescription of multiple low potency remedies at the same time, or as multiple remedies combined to form a compound homoeopathic

formula (Jouanny, 1991:97 - 98).

Prescriptions based on the presenting symptoms of a disease, and a complex may be administered to treat more than one symptom of the same condition (Kayne, 1997:105).

Complexes are also prescribed when the individually prescribed remedy is not available, or when the prescriber is not certain of which single remedy should be given (Ullman, 1991:22 - 23).

Complex prescribing further differs from classical homoeopathy in that a full consultation, to obtain the entire symptom picture of a patient, is not required as complexes are formulated to contain most of the commonly prescribed or indicated remedies for a particular condition. Therefore a homoeopathic complex has a wide range of action and may be used by most of the individuals afflicted by a certain condition (Cook, 1989:73). Complexes therefore lend themselves to over the counter and self prescribing.



Main (2004): a double blind placebo-controlled study to determine the efficacy of Nasosinus of Natura Laboratories (containing Hepar. D3, Nux-v. D3, Puls. D3) in the treatment of acute sinusitis.

30 participants were selected for the trial and randomly divided into 2 groups, with 15 participants in the treatment group and 15 participants in the placebo group.

The Patient Perception Questionnaire was used as a measurement tool. The conclusion of the study was that Nasosinus was not statistically effective in the treatment of

acute sinusitis.

The researcher determined that this could have been due to the placebo effect, the small sample size, the short duration of patient treatment and monitoring, and the need

for a more objective measurement tool.



Lockyear (2003): a double blind placebo-controlled study on the efficacy of a homoeopathic complex (Canth. 12CH, Equis. 12Ch, Sars. 12CH, Staph. 12CH, Uva ursi 12CH) in the treatment of nocturnal enuresis, with regards to the number of wet nights per week. 31 children were selected and randomly divided into 2 groups (treatment and placebo). Results showed that the homoeopathic complex did not reduce the incidence of bedwetting in a statistically significant way, although both groups showed an improvement. The researcher concluded that the results could have been due to the placebo effect and the possibility that the complex was inappropriate for treating enuresis

as it was formulated to focus only on the urogenital system and enuresis as opposed to the mental and emotional aspects associated with the disorder.



Botha (2001): Herpin 2 (containing: Ars-i. D10, Bov. D6, Fl-ac. D6, Graph. D30, Hydr. D8, Lyc. D4, Sulph. D30, Urtica D4) in the treatment of atopic eczema. The sample size was 30 was 15 patients receiving treatment and 15 patients receiving placebo. The study showed an improvement of subjective symptoms in both groups and an improvement in objective symptoms in the treatment group only. However statistically there was shown to be no difference between the groups. This may have been due to

the placebo effect and the inclusion of remedies in the complex which antidote each other in action.

Vimlen Vaithilingam: Searches of the available literature revealed no other research into the efficacy of a homoeopathic complex in the treatment of job burnout.



Germanium metallicum: experiences symptoms such as anxiety and nervousness felt in the stomach, intense irritability with an aversion to answering questions.

Feelings of impatience and pressure, sudden explosive anger towards those around them. Feelings of despair, failure, demotivation, lethargy, isolation from others, depression and hopelessness (Sherr, 1997:187-196).

This remedy represents mostly the mental and emotional symptoms of burnout, therefore it was utilised in a potency of 30 CH, which is suited to the treatment of the

mental and emotional symptoms of burnout (Jouanny, 1991:96).

Nux-v.: the mental, emotional and physical aspects of burnout. Individuals are mentally sluggish, easily offended, abusive, angry, excitable, impatient and anxious.

Used in people who have become run down by overwork and the resultant abuse of stimulants such as alcohol, coffee, cigarettes and medication in an attempt to cope. Physical symptoms include backache, diarrhoea, vomiting, headaches, palpitations, nervous exhaustion with trembling and insomnia (Castro, 1996:317-321).

This remedy was chosen in a potency of 12 CH, which is an intermediate potency, which covers the treatment of both the mental and physical symptoms of burnout (Jouanny, 1991:94-95).

Kali-p.: physical symptoms associated with nervous exhaustion due to prolonged stress and overwork. Symptoms represented by this remedy include mental breakdown after periods of enormous stress, mental fatigue and dullness, headaches from mental exertion, insomnia, offensive diarrhoea and hypersensitivity to stimuli (Kent, 2000).

This remedy was chosen in a potency of 6 CH as this potency is suited to the treatment of mainly physical symptoms (Jouanny, 1991:94-95).

Pic-ac.: nervous exhaustion associated with burnout. Symptoms as lack of willpower, disinclination to work and mental prostration after reading or writing.

Desire to be alone, inability to collect thoughts. Loss of appetite, insomnia, exhaustion and twitching of muscles. Diarrhoea in persons exhausted by overwork (Morrison, 1993:299 - 300).

This remedy was included in the complex in a potency of 6 CH, as once again this potency level addresses the treatment of physical symptoms (Jouanny, 1991:94 - 95).

Ineffective in the treatment of job burnout, as the complex was shown to be statistically no more effective than placebo.


Complex: (= Rescue remedy).

Menopausal symptoms: Bach Flower remedies: Rock Rose, Impatiens, Clematis, Star of Bethlehem and Cherry Plum.

Rock rose: individuals who are in a state of terror, panic and extreme fright- whether the person is in good health or not. People who are suffering from this state of mind

are usually in a serious condition, It is also useful when the situation of the patient is so grave that it affects those around him (Chancellor, 1995:162 ). Many women experiencing menopause go through a feeling of being unable to cope and fear of losing control.

Impatiens: impatient, irritable, extreme mental tension and for those who are quick in mind and action. The mental tension often manifests as muscular tension and pain. Impatiens is an effective remedy for all manifestations of pain caused by tension such sudden cramp, an agonizing pain, other spastic conditions (Chancellor, 1995: 121).

It is common that women experiencing menopause also experience severe mood swings and irritability.

Clematis: individuals who experience a sense of indifference, dreaminess, inattention and unconsciousness. Has poor memories, they avoid difficulties or unpleasantness

by allowing their attention to wander and by withdrawing (Chancellor, 1995:76). Lack of concentration is a common symptom in women experiencing menopause.

Star of Bethlehem: after the effect of mental or physical shock. This remedy is one of the five indicated in Rescue Remedy and its function is to neutralize shock in any form.

Dr Bach called this remedy “The comforter and soother of pains and sorrows” (Chancellor, 1995:179). Women going through menopause do have a sense of vulnerability, insecurity and depression.

Cherry Plum: for the desperation and deep depression of those on the verge of a nervous breakdown. The distress becomes so great, that they fear the mind will give way under strain. They fear that they will lose control of their thoughts or actions, and be impelled to do something dreadful or to commit an act which in a happier time they would not consider for a moment (Chancellor, 1995:61). Menopausal women commonly experience the feeling of losing control and anxiety.


https://www.repertorium-online.de/komplexmittel/anwendung/ (Heel/Nestmann)


Classical homoeopaths follow Hahnemann’s principles of prescribing only a single remedy at a time to a patient.

Few remedies can be combined and used successfully as a complex. Use of a complex increases the chance of a correct prescription and may yield better results and is

used mainly when the prescriber is unsure as to which remedy best fits the pattern of illness.

Another reason for the use of a complex is to treat more than one complaint at the same time and lastly it is used out of convenience. The unfortunate part of this type

of prescription is that the homoeopath will not be sure as to which single remedy in the complex cured the patient (Kayne, 1997).

Complex prescribing for menopause will assist a number of women who cannot make the time or have money for a consultation.


[Govender Nervashnee]

A study comparing the effectiveness of a herbal-complex

(Arctium lappa, Berberis aquifolium, Echinacea purpurea and Taraxacum officinale) as compared to homoeopathic simillimum in the treatment of Acne vulgaris.




[Delia Hoffmann]

Combined herbs

According to van Wyk and Wink (2004) traditional medicine often aims to restore health by using chemically complex plants in their naturally balanced state, or by using a combination of herbs to create a synergistic effect, which improves their interaction with the body’s tissues at molecular level.

Calendula officinalis and Hypericum perforatum are commonly used in combination in the herbal treatment of wounds, to encourage healing locally (Rogers, 1995).

As the traditional use of these two herbs appears to correlate well with their homoeopathic use in tincture form, the homoeopathic mother tinctures used in the study would

be expected to have similar results.

Studies using topical homoeopathic applications for wound healing

Research done by Naudé (2001) investigated the use of a combination of homoeopathic tinctures to treat sunburn. The combination of Calendula officinalis, Apis mellifica, Aloe vera and Urtica urens.

Apis mellifica was included for its homoeopathic effectiveness in treating superficial inflammation, with redness, burning and swelling (Vermeulen, 1997).

Aloe vera has proven ability to heal wounds ulcers and burns, according to Chevallier (1996).

Urtica urens speeds healing of minor burn wounds, and diminishes pain (Ullman, 1992).

Calendula officinalis was included as the remedy of choice for first degree burns, in diluted tincture form (Ullman, 1992).

The double-blind study, randomly divided into three groups compared the experimental group to an untreated control group and a placebo group who received an

aqueous cream and ethanol mixture.

The parameter of redness (erythema) was used to determine the outcome. Both the experimental and placebo groups improved compared to the control group, but no statistically significant differences between the experimental and placebo groups was found.

The frequency of application was considered to be a possible cause for this, as there were only three applications of the creams in 48 hours. To have increased the application

to three times daily for a week might have shown better results. Also the only parameter observed was redness, whereas other effects of the herbs either individually or in combination were not used.


Apart from the research by Naude (2001) who used homoeopathic mother tinctures as the basis for the creams used in his study, it is not clear in reviewing the literature available on previous studies which included the use of Calendula officinalis or Hypericum perforatum, whether the tinctures used by other researchers were homoeopathic

or herbal, and therefore no other studies can be quoted on the use of Calendula officinalis or Hypericum perforatum (in homoeopathic mother tincture), either alone or in combination.

The use of homoeopathic remedies and applications of a homoeopathically prepared lotion in the treatment of venous leg ulcers could provide a very economical adjunct to

the necessary compression bandaging and dressings, providing the optimum environment for wound healing both systemically and locally. If the ulcers can be healed more rapidly by the use of these modalities, considerable costs can be saved, and the negative impact of leg ulcers on the patients‟ lives can be reduced.



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