Carcinosinum cum Cuprum (CCC)


Vergleich: Comparison. Carcinosinum with Cuprum metallicum

Siehe: Nosoden allgemein + Cimicifugagruppe


Kind: Kramphaftes Husten mit Krebs Miasm on Seite der Mutter


Die Methode von Tinus Smits

Tinus Smits betrieb seit 1986 eine gut gehende Praxis in Holland. Er war maßgeblich an der Gründung der internationalen Homöopathischen Klinik in Bhakta pur in Nepal beteiligt. Er starb im Jahre 2010.

CEASE Therapie gegen Autismus

Tinus S. entwickelte eine effektive Methode zur Behandlung von autistischen Kindern. CEASE bedeutet „Complete Elimination of Autistic Spectrum Expression“. Er ging davon aus, dass  autistische Symptome, aber auch Aspergersydnrom und andere kindliche Störungen im Sozialverhalten durch Anhäufung von Stress in der Großhirnrinde entstehen. Dieser wird ausgelöst durch:

● Impfungen und Medikamenteneinnahme der Mutter während der Schwangerschaft

● schwere oder zu frühe Geburt, Medikamente zur Wehenauslösung und Anästhesie

● bakterielle oder virale Infekte während der Schwangerschaft

● Stress oder Kummer während der Schwangerschaft, Schwangerschaftserbrechen

● medizinische Behandlung der Kinder mit Antibiotika, Paracetamol, Nasenspray, Inhalationen, Einsetzen von Paukenröhrchen etc.

● Aufwärmen von Plastikfläschchen mit Babynahrung in der Mikrowelle, unzureichende Ernährung mit zu viel Zucker, belastende Umweltbedingungen

● Impfungen des Kindes

Der Behandlung des Impfschadens hat der holländische Arzt besonderes Gewicht gegeben:

Behandlung des Impfschadenssyndroms (ISS)

Wenn eine Erkrankung nach einer bestimmten Impfung entstanden ist, geht er von einem Impfschaden aus und behandelt es mit der entsprechenden Impfnosode, also dem potenzierten Impfstoff. Man verabreicht die Impfnosode zuerst in der C 30 wöchentlich und zwar solange sich Fortschritte abzeichnen. Danach die C 200 in zweiwöchentlichem Abstand auch solange bis Fortschritte ersichtlich sind, dann die C 1000 und so weiter. Mit der gängigen Vorgehensweise Thuja vor einer Impfung zu geben, hat er eher schlechte Erfahrungen gemacht. Er gibt stattdessen 2 Tage vor der Impfung den potenzierten Impfstoff in 200er Potenz und am Tage der Impfung nochmal.

Zu obigen Stresserscheinungen hat er im wesentlichen folgende Homöopathikas verabreicht:


Carcinosinum cum cuprum (CCC)

Cuprum metallicum


Lac maternum

Vernix caseosa

Rhus tox




Zu CCC, Saccharum, Lac maternum und Vernix caseosa im folgenden eine kurze Beschreibung:

Vernix caseosa

Die Käseschmiere beschützt das ungeborene Baby während seiner Zeit im Mutterleib. Logischerweise entstand so die Idee, dass das aus der Käseschmiere von 10 neugeborenen Babies hergestellte Mittel Vernix caseosa ein wichtiges Mittel gegen Einflüsse der Umwelt sein könnte. Tatsächlich hat es eine hervorragende Wirkung auf die Haut, auf die unterschiedlichsten Hauterkrankungen.

Die Essenz des Mittels ist aber auf der seelischen Ebene, es besteht in der ungenügenden Abgrenzung der eigenen Energie von der umgebenden Energie, also auch ein Schutz vor negativen Einflüssen, wie z.B. feindlichen Gefühlen anderer Menschen oder der stressigen und hektischen Atmosphäre einer Großstadt.


Die Essenz des Mittels beschreibt T.S. als Mangel an Selbstliebe. Dieser Mangel führt zu einer Furcht, die Liebe der Mutter nicht verdient zu haben und zu einer Angst verlassen zu werden.

Lac maternum

Unterscheidet sich in der Herstellung von Lac humanum dadurch, dass es aus der Milch von mehreren Müttern hergestellt ist. Die Essenz ist ähnlich. T. Smits beschreibt den Kern des Mittels als Mangel an Inkarnation. Dieser Mangel verursacht eine tiefe Unsicherheit der eigenen Identität, die Person ist nicht zentriert, ruht nicht in sich und die eigene Energie ist sehr leicht von Umgebung oder anderen Menschen zu beeinflussen (ähnlich vernix caseosa). Ursache ist häufig eine ungewollte Schwangerschaft,

Probleme während der Schwangerschaft, Angst der Mutter vor den neuen Aufgaben.

Carcinosinum cum cuprum

Das Mittel ist eine Mischung von Carcinosinum 15 T (C 5) und Cuprum metallicum (C 5) und wird dann gemeinsam hochpotenziert.

Die Idee zum CCC kam Tinus Smits durch das Phänomen, dass er sehr häufig Carcinosinum-Patienten hatte, die auch dem Bild von Cuprum metallicum entsprachen und er konnte sich nur schwer zwischen den beiden Mitteln entscheiden. Die Essenz des Mittels entspricht der gemeinsamen Essenz von Carcinosinum und Cuprum metallicum, die

er als Mangel an Selbstvertrauen „lack of basic trust“ beschreibt.


Dr. Tinus Smits [†] 27-4-2010 is the „inventor“ of Carcinosinum cum Cuprum = a mixture of C 5 Carcinosinum with C 5 Cupr-met./this mixture potentised together up to 30K and higher. Quelle:, Dolisos Belgium.

He had observed a lot of Carcinosinum patients had also a clear Cuprum side. He had to choose between both remedies without a clear reason in which order they should be given. He had a strong impression that both remedies expressed their symptoms at the same level.

Thema: Wahl; Lösung: negativ: Vorgegebenes hinnehmen/ausführen; positiv: Vorgegebenes umgestalten;

Fall: Ich komme aus eine Familie mit viele Krebsfälle (Magen/Lungen/Darm/Nieren). Ich nehme aus diesem Grund Carcinosinum cum cuprum.

Direkt nach Einnahme C 30: „Wie Rheuma“ in Händen/schummrig im Kopf/Stirnschmerz/lärmempfindlich/bin nicht in der Lage am Gespräch teilzunehmen/übel im Magen/Druck im Hinterkopf/Luft aufstoßen.

Nächste morgen:

Traum:  Ich fahre in einem Wagen auf einem Art Kai. Ich habe 3 Passagiere im Wagen. Sie sind grau-grün bis schwarz. Ich finde die Bremse nicht und fahre über den Rand in die Tiefe. Etwa 1 m. Die Passagiere sind panisch und schreien. In die Tiefe ist es morastartige, schwarze Matsche. Wir versinken mit den Rädern halb in die Matsche. Ich denke schon die Insassen müssen schieben, dann merke ich der Wagen kann noch fahren, gebe mehr Gas und fahre hindurch. An die andere Seite ist der Kaimauer niedrig und ich fahre ohne Mühe darauf. Ich bin erleichtert/glücklich und weiß nicht ob rechts oder links zu gehen. - - - -

2en Tag: Traum:  Ich gehe zur Wahl. Es sieht aus wie in eine Kirche. Ich stehe in eine Warteschlange und Menschen drängeln sich vor. Dann steht vor mir eine aschblonde, junge Frau. Ich denke,

ich war vor sie da und stelle mich in eine Bank. Ich habe nichts zu schreiben und muss darum fragen. Ich bekomme einen Bleistift. Auf dem Wahlzettel ist schon was geschrieben und ich streiche das durch. Darauf kommt mir die Gedanke: „Der Wahlzettel ist dadurch ungültig“. Ich tue das nicht, weil ich schon um einen Bleistift gebeten habe. - - - -

Ich rieche starke chemische Gerüche in eine Toilette und empfinde sie beinahe wie angenehm. (war überrascht/würde davon immer „abgeturned“)

3en Tag. Ich bin um 4 h. wach durch Erwartungsspannung (früher als üblich)

Nach 4 Tagen:

Eine Warze, die weggeätzt war mit Chelidoniumsaft, dann zu eine kleine Stelle geschrumpft war, wächst wieder an und fällt von alleine ab. Die Warze wächst nicht mehr nach.

Nach 18 Monate: Öfter hatte ich ein Empfinden „Wie Faden“ im Mund. Mit der Zunge konnte ich die wirklich ertasten. Nach der 1e Einnahme blieb dieses Empfinden weg und war nach 18 Monate im Ansatz da. Dann träumte ich 2x davon und entschied Cars cum Cuprum noch mal zu nehmen in C 30.


Nach 2e Einnahme: Ich bekomme sofort Durchfall, morgens wieder und ich esse nur geriebene Apfel mit dünnem Knäckebrot. Morgens noch im Bett liegend OFT leeres Aufstoßen. Dies wiederholt sich am Tag und verschwindet nach einigen Tagen. Ich trinke üblicherweise keinen Kaffee teils aus Mangel an gut schmeckende Kaffee, teils aus Empfindlichkeit vor Kaffee. Nun kann ich nicht widerstehen und trinke Kaffee, was sofort die Bauchbeschwerden lindert und will Arbeit im Haushalt machen. Habe Freude daran (unüblich). Ich langweile mich während Spielen am Computer

Traum: Ich bin in einem Flugzeug und habe Uneinigkeiten über Sitzplätze. - - - -

Ich bin auf einem Flughafen und will nach meinem Ziel gehen. Ich laufe auf eine öde, sandige Ebene, wo kaum einen Weg auszumachen ist und wundere mich ob es der richtige Weg ist. Ich sehe den Flughafen nicht mehr und frage Leute nach meinem Ziel. 2 sagen sie wissen es nicht. Einer weißt mich wieder Richtung Flughafen. - - - - -

4en Tag:

Traum: Es ist noch Krieg und ich bin in befreites Teil. Ich wohne mit anderen in einem großen Haus und habe eine Aufgabe. Es kommt einen Nachricht über das Radio,

dass Personen aus der Bevölkerung an einem Ort wo fossile Pflanzen (u.a. Sphagnum) sind, die weggenommen haben. Ich gehe dort hin und sehe tatsächlich dünne

Schichten pflanzenartige Gebilde und Vertiefungen, wo diese fossilen Reste ausgekratzt worden sind. Ich finde noch einen beträchtliche Rest aus Steinkohl (es ist schwarz und ziemlich feucht) und kratze dass aus. - - - -

Ich bin in dem Raum wo ich schlafe und rücke die doppelte, dunkele Vorhänge, die da noch wegen der Verdunkelung hangen vor dem Fenster weg. Sie sind teilweise aneinander genäht und ich reiße sie auseinander ohne mich um Fetzen zu kümmern. - - - - 

5en Tag: Traum: Ich bin in meinem altem Beruf tätig (Sozial Arbeiterin). Eine Kollegin verabschiedet sich. Meine Geschwister sind da (meine Brüder). - - - - -

Ich stehe vor einem Haus. Einen Postbote kommt. Es ist Krieg. Eine Frau öffnet die Tür und fragt Postbote nach männlichen Bedürfnissen. Postbote kommt zurück und will ins Haus. Ich empfinde Postbote als „nosy  Dann sehe ich im Keller einen Mann mit Hut. (wie ich im Sommer getragen habe) der eine Lunte legt. Ich denke: „Er will das Haus sprengen mit Frau und Inventar“. Oben ist eine Frau in männliche Kleidung o. Reitkleidung da, weißt auf einem Sattel hin und sagt: „Es gehört der Freund meiner Mutter“. Ich laufe hinter den Mann mit Hut her und sehe, dass es meinen Hut ist. - - - - -

10en Tag: Ich spüre in meinem Mund wieder einen Faden. Kürzer als in frühere Jahren und er verschwindet nach 3 Tagen, was schneller ist als früher. Ich mache mich auch keine Sorgen mehr darum.

Fall: Frau, 53 Jahren alt, hat Übergewicht. Hat Kali-chr-s. genommen. War weniger erfolgreich. Ist lesbisch/hat Partnerin. Ist empfindLICH vor Diätfehler/Kälte, ist pingLIG/sparsam

Nach 6 Monate: Lehnt sich auf gegen P. Ist weniger sparsam und pingelig. Ist mit P. Diät angegangen und hält erfolgreich durch. Kann Ruhepausen einlegen.

Fall: Teenager Mädchen, Pflegekind, 14 Jahren alt. Hat oft lautstarke Auseinandersetzungen Zuhause (was das Leben für die ganze Familie sehr erschwert). Ist in der Schule immer

Traum: in der letzten Nacht habe ich geträumt, dass Mama mir einen Haflinger kauft und ich mir die ganzen Sachen für ihn selber aussuchen darf!! ich verstehe mich auch mit dem Haflinger!! aber es wird irgendwann zu teuer für Mama und Papa bezahlt das dann alles!!! kann es sein, dass ich das geträumt habe wegen den Kügelchen!?! - - - - - -

Hat 2 Klasse wiederholt und ist nun auf der Hauptschule. Sie zeigt nun Interesse eine Realschuleabschluss zu machen. unauffällig und brav. Nur Arist-cl. hat als Homöopatisch Mittel Wirkung gezeigt.


Carcinosinum cum Cuprum (CCC) (Quelle:


low self confidence, low self esteem, obstinate,



feeling of guilt, workaholic,

wants to hide, cannot stand criticism,

exhaustion from overwork, exhaustion from want of relaxation.


[Dr Peter Darashah from the original by Dr Tinus Smits “Inspiring Homeopathy”]

Carcinosinum cum Cuprum (= C) is a mixture of the lowest available dynamisation (5CH) of Carcinosinum 15T with the same potency of Cuprum metallicum (5CH).

This mixture potentised together up to over 30K as required and also in LM potency from LM 6 (about 18C).


The idea of mixing CCC came to Dr Smits from the observation of a phenomenon namely that a lot of Cars patients also had a definite Cuprum side. This resulted in a situation of choosing between the two remedies without any clear indication as to which remedy should be administered first. To give these remedies following each other was not an appealing solution. So the idea of combining them into a single entity came about. The experiment proved successful and thus the way was paved to treat the whole of the patients requirements with a combined remedial preparation rather than by means of two separate remedies administrated consecutively.


The focus for CCC is the sum of its separate entities (Carcinosinum and Cuprum) which is similar for both: low self esteem and low self confidence. What is different is the entirely different response evoked by the two remedies.

Cars. will endeavour to cope with low self esteem by avoiding disapprobation. To this end they will try to please, be a model example, make no errors so as not to draw attention upon themselves, adapting to the demands of others so as not to make a show he fails to stand up for himself.

Cupr-met. endeavours to prove themselves worthy and the opinion of others is wrong about him. As a consequence they put tremendous energy into achieving success.

They have a strong determination and never give up for that would mean to admit failure. Cupr-met. constitution therefore aspires and can be found in the highest echelons

of society.

Thus these two remedies are polar opposite in characteristics.

Carc. essentially a weak personality/want of confidence, fear of failure

Cupr-met. essentially strong/want of self esteem.

How can both traits exist in one individual? The answer: both characteristics are the result of a charade or play acting. The traits cannot be constantly maintained.

The individual has to relax sometime.

In the case of Carc. (who are always trying to please) when they are in the stillness of their own home where only their own family is present (no prying outside eyes) they relax by being untidy, disorganised, casual, unreliable, offhand, unresponsive etc.

Conversely with Cupr-met. (who always try to portray success, high aspirations and determination) when likewise they are in the stillness of their own home where only their own family is present (no prying eyes from outside) they relax by becoming pliant, acquiescent, non confrontational adapting to the needs of others etc The phrase “road angel” and “home devil” comes to mind as a way to describe a personality with two opposing attributes.



Carc.: Cancer

Cupr-met.: Cardiovascular complaints of cancer or heart disease


Carc.: because of uncertainty

Cupr-met.: Because an admission of wrong would undermine the purpose of life which is to prove oneself they feel that they have to be strong and willful to achieve their goal and never give up.


Carc.: Fastidious at his work to avoid being criticised; for the same reason they will be on time and anxious if late. However they may be untidy in private life.

Cupr-met.: Irritable or angry when others are late because it disturbs their planning and because they want everybody to follow the rules, otherwise their own capacity for controlling every situation is undermined; it is easier for them to make mistakes if it does not jeopardize their final goal.


Carc.: feeling of guilt when resting without having finished all the work; even when sitting he has the feeling that he must do something: reading, knitting, crocheting, etc.

Cupr-met.: he is a workaholic because he has to perform in life; he has to finish his work because he has planned it for that day; he has high expectations of himself


Carc.: because they wants to hide their uncertainty

Cupr-met.: because they cannot stand contradiction, they do not want to be weakened by criticism.


Carc.: They have fear of failure, they feel uncertain; they are anxious when people are late, because of emotional dependence; anxiety about others

Cupr-met.: They have anticipation because they cannot control the situation (new, unknown situations); they will try to inform themselves as much as possible about the situation and organize things in advance


Carc.: because of overwork, of too much pressure; they try desperately to answer the expectations of others and those who impose on them

Cupr-met.: because they have only one purpose in life, to prove they can make it therefore they are unable to relax and work twice as hard. Eventually they become overworked completely burnt-out.


Specific Symptoms of Carc.

1. WEAK DEFENSE MECHANISMS on the mental, emotional and physical plane

2. LACK OF REACTIVITY; no fever for a very long time

3. INABILITY TO REFUSE ANYTHING; wants always tp please, feeling of guilt when refusing anything; occupied with the needs of others, but completely unaware

of his own; permits others to overstep his own boundaries

4. SLEEPLESS: difficulty falling asleep, overactive ideas, needs several hours to fall asleep; wakens at 4 h.; sleepless during a large part of the night; unrefreshing sleep; sleepless after 4 h.; > a short sleep during the day

5. EXHAUSTION: from overwork, too much pressure

6. SYMPATHETIC; anxiety about others

7. SENSITIVE TO ANGUISH: Horrible things affect them profoundly; cannot watch murder, suffering, cruelties, surgery, etc., on TV

8. SENSITIVE to music; weeps from music

9. FEAR of cancer; in a crowd; in narrow places; in high places; spiders, mice, snakes; failure in examinations; failure; thunderstorms

10. DESIRES dancing, marked sense of rhythm

11. DESIRES: to read but finds it impossible because of difficult concentration or mental exhaustion, difficulty due to dyslexia

12. DESIRES: to travel

13. DESIRES: animals, loves nature, sea, thunderstorms, storms.

14. PHYSICAL SYMPTOMS: Hay fever; chronic, long continued coryza; chronic tonsillitis and sinusitis; infectious mononeucleosis, acne; fibromas, ovarian cysts; sterility; warts on soles and palms of hands; acne, pustules on the back; severe acne; molluscum contagiosum

15. <: following before menses: aggressiveness, sadness, irritability, industriousness, mammae swollen/painful;

16. >: short sleep/occupation;


Specific Symptoms of Cupr-met.

1. RIGID mentally and physically, strong willed., lack of flexibility


3. SERIOUS; closed mind, suppressed feelings

4. METHODICAL: Very organized; planning everything; likes to have an overview of the entire situation; likes to have everything under his control

Very respectful of rules angry when others do not follow them

5. TENSION & CRAMP on the mental, emotional and physical levels; mental

6. AMBITIOUS; to be the best

7. SENSITIVE: to injustice

8. ATTITUDE: Hard worker, very active, never has time to rest or to relax; has many activities, very organized; other people can hardly believe that one person can do so many things; works so hard yet does not feel fatigue; he plans the whole day; strong desire to finish the task at hand.

9. ATTITUDE: respectful of rules

10. ATTITUDE: Perseveres, never gives up

11. ATTITUDE: Critical of himself and of others

12. ATTITUDE: Dictatorial

13. ATTITUDE: Requires being independent

14. PHYSICAL SYMPTOMS: Muscular tensions, convulsions, migraine, asthma, angina pectoris, hypertension, spastic colon, cramps or tension in muscles, trembling, twitching, Raynauds,

cold extremities [hands/fingers (Raynaud's)/feet], icy coldness;

15. <: mental or physical overwork, touch, before menses; suppression, suppressed foot sweat;

16. >: occupation; cold drinks (cough, nausea, vomiting, hiccoughs and spasms); perspiration

    Likes strong physical exertion that requires endurance: running, swimming, bicycling; wants to win and goes to the limit; feels much better after strong physical exertion;


Case 1

A 50 year old lady had a dry cough for about ten years with retching and sometimes vomiting. The hospital had diagnosed a tear in her diaphragm as the cause of her chronic cough which she understood she had to live with. She coughed day and night, had a dry mouth and was better for drinking sips of water. If awakened from coughing  she lay on her right side. The source of her cough and vomiting was a cramp behind her sternum < by emotional stress. (She worked as a maternity assistant and had a tendency to take the problems of the patients with her.)

Her cough also < physical exertion as well as breadcrumbs and spicy food. If she had too much work there was a tension in her shoulders which she relaxed by reading, sleeping and swimming. 

She felt an itch in her right throat and larynx, always had cold hands, feet and legs. Even in the summer and she disliked swimming in cold water. Her hobbies were walking, reading (from childhood) and gardening. She loved nature and the sea. When she had more time she knitted and sewed a lot. She disliked crowds and had fear of high places, was afraid of snakes and described herself as yielding, easygoing, not easily saying no. She has a caring character and wanted to be perfect. In her work she was tidy, but for the rest rather untidy. She was never late to work or for important appointments. She got emotional from music, a book or movie, and she liked dancing. Her sclerae were blue.

From the forgoing it is obvious that she has many Carc symptoms. (sympathic anxiety, sensitivity to anguish, emotional to music, inability to refuse, desires to read etc) although her cough, cramps and tension provide some hints of Cupr. Other Cupr indicators include her determination (once a course of action is decided it will be carried out even years later) she never gives up, gets angry easily from injustice done to herself and others, respects the rules of the road and can wait alone with her bicycle for traffic lights to change while other cyclists pass by. If she sits in a car with someone else she is as attentive as the driver himself.


1st Prescription: Cars + Cupr-met. (CCC) 30C weekly

Results: Two months later she experiences angina after every dose with pains and stiffness in her arms and shoulders. Her cough is unchanged but she now has expectoration but the vomiting has disappeared.

2nd Prescription: Continue CCC 30C weekly

Results: After a further ten weeks the shoulders and arm pain and stiffness remained as did the cough but the expectoration had disappeared.

3rd Prescription: Continue CCC 30C weekly

Results: Her cough had reduced and seemed to be not so deep. Her mouth was less dry and she felt quieter, less pushed around, had more energy, her hands were warmer although her legs and feet are still cold. She decided to work less and to take more time for herself and was amazed to discover that people she liked for years now appeared not nice. (ie she had deeper insight). She was now able to see things more clearly in a more detached way as a consequence of which she reacted more appropriately. By the end of the week she felt restless and bothered and needed the next CCC dose.

4th Prescription: Continue CCC 30K every week.

Results: Three months later she felt fine. She only coughed when eating, teeth brushing, in a smoky rooms and when in a hurry. She said: I feel much happier now, better in my skin. Before I believed that I had to please everybody, but that is not the case any more.

5th Prescription: CCC 200Kevery two weeks.

Results: Three months later she still progressed. She felt her lungs more open and could breathe easier. Her cough was almost completely gone. She felt quiet and had good energy.

A further four months and she reported that her feet and legs were now warm, but she still coughed a little bit and still has a dry mouth. Emotionally, she had not felt this good in years.

6th Prescription: CCC 1M every three week.

Results: Three months later the shoulder tension had gone, her humor was much better and she felt happy. There was still a little cough although it was becoming very gradually less and less.


Case 2:

CCC is frequently used as a general remedy in cancer cases along with a tumor specific remedy. Here is not the place to explain extensively my approach (Dr Tinus Smits)

to cancer this case is interesting because two layer remedies were used at the same time to treat this 62-year-old man of colon cancer.

For now I will only lift a corner of the veil. CCC or Carc are used for the basic treatment of every cancer patient to restore reactivity at the physical, emotional and mental levels and to train the immune system to function again.

The choice between CCC and Carc. is done on symptoms and, in general, it is easy to differentiate between the two. Cancer treatment has to be intensive and multidisciplinary. That’s why I use also orthomolecular supplements and tumor refraining substances along with healthy diet and healthy life style, etc.

The man came to see me after an operation for colon cancer with metastasis in the abdominal lymph nodes, in the liver and in the right lower lobe of his lungs, just above his liver. The surgeon proposed  operating on his liver and after that to commence chemo. However many things went wrong in the hospital, and the patient felt as if there was

no real interest taken in him. So he said to the doctor: I believe I am here more for you than you for me and he left without any further treatment.

Then he came to me five years after this operation. In the intermitting period he lived at home like a zombie, had a complete breakdown and survived a heart attack. Considering his history he was still in very good condition. His sleep, appetite and energy were good.

He was one of three children and had an unhappy childhood. When three he got diphtheria and was placed in quarantaine for weeks. The first night he was in the same room with an 18-year-old young man who died that very night. As a result of this he developed a fear of abandonment and felt forsaken. His parents didn’t come to see him, because all the same they could not talk with him.

His mother was a victim of his father, he said and his father was very dictatorial and demanding. At age eleven he went to attend a seminary but was sent home after three years because he associated with a girl while ice-skating.

He was a failure in the eyes of his father who sent him to work. Unconsciously, he lived the life of his father and signed up for six years of military service when he was eighteen years old. He just did it to be accepted by his father and his friends. The age was a period of women and alcohol. It was a macho culture where I did not belong,

he says now, and I knew that I made the wrong decision by signing. It has damaged my soul. Later he started a career in business, working for money and prestige.

Finally, he became director of a hospital service with 130 employees. This was a step too far, and he collapsed. After recovering he commenced training in psychoanalysis.

On the financial level he was very skillfull; he was able to sell whatever he wanted. He was a perfectionist and go-getter. He was always on time and very organized in his work, but chaotic at home. He had everything under his control. He disliked rules because they hinded him from getting what he wanted. He can become very angry about injustice and when people dont keep their promises or hold things in confidence. He was afraid of pain, poverty, violence, high places, spiders, mice and insects.

He liked very much to listen to music. Now he is thinking deeply about death and preparing himself, because he wants to pass in love, as beautifully as possible, he says.


It was obvious that he has had two big traumas in his life: his hospitalistion which was definitely a mother problem; and the problems he had with his father which resulted in him spending much of his life trying to excel his father and to prove that he was the better

1st Prescription: CCC 30K 4 days in even weeks and Sacc 30K 4 days in uneven weeks.

He got also Chelidonium, Cholesterinum, Berberis and Solidago, all in 6X, one tablet every day to drain his liver, kidneys and digestive system.

Results: Two months later he felt fine, was happier, had no pain and had a better stool.

2nd Prescription: Because of his low erythrocyte zinc level (140 mcg/mol instead of 180-200) he was given extra zinc, Vitamin B6, MSM 1000mg, L-Glutamine 500mg all

2x daily and L-Cysteine 500mg once a day whilst Glutathione was reduced to 300mg 2x daily.

            Results: 31/2 months later he felt formidable. He said "Life is like a festival". He is travelling around the world, and made 14 air journeys last year. "I am ready.

I have prepared everything: my own mortuary card, the mourning card and I have visited different churches and graveyards and made my choice. Now I am ready for life.

I just have fear of pain; that is all."

3rd Prescription: CCC 200K and Sacc200K, both 4 days/wk alternate wks. followed by 1M after a further five months. .

            Results: It is now 18 months after the commencement of Homeopathic treatment. He lives intensively he lets life flow and cancer is out of his mind. He feels great.

"I am not interested in a diagnosis now; I don’t have to know if my cancer is still there. I am ready to die. If it is tomorrow it is OK. If it is in ten years it is OK also.

Every day is a gift and I enjoy it fully."



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