

Anhang (Dietrich Klinghardt, M.D., PH.D.)

Anhang 2 (Karoly Horvath)

Anhang: 3 (Dr. med. S. Faraji, Wetzlar)

Anhang. 4 (Timothy Archibald)


30.06.2012 Arte.TV

Die Rolle der Bakterien

In den letzten 20 Jahren explodierte die Zahl der Neuerkrankten an Autismus, eine Behandlungsmethode gibt es noch nicht. Auslöser sind eventuell Mikroben, die für Magen-Darm- und Stoffwechselstörungen sorgen.

Der Film zeigt den Stand der Forschung in Bezug zu Autismus und liefert intime Einblicke in das Leben Betroffener.

Folgende Themen wurden erwähnt:

Antibiotica (Dr. Feingold) als Auslöser


Impfungen? als Auslöser

Propionsäure = E 280 (Dr. McFeith?) als Auslöser

Mangel an richtige Bakterien als Auslöser

Laktose-/Glutenunverträglichkeit als Auslöser

Kohlenhydraten meiden? als Teiltherapie

Antibioticum gegen Clostridien als Teiltherapie

Probiotika als Teiltherapie


The key to the healing of autism with homeopathy is not the classical homeopathic approach, but Isotherapy, using a homoepathic remedy made from a safe preparation of the toxic causative agent.

Tinus Smits, MD Autism Beyond Despair (27-4-2010)

Krankheit: Desinteressiert/Lärm wird nicht wahrgenommen/folgt bewegende Gegenstände nicht/beantwortet Lächeln der Eltern nicht/verharrt in eine Position. Still o. lebHAFT/Schlaf gestört o. Kind ist wach

Todler: fixiert auf Spielzeug + ZORNIG wenn unterbrochen/Glieder leblos o. schlaff/widerstrebt hoch genommen zu werden/spricht SPÄT o. nicht/ignoriert Umgebung o. beobachtet;


[Michael Farrelly]

The author, a homeopath, was introduced to homeopathy in his pursuit of a cure for his autistic son. He describes his experience and mentions remedies that have been useful in autism.

When my son Adam was diagnosed with Autism, it was the beginning of a life-changing journey for us both. His subsequent recovery through natural medicine and homeopathy in particular,

has been an amazing experience and awakening for me.

Autism – the diagnosis

It is impossible to describe the emotions a parent goes through when coming to terms with a diagnosis of autism for their child. One parent described it like this: “Imagine your child disconnecting

from the world. A child whose eyes look, but don’t see, whose ears hear, but don’t listen, whose cries never end and doctors offer little help. We don’t know what’s wrong with this child.

We’ll call them autistic and put them all in a box. And we don’t know what causes it. We have no idea how to fix it”.

We have a real crisis in Ireland and worldwide, with the numbers of children being diagnosed with Autistic Spectrum Disorders. If we fail to take the right measures, a continuously and

rapidly growing number of children will become severely handicapped in the near future. Never more so than now, there is a need for a greater role for homeopathy in this community.

Most children on the autism spectrum, have never received homeopathic treatment and in my experience, the reason for this is lack of awareness. When a child receives a diagnosis,

parents typically don’t know where to turn to. The more success that homeopaths have in treating these children, the more the word will spread. There are few therapies like homeopathy

that can treat at the core of the child’s problems. Most simply work on the level of the symptoms and the results are usually patchy. Homeopathy gives the parents hope, real hope, based

on real healing. Real hope is the ground you can stand on when you feel you are suffocating and sinking fast.

Autism – the experience

I often feel that the daily life experience of a child with autism must be like someone who is living in some foreign country without knowing the local language and who is constantly exposed

to the sense of fear, insecurity and stress. These children are unable to get in touch with our emotional world. They have lost confidence in this world and are in an imprisoned state; and will

remain there until they regain the confidence to return to the “normal” emotional world. This also helps to explain why autism so often arises after vaccinations. Being injected with toxic vaccines

can be the last straw for a sensitive, susceptible child. However, I have also treated autistic children who were never vaccinated, but a common occurrence is some traumatic emotional

experience during the pregnancy or early childhood. The bottom line is that the level of trauma has been sufficient to trigger the autistic state and as every child is an individual, that level of

trauma and the response to it will be individual. If everybody understood how a little child can become autistic, many preventative measures could be taken to dramatically reduce the

number of autistic children all over the world. These children are not grounded, they have not incarnated properly, their spirit is reluctant to enter fully or retreats at any early stage in

response to trauma.

Autism – treatment by homeopathy

In my view, the essence of the autistic condition is a loss of the self through cumulative assaults from the moment of conception and through the first few years, when the self emerges as a

conscious entity. The self as a conscious entity has not emerged in these children. Of course, the focus of homeopathy is not to treat the isolated symptoms of the autistic child, but to treat the

child as a whole. While any remedy may be required in any individual case, in my experience certain remedies come up more often than others [Solanacea (Stram./Hyos./Bell.) Spider,/Merc. Cupr-met. Verat. Zinc-met. Op.] EffecTIVE in many cases is Sacch. Other useful remedies are Carc. Lacs, Cic. Virosa, Iod. Bar-c. Plac. and Limestone.

If we look at some of the rubrics that 3 of these remedies have in common, we can get an insight into some causations as well as the terrible mental state of some of these children:

Bell. Stram. and Merc. all have

Ailments from fright.

Ailments from vaccination.

„As if under attack“:

Delusion, murdered, he will be [Bell. Merc].

Delusion, pursued by enemies [Bell].

Delusion, surrounded by enemies/everyone is an enemy [Merc].

Delusion, is being injured [Stram].

Delusion, dogs attack him [Stram]

Fierce animals are ready to attack:

            Delusion, dogs sees [Bell]

            Delusion, is alone in the wilderness [Stram]

            Delusion, animals jump out of the ground [Stram]

A remedy that I have found useful in some cases has been Thym-gl. The thymus gland is the organ that enables us to distinguish between what is “me” and “not me”. It helps create and

maintain the immune system and it regulates the right amount of immunity, like a thermostat. It is very important in Cancer and Autoimmune diseases and, interestingly, many ASD children

have biological markers consistent with an autoimmune disease. The thymus gland has been described as the “Black Box” of negative events, recording whatever has changed the original

life pattern and the remedy can open the person up to past traumas, explore the darkness within and unlock and resolve maintaining causes of trauma. Part of its picture is also birth trauma

(very common in ASD) and the overuse of all kinds of drugs, as well as a set facial expression (again common in ASD). I have found this remedy to be particularly powerful in bringing

“hidden” symptoms into full view, often to be treated with other remedies.

Autism and vaccination

The use of homeopathic antidotes to vaccines, antibiotics and other medications the child has been exposed to, can give great results. I have seen some cases respond very favourably to

this approach (MMR/DPT/BCG). Of course, the success of this approach proves that for some children, vaccines are at least part of their difficulty. Despite the damage from them,

more and more vaccines are being pushed, with more and more viruses and adjuvants in single shots. I think the word “shot” is very appropriate as it is like playing Russian Roulette with a

child’s health. There’s so much evidence of this harm and yet the mainstream media continues to push the establishment line that all vaccines are necessary and safe. Even when harm is mentioned, anodyne words and phrases are used about how the policy is well intentioned, for the greater good etc. This is a difficult area for people exposed to the constant propaganda and brainwashing that

masquerades as healthcare.




Tinus Smits [†] 27-4-2010.

Autisme ontstaat door een stapeling van stress in de hersenschors (neocortex). Deze stress kan voor/tijdens de zwangerschap beginnen (tropenvaccins van de

toekomstige ouders), medicijngebruik of een amalgaamvulling aanbrengen of verwijderen tijdens de zwangerschap, een bacteriële of virale infectie, vroeggeboorte

of een moeilijke bevalling. Vervolgens speelt het 1e levensjaar een cruciale rol met een steeds groeiend aantal vaccins, maar ook andere medische ingrepen kunnen

de stress steeds verder verhogen: een narcose (voor trommelvliesbuisjes), antibioticakuren, onvolwaardige voeding met te veel suikers en geharde vetten en allerlei tekorten, onvoldoende water, gebruik van de magnetron, allerlei milieu invloeden (plastics en zware metalen).

Als dan met 14 maanden de BMR en meningococcen C vaccins gegeven worden, kan de stress zo groot geworden zijn dat een grens overschreden wordt en de grote hersenen op hol slaan of in een soort stand by functie gaan. Belangrijke functies van de hersenschors vallen dan uit. Maar dit omslagpunt kan net zo goed door heel

andere stressmomenten bereikt worden, bijvoorbeeld door het doormaken van een simpele kinderziekte als waterpokken.

Wat u zelf kunnt doen om uw kind te helpen:

   1. Visolie, 500-1000mg/dag, kunt u zelf al starten voordat u een deskundige raadpleegt. (kies voor goede kwaliteit gegarandeerd zonder zware metalen en pesticiden)

   2. Vitamine C, water oplosbare vorm, 3x daags 500mg vanaf 2 jaar en vanaf 4 jaar 3 maal daags 1000mg; de vetoplosbare vorm (ascorbylpalmitaat) kunt u ook

reeds starten, 3x daags 500mg vanaf 2 jaar en 3x daags 1000mg vanaf 4 jaar.

   3. Zink tot 4 jaar 10mg, van 4 tot 8 jaar 20mg, daarboven 30mg.

   4. Geef uw kind de beste voeding die er bestaat, dus een biologische voeding. Hiermee voorkomt u verdere belasting met zware metalen, pesticiden, smaakversterkers, kleurstoffen, conserveringsmiddelen en andere toxische bijproducten.

   5. Zuurdesembrood in plaats van gistbrood om de binding van zink tot een onoplosbaar complex met phytinezuur te voorkomen en zink in de voeding beschikbaar te houden voor opname.

Het volkoren zuurdesembrood is vaak zwaar, daarom is het beter te beginnen met gebuild zuurdesem dat veel lichter is.

   6. Vermijdt suikers, zoet in het algemeen en kunstmatige zoetstoffen. Ze zijn giftig voor de darmen, alvleesklier en andere weefsels. Suikers verhinderen de productie

van EPA en DHA, beide omega-3 vetzuren die van levensbelang zijn voor de hersenen.

   7. Vermijdt de overconsumptie van omega-6 vetzuren uit soja en mais die vooral in verwerkte producten zitten. Omega-3 vetzuren zijn ontstekingsremmend en omega-6 vetzuren zijn onstekingsbevorderend. Gebruik ongeharde vetten. Geharde vetten zoals in margarines bevatten transvetzuren die kankerverwekkend zijn. De ideale verhouding tussen omega-3 en

omega-6 vetzuren is 1:1, in de moderne voeding is die verhouding rond de 1:25.

   8. Geef uw kind voldoende water, geen frisdranken of light producten.

   9. Gebruik geen magnetron, het verlaagt de kwaliteit van alle voeding.

  10. Zorg voor een rustige omgeving met niet teveel prikkels zoals die van TV, gameboy of computer.

  11. Zorg dat uw kind goed geaard is met de aarde. Statische elektriciteit kan zowel emotionele/ mentale stoornissen als lichamelijke klachten geven. Vermijdt daarom synthetische kleding,

isolerende schoenen (rubber of plastic zolen) en nylon vloerbedekking. Laat het kind zo mogelijk op blote voeten lopen. Zorg dat er geen elektrische apparatuur op zijn slaapkamer staat zoals

elektrische wekker, TV of audio apparatuur.

  12. Zorg voor een gezonde slaapplaats voor uw kind. In een gezond bed hoort geen metaal. Zo mogelijk dient het kind met het hoofd naar het noorden of oosten te slapen.

Een donkere kamer is belangrijk voor de productie van melatonine (slaaphormoon).

  13. Vermijdt antibioticakuren daar ze de darmflora aantasten en daarmee de onderliggende problemen alleen maar erger maken. Kies bij infecties zo mogelijk voor natuurgeneeskundige oplossingen.

  14. Verder kunnen met een constitutionele homeopathische behandeling van het kind, waarbij een geneesmiddel gekozen wordt dat grotendeels op het gedrag van

het kind gebaseerd is, specifieke aspecten van het autistische gedrag behandeld worden. Met het geneesmiddel Sacch./soms met andere constitutionele geneesmiddelen

kan het contact met de buitenwereld, het oogcontact, het gevoel etc. weer hersteld worden en met Cuprum metallicum kan de rigiditeit en obsessiviteit die zo

kenmerkend zijn, weer opgelost worden.


Vergleich: ADHS/ADD. Helium. Glutamat (Blut des Autisten enthält viel Glutamat). Hell-n.[with suspected link to vaccination syndrome (MMR)]. Lac-h (wendet sich ab von Mutter). Sacch (aus Zuckerrübe/= Calc + quenglig/= für Kinder wie Con für Erwachsene). Stadium: 18; Thuj.

Tub. (Kopfschlagen bei Autismus).

Siehe: Nosoden allgemein


Antidotiert von: Oxytocin (wird von Fötus hergestellt/als Wehenauslöser gebraucht). Con. Helium. Helod-c. Medus. Sacch. Lac-f.

Coca. Thea.


Allerlei. Frauen haben empatisches Hirn/Männer haben Systemhirn

Autisten haben übertrieben männliches Hirn: ordnen/sammeln (?Ars.?)

Weibliche Autisten arbeiten hauptsächlich mit Bildern

Autismus Anfang der Fortschritt?/Ausgelöst von zu viel Testosteron während Schwangerschaft (wird hergestellt von Fötus)

Hälfte der „Sauvons“ (= Menschen mit unGEwöhnliche Begabungen für Sprachen/Mathematik/Zahlen/Gedächtnis) = Autisten

Asberger’s syndrome with poor social skills, looking and feeling lost (= Type of Autismus). Cal-ren.


Schwermetallen in Verbindung gebracht mit Autismus



[Luc De Schepper, M.D.]

Background of ASD: hereditary factors

This homeopathic intervention is crucial in the ASD or autism epidemic. At this point and in the near future, many people will be forced to accept a struggle with life as autistic adults. This future tidal wave of maturing

autistic population will soon overwhelm not only emotional and financial resources of families, bur Medicaid and state social services budgets. What is really at the heart of this debate? What has caused autism rates to grow

so much in less than 20 years? The idea that it is just better diagnosed is preposterous. The epidemic is real and cannot be explained by saying the diagnosis skills of doctors suddenly improved in the late 1990s. A logical suggestion is that something changed in the 1990s. I have no doubt that one trigger like the number of mercury-based (thimerosal) vaccines given to children tripled in the ‘90s is one reason. But there is a lot more to it.

Why don’t all children then react to these vaccines with autism? Can we predict who is more at risk? Homeopaths have the answer already: the common symptoms of ASD all point to the syphilitic inherited miasm

(Expressions of the syphilitic miasm can be on the mental, emotional and physical plane). The homeopath can therefore expect that mercury-laden vaccines are a great trigger for all those children with a syphilitic family background, increasing the risk for ASD. Mercury is one of the greatest anti-syphilitic remedies! I read another remark from

a well-meaning allopathic physician. She remarked, “This epidemic cannot be due to the sudden activation of a mystery gene in hundreds of thousands of children.” She does not know how she actually missed the boat. Homeopaths know that a dormant and latent miasmatic state (such as the syphilitic one) can be woken up by many triggers. So in fact, these triggers do activate the dormant gene! And vaccinations are not the only triggers: emotions, life style, diet, puberty, menopause, pregnancy, physical and mental triggers can activate latent miasmatic states anytime!

Often I am asked, “Are there certain remedies in homeopathy that are more specific for autism?” As usual we treat children with autism, not autism, so any of our remedies can be indicated. There is not one autistic child

“the same” than another. Our remedy selection is truly based how your ASD child is different than anyone else. Common symptoms of ASD don’t help us finding the solution for your child. But I can tell you that some emotions suffered during the pregnancy are far more prevalent than others: fear or fright and forsaken and feeling of abandonment suffered by the mom in pregnancy are very prevalent emotional triggers for the making of a challenged child. When you only look at the amount of remedies we have under these two emotions, then you see that the homeopath’s is a difficult one, not to be left in hands of those that are lazy, suffer from megalomania and lack of personal insight.

Some examples (does not include everything!):

Family history of mental disease such as alcoholism, depression, suicide, violence towards humans and animals, bipolar disorder, drug addictions, violent behavior in children, such as hitting, biting, cruelty, etc. The syphilitic mind is also dull, sullen, morose and mentally heavy. There are many diseases (names) referring to destruction on the physical plane: Alzheimer, ALS, Multiple sclerosis, S.D. or spastic dysphonia, all the auto immune disorders such as rheumatoid arthritis, colitis ulcerosa, Crohn’s disease, Hashimoto’s disease, etc. In other words any disease that involves destruction of tissues is syphilitic in nature. So in the family history of an ASD patient, we can

and will find expressions of this miasm on any of the three levels in one or both parents and family. The consequence: the homeopath must choose as the simillimum a remedy that has great anti-syphilitic characteristics.

Any other remedy will be simply palliative, even worse suppressive, giving false hope to parents and homeopaths alike.

Triggers not asked for in allopathy and, alas, often not in homeopathy: the intra uterine emotional trauma

There is one remark I want to make before you continue reading. I have the greatest empathy for any suffering in this world and for children, the future of our race I go always a step further if that is possible. These intra uterine questions that are an absolute must if the mystery of so many challenged children will be resolved can evoke many feelings of guilt and grief in parents who consciously and unconsciously already struggle enough with such emotions. It is certainly not my intention to increase any parents’ suffering, on the contrary. And words on paper can look cold and indifferent and that is the furthest of my intentions. When I teach this material worldwide, I accentuate to students that they must use empathy, love and compassion and explain to these parents that such information, although painful, is of the utmost importance in helping their child. And I never had any parents who would refuse me such info. An added advantage is that the mom, who was subjected to an emotional trauma, will often need the same remedy as their child. Although the mom’s expressions are obviously different than her

child, they are belonging to the same syphilitic miasm and to the same trigger, be it grief, fright, forsaken, etc. Many mothers have delegated such emotional trauma to their unconscious but such action does not equal to a disappearance of the emotional loaded issue.

Often, painful and shameful memories are hiding in our unconscious, as a “shadow,” which, like the Trojan horse, may be unleashed as soon as this high feeling complex is slightly touched upon. It is the inferior and less commendable side of a person. The shadow is “he who follows behind,” our personal demon. The shadow corresponds to a negative ego-personality; it embraces all those characteristics whose existence is found to be painful

and regrettable. After instants of appearance of his shadow man often says, “I was not my self; I was beside myself.” And when the storm has blown over he likes to think that this strange “figure” has disappeared altogether,

never to return. But this stranger (the shadow) merely returns to the unconscious, where it awaits its next opportunity to disturb the artificial peace of the mask. An autistic child is often a gift on many unexpected levels: but to

no one more than to the mother since it will be the opportunity to look at herself and improve on every level. It is fascinating and greatly enjoyable for the homeopath to see both mom and child improving on the same remedy. If anything the bond between mom and child is strengthened as they go through the same journey of healing. Who else than such mom could understand and love her child so much?

I do not need a study to see how the fetus is influenced from day one of its existence by psychic pain endured by the mother. The homeopath sees everyday examples of such challenged children whose mother suffered from an emotional stress (forsaken, grief, deception, hearing bad news, etc.). Every homeopath can attest to this psychological “infection,” and if psychological pain can be felt and transferred from the mother, so can physical pain.

On the question, “How was your pregnancy,” the mother most likely will only concentrate on the physical aspect of her pregnancy (unless she was strongly depressed of course). If no physical problems such as nausea, threatening miscarriage, bleeding, mal position of the fetus, etc., were present, everything will be declared OK! Yet the most important triggers, the mental/emotional ones, those that can explain the unfortunate birth of a challenged child, remain unclear and uninvestigated not only by the allopaths, but equally by homeopaths.

It remains a mystery why allopathy in the year 2007 is still far removed from seeing a link between the mother’s emotions and the repercussion on the fetus, something that has been confirmed for a long time by TCM and

even more by homeopathy. My guess is that allopathy has difficulties confirming such link because it tends to confirm its diagnoses with blood tests, X rays and other technical findings but obviously, such measures will not

gauge the fetus’ emotions. I bet they would like to do pet scans of brains of pregnant moms to see if such maternal emotions change the fetal brain picture. But no such action has been taken yet. And what if allopathy finds deformities on such scans? Will that result in a therapeutic intervention? Of course I would not be surprised if allopathy would start giving tranquilizers and anti depressants to the pregnant mother.

Because the gynecologist and pediatrician never ask such “emotional” questions to see if there can be transference of emotions from the mom to the fetus, mothers never even think about it when the physician and homeopath

ask them, “How was your pregnancy?” “Just fine,” they will say. And unfortunately, too many homeopaths will take such answer as an end to that question, missing therefore one of the most important pieces of the child’s simillimum: the true NWS or trigger. If the homeopath wants to find the simillimum as an investigator, he needs to go to the place of the trauma. Any good crime detective will go to the place of the crime to find out what is “unusual, peculiar and outstanding,” conducting an A153 investigation!

The following questions are important because they are often linked to ailments from, which in turn belong to important remedies that fit the picture of the challenged child (ADD, ADHD, ASD, OCD, etc.).

    What was your first reaction when you heard you were pregnant?

    Was the pregnancy desired by husband and or family?

    Was your husband mostly at home or did he have to travel for work? Any estrangement from family/friends during pregnancy?

    Any real conflicts with husband/family?

    Was there physical and/or mental overwork during pregnancy?

    What emotional events took place during pregnancy? For instance, fright, grief, hearing bad news, etc.

    Was there a change in the family dynamic during the pregnancy?

    Cravings and aversions during pregnancy? How was the birthing process? Emotional stress during breastfeeding?

    What was physical condition and age of parents at time of conception?

I will only elaborate a little about the first question so the reader can understand the importance of these questions.

Was the pregnancy planned? Was it the right moment? What was your (mom’s) first reaction when you heard that you were pregnant?

The first person in line to alter the psychology of the pregnancy’s mental/emotional state is the mother. The first reaction triggers initial changes, since she is the first one hearing the news that she is pregnant or at least correctly assumes she is when she feels the changes in her body. Pregnancies are not always planned and often come as a surprise. Often the very first reaction might be, “Oh, not right now!” I am just not ready for this because of…school, job, moving, relationship not going well, physically and emotionally overwhelmed and probably another hundred reasons. I can not make up the reasons people chose for thinking this way. I heard “reasons” like, “My pregnancy with you was the reason my career never got off the ground.” Here is another story: “I got pregnant on the pill (yes it can happen) and I was not sure I wanted this baby. I did not like the changes in my body and I was very doubtful

I could be a good mother since I had a history of bad temper.” It is interesting to see that this “mental/emotional” rejection of the fetus was followed by an attempt of physical rejection: in her last three weeks she was hospitalized with toxemia (BP 220/190) and the baby came out in a big gush of green water. “The placenta had died and had not been nurturing him for weeks (he was 5 pounds at birth). The baby refused the nipple and cried constantly, so I went in a total state of postpartum depression in which I was afraid I would hurt him (indication for Sepia!!).”

Some women did not like to be pregnant in the first place. Some did not like to become “fat” as they thought they were ugly. Others were fatigued and exhausted throughout the pregnancy. I had a mother who said she “resented

to be tied down in bed, and to feel trapped as she wanted to go somewhere,” but to her frustration she could not do anything but lying bored in bed. Another pregnant mother felt that her unborn child was “like an alien sucking all the energy out of her.” These are all emotions that will be carried over to the unborn fetus.

The thought, “I can’t be pregnant now” means outright rejection of the fetus’ first days of life and even an unconscious refusal of the mom to bond with the fetus. It might even get worse when the pregnant mom is plagued by strong pregnancy nausea and vomiting (hyperemesis gravidarum), which might evoke negative feelings towards the unborn baby. The homeopath should ask the exact first emotional reaction of the mom. Was it joy, anger, frustration, shock or maybe sadness because you always wanted to be pregnant because you wanted to give your parents a grandchild and now they are deceased? Now this happy news of being pregnant can accentuate and

resurface the buried grief, which makes the mother long for what could have been -- happy moments with her parents (homesickness). Sadness might also overshadow the happy news because the relationship with the husband is not going in the right direction or the young woman is caught in an unmarried situation.

There are infinite other examples from the practice. What most people don’t understand is that even if the emotion is only present for a few days, even hours, the impact on the fetus can be great. It is easily seen in cases where there are two or more children in the family and only one is challenged: The homeopath should immediately investigate these pregnancies and look for the emotional trigger where the child was born challenged! Compare the different pregnancies and ask the mom, “What do you think was different in this pregnancy that resulted in this challenged child?”

The importance of these questions is of utmost importance to determine a possible mental/emotional factor that could trigger an ASD child. But without a syphilitic miasmatic background, such trigger will not create an ASD situation.

In the next paragraphs I want to discuss some of the issues that seem to come up. I can see how homeopaths can be confused, how could patients not be more confused when they get such different information regarding homeopathy. When I taught in 14 different universities in India last year, the biggest complaint I heard from students was, “Why do we hear so many different approaches to homeopathy?” It should not be as long as homeopaths adhere to the Organon and Chronic diseases and if they want to add something new, it should be based on our natural basic Laws. Like there is only one form of Traditional Chinese Medicine, there is truly only one form of classical homeopathy. Alas, many homeopaths call themselves “classical,” but further investigations of their claims and in the way they practice homeopathy contradicts this firmly.

Let’s remember Mark Twain’s immortal words: “Get your facts first, and then you can distort them as much as you want.” For this purpose I have written on my web site an article, “How to choose a homeopath.” I don’t want

the reader to fall in the claws of unscrupulous practitioners who trample all the basics of homeopathy and have insufficient or no knowledge, no matter what title they have behind them. Read my article and question your homeopath before you spend in vain your money and even worse, before your hopes again are dashed.


New Diseases Require New Remedies?

Bogus! Homeopaths who claim such things are forgetting their first principle: the homeopath does not prescribe for the name of a disease but for a patient with a disease (quote Kent!).

What is certain is that homeopaths nowadays have more difficulties with the horrendous suppressions of allopathic interventions, but this happens with any disease name for which patients are taking allopathic meds.

So now we could not treat pneumonia or asthma or eczema because people have created “new” pneumonias, asthmas, etc. through the intake of allopathic meds? Or we don’t have an answer with our “old” remedies for diseases

like SARS, the Bird Flu, AIDS, Chronic Fatigue, the 4 Corner Disease and any new name allopathy has come up with? Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) which is 5,000 years old does not need to invent “new” acupuncture points to treat modern diseases. TCM doctors treat these modern diseases as effectively as 5.000 years ago and if Hahnemann would come back now he would be highly successful.


For any well-trained homeopath, it should be easy to determine the miasmatic expression of any allopathic disease name. Of course there are those homeopaths that do not believe in the miasmatic theory, which is a grave mistake. Let’s take the example of that illusive ASD or Autistic Spectrum Disorder. Some of the expressions (not all are mentioned) can be:

    Avoiding eye contact

    Withdrawal from people

    Indifferent to other people

    No facial expression

    Slow learners/monomania

    Aggressive: breaking, biting…

    Mute (sometimes all their life)

    Echolalia or robot-like voice

    Freezing in position or rocking

    Change in routine is disturbing

    Rapid head growth

    Fragile X syndrome: 5% have a defective X chromosome

    Does not babble, point or make meaningful gestures by 1 year of age

    Does not speak one word by 16 months

    Does not respond to name

    Does not know how to play with toys

    At times hearing impaired

All these expressions are linked to the syphilitic miasm in homeopathy!


This means that autism can only be triggered in a child that has a syphilitic miasmatic family background (see before)! This should be taken in account when allopathy bombards these children with vaccinations that are

mercury based! In other words, a homeopath can predict what child is at risk for ASD when they get these vaccinations. This leads to the next topic: the Use of Isopathy!


Is Isopathy homeopathy?

Isopathy is a word derived from, isos, the same, and pathos, disease referring to the maxim, that “the same cures the same.” This is NOT the same as our homeopathic dictum, “Like Cures Like,” Here we talk of similarity,

not the same! Isopathy came even more into vogue when Hering in 1833 started proving the first nosodes. However we need to see clearly what Hering had to say about these nosodes: “…they never succeed to cure but only ameliorating diseases…” Nosodes are truly curative only when they are administered based on the totality of the characteristic symptoms like any other remedy! But at least nosodes are proven homeopathically. This isopathy

took even a greater turn for the wrong with Lux, a vet in 1833. Hahnemann reacted to these assertions when he stated that, the use of miasmatic material without potentization was crude isopathy, whereas its use in potencies is within the realm of homeopathy. The major difference between an isode and a homeopathic nosode is that a homeopathic remedy is proven on healthy people so that its symptom picture and therapeutic range are greatly

expanded. The idem (isopathy) can only be used for the cure or prevention of the same condition it causes. Isopathy, without the principle of the potentized remedy, is an extremely dangerous method. Once an isopathic substance

is dynamized, it becomes a pure homeopathic agent and must be used accordingly to the cardinal principles of homeopathy (proving it before using it!). In summary, nosodes are not isopathic but homeopathic because they are proven and prescribed on the totality of the symptoms. The conclusion of Hahnemann, Hering, Dudgeon and so many eminent homeopaths was that isopathy’s use was limited and not curative.

Personally I have never used isopathy in my practice (and probably never will) as I have seen no need for it. “Clearing the effects of vaccine damage” sounds like the drainage techniques used by many French homeopaths.

The homeopath should keep in mind that there is only one simillimum for the case and that it will “clear” and “drain” all it needs to do without having to precede these remedies by detoxifying or clearing agents. This isopathy comes to the attention of parents because here and there a homeopath claims that the child was improved or cured by isopathy. When an isopathic remedy cures it was only because that remedy was by chance homeopathic to the case! But let’s not imitate allopathy when they see one of our remedies cure for instance a case of rheumatoid arthritis with a certain remedy and now they think it should cure the majority of their rheumatoid cases. This is

called, “prescribing on the name of the disease.” If you think that your child was injured by the mercury in the vaccination (which is quite possible, (in fact there is no reason to keep on giving poison to children) than you must

see if indeed Mercury symptoms appeared after such vaccination. Everyone can read the Mercury proving symptoms in our Materia Medica. Otherwise rather look for another trigger (see my intra uterine questions) which are

most likely more prevalent!



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