Impfungen ?? 18.03.2013



"As well consult a butcher on the value of vegetarianism as a doctor on the worth of vaccination."

                                         Bernard Shaw

Anhang (Tinus Smits)

Anhang. 2 (Wolfgang Hannig)

Anhang. 3

Anhang 4 (Dr Patricia Le Roux)

Anhang C (Catherine O’Driscoll)


Dr Elizabeth Wright Hubbard: It took considerable experience for me to be convinced that the chronic constitutional remedy is the best prophylactic.


Kinderkrankheiten und Impfen:

Wird das Durchmachen einer für den Organismus notwendigen Kinderkrankheit durch eine konventionell Impfung behindert, so gibt es keine Möglichkeit, sich von dem zur Zeit aktiven Miasma zu befreien. In der Regel

kommt ein Schwellprozess in Gang, der nicht selten ins Chronische abdriftet. Außerdem ist immer wieder feststellbar, dass eine Impfung nicht vor der Krankheit schützt, sondern diese nach einer Infektion bestenfalls

gedämpft abläuft. Was aber im Allgemeinen unter „gedämpft“ verstanden wird, ist – mit der homöopathischen Brille betrachtet – sehr fragwürdig. Da ziehen sich Krankheiten recht häufig unterschwellig in die Länge, ein Ausschlag kommt nicht richtig heraus o. der Organismus des Kindes ist nicht imstande, ein vernünftiges Fieber hervorzubringen.

Der Organismus ist seiner Selbstregulationsfähigkeit weitgehend beraubt!

So können also auch Röteln geimpfte Frauen in der Schwangerschaft wieder Röteln bekommen. Im Gegenteil: Bei durchgemachten Röteln liegt die Möglichkeit der Zweiterkrankung bei 3% (Virologin Dorothy Hartmann),

bei Geimpften bei 80%!!!

Die Impfviren können das Immunsystem nicht in der Weise stärken, wie die natürlichen „Wildviren“. Das zeigt sich zum Beispiel auch daran, dass die Antikörperkonzentration nach Impfung geringen ist als die nach natürlichen Erkrankungen. So sind also auch Säuglinge geimpfter Mütter schlechter geschützt! Nicht zu vergessen sind auch die so genannten Impfversager, die gar keinen Schutz bieten.

Impfung ist – auch bei Kinderkrankheiten – nicht gleichbedeutend mit der durchgemachten Krankheit! Weder wird lebenslange Immunität erzielt, noch werden Reifeprozesse beobachtet! Es kann kein Miasma aufgearbeitet werden und die Möglichkeit zu erkranken, wird auch nicht beseitigt – das zeigen die Erkrankungen nach Impfungen.

Vermeulen: Mehr Impfschäden nach Impfungen im Herbst und Winter.

                  Männer 4x von Impfschäden häufiger betroffen


Effects of vaccination:

Apis: Sudden puffing up of whole body

Arn.: sooths effect of vaccination

Malan.: Dry rough skin remaining for years after vaccination.

Sil.: Abscesses or convulsions (also Thuja). Abscess in axilla, whole arm swollen, backache, nausea.

Mez.: Eczema and itching

Sars. Blood purifier after vaccination. Itching eruptions on face and skin.

Ant-t.: When Thuja fails and Silica is not indicated.

Sulph.: When Sulphur symptoms prevail.

Sep.: When Sepia symptoms prevail

Thuj.: aborts effect of vaccination

To prevent side effects Hyp./Led.


Impfung und Homöopathie Hätte Hahnemann geimpft? Dr. Johann Loibner



Im aktuellen „Complete Repertory" sind allein unter den Hauptrubriken 28 Rubriken zu diesem Punkt aufgelistet.

Gemüt: Angst nach Impfung: thuj.

Kopf: Entzündetes Gehirn - Enzephalitis; durch unterdrückte Hautausschläge - Ekzem durch Impfung: bac.

Kopfschmerz durch Impfung: thuj.

Augen: Entzündet nach Impfung: thuj.

------------------------------------- Bindehautenzündung: thuj.

------------------------------------- Keratitis, Cornea: vac. vario.

Magen: Schmerz im Allgemein nach Impfung: Thuj.

Übelkeit nach Impfung: Sil.

Rektum: Durchfall nach Impfung: ant-t. apis, sil. thuj.

Stuhl: < nach Impfung: apisin. thuj.

Atmung: Asthmatisch nach Impfung: thuj.

------------------------------------------ Kind: thuj.

Husten: nach Impfung: thuj.

Glieder: Abmagerung obere Gliedmaßen nach Impfung: maland. thuj.

--------- Hautausschläge – Pusteln auf Unterschenkel nach Impfung: sulph.

--------------------------- wie Varizellen nach Impfung: syc-co.

--------------------------- Lähmung der Beine nach Impfung: thuj.

--------------------------- eiterende Fingernägel nach Impfung: Thuj.

--------------------------- Nägelgeschwür – Umlauf nach Impfung: Thuj.

--------------------------- geschwollen in Arme – Schultern nach Impfung: apis, thuj.

----------------------------------------------------- Oberarme nach Impfung: Sil. sulph. Thuj.

Schlaf: Ruhelos nach Impfung: thuj.

Schlaflos nach Impfung: mez. thuj.

Haut: Hautausschläge Allgemein nach Impfung: crot-h. maland. mez. sars. skook. sulph. vario.

------------------------------------- Ekzem nach Impfung: ammc. kali-m. maland. mez.

Allgemeines: Nach Impfung: acon. ant-t. apis, ars. bac. bapt. bcg, bell. bufo, carc. crot-h. diph. echi. graph. gun. hep. kali-chl. lac-v. lepro. Maland. med. merc. merc-cy. Mez. nat-bic. Nit-ac.

ped. phos. psor. Puls. rhus-t. sabin. sarr. sars. sep. SIL. skook. Stram. SULPH. syc-co. THUJ. Tub. Vac. vario. Zinc.

-------------------------------- Diptherieinfektionen: diph. merc-cy.

-------------------------------- Gelbfieber: ars.

-------------------------------- Meningitisinfektionen: apis

-------------------------------- Pocken: maland. thuj.

-------------------------------- Typhus: bapt.

-------------------------------- prophylaktisch vor Impfung: sulph. thuj. vario.

-------------------------------- Spasmen nach Impfung: Sil. thuj.


POLIO-IMPFUNG. Beschwerden nach: bell. caust. gels. hyper. lath. merc. phos. phys. plb. rhus-t.

PUSTELN nach Impfung: crot-h. hep. psor. sil. sulph.

------------ am Bein: sil. sulph.

------------ juckend. Brennend: psor.

------------ Am Kopf: sulph.

RÖTELN-IMPFUNG. Beschwerden nach: acon. ant-t. apis. bell. gels. phyt. rhus-t. sulph.

RÖTUNG, Erysipelatös: apis.




TETANUS-IMPFUNG, Beschwerden nach: all-c. arn. cic. HYPER. LED. mill. phys. plan. sil. tetox. Thuj.

-------------------------- bösartig: mill.

-------------------------- Nach Verletzungen: all-c. hyper. led. Plan.

-------------------------- vorbeugend: ARN. HYPER. LED. phys. plan. tetox. Thuj.

TOLLWUT-IMPFUNG. Beschwerden nach: agar. agav-a. anag. BELL. calc. canth. cupr. cur. HYOS. iod. lach. laur. LYSS. scut. STRAM. verat

TUBERKULOSE beginnend: tub.

TUMORE: sil. thuj.


UMLAUF. Paronychie: sil. THUJ.

VORBEUGEND. prophylaktisch gegen erwartete Nebenwirkungen der Impfungen: arn. HYPER. LED. phys. plan. sil. sulph. tetox. thuj. vario

WACHSTUMSSTÖRUNGEN: BAR-C. CALC. calc-f. CALC-P. CARC. ferr. ferr-act. iod. irid-met. kreos. ph-ac. phos. sil

WINDPOCKEN, Infektion: acon. ANT-C. ant-t. ars. asaf. bell. canth. carb-v. caust. coff. con. cycl. hyos. ip. led. merc. nat-c. nat-m. PULS. RHUS-T. sep. sil. SULPH. thuj. vario

ZITTERN der Glieder nach der Zweitimpfung: thuj


Attenuierter Lebendimpfstoff

Lebendimpfstoffe enthalten abgeschwächte (attenuierte) Viren/Bakterien, die sich noch vermehren können und eine Immunantwort auslösen, in der Regel jedoch keine Erkrankung. Ein attenuierter Lebendimpfstoff

ist in der Regel deutlich wirksamer als ein Totimpfstoff.

In seltenen Fällen kann es nach der Anwendung eines solchen Impfstoffes bei der möglichen Vermehrung der Erreger zu einer Mutation in Richtung der nicht abgeschwächten Ausgangsform kommen, durch

die dann doch die Erkrankung eintreten kann. Beispiele hierfür sind die in Europa aufgegebene Polio-Schluckimpfung (hat sehr selten Impfpoliomyelitis ausgelöst), der MMR-Impfstoff/BCG/Gelbfieber.

Zur Typhus-Impfung stehen sowohl Lebend- als auch Totimpfstoffe zur Verfügung.

Lebendimpfstoffe werden unterschieden in:

      1. kälte-adaptierte Stämme, die sich nur bei Temperaturen um 25 °C vermehren können, was die Viren auf die oberen Atemwege beschränkt, und

      2. temperatur-sensitive Stämme, deren Replikation auf einen Temperaturbereich von 38 - 39°C beschränkt ist; es kommt auch hier nicht zum Befall der unteren Atemwege.


Totimpfstoffe enthalten inaktivierte o. abgetötete Viren o. Bakterien o. Teile von Viren/Bakterien/Giftstoffen. Diese können sich im Körper nicht mehr weitervermehren oder vergiften, wie es das Tetanospasmin

könnte, Aber sie lösen ebenfalls eine Abwehrreaktion (Immunreaktion) aus.

Beispiele sind die Toxoidimpfstoffe und Impfstoffe gegen Influenza/Cholera/Beulenpest =  Haffkine/Hepatitis A./Masern/Mumps/Röteln/Typhus.

1. Toxoide: = entgiftete Toxine krankheitserregender Mikroorganismen. Diese Impfstoffe werden           verwendet in denen Toxine die Krankheitssymptome verursachen, nicht die Erreger selbst (Tetanus/Diphtherie).

      2. Inaktivierte Ganzpartikelimpfstoffe: Inaktivierung der Viren mittels einer Anwendung von Formaldehyd + beta-Propiolacton + Psoralen

      3. Teilpartikelimpfstoffe: Zerstörung der Virusoberfläche mit Detergentien/starken organischen Lösungsmitteln

      4. Untereinheitimpfstoffe o. Spaltvakzine: Oberfläche wird vollständig aufgelöst und spezifische Komponenten (Hämagglutinin- und Neuraminidase-Proteine) herausgereinigt. Eine andere Möglichkeit besteht darin,

die Untereinheiten rekombinant herzustellen. Untereinheitimpfstoffe sind wenig immunogen mit  geringen Nebenwirkungen.


The live Mycobacterium tuberculosis vaccine developed by Calmette and Guérin is not made of a contagious strain, but contains a virulently modified strain called "BCG" used to elicit immunogenicity to the vaccine.

Toxoid vaccines are made from inactivated toxic compounds that cause illness rather than the micro-organism. Examples of toxoid-based vaccines include tetanus and diphtheria. Toxoid vaccines are known for their efficacy.

Not all toxoids are for micro-organisms; for example, Crotalus atrox toxoid is used to vaccinate dogs against rattlesnake bites.


Jedes 4e Jahr ist der Grippeimpfung nicht die reale Umständen angepasst.


Informationen: www.impfschä

1. The problem of vaccinations and new vaccine preparations:

We must try to understand why a child is oversensitive and then expose the practical attitude to our everyday practice.


[Madeleine Bastide] Proposed suggestions, she is professor in immunology University of Montpellier.

 1st the adverse effects obtained with certain vaccinations (Hepat B) are due to certain relationships between viral antigens and self antigens.

 2nd the special method of preparing the vaccinating antigene (producer cells) may be responsible for the wrong response of the body to the vaccination. Producer cells are the basis for the fabrication of the

latest vaccinations. The Hep B vaccination is cultivitated on cancerous, undifferential cells called producer cells.

 3rd the organism is not capable of analysing the" strangeness" of those new vaccinations/so producing a self-immune response.


Now back to the origins of the vaccinations and Pasteur’s initial approach.

Sure Pasteur’s attitude to vaccination is now been totally bypassed/swept away. Pasteur worked on a real identity: the vaccine itself was the pathogenetic agent, and it was diluted or killed and simply attenuated.

This is different in the new vaccinations. They are genetically engineered/cultivated on producer cells/the pathogenic agent is not found in these vaccination.

Pasteur’s principle of identity has been abamdoned and so the immunity system has to adapt to a certain extent and sometimes it responds in a perverse way. This explains the greater number of accidents linked to

vaccination (connected with self-immune diseases).

There is a real problem with the new vaccinations.

The new vaccination against Hep A/Pert tends to improve with each personal vaccination, but the immunity system can only try to adapt as much as it can take and adverse effects may multiply.

Vaccination should only be done when there is a complete agreement between the physician and the patient. This explains why the character of legal obligation is not really acceptable from point of view of the patients

freedom. We live in democracies/each family should be able to evaluate the advantage/risk ratio, as in other pathologies, decide on the vaccination or not.

Pert. has been implicated in the causation of juvenile onset diabetes as the vaccine acts directly on the islets of Langerhans/BCG is compulsary only in France (last country in Europe). It is an interesting example because

the incidence of this pathology in France is the same as in countries where the vaccination is not compulsary.

Vaccination program must be discussed with the parents/it concerns their children and help them to take all aspects in consideration. A vaccination program should be set up for their child as it is very important for their

health, and each child is different and needs a different approach.

To cure cases of oversensitive reaction to vaccinations we can give antidotes to vaccination.

In a certain way we reverse what Pasteur would have done 100 years ago on the perverse effects of the vaccination in order to have an adequate response to vaccination.

We realise in pediatrics that most of our patients with immunological disorders or allergic states, need antidotes to their vaccinations to allow the action of the similimum.

If the bloquage state caused by vaccination on a sensitive organism is not taken away by antidote, the result of a well prescribed remedy will have no effect.

As a conclusion to these frequent problems, it seems important to remember here that vaccinations initially have brought progress and relief for severe diseases (small pocks!/Polio/Tetanus).

But vaccination can not solve all our health problems/multiplying sophisticated vaccinations is leading to saturation of our immunities.

It is also important to consider that cancers/self immune diseases/AIDS are deeply linked to saturation of immunity.

Immunology as a speciality must be considered the most holistically as possible. Its comprehension and function should lead to a very different way of healing and open way to giving alternative medecines their proper place

in this field.


2° Immunology and homeopathy:

We all know that the immune system has a function of defense.

It is a system less systemisable as its anatomical and functionnal process is present in the whole body (thymus/marrow/ganglions).

This explains why several unconventional therapies, far from a mechanical allopathic therapy, seem esp. well adapted to correcting the impairments of the immunity system.

3 fundamental points that can help us to understand this:

* The immunity system of mamals is totally adapted to defending its own biological system/it is a hybrid system: ½ mechanical + ½ informational/it can produce double-faced molecules seving as mediators between mechanics and information (cells that have a function of representing the outside world to the body).

* The immunity system that works on the model of the identy law (meaning pain curing pain) and that adapts to the defense processes of the virus or the bacteria that is different from it, can then develop wrong responses when vaccinations are made with cells identified as agressor (virus/bacteria)

But if the law of similarity seeks to recognise strangers, maybe the components of the vaccinations do not represent sufficently the agressor . Therefore the immune system can reply in a perverse way (self immune disease or allergy).



Attenuation (abgeschwächt) reduces the virulence of a pathogen, while keeping it viable (or 'alive')

Ist counterpart is a vaccine produced by 'killing' the virus (= inactivated)

Examples of live vaccines include:

      * viral: polio vaccine (Sabin vaccine), Morb. Pert. rubella vaccine/Varicellinum o. Varicell (= chicken pox vaccine)/yellow fever vaccine

           * bacterial: BCG vaccine, typhoid vaccine

Viruses may be attenuated via passage of the virus through a foreign host, such as: tissue culture/embryonated eggs/live animals/the initial viral population is applied to the foreign host. In all likelihood one of these will possess a mutation that enables it to infect the new host. However this mutant will normally have a lower virulence in the original host, as the rest of the genetic information for interacting with the host hasn't changed, enabling it to infect them, but cause less damage, and so it acts as a vaccine/in an attenuated vaccine live virus particles with very low virulence are administered/they will reproduce, but very slowly/they do reproduce and continue to present antigens beyond the initial vaccination, so boosters are required less often. These vaccines are produced by growing the virus in tissue cultures that will select for less virulent strains, or by mutagenesis or targeted deletions in genes required for virulence. There is a small? risk of reversion the virulence, this risk is smaller in vaccines with deletions. Attenuated vaccines also cannot be used by immunocompromised (= mit geschwächtem Immunsystem) individuals.

Advantages of attenuated vaccines: activates all phases of the immune system (for instance IgA local antibodies are produced)/provides more durable immunity; boosters are required less frequently/low cost/quick immunity/easy to transport/administer

Disadvantages of attenuated Vaccines: Secondary mutation can cause a reversion to virulence/can still cause disease, particularly in immunocompromised patients (AIDS)/can be difficult to transport due to requirement to maintain conditions (i.e. temperature) at which the virus can "survive".

* Self-immunity can have a mechanic explanation by the presence of true cross reactions against bacteria which, by provoking antibodies responses would give way to self-immune disorders through antigenic patterns.

In a different approach, to global awareness, it can be a deeper disease in the organism, with a true loss of identity of the patient, who’s immunity system in its function of protection of the living can no longer differentiate, the self from the extraneous agressors.

The elimination process would therefore be this error in identification on what an agressor can be.

We must try and go ahead in our thinking and learning of homeopathy and realise how to feed the fire (sulfur fire of course): this will then leed us to entire satisfaction.


Tinus Smits († 27-4-2010)


Folgendes hat anthroposofische Einschlüße

Frei nach: Hans-Ulrich Albonico, M.D.

Swiss Campaign against Measles, Mumps and Rubella Immunization

When the campaign was initiated in 1987, the USA was cited as an example because 20 years of enforced vaccination in the States had reduced the incidence of measles by 99%. Recent developments in the USA give pause for thought, however.

Major measles epidemics have developed repeatedly since 1982. Adolescents are increasingly affected, in spite of vaccination, and so are infants, because mothers no longer confer adequate immunity. Childhood diseases are more dangerous for both these age groups than for other children. According to official statements, measles mortality has increased by a factor of 10 in the USA. American experts refer to this as an unexpected and partly inexplicable development. Warning voices are increasingly heard among vaccination experts.

It may be said that the incidence in the U.S. is still much lower than in the period preceding the mass immunization campaign. One thing is abundantly clear there are compulsive elements to the MMR immunization campaign that inevitably intervene profoundly in the sphere of the individual. When obligatory immunization had enforced high levels of compliance in many places, the unexpected epidemics necessitated rigorous measures including quarantaine, exclusion from school, house-to-house immunization. MMR re-immunization has already been made obligatory. Similar reports are coming from other countries with high immunization rates.

Recent investigations in Switzerland and other countries have also shown that in practice it is impossible to eradicate measles, rubella and mumps. This deprives MMR vaccination strategies based on mass immunization of young children of any kind of rational basis.

In Switzerland, measles, rubella and mumps cannot be said to represent an emergency situation that would justify such rigorous government intervention. Prevention of the serious complications of these three childhood diseases relates to three entirely different spheres, and a single combination vaccine cannot do justice to these.

The Medical Group for Differentiated MMR Immunization and the Groupe Medical de Reflexion sur le Vaccin ROR are not against immunization as such. They do, however, advocate a cautious approach, taking account of the individual situation and of the specific problems of each of the three childhood diseases, avoiding fundamental changes to their epidemiology and respecting parents' freedom of decision.

The critical studies of the Swiss MMR immunization campaign published in the two papers mentioned below result from three years of fundamental research done by the Medical Group for Differentiated MMR Immunization and the Groupe medical de Reflexion sur le Vaccin ROR. Essentially they base on the following:

- Documents from the Swiss Federal Department of Health (BAG) relating to the MMR campaign, especially information material for the medical profession issued in 1987 and 1989.

- 30-page correspondence between the Group and BAG.

- Detailed study of the specialist literature on the subject.

- A. Tschumper and Th. Abelin's study of the literature entitled Die Impfstrategien gegen Masem, Mumps und Roetein (MMR-Impfung) im Lichte der epidemiologischen Literatur. Bern, December 1988.

- Correspondence and discussions with experts in Switzerland, Germany, the USA - esp. the US Centers of Disease Control (CDC) - on the subject of protective immunization, and Prof. Dr. D. Jachertz in Bern (on matters of epidemiclogical concern).

- The professional experience of the c. 240 physicians in the two groups.

The Medical Group for Differentiated MMR Immunization (est. in 1987) and the Groupe Medical de Reflexion sur Ie Vaccin ROR (est. in 1988) include c. 240 Swiss medical practitioners whose aim is to gain acceptance for a differentiated MMR immunization practice.

The fundamental aspects are presented in leaflets for parents published by the groups which are entitled "Masem-, Mumps- und Roeteln- Impfung - Warum die Eitern mitentscheiden sollen" and "Vaccination ROR - Parents vous etes con-ceme's" (MMR immunization - why parents should have a part in the decision). They may be obtained from the Secretariat, Postfach 3009 Bern, Switzerland.




Smallpox = Pocken

Tb. have been linked to the smallpox vaccine.

Iimportant in understanding the significance of smallpox vaccination is that smallpox and other communicable diseases were declining before vaccination programs were enforced. This may be attributed to the sanitation reforms and nutritional teachings instituted around the mid-1800’s as much as to the vaccination programs as these other communicable diseases, for which there was no vaccination, were also declining at the same rate.

However the incidence of smallpox actually increased once vaccination programs were instituted. In Jenner’s time, there were only a few hundred cases of smallpox in UK. After more than 15 years of mandatory vaccinations, in 1870/1871 alone more than 23.000 people died from the disease. Later, in Japan, nearly 29.000 people died in 7 years under a stringent compulsory (re)vaccination program.

This increase in smallpox deaths was associated with a noticeable lack of protection - not the best combination of events. In Germany over 124.000 people died of smallpox during the same epidemic. All had been vaccinated. Additionally, (unaltered) hospital records consistently show that about 90 % of all smallpox cases occurred after vaccination.

This lack of efficiency and increase in disease incidence, while other communicable diseases were declining, led to the refusal of smallpox vaccination by some countries. This resulted in a drop of the incidence of the disease that is quite remarkable. In Australia, when 2 children died from their smallpox shots, the government terminated compulsory vaccinations. As a result, smallpox virtually disappeared in that country (3 cases in 15 years). When UK began to reject vaccination, then the incidence of smallpox deaths decreased accordingly.



Assumed is that vaccination has made a difference in incidence. Facts: from 1923 to 1953, before the Salk killed-virus vaccine was introduced, the polio death rate in U.S. and UK had already declined on its own by 47% and 55% respectively. Statistics show a similar decline in other European countries. When the vaccine became available, many European countries questioned its effectiveness and refused to systematically inoculate their citizens. Yet, polio epidemics also ended in these countries as well.

Additionally, as with smallpox vaccine, the number of reported cases of polio following mass inoculations with the killed-virus vaccine was significantly greater than before mass inoculations. Though these facts are readily available, the mass vaccination against polio has continued with the result that most of the cases of this dread disease are now attributed to the vaccine.

In 1976, Dr. Jonas Salk testified that the live-virus vaccine, used almost exclusively in the US since the early 1960’s, was “the principle if not the sole cause” of all reported polio cases in the US since 1961.

The Federal Centers for Disease Control recently (Feb. 1992) admitted that the livevirus vaccine has become the dominant cause of polio in the US today. According to CDC figures, 87% of all cases of polio between 1973 and 1983 were caused by the vaccine. More recently, from 1980 through 1989, every case of polio in the U.S. was caused by the vaccine. During this same time period, 3 of 5 people that caught polio during foreign travel were previously vaccinated against the disease.

Begleitend zu Polioimpfung: Sagitario sagitifolia,



Is very similar to canine distemper. The measles vaccine was introduced in 1963, yet in the U.S./U.K.from 1915 to 1958, a greater than 95 % decline in the measles death rate had already occurred. In addition, the death rate from measles in the mid-1970’s (which was several years post-vaccine) remained exactly the same as in the early 1960’s (pre-vaccine), e.g.,  .03 deaths per 100.000. Again, the efficacy of vaccination in prevention of this disease has not been established. According to a study conducted by the W.H.O., chances are 14x greater that measles will be contracted by those vaccinated against the disease than those who are left alone. According to Dr. Atkinson of the CDC, “measles transmission has been clearly documented among vaccinated persons. In some large outbreaks.... over 95% of cases have a history of vaccination...”

In addition, of all reported cases of measles in the U.S. in 1984, more than 58 % of the school age children were “adequately” vaccinated. In 1985, the federal government reported 1.984 non-preventable cases of measles. But 80% of these so-called “non-preventable” cases occurred in people who had been properly vaccinated. More recent outbreaks continue to occur throughout the country,

sometimes among 100% vaccinated populations. In spite of the evidence for lack of efficacy of this vaccine it is still strongly promoted. This continued use of a useless vaccine, is not without its price. It has been determined that the measles vaccine may cause ataxia/learning disability/retardation/aseptic meningitis/seizure disorders/paralysis/death. It has also been investigated as a possible cause of or cofactor for MS/Reye’s syndrome/Guillain-Barre syndrome/blood clotting disorders/juvenile-onset diabetes.

Another additional harmful effect is that the disease has changed form, and now affects primarily a different age group. The peak incidence of measles no longer occurs in children, but in adolescents and young adults. The risk of complications of pneumonia (3%) and liver abnormality (20%) have increased as a result.

Before the vaccine was introduced, it was extremely rare for an infant to contract measles. However by 1993 more than 25 % of all measles cases were occurring in babies under 1 year. Centre for Disease Control anticipates a worsening of this situation and attributes it to the growing number of mothers who were vaccinated during the last 30 years and therefore have no natural immunity to pass on to their children.


Whooping Cough (Pertussis)

Pertussis vaccine been connected with juvenile onset diabetes as the vaccine acts directly on the islets of Langerhans (=  insulin-secreting parts of the pancreas).

1. hypoglycæmia, 2. diabetes. This emphasises the link between candidiasis and diabetes + Cand assimilating/fermentating sugar. Use of Foll. successfully in candidiasis underlines the connection with female sex hormones.

Incidence and severity of whooping cough had begun to decline long before the pertussis vaccine was introduced in the 1940’s. From 1900 to 1935, in US/UK, before the pertussis vaccine was introduced, the death rate from pertussis had already declined by 79 % and 82 %, respectively.

Some studies indicate that the effectiveness of the pertussis vaccine may be as low as 40- 45 + evidence indicates that immunity is not sustained. During an epidemic in 1978, of 85 fully vaccinated children, 46 (= 54%) developed whooping cough.

During a 10 month period in 1984, the state of Washington reported 162 cases in age 3 months to 6 years, 49% had been fully vaccinated against the disease. In the same year, of the 560 cases reported to CDC in the age bracket of 7 months to 6 years with known vaccination status, 46 % had received vaccine protection. In 1986, in Kansas, 1300 cases of pertussis were reported. Of the patients whose

vaccination status was known, 90 % were “adequately” vaccinated.

There are several known or suspected harmful effects from this vaccine. Includeding SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome - research shows that children die at a rate 8x greater than normal within 3 days after getting a DPT shot), encephalitis (the pertussis vaccine is used in animal experiments to help produce anaphylactic shock/to cause an acute auto immune encephalomyelitis), retardation and

learning disorders/fever as high as 106 degrees - with pain/swelling/diarrhea/projectile

vomiting/sleePY/high-pitched screaming/inconsolable crying bouts/seizures/convulsions, collapse/shock.

In the 20 months prior to July 31, 1992 - 250 deaths and 7,200 adverse reactions linked to whooping cough vaccinations had been reported to CDC. In addition, the US Public Health Service announced that as of Nov. 16, 1992, some 3,200 pertussis vaccine claims against the US government had been filed.


Vaccination question looked at from several aspects. We have looked at the way in which I think that routine vaccinations can result in the production of chronic disease in animals and I have made some specific suggestions of the symptoms that result. Also, we have considered the question of vaccine effectiveness with the surprising evidence that vaccines do not actually protect populations from disease - though they do seem to modify the pattern in which the acute disease manifests.


Lebendimpfstoffe enthalten abgeschwächte (attenuierte) Viren/Bakterien, die sich noch vermehren können und eine Immunantwort auslösen, in der Regel jedoch keine Erkrankung. Ein attenuierter Lebendimpfstoff ist in der Regel deutlich wirksamer als Totimpfstoff.

In seltenen Fällen kann es nach der Anwendung eines solchen Impfstoffes bei der möglichen Vermehrung der Erreger zu einer Mutation in Richtung der nicht abgeschwächten Ausgangsform kommen, durch die dann doch die Erkrankung eintreten kann. Beispiele hierfür sind die in Europa aufgegebene Polio-Schluckimpfung, welche sehr selten die Impfpoliomyelitis ausgelöst hat, der MMR-Impfstoff, der Bacillus Calmette-Guérin sowie Impfstoffe gegen Gelbfieber.

Totimpfstoffe enthalten inaktivierte o. abgetötete Viren o. Bakterien o. Bestandteile von Viren, Bakterien o. Giftstoffen. Diese können sich im Körper nicht mehr weitervermehren o. ihn vergiften, wie es das Tetanospasmin könnte, Aber sie lösen ebenfalls eine Abwehrreaktion (Immunreaktion) aus. Beispiele sind die Toxoidimpfstoffe und Impfstoffe gegen Influenza, Cholera, Beulenpest oder Hepatitis A.


Totimpfstoffe werden unterschieden in:

    * Toxoide: sind entgiftete Toxine krankheitserregender Mikroorganismen. Diese Impfstoffe werden in Fällen verwendet, in denen nicht die Erreger selbst, sondern vor allem deren Toxine die Krankheitssymptome verursachen (Tetanus/Diph).

    * Inaktivierte Ganzpartikelimpfstoffe: Inaktivierung der Viren mittels einer kombinierten Anwendung von Formaldehyd, beta-Propiolacton und Psoralen

    * Teilpartikelimpfstoffe: Zerstörung der Virusoberfläche mit Detergentien o. starken organischen Lösungsmitteln

    * Untereinheitimpfstoffe o. Spaltvakzine: die Oberfläche wird vollständig aufgelöst und spezifische Komponenten (Hämagglutinin- und Neuraminidase-Proteine) herausgereinigt. Eine andere Möglichkeit besteht darin, die Untereinheiten rekombinant herzustellen. Untereinheitimpfstoffe sind nur wenig immunogen, besitzen dafür aber geringe Nebenwirkungen.


Lebendimpfstoffe wirken effizienter als Totimpfstoffe, da sie neben humoraler Immunität (eine durch in den Körperflüssigkeiten zirkulierende Antikörper bewirkte Form der Immunität) auch bis zu lebenslang anhaltende zelluläre Immunantworten auslösen.

Allerdings sind sie etwas schlechter in der Verträglichkeit und bergen das (sehr geringe) Risiko einer Rückmutation in Krankheitserreger und damit der Auslösung einer (meist abgeschwächten) Form der Erkrankung, gegen die sie ursprünglich schützen sollten.

Ferner sind nach aktuellen Empfehlungen des in Deutschland dafür zuständigen Robert-Koch-Instituts Lebendimpfungen ab 3 Monaten vor einer und während der gesamten Schwangerschaft kontraindiziert. Dagegen können fällige Impfungen mit Totimpfstoffen den werdenden Müttern im 2en und 3en Drittel der Schwangerschaft bedenkenlos verabreicht werden; im 1en Drittel sollten zum Ausschluss jeglichen Risikos für das Kind dagegen nur diejenigen Totstoff-Impfungen vorgenommen werden, die individuell dringend indiziert sind. In der anschließenden Stillzeit sind Impfungen generell ohne Beschränkungen möglich.

Unterschiedliche Lebendimpfstoffe können ohne Weiteres simultan verabreicht werden. Bei nicht gleichzeitiger Impfung soll der Abstand zwischen zwei Lebendimpfungen allerdings mindestens vier Wochen betragen. Totimpfstoffe oder eine Kombination mit ihnen betrifft dies nicht.

Impfung mit Endotoxine: (= in der Apotheke frei erhältlich) Bestandteil der äußeren Zellmembran von gramnegativen Bakterien/Blaualgen. Im Gegensatz zu den Bakterien, aus denen sie stammen, sind Endotoxine sehr hitzestabil (Sterilisierung).

Endotoxine gehören zu den Pyrogenen, sie können bei Kontakt mit Schleimhäuten und bei Übertritt ins Blut bei Menschen und manchen Tierarten Fieber erzeugen/aktivieren eine Reihe von Signalwegen von immunkompetenten Zellen, die entweder zu einer Entzündung o. zu einem programmierten Zelltod (Apoptose) dieser Zellen führen können. Sie sind schon in niedrigsten Konzentrationen (unterer pg/mL-Bereich) biologisch wirksam.



Arzneien in Gruppe Impfstoff

6- facher Impfstoff


BCG Vaccine

Beriglobin P*


Bovilis BVD-MD

Bovilis IBR Marker

Diph Pert Tet Vaccinum

Diph Tet Vaccine

Dipht Tet Pert Hib Vaccine

Dipht Tet Pert IPV HIB Vacc.

Dipht Tet Pert IPV Vacc.

Dipht Tet Pert Polio - Vaccine

Dipht Tet Polio Vaccine (Pert.: Effekten danach)

FSME Vacc.


Grippe 2010/2011 #1

Grippe 2010/2011 #2

Grippe 2010/2011 #3

Grippeimpfstoff 2001/2002

Grippeimpfstoff 2002/2003

Grippeimpfstoff 98/99

Haemophilus B - Hepatitis B Vacc.

Haemophylus influenzae B Vacc.

Hepatitis A + B Vaccine, Erwachsene

Hepatitis A + B Vaccine, Kinder

Hepatitis A Impfstoff für Kinder

Hepatitis-B Vaccine

Humaner Papillomavirus Impfstoff

Influenza Virus Vaccine


MMR Vacc.


Pneumococcen Vaccine A

Polio Sabin

Polio Vaccine

Rota Corona Vacc.

Tetanus Vaccine

Typhus Impfstoff oral


Varizellen Lebendimpfstoff


Liste von Impfstoffen und enthaltene Zusatzstoffen:

Acel-Immune DTaP - Diphtheria-Tetanus-Pertussis Wyeth-Ayerst 800.934.5556

diphtheria and tetanus toxoids and acellular pertussis adsorbed, formaldehyde, aluminum hydroxide, aluminum phosphate, thimerosal, and polysorbate 80 (Tween-80) gelatin Act HIB

 Haemophilus - Influenza B Connaught Laboratories 800.822.2463

Haemophilus influenza Type B, polyribosylribitol phosphate ammonium sulfate, formalin, and sucrose

 Attenuvax - Measles Merck & Co., Inc. 800-672-6372

measles live virus neomycin sorbitol hydrolized gelatin, chick embryo

 Biavax - Rubella Merck & Co., Inc. 800-672-6372

rubella live virus neomycin sorbitol/hydrolized gelatin/human diploid cells from aborted fetal tissue

BioThrax - Anthrax Adsorbed BioPort Corporation 517.327.1500

nonencapsulated strain of Bacillus anthracis aluminum hydroxide, benzethonium chloride, and formaldehyde

DPT - Diphtheria-Tetanus-Pertussis GlaxoSmithKline 800.366.8900 x5231

diphtheria and tetanus toxoids and acellular pertussis adsorbed, formaldehyde, aluminum phosphate, ammonium sulfate, and thimerosal, washed sheep RBCs

Dryvax - Smallpox (not licensed d/t expiration) Wyeth-Ayerst 800.934.5556

live vaccinia virus, with "some microbial contaminants," according to the Working Group on Civilian Biodefense polymin B sulfate, streptomycin sulfate, chlortetracycline hydrochloride, and neomycin sulfate glycerin, and phenol (obtained by distillation of coal tar vesicle fluid from calf skins) Engerix-B

Recombinant Hepatitis B GlaxoSmithKline 800.366.8900 x5231

genetic sequence of the hepatitis B virus that codes for the surface antigen (HbSAg), cloned into GMO yeast, aluminum hydroxide, and thimerosal

Fluvirin Medeva Pharmaceuticals 888.MEDEVA 716.274.5300

influenza virus, neomycin, polymyxin, beta-propiolactone, chick embryonic fluid

FluShield Wyeth-Ayerst 800.934.5556

trivalent influenza virus, types A&B gentamicin sulphate formadehyde, thimerosal, and polysorbate 80 (Tween-80) chick embryonic fluid

Havrix - Hepatitis A GlaxoSmithKline 800.366.8900 x5231

hepatitis A virus, formalin, aluminum hydroxide, 2-phenoxyethanol, and polysorbate 20 residual MRC5 proteins - human diploid cells from aborted fetal tissue

HiB Titer - Haemophilus Influenza B Wyeth-Ayerst 800.934.5556

haemophilus influenza B, polyribosylribitol phosphate, yeast, ammonium sulfate, thimerosal, and chemically defined yeast-based medium

Imovax Connaught Laboratories 800.822.2463

rabies virus adsorbed, neomycin sulfate, phenol, red indicator human albumin, human diploid cells from aborted fetal tissue

IPOL Connaught Laboratories 800.822.2463

3 types of polio viruses neomycin, streptomycin, and polymyxin B formaldehyde, and 2-phenoxyethenol continuous line of monkey kidney cells

JE-VAX - Japanese Ancephalitis Aventis Pasteur USA 800.VACCINE

Nakayama-NIH strain of Japanese encephalitis virus, inactivated formaldehyde, polysorbate 80 (Tween-80), and thimerosal mouse serum proteins, and gelatin

LYMErix - Lyme GlaxoSmithKline 888-825-5249

recombinant protein (OspA) from the outer surface of the spirochete Borrelia burgdorferi kanamycin aluminum hydroxide, 2-phenoxyethenol, phosphate buffered saline

MMR - Measles-Mumps-Rubella Merck & Co., Inc. 800.672.6372

measles, mumps, rubella live virus, neomycin sorbitol, hydrolized gelatin, chick embryonic fluid, and human diploid cells from aborted fetal tissue

M-R-Vax - Measles-Rubella Merck & Co., Inc. 800.672.6372

measles, rubella live virus neomycin sorbitol hydrolized gelatin, chick embryonic fluid, and human diploid cells from aborted fetal tissue

Menomune - Meningococcal Connaught Laboratories 800.822.2463

freeze-dried polysaccharide antigens from Neisseria meningitidis bacteria, thimerosal, and lactose

Meruvax I - Mumps Merck & Co., Inc. 800.672.6372

mumps live virus neomycin sorbitol hydrolized gelatin

NYVAC - (new smallpox batch, not licensed) Aventis Pasteur USA 800.VACCINE

highly-attenuated vaccinia virus, polymin B, sulfate, streptomycin sulfate, chlortetracycline hydrochloride, and neomycin sulfate glycerin, and phenol -a compound obtained by distillation of coal tar vesicle fluid from calf skins

Orimune - Oral Polio Wyeth-Ayerst 800.934.5556

3 types of polio viruses, attenuated neomycin, streptomycin sorbitol monkey kidney cells and calf serum

Pneumovax - Streptococcus Pneumoniae Merck & Co., Inc. 800.672.6372

capsular polysaccharides from polyvalent (23 types), pneumococcal bacteria, phenol,

Prevnar Pneumococcal - 7-Valent Conjugate Vaccine Wyeth Lederle 800.934.5556

saccharides from capsular Streptococcus pneumoniae antigens (7 serotypes) individually conjugated to diphtheria CRM 197 protein aluminum phosphate, ammonium sulfate, soy protein, yeast

RabAvert - Rabies Chiron Behring GmbH & Company 510.655.8729

fixed-virus strain, Flury LEP neomycin, chlortetracycline, and amphotericin B, potassium glutamate, and sucrose human albumin, bovine gelatin and serum "from source countries known to be free of bovine spongioform encephalopathy," and chicken protein

Rabies Vaccine Adsorbed GlaxoSmithKline 800.366.8900 x5231

rabies virus adsorbed, beta-propiolactone, aluminum phosphate, thimerosal (= Natrium-2-(ethylmercurithio) benzoat = Zusatzstoff in Impfungen), and phenol, red rhesus monkey fetal lung cells

Recombivax - Recombinant Hepatitis B Merck & Co., Inc. 800.672.6372

genetic sequence of the hepatitis B virus that codes for the surface antigen (HbSAg), cloned into GMO yeast, aluminum hydroxide, and thimerosal (= Natrium-2-(ethylmercurithio) benzoat = Zusatzstoff in Impfungen)

RotaShield - Oral Tetravalent Rotavirus (recalled) Wyeth-Ayerst 800.934.5556

1 rhesus monkey rotavirus, 3 rhesus-human reassortant live viruses neomycin sulfate, amphotericin B potassium monophosphate, potassium diphosphate, sucrose, and monosodium glutamate (MSG) rhesus monkey fetal diploid cells, and bovine fetal serum smallpox (not licensed due to expiration)

40-yr old stuff "found" in Swiftwater, PA freezer Aventis Pasteur USA 800.VACCINE

live vaccinia virus, with "some microbial contaminants," according to the Working Group on Civilian Biodefense polymin B sulfate, streptomycin sulfate, chlortetracycline hydrochloride, and neomycin sulfate glycerin, and phenol -a compound obtained by distillation of coal tar vesicle fluid from calf skins

Smallpox (new, not licensed) Acambis, Inc. 617.494.1339 in partnership with Baxter BioScience

highly-attenuated vaccinia virus, polymin B sulfate, streptomycin sulfate, chlortetracycline hydrochloride, and neomycin sulfate glycerin, and phenol -a compound obtained by distillation of coal tar vesicle fluid from calf skins

TheraCys BCG (intravesicle -not licensed in US for tuberculosis) Aventis Pasteur USA 800.VACCINE

live attenuated strain of Mycobacterium bovis monosodium glutamate (MSG), and polysorbate 80 (Tween-80)

Tripedia - Diphtheria-Tetanus-Pertussis Aventis Pasteur USA 800.VACCINE

Corynebacterium diphtheriae and Clostridium tetani toxoids and acellular Bordetella pertussis adsorbed aluminum potassium sulfate, formaldehyde, thimerosal (= Natrium-2-(ethylmercurithio) benzoat = Zusatzstoff in Impfungen), and polysorbate 80 (Tween-80) gelatin, bovine extract

US-sourced Typhim Vi - Typhoid Aventis Pasteur USA SA 800.VACCINE

cell surface Vi polysaccharide from Salmonella typhi Typ2 strain, aspartame, phenol, and polydimethylsiloxane (silicone)

Varivax - Chickenpox Merck & Co., Inc. 800.672.6372

varicella live virus neomycin phosphate, sucrose, and monosodium glutamate (MSG) processed gelatin, fetal bovine serum, guinea pig embryo cells, albumin from human blood, and human diploid cells from aborted fetal tissue

YF-VAX - Yellow Fever Aventis Pasteur USA 800.VACCINE

17D strain of yellow fever virus sorbitol chick embryo, and gelatin


Adjuvantien für Humanimpfstoffe

Bezeichnung/Handelsname         Typ,                                                          Zusammensetzung/Aufbau                                                                           Beschreibung, Verwendung

Aluminiumhydroxid                    Anorganische Verbindung, Gelstruktur.            Aluminiumhydroxid bindet das Antigen durch Adsorption und setzt es langsam frei. Verwendung als Adsorptionsmittel in Tetanus-/Diphtherie-/Pertussis-/Hepatitis A-Impfstoff

MF59        Öl-in-Wasser-Emulsion. Squalen/Polysorbat 80/Sorbitantrioleat           Nach Injektion geht MF59 schnell in das Lymphsystem über und beschleunigt die Aufnahme der Antigene in das Immunsystem.  Verwendung als Wirkverstärker in Influenza-Impfstoffen

AS03         Öl-in-Wasser-Emulsion. Squalen/Polysorbat 80/DL-α-Tocopherol       Verwendung als Wirkverstärker in Influenza-Impfstoffen wie z. B. Pandemischer Influenza-Impfstoff A/H1N1 (Pandemrix)

MPL          Monophosphoryl-Lipid A (gereinigtes Derivat von Lipopolysacchariden aus Bakterienzellwänden von Salmonella minnesota).   Bestandteil von kombinierten Adjuvantien (Adjuvant Systems, AS)

QS21         Oberflächenaktiver Stoff (Saponin) aus Rinde  von Quill              Verwendung als Matrix in den sogenannten ISCOMs (immunstimulating complexes) und in den kombinierten Adjuvantien

AS04         Kombiniertes Adjuvans.

Komplex aus MPL und Aluminiumhydroxid bzw. Aluminiumphosphat        Aktivierung des Toll-like-Rezeptors TLR4. Bestandteil in Fendrix (Hepatitis B-Impfstoff), Cervarix (HPV-Impfstoff)

AS01         Kombiniertes Adjuvans.

Liposomen, MPL und QS21.       Aktivierung von Toll-like-Rezeptoren, experimentelle Verwendung

AS02         Kombiniertes Adjuvans.

Öl-in-Wasser-Emulsion, MPL und QS21.       Aktivierung von Toll-like-Rezeptoren, experimentelle Verwendung (Entwicklung Malaria-Impfstoff)

IC31          Kombination des Peptids KLK mit dem Oligodesoxynukleotid ODN1      Aktivierung des Toll-like-Rezeptors TLR9. Experimentelle Verwendung (Entwicklung von Impfstoffen gegen Malaria/Influenza/Tb)

CpG ODN             Immunstimulierende DNA-Sequenzen (ISS) aus synthetisch hergestellten Oligonukleotiden mit CpG-Motiven      experimentelle Verwendung in der Entwicklung von Hepatits B- und Influenza-Impfstoffen

ISCOMATRIX     Hersteller: CSL Behring. Besteht aus dem gereinigtem Quillariasaponin QS21, Cholesterol und Phospholipiden der Zellmembran, welche unter geeigneten Bedingungen 40-50 nm große "Käfigstrukturen" ausbilden        experimentelle Verwendung in Humanimpfstoffen (zugelassen in Impfstoffen gegen Pferdeinfluenza)

Virosomen            Doppelmembran aus Phospholipiden (Liposomen), in die die die viralen Antigenstrukturen (z.B. Influenzavirus A-Hämagglutinin und Neuraminidase) eingebaut werden; rekonstituierte („künstliche“) Virushülle.           Einsatz in Hepatitis A-Impfstoffen wie HAVpur und Epaxal

SALK-Vakzine (= Lebendvakzin des Polios/hergestellt mit Form).

Thimerosal (= Natrium-2-(ethylmercurithio) benzoat = Zusatzstoff in Impfungen)/Quelle:

Using Thimerosal as a remedy could be considered allopathic thinking. It's treating the cause of the illness. In homeopathy, sometimes "why" is not necessarily as important. Classical homeopathy addresses the symptom picture and finds the one simillimum to match. Unless you consider the thousands of children who have been vaccinated with thimerosal containing vaccines and the resulting disorders the proving, thimerosal would probably not be considered a simillimum.

Arguing that these children *are* the proving of Thimerosal. And while it may or may not be their simillimum, is a false picture of who they are. In other words, the thimerosal masks the true constitution. Believing a person's constitution can change and never more so than when an artificial substance has effected them. A person is completely different drunk from being sober. The alcohol would cover up who the person really is and what his real traits and characteristics are. Unless perpetually drunk, the effects of the alcohol are temporary. This cannot be said for the effects of Thimerosal (and other vaccines).

There are some homeopaths who have had astounding success treating children (and adults) the very way described. Tinus Smits has some truly impressive cure stories and his understanding of autism is admirable (check out the new article on autism on his site, including a good grasp of glutathione). And there are also homeopaths practicing what is considered sequential homeopathy who address the vaccine insults. I cannot attest to their successes as I have no experience of it although I have read reports of improvements from other parents on various lists. But their approach is very different than classical homeopathy.


Given my son recovered from an "isopath" (the DPT remedy), I can only attest it worked for him. However, it has been his "one" remedy for a little over 3 years. It could be reasoned, the DPT remedy *is* his simillimum which some would argue is the only way the isopath would bring true cure. As a side note, I find it curious others refer to the DPT remedy as a nosode as it is not made from the diseases themselves. It is made from one ingredient like other remedies. It is made from the actual DPT shot with thimerosal. I know there are homeopaths who feel this isn't good homeopathic practice and in their experience, people treated with a nosode or anything other than a traditional constitutional remedy may not experience the long lasting, permanent "cures" but a temporary amelioration. Only time will tell if that is true for us.


In the mean time, it is my own personal opinion that like anything else, with time, we learn to improve upon our knowledge. To be rigid in treatment, may miss an opportunity for healing for many. Hahnemann himself (the founder of homeopathy) revised his methods during his lifetime leading to several editions of the Organon. (Note to newbies: the Organon is the book written by Hahnemann outlining the principles of homeopathy and its practice.) Water dosing was a "new" development from him which went unnoticed for years and years. Now, many homeopaths will only dose in water because it is seen as superior to dry dosing. This doesn't mean dry dosing doesn't work. Of course it does. But what it means is that Hahnemann was continuing to learn and improve upon his craft. I believe this type of learning and growing should continue in homeopathy.


Never before in our time, have our children been subjected to such an assault to their vital force. The majority have been injected with unclean antigens and adjuvants in the form of vaccine at birth! Most major hospitals in the US made it policy to inject Hep B (which did contain thimerosal) into babies within 24 hours of birth. Additionally, almost all babies in the states are injected with Vitamin K which contains its own adjuvants. Their immune systems are not only fully undeveloped, but they are not even as yet fully incarnated. Add to that the routine use of ultrasound, pitocin, brethine, and all the other drugs and interventions given to women during pregnancy these days and it is no wonder we are facing a nation of ill children. Couple that with air pollution, fish pollution, and the unhealthy state of many diets, it is almost inevitable.


Moreover, as each generation evolves, I think we are seeing children who are "more" of everything - more sensitive, more intelligent, and more susceptible. We need to evolve with these changes and how we address them.


This does not mean I think every parent should run out and give their child Thimerosal remedy. It is so important to work with a qualified homeopath who has the training and experience to know what to do. We are only at the tip of the iceberg when it comes to treating spectrum disorders. But I do think keeping an open mind is critical for success.



Zu den ältesten immunologischen Emulsionsadjuvantien zählen das inkomplette Freund-Adjuvans (IFA), eine mit einem Emulgator stabilisierte experimentell verwendete Wasser-in-Öl-Emulsion auf Mineralölbasis und das Adjuvans 65, eine Wasser-in-Öl-Emulsion mit Erdnussöl. Beide führen wegen ihrer ausgeprägt öligen Eigenschaften zu einer starken Gewebereizung.


Mit Gentechnik hergestellt sind Vaccin Hepatitis B und Vaccin Pertussinum



DiTePo (Diphterie, Tetanus, Polio)

DiTePoPe (Diphterie, Tetanus, Polio, Pertussin)

MMR (Mumps. Masern, Röteln)

DiTe (Diphterie, Tetanus)

(alle Schmidt-Nagel)

Diph-pert-t.= Impfung DPT

Diph-t-tpt = Impfung DTTP


Impffolgen vorbeugen: Mit 1er Impfung warten bis Kind mündlich angeben kann, dass es Kopfschmerz hat. (ist meist 1er Beschwerde bei Impfschade).

Impffolgen Akut: Acon: FieBER, trockne Haut/DURST/Unruhe

           Ant-t: Impfung während Atemwegebeschwerden wenn Thuj. versagt und Sil. nicht angezeigt ist.

Apis: Impfstelle HEIß/geschwollen/Ausschlag (Erypsel/schmerzlose Durchfall)/frösTELT + < warmes Zimmer/durstlos

           Ars: SCHWACH/Atemnot/langsames FieBER/ängstlicher Ausdruck/unruhig

           Crot-h: Haut entzündet/dunklen Bläschen/brennen

           Echi: Impfung aus Tierserum/Blutvergiftung

           Gun: Allgemein Empfinden SCHLECHT, Abszessen rezidivierend, Blutvergiftung

           Hep: Abszess/Eiterung

     Kali-chl: Nach Impfung Aphten/Geschwüren im Mund/Druck Magen/Leber, Durchfall

           Kali-m: AppeTIT + Essen = unverträglich/schläfrig nach essen, schwach + reizbar

           Malan: Pustulösen Ausschlag/Kopfschmerz/Rückengradschmerz

           Mez: Juckender Ausschlag = < Wärme/Waschen, Krusten + Eiter

           Perla = Zuchtperle

     Rhus-t: Ausschlag (Bläschen mit rotem Hof), BrenNEN + jucKEN

           Sars: Hautausschlag trocken o. ätzEND, < waschen/nass-kaltes Wetter/Periode Kratzen lässt Juckreiz Ort wechseln, Abmagerung

           Sil: Fieber, Hirn-/Ohrenentzündung, geimpftes Körperteil = geschwollen/Impfstelle entzündet, Abszess/Geschwür an Lymphknotem, Bläschen

Ohren/Gesicht/Beinen. Krampf

           Thuj: durchfall

     Vacc: Chronische Depression/Psychose/lauNISCH, weinerlich/vergesslich,

KopfSCHMERZ, schwach, Appetitverlust + Nahrungsmittelunverträglichkeit

           Vario: Herpes + SCHMERZ, Muskeln tun weh/Fieber

Impffolgen chronisch: Bufo. Cars. Syph. Stram. Tub.


After vaccination:

Mind: anxiety: thuj.

Head: Inflamed brain from suppressed eruption (eczema) from vaccination: bac.

headache in general from vaccination: thuj.

Eyes: Inflammation (in conjunctivae): thuj. Of cornea, keratitis: vac. vario.

Stomach: Pain in general: Thuj.

Nausea: Sil.

Rectum: Diarrhea: ant-t. apis, sil, thuj.

Stool: apisin. thuj.

Respiration: asthmatic: thuj. (children)

Cough: thuj.

Extremities: Emaciation of upper limbs: maland. thuj.

Eruptions: Pustules on Leg: sulph./like varicella: syc-co.

Paralysis of lower limbs: thuj.

Suppuration of finger nails: Thuj.

Felon/onchyia/paronhia run-around: Thuj.

Swelling of shoulder: apis, thuj./of upper arm: sil. sulph. thuj.

Sleep: Restless: thuj.

Sleepless: mez. thuj.

Skin: Eruptions in general: crot-h. maland. mez. sars. skook. sulph. vario.

Eczema: ammc. kali-m. maland. mez.

Generalities: acon. ant-t. apis, ars. bac. bapt. bcg, bell. bufo, carc. crot-h. diph. echi. graph. gun. hep. kali-chl. lac-v. lepro. Maland. med. merc. merc-cy. Mez. nat-bic. ped. phos. psor. rhus-t. sabin. sarr. sars. sep. SIL. skook. SULPH. syc-co. THUJ. Tub. Vac. vario.


after diphtheria injections: diph. merc-cy.

After Yellow fever vaccination: ars.

after Meningitis injections: apis

Begleitend zu Polioimpfung: Sagitario sagitifolia,

After Smallpox vaccination: maland. thuj.

after Typhus: bapt.

Prophylactic: sulph. thuj. vario.

Convulsions: Sil. thuj.


Vaccinations: Use the Isode of the vaccination given.


Wirkung: sycotisch


Perla Künstliche Entstehung: Herstellung von Zuchtperlen geschieht durch Implantierung eines mit Epithelzellen einer anderen Perlmuschel beschichteten Zuchtkerns ins Muschelinnere („Wie Impfung“)

Sechsfachimpfstoff (= Hexavalente Impfstoff): Polio (Kinderlähmung)/Diphtherie/Tetanus/Pertus (Keuchhusten)/Haemophilus influenzae Typ B/Hepatitis B.

Durch Lebendimpfstoff kann bei der möglichen Vermehrung der Erreger zu einer Mutation in Richtung der nicht abgeschwächten Ausgangsform kommen, durch die dann die Erkrankung eintreten kann. Z.b. Polio-Schluckimpfung/MMR-Impfstoff/Bacillus Calmette-Guérin/Impfstoffe gegen Gelbfieber/Schweinegrippe.



Vorwort/Suchen                                Zeichen/Abkürzungen                             Impressum