

Vergleich: Siehe: Nosoden allgemein + Borreliose + Neurodermitis + Allergie + Anhängsel (Prof. Dr. Andreas Michalsen/Jürgen Langenbach/Robert Zieve/Jacquelyn Wilson/Lane M. Badger) + Anhang 2 (Melanie Weiner/Bertram von Zabern/Jacquelyn Wilson) + Immunsystem Anhang 3 (Tanja Hofmann: Neurodermitis) + Lack of reaction + Convalescence/Rekonvaleszenz + Infektion + Adaptogen 6 + Chemische Zusammensetzung und antimikrobielle Eigenschaften der ätherischen Öle von Leptospermum scoparium J.R. et G. Forst. und anderer Teebaumöle der Gattungen Kunzea, Leptospermum und Melaleuca unter besonderer Berücksichtigung

von Handelsölen + Krieg + Salz + Immunsystem (


Immune Dysfunction, Worms in Humans depress the immune system by decreasing immunoglobulin A.


[Interview: Edda Grabar]

ZEIT: Wie stützt eine Diät das Immunsystem?

Schieffer: Die Darmflora reagiert bei allen Entzündungen mit. Sie ist für die Balance des Immunsystems verantwortlich. Eine Diät, die auf bestimmte Stoffe verzichtet,

hilft dabei, eine gestörte Balance wiederherzustellen.



Immune system: An intricate complex of interrelated cellular, molecular and genetic components, which provides a defence (immune response) against foreign organisms

or substances and aberrant native cells (Stedman’s, 2005)


[Ajit Kulkarni]

The following conditions can weaken the immune system.

    Cancer or its treatment (surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy).

    Immuno-suppressive therapies being employed for auto-immune diseases and other medical conditions

    Systemic steroid therapy

    Chronic use of antibiotics

    Tuberculosis and its treatment with chemotherapy

    Surgeries of the vital organs such as heart, brain, liver, spleen, kidneys etc.

    Repeated surgeries

    Chronic debilitating diseases like multiple sclerosis, interstitial fibrosis of the lungs etc.

    Chronic addictions such as drug substance abuse, alcoholism, cocaine, cannabis (marijuana), hashish, tobacco, opioids (heroine), prescription drugs (sedatives,

    hypnotics,, anxiolytics, tranquilizers, sleeping pills), amphetamines, hallucinogens, inhalants, phencyclidine, etc.

The infection that might be trivial to a healthy person can be debilitating and potentially life-threatening for the vulnerable.


Wurmkur gegen Immunerkrankungen Therapie mit Ekelfaktor

[Christine Westerhaus]



Ferrum phosphoricum

Kalium sulphuricum

Magnesium phosphoricum

Separat einnehmen


[Christine Westerhaus]

Wurmkur gegen Immunerkrankungen Therapie mit EkelfaktorS



Impfungen verändern auch das unspezifische Immunsystem

Die Anregung des angeborenen Immunsystems könne in den zuständigen Zellen „eine epigenetische Narbe“ hinterlassen, schreibt der Bonner Immunologe Mihai Netea gemeinsam mit seinem Mailänder Kollegen Alberto Mantovani im angesehenen New England Journal of Medicine. Dabei handele es sich um ein Muster von nebengenetischen Strukturen, die gezielt die Aktivierbarkeit solcher Gene verstärken oder erleichtern, die den Zellen bei der Bekämpfung aller möglichen Arten von Krankheitserregern helfen. Klar, dass auch SARS-CoV-2-Viren einem Menschen mit einer solchen epigenetischen Grundausstattung weniger leicht etwas anhaben dürften als Anderen.

Vor diesem Hintergrund macht es laut Netea und Mantovani durchaus Sinn, dass derzeit in mehreren Studien untersucht wird, ob eine BCG-Impfung gegen Covid-19 helfen könne. Netea selbst ist an zweien dieser Studien beteiligt. Für eine allgemeine Empfehlung sei es dennoch zu früh, geben sich die Autoren vorsichtig. Noch müsse man die endgültigen Resultate abwarten. „Der Einsatz von BCG zur Prophylaxe oder Behandlung von Covid-19 außerhalb einer kontrollierten medizinischen Studie ist nicht zu empfehlen“, lautet das Fazit.

Doch nicht immer ist ein besonders aktives Immunsystem gut für Corona-Patient*innen. Manchmal kommt es als Reaktion auf den Krankheitserreger zu einer übermäßigen Ausschüttung von Zytokinen genannten Botenstoffen, die Entzündungsreaktionen anstoßen. Startet ein solcher Zytokinsturm, leiden eine Menge innerer Organe, und Covid-19 nimmt einen gefährlichen Verlauf. Das Robert Koch-Institut spricht in diesem Fall von der „späten, hyperinflammatorischen Erkrankungsphase“. Das Immunsystem der Patient*innen schießt dann sozusagen über sein Ziel hinaus.

Nicht zuletzt um diese fatale Überreaktion zu bekämpfen erhalten Covid-19-Patient*innen, die zusätzlichen Sauerstoff verabreicht bekommen oder künstlich beatmet werden müssen, häufig das Medikament Dexamethason – so zum Beispiel unlängst auch der US-Präsident Donald Trump. Es simuliert eine allgemeine Stressreaktion, unterdrückt so das Immunsystem und dämpft damit auch den Sturm der Entzündungsboten.

Nun gibt es schlüssige Indizien, dass bei Menschen mit einem hohen Risiko für bedrohliche Covid-19-Verläufe die epigenetische Regulation solcher Gene in eine ungünstige Richtung verändert ist, die die Ausschüttung der Zytokine überwachen. Das hätte zur Folge, dass die Einen sehr viel eher zum Zytokinsturm neigen als die Anderen.


[Sindisiwe Sthembile Mazibuko]

2.2 Physiology of sleep

The mechanism of sleep-wake cycle, which consists of about 8 hours of nocturnal sleep and 16 hours of wakefulness during the day in humans, controlled by the combination of sleep homeostasis and circadian rhythms (National sleep foundation, 2006).

Homeostasis controls the amount of sleep at night and maintains the blood pressure, body temperature and acid-base balance at a steady state. When we wake up, the homeostatic drive for sleep accumulates to reach its maximum in the late evening when the majority fall asleep. When we are awake, blood levels of adenosine increases and results in a growing need for sleep that become less resistible over time. Adenosine receptors can be blocked by caffeine preventing the need of feeling sleepy, which is where sleep is lost. The body will start to demand that makeup of lost sleep for each hour which results in a very negative effect on daytime performance, thinking and mood (National sleep foundation, 2006).

Circadian rhythms are driven by the brain’s biological clock which consists of group of neurons in the hypothalamus (suprachiasmatic nucleus). The internal 24 hour rhythms are synchronized to the external physical environment and social/work schedules, human light is the strongest synchronizing agent as the light and darkness are external signals that set the biological clock and determine when do we wake up or go to sleep (National sleep foundation, 2006).

Homeostatic systems make us fall asleep as time goes on regardless of whether its night or during the day, while the circadian rhythms keep us awake during the day and make us go to sleep as soon as it becomes dark. When circadian rhythms are disrupted; mental and physical performance is diminished (National sleep foundation, 2006).

There are two types of sleep, non-rapid eye movement (NREM) and rapid eye movement (REM) (National sleep foundation, 2006).


[Peter Alex]

Kollektive Botschaft

Die Entdeckung der Borrelien war ein wichtiger Schritt, aber nicht der letzt Notwendige für das Verständnis des dynamischen und weltweiten Phänomens „Borreliose“. Vorerst dürfen wir hypothetisch annehmen, dass die Borrelien-Infektion etwas mit unserer Lebensweise zu tun hat, nämlich mit einem Ungleichgewicht in unserer sozialen, emotionalen, psychischen oder geistigen Hygiene. Das führt dazu, dass diese Kleinlebewesen es einfach haben, sich mit unserem System zu verbinden und unseren genetischen Code zu „manipulieren“. Jede Krankheit, auch jede epidemische, hat Entsprechungen auf anderen Ebenen - sozusagen eine kollektive Botschaft bzw. ein Signal an die betroffene Menschengruppe, dass etwas nicht stimmt.

Vielfach gelten Erkrankungen solchen Umfangs wie das epidemische Auftreten von Borreliose lediglich als Feind, der vernichtet werden muss. In diesem Rahmen liegt

die höhere Bedeutung einer infektiösen Erkrankung bestenfalls darin, sie als Feld für die Entwicklung neuer Leben abtötender Substanzen („Anti-Biotika“) zu betrachten.

Aus ganzheitsmedizinischer Sicht drängt sich hingegen immer die Frage auf, wohin uns die Krankheit führen, was sie uns lehren will. Eine mögliche Herangehensweise

ist die Betrachtung des Wesens der Borreliose, die wiederum vom Wesen einer bestimmten homöopathischen Arznei ausgeht, die in chronischen Borreliose-Fällen häufig erfolgreich verordnet wurde:

Aur-ars. Es ist historisch belegt, dass Goldarsenit einen medizinischen Bezug zur Geschlechtskrankheit Syphilis hat, wurde es doch Anfang des 19. Jahrhunderts in die Medizin als Alternative zur üblichen Quecksilberbehandlung eingeführt, um Tuberkulose- und Syphiliskranke zu heilen. Will man den Weg der Heilung einer Borreliose-Infektion durch Aur-ars. verstehen, führt der Weg über das Periodensystem, das die Elemente genau aufschlüsselt. Dr. Jan Scholten entwickelte in den 1990er-Jahren ein System, mit dem das Wesen der chemischen Elemente des Periodensystems in Bezug zur krank machenden Situation im Leben eines Menschen definiert werden kann. Dadurch wurde es möglich, bestimmte Kombinationen von Elementen -wie zum Beispiel Gold und Arsen- vorherzusagen, die für genau diesen Menschen oder besser diese Menschengruppe in homöopathischem Sinn wirksam sein können, weil ihre Merkmale dem Leiden ähnlich sind (Simile-Prinzip). Mit dieser sogenannten Gruppenanalyse (benannt nach den Gruppen des Periodensystems der Elemente) können wir theoretisch bei einer Kollektivkrankheit Rückschlüsse auf die krank machende Situation bei der betroffenen Bevölkerungsgruppe ziehen.


Singen wirkt Schmerz lindernd, stärkt Immunsystem, fördert Oxytocin.

[Dr Elizabeth Wright Hubbard]

It took considerable experience for me to be convinced that the chronic constitutional remedy is the best prophylactic.


Häute und Lymphsystem - Bastionen der Immunkraft

Verschiedene Instanzen der Immunabwehr: ein anaerob-archaisches und ein aerob-intelligentes Immunsystem. Die Heilung chronischer Krankheiten ist nur dann rückfallfrei, wenn die Körperhaut durch Schwitzen und Fiebern wieder über ihre physiologische Immunabwehr verfügt.
Die Konflikte der verschiedenen Häute, des Lymphsystems und der Milz zeigen interessante Ähnlichkeiten.


Defensine: in allen tierischen Organismen/höheren Pflanzen. Dienen der Abwehr von mikrobiellen Erregern: Bakterien/Pilzen/Toxinen. In Säugetieren findet man sie zahlreich auf Haut- und Schleimhautoberflächen. Während einer Entzündungsreaktion steigt die körpereigene Produktion der Defensine an. Adaptogen


Unterscheidet Fremdartiges von Eigenem

                        Abweichung: Allergie. = Abwehr von Fremdartiges

                                     Autoimmunerkrankung. = Intoleranz von Eigenem

                                     Tumoren = Toleranz von zum Fremdes entartetem Eigenem

Enzymen = Eiweiß/ohne Enzymen gibt es keinen Stoffwechsel/= Teil des Immunabwehrsystems


Hilfsorganen: Flimmerhaaren in Nase/Bronchien

                        Mundschleimhaut produziert Lysozym

                        Magen produziert Säure

                        Lymphatische Organe im Darm produzieren Lymphozyten

                        Haut: Säureschutz durch Fett + Wassergemisch


Im Darm. befindet sich ein großes Teil des Immunsystems.


[Olaf Rippe]

Aus Meteoreisen schmiedet man noch heute magische Waffen gegen Geister und Dämonen. Es ist eines der besten Mittel zur Erhöhung der Widerstandskraft gegen Infektionen.


Immune Dysfunction, Worms in Humans depress the immune system by decreasing immunoglobulin A.



Immunsystem produziert Antigenen (es gibt Millionen Sorten/unentwegt werden Stoffen/Bakterien/Viren im Blut mit diesen Antigenen verglichen)

                        Lymphozyten hergestellt aus Stammzellen von Rückenmark

                        Fresszellen (Monozyten/Makrophagen) verdauen Bakterien/krebsverdächtige Zellen

                                    B-Zellen produzieren Antikörper/hergestellt in Lymphknoten

                                    T-Zellen produzieren Immunbotenstoffen/hergestellt von Thymusdrüse

                                    T-Killerzellen vernichten Tumorzellen

                                    T-Helferzellen produzieren Antikörper

                                    T-Suppressorzellen grenzen Immunreaktion ab

                        Rote/weiße Blutkörperchen hergestellt in Knochenmark.

                                    Colibri. amazilia = Kolibri blood of the humming-bird contains more erythrocytes than any other bird.


Geschwächte Widerstandskräfte (AIDS/Krebs)


Quelle: Apotheke zum weißen Engel. Mag. pharm. Leisser KG, Hauptplatz 29, 2070 Retz: Viele Impfstoffen

Immunglobulin A (IgA) wird auf allen Schleimhäuten der Atemwege, der Augen, des Magen-Darm-Trakts, des Urogenitaltrakts sowie über spezielle Drüsen rund um die Brustwarze von Müttern sezerniert und schützt dort vor Pathogenen (auch das Neugeborene). Sezerniertes IgA kommt in Form von Homodimeren vor; die beiden Anteile

sind durch das Joining-Peptide verbunden.

Immunglobulin G: Immunglobulin vom Menschen

Immunglobulin humanum anti D


The immune system and its cells

Mast cells are normally found within the dermis. On exposure to an allergen mast cells are responsible for histamine release by releasing histamine containing granules when activated by immunoglobulin

E IgE). The histamine released by the mast cells results in initial reddening of the skin and swelling at the site of the allergen exposure (Kumar and Clark, 2009). Some of the granules released by mast cells may contain natural proteases which may cause tissue damage and cleavage of the complement components (Kumar et al., 2007).

Langerhans cells are dendritic cells which are derived from bone marrow and are continuously circulating between the epidermis and its local lymph nodes. The primary function of Langerhans cells is to present foreign antigens to the lymphocytes in an effective manner (Davidsons, 2006). Antigen presentation occurs when an antigen-glycoprotein combination appears in a cell membrane which has the capability of activating T cells. These glycoproteins are known as major histocompatibility complex (MHC) proteins. Langerhans cell are non-phagocytic and are only present in the membranes of antigen presenting cells and lymphocytes (Martini, 2004).

Keratinocytes are the most abundant cells in the epidermis and they secrete a variety of cytokines in response to certain stimuli, as occurs in some skin diseases, such as atopic dermatitis. They also produce antimicrobial peptides which are induced by skin inflammation, and these act against pathogens. It is thought that a deficiency in peptides may make patients with atopic dermatitis more susceptible to infection (Kumar and Clark, 2009).

T-lymphocytes are white blood cells which are generated from precursors in the bone marrow, from where they then migrate to the thymus gland (Kumar and Clark, 2009).



[Henry N. Williams]

The "Immune System" is that part of us which distinguishes what is us and what is not. The skin and mucous membranes protect us from our environment but infectious agents, harmful chemicals and cancer cells that develop in our otherwise normal body cells need to be combated and eliminated. This our immune system does through white blood cells and special protein molecules of the immune system. Our immune system can be seen as having two parts - the cellular and the humoral (fluid).

The cellular part is composed of:

Phagocytes (eater cells). They are of two chief types. Neurophiles act quickly and tend to be short lived.

They make up the majority of the white blood cells (WBC) in a blood count. Macrophages (big eaters) are slower and clean up any invading bacteria and viruses, and the debris left by the neurophile.

I-a-positive macrophages release enzymes to the lymphocytes. These are of two kinds. One is the "T cell", largely derived from the thymus gland, which rids the body of diseased or abnormal cells, distinguishing them from normal body cells. It can also stimulate the production of other cells like itself when the need arises,

as well as stimulate macrophages with a special protein called "interferon." Other chemicals released by the

T-helper cells are called "lymphokines:" which regulate the action of the other major kind of lymphocyte,

the "B cell," which the body produces to eliminate viruses and debris outside of our body cells.

The macrophages, and T cells also produce antibodies by stimulating the B cells to become plasma cells.

The eleven proteins thus produced are called "complement" and they supplement as "humoral (fluid) immunity" the work of the "cellular immunity" discussed above.

Allergic reactions (hay fever, asthma, skin rashes and hives) occur when the immune system overreacts to usually harmless substances such as grass pollen or house dust. Auto-immune disorders occur when the immune system reacts to normal body cells as if they were foreign.

Lack of one or more components of the immune system results in Immune-deficiency Disorders. These can be inherited or acquired through infections or other illnesses, or as a side effect of certain drug treatments.

The HIV virus is one such infectious agent which gradually produces the Acquired Immune-deficiency Syndrome

of AIDS. It frequently takes up to ten years after contracting this virus before full blown AIDS develops.

It is during that interim that building up our vitality could have a beneficial effect.


Question: Thanks, Dr. Williams for the help you have given me in the past. I appreciate your advice and so

we hope the paper will be of help also. We use homeopathic or herbal medicines every opportunity. Is there anything that can help Lupus sufferers (Systemic lupus, Linear scleroderma) if they cannot take steroids such

as Prednisone and Plaquanal?

Answer: Lupus in various forms, and scleroderma have been successfully treated by homeopathic practitioners

but again it is not a matter of one medicine for a diagnosis but tailoring the medicine to the patient. Therefore a person with either of these conditions should consult a practicing homeopathic physician.

Überreaktion Sympathisches Nervensystem erzeugt Diabetes/Bluthochdruck/Autoimmunkrankheit


Question: What would you say were the keys that changed the way you practice medicine?

Answer: The anthroposophical approach to health and illness give the physician a different attitude the patient and her/his problems. We recognize not only the uniqueness of each individual and situation (as do homeopathic practitioners) but seeing in the illness an attempt on the part of the individuality of the patient to make a change. Of course fever stimulates the immune system and is therefore good but requires the oversight of the physician to be sure that it is not life endangering (one can have too much of a good thing). Thoughtful talks with patients may help them sense what changes in life style and attitudes are necessary. It is a rare physician who can or should tell a patient what to do---patients must come to it themselves. It reminds me of the old adage: 'anyone changed against their will is of the same opinion still.'

We, anthroposophists, believe in the overseeing closeness of the spiritual world to each individual and see in what happens to us a divine guidance toward our individual betterment (the Law of Karma). We also believe in the reality of reincarnation (repeated earth lives as human beings). These beliefs form a backdrop against which we see the patient and their problem.

We tend to give far less medicine than other physicians who see every illness as an invasion from outside; alien forces that must be repulsed with strong measures. It is a philosophy of illness based on fear, and all illnesses are deemed adversarial, and not seen as an attempt on the part of the individual to find a more harmonious life and work towards a spiritual goal, albeit perhaps an unconscious one.

Epidemic illnesses are harder to see in this way. But here too the same principles apply. As physicians we have to see the susceptibility to disease as an imbalance which is grasped by our physical-self to bring us along our spiritual path.

Immunizations are another trial for the anthroposophically oriented physician. If illnesses are attempts, or windows of opportunity, for the self to bring a better balance or bring us further along our spiritual path, then preventing illness is gross interference with the karma of the patient (and our own). Each physician may have 'exceptions.' Mine is the tetanus toxoid. After seeing tetanus in contaminated wounds I see the toxoid, with a booster shot every ten years as preferable to having antitoxin in emergency situations. After having a young patient develop a myologinous leukemic picture after a `booster' shot of Diphtheria/ Pertussis/Tetanus (DPT), I realize the negative aspect of immunization (even after we were able to bring his blood picture back to normal and the patient back to health).

We end up with more questions than answers in these times. The physician must decide each case on its own factors. Wide is the gate and broad the path for most physicians who do not question the current 'wisdom' of immunization. But Sophia's gate is small and her path narrow and circuitous.


Hemmend: Steroiden

Erhöhte Eisenwerten in Laborbericht kann Tb./HIV/Candida/Haemochromatose/Krebs anzeigen/Immunsystem = geschwächt. Anämie kann Körper dazu bringen

Mikroorganismen (= Krankheitserreger) Eisen zu entziehen.

Fördernd Bewegung/genug Schlaf (wird reguliert in Schlafphase III + IV)/gesunde Ernährung/Lachen

Kneippische Anwendungen

Bierhefe/Maitake (regacan Fa. Sy Cyl)

Singen wirkt Schmerzlindernd, stärkt Immunsystem, fördert Oxytocin


Interferone sind körpereigene Abwehrstoffe


Mensch reagiert mit T-Helferzellen des Typ 2 fälschlich auf Substanzen (wie Milbekot) wie auf Bakterien/Viren was Entzündungen verursacht/gesunder Mensch reagiert

mit T-Helferzellen des Type 1. um Entzündungen zu hemmen. Kleinkinder lernen durch Kinderkrankheiten die T-Helferzellen richtig einzusetzen. Bei geimpfte/weniger

als 6 Monaten gestillte Kinder entsteht ein Überschuss an T-Helferzellen des Typ 2. die nicht genutzt und danach fehl gesteuert werden. Immunsystem, muss wie alle Funktionen im Mensch, trainiert werden, das Immunsystem braucht „sparring“ Partner/wird anders „paranoid“ und reagiert allergisch.

Tierisches hemmt Wärme.


Hals/Rachen: Diph. Tub-a. VAB. Yers.

Haut: Anthraci. VAB. Vacc.

Lungen: Tub-a. Tub. VAB.

Urinwegen: Coli. Med.

Darmnosoden: Coli. Enterococcinum. Infl. Paratyphus. Yers.


Immunsystem fördernde Wirkung haben u.a.:

Asparagus racemosus fördert Östrogene Asparagales. Wechseljahren.

Calen. [Matthew Wood]

Immergrüne Gewächse die Lebenskraft und das Immunsystem stärken.

Emblica officinalis.o. Phyllanthus emblica Pankreas Malphigiales.



Phyllantus amarus. Leber


Vanad-met. [J.H. Clarke] Increases hemoglobin that combines its oxygen with toxins and destroys their virulence. Stimulates phagocytes.

Degenerative conditions of arteries and liver. Arteriosclerosis. Fatty heart. In tuberculosis, chlorosis, neuresthenia, it increased appetite, strength and weight.

Zinc-met. = Teil vieler Enzymen


Schema shows transition between allergies and auto-immune illnesses: siehe unten.


Hefepilz, befällt Mensch bei schwaches Immunsystem durch Antibiotika/Steroiden/Operation verursacht, weniger in Vagina, setzt 100 Stoffwechselprodukten u.a. Alkohol/Fuselöle frei, lebt von unverarbeitetem/gärendem Zucker, Siedelt auf Schleimhäute Verdauungstrakt/Atemwegen, innere Organen, Diabetiker/geschwächtes Immunsystem/“Pille”,


Best reaction is fever. In the infectious stage the energy of the person organizes everything to overcome the disease: through high fever which enhances bodies metabolism enormously, an increase of white blood cells, acceleration of blood circulation, vascular dilatation in affected area or all over the body, loss of appetite to give our digestive system the possibility to concentrate on elimination of toxins, diarrhea, sweating, a running nose and eruptions, all elimination mechanisms. These kinds of elimination processes occur frequently after the administration of a homeopathic remedy. an infection can be sign of the curing process.


Allerlei: Parenchym (von gr. enchyma „das Eingegossene“, „Füllung“) bezeichnet tierisches o. pflanzliches Grundgewebe. In der Regel weisen die Gewebe bildenden Zellen keine Änderungen auf.


Phytologie: Rezept: Mischung bei Erschöpfungszuständen und Infektanfälligkeit durch Reizstreifen im Landschaft:

Eleutherococcus senticosus (Taigawurzel) Dil. D1            20 ml

Eupatorium cannabinum (Wasserdost) Dil. D6            20 ml

Prunus spinosa (Schlehdorn) Ø            20 ml

Quercus robur (Eiche) Dil. D2            20 ml

Viscum album (MIstel) Dil. D6            20 ml


Bapt. verwendet in Präparaten zur Verbesserung des Immunstatus

SOLUNAT Nr. 3 Immunschwäche und zur Immunmodulation/Entzündliche Erkrankungen (Gelenken und Atmungs-, Drüsen- und Hautsystem).


1. Immunstimulierende Pflanzen

Eine immunstimulierende Wirkung ist nicht identisch mit antiviraler oder bakterizider Wirkung.

Die immunstimulierende Wirkung einer Pflanze ist meistens komplex und wirkt fördernd auf mehrere Abwehrmechanismen. So fördert Bapt. die Phagozytose und die Lymphoblastenbildung; hierdurch erhöht sich die Zahl der T-Zellen und der Antikörpertiter. Manche Pflanzen enthalten gleichzeitig immunstimulierende und immunsuppressive Stoffe; beispielsweise wirkt das ätherische Öl von Kassiazimt immunstimulierend, die nichtflüchtigen Stoffe im wässrigen Auszug immunsuppressiv. Süßholz wurde früher als immunsuppressiv eingestuft (cortisolartige Wirkung), ist aber erwiesenermaßen immunstimulierend. In manchen Pflanzengattungen

wirken die einzelnen Arten unterschiedlich. Beispiel: Angelica acutiloba wirkt immunstimulierend, A. sinensis immunsuppressiv. - Ein typischer Immunstimulator ist Echinacea. (Sil.).

2. Allgemein virustatisch wirkende Mittel

Diese kann man in Rezepten aller Krankheiten gesicherter oder angenommener viraler Genese verwenden. - Eine typische, antiviral wirkende Pflanze ist Meisterwurz.

Die später zu dieser Gruppe genannten Pflanzen haben möglicherweise eine Wirkung gegen onkogene, das sind krebserzeugende Viren.

3. Spezifische Mittel gegen bestimmte virale Erkrankungen

Spezifische Wirkung einer Pflanze: Lakritze inaktiviert AIDS-Viren.

In Rezepten können Pflanzenpräparate aus den drei genannten Gruppen beliebig gemischt werden, wobei die Rezepte zwischen drei und zehn Einzelmittel enthalten sollten. Ratsam ist, spezifischen Mitteln auch Mittel aus

1.      und 2. zuzusetzen.


                                              [Cathy Lemmon]

Homeopathic prophylaxis expert Dr.Cathy May Lemmon discusses immunity and susceptibility as understood by both conventional medicine and homeopathy.

With what I share here, I hope to make a few things very clear – as what I will share is, I feel, especially timely and appropriate for us who practise homeopathy today.

Many terms we, even in homeopathy, freely use are based on conventional understanding – they technically and fundamentally have no foundation in homeopathic medicine.

I present a few appropriate terms from conventional medicine for comparison’s sake.  But please be assured that I do not intend to fault or demean these or anything

regarding these, nor do I discourage study of them.  It is absolutely good and important to have a working knowledge of these.

It is simply important to understand the fundamentals/foundations of where and how homeopathy views what these terms, in conventional medicine, are referencing.

Recognizing Conventional Definitions

To begin this essay, I share here, for consideration, a few appropriate definitions, as found in Webster’s Medical Dictionary – New Revised Edition (© 2009). 

These are clear, concise conventional definitions relating to the idea of “immunity”/disease prevention.  These are presented alphabetically as follows:

    antibodies – a protein produced by the body which reacts specifically with a foreign substance in the body

    contagious – germs or diseases which are easily transmitted by contact

    disease – “sickness or ailment caused by germs or viruses with consistent results”

        [NOTE: the etymology of the English word, “disease” is literally the two words, “dis-“ and “ease”]

    illness – ailment

    This dictionary does not provide a definition for “ailment”, so here is this:

        ill – not healthy, diseased

        Immune – protected against disease

        Immunity – ability to resist infectious disease

        infect – to contaminate with organisms

        infection – implantation of a germ; spread of a disease

        infectious – liable to be transmitted by infection

Conventional medicine categorizes what it recognizes as disease-causing agents into 4 groups: viruses, bacteria, fungi, and parasites (which can also be further broken down

as protozoa and helminths or worms).

This same Merck Manual Home Health Handbook (© 2009) presents the idea that disease-causing agents are “invaders” of the body. As with most conventional medical texts, this book seems to prefer referencing these items using terminology that can incite fear and a desire for aggression towards these “invaders”.  This is fine, as the conventional idea envelopes the idea of fighting off disease.

Even the founder of homeopathy himself, Dr. Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843), referred to sometimes “murderous” substances that can cause illness to come upon the body.  He was very clear in how these are most appropriately viewed – that illness was not caused by something outside the body.  Rather, the body will present symptoms commensurate with its susceptibility to what these agents present and how receptive to these our bodies are.

Rather than presenting a “history lesson” here, I feel what is best today is for practitioners of homeopathy to keep in mind is the fundamental differences in understanding,

as will be discussed.  As Hahnemann presents in the Organon, we must begin our assessments with health first.

Homeopathic medicine promotes, maintains, and protects health.  With this in mind, it is not, necessarily, a good idea for the body to avoid illness.  Rather, the body desires

to be healthy. What, exactly, does this mean?  And how do we best promote this?

Homeopathic View of Health

First, allow me to present what I feel is the homeopathic view of health.

In aphorismen_hanhnemann.htm 9, of his Organon, Hahnemann presents things brilliantly and concisely, as far as how he felt health should be viewed.  He shares that it is the vital force (“dynamis”) “animating the human organism (that) reigns in supreme sovereignty”, maintaining the homeostasis of “all the parts of the living organism in a harmony that obliges wonderment.”  He concludes this Aphorism with the statement that it is the “reasoning spirit” inhabiting this organism that, when things are running well, is allowed to “reach the lofty goal of human existence.”5

I present here that, these “lofty goals of human existence” do not include the fantastical idea of avoiding every disease.  The idea of “health” is not so simply defined as being able to avoid sickness.  There are, indeed, certain diseases that are best avoided, when possible (such as pertussis in infancy and meningitis).  Of course understood that there are those who have been ill from birth, or who have certain physical ailments and weaknesses, and so on.  We all know that working with individuals such as these and their unique needs can be quite effectively done through homeopathy – but that is a discussion that can happen another time.

Hahnemann presents in the footnote to aphorismen_hanhnemann.htm 8 in his Organon (6th edition), his thoughts compared to those shared by Dr. Christoph Wilhelm Hufeland, the chief medical officer to the king of Prussia himself and a very highly-recognized medical authority at the time.  Hahnemann notes that Hufeland commented that, while homeopathy can remove symptoms of a disease, somehow the disease will remain.

Hahnemann essentially called this nonsense, saying that this presents a “materialistic conception of disease”.  His emphasis ever remained what we must ever remember in homeopathy:  that disease is what happens when the vital force of a person is disturbed, it is an internal, “dynamic” reaction to a substance.

Homeopath, James Burnett, explains further about this idea of dynamism and how it works in health, making it more relevant to our subject here.  In his book, Vaccinosis and its Cure by Thuja15 (©1884) Compton shares how it is nonsensical to vaccinate a “perfectly healthy individual who has never been vaccinated” as this person is “liable to catch small-pox”.  (At the time this book was published, this was still the only vaccine in common use.)

After vaccinating this “perfectly healthy” individual, him not contracting smallpox is then, according to conventional medical authorities, seen as evidence of the effectiveness of the smallpox vaccine.  Burnett makes very clear that, “no one can be more than perfectly healthy” [pg. 5] and that any modification of this necessarily involves a “minus” from the “perfect healthy” the person had been enjoying.  Burnett presents that what this actually presents is that “the protective power of vaccination is due to a diseased state of the body.” [ibid]

In other words, a person enjoying good health should be noted for this, not for a potential or possibility that he/she may get sick.  Illness will and does happen, even to the most resilient.  But this is not because the body may be missing an outside “thing”, but because the body, in its innate wisdom, realizes that there is something it must learn.

To insert a foreign substance in an unnatural way to the body (in this case, through an injection) for the purpose of eliciting an “immune-type” response from the body is a blanket approach that presents faults from its beginning, because it does not abide by natural ways that have worked since the beginning of time.

I encourage consideration of what this presents as we continue.

Many here are familiar with Jay Yasgur’s work, Yasgur’s Homeopathic Dictionary and Holistic Health Reference – a book I highly recommend having on hand for definitions of things or things relating to things homeopathic.

In this dictionary, Yasgur offers no definitions for the terms, “antibody”, “contagious”, “illness”, “immune”, “infect” or any words containing these. Many reasons can

be offered for his decision to have done so. This is not intended to be a conventional “medical dictionary”, by itself – and there are plenty of good ones of these.

But this is part of the point I am working to make here.  These words are not founded in homeopathy or homeopathic medicine – they are based in conventional medicine, approaches, and understanding.  With a complete understanding of homeopathic medicine, I dare say, we may not need to utilize any of these terms.

Do we get sick?  Of course we do.  Do some of us get sick more often and/or more severely than others?  Of course. But avoiding illness altogether will not allow us to

obtain our fullest potential.  Many studies have been in place and are still being done that confirm how the body, once it contracts and sees itself through a disease, will

often, in ways, be more healthy than it was before7.

What, exactly, is disease or illness, as viewed and understood within homeopathy?  Let us venture into this.

Disease and Illness – Viewed Homeopathically

In his book, Yasgur presents this: “Disease – a lack of ease. Simply, an illness or sickness; a disturbance in structure or function of an organ, organ system, or part of the body. An abnormal condition of an organism or part thereof as a consequence of stress, infection, inherent weakness, or environmental stressors which impairs the normal functioning of the organism.

A state of disease is present if two of the following are present: consistent anatomical alternations, a recognizable etiological agent, or the identification of signs and symptoms. . .  According to Hahnemann, disease is a derangement of the vital force. . . a vast limitless concept to explore. . .”4

The German language presents these terms: Krank for sick, and Krankheit for illness or disease (a “state of being sick”).  My German dictionary (not a German-English dictionary – a straight German dictionary) defines “Krank” as being an organic or functional disorder of health in which health is impaired; an impairment to health.

Interesting, in this dictionary, the term “Krankheit” is defined essentially the same, but with an emphasis that this refers to body (Leibe-) as well as spirit (Gest-), and even

the mind (Gemüt-).  How this idea of “disease” works is understood on another level within homeopathy.

Understood here must be that this was first explained by Hahnemann, who had no access to electron microscopes, no concept of things like germs or viruses. 

But he observed things – observation has always been fundamental to homeopathy.

To point to germs, viruses, parasites as what have always caused disease is ignoring the fact that homeopathic medicines have been working very effectively prophylactically since the time of Hahnemann.  There is much more to things relating to immunity and prophylaxis than this.

In aphorismen_hanhnemann.htm 11. Hahnemann shares quite clearly that it is only when the vital force is “untuned” through the influence of a “hostile disease agent”

that “the disagreeable sensations and abnormal functions that we call disease” can occur.  He further shares, in the lengthy footnote to this (6th ed), about the dynamizing (“potentizing”) of homeopathic medicines as well as likening these to how magneticism works.

No one can see it, yet what visible mechanism tells you to lift your arm?  This is the powerful dynamism within the body at work.  So it is with what works unseen. 

How was it that he found homeopathically-prepared Belladonna presents effective prophylaxis against scarlet fever?

He observed the symptoms – the similar symptoms between what this medicine caused in a healthy prover to what he was observing in those contracting the scarlet fever where he was.  Somehow taking this medicine – in a whole, natural, homeopathic way – allows the “unseen” energies in the homeopathic medicine to interact with the “unseen” energies within the person, that are working to keep the person healthy.  This provides, on this energetic level, nontoxic yet highly effective prevention against

the ravages a disease can present.

Will it provide protection in every case?  Of course not.  But because this is energetic, the effectiveness of homeopathic prophylaxis is recording consistently high – right

about 90%, when known exposure to disease has taken place.

This brings us to the idea of susceptibility.  More than an idea of a person not being “immune”, we will now speak of what Hahnemann saw homeopathic medicine does

and desired to be promoting of doing – reducing susceptibility.

In the definition for “susceptibility”, Yasgur provides in his Dictionary, he says, quite succinctly, that “. . . Homeopathy . . . (aims) to decrease a person’s susceptibility/sensitivity to disease-producing influences. . .”

The idea of “immunity” is working to avoid something – in medicine, this is understood as avoiding contracting a disease, or getting sick.  On the other hand, homeopathy addresses  the idea of wellness, not by avoiding something but by promoting, maintaining, and protecting health.

Of course, there are certain illnesses that are very good to avoid, when possible.  These include pertussis (“whooping cough”) in infants, who are the most vulnerable to this, and meningitis, which can kill within 24 hours of contracting it.

Beyond issues such as these, it is best seen from the homeopathic perspective, that it is good, for the promotion of health, to not only work to reduce susceptibility, but also

to prepare for and work with these illnesses, because they are and ever will be a part of our environment and are not going to simply “go away” with promotion of this idea

of mass immunity.

Contraction of an illness or disease happens inside, not outside.  This is why, as contagious as a disease may be, still, not everyone will contract it.  This is also why among those who do contract a certain disease, not everyone will display symptoms to the same degree of severity. This is also why, from the homeopathic or holistic point of view, the idea of being “a-symptomatic” implies you simply do not have a certain disease.

Let’s explore just a few ideas that we, within homeopathy, are good to be sure we separate ourselves from a conventional understanding.  Not to ignore things, of course – but to work with these differently.

    1 – The “IMMUNE SYSTEM”: This is not like the respiratory system or the circulatory system or any of the other “systems” conventional medicine has broken the body down into. When looked at for what it is and contains, it is fascinating – and it also essentially covers the entire body.  Indeed, there are some key components, including bone marrow, the thymus, the spleen, lymph nodes, tonsils, and the appendix.9  But basically, just about everything else, in one way or another, effects or is affected by the body when it deems an “immune” reaction is appropriate.And nephrologist, Dr. Suzanne Humphries points out in her book, Dissolving Illusions, that, “The more scientists learn about the immune system, the more they realize their profound lack of understanding. . .”

    2 – The idea of “ANTIBODIES”: Studying cells and cell functions is also quite fascinating. However, it must be understood that it was only relatively recently that these

–antibodies– were determined to be the “key” indicator of immunity.  They are not.  Let’s discuss this just a bit.

The name “antibody” was coined by the German scientist, Paul Ehrlich around 1900. The had found a form of immunity happening in an animal serum from which they were removing all cells.  Not having a name for it, Ehrlich coined the term, „Antikörper” (antibody) to likely simply be a “place holder”, until a more appropriate term was found.  Yet, in spite of its odd sound and actually, in 1903, being called, “weird”, this term, “antibody” has stuck.

The antibody was first given recognition as the “fundamental unit of immunity” in 1950.12  Yet there has developed a double-understanding of the role these play in protection from disease.  Any more (since 2020), it has become accepted that the presence of antibodies are indicators of immunity, whether or not this is actually demonstrated.  Historically, the presence of antibodies has been seen as an indication that one has been exposed to disease, nothing more.

[REF:]  Supporting this, several studies have concluded that the presence of antibodies does not necessarily equate to immunity.  For example, in the case of pertussis, “. . . Laboratory measurement of antibodies has not demonstrated a level that corresponds to protection.”

It has also been determined that the absence of antibodies does not indicate a lack of immunity. [Table 1]

Perhaps it can be of interesting note that, because of how things have been changing in the world over these last couple of years, there is more question regarding whether antibodies should be considered the sole indicator of immunity.  Which is a good thing.

But the idea of antibody production has never been one to be expected of the prophylactic use of homeopathic medicines.  What simply happens is that, under proper use, homeopathic prophylaxis does encourage the body to learn what it needs to so it can move on.  And it has been shown that, after proper use of homeoprophylaxis, about

90% of the time, the body will not produce symptoms when known exposure to a disease has taken place.

Science and Truth

The idea of “science” ceases to be science when ideas are no longer explored or questioned.  The idea of “truth” presents religious thought – but, more pertinent to here,

it also presents things that do not change, in spite of time and in spite of question.  Fundamental homeopathic principles have remained unchanged since the time of Hahnemann – and this form of medicine continues to provide marvelous results.

Along this line and pertinent to note here is the nearly century-long gap between the time Edward Jenner first introduced the idea of vaccination for smallpox in 1796 until

the anthrax vaccine was introduced in 1881.  Reasons for this are several, but homeopath, Robert Ellis Dudgeon in 1853, stated quite clearly in a lecture presented in 1853

that, “Beyond vaccination. . . the allopathic school of the present day does not concern itself much with medicinal prophylactics”  – so disease prevention was not a priority

for conventional medicine.

In 2021, Davin Packer of the College of Medicine at Ohio State University addressed this question, regarding a reason, from the conventional side, for this “long delay. . . could be attributed, at least in part, to inadequate disease theories.”

Since Hahnemann found the prophylactic effectiveness of homeopathic medicines in 1799, research into this has continued to the present day. Some ideas continue, which

are good to grasp within homeopathy, as the view from “within” still remains unchanged.

Dr. Christoph Wilhelm Hufeland (1762-1836), was recognized as “the” chief medical officer during Hahnemann’s time, and was the chief medical officer to Friedrich Wilhelm, III, the king of Prussia himself.  He and Hahnemann knew one another.

In his Organon, Hahnemann references him specifically in the footnote to aphorismen_hanhnemann.htm 8.  Here, Hahnemann shares that Hufeland purported that, “homeopathy can remove the symptoms, but the disease remains”  Today, conventional medicine continues to present that disease comes from outside – that viruses and

other “disease-causing agents” enter the body and, with themselves, bring illness.

Hahnemann responds in this footnote, by saying he feels this view is nonsense.  When the body is well, it is well.  He shares that Hufeland’s view is a “materialistic conception of disease” and that disease is “a state of being of the organism dynamically untuned by a disturbed vital force, as an alternation of its state of health. . .”.

Again, Hahnemann makes it clear that disease-causing agents can, indeed, be horrid – and we do need to be cautious and prepared because of this.  It is the condition of the body that determines if infection will happen and how mild/severe this infection will be, if the body will show any symptoms at all.  This is where the focus is best kept,

as far as the promotion of health.

This idea of promoting health, so central to homeopathy, was further expounded upon, in reference to prophylaxis, by Burnett, Vaccinosis.   He wrote this work during the time when the vaccination for smallpox was still what was primarily done – hence his focus, for this work, on the homeopathic remedy of Thuja.

But he knew there were many other homeopathic medicines that worked prophylactically for various diseases.  While making it clear that he did not consider himself

“anti-vaccination”, Burnett shares in this work quite clearly the idea that, with the homeopathic view and understanding of health, it seems nonsensical to vaccinate a “perfectly healthy individual who has never been vaccinated” simply because this person is “liable to catch small-pox”.

He shares that it should also make no sense that, after vaccination, this “perfectly healthy” individual, then not succumbing to smallpox provides evidence of the effectiveness of the smallpox vaccine.  Burnett states quite clearly that, “no one can be more than perfectly healthy”16, and that any modification of this state must, therewith, involve a “minus” from the “perfect health” the person had been enjoying.  To summarize, Burnett presents that it must be understood that “the protective power of vaccination is due

to a diseased state of the body.”.

It is vitally important that we observe this within homeopathy – that susceptibility is what must be observed and worked with, so that health can be the focus.

observing things homeopathically

As far as the idea of avoiding disease altogether, this is an idea best approached quite cautiously.  First to recognize, of course, is the idea of fear, which opens the door to susceptibility to just about anything.  Unfortunately, along with this, must be recognized that avoiding getting ill – so trying to say we are healthy because we never get sick – does not make sense for proper health either.


Is “immunisation” the most appropriate word to be utilizing when it comes to the idea of prophylaxis within homeopathy?  I present that it may not be, if “immunity” is thought of as avoiding the contraction of a disease, not allowing the body to get sick.


Hahnemann makes no secret of recognizing that certain diseases can be quite dangerous and, indeed, be “fatal”.   Throughout his Organon, he refers to certain diseases with terms such as “murderous” (pg. 377) and the like.  However, he makes meticulous note of what homeopathy, at its heart, is all about – he notes the symptoms he observed when studying illness.


In his Lesser Writings, there are two writings which he devotes to scarlet fever18 as well as one to cholera19  Each these, alone, testifies how important it was to him to know the symptoms.  He makes a chart of in his second writing on scarlet fever – this chart comparing what is found in the “old genuine scarlet fever” and the “new red miliary fever”, which was being called scarlet fever.  From this, it is very easy to tell that, what was being observed as “scarlet fever”, was clearly not18.


Though Hahnemann never used the term himself, determining similar symptoms in a disease outbreak to find a remedy that will match these as closely as possible has become known as determining a Genus Epidemicus (“GE”).  These symptoms must present themselves consistently in every circumstance of a presenting illness.


This can prove very helpful in determining the most appropriate homeopathic medicine to utilize for prophylaxis.  In his Organon, Hahnemann repeatedly notes at least two diseases which consistently do this: smallpox and measles.  However, determining a GE remedy is not as easily approached today.


Locally, this can happen with some degree of “ease”.  But, considering the worldwide outreach of homeopathy today, there are varying differences in climate and weather patterns, temperature, elevation of habitation, etc which must also be taken into consideration in determining a GE.


Hahnemann makes it very clear, in his Organon and other writings, that the expression of the disease – the manifestation of the symptoms – must be noted in every circumstance.  It is the individual not a labeled “disease”, and the individual’s response to this  condition that we are treating, or working to prevent.


The idea of susceptibility is addressed in this same 2009 Webster’s Medical Dictionary as “having little resistance, easily influenced”.  This is an acceptable definition, when considered homeopathically.  However, Yasgur expounds on this idea, presenting ideas even more appropriate to consider within homeopathy.  He writes this:


    “susceptibility” – the degree of sensitivity to outside influences. Homeopathy as well as other holistic therapies aim to decrease a person’s susceptibility/sensitivity to disease-producing influences. . .”6


Hahnemann was very scientific with what was available for him at the time.  This did not include things such as electron microscopes or the like.  He did not know nor could see things such as a germ or virus or protozoa.  Yet he also proved very insightful and intuitive, in noting that the ascertaining of individual symptomatology was key.  And because homeopathic research continues, the Materia Medicas and Repertories we work with today within homeopathy are each thousands of pages long.


The work within homeopathy is very intense, very focused.  But it is not based on conventional understanding – rather, on symptoms.




I am known for my promotion and education regarding homeopathic prophylaxis.  This nontoxic form of “immunization” should never be considered “homeopathic vaccination”, as this is not at all what we work, with homeoprophylaxis, to promote.


Hahnemann determined in 1799 that Like not only Cures Like, it also Prevents Like.  In his Lesser Writings – Cure and Prevention of Scarlet Fever – he shares this:


    “Who can deny that the perfect prevention of infection. . . would offer infinite advantages over any mode of treatment, be it of the most incomparable kind soever?”


Dr. Burnett also shares this in Vaccinosis:


    “. . . the law of similars also applies to the prevention of disease.” – J.C. Burnett


And former AIH president, Dr. Arthur Grimmer, is known for his promotion of homeopathic prophylaxis.  He has shared the following:


    “As the Law of Similars excels in the power to cure, it excels more forcibly and certainly in the art of disease prevention.” – A.H. Grimmer, 194920


At the January 2020 conference of my organization, Homeoprophylaxis: A Worldwide Choice for Disease Prevention, the well-known Indian homeopath, Dr. Raj K. Manchanda, who offered indispensable assistance putting the conference together, shared, in an interview during the conference that homeopathy is known worldwide today because of its effectiveness in homeoprophylaxis.


Please let this short essay present food for thought, as we continue to move forward with homeopathy.  This medicine is still working, and working very well, both as treatment and prevention of symptoms.


Further articles I will share will include a focus on how homeoprophylaxis works, from a homeopathic perspective; which homeopathic medicines have been shown to be effective for which disease/illness; where homeoprophylaxis has been successfully used in practise, and records of this; how best to utilize homeopathic prophylaxis in practise; a more appropriate homeopathic word for “infectious”; homeoprophylaxis for tropical diseases; unique needs for homeoprophylaxis for travel; and more.


In closing here, I will simply present this: I am fluent in English and German, and have studied many other languages including just a bit of Latin.  I would, nevertheless, like to propose possibly adding a phrase as we move ahead.  As near as I can tell, this seems the most appropriate translation of it:



Vorwort/Suchen.                                                            Zeichen/Abkürzungen                                    Impressum.