
Efficacy of Turmeric Extracts and Curcumin for Alleviating the Symptoms of Joint Arthritis:


Vergleich: Vergleich. Psora - Sykose - Syphillinie - Tuberkulinie

Siehe: Gelenken. + Rheuma. + Darmnosoden + Anhang (Dana Ullman/)


Entsteht durch einen zu hohen Harnsäuregehalt in unserem Blut. Die Krankheit äußert sich durch starke Schmerzen und Schwellungen in den Gelenken, die aufgrund von Ablagerungen der kristallisierten Harnsäure zwischen den Gelenken entstehen.

Bei der Rheumatoiden Arthritis entsteht die gelenkzerstörende Entzündung dagegen durch eine Autoimmunreaktion des Körpers. Zudem besteht die Entzündungsreaktion von Anfang an.

Aus bisher unbekannten Gründen beginnt das Abwehrsystem der Betroffenen, den Gelenkknorpel wie einen Fremdkörper zu behandeln und zu attackieren. Dabei leistet es leider ganze Arbeit,

denn über Jahre hinweg kann so das Gelenk völlig zerstört werden.

Schmerz ziehend, reißend.

[Ute Boeddrich]

Berb.: hat einen starken Bezug zu Leber, Niere, Haut, Stütz- und Bewegungsapparat. Muskel- und Gelenkrheuma und Gichtarthritis produzieren ein Stechen,

Brennen und Reißen.

<: morgens erwachend/langes Sitzen und Stehen; >: Schwitzen/Stuhl- und Harnabgang;

Bry.: Arthritis mit Neigung zu Schwellungen und Erguss, Hitze und Rötung der Gelenke. Schmerz heftig, stechend < Bewegung. Die Gelenke sind heiß und steif,

wobei sich die akute Erkrankung langsam entwickelt.

<: morgens/Bewegung/Hitze/trockenes, kaltes Wetter/Berührung; >: Ruhe/frische Luft/Druck;

Formica: Arthritis in Gelenke/Steifheit/Zusammenziehen der Gelenke/plötzlich auftretender Rheuma in den Gelenken mit Unruhezuständen; <: Bewegung/Kälte; >: Ruhe/Wärme/Druck;


Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis.


Symptome < erste Bewegung/Kälte; >: kontinuierlicher Bewegung: Phos. Rhus-t. Sulph.


[Dana Ullman]

Joint Inflammation

The word arthritis means "inflammation of a joint," and there are various ways in which people experience this. There are dozens of kinds of arthritis: osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, gout,

systemic lupus, and bursitis and others. It will rarely kill you. The bad news is that the stiffness that sufferers experience can make them feel as though rigor mortis has set in early.


Osteoarthritis is the most common type of arthritis. Sometimes called the "wear and tear" variety of arthritis, osteoarthritis is thought to be a natural result of aging. This is just a theory; however,

as evidenced by the  93-year-old man from Chicago who developed osteoarthritis in his left knee. When his doctor told him that it was a result of aging, the wise man remarked,

"My other knee is 93 years old, too and it don't hurt a bit."

Osteoarthritis Factors

There are other factors besides aging that precipitate osteoarthritis. Likewise, each type of arthritis has numerous influences that increase or decrease the chances of getting it. It is known, for instance, that women experience most types of arthritis 2 - 8x as often as men (except gout and ankylosing spondylitis).

Use it, or you lose it

Range-of-motion exercises are very important in increasing circulation and reducing stiffness. Although one should avoid exercising a joint that is currently inflamed or "hot," these joints can be gently moved along their range of motion. Swimming is particularly good. Although jogging is not associated with degenerative joint disease, you might consider walking as an alternative form of exercise if you experience any joint pain during or after jogging. Don't overdo any exercise, but don't underdo it either. Try to exercise 15 to 20 minutes a day, 5 days a week.

Avoid arthritis "cooperators"

Some evidence suggests that certain foods can aggravate an arthritic condition. Although such foods are not thought to "cause" arthritis, they may "cooperate" with it and make it worse.

Experiment by avoiding foods from the Solanales (except for potato juice - explained further on). Tobacco is also a member of the nightshade family that can aggravate arthritis.

Milk, fats, and citrici are possible cooperators. As an experiment, avoid, or at least significantly reduce, ingesting them.

Apply some herbal heat

Cayenne pepper is known to contain a painkilling chemical called capsaici n.x There are now some over-the-counter drugs as well as some herbal products that are primarily composed of capsaicin. Apply it externally directly to and around the source of pain. Ideally, use a standardized cream with 0.025%-0.075% capsaicin. Expect your initial applications to produce a burning sensation.

Glucosamine what?

Glucosamine is a natural substance found in high concentration in the body's cartilage and joints. Although it doesn't exhibit significant anti-inflammatory or analgesic properties, it provides structural support to the joints and helps relieve the pain and discomfort in many people suffering from arthritis. Consider taking 500 mg 3x daily (on an empty stomach) -- but if irritation occurs, take it with food. Most of the best research on people with arthritis has been with glucosamine sulfate; consider using this type of glucosamine first. By the way, some sources suggest that people with a heart condition should avoid taking this supplement.

             Water yourself

Stimulate circulation in the affected areas by taking a hot shower or bath, and then turn on the cold water. Repeat the hot cycle, and then return to the cold. If your hands, knees, or feet are the primary sources of pain, you can simply place them in a tub or sink of hot and then cold water. Alternative is to place a hot pack on a specific area # a cold pack. Try at least 2x daily.

Cast castor oil on the pain

Make a castor oil pack and place it on a joint where there is pain, but not when there's acute inflammation. Castor oil pack can be saved for future use by rolling up the cloth and placing it in a Ziploc bag in refrigarator.

Become a juice potato

An old folk remedy for arthritis is to drink raw potato juice. To make it, wash a potato (don't peel it), cut it into thin slices, place it in a glass of cold water, and leave it out overnight. Drink this water in the morning on an empty stomach. The lowly potato is known to have antiviral inhibitors and is rich in chlorogenic acid, which helps prevent cell mutations that lead to cancer. Whatever it is in potatoes that helps arthritic sufferers is yet to be found, but personal experience suggests that it can be helpful.

Fish oil can lubricate you

Research has recently shown that fish oil supplements have anti-inflammatory effects that may be helpful to arthritis sufferers. One important study showed beneficial effects when people took

15 capsules a day, although most people will probably experience benefits by taking 4 - 8 capsules daily.

            Perna canaliculus = Grünlippmuschel.

Recent research has also suggested that extracts from the New Zealand green-lipped mussel, now available in supplement form, are particularly good for people with osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. Although this supplement may sound strange, would you rather suffer, or try something that might make you feel better?

Bejewel yourself with copper

People suffering from arthritis have been known to experience relief when they wear a copper bracelet. Although skeptics point to this treatment as a classic example of quackery, or simply the placebo effect, it is known that some people with arthritis have difficulty assimilating copper from the food they eat. Perhaps wearing a copper bracelet provides them with a subtle but biologically active source of this mineral. Lending further support to the use of copper, homeopathic physicians commonly prescribe microdoses of copper (Cuprum metalicum) to those people with arthritis who experience cramping pains in the joints and jerking or twitching of muscles.

Bee stings for arthritis?

It is a well-known bit of folklore that beekeepers have a low incidence of arthritis. It is also known that one folk remedy for treating arthritis is getting stung by a bee. An easier way to try this remedy is to get a homeopathic dose of bee venom in Apis C 6 or 30 (Apisin?). This medicine is primarily helpful if you have arthritic pain that is similar to the type of pain that bee venom causes: burning pain, < heat, > cold/cool applications.

Are you too resistant to change?

Is the stiffness in your character creating stiffness in your body? There's the story of two caterpillars who look up and notice a butterfly. One caterpillar says to the other: "You'll never get me up in one of those." Are you resisting any inevitable changes in your life? Loosen up. Say to yourself: "I expect change, and I will bend with it."

Dear, Dear Diary

Keep a diary of your symptoms. Look for patterns of what might aggravate the pain that you experience. Finding a pattern might not "cure" you, but it may help you avoid those things that trigger your pain syndrome. Also, recent research has found that simply writing about your experiences with arthritis has a therapeutic benefit. Write on!


Arthritis stones: Because of their copper-bearing nature, Azurite and Malachite may help combat an arthritis condition. Never ingest charged water from these two stones, as they are poisonous!

Wear stone in your left pocket. Amazonite (Saturn), Boji stone (Pluto), Fluorite (Uranus), Rutilated Quartz (Mercury/Uranus), and Turquoise (Jupiter).


[Stefan von Löwensprung/Natalie von Löwensprung]


Rheumatoide Arthritis

Bei der Rheumatoiden Arthritis sind die oberen Wesensglieder zu wenig tief in den Organismus (Gelenkorganisation) inkarniert und entwickeln somit eine zu starke leibfreie Tätigkeit in der Bewusstseinsbildung. Diese Dominanz des Sinnes-Nerven-Systems wirkt verhärtend und auskühlend in das Bewegungs-Stoffwechsel-System ein, wo das Sinnes-Nerven-System physiologischerweise dynamisierend und aufbauend tätig sein sollte.

Steiner wies darauf hin ([51], S.203ff.), dass speziell Schocks und seelische Traumata das Wesensgliedergefüge derartig belasten, dass sich eine Prädisposition zu Rheumatoider Arthritis entwickeln kann (auch zu Asthma, Diabetes und Krebs), da sich die Ich-Organisation aus dem Menschen zurückzieht und die Seelen-, Lebens- und

Physische Organisation nicht weiter reguliert und durchformt bzw. zwischen ihnen vermittelt. Dieses mangelnde individualisierte Regulations- und Durchformungswirken schwächt den gesamten Organismus, insbesondere jedoch die Lebensorganisation. Auch physische Traumata (Verletzungen, Operationen) können zu einer Regression der

Seelen- und Ich-/Wärmeorganisation aus ihren leibgebundenen Funktionen im Organismus führen.

Als Kompensationsversuch entwickelt die Gelenkorganisation starke Entzündungsschübe. Da jedoch die Lebensorganisation bereits geschwächt ist, kann sie den Heilimpuls der Entzündung nicht adäquat beantworten, und die Entzündung kippt in ein destruktives Geschehen, das über die Zeit die gesamte Gelenkstruktur zerstören kann und

eine weitere Verhärtung bzw. Sklerosierung mit sich bringt.

Integrativer anthroposophisch-naturheilkundlicher Therapieansatz

Therapeutisch imponieren mehrere Ansätze: Zum einen sollten die oberen Wesensglieder stärker in ihre körperlich-funktionellen Prozesse eingebunden werden, um die Dominanz der abbauenden Kräfte des Sinnes-Nerven-Systems zu regulieren und die dynamisierenden Funktionen des Bewegungs-Stoffwechsel-Systems zu stärken.

Zum anderen ist es sehr sinnvoll, die erlebten Traumata zu verarbeiten, um eine Reintegration von Seelen- und Ich-Organisation in den Organismus zu ermöglichen.

Neben therapeutischen Gesprächen, Ansätzen aus der Biografie-Arbeit und konstitutioneller Therapie sind hierfür die Heileurythmie und die Rhythmische Massage von großer Bedeutung (v.a. in chronischen Fällen). Auch die künstlerischen Therapien spielen eine wichtige Rolle im Ansprechen der Ich-Organisation im Patienten.

Eine mediterrane, vorwiegend vegetarische Kost wirkt sich zumeist sehr positiv auf das Erkrankungsgeschehen aus. Gerade adipösen Patienten empfiehlt sich eine Umstellung ihrer Essgewohnheiten zur nachhaltigen Gewichtsreduktion.


[Franziska Roemer]

Viscum mali.

Mistletoe preparations used in degenerative deseases.

The more advanced or chronic in osteoarthritis the lower should be the potency.

Use of Viscum preparations:

Causes of Osteoarthritis: local weakness in the warmth organisation (with influenza), metabolic sluggishness, premature ageing, circadian temperature

injured, atrophy, sclerose all these can be the cause of cancer.

Vicum preparations + Organ preparation can delay the need for a joint prothese (there is an impression that after surgery of a prothesis, the need for an other prothesis follows later on).

Compared to conventional treatment with NSAIDs (= Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) treatment with Viscum + organ preparation effectiver.

Stiffness and cold (with pain): Viscum mali 5% ointment w/Viscum mali ex herba 5% oleum wa (only in the cold season). Eventually as a bath.

Osteoarthritis starts from head pole of bone.

Higher potencies: robust, sulphuric, hysterical, male constitution.

Careful adjusting: allergic, neurasthenic, physical weak constitution.

Rule of thumb: going down in potency until a local reaction as an erythema shows.

Fingers (joints): D 14

Iscador M aus Apfelbaummistel (Brust-/Unterleibskrebs/Osteoarthritis)


Phoen-d. Kniegelenksarthrose

[Constantine Hering, M.D.]

Puls. and coffee for rheumatic pains in the limbs

Yam-ha. = Totes meer

[Dr. Schwartz]

Ant-c. Arthritis deformans a near specific (extreme tenderness of the soles of the feet).

[Dr. Rajneesh Kumar Sharma]

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a chronic multisystem disease of unknown origin, causing nonsuppurative arthritis (Sycosis) of peripheral joints with

symmetrical distribution (Psora), producing pain (Psora/ Syphilis), swelling (Psora/ Sycosis), stiffness (Psora/ Sycosis) and loss of function (Psora/ Syphilis).       

The disease usually begins in middle age, more in females, but no age or sex is immune to it.

Cause etiology is still unknown.

There are following schools of thought-

1. Genetic predisposition- RA is common in HLADR 4 or HLADR 1 positive persons (Syphilis).

2. Infective theory- Mycobacteria, Paravoviruses, Retroviruses, Borrelia, Epstein Barr Virus, Mycoplasma as well as numerous others (Psora/Sycosis/Syphilis).

3. Autoimmune theory- T cells play the pivotal role in destructive RA by producing IgM (Psora/     Syphilis). Pathogenesis

With advancement of disease,

synovial membrane thickening (Sycosis),

effusion (Psora/Sycosis),

articular cartilage degeneration (Syhilis)

and osteoprosis start (Psora/Syphilis).

Ligaments and joint capsules become less effective supporting structures.

Erosion of the articular cartilage (Syphilis), together with ligamentous changes,

result in deformity (Sycosis/Syphilis) and

contractures (Sycosis/Syphilis).

As the disease progresses, pain and deformity increase ending with permanent disability. Symptoms

Pain, morning stiffness, swelling, and systemic symptoms are common. (Psora/Sycosis)

Swelling, pain, and stiffness in the joint, even when it is not being used. (Psora/Sycosis)

Warmth around the joint. (Psora)

Deformities and contractures of the joint. (Sycosis/Syphilis)

General symptoms, such as fever, malaise, loss of appetite and decreased energy. (Psora)

Rheumatoid nodules, particularly around the elbow. (Psora/Sycosis)

Foot pain, bunions, and hammer toes with long-standing disease. (Psora/Sycosis)

Patients with severe rheumatoid arthritis typically have multiple affected joints in the hands, arms, legs, and feet. Joints of the cervical spine may be involved. (Psora/Sycosis/Syphilis)

Raynaud’s phenomenon, lympadenopathy, osteoporosis, trigger figure, tenosynovitis, bursitis, subcutaneous nodules, episcleritis, scleritis and scleromalacia, keratoconjunctivitis Sikka, Sjogren’s syndrome, Sikka syndrome, pericarditis with effusion, heart block, cardiomyopathy, coronary artery occlusion, aortic regurgitation, vasculitis, pleurisy, pleural effusion, entrapment neuropathies, peripheral neuropathy, cervical cord compression, anemia, thrombocytosis, Felty’s syndrome, Baker’s cysts in knees etc. are other manifestations of RA. (Psora/Sycosis/Syphilis) Complications

Septic arthritis and amyloidosis. (Psora/Syphilis/Sycosis) Diagnosis

Rheumatoid factor, Anti CCP and IgM positive.

Raised CRP, ESR, globulin and fibrinogen.

Decreased albumin, Hb.

Synovial fluid examination, synovial biopsy and arthroscopy.


CT Scan

The American College of Rheumatology requires at least four of the following seven criteria to confirm the diagnosis:

1. Morning stiffness around the joint that lasts at least 1 hour

2. Arthritis of three or more joints for at least 6 weeks

3. Arthritis of hand joints for at least 6 weeks

4. Arthritis on both sides of the body for at least 6 weeks

5. Rheumatoid nodules under the skin

6. Rheumatoid factor present in blood testing

7. Evidence of rheumatoid arthritis on X-rays Differential Diagnosis


Rheumatoid arthritis: chronic, inflammatory, destructive and deforming variety of arthritis that affects many joints (small joints of the fingers and the toes) at the same time.


Unlike osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis victimizes young persons (women/girls).

Act-s.: Small joints of fingers or toes, wrists, and ankles. Even mild exertion causes an increase in the pain and swelling.


Bry.: Rheuma with red, swollen and hot joints, which are exceedingly painful. Joint-pains < slightest motion, forcing the patient to keep still. Hot weather, warm room, warm foods or drinks also

            < joint-pains. > absolute rest, firmly bandaging the joint, pressing or massaging the joint or by lying on the affected joint.

Calc-p.: Besides pain and stiffness, there is a sensation of numbness and crawling in the affected joints. < damp, cold weather but > hot and dry weather.

Caus.: Rheumatoid arthritis with deformities of the fingers. Joint-problems < clear, fine weather but > in damp/wet weather.

Colch.: Rheumatoid arthritis moves from one joint to another. Pain so severe that the patient can`t bear even light touch. Joint-pains < slightest motion/at night/cold/damp weather. Pain > rest

            and warmth in dry heat.



Puls.: Rheumatoid arthritis that moves from one joint to another. Pain + severe chilliness < heat-treatment/rest but > cold applications/pressure/massage/lying on the affected joint/gentle continued motion.

Rhod.: Acute inflammatory swelling of joints, wandering from one joint to another. Joint-pains < rest/change in weather but > motion/application of dry heat.

Rhus-t.: Rheumatoid arthritis characterized by stiffness, pain and a feeling of soreness in the affected joints. Pain and stiffness < after rest or inactivity but gradually diminish on moving the joints.

Symptoms < in rainy weather but > application of dry heat.

Ruta.: For sore, beaten up feeling in the affected joints that giving rise to restlessness. Joint-pains < from rest but > gentle movements. > warm applications and massage > pains.

Tub.: juvenile rheumatoid arthritis.

DD.: Seems similar to Rhus-tox: Pain and stiffness from damp weather, change of weather, sitting for too long, rest, standing too long and first motion after rest.

Tub.: < all types of weather change.

Yam-ha.: = Totes Meersalz


Gouty Arthritis:

Gout (also known as podagra when it involves the big toe) is a medical condition usually characterized by recurrent attacks of acute inflammatory arthritis (red, tender, hot, swollen joint)

A metabolic disorder characterized by a deposition of uric acid salts in connective tissues, like cartilage of joints. In an acute attack, the affected joint becomes red, swollen and excruciatingly

painful. The joint of the big toe is most commonly affected but other small joints of fingers, ankles, wrists are not immune to the disorder.

Acon.: For a sudden, violent attack of gout giving rise to restlessness and acute fear, feels about to die. Pain in the affected joint is so acute that the person tosses about in agony, not being able to bear even light touch or pressure.

Arn.: Symptoms like gout in which the affected joint develops a sore, beaten-up sensation. Cannot tolerate the joint being touched.

Bell.: Affected joint  red, swollen, hot and excruciatingly painful, sensitive to least touch, pressure or motion. Rest and cold compresses seem to relieve pain.

Bry.: Gout with red, swollen and hot joint, which is exceedingly painful. Pain < with slightest motion, forcing the patient to keep still. Symptoms < from warmth weather, food or drinks but

> absolute rest, firmly bandaging the joint, pressing or massaging the joint or by lying on it.

Colch.: Gout moves from one joint to another. Pain is so severe that the patient can’t bear even light touch. Joint-pain < slightest motion at night and in cold, damp weather but > rest and application of dry heat.

Eupat-per.: Indicated for gouty arthritis of l. great toe that recurs every 3rd or 7th day and + headache. A feeling of soreness and broken bones in the whole body. The pain <: motion/pressure/exposure to cold air;


Lyc.: Chronic gout mainly affecting joints of the r. side of the body e.g., right big toe. There is aching pain in the affected joint, that become worse in the evening from 16 - 20 h. Pain < after a period of inactivity (awakening from sleep)/from warmth or pressure but > cold applications and movement of the affected joint.

Urt.: For gout from eating shellfish. Useful in acute gout because it facilitates elimination of uric acid from the body. Gout associated with violently itching skin-rashes. Sometimes, joint-pain # skin-rashes. Joint-pain <: touch/pressure/cold applications;


Arthritis  = inflammation causing painful bones/swollen, painful joints/muscles stiff and rheumatic symptoms/fatigued, stiff and sore.

Arthritis is a chronic and inflammatory disease affecting the discs and bones. It has several symptoms and treatments.


[W. Dewey]

Am-p.: constitutional gout with nodosities in the joints. Not so much for the acute symptoms, but for chronic cases where there are deposits of urate of soda concretions in the joints and the hands become twisted out of shape.

Ant-c.: gouty nodes in the joints, but it is easily selected by its gastric symptoms. Urinary symptoms, strong urine, etc. (Benz-ac.) and much red sand (Lyc.).


Extreme tenderness of the soles of the feet.



All joints have rhythmic function.

Osteoarthritis of the hip joint

Aurum prep. D l0 (the hip as joint as part of the metabolic aspect of the leg)/hip has rhythmic functions, like any joint.

Stannum prep. cartilage affected and needs to be regenerated, D 15 [cartilage as such is a mercurial element between chondritis (effusion) and chondrosis].

Calc.  joint is in the Libra region, = Conchae D 6 because the hip is part of the metabolic region of the leg and in physical terms the Libra region belongs to the most earthy part of the body.

Aurum prep. D 10/Conchae D 6/Stannum prep. D 15  w or also by local s.c. injection, which in this case is in the Libra region. Anti-rheumatic medication if indicated, (Rhus-t./Rhus tox. comp.) wa.

Osteoarthritis of the knee

Aurum prep. D 10, Stannum prep. D 15.

Alumen romamim (= Alumen) the knee joint in the Capricorn region, D 15 because it is still a rhythmic element, in a completely different way and a part of the leg's rhythmic system.

Aurum prep. D 10/Aesculus cort. D 15 / Alumen D 15/Stannum prep. D 15.

It will do no harm to include Aesculus cort.; quite the contrary, for chronic processes are determined by or concomitant with venous stasis. (in many women).

Osteoarthritis of the elbow

This is a rare condition but may be treated using the same basic principles as Osteoarthritis of the knee (prodromal stages and distortion), the elbow being in the Capricorn region.

Osteoarthritis of the shoulder joint

Aurum prep. D 12 - 15 slightly higher potency since the arm and therefore the shoulder belong to the rhythmic part of the whole human being.

Stannum prep. D 15.

Pyrite. (= Ferr-s): the shoulder is in the Gemini region (sulfur); as the whole is part of the arm. R.S.: "the meeting point for the upper limbs in the region of the larynx relates to Mars".

D 15, locally in Gemini region or also as mixed trit. w.

Humeroscapular periarthritis needs to be treated differently as it involves the articular capsule. Arn. Betula comp. Mandragora comp w used in addition; if it will not work at all, also add Urtica ferro culta D 2. w.

Spondylosis = degenerative osteoarthritis of the joints between the centre of the spinal vertebrae and/or neural foraminae.

            Kalmia: shooting down the arms with numbness + pain in the heart region (makes feel he has heart trouble). Key: Pain in the neck running down the arms, characteristic symptom.

Cimic.: wide action on rheumatism (women sufferering from uterine complaints +  rheuma). Marked stiffness in the muscles of the back and neck. Shooting pains which shift from one part of

the back to the other. There may also be shooting pain in the head.

Sticta: General feeling of dullness and lethargy, as when a cold is coming on, with dull, heavy pressure in the head and severe stiffness in the neck. + pain in the right shoulder joint.

Pain < sudden changes of temperature.


Ankles and wrists

Pisces region relating to the halogens (= Stadium 17.).  The zodiacal preparation used is:

Ferr-i. because the arm is governed by Mars, 12 - 20x because the wrist is part of the neurosensory part of the arm, quite apart from the fact that the arm function is rhythmic.

Aurum prep. D 10-15

Stannum prep. D 15

If this does not work, one may consider Ferrum sesquichloratum (= Ferr-m.) w, in the same potency as for Ferr-i. above.

In my 79th year, I had a painful osteoarthritic condition in the thumb (both joints) and metacarpal bone of the 1st and 2nd rays, with radiological evidence, with the thumb and ball of thumb about twice the size than were on the other side. This healed completely with Aurum prep. D l0 + Stannum prep. D 15 + Ferr-i. 12x.

Ankle use silver (R.S. GA 201, 25 Apr. 1920: "the point of origin for the lower limbs relates to the Moon"),

The temporomandibular (= Kauapparat)joint: R.S. is a double one. The fossa of the temporal bone as the functional end point of the upper jaw (arm in previous incarnation) articulates with

the head of the lower jaw (= leg in previous incarnation) in such a way that between them lies cartilage firmly fused with the articular capsule shaped like a head in its superior aspect and an

acetabulum below.

The temporomandibular joint thus combines the shoulder and hip joints of the previous incarnation in itself. Conch. Pyrit. (= Ferr-s.)/Aur. Cor-r. can replace Conch.

Pyrites and indicated anti-rheumatic preparations. Osteoarthritis is unlikely in this joint, but certainly there is pain connected with old age or recurrent dislocation. has rhythmic functions,

like any joint.


[Joe de Livera]

The Wet dose

If the patient’s Osteo Arthritis has not affected the Meniscus Cartilage, it is possible that Arg-met. C 6 cures the pain associated with Arthritis.

Berb: painful shoulders/arthritic complaints + urinary weakness; Brennen/stechen/reißen

            <: morgens erwachend/langes sitzen und stehen; >: Schwitzen/Stuhl-/Harnabgang;

Bry: Joint-pain < least motion or exertion but > absolute rest. >> applying heat to the joint;

            Schwellung/Erguss/Hitze/Rötung der Gelenke; Stechen < Bewegung; Gelenke heiß und steif;

            Akute Beschwerden entwickeln langsam.

            <: morgens/Bewegung/Hitze/Berührung/trockenes, kaltes Wetter; >: Ruhe/Druck/frische Luft;

DD.: Arn.: Bry lying on it helps a lot. >> pressing/massaging/bandaging the joint.

Calc-p.: Lean and emaciated persons. Pain and stiffness, Sensation of numbness and crawling in the affected joint. < damp, cold weather but > hot and dry weather.

Caust: burning pain, for dull aches, arthritic pain in all parts of limbs, painful stiffness of neck;

Chronic osteoarthritis with joint-deformities from contractures of muscles. Pain < clear fine weather but lessens in the monsoon (= rainy weather).

Colch: articular rheuma, < motion, gouty diatheses, inflammation of big toe, rheumatic pain in joints of fingers;

Coloc: rheumatic tearing, neck muscles stiff on moving head, painful cramps in all muscles;

Dulc: bone pain, gout, rheuma < humidity/cold weather/change of seasons, exostosis;

Ferr-p: relieves pain, inflammation, and conditions such as frozen shoulder/useful when joints feel hot and swollen, articular rheuma with fever.

Form: Wechselnde Gelenke: Steifheit/Zusammenziehen;

            <: Bewegung/Kälte; >: Ruhe/Wärme/Druck;

Led: chills and pain relieved by cold/rheuma 1. in feet, 2. ext. up the body/cracking of joints/trembling of hands on grasping/moving them;

Lyc: neck stiff, drawing pain in all limbs;

Ran-b: intercostals rheuma, pain in ribs, spasmodic pain in arms, arthritic pain in muscles;

Rhod: rheumatic pain in all limbs, < before a storm, pain < while at rest;

Rhus-t. painful swelling of joints/rheumatic pain in all extremities > motion, neck stiff, frozen shoulder, paralytic heaviness of legs/feet, great debility

+ soreness (at rest)/pain in joints of upper limbs. < cold/wet weather, stiff in morning, relief of pain from overuse of muscles, overstretching;

Osteoarthritis characterized by stiffness, pain and a feeling of soreness in the affected joint. Pain and stiffness < after rest or inactivity but gradually diminish on walking around.

Joint-problems < rainy weather > application dry heat.



Sulph: weakness, fatigue, trembling, rheumatic gout, symptoms < rest, > during motion;

Vermic: arthritis/osteoarthritis/pain/inflammation/bone ailments (knees/wrists/fingers/back). bone diseases causing lameness in arthritis/dysplasia of the hip joint/lameness following fractures/indefinable growth disorders involving lameness/osteofibrosis/spondylosis.

Polygonatum = Weißwurze/= Salomonssiegel/= Gelenkwurze


Beschwerden:                                                                                                          [S. Krishnamurty]

Gemüt: Geistig erschöpft - morgens/erwachend

Faul [nachmittags (16 - 18 h)]

Beschwerliche erotische Gedanken

Gesellschaft abgeneigt

Gleichgültig, Apathie (gegen andere Personen)

Reizbar, gereizt [nachmittags (16 h - 16 - 18 h)/abends]




Unentschlossen, schwierig  Entscheidungen zu treffen

Zorn (heftig)

Kopf: Schmerz - abends/> Druck/seitlich  l.

Auge: Schmerz - abends (brennend)

Gerstenkörner (l. Oberlid)

Ohr: Schmerz [l. (brennend)]

Gesicht: Schmerz [l./< Bewegung des Unterkiefers/brennend]


Mund: Geschmacksverlust

Magen: Appetit - Heißhunger/vermehrt

Innerer Hals: Entzündet/Schmerz l.

Bauch: Aufgetrieben/Flatulenz

Furunkel in Leistengegend r.


Rektum: Obstipation ungenügend

Männliche Genitalien: Hautausschläge auf Skrotum - Furunkel

Sexverlangen vermehrt

Glieder: Entzündete Gelenke - chronisch/infektiös

Rot - Handgelenk r./Schultern r.)/Unterarm r.

Furunkel r. Arm/Handgelenke

Schmerz < Beginn der Bewegung/> fortgesetzte Bewegung/r. Hüfte/Muskeln rheumatisch/r. Schultern/Achillessehne

Geschwollen r. Handgelenke/r. Schulter/r. Unterarme

Schlaf: Tief - nachmittags/nachts

Schläfrig (nachmittags)

Haut: Hautausschläge - Furunkel (r.)

Allgemeines: r./nachts


< Bewegungsanfang/> fortgesetzte Bewegung

Entzündete Gelenke - infektiös

Schmerz - rheumatisch - Muskeln

Schmerz in Muskeln (krampfartig)

Verletzungen der Sehnen

Schwäche (nachmittags/übermäßig)


Unverträglich: Verdauungsbeschwerden??


Phytologie: Wespennest


Rheumatoid arthritis: chronic, inflammatory, destructive and deforming variety of arthritis that affects many joints (small joints of the fingers and the toes) at the same time.

Unlike osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis victimizes young persons (women/girls).

Act-s.: Small joints of fingers or toes, wrists, and ankles. Even mild exertion causes an increase in the pain and swelling.


Bry.: Rheuma with red, swollen and hot joints, which are exceedingly painful. Joint-pains < slightest motion, forcing the patient to keep still. Hot weather, warm room, warm foods or drinks also <

joint-pains. > absolute rest, firmly bandaging the joint, pressing or massaging the joint or by lying on the affected joint.

Calc-p.: Besides pain and stiffness, there is a sensation of numbness and crawling in the affected joints. < damp, cold weather but > hot and dry weather.

Caus.: Rheumatoid arthritis with deformities of the fingers. Joint-problems < clear, fine weather but > in damp/wet weather.

Colch.: Rheumatoid arthritis moves from one joint to another. Pain so severe that the patient can`t bear even light touch. Joint-pains < slightest motion/at night/cold/damp weather. Pain > rest and

warmth in dry heat.

Puls.: Rheumatoid arthritis that moves from one joint to another. Pain + severe chilliness < heat-treatment/rest but > cold applications/pressure/massage/lying on the affected joint/gentle continued motion.

Rhod.: Acute inflammatory swelling of joints, wandering from one joint to another. Joint-pains < rest/change in weather but > motion/application of dry heat.

Rhus-t.: Rheumatoid arthritis characterized by stiffness, pain and a feeling of soreness in the affected joints. Pain and stiffness < after rest or inactivity but gradually diminish on moving the joints.

Symptoms < in rainy weather but > application of dry heat.

Ruta.: For sore, beaten up feeling in the affected joints that giving rise to restlessness. Joint-pains < from rest but > gentle movements. > warm applications and massage also help in relieving pains.

Yam-ha.: = Totes Meersalz


Gouty Arthritis:

Gout is a metabolic disorder characterized by a deposition of uric acid salts in connective tissues, like cartilage of joints. In an acute attack, the affected joint becomes red, swollen and excruciatingly

painful. The joint of the big toe is most commonly affected but other small joints of fingers, ankles, wrists are not immune to the disorder.

Acon.: For a sudden, violent attack of gout giving rise to restlessness and acute fear, feels about to die. Pain in the affected joint is so acute that the person tosses about in agony, not being able to bear even light touch or pressure.

Arn.: Symptoms like gout in which the affected joint develops a sore, beaten-up sensation. Cannot tolerate the joint being touched.

Bell.: Affected joint  red, swollen, hot and excruciatingly painful, sensitive to least touch, pressure or motion. Rest and cold compresses seem to relieve pain.

Bry.: Gout with red, swollen and hot joint, which is exceedingly painful. Pain < with slightest motion, forcing the patient to keep still. Symptoms < from warmth weather, food or drinks but

> absolute rest/firmly bandaging the joint, pressing or massaging the joint or by lying on it.

Colch.: Gout moves from one joint to another. Pain is so severe that the patient can`t bear even light touch. Joint-pain < slightest motion at night and in cold, damp weather but > rest and application of dry heat.

Eupat-per.: Indicated for gouty arthritis of left great toe that recurs every 3rd or 7th day and +  headache. A feeling of soreness and broken bones in the whole body. The joint-pain< motion/pressure/exposure to cold air.

Lyc.: Chronic gout mainly affecting joints of the r. side of the body e.g., right big toe. There is aching pain in the affected joint, that become worse in the evening from 16 – 20 h. Pain < after a period of inactivity (awakening from sleep)/from warmth or pressure but > cold applications and movement of the affected joint.

Urt.: For gout from eating shellfish. Useful in acute gout because it facilitates elimination of uric acid from the body. Gout associated with violently itching skin-rashes. Sometimes, joint-pain # skin-rashes.

Joint-pain < touch/pressure/cold applications.


Arthritis  = inflammation causing painful bones/swollen, painful joints/muscles stiff and rheumatic symptoms/fatigued, stiff and sore.

Arn: paralytic pain in all joints during motion, weary, bruised feeling, < towards evening, heaviness in all limbs

            Arthritis is a chronic and inflammatory disease affecting the discs and bones. It has several symptoms and treatments.

Osteoarthritis following an injury to a joint. Apart from pain and stiffness, a sore, beaten-up feeling in the joint. Everything on which the affected joint lies, seems too hard. Joint-pains < touch or any massage or heat. Resting the affected joint does not relieve pain at all.


Psoriatic arthritis: Lanthaniden.

= also arthritis psoriatica, arthropathic psoriasis or psoriatic arthropathy is a type of inflammatory arthritis that will develop in up to 30% people who have the chronic skin condition psoriasis.

Psoriatic arthritis is said to be a seronegative spondyloarthropathy and therefore occurs more commonly in patients with tissue type HLA-B27.

Common symptoms of psoriatic arthritis include:

    Pain, swelling, or stiffness in one or more joints.

    Joints that are red or warm to the touch.

    Sausage-like swelling in the fingers or toes, known as dactylitis.

    Pain in and around the feet and ankles, especially tendinitis in the Achilles tendon or Plantar fasciitis in the sole of the foot.

    Changes to the nails, such as pitting or separation from the nail bed.

    Pain in the area of the Sacrum (the lower back, above the tailbone).

Along with the above noted pain and inflammation, there is extreme exhaustion that does not go away with adequate rest. The exhaustion may last for days or weeks without abatement. Psoriatic arthritis may remain mild, or may progress to more destructive joint disease. Periods of active disease, or flares, will typically alternate with periods of remission.

Because prolonged inflammation can lead to joint damage, early diagnosis and treatment to slow or prevent joint damage is recommended.


The exact causes are not yet known, but a number of genetic associations have been identified in a genome-wide association study of psoriasis and psoriatic (Genom HLA-B27).

There is no definitive test to diagnose psoriatic arthritis. Symptoms of psoriatic arthritis may closely resemble other diseases, including rheumatoid arthritis. A rheumatologist (a doctor specializing in diseases affecting the joints) may use physical examinations, health history, blood tests and x-rays to accurately diagnose psoriatic arthritis.

Factors that contribute to a diagnosis of psoriatic arthritis include:

    Psoriasis in the patient, or a family history of psoriasis or psoriatic arthritis.

    A negative test result for Rheumatoid factor, a blood factor associated with rheumatoid arthritis.

    Arthritis symptoms in the distal Interphalangeal articulations of hand (the joints closest to the tips of the fingers). This is not typical of rheumatoid arthritis.

    Ridging or pitting of fingernails or toenails (onycholysis), which is associated with psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis.

    Radiologic images indicating joint change.

Other symptoms that are more typical of psoriatic arthritis than other forms of arthritis include inflammation in the Achilles tendon (at the back of the heel) or the Plantar fascia (bottom of the feet), and dactylitis (sausage-like swelling of the fingers or toes).


Repertorium:                                                                                                         [S. Krishnamurty]

Gemüt: Geistig erschöpft - morgens/erwachend

Faul [nachmittags (16 - 18 h)]

Beschwerliche erotische Gedanken

Gesellschaft abgeneigt

Gleichgültig, Apathie (gegen andere Personen)

Reizbar, gereizt [nachmittags (16 h - 16 - 18 h)/abends]




Unentschlossen, schwierig  Entscheidungen zu treffen

Zorn (heftig)

Kopf: Schmerz - abends/> Druck/seitlich  l.

Auge: Schmerz - abends (brennend)

Gerstenkörner (l. Oberlid)

Ohr: Schmerz [l. (brennend)]

Gesicht: Schmerz [l./< Bewegung des Unterkiefers/brennend]


Mund: Geschmacksverlust

Magen: Appetit - Heißhunger/vermehrt

Innerer Hals: Entzündet/Schmerz l.

Bauch: Aufgetrieben/Flatulenz

Hautausschläge - Furunkel in Leistengegend r.


Rektum: Obstipation ungenügend

Männliche Genitalien: Hautausschläge auf Skrotum - Furunkel

Sexverlangen vermehrt

Glieder: Entzündete Gelenke - chronisch/infektiös

Rot - Handgelenk r./Schultern r.)/Unterarm r.

Hautausschläge - Furunkel r. Arm/Handgelenke

Schmerz < Beginn der Bewegung/> fortgesetzte Bewegung/r. Hüfte/Muskeln rheumatisch/r. Schultern/Achillessehne

Geschwollen r. Handgelenke/r. Schulter/r. Unterarme

Schlaf: Tief - nachmittags/nachts

Schläfrig (nachmittags)

Haut: Hautausschläge - Furunkel (r.)

Allgemeines: r./nachts


< Bewegungsanfang/> fortgesetzte Bewegung

Entzündete Gelenke - infektiös

Schmerz - rheumatisch - Muskeln

Schmerz in Muskeln (krampfartig)

Verletzungen der Sehnen

Schwäche (nachmittags/übermäßig)


Unverträglich: Verdauungsbeschwerden??


Phytologie: Wespennest



Knochenhautentzündung = periostitis


Echi.: Steigert Abwehr in entzündlich/septische Prozesse (Allergie vor Korbblütler?!)

Hepar.: A. Überempfindlich gegenüber Berührung/Schmerz („Wie Splitter“)/kalte Luft;  Entzündung mit Eiterung/Fistel/Abszess. Reizmittel (Gemüt). <: nachts/Berührung/Kälte/Luftzug; >: feuchte Wärme/warmes Einhüllen;

Pyrog.: A. Schüttelfrost/Unruhe/Fieber ansteigend; <: hartes und ruhiges Liegen/Körperausscheidungen/Kälte; >: Bewegung/Wärme;



Osteo-arthriticum (Osteo-a) = gemacht von „a human joint badly damaged by osteoarthritis“


Use the indicated remedy first. If the result is disappointing a single dose of Oste-a C 30. If it is effective, repeat at intervals from one week to one month as necessary.


Mind: Unusual angry/violent; irritability; apathy to work; aversion to company; depressed; troublesome amorous thoughts.

Head: headache (l.)/< evening/> pressure;

Eyes: slight burning in evening.

Ears: burning l.

Face: heavy; pain (burning/on movement/in l. mandible joint).

Throat: pain (soreness/l.)

Stomach: appetite increased/ravenous.

Abdomen: heavy; distensed and flatulence; unsatisfactory bowel movement; constipation, no urge.

Male genitalia: sexual desire increased/uncontrollable/constant; violent erections; masturbation frequent; awake at night due to troublesome thoughts of sex; want of erections.

Female genitalia: pain in loins and back, increased one week before menses; menses delayed by one week.

Chest: pain (sore/bruised/burning/in heart region/ext to left arm with drawing pain/fingers of l. hand numb; > pressure;

Back: pain in lumbar region, > pressure/motion

Extremities: pain [drawing/burning/(l./both) knees/(hip) joints/ankles/arms]/> pressure/(continued) motion; < motion; < sitting/raising legs/beginning to move/after sleeping in the afternoon, siesta.

Sleep: sleepy (overpowering)/sleep disturbed by amorous thoughts;

Dreams: Long-nosed people and disfigured faces.

Perspiration: Sweat during pain

Skin: Hot on joints;

Generals: pain sore, bruised


Unverträglich: In 4 cases: << digestive tract symptoms?


Antidotiert von: Hekla


[Dr. Rajneesh Kumar Sharma]

Repertory of Rheumatoid arthritis:

Mind: Delusions: about to die in heart trouble with rheumatism - Cact.

Excitement, nervous with rheumatic complaints - Cimic.

Irritability during rheumatic pain - cham. coff. rhus-t.

Loquacity with rheumatic pains - CIMIC.

Rheuma < complaints - cimic.

Head: Pain # rheumatism - ars.

Pain rheumatic: acon. act-sp. am-m. arn. Ars. Asar. asc-t. aur-ar. Aur. Bell. benz-ac. berb. BRY. cact. Calc-p. calc. Caps. Carbn-s. caul. Caust. cham. chin. Cic. Cimic. colch. COLOC. cycl. der. DULC. Eug. eup-per. graph. Guaj. hep. ign. ip. kali-ar. kali-bi. kali-s. Kalm. lac-d. Lach. led. lyc. mag-m. mag-p. mang. MERC. Nat-m. Nit-ac. nux-v. petr. Phos. Phyt. plat. podo. prot. Puls. Ran-b. rhod. RHUS-R. RHUS-T. Sang. SEP. Sil. spig. stict. stram. sulph. thuj. Verat. wies.

------------------ > warmth - ars.

------------------ external head - bar-c. staph.

------------------ occiput - bar-c. mez. staph.

---------------------------- sides - coff. Sep.

----------------------------------- drawing pain - coff. Sep.

------------------ temples - lyc.

----------------------------- stitching pain - lyc.

Eye: Amblyopia from rheumatism - puls. rhus-t.

Inflamed # rheumatic pain in joints - bry.

---------- arthritic acon. Ant-c. ANT-T. Apis Ars. arum-m. bell. Borx. Bry. cact. CALC. caust. Cham. Chin. clem. Cocc. Colch. Coloc. dig. Euphr. FORM. Graph. Hep. ilx-a. Kali-bi. kali-i. Kalm. Led.

                       lith-c. LYC. med. merc-c. Merc. Mez. nat-m. Nux-v. PHYT. Psor. Puls. RHUS-T. SEP. sil. spig. Staph. Sulph.

---------- in iris rheumatic - arn. Ars. Bry. clem. Colch. coloc. Dulc. echi. Euphr. form. grin. Kali-bi. kali-i. Kalm. led. merc-c. nat-m. RHUS-T. sol-t. Spig. syph. Ter. Thuj.

---------- sclerae rheumatic - chinin-m.

Pain rheumatic - ACON. anac. Apis Ars. bell. Bry. cham. clem. Dulc. euphr. ign. kali-bi. kali-c. Led. lyc. MERC. Mez. nux-v. Phyt. Puls. rhus-t. Spig. SULPH. verat.

------------------ stitching - bry. Merc. Rhus-t.

Vision: Dim during rheumatism - puls.

Ear: Pain rheumatic - arn. Bell. chin. hep. Merc. nux-v. PULS. rhus-t.

Pulsation after rheumatic pains - dig.

Hearing: Impaired + rheumatism - Ferr-pic. ham. kali-i. led. sil. sulph. visc.

Lost - rheumatic - Visc.

Face: Eruptions - acne with rheumatism - led. rhus-t.

Pain rheumatic - ACON. act-sp. ARS. BRY. Calc-p. CAUST. cham. Chin. Cimic. Colch. Coloc. Dulc. gels. Hell. Hep. Kali-ar. kali-bi. Kalm. lach. Lith-c. mag-c. med. merc-i-f. Merc. mez. nat-c.

nux-v. phos. Phyt. Puls. rhod. Rhus-t. Sil. Spig. sul-ac. verat.

------------------ drawing pain caust. sul-ac.

------------------ tearing pain sul-ac.

------------------ in joints of jaws - rhus-t. caust. dys. Rhus-t.

Mouth: Pain rheumatic - ambr.

-------------------------- in root of tongue - ambr.

Teeth: Pain rheumatic -  acon. ant-c. ANT-T. aran. arn. bell. bry. calc-p. Caust. Cham. chel. CHIN. chinin-s. Cimic. clem. coch. coff. Colch. cycl. guaj. indg. lach. lyc. M-arct. Mag-c. Mag-p. mang. Merc. mez. mill. nat-m. nux-v. phos. Phyt. PULS. rhod. rhus-t. sabin. sep. sil. spig. staph. SULPH. verat. wies.

Throat: Inflamed rheumatic in pharynx - acon. bry. colch. guaj. phyt. rhus-t.

Inflamed tonsils followed by rheumatism - echi. guaj. kali-s. lach. phyt. rhod.

Pain rheumatic - ambr. Caust. cham. gran. ign. mez. Par.

External throat: Pain rheumatic sides - berb. calc-s. Chel. cop. cycl. iod. phys. rhus-t. staph.

------------------------------------------- tearing pain - berb.

Tension in sides rheumatic - iod.

Neck: Pain rheumatic - acon. BELL. Bry. carb-v. cycl. Dulc. iod. merc. mez. PULS. Rhod. rhus-t. squil. staph.

Abdomen: Pain rheumatic - carb-v. caust. coloc. dios. phyt. verat.

------------------------------- cramping - caust. coloc. dios. phyt. verat.

------------------------------- in liver - meph.

Rectum: Constipation in rheumatic people - mag-p.

Diarrhea followed by rheumatism - abrot. cimic. dulc. iod. Kali-bi.

Diarrhea during rheumatism - dulc. stront-c.

Dysentery + rheumatic pain - asc-t.

Dysentery # rheumatism - abrot. kali-bi.

Hemorrhiden abate after rheumatism abates - abrot.

Bladder: Rheumatic affections - clem. dulc. merl.

Kidneys: Complaints of kidneys + rheumatism - rad-br. ter.

Inflamed + rheumatism - arge. rad-br. ter.

Pain # rheumatism - benz-ac.

Urinary organs: Complaints of urinary organs # rheumatic complaints - benz-ac.

Female organs: Menses copious in rheumatic women - Ars.

---------------------------- dark in rheumatic women - CALC-P.

---------------------------- painful + rheumatic pains - bry. caul. caust. CIMIC. cocc. guaj. lach. rham-cal. rhus-t.

---------------------------- suppressed + rheumatism - bry. cimic. rhus-t.

Pain in uterus - rheumatic - Bry.

Respiration: Asthmatic + rheumatic pains - benz-ac. led. sulph. tub. Visc.

--------------------------- # rheumatic pain - dulc. Med.

Difficult - rheumatic, inflammatory - benz-ac.

------------------------- of heart - Abrot. adon. aur. Cact. cimic. Kalm. Psor. sep. Spong.

Expectoration: Bloody # rheumatism - led.

Chest: Angina pectoris from rheumatism - cimic. lith-met.

Complaints in general of bronchial tubes + rheumatic complaints - pin-s.

Fluttering audible after rheumatic fever - Dig.

Heart; complaints of the + rheumatic complaints - Lith-c.

---------------------------- # rheumatic complaints benz-ac.

---------------------------- after rheumatism - Acon. Adon. ars. aur. aven. benz-ac. bry. cact. Caust. cimic. colch. crat. dig. gels. ign. kal. Kalm. LACH. led. lith-c. lycps-v. naja nat-m. phyt. prop. puls.

                                               rham-cal. Rhus-t. spig. verat-v.

---------------------------- of the valves + rheumatic pains - colch. lith-c.

Haemorrhage of lungs # rheumatism - led.

Inflammation - rheumatic - Arn. bry. nux-v. sabad.

---------------- Heart . Endocardium + pericarditis - rheumatic - psor. staphycoc. streptoc.

----------------------------------------- + rheumatism - kalm.

----------------------- Endocardium + Joints; rheumatism of: Kalm.

---------------------------------------- rheumatic acon. adon. Ars. Aur-m. AUR. aven. bell. Bry. Cact. colch. dig. Hyos. kali-c. Kali-n. KALM. LACH. Phos. plat. rhus-t. Spig. Spong. Sumb. verat.

-------------------------------- Pericardium + rheumatism - franc.

---------------------------------------- rheumatic - acon. anac. bry. colch. Colchin. crat. kalm. rhus-t. Spig.

----------------------- Pleura - rheumatic - acon. Ant-t. Arn. ars. BRY. Dulc. iod. nux-v. ran-b. rhod. rhus-t. sabad. Sulph.

Pain # rheumatism - abrot.

Pain rheumatic - Abrot. Acon. ambr. ant-t. Arg-n. arn. berb. BRY. Cact. cadm-s. carb-v. caust. Chin. Cimic. Colch. con. Corn. ferr-p. guaj. hydr. iod. Kali-i. KALM. LAC-AC. lac-d. lach. lyc. med. meph. merc. mez. Nux-v. Phos. Plb-met. puls. RAN-B. Rhod. RHUS-T. Rumx. sang. SPIG. sulph. Tarent. verat.

------------------ r. - meph.

------------------ “As from subcutaneous ulceration” - ran-b.

------------------ in diaphragm - Bry. cact. Cimic. spig. stict.

------------------ in external chest - ambr. ant-t. ARN. Bry. carb-v. kali-bi. nux-v. ran-b. Spig.

------------------ in clavicles - Calc-p. Colch.

------------------ in heart # rheumatism - aur-m. Benz-ac. Kalm.

--------------------------- - abrot. acon. am-c. anac. ant-t. apis Arg-n. ars. aspar. aur-m. AUR. aven. Benz-ac. Cact. Cimic. cocc. Colch. Crot-h. dig. guaj. Kali-ar. Kali-c. Kalm. Lach. Led. LITH-C.

                                   Lycps-v. NAJA phyt. Puls. Rhus-t. sacch. Sang. Sep. SPIG. Spong.

--------------------------- + constriction of chest - asaf.

Pain in heart in myocardium - rheumatic - psor.

Pain in intercostal region muscles - rheumatic - Ran-b.

Pain in muscles - rheumatic - ran-b.

Pain in Ribs - rheumatic - psor.

Pain in Sides l. with rheumatic inflammation of the heart (sore) - spig.

Pain behind sternum - rheumatic - merc.

Palpitation of heart - rheumatic - acon. benz-ac. bry. colch. dig. kali-s. Kalm. Lach. led. lith-c. puls. rhod. rhus-t. spig. spong. verat-v. verat.

After rheumatic complaints < - ACON. Ars. bell. bry. carb-v. Caust. Cham. Chin. coff. Hep. Ign. Lach. Merc. nux-v. phos. PULS. sil. Sulph.

Back: Inflammation in joints - rheumatic - flav.

Pain rheumatic - acon. ambr. anac. ant-t. arn. Ars. asar. aspar. aur. bacls-7. bapt. bar-c. bell. BRY. Calc-p. Calc. calen. Carb-v. caul. cham. Chel. CIMIC. Colch. com. Corn. cycl. dros. Dulc. Ferr-met. graph. Guaj. Hep. ind. iod. Kali-bi. kali-c. Kali-i. lac-h. lach. lyc. Lycps-v. malar. Med. mez. morg-g. NUX-V. ol-an. petr. Phyt. plb-met. psil. psor. Puls. ran-b. RHOD. RHUS-T. Ruta Sang. squil. stram. stry. Sulph. syc. syph. tarent. teucr. thres-a. ust. valer. verat. Zinc-met.

------------------ in evening (aching) - colch.

------------------ at night (aching) - gels.

------------------ aching - arn. ind. kali-c. plb. stram. stry.

------------------ < motion of head - acon.

------------------ in dorsal region - ambr. Ant-c. ant-t. bell. carb-v. cham. cycl. dros. gels. guaj. Puls. ran-b. rhod. rhus-t. stram. sulph. teucr. verat. zinc.

------------------ in scapulae (l.) - ambr. asaf. bell. borx. camph. carb-v. caust. dros. Dulc. graph. led. lyc. ol-an. phyt. ran-b. rhod. Rhus-t. staph. valer. verat.

------------------ in lumbar region - Ant-c. BRY. dros.

------------------ in tendons and muscles - arn.

------------------ in cervical region drawing pain - anac. borx. sep. Staph.

------------------------------rheumatic - acon. ambr. anac. Ant-c. ap-g. bacls-7. bapt. berb. bism. borx. Bry. Calc-p. calc. carbn-s. caust. CIMIC. Colch. Con. cycl. Dulc. dys. gels. graph. Guaj. iod. Kali-i.

                                   lachn. Merc. mez. morg-g. morg-p. nat-sil. Nux-v. prot. Puls. RAN-B. Rhod. RHUS-T. Sang. Sil. Spig. squil. Staph. stict. Sulph. tarent. verat.

------------------ in nape of neck - acon. ambr. anac. Ant-c. asaf. borx. Bry. calc-p. carb-v. caust. Cimic. colch. cycl. Dulc. graph. guaj. iod. kali-i. Lachn. merc. mez. Nux-v. petr. Puls. rad-br. ran-b.

                                                          Rhod. rhus-t. sang. staph. stel. Stict. sulph. verat.

------------------------------------ only during motion - acon.

------------------ in dorsal region -  bamb-a. CIMIC. Dulc. Rhus-t. ruta

------------------------------------- in scapulae - acon. aesc. alumn. am-caust. ambr. asaf. asc-t. Berb. Bry. calc. carb-v. chinin-s. colch. ferr-m. Ferr-p. graph. guaj. ham. hyos. Kali-c. kalm. lac-ac. Led. lith-c.

                                                                      Lith-lac. lyc. mag-s. med. Mez. ol-an. pall. Phyt. prim-o. rad-br. Ran-b. rhod. Rhus-t. Sang. stel. Stict. stront-c. sulph. syph. urt-u. valer. viol-o.

------------------------------------- below scapulae (l.) - alumn.

------------------------------------- between scapulae - aspar. calad. dros. lob. lycps-v. mag-s. Rhus-t. Rhus-v. sil. staph. verat.

---------------------------------------------------------- pressing pain - sil.

------------------ in lumbar region - acon. Ant-c. BERB. BRY. cact. Carb-an. CIMIC. Colch. Coloc. Dulc. Ferr. iod. NUX-V. Phyt. rhod. RHUS-T. spong. stram. stry. Sulph. ter.

------------------ in sacral region - ap-g. kali-bi. kali-p. sulph. zinc-met.

------------------ in spine - caul. nat-s. puls.

Stiffness in cervical region - Bell. caul. Stict.

------------------------------- from draft - bell.

------------------------------- from wet head - bell.

Limbs: Clenching thumbs during rheumatism - kali-i.

Coldness in upper limbs during rheumatism - Sang.

Contraction of muscles and tendons - rheumatic - caust.

Redness of joints about painful joints - caps. colch. stict.

Inflamed heels - rheumatic - sabin.

Inflamed joints of rheumatic fingers - des-ac.

Injuries of shoulders rheumatic with lameness - Ferr-m.

Jerking of fingers with rheumatic joints - carbn-s. des-ac.

Lameness of upper limbs - rheumatic - Calc-p. carb-v. RHUS-T.

Numbness of ankles with swelling in rheumatism - lac-c.

Numbness of joints during rheumatism - acon. cham. kreos. led. puls. Rhus-t.

Pain rheumatic - Abrot. Acon. act-sp. Aesc. Agar. aids. alf. all-s. aln. alst-s. alum. alumn. am-be. am-caust. am-m. ambro. anac. anag. ang. anis. Ant-c. Ant-t. anthraco. Apis apoc. arb. Arg-met. ARN. Ars-i. ARS. asaf. asc-c. asc-t. aspar. aur-ar. aur-i. AUR-M-N. aur-m. Aur. BAD. bapt. bar-act. bell-p. Bell. BENZ-AC. Berb. bit-ar. bov. bran. BRY. Cact. caj. calc-caust. calc-m. Calc-p. Calc-s. Calc. Camph. cann-s. Caps. Carb-ac. Carb-v. Carbn-s. carc. card-m. carl. cas-s. Caul. CAUST. cedr. CHAM. chamae. CHEL. Chin. Chinin-ar. Chinin-s. chr-o. Cimic. cinnb. cit-l. clem. coca cocc. coch.

COLCH. coll. Coloc. convo-d. Corn. cot. Crot-c. Crot-h. Crot-t. cub. cupr. cupre-au. cycl. daph. Dig. dios. dirc. dovy-r. Dulc. elaps elat. elec. eucal. eup-per. eup-pur. euph. fago. fel Ferr-ar. ferr-i. ferr-m. ferr-ma. ferr-p. Ferr. FORM. franc. frax-e. galv. gamb. gast. gaul. Gels. gins. glon. gnaph. grat. gua. Guaj. gunn-p. Ham. hedy. hell. helon. Hep. hydrc. hyper. ichth. ictod. Ign. Iod. irid-met. iris junc-e. Kali-ar. Kali-bi. Kali-c. kali-chl. kali-cy. kali-fcy. KALI-I. kali-m. kali-n. kali-p. Kali-s. kali-sil. KALM. kreos. Lac-ac. Lac-c. lac-d. lac-v. Lach. lappa lath. led. lepi. lil-t. linu-c. lith-c. lith-lac. LYC. lycpr. m-ambo. Macro. Mag-c. mag-p. mag-s. magn-gr. malar. mand. mang-m. mang. MED. meli. meph. merc-i-f. merc-i-r. merc-sul. Merc. merl. meth-sal. methyl. Mez. mill. mim-h. mur-ac. naja NAT-AR. nat-c. nat-lac. nat-p. nat-s. nat-sal. Nit-ac. nux-m. Nux-v. Nyct. ol-an. ol-j. olnd. oxyt. pall. petan-v. Petr. Ph-ac. Phos. PHYT. pin-s. pip-m. plan. plat. plect. polyp-p. prun-v. psil. Psor. ptel. puls-n. PULS. pyre-p. pyrog. pyrus rad-br. ran-a. Ran-b. rheum RHOD. RHUS-T. rumx. Ruta sabad. sabin. sacch-a. sacch. Sal-ac. Sal-mo. Salol. SANG. sanic. sapin. SARS. scroph-xyz. sec. Sep. Sil. skook. solid. spig. spong. squil. stann. staph. Stel. stict. Still. stry-xyz. strych-h. sul-ac. sul-i. SULPH. syc. Syph. tarax. Tarent. tax. tep. ter. teucr. thuj. til. tub. ur-ac. urt-u. uva Valer. vanad. verat-v. Verat. vichy-g. viol-o. viol-t. wies. wildb. x-ray zinc-p. zinc-met.

------------------ r. ext. l. - bell-p. dulc. LYC.

------------------ l. ext. r. - LACH. naja Rhus-t.

------------------ at night - abrot. Acon. alum. arn. aur. cham. Cimic. Colch. eucal. Kali-i. kali-m. kalm. lac-ac. led. Merc. mez. phyt. Puls. rhod. rhus-t. sang. sars. sil. Sulph.

--------------------------- driving out of bed - CHAM. Ferr. lac-c. led. MERC. sulph. Verat.

------------------ + eczema - alum. arb. lac-ac. Rhus-t. ur-ac. urea

------------------ +  restlessness Acon. bit-ar. caust. cimic. puls. Rhus-t.

------------------ +  salivation - Dulc.

------------------ +  urine; offensive - benz-ac. colch.

------------------ +  cervical glands - complaints - phyt.

------------------ +  inflammation of colon - podo.

------------------ + Parotid glands . complaints of phyt.

------------------ +  . Tongue - cracked Lyc.

------------------ +  . Tongue . dryness of tongue Dulc.

PAIN . rheumatic - acute ACON. Ant-c. Ars. asc-c. aur-m. aur. Bell. BRY. cact. calc-s. caul. Cham. Chel. chin. chinin-s. cimic. COLCH. Dulc. ferr-p. glon. Guaj. ign. Kali-bi. Kalm. Lac-c. Lach. led. MERC. Nux-v. phyt. Puls. rad-br. Rhod. RHUS-T. sal-ac. sang. spig. Sulph. tub. verat-v. verat.

------------------ # - catarrh - kali-bi.

------------------ # diarrhea- abrot. cimic. dulc. gnaph. Kali-bi.

------------------ # dyspnea - guaj.

------------------ # eruptions - abrot. crot-t. kalm. staph. urt-u.

------------------ # gastric complaints - KALI-BI.

------------------ # hemorrhoids - Abrot. calli-h. coll.

------------------ # mental symptoms - cimic.

------------------ # sediment in urine - benz-ac. colch.

------------------ # urticaria - Urt-u.

------------------ # affection of chest - led.

------------------ # catarrh of nose - kali-bi.

------------------ # pulmonary complaints - KALI-BI.

------------------ < bathing - caust.

------------------ boring pain - plan.

------------------ catarrhal symptoms - cist.

------------------ before catarrhal symptoms - stict.

------------------ before or after catarrhal symptoms - stict.

------------------ in children - abrot. nat-p.

------------------ chronic - bell. led. petr. rauw. rhod. RHUS-T. tub-d.

------------------ > cold - am-c. Guaj. kali-i. kali-s. Lac-c. LED. PULS. rad-br. SEC. sulph.

------------------ > cold bathing of feet - Led. sec.

------------------ < cold drinks when overheated - bry.

------------------ after taking a cold - acon. arn. Bry. Calc-p. calc. Coloc. Dulc. gels. Guaj. med. Merc. Nit-ac. ph-ac. Rhus-t. sulph.

------------------ after becoming cold on head - bell.

------------------ < becoming cold - arg-met. bar-c. bell-p. caust. colch. nat-ar. nux-v. Ph-ac. RHUS-T. rumx.

------------------ comes and goes - colch.

------------------ during chronic diarrhea - kali-bi. Nat-s.

------------------ from suppressed diarrhea - Abrot.

------------------ with dyspnea - ars-s-f.

------------------ after acute eruptions - dulc.

------------------ after suppressed acute eruptions - mez.

------------------ < after exertion - caust.

------------------ after suppressed gonorrhea - benz-ac. calc-p. Clem. con. Cop. crot-h. daph. gels. irisin. jac-c. kalm. Lyc. MED. Phyt. Puls. Sars. Sep. Sulph. THUJ.

------------------ suppressed hemorrhoids - Abrot.

------------------ injured parts - Caust.

------------------ > massage - bell-p.

------------------ menses - cimic.

------------------ after abuse of mercury - arg-met. arn. asaf. Bell. calc. Carb-v. Cham. CHIN. GUAJ. HEP. Kali-i. Lach. lyc. mez. Nit-ac. ph-ac. Phyt. podo. puls. rhod. SARS. Sulph. valer.

------------------ > motion - fic-m.

------------------ > violent motion - bell-p.

------------------ > continued motion - agar. bry. med. stel.

------------------ in nervous persons - viol-o.

------------------ from overheating and exertion – Zinc-met.

------------------ > perspiration - acon.

------------------ with perspiration - Calc. FORM. hep. lac-ac. MERC. rham-cal. sal-ac. Sulph. Til.

------------------ pressing pain - Merc.

------------------ after radiation therapy - rad-br.

------------------ < rest - agar. euph. puls. rhod. Rhus-t.

------------------ < sitting - agar.

------------------ in spring - Colch.

------------------ with stiffness - LED.

----------------------------------- > cold - LED.

------------------ syphilitic - Benz-ac. Fl-ac. Guaj. hecla hep. kali-bi. KALI-I. kalm. Merc. Nit-ac. nit-m-ac. Phyt. still.

------------------ tearing pain - Act-sp. am-m. Colch. Guaj. Puls. RHUS-T. Sulph.

------------------ < warm - cham. kali-m. Led. Merc. phyt. Puls.

---------------------------- in bed - Led.

------------------ change of weather - chel.

------------------ < cold weather - arg-met. ars-s-f. ars. BRY. CALC-P. calc. Camph. carb-v. Caust. cimic. Colch. Dulc. Kali-bi. Kalm. med. nit-ac. Nux-v. Ph-ac. Phos. phyt. Puls. ran-b. Rhod.

RHUS-T. sul-ac. Tub.

------------------------------------ wet - abrot. arg-met. arn. ars. Calc-p. cimic. colch. Dulc. influ. kali-i. Merc. nat-s. nux-m. phyt. ran-b. Rhod. Rhus-t. ruta sars. verat.

------------------ < dry weather - caust.

------------------ < warm weather - COLCH. Kali-bi.

------------------------------------- first warm days - bry.

------------------ < cold wind - acon.

------------------ ext. brain - bell. op.

------------------ ext. downward - cact. Kalm.

------------------ ext. lower limbs - Kali-c.

------------------ ext. upward - arn. Kalm. LED.

------------------ in places least covered by flesh - sang.

------------------ in ankles - abrot. Act-sp. am-c. bacls-7. bapt. cact. calc-p. Caul. caust. Chel. chinin-s. clem. colch. corv-cor. gnaph. gua. Guaj. ham. Kalm. Lac-c. Led. Lyc. mang-act. mang-m. med.

Ol-j. plan. Prop. Puls. rad-br. Rhod. Ruta Sacch-a. sang. sil. stel. stict. stram. sulph. syph. urt-u. Verat-v. viol-o. zinc-met.

----------------------------- boring pain - plan.

----------------------------- drawing pain - stram.

------------------ Anterior part - acon.

------------------ in elbows - acon. aesc. ammc. ant-t. ars. bacls-7. bapt. Bry. calc. carbn-s. caust. Colch. coloc. cupr. euphr. Ferr. form. gnaph. grat. guaj. ham. hydr. hyos. hyper. iris Kali-bi. kali-m. kalm.

                                               lach. lob. Lyc. mag-s. mez. nat-ar. Nat-c. nicc. prun. ran-b. RHUS-T. rhus-v. sal-ac. sep. syc. tub. ust. Zinc-met.

------------------------------ r. - ambr. morg-g.

------------------------------ l. - lavand-a. tab.

------------------------------ drawing pain - caust. euphr. mez. Rhus-t. zinc-met.

------------------------------ pressing pain – zinc-met.

------------------------------ tearing pain - Ars. Calc. Lyc. RHUS-T.

------------------ in feet - Act-sp. ant-c. apis Aur-met. berb. calc. Caul. Caust. colch. crot-t. cupr. ferr-i. franc. gaert. graph. Guaj. HEP. kali-i. Lach. LED. lith-c. mag-m. mang-act. merc-i-r. Merc. myric.

                                   nat-s. Nit-ac. phos. Phyt. plb. Puls. ran-b. Rhod. Rhus-t. Ruta sars. stram. stry. Zinc-met.

--------------------------- tearing pain - crot-t. Graph. puls.

------------------ back of feet - chin. ferr-i. ferr. ol-j. rhus-t. syph. vesp.

------------------ heels - anan. bapt. colch. Kali-i. mang. meph. phyt. RHOD. sabin.

------------------ soles - aphis calc. jatr-c. Kali-i. med. phyt. sil.

------------------------- drawing pain - jatr-c.

------------------------- sore + rheumatism - ant-c.

----------------------- Upper limbs - abrot. Aesc. agar. alumn. ambr. ammc. anac. ang. Ant-c. Ant-t. arg-n. ars-i. ars-s-f. ars. asaf. asc-t. astac. bacls-7. bell. berb. borx. BRY. Cact. CALC-P. carb-v. Chel.

                                               chin. Cimic. coff. COLCH. Coloc. com. dros. Dulc. elaps euph. ferr-ar. Ferr-i. FERR. fl-ac. gels. gran. graph. grat. Guaj. ham. hydr. ign. iod. iodof. kali-bi. Kalm. lach.

                                               Led. Lyc. med. meph. Merc-i-f. MERC. mez. Nat-ar. nat-c. nit-ac. Nux-v. ph-ac. phel. phos. Phyt. podo. Puls. Ran-b. Rhod. RHUS-T. rhus-v. sabin. sal-ac. SANG. squil.

                                               stel. stict. stram. Sulph. syc. syph. teucr. thuj. ust. Valer. ven-m. verat. viol-o. zinc-met.

----------------------------------- night - morg-g.

----------------------------------- drawing pain - chel. elaps gran. Phyt. puls.

----------------------------------- during menopause - sal-ac.

----------------------------------- pressing pain - dulc.

----------------------------------- Joints - anan. asaf. bry. hep. kali-bi. lach. Led. Lyc. Merc. Petr. Phos. rhod. Rhus-t. sabin. sars. spig. Stann-met.

------------------------------------------- Wrists - abrot. Act-sp. aesc. ammc. asc-t. bacls-7. bapt. benz-ac. calc. Caul. caust. chel. clem. Colch. crot-c. ery-a. euphr. ferr-p. form. gran. grat. Guaj. ham. hipp.

                                                                      hippoz. Jug-c. Kali-bi. kalm. lac-ac. Lach. lyc. lycpr. mag-s. med. morg-g. morg-p. nat-ar. nat-p. prop. ptel. Puls. rad-br. Rhod. RHUS-T. rhus-v. rosm.

                                                                      RUTA Sabin. sacch-a. sep. stel. stict. streptoc. syc. ulm-c. urt-u. Vac. vario. Viol-o. wye. Zinc-met.

-------------------------------------------- r. - morg-g. x-ray

-------------------------------------------- at night - rosm.

-------------------------------------------- aching - nat-ar.

-------------------------------------------- drawing pain - chel. euphr. RHUS-T. zinc-met.

-------------------------------------------- tearing pain - gran. Zinc-met.

-------------------------------------------- after writing - chinin-s.

-------------------------------------------- Ulnar side - ferr-p.

----------------------- Upper arms - alumn. anac. Ars. aspar. bell-p. bry. calc-p. calc. carbn-s. card-m. chel. Chim. coff. Colch. crot-t. dulc. Ferr-i. ferr-p. FERR. Fl-ac. granit-m. hyos. iod. iris Kalm. merc.

                                                          nat-m. phos. Phyt. ptel. Rhod. RHUS-T. SANG. sanic. urt-u. verat. x-ray zinc-met.

----------------------------------- l. - rhodi.

----------------------------------- aching - granit-m.

----------------------------------- drawing pain - anac. card-m. chel. dulc. nat-m. sanic.

----------------------------------- tearing pain - ferr-p. nat-m.

----------------------------------- ext. downward - rhodi.

----------------------------------- bones - Ars-i. Ferr. fl-ac.

----------------------------------- Deltoid - caust. ferr-p. glyc. lycpr. med. nux-m. ox-ac. rhus-t. Sang. stict. Syph. urt-u. viol-o. zinc-o. zing.

--------------------------------------------- r. - urt-u.

------------------ Fingers - Act-sp. alumn. Ant-c. bapt. benz-ac. berb. Calc. Caul. caust. clem. COLCH. des-ac. fago. gran. graph. grat. gua. ham. hyper. kali-bi. kali-s. lappa led. lith-c. lyc. med. nicc.

                                   paeon. Phyt. psil. puls. ran-s. Rhus-t. ruta sabad. sacch-a. sal-ac. scarl. ust.

--------------------------- during menopause - sal-ac.

--------------------------- syphilitic - Nit-ac.

--------------------------- First - Hydr.

--------------------------- Second - bapt.

--------------------------- Third - thuj.

---------------------------------- Joints - sang. thuj.

--------------------------- Fourth rheumatic - hell. tell.

------------------------------------ tearing pain - hell.

------------------------------------ Joints - Act-sp. Aesc. alumn. ant-c. Calc. CAUL. Colch. Coloc. ferr. fic-m. Glon. Gran. Guaj. Hyper. Kali-bi. lac-ac. lach. lith-c. Manc. plan. Podo. psil. tell. teucr. x-ray

------------------------------------- afternoon - chinin-s.

------------------------------------- goes to heart - nat-p.

------------------------------------- Proximal - rheumatic - arg-n. card-m. ferr. plan.

------------------------------------------------ drawing pain - card-m.

--------------------------- in forearms - Aesc. agar. asc-t. bapt. chel. chinin-s. Colch. corv-cor. form. Hydr. hyos. iris lyc. lycps-v. merc-i-f. merc-i-r. merc. Nit-ac. Phyt. Podo. psil. Rhus-t. sang. stry.

----------------------------------------- drawing pain - chel. chinin-s. lyc. Phyt. RHUS-T.

----------------------------------------- in lower part (of ulna) - bapt.

--------------------------- Thumbs - bacls-7. bapt. corv-cor. jac-c. jac-g. morg-p. olib-sac.

-------------------------------------- Joints - ambr. caul. Graph. olib-sac.

------------------- Hands - act-sp. aesc. alumn. ambr. ammc. ant-t. asc-t. bapt. berb. CAUL. caust. chel. Clem. COLCH. com. corv-cor. cupr. ery-a. euphr. gaert. Graph. Guaj. hyos. Lac-c. lach. led. lyc.

                                   lycpr. med. Merc-i-f. morg-p. phyt. prot. psil. ptel. Puls. rad-br. RHUS-T. Ruta sal-ac. sang. scarl. streptoc. Stry. syc. ust. uva Viol-o. zinc-met. zing.

----------------------------- drawing - ant-t. euphr. puls. RHUS-T. zing.

----------------------------- during menopause - sal-ac.

----------------------------- tearing pain - ammc. chel. Graph. puls.

----------------------------- in thunderstorm - Rhod.

----------------------------- > warm water - syc.

----------------------------- > dry weather - syc.

----------------------------- back of hands - zing.

----------------------------- back of hands in evening - ang.

---------------------------------------------------------- pressing pain - ang.

---------------------------------------------------------- drawing pain - zing.

----------------------------- hypothenar r. - psil.

----------------------------- Metacarpal joints - caul.

--------------------- Hips - abrot. Acon. all-s. ant-t. arn. cact. Calc. Carb-ac. Carbn-s. chel. COLCH. cupr. form. graph. hydr. Kali-bi. Kalm. Lac-c. Led. Lyc. mag-s. maland. mand. Med. meph. merc-i-f.

                                   merc-i-r. nat-m. Nit-ac. ph-ac. Phos. Phyt. plb. podo. Puls. Rhod. RHUS-T. sabad. sang. sin-n. stann-met. stram. sulph. tarent. Valer. verat-v. zinc-met.

----------------------------- r. - calad. carb-ac. erig. nux-m. Sep.

----------------------------- right  hip and l. shoulder - LED.

----------------------------- l. - Acon. lyc. sang. Sanic. Stram.

----------------------------- both shoulder - Ferr.

----------------------------- drawing - lyc. meph. Rhod. Rhus-t.

----------------------------- stitching pain - chel. Lyc.

----------------------------- tearing pain - Acon. Calc. graph. Kalm. Rhus-t.

----------------------------- < walking - mand.

---------------------- Joints gouty + rheumatism - abrot. lith-c. nat-m. ran-b.

----------------------------- abrom-a. abrot. Acon. act-sp. aesc. agar. agn. all-c. am-be. am-c. am-caust. ant-c. Ant-t. Apis apoc. arg-met. Arn. ars-i. Ars-s-f. ars. asc-c. asc-t. aur-m. AUR. bacls-10. bacls-7.

                                               bar-act. Bell. Benz-ac. berb. BRY. Cact. caj. CALC-P. Calc-s. Calc. camph. cann-s. carbn-s. carc. Casc. caul. CAUST. cedr. Cham. Chel. Chim. chin. Chinin-s. chlf.

                                               Cimic. clem. Cocc. COLCH. Colchin. Coloc. corv-cor. dig. dios. dros. Dulc. Eup-per. euphr. fago. ferr-i. FERR-P. ferr-pic. Ferr. fic-m. flav. form-ac. FORM. franc. gaul.

                                               gels. germ-met. gins. gonotox. Guaj. ham. Hep. hymos. ign. indg. IOD. KALI-BI. kali-c. Kali-chl. Kali-i. kali-m. kali-p. Kali-s. Kalm. kreos. Lac-ac. Lac-c. Lach. lap-la.

                                               Led. lith-be. LYC. macro. mag-p. mand. Mang. meli. Merc. meth-sal. mez. morg. nat-lac. Nat-m. nat-p. nat-pyru. Nat-s. nat-sal. Nux-v. nyct. ol-j. Olib-sac. ox-ac. petr.

                                               Phos. Phyt. pic-ac. pin-s. Prop. prot. psor. Puls. Rad-met. ran-b. Rham-cal. rheum Rhod. RHUS-T. rumx. Ruta sabin. Sal-ac. salol. Sang. sec. senec. sep. SPIG. spong.

                                               Staph. Stel. stict. still. streptoc. stront-c. stry. sul-i. Sulph. syph. Ter. teucr. thuj. til. vac. Verat-v. verat. Viol-o. viol-t.

----------------------------- deformities and contractions - Caust.

----------------------------- acute - streptoc.

----------------------------- chronic - caust. iod. kali-bi. mag-p. nat-s. phyt. ran-b. sep.

----------------------------- after suppressed gonorrhea - Acon. Arg-met. arg-n. arn. bry. caust. cimic. clem. con. cop. Daph. gels. guaj. iod. Irisin. jac-c. kali-bi. kali-i. kalm. lyc. MED. merc. nat-s. phyt.

                                                                                  psor. Puls. rhus-t. Sars. sulph. THUJ.

----------------------------- beginning at menopause - caul. cimic.

----------------------------- periodical - caul.

----------------------------- before storm - meli.

----------------------------- change of weather - meli.

----------------------------- weather rainy - meli.

----------------------------- ext. from upper to lower limbs - Kalm.

----------------------------- ext. upward to more proximal joints - arn. LED.

----------------------------- in large joints - Acon. arb. arg-met. asc-c. Bry. dros. Merc. mim-h. rhus-t. stict. verat-v.

----------------------------- in small joints - Act-sp. benz-ac. bry. Caul. Colch. kali-bi. lac-ac. Led. lith-c. lith-lac. Puls. rhod. ruta Sabin. viol-o.

---------------------- Knees - Acon. Agar. aml-ns. ammc. apoc. arg-met. ars-h. Ars. asar. asc-t. aur. bacls-7. bapt. Benz-ac. Berb. bol-la. brom. BRY. cact. Calc-p. CALC. Caust. chel. Chin. Cimic. Cinnb.

                                               Clem. Cocc. con. cop. corv-cor. daph. dios. Dulc. elaps ferr-p. form. gels. graph. Guaj. ham. hydr. hyper. iod. iris jac-c. Jac-g. jug-r. Kali-bi. KALI-C. Kali-i. Kalm. lac-ac.

                                               Lac-c. Lach. Led. Lyc. Mang-act. Med. meli. merc-i-r. Merc. mez. nat-m. nat-p. nicc. Nux-v. ol-j. Petr. Phos. Phyt. plb. ptel. puls-n. Puls. rad-br. ran-b. Rhod. RHUS-T.

                                               sabin. sal-ac. sanic. sep. Stict. stry. syc. Thuj. trom. Verat-v. visc. Zinc-met.

------------------------------ r. - cinnb. gels. grin. jac-g. kali-bi. led. lob. nicc. olib-sac. phos. Phyt.

------------------------------ r. < legs hanging down - Psor.

------------------------------ l. - bacls-10. bapt. Berb. Glon. helia. Phyt.

------------------------------ > coldness - led.

------------------------------ drawing pain - iod. mez. Rhus-t. Zinc.

------------------------------ stitching pain - acon. asar. chel. KALI-C. Lach.

------------------------------ tearing pain - ars-h. asar. hyper. Lach. RHUS-T.

------------------------------ Patella - clem. fic-m.

---------------------- Legs - agar. am-c. ambr. aml-ns. anac. anan. ang. asaf. asc-t. Bell. berb. bov. Bry. Cact. Calc. carb-v. Carbn-s. carc. card-m. caust. chel. cimic. clem. colch. com. croc. daph. Dulc.

                                               Elaps franc. graph. Guaj. ham. hyper. iod. Kali-c. kali-n. Kalm. kreos. Lach. Led. Lith-c. Lyc. lycps-v. lyss. mag-m. mand. Med. meph. merc. mez. nat-m. nat-s. Nit-ac.

                                               Pall-met. petr. ph-ac. phos. Phyt. puls. Rhod. Rhus-t. rumx. sang. sep. stel. still. stront-c. stry. teucr. ust. valer. Verat. Zinc-met.

------------------------------ r. - Kalm. lach. ruta ven-m. viol-t.

------------------------------ l. - elaps mag-s. zinc-met.

------------------------------ evening - mand.

------------------------------ drawing pain - ang. carb-v. cimic. elaps iod. lyc. mez. Phos.

------------------------------ ext. feet - meph.

------------------------------ after gonorrhea - MED. Sars.

------------------------------ pressing pain - anac.

------------------------------ tearing pain - ambr. Calc. CAUST. colch. graph. Kalm. Lyc. Merc. nit-ac. petr. rhod. RHUS-T. Zinc-met.

------------------------------ in bones - Tibia - rumx. Zinc-met.

-------------------------------------------------- drawing pain – zinc-met.

------------------------------ Calves - ant-t. jal. lach. lycps-v. plb. puls. sal-ac.

------------------------------ Achillis - bry. cimic.

---------------------- Lower limbs - ambr. anac. ang. ant-c. ant-t. Apis arg-met. Arn. asaf. Bry. cact. cadm-s. calc-s. Carb-v. Carbn-s. Caust. cimic. Clem. colch. coloc. cycl. euph. gels. graph. Guaj. ham.

                                               hydr. iod. kali-bi. Kali-c. kali-n. Kalm. Lac-c. lact. LED. Lith-c. mang. meph. merc-c. mez. nat-m. nit-ac. Ph-ac. Phos. Phyt. plb. Puls. Rhod. rhus-r. Rhus-t. sabad. sabin.

                                               sal-ac. sang. Sep. stann. stront-c. sul-ac. Verat. Zinc-met.

------------------------------ alternating sides - Lac-c.

------------------------------ night - sal-ac.

------------------------------ burning - apis

------------------------------ drawing pain - iod. Zinc-met.

------------------------------ ext. von lower to upper limbs - Led.

------------------------------from suppressed  perspiration - sal-ac.

------------------------------ > warm applications - ignis-alc.

------------------------------ ext. upward - led.

------------------------------ in sciatic nerve - acon. bry. Cimic. guaj. hymos. led. Rhus-t.

------------------------------ in muscles - bacls-10. bacls-7. calc. caul. Cimic. gaert. morg-g. morg-p. osteo-a. rhus-t.

------------------------------------------- flexor muscles - merc-i-r.

---------------------- Shoulders - abies-c. acon. agar. alumn. am-caust. am-m. ammc. ant-t. apis ars. aur-ar. aur. bacls-7. bapt. Berb. brom. Bry. Cact. Calc-p. Calc. carb-ac. carb-v. carbn-s. card-m. Caust.

                                               cham. Chel. Chim. Chin. chinin-s. Cimic. COLCH. coloc. crot-c. cupr. dig. Dulc. dys. ery-a. fago. Ferr-i. Ferr-m. Ferr-p. FERR-met. Fl-ac. form. gaert. granit-m. graph.

                                               grat. Guaj. Ham. ign. ind. Iod. Iris jatr-c. jug-c. Kali-bi. Kali-c. Kali-i. kali-m. Kali-n. Kalm. Lac-ac. Lac-c. lach. Led. lith-c. Lith-lac. Lyc. lyss. mag-c. Mag-m. mand.

                                               mang. MED. merc-i-f. Merc. morg-g. morg-p. naja Nat-ar. Nat-c. Nat-m. nat-p. nat-sil. nit-ac. nux-m. nux-v. ol-an. olib-sac. olnd. Pall-met. ph-ac. Phos. phys. Phyt.

plan. prim-o. ptel. Puls. rad-br. ran-b. RHOD. rhodi. RHUS-T. sabin. sacch-a. Sang. Sanic. Staph. stel. stict. stram. stront-c. stry. SULPH. syc. symph. syph. Thuj. trom.

urt-u. ust. viol-o. wildb. Zinc-met.

----------------------------- r. - colum-p. morg-g. sang.

----------------------------- l. - Aspar. rhodi.

----------------------------- at night - gaert.

----------------------------- aching - Caust. nat-ar. plan.

----------------------------- drawing pain - agar. carb-v. chel. lyc. naja phys.

----------------------------- < rising - luf-op.

----------------------------- sore - granit-m.

----------------------------- tearing pain - Bry. Ferr-m. ferr-p. Ferr. grat. kali-bi. nat-m. nux-m. puls. RHUS-T.

----------------------------- < walking - mand.

----------------------------- ext. back - luf-op.

----------------------------- ext. downward - rhodi.

----------------------------- ext. fingers - mang.

----------------------------- ext. neck - lac-ac. luf-op. nat-sil.

----------------------- in muscular and tend ons tissue - arn.

----------------------Thighs - agar. ang. ant-t. Arg-n. Ars. asc-t. bacls-10. bapt. bell. berb. Bry. Carb-v. carbn-s. cass. chel. colch. daph. dulc. granit-m. Guaj. ham. hydr. iod. kali-bi. Kali-c. lach. led. lyc.

                                               mag-s. mand. meph. merc. mez. naja ph-ac. Phyt. plb. RHOD. Rhus-t. sabin. salol. sang. sanic. sep. Stann. stel. stry. valer. verat. Zinc-met.

----------------------------- evening - mand.

----------------------------- aching - granit-m.

----------------------------- drawing pain - agar. ang. carb-v. iod. meph. RHOD. RHUS-T. sep. verat. Zinc-met.

----------------------------- stitching pain - bapt.

---------------------- Toes - Act-sp. apoc-a. arg-met. asc-t. AUR. Benz-ac. borx. both. Caul. caust. Colch. corv-cor. daph. Gnaph. Graph. hyper. kali-c. Led. Lith-c. nit-ac. paeon. ph-ac. Puls. sabin. Sil.

                                               stict. stront-c. Teucr.

----------------------------- tearing pain - Graph.

-----------------------------Tips - am-m. Hyper. kali-c. Sil. syph.

----------------------------- First - am-be. apoc. arn. bapt. Benz-ac. borx. both. cinnb. Colch. conv. crot-t. gnaph. hyper. kali-c. Led. ol-an. rhod. sabin. sil.

----------------------------------- r. - Benz-ac. bry. cist. lac-c.

----------------------------------- l. - agn. Led.

----------------------------------- stitching pain - hyper.

----------------------------------- tearing pain - crot-t.

Paralysis rheumatic - ant-t. Arn. bar-c. bry. calc-p. canth. caul. Caust. chin. Cocc. colch. ferr. form. gels. kali-chl. lath. lyc. rhus-t. sulph.

----------------------- ankles - ruta

----------------------- Legs “as if paralysed” - rheumatic chel. ph-ac.

----------------------- Upper limbs - ant-t. chin. cocc. Ferr.

----------------------- Wrists - ruta

Stiffness in hands rheumatic - Agar. Ars. bell. chel. Ferr. Kali-c. Lyc. Merc. nat-c. ph-ac. puls. RHUS-T. Ruta sabin. sanic. sep. staph. Sulph. thuj. viol-o.

----------- in joints rheumatic - Calc. kali-ar. Lyc. RHUS-T.

----------- in knees rheumatic - bacls-7. BRY. Lyc. merc. Phos. RHUS-T.

----------- in upper arms rheumatic - anac.

Swelling in ankles - rheumatic - cact. Chel. hep. Kalm. Lach.

---------- in elbows - rheumatic - agar. BRY. chel. coloc. com. lyc.

---------- in feet - rheumatic - calc-s. Chel.

---------- in knees - rheumatic - Acon. Apis Ars. berb. BRY. calc-s. clem. LED. Lyc. Rhus-t. sal-ac. verat-v.

---------- in knees - rheumatic > cold applications - Lac-c. LED. Puls.

---------- in lower limbs - rheumatic - hep.

---------- in wrists - rheumatic - act-sp. med.

Tension in ankles - rheumatic – zinc-met.

---------- in hips - rheumatic - lyc.

---------- in knees - rheumatic - mez.

---------- in legs - rheumatic - mez. puls.

---------- in shoulders - rheumatic - Lyc. puls. Zinc-met.

---------- in thighs - rheumatic - mez.

Weakness - rheumatic - Ars. bov. calc-p. Chin. chinin-s. Colch. ferr-c. sulph.

Sleep: Sleepiness during rheumatism - Lyc. Puls.

Sleeplessness from rheumatic pains - Ant-t. Ars. atro. bell. cact. calc. Caul. coff. Coloc. Dulc. ign. Puls. Stict.

Yawning in rheumatism - Bry.

Fever: Intermittent with rheumatism - chinin-s. cortiso. hed. led. morg-p.

Rheumatic pain in breast from nursing - BRY.

Rheumatic - ACON. ant-c. ant-t. apis Arn. Ars. bell. benz-ac. BRY. calc. camph. cann-s. carb-v. caul. caust. CHAM. Chin. coff. Colch. cupr. dulc. euphr. Ferr-p. ign. ip. lac-c. lach. Merc. mez. Nux-v. phos. Puls. ran-b. rhod. rhus-t. sabad. sil. squil. stann. staph. Sulph. thuj. valer. verat.

------------- periodical - senec. teucr.

Skin: Complaints in general after rheumatism - dulc.

Discoloration - yellow with rheumatism of arms - chel.

Eruptions incarlatina + rheumatic pain - Bry. Rhus-t. spig.

------------ urticaria # rheumatism - Urt-u.

----------------------- during rheumatism - Bov. dulc. RHUS-T. URT-U.

Indurations, nodules, etc. - rheumatic - bacls-7.

Generals: Chorea # rheumatism - cimic.

-------------------- rheumatic - CAUST. Cimic. kali-i. Rhus-t. spig. stict.

Diabetes mellitus + rheumatic pains - helon. lac-ac. Led. Sarcol-ac. syph.

Family history - rheumatism - sep.

Inflammation of periosteum - rheumatic - asaf. dros. lach. mez. phyt. ruta

---------------- rheumatic of joints - gaul. lil-t. rad-br. Rham-cal. thyr.

--------------------------------------- acute - Chinin-s. guaj.

----------------------------------------------- large joints - asc-c.

----------------------------------------------- infective - influ.

----------------------------------------------- monoarticular - acon. apis Bry. caust. chin. cop. Merc.

----------------------------------------------- polyarticular - arn. Bry. guaj. Puls.

PAIN - rheumatic abrot. acon. act-sp. adren. aesc. agar. alf. am-c. Ambr. ang. Ant-c. Ant-t. anthraco. apoc-a. arb. arn. asaf. aspar. asper. aur. aza. bell-p. bell. Berb. bry. Bufo calc-f. camph. cann-s. carb-v. carc. caust. cham. chel. chin. cimic. clem. Cocc. coff. colch. croc. cupr. cycl. Dulc. elaps euphr. ferr-p. ferr. form. franc. gels. get. Gins. gnaph. Guaj. hipp. hyos. Ign. irid-met. jac-c. kali-s. kalm. lac-ac. lac-c. lat-m. Led. lyc. Lycpr. m-ambo. mag-s. magn-gr. Med. nat-m. nat-p. NUX-V. nyct. ol-j. phor-t. phyt. pin-s. plb. prim-v. psor. puls. rad-br. ran-b. Rham-cal. Rhod. Rhus-t. sabad. sabin. sal-ac. sang. sec. sil. Spig. spira. squil. Stel. Stict. stront-c. sul-ac. syph. teucr. tub-m. tub. Valer. verat-v. verat. visc. xan.

------------------ alternating sides lac-c.

------------------ left side Ox-ac.

------------------ + dyspepsia - nat-c.

------------------ + hemorrhoids - Berb.

------------------ + perspiration - asc-t.

------------------ + pollutions - gins.

------------------ + chronic stiffness - ol-j.

------------------ + urticaria - pin-s. Urt-u.

------------------ + heaviness of extremities - Cimic.

------------------ + irritation of Ovaries - Cimic.

------------------ + cramping pain in uterus - Cimic.

------------------ > in open air - kali-m. puls.

------------------ during chill - bapt. hom-xyz. rhus-t.

PAIN rheumatic - chronic anthraco. bell. carbn-s. Caust. coli. euon-a. get. ichth. led. lith-c. Med. petr. phyt. rhod. Stel. syph. tax. tub-d. vanad.

------------------ colchicum; in abuse of led.

------------------ cold agg. led. Merc.

PAIN rheumatic - degenerative coli.

------------------ from suppressed diarrhea - abrot.

------------------ from suppressed discharges - abrot.

------------------ drawing pain - am-c. carb-v. chel. sul-ac.

------------------ during fever - ars. led. lyc.

PAIN . rheumatic - gonorrheal franc. methyl. thuj.

------------------ during measles - puls.

------------------ < before menses - mag-c.

------------------ < during beginning of menses - senec.

------------------ < motion - abrot. act-sp. apis Arn. Bry. Calc. Chin. cimic. clem. colch. form. get. guaj. iod. Kali-m. kalm. lac-c. led. Merc. nux-v. phyt. ran-b. sal-ac. Stel.

------------------ > motion - cham. chin. dulc. ferr. lyc. Med. Puls. rhod. Rhus-t. verat.

------------------ < slight motion - ferr-p. Med.

------------------ periodical - every other day - chin.

------------------ < during pregnancy - acon. alet. Cimic. op. rhus-t.

------------------ > pressure - bry. form.

PAIN . rheumatic - recurrent - nat-s. senec.

------------------ < rest - euph-l. rhus-t.

------------------ > rest - bry. get. visc.

------------------ < spring - calc-p.

------------------ < melting snow - calc-p.

------------------ swelling begins; before abrot.

------------------ < touch - acon. act-sp. apis Arn. Bry. Chin. Colch. iod. lac-c. ran-b. rhus-t. sal-ac.

------------------ < touching cold things - sal-ac.

PAIN . rheumatic - tubercular - tub-r.

------------------ > warm applications - Ars. bry. caust. kali-bi. nux-m. rhus-t. Sil.

------------------ < warm bed - led. merc.

------------------ < cold weather - Camph. influ. rhus-t.

------------------ < cold, dry weather - Acon. bry. caust. nux-m. Rhod.

------------------ < cold, wet - dulc.

------------------ < warm weather - COLCH. kali-bi. kali-s. rhod.

------------------ < warm, wet weather - Caust.

------------------ < wet weather - influ. rhod.

------------------ > wet weather - caust.

------------------ weather windy and stormy - Rhod.

------------------  before weather windy and stormy - puls. Rhod. rhus-t.

------------------ Fibrous tissue arn. bacls-7. form-ac. get. morg-g. phyt. rhod. Rhus-t. syph.

PAIN . rheumatic - Joints - am-p. bell-p. form. gonotox. mag-s. med. merc. streptoc. Tub.

------------------ Joints acute - Tub.

------------------ Small joints - Act-sp.

PAIN . rheumatic - Muscles - Acon. am-p. ang. ant-t. apis arn. bell-p. Bry. calc-f. calc. Casc. caust. chin. chinin-s. Cimic. colch. cygn-ol. dulc. Ferr. form. gels. glyc. gnaph. ham. hyper. jac-c. leptos-ih. lyc. Macro. med. merc. nux-m. osteo-a. phos. phyt. ran-b. rhod. rhus-t. sacch-a. sang. sil. streptoc. sulph. syph. verat-v.

PAIN . rheumatic - Nerves - bell-p.

------------------ Periosteum - chronic - still.

PAIN . rheumatic - Tendons - arn. sacch-a.

------------------ Upper part of body r. - viol-o.

PARALYSIS . paraplegia + rheumatism - Caust. dulc. lath. phos. Rhus-t. sulph.

PARALYSIS rheumatic - acon. ang. arn. bar-c. caust. cham. chin. colch. dulc. ferr. kalm. puls. rhod. rhus-t. ruta sulph.

SWELLING rheumatic - bry.


Infectious & parasitic disorders; uncertain etiology . rheumatic fever . plan of action - remedies bry. dig. kali-c. kalm. phos. puls. rhus-t.

Musculoskeletal / joint / connective tissue disorders . rheumatoid arthritis juvenile . plan of action - remedies nat-m. puls. rhus-t.

Musculoskeletal / joint / connective tissue disorders . rheumatoid arthritis juvenile . plan of action - nosode tub.


Phytologie: Phytologie: Bienenstiche direkt in betroffene Gelenk (Arthritis/Arthrose u.s.w./Depression) (mit wenige Stiche anfangen)

M.S. Bienengift (Biene stirbt nach Stich nicht wann sie durch eine Gaze oder Gitter sticht)



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