Scopolia carniolica (Scop) = Glockenbilsenkraut/= Japanese Belladonna


= chemisch Hyosin-ähnlich;

Positiv: Aufgeweckt; Negativ: Wahn, schlaflos;

This small plant from the mountain forests of the upper Sava in Yugoslavia and the eastern Carpathians, is somewhere between Bell. and Hyos. in appearance. It is a spring plant, flowering in April and May. In certain respects it is like Mand., and in Romania used to take the place of the latter as a magic herb (known as mantraguna) in popular use. The rhyzome is perennial (like those of Bell. and Mand.), more than a hand's length, and the thickness of a thumb. From it, the somewhat fleshy stem, still bearing some tower scale leaves, rises to a height of two spans. It ends in a thick shock of petiolate leaves, with the flowers hanging on long stems from the axils; these are tubular bells, earth-brown in colour, and faintly browny green inside, hiding in the shade of the thick, wide umbrella of leaves. This shock of leaves is, of course, nothing but the leafshoot-flower structure of the deadly nightshade, with the small leaf and the large one, and between them the flower, budding upwards, but moving downwards into the shelter of darkness as it opens (with Scopolia, the flower is more pendant). Imagine the Bell. funnel of leaves and flowers pushed together to form a rosette, and there you have Scop.; indeed, the whole structure might be called a 'little Belladonna", were it not for the fruit which develops in quite a different direction, forming a dry capsule similar to that of the henbane.

The underside of the plant bears a dark tinge (violet or bluish). This is obviously in every respect a member of the nightshade family.

As a "narcotic", it has played a role similar to that of the mandrake root; gout/rheuma/paralysis agitans = shaking palsy.


Gemüt: Traurig (mit Flatulenz)

Wahnideen [lebhaft/hat Visionen (schreckliche/in der Dunkelheit)]

Schwindel: vom Scheitel

Gesicht: Hautausschläge im Bart - Follikulitis

Bauch: Schmerz („Wie gequetscht, zusammengedrückt“)


“Wie Stein“ im Bauch

Rektum: Schmerz im Anus (brennend)

Stuhl: Heiß/scharf, wundfressend

Nieren: im Allgemeinen


Urin: Reichlich/schaumig

Weibliche Genitalien: Schmerz in Schamgegend durch Urin (brennend)

Brust: Beklemmung im Herzen

Herzklopfen + Blutandrang zum Kopf


Glieder: Gefühllos. taub r. Arm

Allgemeines: > schnelle Bewegung

> Flatusabgang


Schmerz (krampfartig)


Wassersucht äußere durch Herzerkrankung

< Drehen von r. nach l.

Urämie + erbricht


Vergleich: Enthält: Scopeletin (enthalten in Morind-citrifolia/Überfordertes Herz-/Kreislaufsystem)/macht Gefäßwände durchlässiger;

Siehe: Solanales  

Mand. ó  Scop.  ó Bell.



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