Papillomavirus = HPV


Vergleich: Siehe: Nosoden allgemein + Impfungen. + Kinderkrankheit. + Anhang  (Impfung: Ulrich Bahnsen) + Anhang 3 (Impfungen Anhang 3) + Geschlechtskrankheiten



Bei Sex möglich übertragene Krankheiten/Parasiten:

Chlamydia trachomatis














[Syphilis on the Rise]
Sexually transmitted diseases are at an all-time high, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. There were more than 2.5 million reported cases of chlamydia, gonorrhea and syphilis in 2019. The sharpest increase was in cases of syphilis among newborns, which quadrupled between 2015 and 2019, the CDC said.



Gardasil vaccination may increase risk of cancer

A Merck trial of Gardasil vaccination showed that the vaccinations may actually increase the risk of cervical cancer by 44.6% if the person had been exposed to HPV

strains 16 or 18 prior to vaccination. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration hid that data for the public.

[James Tyler Kent]

Cauliflower excrescence of the uterus; it has restrained the growth of cancer in the cervix uteri, when there was burning and putrid bloody discharge; It resembles Carb-a.



            HPV Impfstoff = HPV Typ 6,11,16,18

HPV Impfstoff 2



Von den mehr als 100 bekannten menschlichen (humanen) Papillom-viren (HPV) befallen mehr als 35 die Geschlechtsorgane. Die HPV-Infektion wird weltweit am häufigsten beim Geschlechtsverkehr übertragen. Fünf Jahre nach Beginn der sexuellen Aktivität findet sie sich bei jeder zweiten jungen Frau. Kondome können das Übertragungsrisiko verringern. Die Infektion verläuft in der Regel ohne Beschwerden. Unser körpereigenes Abwehrsystem sorgt zudem dafür, dass sie meist spontan abklingt, zu 70% bis 90% innerhalb von ein bis zwei Jahren.

Einige Risikofaktoren -viele Entbindungen, Rauchen, die Langzeiteinnahme der „Pille“- begünstigen eine chronische Infektion.

Manche Frauen entwickeln in der Folgezeit an der Schleimhaut des Muttermundes Zellveränderungen mit unterschiedlichem Schweregrad.

Diese so genannten Dysplasien werden als Vorstufe für Krebs angesehen.

Aber auch sie bilden sich überwiegend mit der Zeit zurück oder entarten nicht. Wie häufig sich letztlich aus den veränderten Zellen ein Krebs des Gebärmutterhalses entwickelt, ist unklar.

Am häufigsten sind Frauen zwischen 35 und 55 Jahren betroffen, etwas weniger stark ältere Frauen. Gebärmutterhalskrebs ist in Deutschland mit 3,2% aller Krebserkrankungen von Frauen glücklicherweise relativ selten. Da er bei regelmäßigen Vorsorgeuntersuchungen meist rechtzeitig erkannt und erfolgreich behandelt werden kann, macht Gebärmutterhalskrebs nur 1,8% aller Krebstodesfälle bei Frauen aus.

Mindestens 16 der mehr als 100 HPV-Typen gelten als Hochrisikotypen für Krebs. 70% der Erkrankungen an Gebärmutterhalskrebs werden auf die Typen 16 und 18 zurückgeführt, gegen die Gardasil® schützen soll. Die Zahl von 70% stammt allerdings überwiegend von Befunden bei krebskranken Frauen in Entwicklungsländern.

Bei gesunden Frauen in den USA ist der Anteil der Infektionen durch HPV 16 und 18 relativ gering.


Vergleich: Homöopath Dr. R. Whitmont


Krankheit: Mit Humanen Papillomaviren (HPV) steckt sich fast jeder irgendwann an. Das Immunsystem hält die Viren meist in Schach, einige Typen können bei Frauen Gebärmutterhalskrebs auslösen. Die Impfkommission empfiehlt, Mädchen vor dem ersten Sex zu impfen. HPV können Warzen in der Genitalregion bilden, die sich nur durch eine Operation entfernen lassen.

Ist ein genitale Krankheit und ansteckend

Heilung ist nicht möglich

            Kann sich zu Genitalwarzen auswachsen/diese können verätzt werden

            Immunsystemhemmende Medikamenten fördern Papillomavirus

Impfung: HPV Impfstoff

            Spielt Rolle im Krebs.

Weniger als 2% der Sterbensfälle in Deutschland werden von Papillomavirussen verursacht.

Krebs verursacht durch Papillomavirussen ist der16e Häufigste.


Wenn Viren Krebs verursachen

Humane Papillomaviren (HPV)

Für die Entdeckung, dass eine chronische Infektion mit diesem Erreger Gebärmutterhalskrebs auslösen kann, erhielt der Heidelberger Forscher Harald zur Hausen im

Jahr 2008 den Nobelpreis.

Unter anderem sabotieren die Viren wohl Kontrollmechanismen, die normalerweise eine ungebremste Zellteilung verhindern. Ob eine HPV-Infektion irgendwann wirklich Krebs verursacht, hängt aber von weiteren Faktoren ab - Rauchen beispielsweise erhöht das Risiko.


[Dr. Ellen Rome]

The virus is transmitted by direct contact. You only get HPV in the location it attaches to, so it never travels through the bloodstream. So just exactly how it gets in the mouth may stun you. "There is absolutely a link between oral sex and oral cancer," Although no proof exists yet, there is a chance that HPV can be transmitted mouth to mouth.

[Dr. Maura Gillison]

"We can't rule out the virus could be transmitted in saliva by other types of contact — like for instance sharing a drink or sharing a spoon".

Aftermath of vaccination: Sudden collapse, disabling fatigue, Guillain Barre Syndrome, facial paralysis, brain inflammation, rheumatoid arthritis lupus, blood clots, optic neuritis, MS, strokes and 140 deaths. Die Gonorrhoe ist weltweit die häufigste Geschlechtskrankheit (25 Milj. Neuansteckungen pro Jahr), die den Boden für manche Papilloma-Viren darstellt.


Allerlei: Ist Gruppe mit 1000 Typen


Phytologie: Podophyllin hemmt Warzen           


[Carol Boyce]

A look at Gardasil, the new "Vaccine Against Cervical Cancer"

Gardasil fantasies Merck shareholders, still stinging from the financial effects of the company’s Vioxx debacle, were granted a reprieve with the announcement of the company’s new HPV vaccine to “prevent” 70%  of cervical-cancer deaths. Fast-tracked by the FDA and hailed as the biggest public-health breakthrough in years, this genetically engineered vaccine had 1.637 adverse reaction reports filed in its first year of use, to June 2007. These include instances of life-threatening Guillian–Barré syndrome, syncopal episodes and seizures, and 3 deaths. As of June 2011, there have been a total of 18.727 reports of adverse events following Gardasil® vaccination, including 68 deaths. (Editor’s note: At the last count there have been 102 deaths and over 22.000 notified side effects of the vaccine. However, as reported in the book Vaccine Epidemic, reviewed in this journal, only between 1 - 10 and up to 1 - 100 of side effects are reported or acknowledged.)

Merck admits that: length of conferred immunity is not yet known, but estimates 3 - 5 years;

 cervical lesions may be higher in vaccinated women already HPV positive; and since not all women will be protected (even ignoring the potential for mutation of the target viruses),  every woman will still need regular cervical screening.

Despite these admissions, 20 U.S. states moved forward with legislation for mandatory vaccination of children and college students (trials on males and older women are under way); The Lancet called for the European Union to lead by example and enforce vaccination of adolescents; Australia began a free national Gardasil program and

the WHO recommended that developing countries get on board. 86 countries have so far approved use of the vaccine.

Given that cervical screening programs will still be required and have already proven both their effectiveness and their cost effectiveness - already cutting the rate of cervical cancer by 70% since screening programs began - the proposals for mass use of Gardasil have yet to be justified. The global mortality rate for this cancer is 250.000 per annum, 80% of which is in the developing world.

The U.S. mortality rate is low (3.700 per annum) and was already falling rapidly before Gardasil became available. The Wall Street Journal confirmed that Merck was “desperate” for a “revenue stream” and that vaccination across the U.S. would make Gardasil an “automatic blockbuster”. At US $360 a person for the initial course and boosters at US $120 every 3 - 5 years thereafter per person who is either sexually active or legally compelled to have it, the vaccine offered the possibility of solving Merck’s financial challenge in just one move.

In June 2006 Gardasil was licensed for use in females, age 9 - 26 years and in Oct 2009 for males age 9 - 26 years. In the U.S. alone, the first ten years of blanket coverage

for Merck’s ultimate target population of 9 - 26-year-olds would cost more than US$85 billion, without reducing the cost of the current screening programs. Gardasil sales went off like a rocket with over $1.1 billion grossed within the first 9 months of release, but adverse publicity about vaccine related deaths and the challenge of an expensive

3 dose vaccine has seen sales fall, and Merck share prices along with them. Nonetheless, Gardasil is still Merck’s best seller and expected to pull in $1 billion a year.

Mandatory mass vaccination for a non-epidemic disease represents a disturbing departure from accepted medical practice. Since cervical cancer takes 15 to 20 years to develop, the vast majority of cervical cancers are detected via established screening programs, and cervical-cancer mortality rates are rapidly falling already.

Therefore, the predicted reduction in death rate would not even begin to take effect for at least 20 years and would not be measurable for decades after that, if ever.

Professor Diane Harper, who led two of the HPV vaccine trials, had serious misgivings about promotion of widespread vaccination, describing it as “a great big public-health experiment”.

Consequences for the homeopath

In addition to the illogical reasoning based on limited short-term data, there is also a much more urgent issue for homeopaths to consider. If we look at HPV itself and where it might fit into a miasmatic construct, we see that the 4 HPV strains targeted by Gardasil are associated with condylomata, with cervical lesions, cancer in situ, and, ultimately, invasive cervical cancer in susceptible women. We know that for the vast majority of our cases of cervical dysplasia and condylomata we will require a remedy in the sycotic miasm. In sexually active women, rates of HPV infection are high, with an estimated 80% of women infected by the age of 50. The proposal, however, is to artificially expose, via a vaccine directly into the bloodstream, an entire population of children with a sexually transmitted, sycotically based infection.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (in the USA) has been at pains to explain that this is not a “live vaccine”, but homeopaths are aware that even when the bacteria, virus, or spirochete has long gone, its energetic imprint, if you like, can still wreak havoc in the susceptible system.

In this context, the mass vaccination program currently being planned in Europe, the U.S., Australia, and, via WHO, in the developing world, has the potential to set off a global miasmatic time bomb in the space of just a few years, increasing as each new cohort of children comes of age. We have no way to predict what this might bring, but it certainly brings a whole new meaning to “iatrogenic disease” (= durch ärztliche Behandlung ausgelöst).

The introduction of “virus-like” particles in genetically engineered yeast into the system is an unknown challenge yet to be met. The effect of the substrate, including the adjuvant amorphous aluminum hydroxyphosphate sulphate, has yet to be seen. Given the number of adverse effects already reported to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), we might unfortunately look forward to a whole new type of vaccine-damaged cases.

The full impact of this unnecessary vaccine may be unappreciated for some time, except by homeopaths and other health activists. Gardasil already deserves a prominent place in the medical “Smoke and Mirrors” hall of fame.

Marketing at its finest

Merck mounted a vigorous marketing campaign for Gardasil, aimed at young women aged 11 - 26. Ingeniously marketed as a vaccine to “prevent cervical cancer” they used healthy, hip young women in the television advertising who told us they were “One less” - referring to the predicted reduction in mortality. If we scratch the surface of the proposed state legislation to make the vaccine mandatory, we find a group of legislators called Women in Government, pushing hard for the mandatory HPV vaccination

of school children - and funded by Merck.

The European Commission approved sale of the vaccine in Europe. In Paris, a rally of medical professionals and celebrities in the Spring of its release called for the compulsory vaccination of 11- and 12-year-olds. The rally was entirely funded by Sano Pasteur, Merck's European marketing arm.


[Dr. Alexander Meisinger]

Wie sinnvoll ist die neue Impfung gegen Gebärmutterhalskrebs?

Humane Papilloma Viren (HPV) werden über Geschlechtsverkehr übertragen. Bei Frauen kann eine chronische HPV-Infektion zu Gebärmutterhalskrebs führen.

Durch regelmäßige Abstrichuntersuchungen beim Frauenarzt, Safer-Sex-Verhalten und Nikotinabstinenz kann man heute gegen Gebärmutterhalskrebs sehr gut vorbeugen.

Ob auch die neue HPV-Impfung vor Gebärmutterhalskrebs schützt, ist wissenschaftlich noch nicht bewiesen - auf keinen Fall kann sie die regelmäßige Vorsorgeuntersuchung ersetzen. Bei Jugendlichen unter 15 Jahren, der eigentlichen Zielgruppe der Impfung, kann das Nutzen-Risiko-Verhältnis noch nicht beurteilt werden, da diese Altersgruppe

in bisherige Impfstudien nicht einbezogen worden ist.

Infektionen mit dem Humanen Papilloma Virus (HPV) gehören zu den häufigsten sexuell übertragbaren Erkrankungen weltweit. Etwa 70% aller Frauen infizieren sich im Laufe ihres Lebens mit HPV, jede zweite Frau hat sich bereits 5 Jahre nach Beginn ihrer sexuellen Aktivität angesteckt (EMEA 2006).

Meist verlaufen HPV Infektionen symptomlos und heilen in 90% der Fälle spontan ab. Kann der Organismus diese Viren nicht eliminieren, dann kommt es zu einer chronischen HPV Infektion - diese wird bei Frauen durch einen Gebärmutterhalsabstrich („PAP Abstrich“) diagnostiziert. PAP-Abstriche werden bei Frauen regelmäßig durchgeführt, weil einige HPV Typen neben gutartigen Genitalwarzen auch Gebärmutterhalskrebs verursachen können. Etwa 70% dieser Krebsfälle sind auf die HPV Typen 16 und 18 zurückzuführen. Diese beiden Virusstämme machen 2,3% aller HPV-Infektionen aus (JAMA 2007) und werden als „High Risk“ Viren bezeichnet.

Bei Frauen zwischen dem 15. und 45. Lebensjahr ist Gebärmutterhalskrebs der zweithäufigste bösartige Tumor und für 1,8% aller Krebstodesfälle verantwortlich.

Besonders in Ländern ohne Krebsvorsorge ist diese Krebserkrankung sehr häufig. Etwa 80% der weltweiten Erkrankungsfälle treten in Entwicklungsländern auf.

Bei uns haben sich die Todesfälle seit Einführung des „PAP Tests“ etwa um 60% verringert – aber nur jede zweite Frau geht regelmäßig zu Früherkennung.

Der Gebärmutterhalskrebs entwickelt sich über sog. Krebsvorstufen (CIN I bis CIN III). Während bei CIN I eine spontane Ausheilung noch sehr häufig ist, gilt CIN III bereits als Krebsvorstufe.

Bis sich aus CIN III eine Krebserkrankung entwickelt, dauert es durchschnittlich 8 – 12 Jahre.

Ein bedeutender Risikofaktor für diese Entwicklung ist das Rauchen.

Beim Mann verursacht eine HPV Infektion gutartige Genitalwarzen und in seltenen Fällen auch Penis- und Analkarzinome.

Neben regelmäßigen „Krebsabstrichen“ bei Frauen wird nun auch eine Impfung gegen HPV empfohlen. Momentan sind 2 verschiedene Impfstoffe erhältlich:

Gardasil von Sanofi Pasteur MSD (gegen HPV 6, 11, 16 und 18) und Cervarix von GlaxoSmithKline (gegen HPV 16 und 18).

Die Grundimmunisierung besteht aus 3 Teilimpfungen, wobei eine Teilimpfung im Rahmen der momentanen Impfaktion 155.- Euro kostet. Im österreichischen Impfplan 2007 wird eine Impfung von Kindern beiderlei Geschlechts vor dem Eintritt in die Geschlechtsreife empfohlen.

Die Impfung wird als „100% wirksam“ beworben. Bei näherer Analyse muss diese Aussage jedoch relativiert werden: die Impfstudie zeigt, dass durch die Impfung bei allen Frauen, die zum Impfzeitpunkt keine HPV Infektion hatten, Antikörper gegen die geimpften Stämme gebildet werden. Bei Frauen, die zum Impfzeitpunkt bereits eine HPV Infektion bzw. Krebsvorstufen haben, ist die Wirksamkeit der Impfung nicht mehr 100%: denn bei CIN II und III kommt es zu einem Rückgang der Zellveränderungen nur um 17% (Future II 2007), bei CIN III, der eigentlichen Krebsvorstufe, lässt sich eine Wirkung statistisch gar nicht mehr sichern (Arzneimitteltelegramm 2007, 38).

Am wirksamsten ist die Impfung bei CIN I-Läsionen, die aber wegen ihrer hohen Spontanheilung keine Krebsvorstufe darstellt und deshalb nicht therapiebedürftig ist (Deutsches Ärzteblatt 2007).

Die HPV Impfung ist also dann wirksam, wenn zum Impfzeitpunkt noch keine HPV Infektion stattgefunden hat. Deshalb wäre schon vor der Impfung eine Untersuchung zum Ausschluss einer bestehenden HPV-Infektion sinnvoll, wird jedoch nicht empfohlen.

Auch die Behauptung „Gardasil verhütet Krebs“ muss wissenschaftlich erst bewiesen werden, da während der bisherigen Beobachtungszeit der Impfstudie weder bei den Geimpften noch bei der Vergleichsgruppe Krebs aufgetreten ist.

Im New England Journal of Medicine, einem der renommiertesten medizinischen Fachzeitschriften, wird die Wirksamkeit der HPV Impfung als "bescheiden" beschrieben –

ein Nutzen der Impfung für das Gesundheitswesen sei nur im allergünstigsten Fall zu erwarten (Sawaya 2007). In Ländern wie Österreich, Italien, Frankreich, Belgien, Luxemburg, Norwegen oder Schweiz wird die HPV Impfung empfohlen. Im US-Staat Texas wird sie ab 2008 für alle 11-12jährigen Mädchen sogar gesetzlich verpflichtend sein!

Welche Nebenwirkungen sind bekannt? Sehr häufig kommt es im Bereich der Impfstelle zu einer schmerzhaften Schwellung, Rötung oder Juckreiz. Diese treten nach Herstellerinformation bei bis zu 84% der Geimpften auf, wobei insgesamt 8% der beobachteten Ereignisse als schwerwiegend eingestuft werden. Bei 18 Frauen, die versehentlich während der Schwangerschaft geimpft wurden, kam es zu schweren Komplikationen wie Fruchttod oder Fehlbildungen beim Kind - vor der Impfung muss deshalb eine Schwangerschaft ausgeschlossen werden!

Die Dauer des Impfschutzes und Langzeitnebenwirkungen können mit heutigem Wissenstand noch nicht ausreichend beurteilt werden.

Gerade die Impfung gegen die krebsauslösenden Humanen Papillomaviren (HPV) wurde skeptisch beäugt. Tatsache ist: Die Spritze tut weh. Einige Mädchen fallen vor lauter Aufregung in Ohnmacht.

Ein Zusammenhang zwischen HPV-Impfung und schweren Erkrankungen wurde dagegen nie bestätigt. Sie habe weder zusätzliche Störungen des Immunsystems (Autoimmunkrankheiten) noch neurologische Leiden oder Thrombosen verursacht, schrieben Forscher um Lisen Arnheim-Dahlström vom Karolinska-Institut in Stockholm im British Medical Journal (Arnheim-Dahlström et. al., 2013). Dank der Patientenregister in Dänemark und Schweden konnten sie die Krankengeschichten von 300.000 geimpften und 700.000 nicht geimpften Mädchen und jungen Frauen vergleichen.

Hohe Sicherheitsanforderungen

"Die Informationen aus unserer nationalen Datenbank bestätigen das", sagt Dirk Mentzer vom PEI. Das Institut wertet deutsche oder internationale Verdachtsfallmeldungen aus, um seltene schwerwiegende Nebenwirkungen zu finden. Fällt ein Risikosignal auf, beurteilen Ärzte die Einzelberichte. Erhärtet sich der Verdacht, kann das PEI zum Beispiel Warnhinweise anordnen, die Indikation einschränken, die Zulassung ruhen lassen oder gar widerrufen.

"Impfen ist immer ein Abwägen von Nutzen und Risiko", sagt Jens Vollmar, der den Fachbereich Impfstoffe, Tropen- und Reisemedizin des Pharmakonzerns GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) leitet.

Anders als bei aggressiven Krebstherapien für Schwerkranke geht es bei der Vorsorge vor allem um den Schutz von gesunden Säuglingen, Kleinkindern und alten Menschen. Entsprechend hoch sind die Anforderungen an die Sicherheit. Nach wie vor untersuchen Wissenschaftler etwa, ob der GSK-Grippe-Impfstoff Pandemrix bei einigen Kindern die Schlafkrankheit auslöst.

Ja, heißt es erst. Dann: vielleicht.

Gardasil Vaccine Warning

Merck Pharmaceutical has lobbied to make Gardisil mandatory for all girls starting at 9 years of age. If you are thinking of letting your daughter be vaccinated with Gardasil, first watch this video by Jenny Thompson

Since 2007 Judicial Watch has exposed government documents showing thousands of adverse reactions associated with the vaccine, including paralysis, convulsions, blindness and dozens of deaths.“Gardasil will be the biggest medical scandal of all time” -Dr. Bernard Dalbergue- former Merck employee


[Geen HPV-vaccin?]

Het gevolg is dat je er niet bij hoort!

10 december 2011 / Anneke Bleeker / Berichten, Gezondheid & Welzijn

Wanneer je als meisje van 12 jaar samen met je ouders hebt besloten dat je het HPV-vaccin niet wilt, dan heb je daarna blijkbaar nog een weg te gaan.

Onderstaande ervaring van een homeopathisch arts behoeft geen nadere uitleg.

Getuigenis uit de praktijk van een homeopathisch arts:

“Gisteren in mijn praktijk, een goed geïnformeerde moeder die haar dochter niet met het HPV-vaccin wil laten inenten.

1. Haar dochter was de enige van haar klas die zich niet wilde laten inenten

2. Haar dochter moest zich onderwerpen aan bespottingen van haar klasgenootjes die haar meetroonden naar de ziekenboeg (maar zich vervolgens NIET onder druk liet zetten door het zorgpersoneel. Belangrijk detail: dit meisje beschikte over de weigering van haar moeder + een tegenindicatie van mij persoonlijk, de moeder hiermee een sterker argument gevend)

3. Haar dochter vertelde over het aantal zieke kinderen nà deze vaccinatie (overgeven, koorts…), reden waarom men op vrijdag prikt! Om uitvaldagen wegens ziekte op school te vermijden.”

Te overdenken…

Zo ver zijn we dus al gedaald… wanneer iemand een andere mening heeft, een andere weg wil bewandelen, zal de massa, die vaak klakkeloos alles accepteert, je wel even de les lezen!

Moeder en dochter hebben zich verder verdiept in dit verhaal en de extra hulp ingeroepen van een arts maar dat weegt dus duidelijk niet op tegen de algemene opinie van alle andere meisjes in de klas.

Dit zelfde zien wij ook wanneer een huisarts op de televisie zijn twijfels uitspreekt ten aanzien van het jaarlijkse heikele punt, de griepvaccinatie.

Als een arts zich op de televisie ronduit, ten overstaan van vele kijkers, uit met de woorden dat ook hij twijfelt aan de effectiviteit van het vaccin en bovendien belangenverstrengeling waarneemt, dan grijpt Roel Coutinho van het RIVM meteen zijn kans om namens het RIVM deze huisarts voor de rechter te slepen met een bodemprocedure.

Hoe bizar zijn deze zaken?

Eén enkele leerling wordt op school bespot, in het klein, maar voor dat meisje is deze ervaring heel groot.

Een huisarts krijgt meteen een bodemprocedure in de maag gesplitst ten overstaan van de gehele bevolking.

Hoe krom is dit allemaal?


Geen belangenverstrengelingen?

Zijn er geen belangenverstrengelingen?

Waarom dan meteen in de hoogste boom geklommen met een rechtszaak als enige middel om mogelijke macht te tonen? Dit noemen wij onmacht.

Schreeuwen in het openbaar omdat je het niet kunt winnen van personen die anders denken, andere informatie hebben; en wellicht zul je moeten toegeven het niet bij het goede eind te hebben.

Dat is iets wat niet past in het straatje van Roel Coutinho. O nee, al die anders denkende mensen die het goed voor hebben met hun medemens; die moet je afvlammen en monddood maken. Leefden we een paar eeuwen eerder dan verdwenen zij zelfs op de brandstapel!

Heksen, kruidenvrouwtjes, nadenkende mensen die de schatkist niet aanvulden met hun natuurlijke oplossingen moesten het veld ruimen voor de grote industrie, de farmacie.

Tegenwoordig worden zij bespot, beschimpt en het liefst monddood gemaakt.

Helaas zal dat niet lukken want alle ‘heksen en kruidenvrouwtjes’ in een modern jasje weten hun weetje en heiligen de bevindingen van eeuwenlange ervaring, door voorouders doorgegeven.

Deze kennis is nog niet verloren en het is zaak deze nu weer grootschalig op te pikken en te verspreiden.

Bloemen en planten om ons heen als waardevolle aanvulling op dat wat de groentewinkels ons bieden. Is dat gek?

Nee, groentewinkels zijn door de mens in het leven geroepen. Het assortiment kan in de keuken gebruikt worden, aangevuld met zoveel waardevolle gewassen die wij zomaar voor het plukken hebben.


Wie verzint het nu in een laboratorium een ernstige variant van het vogelgriepvirus te fabriceren?

Welke zieke geesten verzinnen het om in een laboratorium een zeer ernstige variant te ontwikkelen van het vogelgriepvirus? Hoe kronkelen die hersenen?

…Ze zijn er heel trots op, de virologen in Rotterdam. Ze zijn er in geslaagd in het lab, en onder strenge beschermingscondities, een dodelijk vogelgriepvirus te ontwikkelen waarmee ze de mens kunnen beschermen tegen een eventuele pandemie van de vogelgriep. Meer dan alleen een virologische kennisvraag stelt hun onderzoek een belangrijke maatschappelijke vraag aan de orde, namelijk: hoeveel wetenschappelijke waarheidsvinding is eigenlijk goed voor ons? Want, zo vrezen sommigen, dreigt hier niet een

Mr Hyde scenario waarbij het tegengif het gif zelf wordt? De vrees voor bioterrorisme is zo groot dat het Amerikaanse adviesorgaan voor bioveiligheid momenteel de mogelijkheid voor publicatie van deze onderzoeksresultaten beoordeelt…

Aldus geschreven in de Volkskrant door Inge Mutsaers en Henk van Houtum.

‘Onze eigen virologen’ die beweren nergens belangen bij te hebben creëren dit soort narigheid.

Toevallig hebben zij ook belangen bij de andere kant van het verhaal, namelijk: het produceren van vaccins.

Ab Osterhaus, onze meest bekende viroloog en onruststoker als het om pandemieën gaat die niet bestaan maar worden bedacht om angst te zaaien, heeft belangen tot

in de WHO, bij het vervaardigen van vaccins, kortom op alle fronten is zijn naam verbonden met zaken waar Anastasia van gruwelt.

Maar we zijn zo objectief en zogenaamd belangeloos…


‘Slaap kindje slaap, daar buiten loopt een schaap’…

Schapen, een land vol schapen, zo zullen zij denken, zij die blijven vertellen dat vaccins en andere lichaamsvreemde stoffen ‘goed zijn voor onze gezondheid’. Schapen lopen gedwee mee in de grote kudden, vaccins genoeg om te spuiten… Dat moet het beeld zijn wat zij voor ogen hebben.

Een kind van 1 jaar oud heeft in ons land al 28 vaccins gehad. Bedenk dat we spreken over 1 jaar oud. Wat hebben we ingespoten gekregen tot dat we onze laatste adem uitblazen?

[Dokter Russell Blaylock] ‘

Een bombardement met vaccincocktails kan de ontwikkeling van de hersenen van je kind beschadigen’.

Er zijn documenten genoeg waarin de ingrediënten van vaccins op een rijtje staan. Iedere ouder zou gewezen moeten worden op deze informatie in plaats van onheus beïnvloed te worden wanneer zij overwegen het vaccineren of wel af te blazen of eerst uit te stellen om meer informatie te vergaren, meer deskundigen te spreken. Zij krijgen de indruk helemaal gek te zijn wanneer zij een andere mening hebben. Alsof zij hun kinderen te kort doen.

Maar punt is dat wie zich in ons land en wereldwijd deskundig opstelt, alle anderen met opgedane kennis meteen als ‘kruidenvrouwtjes en kwakzalvers’ in een hoek plaatsen om zo zelf harder te schreeuwen.

Dan zie je taferelen om via rechtszaken en andere mogelijkheden zijn of haar zin door te drijven.

Een geweldige ontwikkeling is het feit dat er meer artsen zijn die nu durven te uiten dat zij het eens zijn met de arts die voor de rechter mag verschijnen.

Kijk, dat heet solidariteit; men denkt na en komt voor zijn of haar mening uit. Minder makke schapen dan men van overheidswege en andere instellingen uit verwacht!

We mekkeren niet allemaal braaf mee in het gareel!

We zijn zelf verantwoordelijk voor onze gezondheid en dus ook voor de gevolgen van ingespoten vaccins. Daarom is het ook onze verantwoording om ons te informeren, ons een eigen mening te kunnen laten vormen.

Niet de overheid in het algemeen, niet Roel Coutinho, niet Ab Osterhaus en vele anderen dragen de verantwoording voor jouw lichaam en dat van je kinderen. Dat zijn wij zelf, ieder voor zich!

Want weet dat men niet thuis is als jij klachten krijgt of nog erger. Overlijden na vaccinaties wordt ook direct weggevaagd, heeft nooit met het vaccin te maken, aldus onze overheid.

Maar wanneer iemand een eigen pad kiest en een lichaam is er heel eenvoudig aan toe om te overlijden dan ligt het aan de omstandigheden wanneer men niet heeft opgevolgd wat de grote massa dient te doen. Dan ligt het opeens wel aan hen die persoon in kwestie hebben bijgestaan. Hoe krom is dit?

Zolang je maar braaf bent en alles aangrijpt wat als ‘normaal’ gepresenteerd wordt dan doe je het altijd goed en overlijden valt dan onder de noemer; ‘Pech gehad’.

Ja, zo komen zij er altijd!

------------Althans dat denken zij, want de groep die nu echt inziet dat alles zo scheef is, dat de verhalen zelfs niet meer recht zijn te breien met overdonderende reacties wordt echt steeds krachtiger!

Het HPV-vaccin is een waanzinnig goed experiment, aldus Mathilde Boon.

Roel Coutinho sleept uit onmacht een huisarts voor de rechter.

Marina Conijn, eveneens werkzaam bij het RIVM blijft ook prediken dat we vooral moeten vaccineren.

Ab Osterhaus blijft maar roeren in zijn pannetjes met gevaarlijke stoffen en is overenthousiast wanneer er mogelijk weer een gelegenheid is allen angst aan te jagen.

Zo houden zij elkaar allemaal gaande, blij en ‘aan het werk’, want besef dat wanneer één van hen een andere gedachte naar buiten zal brengen, vliegen goedkoper is dan men denkt!

Het is ten slotte hun baan! Een baan waar zij inkomsten uit krijgen. Wie niet doet wat er van hem of haar, in zijn of haar taak verwacht wordt, vliegt eruit! Dus we zullen hen altijd actief zien rond hun potten en pannen met giftige ingrediënten. Dat is blijkbaar hun missie!

Het is onze verantwoordelijkheid om wakker te worden, na te denken en ons af te vragen of wij ons wel willen laten gebruiken!

Wakker zijn is niet ‘slaap kindje slaap’, maar actief de informatie bekijken en doorgeven aan allen die niet geïnformeerd zijn!

Een kleintje huilt op voorhand nog voor de naald het lichaam heeft geraakt. Dat komt omdat hij of zij voelt dat deze aanval niet gewenst is maar volwassenen besluiten dat het eventjes moet omdat het zo goed is voor zijn of haar bestwil!

Hoe zeker weten volwassenen dit?


[Torako Yui]

Discusses the effects of the HPV vaccine and shares her method of detox and treatment.

In Japan, many girls at puberty have been inoculated with HPV vaccine regularly as the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare of the Japanese government encouraged it by conducting an HPV vaccine campaign on a large scale. However, cases claiming side effects from the vaccine followed in quick succession. An undeniable causal relationship between persistent pain and the inoculation of HPV vaccine was acknowledged because the pain happened after the inoculation. After same side effects occurred with increasing frequency, the government stopped encouraging its use.

In fact, around 50 mothers of the victims and other supporters set up ‘The National Liaison Committee for Victims of HPV Vaccine to establish that girls showed serious side effects after they received the vaccine. It seems that this organization is demanding the government research the case reports of the side effects in details and release the information to the public.

The Japanese people have been inoculated by various vaccines for more than 100 years. When mercury levels in the body were compared between countries, Japan was number one in the world. It was over eight times the next country. There are many people who have bone problems, bow-legs, knock-knees or spinal curvature. This is caused not only by mercury but also by aluminium which is also contained in vaccinations. Of course, all bone problems in the Japanese people are not due to vaccinations.

I am also a mother of two children and have been seeing many young patients as a homoeopath. As a farmer I also provide vegetables which were grown from non-GM seeds without using any agricultural chemicals. In one case of damages from HPV vaccine, the mother of twin sisters fell ill with vaccinosis from HPV vaccine. I had not known homoeopathy at that time and desperately tried to find something to help. I changed their food to organic vegetables. As a result, the sisters started to be able to walk within three months, although they could not previously even get up due to pain all over the bodies. Correcting food without relying on only homoeopathy will also contribute to faster cure.

If children are living with side effects of vaccinations, they cannot bear healthy babies for the next generation. It seems that modern children have taken toxins into their bodies from their parents or ancestors and have been becoming weaker and weaker. Every time I see children suffer from cancer or collagen disease, I‘m concerned there will be no healthy human beings in the future. In order to overcome the inherited miasms, we have to give patients miasmatic remedies and nosodes for their inherited taints.

In October 2013, the Japanese Homoeopathic Medical Association (JPHMA) on which I serve as chairperson, contacted ‘The National Liaison Committee For Victims Of HPV Vaccine’, offering free homoeopathic consultations. I would like to share some of my cases in this article.


HPV Vaccine

Let me explain about HPV vaccine. There are two kinds of HPV vaccine which have been approved for sale. One is Gardasil. The other is Cervarix.

Cervarix is manufactured by Glaxo Smith Kline in the U.K. The viral proteins in Cervarix are prepared by recombining genes of Trichoplusiani (insect cells). This is the first vaccine which was approved in Japan as a vaccine which is made with genetic modification technology. It also contains a component derived from cow’s milk. As the adjuvant, large amounts of aluminium hydroxide, sodium chloride and disodium hydrogen phosphate are used. Serious adverse reactions have occurred [(anaphylactic) shock and angioedema]. Whether the rise in antibody titer by this vaccine led to disease prevention has not been confirmed yet. As Trichoplusiani lay a lot of eggs, can produce large amounts of vaccine using this. When the vaccine is used, HPV virus and the protein of Trichoplusiani will enter the body.

Gardasil (Merck & Co in the U.S.) contains polysorbate-80, which is emulsifier acting surfactant. This is used for delivering certain drugs or chemical agents across the blood-brain barrier (which protects the brain from being disordered by chemical substances.) A study has shown that polysorbate-80 has been linked to infertility in mice. When female mice were injected with polysorbate-80 within 4 - 7 days after the birth, their maturity was speeded up and there were changes in their vaginas and uteri. Gardasil also contains squalene. Soldiers at the Gulf War were injected with Anthrax vaccine which contains squalene. The soldiers developed Gulf War syndrome (headache/debility/memory loss/MS).


I made a combination remedy, called Support Keiga-V-C (Cervical cancer vaccine combination), mixing with Cervarix and Gardasil, to help the girls get well. Hahnemann often used Sulph. and Nux-v.

to get rid of iatrogenic diseases, but we use tautopathic remedies. Medical drugs or vaccines diluted and succussed for iatrogenic diseases.

I will show you three cases.

1st She is 14 years old, a member of‘ The National Liaison Committee For Victims Of HPV Vaccine’. The main complaints are 1. Pressing headache as if her head is tightened 2. Fatigue. Lethargy. She cannot go to school 3. Sleepy during daytime and cannot sleep at night. There are many children who live the vampire life. 4. She also has involuntary movement.I think this is a case where aluminum entered into the cerebral nerve.


She is 14 years old, a member of‘ The National Liaison Committee For Victims Of HPV Vaccine’. The main complaints are 1. Pressing headache as if her head is tightened 2. Fatigue. Lethargy. She cannot go to school 3. Sleepy during daytime and cannot sleep at night. There are many children who live the vampire life. 4. She also has involuntary movement.I think this is a case where aluminum entered into the cerebral nerve.

Her vaccine history is as shown above. She started to be inoculated since 4 months old. She received the first HPV vaccine at the age of 12. The second one was when she was 13 years old. She has already been inoculated with 9 kinds of vaccines. As a result, she has a severe headache with tightening and fatigue which prevents her from going to school. She has also herpetic eczema on her cheeks.


< 1st consultation 12 October 2013 >

TY: Let’s work out together how you can live vigorously with physical strength!

Patient: Yes, thank you.


TY: I read through your interview sheet. Which symptoms you are suffering the most? Is it head ache or fatigue?

Mother of patient: When she has a headache, she cannot get up and sleeps till noon or evening.


TY: You feel better if you lie down, correct? Movement makes you to suffer, right?

Patient: (long time after she thought)… Yes.


TY: How does it hurt? Such as, being pressed down, or being pulsating, and so on?

Patient: (She tends to ponder on what she is asked for a long time.)


TY: Do you have a feeling of tightness? For example, do you have any concomitant symptoms such as vertigo?

Patient: … (long time after she thought) … Yes. I sometimes have vertigo.


TY: Is your vertigo shaking up and down, longitudinally?

Patient: … (long time after she thought)… Yes, that is right.


TY: See. That is harmful effects of mercury.

Mother of patient: Other information is that she was in a bedridden condition due to high fever for 4 months and could not go to school during this period of time. She went to school only one day for examination in October as her headache got worse which prevented her from going to school.


TY: What sort of dreams do you have? If you do not know, it is O.K. to say so. How is your tiredness or chronic fatigue symptom?

Patient: … (She thought for a long time, but could not answer, then her mother replied again.)

Mother of patient: It seems that she has tired feeling.


TY: She had not been like this before she was inoculated with HPV vaccine, right?

Mother of patient: Yes, that is right.


TY: Don’t you have twitching feelings?

Mother of patient: I recently saw that her eye lids and feet were twitching before she got up for a few times. The quality of her sleep is quite bad. It seems that she could finally fall sleep in the early morning, which caused her not to be able to get up in the morning.


TY: Do you have any particular things which you have aversion to?

Patient: … Something sharp pointed.


TY: How about a cooking knife?

Patient: … I am also scared of a cooking knife.


TY: Let’s work on positively how she can regain her healthy body. Let’s keep having hope. If we feel despair, nothing can be solved. She still has got a mouth to eat food, mind to be grateful to the food and energy to digest the food. Let’s be thankful for small mercies.

Mother of patient: I recently saw that her eye lids and feet were twitching before she got up for a few times. The quality of her sleep is quite bad. It seems that she could finally fall sleep in the early morning,

which caused her not to be able to get up in the morning.


TY: Do you have any particular things which you have aversion to?

Patient: … Something sharp pointed.


TY: How about a cooking knife?

Patient: … I am also scared of a cooking knife.


TY: Let’s work on positively how she can regain her healthy body. Let’s keep having hope. If we feel despair, nothing can be solved. She still has got a mouth to eat food, mind to be grateful to the food and

energy to digest the food. Let’s be thankful for small mercies.

<End of consultation>

Comments : It took ages for this patient to answer my questions. Her mother answered instead in many questions. Although it was about her symptoms, she could not answer. This is a remedy picture of Alumina. I chose rubrics, oppressive pain, has to lie down, worse by exercise, oppressive feeling in internal head (temple), her head is worse by exercise, weakness, herpes zoster.

Her current mind state is dull.

When I ran these rubrics, Bry came to the top. Bry could cover everything. As Bry. has a good affinity with Alumina. We can find that Bry has the top affinity with Alumina in the concordance section of The Bönninghausen Repertory (TBR). I wanted to treat her migraine with Bry. so that she could go to school. I prescribed remedies according

to the ZEN method.

In Organon§279, Hahnemann is saying that homoeopathic remedies work very well as long as a patient with a chronic disease is not suffering from iatrogenic disease caused by medicines or vaccines and his/her organs are not damaged. In other words, if a patient has an iatrogenic disease and his/her organ is exhibiting dysfunction, diluted and potentized remedies will not work well. It seems that many homoeopaths have not understood this paragraph well. If we do not support a dysfunctional organ or get rid of

an iatrogenic disease, regardless of how many homeopathic remedies we give, they will not work. This is what Hahnemann is saying in Organon§279. It is necessary to remove an iatrogenic disease and support dysfunctional organs as there are more patients with chronic diseases in modern times.

Thuja is an herb which suits vaccinosis. I added homoeopathic remedies Keiga-v-c (made from HPV vaccines), Mercury, Alumina which were the cause into Thuja mother tincture. The reason why she twitches is that her body is lacking zinc. That is why I added Zinc. Remedies are added in this way in the ZEN method.

I prescribed Sulph. LM1 in the morning. As Hahnemann used Sulph to find a clearer symptom picture, I often use Sulph for the same reason. I prescribed Carc. LM2 at noon to cleanse her blood which was affected by vaccines. Then, I prescribed Bry LM3 for her acute symptom.

The ZEN method is an innovative method as it can cover everything, acute, chronic, iatrogenic disease and miasmatic susceptibility. This is an essential method for intractable diseases in modern times.

Our great masters including Hahnemann left their record in Materia Medicas. Experiments on Alumina 200 years ago are shown below.

(Reference) Alum on Materia Medica of CK. The results of Hahnemann’s proving on humans for Alum have the same symptoms of people who suffer from harmful effects of HPV vaccine.

Comments : It took ages for this patient to answer my questions. Her mother answered instead in many questions. Although it was about her symptoms, she could not answer. This is a remedy picture of Alumina. I chose rubrics, oppressive pain, has to lie down, worse by exercise, oppressive feeling in internal head (temple), her head is worse by exercise, weakness, herpes zoster.

Her current mind state is dull.


When I ran these rubrics, Bry. came to the top. Bry. could cover everything. As Bry. has a good affinity with Alumina. We can find that Bry. has the top affinity with Alumina in the concordance section of The Bönninghausen Repertory (TBR). I wanted to treat her migraine with Bry so that she could go to school. I prescribed remedies according to the ZEN method.

In Organon§279, Hahnemann is saying that homoeopathic remedies work very well as long as a patient with a chronic disease is not suffering from iatrogenic disease caused by medicines or vaccines and his/her organs are not damaged. In other words, if a patient has an iatrogenic disease and his/her organ is exhibiting dysfunction, diluted and potentized remedies will not work well. It seems that many homoeopaths have not understood this paragraph well. If we do not support a dysfunctional organ or get rid of an iatrogenic disease, regardless of how many homeopathic remedies we give, they will not work. This is what Hahnemann is saying in Organon§279. It is necessary to remove an iatrogenic disease and support dysfunctional organs as there are more patients with chronic diseases in modern times.


Thuja is an herb which suits vaccinosis. I added homoeopathic remedies Keiga-v-c (made from HPV vaccines), Mercury, Alumina which were the cause into Thuja mother tincture. The reason why she twitches is that her body is lacking zinc. That is why I added Zinc. Remedies are added in this way in the ZEN method.


I prescribed Sulph. LM1 in the morning. As H. used Sulph to find a clearer symptom picture, I often use Sulph for the same reason. I prescribed Carc. LM2 at noon to cleanse her blood which was

affected by vaccines. Then, I prescribed Bry LM3 for her acute symptom.


The ZEN method is an innovative method as it can cover everything, acute, chronic, iatrogenic disease and miasmatic susceptibility. I think this is an essential method for intractable diseases in modern times.


Our great masters including Hahnemann left their record in Materia Medicas. Experiments on Alumina 200 years ago are shown below.


(Reference) Alum on Materia Medica of CK. The results of Hahnemann’s proving on humans for Alum have the same symptoms of people who suffer from harmful effects of HPV vaccine.

CK Preface: difficulty in recollecting and reflecting

CK 41: the thoughts are occupied with various subjects, without any of them remaining so as to be clearly recognized

CK 48: Inability to think connectedly

CK 53: Great liveliness of spirit, alternating with absence of mind, while thought, vision and hearing seem indistinct and to have almost vanished.

CK 22: She cannot see blood nor knife without horrible thoughts pressing in upon her, as if she should, e. g., commit suicide; though she has the greatest horror of it.


I asked one patient about a knife. She replied that she was afraid of something pointed and a cooking knife. People who suffer from harmful effect of aluminum have the same fear. We know this because H. and other homoeopaths did provings on actual substances 200 years ago. She also said ‘I have vertigo which shakes longitudinally.” This is not a symptom of Alumina. The only remedy which has the longitudinal vertigo is Mercury (Hahnemann’s proving of Mercury.) That is why we have to prescribe mercury. We can find this about Merc-sol. in MM Pura 15;A kind of vertigo; when lying he feels as if swung long-ways.

I questioned why this patient has the symptom of Mercury because HPV vaccine contains large amount of aluminum but not mercury. I, then, set up a hypothesis. Various vaccines which Japanese people are inoculated with contain not only aluminum but also large amounts of mercury. They have the same as adjuvant. They adhere to each other in the form of gum because the contents of vaccines are similar. I wonder if DTP, BCG, and Hib adhere to each other. When HPV vaccine with large amounts of aluminum enters into a body, toxins of vaccines which already exist in the body get activated.

The new vaccine triggers emergence of mercury which had already been instilled by other vaccines.

On the fifth day after she started to take remedies which I prescribed, she reported me that she felt nausea and discharged saliva which filled her hands. She started to feel much better since then. Large amounts of discharging saliva is a character of Mercury and Alumina. In Materia Medica of ‘Chronic Diseases’ we can also find the record. (For example, Merc-sol. On MM Pura 344; Discharge of viscid, faetid saliva, especially at certain hours of the night or of the evening. Alum on MM of CK 335; In the morning much expectoration of saliva and mucus.)


< 2nd consultation on 15 November 2013 >


TY: How is your condition overall after you took the remedies?

Patient: (She reacted immediately). I feel better than before.

TY: That is good. How is your headache?

Patient: (She responded instantly) My headache has not been changed so much but the duration of the pain became very short.

TY: That is very good.

Mother of patient: She could go to school last Thursday, Friday and this Monday after a long time.

TY: She could go to school 3 times consecutively?

Mother of patient: Yes. As it was the first time for her to return to school on Thursday, I gave her a lift, but she went to school on Friday and Monday on foot by herself.

TY: That is wonderful. I can see that she has grown in strength. (Having read a report from her) Did you have nausea on the fifth day after you started to take remedies and discharged large amount of saliva?

Patient: Yes. I had it profusely from my mouth.

TY: This is how you eliminated the wastes. People who suffer from harmful effects from aluminum and mercury, they tend to have large amount of saliva. I can see that wastes in your brain were eliminated with the saliva. As there was aluminum and mercury in your brain… you had a headache, tightening feeling. If the wastes of aluminum and mercury are eliminated more, you will have less migraine. So, you became able to go to school after you had the elimination. Do you still have tinnitus?

Patient: Yes, I occasionally have.

TY: Was it happening before you received HPV vaccine?

Patient: No, it started to happen quite recently.

TY: Please describe the tinnitus.

Patient: High-pitched tone.

TY: Is it like keening sound or bleep sound?

Patient: It is like keening sound.

TY: You started to react so immediately after I asked you questions. Your reaction is getting better. It is wonderful. I will prescribe remedies, so please keep taking them.

Patient: Thank you very much.

<End of consultation>


She became able to react immediately and go to school. She became better with only one consultation with remedies which got rid of her iatrogenic disease and acute symptom and match her tendency

and miasmatic susceptibility. I prescribed remedies according to the ZEN method as it shown below. Especially, Lycopodium (*1) contains small particles of plant-based aluminum (organic aluminum)

and grows in the soil which contains aluminum. I regard this remedy to play a role in eliminating alumina (inorganic alumina) from vaccines. Therefore, I decided to give Lyc. to all patients who suffer

from harmful effects of HPV vaccine at some point.

If we have large amounts of aluminum in our bodies, calcium will be decreased and osteomalacia might occur. the only remedy to treat spinal curvature. If we do not have robust bones, we cannot support our bodies. As a result our bones start to be twisted. I am thinking the reason why many victims of HPV vaccine have joint pains is because they are suffering from osteomalacia because large amounts of aluminum is entered their bodies.

Lyc in MM of CK 1396; It seems to favor the softening and curvature of the bones. MM of CK 1044 Curvature of the spine, in a child of two years, lasting several weeks.


Case 2

Let’s look at the second case. In her case, a doctor diagnosed her as Fibromyalgia. She cannot go to school as she feels so dull. Her grasping power is only 5 kgw. In an average woman it is 30 kgw, so she cannot hold even a lunch box with this grasping power. She has also involuntary movements and insomnia. In her case, aluminum has entered into her joints.

Although she received many vaccinations, the problem is that she was inoculated with HPV vaccine three times. She received it more than the girl in case 1. I could see that the harmful effects have reached into muscles. This case is more serious than the girl in case 1.


< 1st consultation on 13 October 2013 >

Patient entered room with walking stick and being supported by her mother.

TY: In this condition, it must be so difficult for you to go to school. Are you allowed to go to the school nurse’s office when you feel dull or sleepy?

Patient: Yes, but it is far.

TY: I see. You have to go there on foot.

Patient: Yes. I cannot move my body as it is too heavy.

Mother of patient: She cannot go to school for 4 or 5 days a month, as she cannot move herself. I have found that she fell down in corridor when I came home.

TY: I would like you to tell me what sort of pains you have in your body.

Patient: Pricking and throbbing in my joints, knees, fingers of both palms. It is always pain.

TY: Is it any particular points such as neck, shoulders or back?

Patient: Everywhere. It is always pain.

Mother of patient: She eats only once a day. She is supposed to bring a lunch box to school, but she tells me that her grasping power became too weak to hold it.

TY: Her grasping power is so weak, right?

Mother of patient: When we measured last time it was only 5 kgw. (NB. In average, women have 30 kgw.)

Patient: Yes. (She started to lie down as she could not keep sitting down for a long time. Lying down with bending her legs makes her to feel better.)

Mother of patient: When she has severe pain, she cannot hold chopsticks. A doctor told us that it was not side effects of HPV vaccine but the pain must be caused from mental stress.

TY: Your daughter cannot accept the diagnosis, because it is not from her stress.

Mother of patient: We recorded when she had convulsions. (She showed the video to me. The patient’s third finger on her right hand kept moving involuntary.)

TY: I understood that this finger moves involuntary. Your muscles became pulled so hard.

Mother of patient: I noticed that she also keeps shaking her legs unconsciously, but I thought the way of shaking is not normal. Her days and nights are reversed and cannot have a certain pattern.

TY: Mother. It is wonderful that you are caring for your daughter and are taking various actions for her in your busy circumstances. I wish you could carry on this consultation as we, the Japanese Homoeopathic Medical Association (JPHMA) is offering it free of charge for victims of HPV vaccine. When I imagined if it happened to my daughter, I think I cannot help but offering this free consultation as the chairperson of JPHMA. Please do not hesitate to take this consultation. It is a mutually advantageous relationship.

This girl could not keep sitting down and had to lie down during the consultation which shows she was short on physical strength. The rubrics which I chose were involuntary movement, twitching, physical dull feeing, front side, heavy feeling overall. Caust came to the top, then Alum followed. Of course, I chose Alum. I did not divide the prescribing time into Morning, Noon and Evening as her case was very serious.


I put HPV vaccine remedy, Alum and Merc which were the cause and Chin. for her mercury-related disease and anemia into Thuja mother tincture. Haemoglobin level was only 6. Therefore, I prescribed Carc. and Syph. as a combination to cleanse her blood and anemia to stop this intractable disease. We cannot give only one remedy and wait in such difficult cases. It is important to prescribe remedies which caused the patient’s symptom from various aspects. I prescribed Support Nerve with Zinc for her involuntary movement. Twitching symptoms of Alumina can be found the below parts of Materia Medica of Chronic Diseases.


(Reference) Alum. Materia Medica in CK


CK Preface: Twitching and trembling in the limbs

CK 1009: In the morning, paralytic weakness in all the limbs, with stupefaction of the head in paroxysms of several minutes

CK 946: Weariness of the legs, especially in the middle of the tibiæ, as if bruised; while standing and walking, when it is worst, she feels like sinking down; (diminished while sitting and lying down), especially in the evening.

CK 969: Heaviness in the feet, with great weariness in the legs.

CK 1025: Involuntary twitches now and then, and movements of one foot, of the fingers, etc.

CK 1026: Involuntary movements of the head and of other members.

CK 1059: Excessively tired and weary ; he must sit down.

CK 1065: Irresistible inclination to lie down

Let’s see how she was on the second consultation.


< 2nd consultation on 15 November 2013 >

The patient entered into the consultation without having a walking stick.

TY: You are holding a microphone. Are you O.K.? It is heavy, isn’t it?

Patient: Yes, it is.

TY: You can grasp it now, like that.

Patient: Yes.

TY: Do you think you can eat more than before?

Patient: Yes. I can eat more than before. I started to draw pictures, watch movies, and browse internet on iPad these days.

Mother of the patient: She likes drawing illustrations in general and I found a correspondence course. She also starts thinking of taking the course.

TY: It seems that a little hope starts to appear.

Mother of the patient: There is an explanatory meeting for the course tomorrow. I am thinking to attend it with her.

TY: The most delightful news for me is that you can eat more than before. Then, I am so glad to hear that you can grasp the heavy microphone. Furthermore, I am very happy to hear that your

mother found the illustration course for you to develop your ability for your future.

Patient: Thank you very much.

She can grasp the microphone and draw illustrations as her grasping power has been increased. She starts to have hope. Her complexion looks good and her anaemia seems to get better.

I was more than happy to hear that she got so much better after the first consultation. I prescribed the remedies below.

Case 3

The last case is a girl who had been already receiving my consultation for ulcerative colitis and atopic eczema. I could not know the reason she was suffering from ulcerative colitis in the

beginning as she did not tell me that she had been inoculated with HPV vaccine. As her mother did not think that HPV vaccine was the cause, she did not tell me anything about it.

I was wondering about this case and asked about vaccinations again and found that she had been inoculated with Cervarix. Her vaccine history is as it shown below; she was also inoculated

with HPV vaccine 3 times in succession. After she received the vaccines, her atopic eczema got worse, she had a stomach ache, had high fever, then fell ill with ulcerative colitis.


< 1st consultation on 29 November 2013 >


TY: How old were you when you were inoculated with HPV vaccine?

Mother of the patient: She was 15 years old. I think it was November and December in 2011, then February 2012. It was November 2012 when she suffered from ulcerative colitis.

TY: She got ulcerative colitis 9 months after she was inoculated with HPV vaccine, right?

Mother of the patient: Yes, that is right.

TY: She was inoculated with the second and the third HPV vaccines in February 2012. How was her stool since then? Was it becoming soft or diarrhea, something like that?

Mother of the patient: I think that she started to go to toilet with bending forward in the morning since summer 2012. It was around 4 months after she was inoculated in February. She had high fever just after she was inoculated with the first HPV vaccine in November 2011. As it lasted for more than 2 weeks, she was hospitalized.

TY: I understand very well. This is harmful effects of aluminum. As a large amount of aluminum entered her body, we have to eliminate aluminum and mercury, otherwise the ulcerative colitis will not be cured. Don’t you have creeping or tics in your feet?

Patient: Yes, I do. I have involuntary movements in my feet even I do not do anything.

TY: Your feet move suddenly or twitch even you are not trying to do so, right?

Patient: Yes. I have also joint pain except for my symptoms in my bowels. My days and nights have been reserved. Is it also side effects of HPV vaccine?

TY: I saw other people who suffer from side effects of HPV vaccine. They are also sleeping in the early morning and cannot sleep at night.

Her days and nights were also reversed. She had also involuntary movements, especially in her feet. It is a character of Alum. She had painful diarrhea. When she suffered from ulcerative colitis, she had bad stomach pain. I could also think that she was suffering from harmful effects of vaccines. In her case, the harmful effects of aluminum came to her bowels and skin.


(Reference) Alum Materia Medica in CK


CK530: After diarrhœic stools following a colic, there remained a violent ache in the abdomen, especially in a spot, where when a girl she had an internal ulcer which opened. The pain was as if from a violent blow, she had to stroke place, bending her body, hold her hand upon it, which somewhat alleviated the pain, but it continued uniformly the whole day, whether sitting or standing

CK 531: Violent colicky pains in the left side of the abdomen, as if an ulcer was forming, with nausea

CK 572: After a troublesome pressure in the hypogastrium and long continued urging, the stool ensues slowly and only by straining the abdominal muscles ; all the bowels seem inactive from lack of the peristaltic motion ; stool not hard

CK 1028: Tortures in the limbs as if the bones were compressed, with pressure in the joints.


I chose both of bowel and skin in the rubrics.

                                                            Sleepiness > morning (waking difficult, late; slumberous in morning)

                                                            Generals: movements involuntary

                                                            Limbs: Lower foot

                                                            Generals: “As if Cobwebs” “As if dried white of egg”

                                                            Skin: in generals (dry/lack of perspiration, antidrosis). Dry eruptions

                                                            Skin: hot, dry/ lack of perspiration with heat

                                                            Digestive dysfunction: Stool. Difficult/Bloody

Merc. is especially good for hemorrhagic diarrhea and bloody eczema, but Alum. came to the top.


<On 7 Apr 2014>

TY: Well, how’s your diarrhea or stomach?

Patient: Recently I don’t have them at all. I didn’t have it at all in the end of the year, too. Stomach and diarrhea get better now.


TY: I remember you said you slept early in the morning and woke up in just before noon.

Patient: I forced myself to change the sleep pattern early since the beginning of this year. Then I could manage to keep the custom.


TY: You’ve changed it? Great. Has the fever got better too?

Patient: I don’t have it at all. It’s gone with stomach.


TY: Oh, I see. The remedies worked very well.

Patient: Yes. I got better day by day when the recovery started.


TY: Is your appetite also improved?

Patient: Yes. I eat completely normal now.


TY: Then it is O.K. now. So, let’s concentrate on your atopic eczema now.

Patient: Yes, my atopic eczema is also getting better. Thank you very much.


The prescribed remedies stopped her bloody stool. Her energy level was increased, too. I started Antipsoric treatment in order to cure her atopic eczema. Although the symptoms got much better,

they still remained. I focused on eliminating harmful effects of mercury which her body might still have this time.


<On 7 Apr 2014>

TY: Well, how’s your diarrhea or stomach?

Patient: Recently I don’t have them at all. I didn’t have it at all in the end of the year, too. Stomach and diarrhea get better now.


TY: I remember you said you slept early in the morning and woke up in just before noon.

Patient: I forced myself to change the sleep pattern early since the beginning of this year. Then I could manage to keep the custom.


TY: You’ve changed it? Great. Has the fever got better too?

Patient: I don’t have it at all. It’s gone with stomach.


TY: Oh, I see. The remedies worked very well.

Patient: Yes. I got better day by day when the recovery started.


TY: Is your appetite also improved?

Patient: Yes. I eat completely normal now.


TY: Then it is O.K. now. So, let’s concentrate on your atopic eczema now.

Patient: Yes, my atopic eczema is also getting better. Thank you very much.

The prescribed remedies stopped her bloody stool. Her energy level was increased, too.

I started Antipsoric treatment in order to cure her atopic eczema. Although the symptoms got much better, they still remained. I focused on eliminating harmful effects of mercury which her body

might still have this time.



The lid of iatrogenic diseases will come off by taking homoeopathic remedies made from HPV vaccine which was the direct cause, and homoeopathic remedies of Alum and Merc which are

used as adjuvant to treat side effects of HPV vaccine. Then patients’ self-healing ability starts to get on the move. Eventually, I prescribed Lyc. to all patients who suffer from HPV vaccine

which enhanced the effect. Lyc is wonderfully useful as an anti-psoric remedy although it is a plant.

I experienced a period when I was at a loss, caring for many patients who did not get better. I questioned if homoeopathy lacked something as a treatment. However, the fact that my ulcerative

colitis was cured completely by homoeopathy kept inspiring me.

Hahnemann’s word ‘We can cure people as long as they have symptoms’ encouraged me to develop the ZEN method which is based on Hahnemann’s teaching and suits people nowadays.

In order to develop the ZEN method, I read Japanese translations from the original German version of ‘Organon 6’ ‘Chronic Diseases’, All ‘Materia Medica’ by Hahnemann, ‘Small essays’,

‘Fragmenta de viribus medicamentorum’ in order to understand what Hahnemann really wanted to say.

Ignorance is a sin. ‘Aude Sapere.’ By Hahnemann


Requirements for Japanese people and Japan to restore health

1.      Do not to take unnecessary conventional drugs or vaccines.

2.      Let’s use homoeopathy first, which is safe and stimulates the body’s self-healing abilities.

3.      We can grow farm products without using agricultural chemicals in order to avoid putting further toxins into our bodies.

4.      Let’s heal your inner child, unresolved issues in your mind.

5.      Let’s believe and love ourselves, overcoming a sense of guilt and self-deprecation.

6.      Keep faith and cultivate your mind to realize that you are loved.


All of these philosophies are the key to boosting immunity and living true to ourselves. Let’s find a natural way of living in order to be healthy in mind and body.

May all be blessed with the benefits of Homeopathy! Be grateful for all of creation, the existence of the Universe itself. I wish all of you the enjoyment of living the gift of life!


[Deborah Olenev]

Homeopathy and the Treatment of Genital Warts

Recently a young woman whom I had treated for several years with homeopathy for recurrent sore throats and a weak constitution was very distraught because she had been exposed by her previous boyfriend to genital warts. She was upset for multiple reasons:

1) the feeling that her previous boyfriend had betrayed her by not telling her he had the condition,

2) the guilt she felt for exposing her current boyfriend to the condition, as he was also beginning to show symptoms,

3) she wanted to be a mother one day and was very frightened at the prospect of passing this genetic taint onto her children and causing them health problems,

4) her mother was putting pressure on her to have the warts burned off, believing that this was the only effective way to get rid of the problem, and 5) the shame she felt about the condition and not wanting it exposed.

By the time this young woman, whom I will call Sally, consulted me about this new problem, she had already begun the painful procedure of having the warts burned off. Homeopathic theory feels that this is not the best treatment for the warts, because it does not address the condition underlying their appearance, but only takes away the surface manifestation. The inner disease could now continue

to develop at a potentially even faster rate, because there would now be no outward evidence of its presence, and no way to monitor its progress since the external eruption was being interfered with.

In homeopathic parlance, the primary state of the disease or the warts, was being suppressed, while the inner disease or secondary state was left on its own to continue to develop unmonitored.

Sally and her mother did not understand that taking away the warts through external measures was not “curing” the disease, nor was it limiting the contagiousness of the condition. If the warts were left alone and not interfered with by suppressive measures, Sally could pass the warts (or the primary state of the disease) onto her sexual partners. On the other hand, if the warts were removed by external means, then Sally could pass the disease onto her partners in its deeper form, and they could then potentially develop symptoms characteristic of the sycotic = gonorrhea miasm. Offspring would also very likely display symptoms of this miasm.

In order to help Sally I had to educate her about the homeopathic approach to the treatment of genital warts, and also take her case. This meant reviewing her symptoms carefully in order to find a remedy that addressed not just this disease, but who she was as a person.

In homeopathy we do not treat people based on just the diagnosis they are given, but on their whole symptom picture, discovered after taking the thorough homeopathic case. The genital warts will be one of many symptoms that need to be considered in selecting the remedy for the young girl.

Here is her case: Case of Sally, a Young Woman with Genital Warts

I have already described some of Sally’s emotional symptoms, namely anger at her previous boyfriend for lying to her about the state of his health, concern about her relationship with her current boyfriend, a fear of having babies because of the STD, and shame that her condition had been exposed.

Some of the symptoms or characteristics that helped me find the remedy that helped Sally get rid of the warts were:

1) eating meals at irregular times, and skipping meals

2) a craving for oranges and other citrus fruits

3) a craving for fruit juices

4) hot feet in bed at night and a tendency to uncover them

5) high evening energy, and frequently sleeping late at night

6) addiction to marijuana

Sally had taken a dose of Thuja on her own prior to seeing me. Thuja is a very well-known remedy in homeopathy that can help with warts, and is one of twelve remedies listed in Dr. Robin Murphy’s Homeopathic Medical Repertory for genital warts, but this remedy did not help her.

The remedy I prescribed Sally was Medorrhinum in high potency. The remedy worked so quickly that I was even astonished at the speed at which the warts disappeared.

The sequence of events was: a month into the treatment a lot more warts erupted, some of the ones that were there got bigger, another eight went away. After another two to three weeks all of these warts disappeared. The last remaining wart was one that had been burned off, which reappeared in the same spot after the homeopathic remedy, and was now on its way out.

The improvement in her health went far beyond the disappearance of the warts. Her energy level improved significantly and she was feeling healthy and overjoyed at the disappearance of the warts. Circumstances in her life also started to improve. She found a job and with it many of her financial fears resolved. She had been very unhappy with where she and her boyfriend were living, and now they found a house in an area they loved. She had convinced her boyfriend to seek homeopathic treatment, so that both of them could start their new life together on a healthier footing. She also resolved to give up marijuana and was following through on this. Needless to say, Sally was no longer the distraught young woman I had seen a few months earlier. The problems she sought homeopathic treatment

for had resolved and she felt much stronger and more confident in herself.

The Sycotic or Gonorrhea Miasm

H. believed that there were three primary diseases from which all other diseases stem. These three are the psoric or itch miasm, the sycotic or gonorrhea miasm and the syphilitic miasm. Genital warts are

a symptom of the gonorrhea miasm. He believed that the myriad combinations of these three diseases created all other diseases. For example the combination of psora with syphilis created Tuberculosis, and the combination of all three miasms created what he termed trimiasmatic diseases. Some of the trimiasmatic disease are cancer, asthma, arthritis, eczema and others.

I want to tell you a little bit about the sycotic miasm here, because genital warts are characteristic of the sycotic or gonorrhea miasm, and to show you that simply removing the warts by external means

does not address the far deeper changes in the individual, which can continue to develop once the warts are removed through external means. Treating with the indicated homeopathic remedy can eradicate the entire condition, and protect the offspring from this highly damagaing miasm. On an aside note, this miasm can also be created by the smallpox vaccine, which produces symptoms mimicking this miasm. The smallpox vaccines that many of us or our parents received may be one of the methods by which so many people in the population acquired sycotic symptoms.

Some of the main characteristics of the sycotic miasm are:

- Excesses on all planes, mental, emotional and physical.

- A tendency to overgrowth of tissue, such as what we have in warty growths, and in cancer, and in arthritic swelling of joints.

- A tendency to overproduction of anything, as in excessive mucous secretions, and other discharges, excessive hair growth on unwanted places.

- The sycotic miasm tends to affect the generative organs, the kidneys and bladder. Cystitis, Urethritis and Prostatitis are types of conditions in this miasm. Hormonal imbalances a hallmark of this miasm.

- On the emotional plane we have extremes of behavior and mood. There is a tendency to be secretive and closed, suspicious and distrustful.

- Promiscuity, problems of sexual identity, and seductive behavior are characteristic.

- The miasm is characterised by intense fears, panicky feelings, fear of being alone, and anticipatory anxiety.

- It has all kinds of obsessions, such as obsession with appearance.

- Manipulative behaviors. Children will manipulate to avoid being controlled by their parents.

- Extremes of sympathy or cruelty. They can be either loving or cruel to animals.

- An addictive tendency.

- They tend to feel better at night, and will call themselves night owls. Even small children can stay up till 1 h. with no problem.

- They often > by the seashore.

- On the mental plane there are learning difficulties. Problems with concentration, mental confusion, mental dullness and poor memory.

- A feeling that he is too weak to meet the challenges he has to face, and a need to cover up that weakness, so that others will not see it.

- This miasm can also create a predisposition to cancer, because of the tendency to overgrowth of tissue.



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