B.C.G. = V.A.B. = Vaccin atténué bilié  (VAB) = gefriergetrocknet/= Calmete-Guerinvakzin


= Ars-ähnlich;

Negativ: MÜDE + schwerer (Hinter)kopf, FROST, macht sich SorGEN/genervt/geistige Arbeit ermüdet/bringt Angefangenes nicht zu Ende; UNruhig, flach-/schmalbrüstig, geistige Probleme + Läusebefall, Angst (Hunden), Krankheit mit schuppenden/verfärbten Hautstellen, Husten + Erbrechen, erstickender SCHLEIM (Lungen), ERkältung, befallene Teilen werden Wund empfunden, schläfrig tagsüber/unruhig nachts, Parasiten, verlangt Milch, keine Verschlimmerungen,

< Kälte/Geräusche;

1. (Sexabenteuer) Energie/Hunger/Abmagerung,

2. Verausgabt sich (sexuell), reizbar/schnippisch/launisch/appetitlos/schwach/ verdrießlich/geistig schwerfällig/verzweifelt,

3. Imbezillität/Wahnsinn, Degenerierung;


Komplementär: Calc-p (Bac = A). Eup-pur. Hydr. Indol. Iod. Lach. Kali-c. Kali-i. Lach. Merc. Nat-m. Pall.  Psor (Bac = A). Solid. Sulph. Sulph-i. Yer. Zing.

Folgt gut: Stann.                                                         Gut gefolgt von: Thyr.


Vergleich: Gemacht in: Ochsengalle mit Glyzerin; Bell. Cham. Graph. Lac-c. Nat-m. Puls. Spong. Syc. Aq-mar. Bar-c. Calc-p. Hed. Sil.                                             

Siehe: Tuberkulinumgruppe + Nosoden allgemein + Tuberculinums allgemein


Antidotiert von: BCG. Impfung durch Cars. Syph. Tub.

Mantoux test positive: Tub. Bac. Ars-i.


Wirkung: Tuberkulin/syphillitisch (wenig)/psorisch/ringwormoid

Allerlei: = hergestellt aus Rinderlungen/Impfung speziell für Säuglinge



Gemüt: Angst/Qualvolle Angst/Furcht [vor dem (drohendem) Tod]

Anorexia nervosa (und übel)

Bulimie (Bulimia nervosa)

Empfindlich (gegen Geräusche)

Erregung [intellektuell/lesend (in fremder Sprache)/nervös]

Gedächtnisschwäche (für Worte)

< Geistige Anstrengung (ermüdet)


Reichtum an Ideen, Einfälle, Klarheit des Geistes

Kummer, Trauer

Reizbar, gereizt (durch Geräusche)




Gefühl des Todes


Übertreiben (ihre Symptome)


Vergesslich (vergisst Worte sprechend)


Wahnideen (man würde gleich sterben)


Schwindel: im Allgemeinen

Kopf: Empfindlich gegen Kämmen, Bürsten der Haare

Gefühllos, taube - Gehirn

Schmerz (nachmittags/abends/< geistige Anstrengung/bei Studenten)

Schweregefühl (im Hinterkopf)


Auge: Entzündete Bindehaut (katarrhalisch)/Hornhaut interstitiell/Lider

rote Bindehaut

Hautausschläge - Lider - Ekzem

Geschwollene Lider

Ohr: Schmerz [l./lanzinierend (akut)/Wehtun]

Nase: „Wie Kälte“

Trocken innerlich - > im Freien/> kalte Luft/< in warmen Zimmer

Entzündet chronisch



Verstopft (> im Freien/< in warmen Zimmer)

Gesicht: blass

Rissige Mundwinkel

Schmerz in l. Kiefergelenk (nahe den  Schläfen)/< Kauen

Trockene Lippen

Mund: Zunge - gelb/gelblichweiß


Geschmack bitter

Innerer Hals: Entzündete Mandeln (chronisch)

Kratzen schabend, scharrend in hinterer Teil

Schmerz r./< Schlucken/in hinterer Teil/r. Mandel
Geschwollene Mandeln

Äußerer Hals: Entzündete Halsdrüsen chronisch/geschwollene Halsdrüsen (eitrig)


Magen: Appetit fehlend/unstillbar


Langsame Verdauung

Übel [morgens (< Aufstehen/erwachend)/> essend/> nach Essen/> nach Schlaf/< stehen]


Bauch: Schmerz [krampfartig/Leber (> Hinlegen/stechend, „Wie mit einer Nadel“)]

Rektum: Fissur (in Perineum)

Obstipation (chronisch)

Träume: Erotisch

Männliche Genitalien: Sexverlangen fehlend

Weibliche Genitalien: Risse in Schamlippen

Sexverlangen fehlend

Atmung: Asthma, asthmatische Atmung - Kindern; bei - Kleinkindern; bei

Husten: Erschöpfend/heiser/rau/trocken


Keuchhusten in Endstadium

Brust: Entzündetes Rippenfell (trocken)

Hypertrophie - Mediastinallymphknoten

Beklemmung in Präkordialregion

Herzklopfen (neurozirkulatorische Asthenie)


Schmerz in Zwischenrippenmuskeln

Glieder: Krämpfe - Finger/in l. Wade/Zehen

Schmerz in Finger (krampfartig)/in Gelenke/l. Unterschenkel (krampfartig)

Rücken: Entzündete Halsdrüsen

Krümmung der Wirbelsäule - Scheuermann-Syndrom

Schmerz in Zervikalregion [> (langsame/fortgesetzte) Bewegung/< Kopf nach r. drehen]

Schlaf: Gestört durch Träume


Schlaflos nach Mitternacht/bei Studenten

Frost: Frösteln

Haut: Empfindlich

Hautausschläge - Erythema nodosum/schuppig - Ichthyose

Schmerz Haare kämmend, bürstend


Allgemeines: l.

Periodisch/17 h/abends

Abmagerung/Mager (in tuberkulinischem Zustand)

Drüsen - Abszesse, Eiterungen/entzündet/Krebs/verhärtet/geschwollen

< körperliche Anstrengung

Besnier-Boeck-Schaumann Krankheit



> Essend/< Geräusche



Hypotonus (einschließlich arterieller Hypotonie) (chronisch)

persönliche Krankengeschichte von wiederkehrender Bronchitis/von Tb.

Laborergebnisse - Blutsenkung erhöht


Schmerz in Gelenke

Beschwerden nach BCG-Impfung/Impfung gegen Tb.

Müde (chronisch)


> Strecken, Ausstrecken

Tabak abgeneigt (Rauchen der gewohnten Zigarre/Zigaretten)/Arzneimittel zur Erhöhung des Widerwillens gegen Tabak

Tb. (Ganglion)


[Dr. K.L. Daftari]

1. B.C.G. is a vaccine containing attenuated (= weakened) but living germs of bovine tuberculosis. It is said that their weakness is fixed and that therefore, they cannot do any harm. But they may, increase their strength and do harm to particular individuals in whom they find favourable ground. This alone is the cause of the harm done to some individuals though the number of such individuals be very small.

2. Vaccination is given.

abgeschwächter (attenuierter) Lebendimpfstoff gegen Tb. An individual first tested by the tuberculin test. If the individual shows some symptoms thereby, he is called a reactor and is not given the B.C.G. If he does not show any symptoms after the tuberculin test, he is called non - reactor and is given the B.C.G. Vaccination.

4. Why is this distinction made? Why are the reactors not given the B.C.G.? Why are the non - reactors given the B.C.G. Says Dr. Galatius, the expert in B.C.G. called in by the Government of India in his paper placed before the meeting of the Madhya Pradesh Progressive Homoeopathic and Biochemic Association, Nagpur on 21-2-51, "The tuberculin test before the vaccinations is made in order to protect the reputation of B.C.G. vaccine. If B.C.G. is given to reactors to Tuberculin we can never be sure that cases of Tb. will not be vaccinated too. If that happened and the case of T.B. was diagnosed shortly after the vaccination, the vaccination might be accused of having caused the disease". This of course implies that there is no such danger in vaccinating the non-reactors. This clearly means non-reactors are not likely to get Tb. in the near future i.e. at present they are immune from Tb. This is also clear from the fact that they did not exhibit any symptoms after the tuberculin test.

5. The real meaning of the results of the Test: Those who have successfully resisted the test tuberculin, i.e. non reactors must be immune (from) to Tb. and those who have not been able to resist it. (i.e. reactors) must be susceptible to Tb. It is the susceptible that require medial help and not the immune. This is logic pure and simple. Now taking stand upon this logic, any man of strong common sense logic would certainly ask the following questions here. a). Who are really in need of medical help, the reactors or the non-reactors? b) Is it not clear that the reactors are in need of immediate medical help and that the non-reactors are not in need of such help? c) Why do you omit to help the needful and press on to help those that are not in need? 5) Is this not perversity and pure commercialism?

6. Such questions confound the advocates of B.C.G. and then to save themselves say that the reactors are immune and the non-reactors are susceptible. This is what Dr. Galatius says in an article in Nagpur Times of 11-3-51 "The persons who are not reacting very little (= tuberculin positive)." This is quite illogical. those on whom tuberculin acts must be susceptible and those on whom it does not act must be immune. But Dr. Galatius supposes otherwise; this is his misconception. I must point out here that Dr. Galatius not alone in having the misconception referred to above. He is only one of those belonging to the Allopathic Schools which itself has got this misconception. My interpretation of the tuberculin test agrees with the interpretation of the Allopathic School with respect to the schick test in Diphtheria and the Dick test in scarlet fever. But the Allopathic school gives an opposite interpretation in the vase of tuberculin test. (See Greens Pathology pages 259, 265, Edition of 1934). Almost no reasons for this opposite interpretation are given. It is certainly illogical to interpret similar facts in 2 different ways; they must be interpreted in the same way in all cases. It is admitted even in respect of the tuberculin test that "A negative reaction rules out the presence of active tuberculosis, while the positive test implies the presence of tuberculosis either in the active or the latent forms." (Greens pathology page 265, edition of 1934). Here, it ought to be understood that a negative reaction is not possible without immunity and that the tuberculosis in active or latent form proved by positive test is not possible without susceptibility. Therefore, even in the tuberculin test, positive reaction means susceptibility and negative reaction means immunity. It should be noted here that as after the Schick or the Dick test, you must try to immunise the positive reactors to tuberculin and not the negative reactors as is being done at present. But you dont do it. I would here recommend the reader and the government to cast eyes upon page 630 of the eleventh edition of Savils Practice of medicine and learn a lesson.



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