Oxytocin = Pitocin



Gebrauch: Heiß aufgewühlt/atemlos/kurzatmig. „Wie ANgeregt ohne Erfolg“, erhöht Blutdruck/gefäßverengend/Stimmung aufhellend/beruhigend;

Kind: The love/bonding, “tend and befriend” hormone. To restore equilibrium in life and connection to mother/ADHS;

Positiv: Mütterlich (auch Mann)/großzügig/freundlich;

Negativ: Gleichgültig/aggressiv/SexVERlangen;

Förderung durch: Yoga/Meditation/Muskelübungen Beckenboden/sich mit Erotik beschäftigen/Singen wirkt Schmerz lindernd, stärkt Immunsystem, fördert Oxytocin/Entspannung + Sinnlichkeit;

Fördert: Sex/vermehrt in Schwangerschaft;


Vergleich: Siehe: Geburtsgruppe + Sedativa allgemein + Biochemie des Gehirns. + Anhang (ZEIT-online: Gespräch mit Beate Ditzen von Ulrich Schnabel)

Stram. (wild/kann nur mit Licht schlafen/feindselig) Oxytocin [Schlafschwierigkeiten Säugling/Geburt (der Eltern) mit Oxytocin] Tarent (unruhig/> Musik./frech)


Ecstasy. (= Ephe-ähnlich/= Tarent-ähnlich/= Oxytocin-ähnlich).

Goss. (= Ergot-ähnlich + milder + sicherer/= Sec-ähnlich wenn aus frische, grüne Wurzeln hergestellt/hat Oxytocin-ähnliche Substanz).

Herz. (stellt Oxytocin her).

Pitu-p. (Oxytocin = Hergestellt durch Pitu-p).


Thala. (stellt Oxytocin her).


Anesthetics epidural.


Singen wirkt Schmerzlindernd, stärkt Immunsystem, fördert Oxytocin


Antidotiert von: Arist-cl


Allerlei: Erzeugt Wehen/Milchfluss/bei Jungen Austreten der Hoden/lässt Nähe zu/Sozialverhalten/hilft schwierige Situationen zu meistern

Schon bei der Geburt spielt das Hormon eine wichtige Rolle. Es bewirkt ein Zusammenziehen der Gebärmutterhalsmuskulatur und löst dadurch die Wehen aus.

Später steuert es die Milchproduktion der stillenden Mutter. Und es verstärkt die Bindung zwischen zwei Menschen: Wer gestreichelt wird, dessen Körper schüttet

Oxytocin aus - was wiederum ein Wohlgefühl bewirkt.

Verursacht erotischen Reizen an Brustwarzen/Vagina/Penis/Hoden


[Stefanie Kara]

Welchen Weg das Oxytocin einschlägt, sobald es per Spray in der Nase landet, wissen die Forscher noch nicht genau. Dem Botenstoff auf die Schliche zu kommen ist nicht einfach. Zumindest beim Menschen, bei dem sich viele Experimente verbieten. In Tierversuchen kann man Oxytocin-Moleküle mit radioaktiven Substanzen markieren und

so ihre Reise besser verfolgen.

Drei mögliche Routen von der Nase ins Hirn haben die Wissenschaftler ausgemacht:

Oxytocin könnte über den Riechnerv (Route 1) ins Gehirn vordringen

2, den Trigeminusnerv (Route 2), ein Hirnnerv, der bis in die Nase reicht. Beide Wege wären schon außergewöhnlich, es wird aber auch über die klassische Variante spekuliert:

3. könnte durch die Nasenschleimhaut in den Blutkreislauf (Route 3) gelangen und auf diesem Umweg ins Hirn. Dazu müsste er die Blut-Hirn-Schranke überwinden.

In jedem Fall muss das Nasenspray zunächst eine mechanische Engstelle passieren, die sogenannte Nasenklappe. Deshalb setzen einige Forscher inzwischen ein spezielles Sprühgerät ein, um den Wirkstoff tiefer in die Nase zu befördern.

Ob er sein Ziel erreicht? In einer viel zitierten Studie wurde gezeigt, dass der Spiegel eines Botenstoffs dieser Art in der Hirn-Rückenmarksflüssigkeit anstieg, wenn er gesprayt wurde. Grundsätzlich müssen Stoffe wie Oxytocin also auf irgendeinem Weg die Barrieren zwischen Nase und Hirn überwinden können. 


Phytologie: Gehemmt von Roter Paeonia


[Alize Timmerman]

Oxytocin one of the main remedies for panic attacks and for this child, toilet training became far less of an issue after the remedy. The rapid birth induced by synthetic oxytocin (Pitocin) may be an important indicator for its use where the child’s response is anxiety.

[Angela Hair]

The hormones of fertility and birth play an important role in fertility and releasing anxiety around sexuality and toileting. Oxytocin is related to self love, bonding with mate and child and a deep sense of happiness. Young women increase oxytocin through sharing with each other.

As homoeopaths we are often asked to help women with hormonal imbalances. Whether it is menstrual difficulties, infertility, birth and lactation problems, puberty issues - homoeopathic medicines have been found to be helpful.

So far many of our homoeopathic medicines for hormonal difficulties are drawn from the animal and plant remedies, such as Sepia, Lachesis, Cimicifuga and Pulsatilla.

What about the remedies from the human substances themselves - how can they be used to balance our hormonal disturbances? In the past 10 years or more Alize Timmerman, has opened up the wonder of C4 triturations to homoeopaths around the world. There are now at least 7 international triturating groups (New Zealand, California, New York, Norway and Europe). Each group is exploring the human substances, the Gifts of the Mother, as Alize calls these medicines, through grinding and scraping the chosen substance in the mortar and pestle. Like an iTune song downloaded onto an iPod, the substance manifests itself through the bodies and minds of the homoeopaths. At each level of trituration, the physical (C1), emotional (C2), mental (C3) and spiritual (C4) symptoms of the remedy are expressed. Lac Humanum, Oxytocin, Umbilical Cord, Placenta, Amniotic Fluid, Menstrual Blood are some of the Mother’s Gifts. Folliculinum LTNY (fermented Dioscorea), though from plant kingdom, triturated as an alternative to the synthetic estrogen remedy we currently have (Foll.).

These remedies are made from complex substances (Lac Humanum, Umbilical Cord, Placenta and and Menstrual Blood) combining hormones, minerals, opiates, specialised cells such as stem cells. Others are ‘purer’ forms of hormones. Traditionally hormones have been used in homoeopathy in an isopathic way to balance a specific hormone without an in depth knowledge of the substance itself. Through Alize’s work with the international triturating groups these hormones are taking their place as fully described homoeopathic medicines, that can be prescribed based on a complete picture. Oyxtocin is one such hormone. This hormone, released directly from the posterior pituitary gland, is well known for its role in inducing labour (= synthetic form Pitocin) and for its ability to influence our capacity for bonding.

A study published in Psychiatry (July 1999) has demonstrated that it plays an important role in successful interpersonal relationships. Dr Rebecca Turner, researcher director, reports ‘It seems that having this hormone “available” during positive (interpersonal) experiences, and not being depleted of it during negative experiences, is associated with well-being in relationships’. In addition the study showed that women who were currently in committed relationships experienced greater oxytocin increases in response to positive emotions than single women. The research suggests that ‘a close, regular relationship may influence the responsiveness of the hormone’, said Dr Turner.

Deficient oxytocin may be recognised through a lack of the ‘let down reflex’ in breastfeeding mothers, as it acts directly on the mammary glands. Sucking by the infant stimulates the production of oxytocin from the pituitary gland. The release of oxytocin before and during labour causes contractions to occur which can continue after birth in the form of ‘afterpains’. Plasma oxytocin is also released during sexual orgasm in both men and women, contributing to muscle contractibility to facilitate sperm and egg transport. Oxytocin also plays an important role in feelings of contentment, reduction in anxiety and feelings of calmness and security around the mate.

People given oxytocin displayed the ‘highest level of trust’ compared to the control group. It was reported to reduce fear and may have an important role in all social emotions including increasing generosity and empathy. It also has a role in reducing memory of averse tasks or experiences which may be why women soon forget the intensity of pain of their birthing experiences.

Indeed this love hormone is found to be in high levels in the body when we are in love and lower levels as we fall out of the love. Touch and socialisation increase the oxytocin levels in the body. When deficient in the body bonding with baby or with a partner becomes more difficult.

It is interesting that the action of oxytocin is mediated by oxytocin receptors, which are G-protein- coupled receptors requiring magnesium and cholesterol. Physiologically oxytocin may be deficient in the body that is deficient in optimum fats or magnesium, and when environmental toxins such as fluoride interfere with G-protein synthesis.

As homeopaths we can see the picture of Sepia emerge in women who are low in oxytocin; poor bonding with baby; indifference to husband with low sexual arousal;

feeling flat and irritable.

Note that when oxytocin is low, vasopressin is higher, resulting in increased aggression; retention of water in body tissues and increased blood pressure. Is there a role for this substance as a homoeopathic medicine and what situation would induce such a state?

Since attending Alize Timmerman’s Lake Tahoe and Auckland seminars I have prescribed Oxytocin to my patients. One child received the hormone because she was refusing to release her stools into he toilet. Her birth was induced and she had considerable anxiety around toileting. Timmerman describes Oxytocin as one of the main remedies for panic attacks and for this child, toileting became far less of an issue after the remedy. The rapid birth induced by synthetic oxytocin (Pitocin) may be an important indicator

for its use where the child’s response is anxiety.

Andrea's Story

Lack of bonding early in life resulting in anxiety is another situation where Oxytocin should be considered. Andrea is a twin, born after a difficult pregnancy. After the birth her mother was very sick with high blood pressure and high temperatures. The mother didn’t see the babies for 5-6 days because ‘she was too out of it.’ She was hallucinating on the drugs she was given in hospital. She was frightened and unable to talk, coming in and out of consciousness. This was followed by a long history of constipation, kidney infections, migraines and eventually a hysterectomy. Years of homoeopathic treatment have helped the mother come to a better state of wellness.

Meanwhile, it was not until Andrea was married and wanting to conceive that the Oxytocin story began to emerge.

I initially saw Andrea in 2006 for remedies to help after post-surgery for impacted wisdom teeth. She also had recurrent tonsillitis that went back to childhood, a history of endometriosis and cervical dysplasia. She had irregular periods and had had sharp menstrual pain which was better since the IUD Merina was removed. She was troubled by recurrent nightmares of being in plane and car crashes with her boyfriend. She woke terrified that she had lost her boyfriend and swum all night looking for him. In 2004 she had been involved in a car accident three weeks after abdominal surgery for endometriosis. After the accident she broke up with her boyfriend which had affected her deeply. She continued to be frightened of driving at night. The most recent bouts of tonsillitis had started after she broke up with her boyfriend. She was given Ignatia 1M which helped her emotional state, reduced her fear of driving and had no more crashing nightmares.

Despite this good improvement, the tonsils were removed the following year, and I didn't see her again until 2010 when she came for post-surgery support for an endometriosis operation. In the previous year she had had unsuccessful IVF and an ectopic pregnancy. She described her periods as painful, ‘as if something is ripped out of you’ and she feels drained. She and her husband had been trying to conceive for three years.

She made a good recovery after the operation with the support of Bel-p. 1M and Hyper. 1M. Three weeks later she was still suffering from the anesthetic and I gave Heloderma 1M followed by Foll. C12/41 2x daily for a week to balance the hormonal state.

Another three weeks on, she told me when she was born she was traumatised when pulled from the uterus. The night before she had dreamed that she had gone up stairs,

one flight after another, but there was no safety rail and her dog ran up to her then it fell, landing on its back. She was really upset in the dream, although the dog was OK,

as she looked upon the dog as her child.

She had had two periods, 18 days apart and felt drained, sick and sweaty, with excruciating ‘ripping’ pain, and they were preceded by a migraine. She had also noticed that she had been feeling low. Usually if she feels down she can do something and it will pick up her spirits but she had never had it like this before. ‘The feeling is there is nothing good, usually my dog will make me really happy but even that doesn’t work.’ she said. ‘It’s not normal for me. During the week I was taking Folliculinum I was feeling fine,

it is just in the past two weeks that I have been really irritable during the period. Nothing is making me feel good. I had an aversion to eating. I didn’t know what I wanted to eat.’

Andrea wanted to avoid seeing her pregnant sister and didn’t like to be reminded of her own infertility. Another friend had her 10 week scan and when walking in town six women had walked past her who were pregnant. Clearly Andrea found it very difficult to see other women pregnant although it is known that oxytocin levels in women increase when around other fertile women.

She had no further dreams of crashing but had a dream about being on the streets of Edinburgh with her husband. ‘Its magic, the history, the people, everything that makes me feel good when thinking about walking down the main street - those streets were in my dream’ she said.

Rx Oxytocin C40/4 1-2 drops 3x daily for 7 days.

I prescribed Oxytocin on the basis of her very low energy, aversion to other pregnant women, inability to feel good even when playing with the dog and her own history of being ‘ripped out of the uterus’ and unable to be nurtured by the mother in the first 6 days because of the mother’s illness.

Six weeks later Andrea comes in ‘feeling like rubbish’! She is 6 weeks pregnant, has nausea from thinking about food, and vomited from going out in the heat. She can tolerate eating fruit and juicy things. She is really tired, and is waking between 3-4 h.with lower back pain. She had a vivid happy dream of being in Venice with a friend, just travelling around. When she was taking the remedy her energy was better, bouncier and happier. It was about that time she conceived. ‘When it comes to that time of the month (to have intercourse) it has always felt like ‘oh my god’, but for some reason I felt we put all that behind and we were just normal again. I was happier and had more energy and then this happens.’ she said.

Rx Oxytocin C40/4 3 drops b.d for 7 days

Three weeks later the energy, sleep and back pain had improved but she was still feeling nauseous and had started vomiting every day, < morning/strong smells of cooking (anything being heated up).

Rx Colchicum 200C which helped with her nausea. Treatment is on-going.

The question always arises when reflecting on client histories, would she have become pregnant if Folliculinum had been repeated instead of giving Oxytocin. Folliculinum is known for fertility problems and I have no doubt it contributed to her overall fertility state, while also correcting suppression of hormones from the IUD Merina. However it was the love state of Oxytocin that was missing at the time she returned for her consultation; and it was Oxytocin that brought back the joy and sensuality in her sexual relationship, so often lost after years of ‘trying’ for a child. It was also Oxytocin that allowed her to feel excited for her sister that had just given birth instead of feeling consumed by jealousy and aversion.

In a low oxytocin state there are sleep disorders, addictions and panic attacks. Some women find when they are pregnant they bloom, feeling beautiful, alive, in love and ‘expectant’ of all the happiness that is to follow, only to find between pregnancies that they have go back into a ‘Sepia-like’ state. Oxytocin is very high in young girls and women and will bring a woman back to her feminine self - adornment, flirtation and joy.

From the trituration of Oxytocin we find this is a remedy about self -love and the awakening of the feminine. Everything is beautiful when you are in love with yourself, your partner and your baby. Andrea’s dreams at the time are particularly interesting - one of her dog(child) falling down the stairs and lost to her, while the other of happily walking around the streets of Edinburgh. In her subs-conscious she was able to connect with her Oxytocin side but in her conscious life ‘even the dog could not make her happy’.

Through socialisation with other young women oxytocin levels are boosted, and through spending time with pregnant and lactating women, infertile women become fertile if they can hold onto the hope of their own fertility.

Oxytocin as remedy has an important role to play in bringing women back to their essential feminine being, for procreation and love.


[Patricia Hatherly]

Oxytocin, a polypeptide hormone, was discovered in 1909 by Sir Henry Dale when he noted that an extract from the pituitary dorsal lobe caused contractions of the uterus in pregnant cats. A few years later he discovered that it, similarly, caused the alveoli in the breast to contract, thereby triggering the milk ejection reflex. We now know that it is mainly formed in two large groups of nerve cells in

the brain, called the supraoptic and paraventricular nuclei – both located in the hypothalamus. It can travel in the blood, where it acts as a hormone or, via the nerves, where it acts as a neurotransmitter.

It is also known to affect other nerve cells by diffusion, so has a paracrine effect3. Interestingly, recent research indicates that a precursor called nematocin, which underpins gustatory plasticity and mating behaviour, has existed in nematodes (which, although tiny, are snake-like in configuration) since before the rise of vertebrates,4 so it seems to be a factor associated with reproduction, and therefore Evolution, from the earliest of times.

And what exactly is its role?

All mammals require oxytocin for all aspects of sexual maturation, courtship, pair-bonding, pregnancy, birth and breastfeeding; and research5-8 shows that oxytocin induces not only maternal behaviours such as breastfeeding and bonding, but also trust, cognition, social behaviour and positive emotions. These higher order brain functions are only found in mammals and they allow humans, who enjoy primary position in the mammalian kingdom, to step beyond the lower rungs of Maslow’s Hierarchy and strive to ultimately attain self-realisation (a quest so beautifully expressed in The Organon by Hahnemann in §9).

Additionally, and more importantly, oxytocin also regulates the immune system and autonomic nervous system (ANS)9-11 which controls the internal organs and other key involuntary body functions.

The restoration of physiologic balance by reducing activity in the flight-or-flight (sympathetic nervous system branch of the ANS), occurs because oxytocin is also released during times of stress. That is,

it governs homeostasis; the disruption of which we homeopaths recognise, leads to functional disturbance that may lead to pathological change. (So, the fact that the healing professions [which all focus

on promoting homeostasis], have universally taken as a symbol, the Staff of Asclepius with the snake as its talisman, is in light of this discussion, most intriguing.)

Specifically, oxytocin is the direct antagonist to the hormones epinephrine (adrenaline) and norepinephrine (noradrenaline), and it reduces levels of stress by reducing activity in the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal pathway. Other stress hormones (which we associate with fight/flight…more the province of the reptilian brain which focuses entirely on survival) are the medium-term stress response hormones, which include corticotrophin releasing hormone (CRH), adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH), beta-endorphins, and cortisol; all also kept in check by oxytocin. It does this by increasing activity in the parasympathetic nervous system (PNS) branch of the ANS, which slows the heart, reduces blood pressure and energy expenditure, and promotes rest, digestion, and affiliation, resulting in a “calm and connection” effect.

How does oxytocin function in the body?

In order for oxytocin to function effectively in the individual, its receptors need to be primed. The pattern is possibly set at conception which takes place during heterosexual conjugation under the influence of oxytocin; but is, as we know from research, primarily orchestrated during birth and lactation. During the birthing process when a good head position initiates the Ferguson Reflex (as the specialised nerves that detect stretch in the lower vagina and cervix are stimulated), a signal is sent to the labouring woman’s brain, triggering an outpouring of oxytocin, which further increases contractions; and foetal descent further stimulates these nerves, thereby making birth a relatively efficient process.

This positive feedback cycle, (another Ouroboros-like loop) may have a neuro-protective role for the foetal brain during labour by protecting against hypoxia, and elevates oxytocin levels in the mother, and these persist into the early postpartum period. Specifically, the oxytocin, which builds in the mother during labour makes her more maternal and allows her to bond with her baby. It also opens up the peripheral blood vessels on her chest so that the baby is kept warm during skin-to-skin time while he searches for the nipple. The added benefit of this getting-to-know-you time as the baby wriggles around on the mother’s abdomen is the minimising of the risk of post-partum haemorrhage due to the continued oxytocin spikes that occur as a result of the close contact, and the colonisation of the baby’s oral mucosa with maternal bacteria, thereby paving the way for an optimal microbiome.

We know from animal studies that synthetic oxytocin, which is used in a medicalised birth, crosses the blood brain barrier; and, due to continuous streaming via an IV-line, is known to lead to receptor desensitisation in the uterus. Since a drug-free physiologic birth is no longer the norm in this modern world of ours, it is not surprising therefore, that recent media reports sharing research undertaken by way of a questionnaire claim that “most mums (specifically 60%) do not feel an instant bond with their newborns.” Such a disconnect is the province of the reptilian mother who reproduces and then abandons her young to fend for themselves (survival of the fittest), and is completely at odds with what should prevail as the consequence of the physiologic birth of a mammal.

So, while the initial priming (or not, in the case of a medicalised birth) of oxytocin receptors occurs during labour, it is reassuring to know that extended breastfeeding up-regulates oxytocin as it’s the oestrogens in the milk that induce the transcription of both oxytocin and its receptors, and these play a pivotal role in transforming the epigenetic experiences associated with the primal period into permanent changes in the anatomy and physiology of the developing brain and central nervous system.14-15

Therefore, since being breastfed is known to influence an individual’s DNA, (expressed as the double helix spiral with its molecular structure looking very like two serpents intertwined), it gives us another intriguing association with the serpent. Additionally, because the predominant hormone (oxytocin) is also serpent-like in its configuration, human milk becomes the first homeopathic prescription (remember, like cures like and that it’s Eve, representing ‘universal woman’, who has the ability to crush the serpent’s head. (Genesis 3:15)). Therefore, it allows me to assert that Lac humanum, because it is a sarcode rich in oxytocin, is “the universal remedy”; capable of putting to rights the negative legacy that occurs when the primal period is less than optimal, such that life can then be enjoyed from a perspective of individuality and self-determination sought after in an altruistic way.

It is intriguing that the grand keynote of: “alternating symptoms” moving L, R, L, (or vice versa), is common in several Lacs, especially including lac-m and lac-h. Apart from the fact that it conjures up the undulating image of the serpent in motion, it is on a superficial level, possibly a reflection of the Doctrine of Signatures whereby nurslings tend to change sides in order to have a full feed. On a deeper level, however, it is more likely associated with the moderation of the expression of the double helix in our DNA that occurs under the influence of oxytocin. And, it is not for nothing that the mammary glands which define us as mammals are in the human situated in the heart chakra, known as the chakra of love.


[Andreas Krüger]

Oxytocin ist ein im Gehirn produziertes Hormon, das unter anderem eine wichtige Bedeutung beim Geburtsprozess hat, bei dem es die Gebärmutter dazu bringt, sich zusammen zu ziehen und damit die Wehen auslöst. Zudem stimuliert Oxytocin die Brustdrüsen zur Abgabe von Milch. Oxytocin ist dafür da, dass wir uns letztendlich

ent-binden“ – es ist bemerkenswert, wie die deutsche Sprache Dinge metaphorisch erklärt – andererseits dient es auch der Bindung dadurch, dass es unser Stillhormon

ist. Aber wenn wir gestillt werden, sind wir ja schon Entbundene. Man weiß aus Untersuchungen, dass Kinder, die sehr lange gestillt werden von Müttern, die die Bindung möglichst lange aufrecht erhalten möchten – ich kenne das ein bisschen aus meiner Waldorf-Erfahrung „Abstillen vor Einschulung“ – später große Schwierigkeiten haben,

sich in Liebesbeziehungen zu binden, weil ihr Beziehungsplatz noch durch die Mutter besetzt ist. Sie hat sie zwar physisch entbunden, aber dann durch das lange Stillen an

sich gebunden. Man sollte wissen, dass Menschen, die sehr lange gestillt wurden und Schwierigkeiten haben, sich auf Bindungen außerhalb der Mutterbindung einzulassen, Oxytocin ein wichtiges Mittel ist.

Und wie kommt man auf Oxytocin?

Mein Lehrer Jürgen Becker hat gesagt: Ein Homöopath muss keine Mittel suchen, er muss warten, dass das Mittel ihn findet. Wenn jemand zu einem kommt, dann ist seine Seele zutiefst kontaktbereit und diese Seele wird teilweise wörtlich auf das Mittel hinweisen. Der Homöopath muss lauschen nicht suchen. Wenn er fragt, wann die Beschwerden angefangen haben und der Patient sagt: „von Geburt an“ oder „von meiner ersten Lebenswoche“ dann Oxytocin. Auch bei Wochenbettdepressionen, wo es

auch um Bindung oder Nicht-Bindung geht. In der prozessorientierten Homöopathie sollte man immer nach dem Thema gucken, das der Mensch hat. Oxytocin ist das Mittel für das Thema Bindung – zu viel und zu wenig. In der Homöopathie haben die Mittel ja meistens beide Pole. Es gibt den Hypotonpol, wo es zu dem Thema zu wenig gibt

und den Hypertonpol, wo es zu viel gibt. Meistens bedingen sich die Pole.

Im Schamanismus gibt es das Cort-cutting. Dabei stellt sich der Schamane vor, dass viele Bänder aus dem Patienten herausgehen -meist aus dem Nabel, was ja wieder zu

der Entbindung passt- und mit diesen Bändern ist er mit früheren Traumata verbunden. Der Patient stößt diese Bänder aus und der Schamane packt sie, zieht sie heraus und schneidet sie ab. Das Cort-cutting ist im Engel-Wolf-Schamanismus bei uns eines der zentralen Methoden, denn erst wenn jemand von solchen Bändern wirklich frei ist,

kann man therapeutisch mit ihm darüber arbeiten, was er selbst ist.

Oxytocin kann also solche Bänder lösen?

Ja und andererseits ist Oxytocin ein Mittel für Menschen, die aus einer tiefen Bindungsschwäche heraus Bindungen überhaupt nicht zulassen. Ich hatte Frauen in meiner Praxis, die meinten, es sei gesünder, ein Mal im Jahr abzutreiben als zu verhüten. Aber wenn ich mehrmals im Jahr abtreibe, dann muss mit mir, mit dem Thema Bindung

etwas nicht stimmen. Wenn ich aktiv verhüte, dann entscheide ich mich gegen eine Bindung. Aber wenn ich lieber abtreibe, entscheide ich mich für eine Bindung, die ich

dann doch nicht eingehe.

Es gibt ein Buch „Oxytocin in der Praxis – die endlose Suche nach Mutterliebe“ von Danièle Joulin und Deborah Collins. Sie beschreiben einen Fall von einer Frau, die

15x abgetrieben hatte. Als sie einen schweren Zahnabszess bekam, haben die Homöopathen anhand dieses Wissens über die vielen Abtreibungen, die ein Hinweis auf eine Bindungsproblematik sein konnte, Oxytocin in einer Potenz von 10.000 gegeben und der Zahnabszess verschwand innerhalb von 24 Stunden. Wann immer wir Menschen haben, die ein Bindungsproblem haben -entweder zu viel verbunden sind oder sich nie binden konnten- immer an Oxytocin denken.

Haben Sie eigene persönliche Erfahrungen?

Wir kennen alle das Gefühl, vor vollen Tellern zu verhungern. Viele können sich nicht mit der Reichhaltigkeit verbinden. Ich bin ja ein Didaktiker des Lobes: Ich lobe Menschen gerne und gucke gerne von der richtigen Richtung. Ich glaube, dass Wertschätzung Wunder vollbringt. Normalerweise funktioniert das, aber bei den Oxytocin-Patienten funktioniert es nicht, weil sie eine chronische Bindungsschwäche haben. Ich gebe Menschen, die nicht in der Lage sind, sich mit dem positiven Dingen des Lebens

zu verbinden, Oxytocin als homöopathisches Mittel. Und dann kann ich ihnen ihre persönlichen Fähigkeiten spiegeln, zu denen sie davor keinen Zugang hatten. Ich bin ja als Doppel-Krebs der perfekte Spiegel – Mond live, silbrig spiegelndes Mondlicht. Menschen mit einer Oxytocin-Störung sind entweder überbunden durch die mütterliche Energie, die nicht loslässt oder haben keinen Bindungskontakt aufgebaut. Ich hatte mal eine Patientin, deren Mutter ihr nie gesagt hat, dass sie sie liebt und sie konnte dadurch auch nicht selbst sagen, dass sie jemanden liebt. Wenn jemand zu ihr sagte, dass er sie liebt, hörte sie es, aber sie konnte es nicht spüren.

Welche Ihrer Schüler haben es leicht, gute Heilpraktiker zu werden und welche haben es schwer?

Es gibt Schüler, die ich begeistern konnte und deren Eigenschaften ich unterstützen konnte – die, die es mir geglaubt haben, stehen heute auf der Bühne. Das, was ich ihnen gesagt hatte, kam an. Er war in Verbindung. Und es gab andere, bei denen kam es nicht an. Meine erfolgreichen Schüler haben die Fähigkeit, mir zu glauben, was ich glaube. Glauben verlangt Bindung. Ohne Bindung kein Glauben.. Deswegen ist Oxytotin ein wichtiges Mittel, um uns zu glauben und denen zu glauben, die an uns glauben.



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