Fagus silvatica (Fagu) = Buchen/= Beech Fagus sylvatica purpurea = Blutbuche BB.


= Lyss.-ähnlich;

Verzehr von Bucheckern: Kopfschmerz, Zittern/Krämpfe/Angst vor Flüssiges + Speichel-FLUß/ Schwellung im Mund;

Vergiftung: Angst zu trinken/Speichelfluss;

Positiv: Geheimnis/Klarheit/Ordnung/Strenge, Vollbringt Unmögliches/beeinflusst Umgebung günstig, handelt intuitiv/ Besorgt um anderer Wohlergehen;

Negativ: Rätselhaft, intolerant/verständnislos für anderer Fehler, unbescheiden/kritisch/ einsam/ isoliert, hochmütig/nörgelig/intolerant, steife Körperhaltung, Galle/Leber/Nerven;

Ursache: Unverarbeitete Traumata;  


Verbunden mit der Ewigkeit

Heute ist die Buche mit rund 10 Arten in den gemäßigten Klimazonen N.-Europas der vorherrschende Laubbaum und fast überall vertreten.

Der elefantengraue Baum kann bis 40 m hoch werden und dominiert durch die breite, gewölbte Krone.

Vermittelt das Gefühl der Ewigkeit. Ihre Kräfte und Schwingungen eignen sich für die, die vor lauter Taten ihr Lebensziel aus den Augen verloren haben und für solche, die zu

viele Gedanken im Kopf haben.

Zugang zu mütterlicher Stärke und Geborgenheit finden und vermittelt Kraft gepaart mit Grazie. Das Selbstvertrauen, also das Vertrauen in uns selbst und auf unsere Fähigkeiten

wird gestärkt, so dass der Weg zur Selbstverwirklichung zielstrebig beschritten werden kann.

Leitsatz: Gibt Selbstvertrauen und hilft bei der Selbstverwirklichung.


Repertorium:                                                                                  [  ]

Gemüt: Angst (vor dem Einschlafen/Arzneimittel/Menschensammlung/Schlangen)

> Bewegung/verlangt zu Fliehen/unterwegs zu sein

Delirium/Betäubung (nachts)


Enttäuscht (Mutter)

Gedanken nicht klar/verwirrt/Konzentration schwierig/zerstreut

Gleichgültig (< vormittags) + vergesslich

Furcht (Wasser/flieht aus Umstände)


Stimmung abweisend/“Wie abgewiesen“



Unruhe innerlich/rastlos

Unruhe innerlich/rastlos

Unzufrieden (Selbst/Äußerlich)

Verwirrt geistig/Traurig/Torpor/Stumpf/vergesslich/planlos

Wahn „Wie betrunken“/“Wie im Traum“/"Wie durch den Wind"/“Als ob auf Balken balancierend“

Weint (+ Schmerz)

Widersprüche in sich selbst

Wildheit/Tollwut, Hydrophobie


Schwindel betäubt ganze Nacht

Kopf:  Schmerz

Schwindel im Allgemeinen

Ohr: Jucken äußeren Gehörgang (l.) Bohren mit dem Finger < Juckreiz

Nase: Geruchsempfindlich (Säuerliches/+ Ekel)/verstopft am Morgen/“Wie erkältet“

verstopft aufwachend/Nasenbluten nach Erwachen „Wie bei Hausstauballergie“/Schleimabsonderung/Schnupfen

Gesicht: Rote Punkte „Wie kleine Mückenstiche“ (r.)/trockene Haut

Mund: Schwellung/schäumender Speichel/Risse Mundwinkel (r.)/Schmerz Mund öffnend,  < essend Scharfes/Saures/Heißes/trinkend/Lippen trocken

Hals äußerlich: Geschwollene Lymphknoten unter Kinn, Druckschmerz r. unter Kinn

Dicke Lymphknoten (l.)

Hals innerlich: Tonsillen/Rachenschleimhaut  geschwollen (Als ob“)/“Wie entzündet“, Schmerz schluckend/“Wie Kloß im Hals“/Schleim zäh/Schmerz

Schlucken schwierig/schmerzfrei/“Wie eng“

Magen: Appetit  (launisch/zwiespältig)/ Übel (kurz nach dem Aufstehen/im Rachen/> Essen/ „Als ob vom Unterleib nach oben aufsteigt“)/“Als on erbrechen muss“

Lust auf essen, Entscheidung zwischen Süßem und Herzhaftem fällt oft schwer

„Als ob Loch im Magen"/Aufstoßen

unerträglicher Durst + fehlendem Verlangen nach Getränke

Bauchschmerz, zusammenziehend/stechen, Krämpfe, > Essen

Jucken in Leistengegend, .l./öfters am Tag

Rektum: Schmerz beim Stuhlgang, „Als ob was zerreißen würde“, Haut am After eingerissen

Stuhl: Säuerlicher Geruch

Blase: schmerz in Blasengegend erstr Genital krampfend, nicht > Wärmflasche/Eisbeutel  Schmerz dauert ca. 4½  Stunden/wälze mich im Bett/jammere, möchte im Bett allein sein, schlafe gegen 5.h. ein

Urin: Sediment:  wolkig/feuerrot nachts

Weibliche Genitalien: Schmerz im Vaginalbereich, krampfend/stechend, ziehend nach innen, weine vor Schmerz, nach 1½ Stunde ist Schmerz in einer kurzen Ausklangphase plötzlich verschwunden

Unangenehmes Gefühl im Genitalbereich, Schmerz verstärkt sich mit Krämpfen im

Atmung: Druckempfinden in Bronchien, „Wie bei Bronchitis“

Brust: Brüste schmerzhaft geschwollen, brennender ziehender Schmerz, empfindlich (ca. 16. Zyklustag), früher schon bei Brustwachstum aufgetreten

stechende, sich ausbreitende Schmerzen in Brüsten, wenn von außen angefasst, vom Druckpunkt in alle Richtungen

Rücken: Rücken-/Gliederschmerz: Ähnlich wie bei Grippe, v.a. vom Kreuzbein über vorderen Oberschenkel ziehend, Last auf Fuß ruhend L. Schulter schmerzt für 1½  Stunde, „Wie nach Tragen einer schweren Tasche, „Als ob Last (Steinplatte)darauf ruht“/“Als ob sich jemand mit den Händen draufstützt“/“Wie dickem Buckel“

Glieder: schmerz (+ fröstelt/zittern/> Hitze/Wadenkrampf f(nachts/> massieren) /Muskelkater gehend (l./> Bewegung/< sitzen))/Hand + Unterarm l. o. r. „Wie kalt“/“Wie eingeschlafen“/Beine wackeln herum, Drang zur Bewegung

Schlaf: Mehrmaliges kurzzeitiges Aufwachen in der Nacht

Traum: Sex/Penis/schwul/Scham/Rotarmisten/Terroristin (Aktionen im und unter Wasser/Morden/ "hohe Leute"/Flucht vor Gefangennahme)/Sinnloses/Ausgelacht// Radfahren/Abgrund/Fest/Party/frührer Flamm/Mörder/Vater/Sport, amerikanische Comedysendung, Fliege/Kämpfe

Frost: Frösteln am ganzen Körper vorm Schlafengehen, „Wie Fieber“/"in Decke gekuschelt und eingeschlafen/allg. frösteln, Kälte empfindlicher tagsüber/gleich nach Aufstehen,

tagsüber/nachts/mit Krämpfen im Unterbauch/im Bett

Fieber mit brennendem Haut + epileptische Anfälle

Haut: Trocken

Allgemeines: Zittern äußerlich/Schwäche/Bewegung braucht höhere Kraftaufwand/krank, matt

Speisen und Getränke: Verlangt: Süßes/Choc./Coff./Obst/Yoghurt;

nach Rausch

Konvulsionen (epileptisch)


[Peter Alex]

Mind: relaxed and feeling good/very relaxed and well off/feeling well and strong

full of energy and activity during

unusual lot of energy and good mood

Feel extremely well before going to sleep (like it was as a child).

Feel very well despite all the symptoms, feel clearer, and clean inside

desire to do something, against my habit no desire to read, listen to funky music

vivid and abrupt movements when I talk

gestures with the hands when talking

much more movements, as if wound up

voice: louder, stronger

talks enthusiastically about music

Behave very strong in front of a patient who is stealing my time. Don´t want to be taken advantage of.

During weekend my father tries to persuade me to treat several people in his village while I´m there. But I stress that my practice is in Bonn and they should go there, if they want to talk to me.

talking a lot about work and doing something great in homeopathy

wife asks, whether this remedy could make you manic

felt very much in my centre, did my own thing, very clear.

very busy day, but with a good mood (unusual)

feel very factual, but warm, open and clear

proving fades: the enlivening energy ceases

the remedy brought me a strong and clear energy, which definitely was not my own. It felt like "boroughed" energy. When it left (after 4.12.) I almost fell ill, and it took a few days to recover to my state before the proving. Felt as if I had to repay the energy.

open, funny, good mood, working a lot with no pressure of time, emotionally open

very irritable in discussions, about trifles; but not complicated, clear, rational, sometimes sarcastic; emotional distance; seems sad, but very concentrated in work

very tired this morning, wants to stay in bed

extremely tired, would like to go to bed

feel introverted and thoughtfull

feels stiff, don´t really wake up

in the morning: slow and dull, thoughtful

Strong wish for cleanliness and order. Paint the kitchen.

very calm in a lot of stress, not as sarcastic as I use to be; but still feel disgust against this life in a hospital, the hardness, the secretions, the doctors, the nurses, the torture of the patients. Wish to just go away. at the same time I do my work better than usually.

very irritable when waking (noises)

See everything and other people from a different perspective. No problem to talk about feelings

Contact with people much better/easier in contact with people

> in company

feels as if I had to do something, to go somewhere

in evening: harder than before, easier hurt und hurting, more distance, withdrawn

in the evening feeling a bit distanced, alone, easily hurt

extremely forgetful, far away in thoughts; but not tired and mentally keen; irritable and talking little

easily hurt, feeling guilty, withdrawn

Dreams: * in a homeop. seminar, leader is irritated. On a staircase a lady, coming too late, says: "Every break is a disturbance." meaning, every break in moving < pain in abdomen

* a woman is in labour with her 3rd child. I (the prover is midwife as profession!) ask her to go to hospital, since child is in breech presentation. There walking through long winding floors.

After leaving hospital looking back, I see water coming out of the windows and think: Oh, now the amniotic sac has burst.

* dream: in Africa with my girl-friend, want to meet her husband. Walking confusedly around the main station. Getting back to our luggage two white joungsters are just stealing it. I run towards them and beat them. They want to take us to our things, but I suspect this to be a trap.

* dream: familiy meeting. Hugging my sister and my sister-in law I find both pregnant. My sister-in law seems to be happy, even though it´s her 6th child.

* of a children´s game with colours and forms having cosmological implications

slept like a stone, very stiff after rising, dull feeling in forehead during morning

* with daughter and someone else in a desert, looking at a state of hornets, which is exposed there, hanging on sticks, to show people, that hornets are not dangerous. Next to this we see a transport belt, which moves cooked scampi, but at a closer look they are hornets, a delicatess in that country

* in a room with many homoepaths from all different schools. Klaus Kinsky (german actor) comes in on horseback and goes to next room to copy. I ask the people to go outside and play Boule

* repeated: Together with friend, two of them getting some illegal money, while the rest of the group seperates from them, especially me. I don´t want anything criminal. I just watch from the distance what happens to them: They fight about the money and cheat each other until they shoot each other. I see this from near and the shots just miss me. Disgust and sadness

* sitting in a summerhouse in my parents’ village, which is used only by men. The men drink their beers whereas I drink water. I tell my father, we have to go, since mother wants to go to town. He: I cannot jump anytime she calls. There are more important things than to squander around town. I´m bored by the fat old men and suggest playing cards, which they approve of. I lose every game, but don´t mind. One of them is angry with me, since I cannot play properly. Remind my father again of my mother´s wish, but all men shout at me, that I always take the women´s position and shouldn´t take these things so serious. I don´t say anything. See my mother and my sister coming. They have dressed up nicely and go to town alone. My father gets angry about this. Then I leave the place to go to sleep. In front of the house I see a friend of my father´s lying drunk and vomiting heavily (red stuff). Vomits all over his new red coat. I go home.

* Adventures with an elder man with little hair. Ends near the house of my parents. My father is reading something to do with my journey with this old man. We have ice-skates and go around my fathers sofa, which now stands in the middle of the ice. I start to weep, while the old man run very near to me, giving comforting physical contact on my back. My father just says I shouldn´t behave like a weakling, but this does not impress me and I go on weeping. Leaving the old man give his camera with pictures of our journey to me

* (with erection): of my first love, I sit in a chair, she comes and we start to caress us. She wants more, but I don´t.

* a mother cares for her child jealously

* I sit in nice company and say (as a joke): "If you don´t have a desert, take your right neighbour." Everybody laughs a lot and praise my knowledge of English sayings. I am amused, but don´t mention, that I invented the sentence.

* I am a child. My father puts fire to our house, I think to get rid of my mother. I panic and run to call the firemen. Concentrate on their number 112, while running and FEAR, they will be too late or not at all because they don´t care. Then I come back to the house and find that the fire is over. They have put it there to remove one of the walls. I´m very relieved.

* unusal: I´m a kind of sergeant of the army and order my boys, send them on watch. I enjoy my clarity, decidedness and fairness. It´s a mood of strong male understanding, clear, strong and fair. (very unusual for me)

comm.: The dream of being in the army (clear, fair, strong, male, ordering) gives the best impression of the general feeling with this remedy.

* Kid have removed all dust-bins in the neighbourhood and put wood into the exhaust of one BMW, which explodes therefore (the exhaust). I feel a kind of satisfaction about this.

Generals: extremely cold during morning, esp. feet, > hot shower

very tired during afternoon

extremely tired, have to force myself to stay awake

feels like having not slept afterwards

slept well until 4 h., didn´t sleep after that or only superficially

all > after shower

Very heavy feeling. Weak inside.

Tiredness > in open air

don´t get tired, when going by train or sitting in lectures

warmer than before, warm feet

change of temperature sensations

physically remarkable was the changing sensation of temperature, as if my whole system of warmth-regulation was upset, combined with rheumatic pains in different joints, which unfortunately stayed long after the proving.

Head: toothache and earache gone, while heaviness and tiredness of eyes comes again

morning: tension on scalp, from forehead to back of head

steady pressure in forehead

light tension in forehead

dull feeling in head all the time; feeling like a ribbon from forehead to back of head

Eyes: sclera less yellow than usual

dryness of eyes, have to rub often, but no redness

feel heavy and as if deep in head with rings

strong pain in both orbitals extending like a board 1 inch thick back through the skull to the back of the head, light pain in ears as well and in molars upper rights side ext. jaws

in the morning pain and dryness in eyes

heavy and tired during whole day

lid feel heavy, red

Mouth: drawing sensation on different teeth, changing

teeth: crowns on right side of mouth had been sensitive to cold, now stopped

Face: after rising until noon: feeling of warmth on the face

Find that there are a few pustules on my upper lip

Throat: pain in throat at left tonsil

pain in throat at right tonsil, no pain on left

pain on tonsils, nose blocked

Stomach: little nausea, when waking up, > breakfast

pressure before breakfast until afternoon, strong in afternoon, then gone

despite pain in abdomen very good appetite

can eat but little, feel satiated quickly

strong desire for black tea during proving, which I usually drink, but not 1½ liter per day, like now

Abdomen: flatulence during whole day, no pain

griping pain in abdomen, < pressure, ext. from left to right, after eating red cabbage

eat a meal of potatoes and red cabbage afterwards => enormous flatulence

abdominal pain stops during car drive; feel very well

have to remove belt which >

strong smelling flatulence during evening, but > pain in abdomen

I can eat but little bits and feel totally full afterwards with an unpleasantly thick abdomen.

> after stool

feels bloated, loosing weight

Urinary Organs: more desire to urinate, with little urine, can feel prostate gl. and bladder

Back: feeling “As if sacrum would break walking”

Pressure on lower coccyx during whole day; < sitting, only > sitting very erect;

wake up with stiffness of lower back; > motion

stiffness in back again, < stooping

Find that there are a few pustules on lower back

Chest: fast heartbeat probably due to some black-tea

Limbs: Pain under right shoulderblade, stinging, < moving

drawing pain on left shoulder and left knee

feeling “As if right leg would go to sleep”, drawing and tickling feeling on the inner side of the upper leg, ext. to heel

but stiffness of muscles in shoulder-, hip-, foot-, hand-articulation of right side

shoulder and hip joints right side pain during whole day

dull pain around right knee

knee cracks when squatting

when going to bed: feet cold and damp

Cold feet during whole day, ext. calves, > warm socks


Vergleich: Enthält Fagin (= Cicutoxin-ähnlich) + K + liebt Ca; Epiph. (= Orobanche virginiana/= beech drops/= Cancer Root).

Carb-v. + Kreos. (= hergestellt aus Fagu außer w). Pix fagi.

Comparison. Tilia cordata with Fagus

Siehe: Fagales + Baumgruppe + Nussgruppe + Schriftgruppe + Anhang (Claudia Swinghammer)


Wirkung: BB            nervös/hydrophobisch                      

Allerlei: N.Halbrund    Gebraucht zu Runen herstellen, Fomes fomentarius (Zunderschwam) wächst auf Fagu, Begleitet von Viol-o, Primulaceae/Anemone-h/Pulmoo/Vinc, gefolgt von: Rubu-i, braucht am

Stamm/Wurzel Lichtschutz von eigene Blätter und vertreibt damit alle andere Großbäumen,

Eckern werden zum Öl pressen gebraucht (40% Fettanteil)

Für Dübel/Werkzeug/Schwellen gebraucht

Lauge aus Asche reinigt wie Seife.

Tod /Saturn                vergesellt von Asper.

Nach Rauschen horchen als Orakel. gebraucht


Phytologie: Sammeln: Rinde/Früchten 2: 3 jährig/ (Aug: Okt)

Asche mit Hyper.Öl für Wunden/Geschwüren


Rinde is adstringierend/fieber-/entzündungshemmend

Junge Blätter ist Leber-/Galle fördernd

Umschlag aus Blätter für Entzündung (Gerstenkörner)Aufguss aus Blätter bei Windpocken/Dermatitis/offene Beinen



Vorwort/Suchen                                Zeichen/Abkürzungen                                   Impressum