Lac suis o. suillinum = Schweinemilch - Pig´s milk 


Vergleich: Enthält: Solids 9.5,  Fat 8.2, Eiweiß 5.8,  Lactose 4.8, Ash 0.63;

Comparison. Lacs

Siehe: Lacs allgemein

Ars. + Abs + Porcus nutzen Luft nicht richtig. das Flüßige wird nicht genug belüftet/Organen unterversorgt + WOHLbefinden ist da¡


Kind: An uncommon to rare and serious form of epilepsy in infants. The syndrome is age-related, generally occurring between the 3rd and the 12th month, generally

manifesting around the 5th month;

Negativ: Herrschsüchtig + destruktiv/Haut unheilsam/

cruelty, violence and brutality. syphilitic. The basic feeling is being abused, misused, outcast, unjustly condemned, or being abandoned. Many provers reacted with

severe anger and hatred.

“A horrible remedy” “A child is raped” “I am very upset” “Never again” – Deceit and treachery with hatred. Discovery of treasures and jewelry (like Fluor).

hyperventilation and tetany: fainting, vertigo with falling backward or forward, numbness of hands and twisting the fingers. Acute sense of smell, loathing of toilet smells.

“As if the face was pressed flat”.

Gemüt: mürrisch, Stimmungsschwankungen

Körper: Schielen, starker Geruch nach Abwasser und Schweinestall, Stuhl stinkt bestialisch, starke Verstopfung. Abneigung gegen Milch, Verlangt Unverdaulichem

Themes in the Remedy

    * Alertness

    * Drug-like effect - not being able to distinguish

    * between themselves and the space around them           

    * Forsaken feeling

    * Feeling dirty

    * Cold, fearful, nervous palpitations

    * Slowness and being behind

  * no desire to do anything

    * Hurried

Physical Symptoms

    * Vertigo with fainting and hyperventilation

    * Vertigo, floating, speech difficulties


Provings of Lac suis or Lac suilinum           

Two provings by Stefan Kohlrausch and Kees Dam: Both provings showed features of cruelty, violence and brutality. Kohlrausch describes the remedy as highly syphilitic. The basic feeling is being abused, misused, outcast, unjustly condemned or being abandoned. Many provers reacted with severe anger and hatred.

In Dam’s proving one could see – apart from the general milk themes – symptoms like hyperventilation and tetany: fainting, vertigo with falling backward or forward, numbness of hands and twisting the fingers.

Smell acute, loathing of toilet smells. As if the face was pressed flat.

3rd proving by Zeising and Neuhoefer: a chaotic plethora of dreams, and some of these confirm the proving of Kohlrausch: “A horrible remedy” “A child is raped”

“I am very upset” “Never again” - Deceit and treachery with hatred.

Another theme was the discovery of treasures and jewelry (like Fluor).


Apart from the great help that the child and mother derived from the remedy, the case can show us several other things:

    Themes and stages can be very useful to find a good remedy. They were the indications for the remedy in this case, and the repertory would have failed to show it.

    The stage or miasm differentiates the particular remedy from a group of similar remedies.

Jan Scholten discovered this system of finding remedies in 1994 and published it in 1996. He understood how the structure of the periodic table could be applied in homeopathy as series and stages.

Rajan Sankaran applied the same idea to plant remedies and developed a kind of “periodic table for plants”, which he published in 2002. He used the themes of a botanical family in the same manner as the theme of a series and then differentiated by miasm or stage. The present lac suilinum case suggests that this system may be used also for animal remedies. The natural zoological family of mammals furnishes the group theme, and the stages can be used to differentiate one from the other. We have arranged

the milk remedies accordingly. The remedy was chosen from this table.


“An uncommon to rare and serious form of epilepsy in infants. The syndrome is age-related, generally occurring between the 3rd and the 12th month, generally manifesting around the fifth month.

There are various causes (“polyetiology”). The syndrome is often caused by an organic brain dysfunction whose origins may be prenatal, perinatal (caused during birth) or postnatal. Compared with other forms of epilepsy, West syndrome is difficult to treat. To raise the chance of successful treatment and keep down the risk of longer-lasting effects, it is very important that the condition is diagnosed as early as possible and that treatment begins straight away. However, there is no guarantee that therapy will work even in this case.”


[Otmar Neuhöfer/Sylvia Zeising/van Dam]

Hyperventilation and tetany: fainting, vertigo with falling back- or forward, hands numb/twisting fingers. Acute sense of smell (loathing of toilet smell).

“As if face pressed flat”.

Alle fühlen sich schmutzig/müssen sich waschen

„Wie Rausch“


Wirkung: syphillitisch


Allerlei: Sau lebt mit Bächlingen in Gruppen           

In Christian and many other traditions, pigs are considered unclean symbols of lust, greed, and gluttony. The pig, which wallows in the mud, symbolizes the complete enjoyment of almost all the sins of the flesh including sloth, selfishness, ignorance, and the above mentioned lust, greed, and gluttony. Far from being remorseful over

these sins, the symbolic pig indulges an insatiable appetite for them. He enjoys the mud he is covered with and instead of wasting away, grows sleek with sin.

It is a symbol of sensuality, the prosperity of the wicked, and the Devil.

Around the world, pigs were associated with and sacrificed to fertility, mother, underworld, and agriculture gods and goddesses such as Isis, Demeter, Tiamat, Mars, and Phaea. In parts of the New World, pigs were believed capable of bringing rain, and consequently, fertility to the land. The European corn spirit had the appearance of a

pig as did the Celtic Cerridwen or “Old White Sow.” Pork was eaten in otherworldly places by visitors and by the gods. The infant, Zeus, was nursed by a pig.

In Tibet, the “Diamond” or “Adamantine Sow” was revered as Vajtavarahi, the Queen of Heaven.

In Ancient Egypt, the sky-goddess, Nut, was depicted as a sow suckling or swallowing her piglets which are the sun and the stars. According to their beliefs, Nut would swallow the stars every morning and vomit them into the sky every evening. She would also swallow her piglet, the sun, every evening and spit him out in the morning.

In this way, the sun and the stars were reborn each day before beginning their journeys across the sky. In honour of Nut, Ancient Egyptians wore pig amulets.

Another pig was thought to follow the evil god of darkness, Set, brother and murderer of Osiris. Black pigs were sacred to Set and thought to be malevolent. Early Egyptians kept, sacrificed, and occasionally ate pigs even though they considered them unclean enough to cause leprosy.

After its birth the piglet has to take care of itself - break its own umbilical cord and get warm and dry, because the mother pig is somewhat of a passive parent. The father is absent, and when he tries to get near the piglets he is chased away. Male pigs live solitarily.



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