Manganum muriaticum (Mang-m)


Thema: Versorgung; Lösung: Erziehen (lernen);

Negativ: Versorgung mit Nachsicht ohne Anerkennung gibt böses Blut. Druck Mutter helfen zu müssen. Schmerzen Knöcheln und Knochen;


Manganum muriaticum

Gemüt: Angst (durch Erwartungsspannung)/Furcht (vor Wasser/allein zu sein/seinen Zustand wird bemerkt/vor drohender Gefahr/vor Geisteskrankheit/etwas werde geschehen/vor dem Tod/vor Unfällen/vor Versagen, Misserfolg)



macht Fehler (sprechend)

Gleichgültig, Apathie




Reizbar, gereizt (wenn angesprochen/durch Kleinigkeiten/während Musik/sprechend)

Schüchtern, zaghaft

Traurig (< Musik)

Wahnideen [vergrößert (Kopf)]

Schwindel: im Allgemeinen

Blickend nach unten

< Bücken/> Wärme

Kopf: Schmerz mit Frösteln/Schmerz seitlich (bohrend)

Ohr: im Allgemeinen

Schmerz bei Wind

Magen: Aufstoßen

Durst < während Fieber

Schmerz [< Auftreten/< Druck/drückend)

Bauch: Rumoren, Kollern

Spannung in Hypochondrien

Rektum: Prolaps bei Durchfall

Weibliche Genitalien: Menopause

Menses - fehlend/zu früh/zu kurz/zu spät/spärlich/wässrig

Nach der Schwangerschaft 

Kehlkopf und Trachea: Stimme - heiser, Heiserkeit

Brust: Schmerz in Mammae < vor Menses/Schwellung in Mammae < vor Menses


Glieder: Schmerz - rheumatisch/in Daumen (Gelenke)/in Füße (drückend)/in Knie (nach unten drückend/Wehtun)/in Knöchel (tagsüber/drückend/ziehend/reißend/rheumatisch)/in Oberschenkel (< Sitzen/ziehend)/in Schultern l.

Schwäche in Knöchel/in Oberschenkel nach Sitzen

Spannung in Knöchel

Schlaf: Einschlafen - schwierig


Träume: Erfolglose Anstrengungen/Erniedrigung/verwundet zu werden von einem Schuß/Ertrinken/Gefahr/von Kindern/Krankheit/Meer/Mutter/Soldaten/Unfälle/Wasser/Wellen

Haut: Jucken < Schweiß

Allgemeines: l./17 h./nachmittags (13 - 18 h) - 17 h/vor Mitternacht - 23 h


< im Freien/< kalte Luft/< Zimmerluft

< vor/während/nach Menses

Schmerz in Knochen

Speise und Getränke: Abgeneigt: Fleisch/Tomaten; <: Eiscreme/kalte Speisen/Tomaten;     Verlangt: Grapefruit/Mehlspeisen, Teigwaren/Salz/Tomaten;

< Berührung/>/< Meer/< nasskaltes Wetter/< nebliges Wetter/windiges und stürmisches Wetter

Veränderung der Temperatur



Vergleich: Arn. Cars. Rhus-t. Ruta.

Siehe: Manganum + Chlor + Manganum Vergleich     


[TF Allen]

Vertigo: and reeling while walking in the open air, especially on looking down or descending, also on stooping; this lasted two hours, with unsteadiness in walking. Foot Note plus There had been no change in the manner of living or other conditions; this vertigo I had experienced several times daily during the cholera, eight years before, and regularly if I crossed any water, a river or ditch; in the succeeding years these attacks had very much diminished; as far as I can remember it had been a long time since I had experienced anything of the kind. LEMBKE.

Head: Boring pain in the cranial bones of the right side (after 30 drops). Tearing in the right side of the occipital bone.

Face: Pressive pain in the right articulation of the lower jaw.

Stomach: Eructations of air (soon); (immediately after 5 drops). (Pains in the stomach).

Foot note. These pains in the stomach I experienced, without any apparent cause, in the autumn, twenty years previous; next year they returned, at time suddenly, and always very violently, with flowing

of cold sweat from the whole body, cold skin, sunken face, excessive weakness, abdomen distended, and most violent pains in it, without nausea, and at times with diarrhoea, that afforded on relief; such attacks always lasted several hours, and always passed off without any medicine; during ten to twenty years, the attacks were much milder than formerly, returned several times yearly; always lasted several hours, and always occurred without any known cause; this time on medicine was taken on the day when the pain occurred (but a dose had been taken two days before.-T. F. A.); otherwise it would have been natural to ascribe the affection to the drug. – LEMBKE. Pressure in the stomach, < external pressure, lasting half an hour. Severe dull pressure in the stomach (half an hour after five drops).

Abdomen: Rumbling in the abdomen frequently repeated (soon).

Stool: harder and more scanty than usual (first and second days after 20 drops).

Extremities:       Violent pain in the anterior portion of the left shoulder- joint, increased by pressure, rolling the arm about its axis, and by any motion of the arm; this lasted all day. Drawing-pressing pain in the right hand. Pain in the articulation of the left thumb.

Drawing pain, with a weary feeling, in the right thigh, while sitting (after 30 drops). Pain on the inner side of the right knee (two days after 20 drops). Drawing and pressure in the right knee, extending into the lower leg, while sitting, towards evening. Violent drawing pain in the inner side of the right knee. Pressure in the right knee, extending into the leg; a bruised sensation remains in the ankle; afterwards the same pain in the left ankle. Pressive pain in the right knee (after 30 drops). Drawing and pressure in the lower portion of the right calf, extending down into the ankle, with a feeling as if it would be forced asunder; the same pain in the left ankle, though less severe; while sitting (after 30 drops). Tension in the right ankle and bones of the foot, several times (after 20 drops). Pulling sensation in the left ankle-joint and bones. Pressure and drawing in the ankles and ankle-bones, several times during the day (after 10 days). Pressure and a jerking sensation in the left ankle. Pressure on the outer side of the right ankle, while walking. Frequent tearings in the left ankle-bones. Pressure in the left foot (after 20 drops). (A frequently repeated, sudden, very violent tearing and sticking, on the inner side of the left foot, between the inner malleolus and heel, while walking and sitting).



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