Neptunium Element


Neptunium                                    Magie                                                Erforschen


Vergleich: Nept-m. Siehe: Stadium 3 + Periode 7

Neptune Grass = Posidonia oceanica/= Mediterranean tapeweed/= marinen, submersen Wasserpflanzen Alismatales Quelle:


Allerlei: Nept-m = Künstliches hergestelltes Element named after the planet Neptune discovered after Uranus.

Affinity for liver/skeletal system/adrenal glands. Eliminated mainly through the urinary system. Toxicity: liver with rapid fatty degeneration. On the radiopathological level, osteosarcomas have been observed, as might be supposed by neptunium’s tropism for bone tissue, as well as soft tissue (liver/kidney).


Neptunium: (actinoid = star shaped) – also synthetic; radioactive; used in detection instruments; lodges in the bones = bone cancer; lasts for millions of years but decays

into plutonium; unstable; Neptune is the roman God of the sea = safe voyage – Poseidon is the Greek equivalent but Neptune was never considered as powerful as Poseidon; Poseidon’s son was Pegasus and there is a strong connection with horses – Poseidon means “husband” which means “fertility” and Poseidon lusted after his own sister and shape shifted into a stallion to recapture her; Poseidon was brother to Zeus; Neptune also God of earthquakes so expect shaking, crashing and crumbling as part of the decaying process; huge affinity to water and land, the 3 tridents = seas, rivers, earth; most pronounced pathology is cancer of the bones, liver and adrenal glands

Planet Neptune: H + He + Methan, has no solid surface. Because of its distance from the sun, the diurnal temperature is very low: 190°C.

Poseidon (greek)/Neptune (roman): god of the seas/his emblem = a trident holding in r. hand. Neptune (sea)/Jupiter (heaven)/Pluto (underworld), sons of Saturn, deposed  of their father with the help of their mother, Rhea. His principal wife was Amphitrite, daughter of Ocean. Metamorphosed into a ram/horse/bird/bull/dolphin/a river.

Neptune ruled over all waters/spring/streams/rivers/Mediterranean/the Black Sea/ocean that was supposed to surround the Earth/traveled in his chariot on top of the golden waves/silence followed the noise of the waves/peaceful serenity followed the passage of the wheels. He was a god who pacified; he calmed storms and floods, he came to the aid of ships run aground on reefs or sandbanks. “stable” Often follows his name." He controlled the island of Delos to protect the birth of Apollo/conversely could also cause terrible storms and make sailors and ships disappear/considered the god of the raging seas rather than of calm waters, could unleash tornados and hurricanes on earth, a mixture of water and wind invading space and taking everything in their path. Earthquakes, quakes being linked, according to the ancients, to the storms of the seas on which the continents lay. (Tsunami!)

The period of Neptune’s discovery corresponded chronologically with the emergence of revolutionary movements that shook Europe, These movements inspired and led by middle-class intellectuals (poets/writers/philosophers/artists) therefore described as "romantic revolutions." Moved by the misery of the workers that the industrial revolution had uprooted from the countryside, they denounced the exploitation of man by man, and dreamed of a society based on the abolition of classes and the equal sharing of riches. In 1848 Karl Marx’s Communist Manifesto appeared, basis of a doctrine which would be important till today.

 If the industrial revolution could be summed up in a picture, it might be that of smoke rising from a chimney (factory/locomotive/steam engine).

The middle of the 19th century corresponds with the exploration of the last unexplored regions, and the conquest of vast colonial empires by the European powers, (France/England). In 1848 slavery was abolished in French dominions.

Victoria’s accession to the throne in 1837, which began the long reign of the queen whose legendary strictness is a reflection of the prudishness and doubtful devotion

which covered Europe and North America for almost half a century?

Many sacrifices/renunciations/frustrations in the name of a dogma often misapplied and stripped of meaning? The 2nd part of the 19th century also corresponds with the emergence of an authentic mysticism (Saint Theresa of Lisieux/Bernadette Soubirous)/as spiritism, theosophy, etc. Tb.: many mystics died as consumptives/consumptives became mystics? A number of writers/poets smoked hashish, consumed as a type of preserve (Baudelaire’s Les Paradis artificiels)/in medicine, 1840s first surgical anesthesia: first with nitrous oxide = Lachgas. (1843)/ether. (1846)/chloroform. (1st general anesthesia in 1847).

First of all the experience of denial of self as a separate individual that Neptune symbolizes (Pisces) in astrology, with all the consequences that stem from this.

The subject who is sensitive to this planet has the ability to see through the veil which separates individuals from each other. In fact, these people are always hypersensitive

to the presence of others and to the atmosphere around them. This hypersensitivity may lead to clairvoyant or mystic states, always beyond the control of the subject.

In practice, we observe that behind any sacrificial behavior hides a guilt that is either related to a wrongdoing that is almost always imaginary, unconscious, or inherited

from an ancestor. Adam and Eve were chased from paradise because they ate the forbidden fruit or a fear of abandonment related to the absence, inability or non-recognition by one of the parents.

Pisces symbolizes the invisible fluid from which everything came and into which everything will be reabsorbed at the time of the end (Weltenozean)/ichtyos (= fish. in Greek) first Christians used to draw a fish as a sign of recognition. Erosion of limits and differences, dissolution, fusion, communion, compassion, sharing sacrifice, fault, sin, guilt, redemption, savior, salvation appearance and disappearance (whether of people, objects, phenomena, sensations), ebb and flow, coming close and drawing away, currents

exile, deportation, abandonment, isolation, trial faraway, enchanting, paradisiacal countries (like the islands in the Atlantic or the Pacific), or else dry, desolate lands

(such as deserts); holy places miracles, grace, ecstasy, bliss, the sacred, the wonderful, the supernatural intuition, clairvoyance, mediumship the ideal, inaccessible, or unrealizable character of a person or thing adoration, secret, platonic, or sublimated love illusion, mirage, trickery, treason, disillusion, deception, bitterness, disgust

hypocrisy, dishonesty, deceit, cheating, scandal confusion, error, forgetfulness, loss of markers and identity, inebriation, folly, psychosis (in particular schizophrenia)

the ocean, the sea, salt, the spring, the stream, the river, fish, fishing

gases, smoke, vapor, fog, sailing

wine, alcohol, drugs, anesthetics

music, photography, diving, etc.


[Eileen Naumann]


Vitamins: Panthothenic acid and laetrile (vitamin B-17).

Neptune is an important planet to consider in a medical evaluation of the natal chart. The planet has a propensity to be everywhere yet nowhere: now you see it; now you don't. It is diffused, translucent and difficult to pin down or pinpoint. For these reasons it is important to see if the planet is centrally figured in the aspects of a natal chart. If it is, there may be initial misdiagnosis of the medical problem, misinformation about the diagnosis, masked symptoms not pointing directly to the root problem or misread lab or test results. A prominent Neptune may also indicate a potentially drug-sensitive individual., one who should be given a lower than average dosage of any medication. Whereas Mars implies strength, virility, tone and energy, Neptune signifies the opposite. An undefined sense of tiredness or lethargy may be Neptune-based in many cases.

In addition, Neptune can mean weakness and atony (flabby muscle tone).



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