Neptunium muriaticum (Nept-m)


Chlor                                    Gruppe/Familie                        Loslassen

Neptunium                        Magie                                                Erforschen


With atomic number 93, neptunium is found between uranium (92), the last of the natural elements, and plutonium (94) on the Periodic Table. Like its two closest neighbors,

it belongs to the actinide series, so named because of the chemical affinity with actinium (89).

First of the artificially produced elements, neptunium starts the series of the 11 transuranic elements, all radioactive, heavy metals. How neptunium was discovered is of interest as, in a way, it already bears the remedy’s imprint.

1) History

The work of Frédéric Joliot and Irène Curie (the son-in-law and daughter of Marie Curie) at the beginning of the 1930s showed the probable existence of elements higher

than uranium. Various groups of atomic physicists started searching for the hypothetical "ekarhenium," the name of the element above which the new atom should logically

be placed in the Periodic Table. Thus, in 1934, in Rome, Enrico Fermi and Emilio Segrè announced the discovery of the first transuranic element obtained by the bombardment of a uranium nucleus using a source of thermal neutrons (slowed by water). However, to the great displeasure of its creators, the chemical and radioactive characteristics of

the new element were difficult to interpret, as they were incompatible with and contradicted those theoretically expected. It was only in 1938 that Otto Hahn, Fritz Strassmann and Lise Meitner (from Berlin and Stockholm) published the results of their work on the discovery of the Italians. The bombardment of a uranium nucleus by neutrons, instead of giving birth to a new heavier element, had caused a uranium isotope1, uranium 235, found in very low quantities (0.72%) in natural uranium, to split into two unequal fragments. Thus, the first nuclear fission in history took place without its authors’ knowledge. However, as early as 1934, another German physicist,

Ida Noddack, intuitively understood Fermi and Segrè’s misconception, but had not been able to establish proof as she did not have the necessary equipment to carry out the experiment herself.

The start of the Second World War put an end to the collaboration between laboratories and sounded the death knell for nuclear research in Europe. The quest for transuranic elements resumed in the United States at the University of Berkeley, California. Aided by a new particle accelerator, E.M. McMillan and P.H. Abelson continued Otto Hahn’s work and they in turn noted that by adding a neutron to the nucleus of uranium 238, the latter disappeared in the space of a few hours. In the spring of 1940, they demonstrated that uranium 238 first develops into another isotope, uranium 239, with a very brief radioactive period (23.5 minutes), before transmuting into a new element that they called neptunium 3, from the name of the planet Neptune discovered after Uranus.

In the years that followed, twelve other neptunium isotopes (229 Np to 241 Np) were isolated, among them isotope 237, discovered in 1942 by A.J. Wahl and G.T. Seaborg,

remarkable because of its radioactive half-life of 2.14 million years. It is this isotope, by far the most common, which was used for the proving.

Certainly, it is calculated that there are 483 grams of neptunium remaining in a ton of irradiated uranium in a reactor at the end of three years, which does not seem like much

compared to 7.6 kg of plutonium. But if we consider the length of its radioactive half-life, storage of neptunium will pose some long-term problems as it will continue to radiate long after all the other alpha emitters have disappeared. Because of this length, the radioactivity of neptunium 237 is weak: 0.69 mC/g (millicuries per gram). By contrast, 1,420 gm of neptunium 237 are needed to reach the level of radioactivity provided by only one gram of radium 226. If we compare it to plutonium 239, it is 90x

less radioactive, but its half-life is 90 times longer.

In its metallic form, neptunium has a silver color, as do most of the transuranics. It oxidizes slowly in the air, particularly as the temperature and the humidity levels increase.

With a density of 20.5 gm per cm3, it reaches its melting point at 637°C. It is cold soluble in hydrochloric acid, hot soluble in Sulf-ac. and does not react with Nit-ac.

3) Metabolism and Toxicity The metabolism of neptunium shows a particular tropism for the liver and the skeletal system, as well as the adrenal glands to which it seems to permanently fix itself. It is eliminated mainly through the urinary system. Neptunium’s toxicity in research animals and a fortiori in humans in cases of accidental ingestion, must be viewed from both a chemical and a radiopathological perspective; the low level of radioactivity gives the chemical toxicity time to express itself. On this latter level, the liver is the organ most affected with a rapid fatty degeneration. On the radiopathological level, osteosarcomas have been observed, as might be supposed by neptunium’s tropism for bone tissue, as well as soft tissue (liver and kidney). Contrary to plutonium, neptunium has never been the subject of a toxicological study in humans.

4) Preparation Used

The preparation used to produce the various dilutions used in the proving was created in a French nuclear physics laboratory on September 10, 1996 by a radiation chemist

and myself (Didier Lustig). The stock solution was contained in a test tube bearing the label NpCl (for neptunium chloride). This was stored with other radioactive products

in a large safe made up of multiple drawers, inside a room with secure access. I was told that the solution in question was from a French source and was of "medium concentration" as regards the proportion of neptunium and hydrochloric acid.

We withdrew 0.15 cm3 of this solution and poured it into a vial containing 14.85 cm3 of deionized osmosed water supplied by the homeopathic laboratory that was to make up the doses. After capping the vial, we succussed it 100x, thus obtaining the 1st centesimal potency. We then kept 0.15 cm3 of this first potency, emptied the contents from the vial, and again filled it with 14.85 cm3 purified water to which we added the 0.15 cm3 we had kept, then we performed the next 100 succussions to obtain the 2nd centesimal potency. We continued the procedure with one vial up to the 6th centesimal potency. It was part of this last potency (0.05 cm3) that was sent to the homeopathic laboratory to be made into the subsequent potencies used in the proving.


Neptune is the second to last planet in our solar system, both by its distance from the sun (4.497 billion km, that is 30 x the distance from the Earth to the Sun) as by the relatively recent date of its discovery. It is one of the 3 planets invisible to the naked eye along with Uranus and Pluto, between which it orbits. It was first observed on September 23, 1846 by the German astronomer Galle, thus confirming calculations made by Le Verrier to whom credit for the planet’s discovery is often given. It was photographed for the first time in 1989 by the Voyager II probe, which made it possible for the whole world to admire its superb blue color. The only contrast is a white spot in the southern hemisphere whose shape and size are continually changing and which conjures up images of sea foam. The presence of this spot leads us to believe that violent gaseous currents are constantly streaming through the upper layer of Neptune’s atmosphere. Composed solely of hydrogen, helium, and methane, Neptune, like Jupiter, Saturn, and Uranus, has no solid surface. Because of its distance from the sun, the diurnal temperature is very low: – 190° C. The blue planet is the last of the giant planets: its size (equatorial radius) is slightly less than that of Uranus, but almost three times smaller than that of Jupiter.

It takes 164.79 Earth years for it to complete one revolution around the sun and rotates on its self every 15 hours and 48 minutes.


Called Poseidon by the Greeks, then Neptune by the Romans, the god of the seas is easily recognizable by his emblem, a trident which he holds in his right hand. The Ancients relate that Neptune and his brothers Jupiter and Pluto, sons of Saturn, deposed their father using a subterfuge developed with the help of their mother, Rhea. They then divided the world between themselves: Jupiter chose the heavens, Pluto the underworld, and Neptune the sea, and they kept the earth to share. Thus Neptune was more often found in Olympus than in his fabulous palace at the bottom of the ocean. Although his principal wife was Amphitrite, daughter of Ocean, the poets have described his numerous liaisons with goddesses and mortals, which is why he is described as the most fickle of the gods. To achieve his ends, he did not hesitate to metamorphose into a ram, a horse, a bird, a bull, a dolphin, or even a river. Neptune ruled over the seas -the Mediterranean and the Black Sea- as well as the ocean that was supposed to surround the Earth. As described by Edith Hamilton in Mythology: when he travelled in his chariot on top

of the golden waves, silence followed the noise of the waves and a peaceful serenity followed the passage of the wheels. He was a god who pacified; he calmed storms and floods, he came to the aid of ships run aground on reefs or sandbanks. Often his name is accompanied by the qualifier "stable." He controlled the island of Delos to protect the birth of Apollo. But conversely, Neptune could also cause terrible storms and make sailors and ships disappear. He was a fearsome god. He was considered the god of the raging seas rather than of calm waters, according to Louis Séchan and Pierre Lévêque. Some texts show that he could also unleash tornados and hurricanes on earth, a mixture of water and wind invading space and taking everything in their path. In fact, Neptune reigned over all the waters, from the primordial ocean where the gods themselves were born, to fresh waters, spring, streams, and rivers.

Thus the Festivals of Neptune, the Neptunalia, were celebrated on July 23, during hot weather, when nature is at its thirstiest.

Finally, Neptune is the god of earthquakes, the quakes being linked, according to the ancients, to the storms of the seas on which the continents lay. He is the one who shakes the world, who lifts the earth and makes everything on its surface crash and crumble. Consistent with the water symbolism, he had the power to make things fertile. In his Critias, Plato describes Poseidon as the principal god of Atlantis, the legendary continent overwhelmed by the sea. He had the power "to make two springs of water gush forth from the ground, one hot, the other cold, and to make grow food-producing crops of all kinds, in abundance."

Edith Hamilton concludes her article by affirming that the trident is the lance with which Neptune can create and disperse currents at will. Each point of the trident seems to evoke one of the domains of Neptune’s empire: the sea, the rivers, and the earth.


Astrologers feel that the discovery of each of the three new planets -Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto- coincided with a group of events that could be considered to be a revolution on the political, social, moral, cultural, and technological levels, because of the profound and durable impression on the evolution of humanity. In fact, the period of Neptune’s discovery corresponded chronologically with the emergence of revolutionary movements that shook


Europe, especially France (fall of Louis-Philippe and the proclamation of the Second Republic), but also Italy, Germany, Austria and Hungary, Russia, etc.

These movements were often inspired and led by middle-class intellectuals, among whom were poets, writers, philosophers, and artists, which is why these events were

often described as "romantic revolutions." Moved by the misery of the workers that the industrial revolution had uprooted from the countryside, they denounced the exploitation of man by man, and dreamed of a society based on the abolition of classes and the equal sharing of riches. Thus in 1848 Karl Marx’s Communist Manifesto appeared, basis of a doctrine which would be important for nearly a century and a half. If the industrial revolution could be summed up in a picture, it might be that of

smoke rising from a chimney: a chimney on a factory, a locomotive, or a steam engine. The middle of the 19th century also corresponds with the exploration of the last unexplored regions, and the conquest of vast colonial empires by the European powers (France and England).

Note that it was in 1848 that slavery was abolished in French dominions. Is it not strange that these vast territories, whose attractions drew so many of our ancestors overseas, were able to escape from their new masters within the space of a few years barely a century later?

How can we not think of Victoria’s accession to the throne in 1837, which began the long reign of the queen whose legendary strictness is a reflection of the prudishness and

doubtful devotion which covered Europe and North America for almost half a century? How many sacrifices, renunciations, and frustrations in the name of a dogma often misapplied and stripped of meaning? For all that, the second part of the 19th century also corresponds with the emergence of an authentic mysticism, illustrated by Saint Theresa of Lisieux or Bernadette Soubirous, as well as the emergence of currents such as spiritism, theosophy, etc. We cannot, however, completely understand the spirit of the time if we do not appreciate the specter of tuberculosis: how many mystics died as consumptives, and how many consumptives became mystics? On a different note, a number of writers and poets tasted the delights of hashish, then consumed as a type of preserve, as witnessed by Baudelaire’s “Les Paradisartificiels. Finally, in medicine, the 1840s correspond with the first surgical anesthesia: 1. nitrous oxide (1843), 2. ether (1846) and chloroform (first general anesthesia in 1847).

What common factor links all these various facts? Essentially the search for the undifferentiated primordial state from which all creation sprung, including the gods themselves - we know today, that at the beginning the Earth was entirely covered by water and that little by little a single continent emerged, named Pangea (etymologically: the whole earth). In fact, whether it is

a question of the abolition of the social classes, the equal sharing of riches, the exploration of faraway lands, a quest for the sacred or the invisible, we find this search for paradise lost (cf. the myth of Atlantis), for that golden age when there was no consciousness of being separated from the creator or other creatures.

Undoubtedly, this consciousness is at the beginning of all suffering, and in this we can see the idea of original psora. Drug use (cannabis) and generally any behavior that

seeks to escape objective reality goes back to this fusional state - with God for some, with the rest of humanity, with the rest of the universe for others.

Therefore, it is first of all the experience of denial of self as a separate individual that Neptune symbolizes in astrology, with all the consequences that stem from this.

On the psychic level, it is the main factor in intuition: it is as if the subject who is sensitive to this planet has the ability to see through the veil which separates individuals from each other. In fact, these people are always hypersensitive to the presence of others and to the atmosphere around them. This hypersensitivity may lead to clairvoyant or mystic states, always beyond the control of the subject. Often there is an attraction for "too good to be true" situations, having more to do with fantasy than with reality.

Then comes the moment of disillusion and the reactivation of the first suffering and the bitter observation that paradise -or as close as we can come to it- is not of this world.

If Neptune symbolizes the sacred (and not strictly speaking the divine), it is easy to understand how it indicates the sacrifice, literally "that which makes sacred." The sacrifice is the process by which the self, or ego, seeks, often unconsciously, to be reabsorbed in primordial love and to disappear as a separate individual. In practice, we observe that behind any sacrificial behavior hides a guilt that is either related to a wrongdoing that is almost always imaginary, unconscious, or inherited from an ancestor -Adam and Eve were chased from paradise because they ate the forbidden fruit- or a fear of abandonment related to the absence, inability, or non-recognition by one of the parents.

It is easy to understand what led astrologers to give Neptune a special affinity for the Sign of Pisces.

Last of the twelve signs of the zodiac, it symbolizes the invisible fluid from which everything came and into which everything will be reabsorbed at the time of the end.

We cannot help to observe the many similarities which link this sign to Christianity in general, and Christ in particular: the one who was called ichtyos (fish in Greek) by

the first Christians, who used to draw a fish in the sand as a sign of recognition. The Age of Pisces started two thousand years ago during this period with the entrance

of the vernal point into the constellation of the same name.

To conclude, here are some of the ideas presented in the form of key words, designed to illustrate the planet’s symbolism as well as that of the sign. They will make it easier

to understand the many paths that Neptune is likely to take to manifest itself in consciousness: erosion of limits and differences, dissolution, fusion, communion, compassion, sharing sacrifice, fault, sin, guilt, redemption, savior, salvation appearance and disappearance (whether of people, objects, phenomena, sensations), ebb and flow, coming close and drawing away, currents exile, deportation, abandonment, isolation, trial faraway, enchanting, paradisiacal countries (like the islands in the Atlantic or the Pacific), or else dry, desolate lands (such as deserts); holy places miracles, grace, ecstasy, bliss, the sacred, the wonderful, the supernatural intuition, clairvoyance, mediumship the ideal, inaccessible, or unrealizable character of a person or thing adoration, secret, platonic, or sublimated love illusion, mirage, trickery, treason, disillusion, deception, bitterness, disgust hypocrisy, dishonesty, deceit, cheating, scandal confusion, error, forgetfulness, loss of markers and identity, inebriation, folly, psychosis (in particular schizophrenia) the ocean, the sea, salt, the spring, the stream, the river, fish, fishing gases, smoke, vapor, fog, sailing wine, alcohol, drugs, anesthetics, music, photography, diving, etc.


Repertorium:                                                                                     [Didier Lustig]

Neptunium muriaticum

Gemüt: verlangt Aktivität/verlangt geistige Anstrengung

Brütet, grübelt

Empfindlich (gegen Berührung)


macht Fehler [bei der Arbeit/sprechend [Worte (stellt sie an die falsche Stelle)]/i.B. auf die Zeit]

Froh (morgens/erwachend)


Gesellschaft abgeneigt

Gleichgültig, Apathie (gegenüber Arbeit)
Kichern/Lachen (anhaltend/“Wie betrunken“/über Kleinigkeit/leicht)/lustig, fröhlich (nachmittags)

Redselig, geschwätzig („Wie betrunken“)

Reizbar, gereizt [durch (geringsten) Widerspruch]

Seelenruhe, Gelassen

Singen (morgens/erwachend)

ist immer zu spät

Stimmung, Laune - angenehm

Traurig (abends/grundlos)


Wahnideen (sei betrunken)


Zorn (wird leicht, schnell zornig)


Schwindel: Vormittags (9 - 12 h)


Und übel

Kopf: Schmerz <(<(<( viele )>)>)>

 Zusammenschnürung „Wie Band o. Reifen“

Auge: Verklebt

r. Lid gelähmt

Schmerz [r./nachts (brennend)/(fein) stechend]


Gerstenkörner l. Auge

Sehen: graue Schleier/weiß vor den Augen - grau - Schleier

Nebelig - abends/Auto fahrend

Trübsichtig, trübes Sehen r./ # klarem Sehen

Ohr: Absonderung r.

Geräusche im Ohr, Ohrgeräusche „Wie das Platzen einer Luftblase“

Schmerz [l./stechend/morgens/nachmittags/im Gehörgang]

„Wie verstopft“ r.

“Wie Wasser“ im Ohr

Gesicht: Hautausschläge - beidseitig symmetrisch/Akne/Pickel [Kinn/Stirn (rot/schmerzhaft)/in Augenbrauengegend)/an Schläfen

Mit Zahnschmerz (brennend)

Wangen r.

Geschwollen Ober-/Unterlippe/Wangen

Nase: Schmerz [brennend „Wie durch Pfeffer“/in Nasenflügel (brennend/> Reiben/wund schmerzend)]

Mund: Aphthen innere Seite Ober-/Unter

Eingedellte Zunge

Hautausschläge - Pickel an Gaumen/auf Zunge seitlich

Prickeln, Kribbeln in Gaumen (+ Durst)

Trocken mit Durst

Geschmack etwas salzig/süßlich

Zähne: Prämolare

Magen: Appetit vermehrt + Übelkeit

Aufstoßen (morgens/nachmittags nach dem Essen/< nach Essen)

Durst - nachmittags/< vor/nach Frühstück/auf große Mengen/mit Bauchschmerz/unstillbar

Schmerz [> essend (krampfartig)/lanzinierend]

Schweregefühl < nach Essen

Sodbrennen - nachmittags/nachts um Mitternacht/< nach Essen

Übelkeit mehrere

Bauch: Aufgetrieben (abends/< nach Essen/> Flatusabgang)

Flatulenz (abends/< nach Essen)

Hitze - morgens/vormittags

Hitze + Durst/in Nabelgegend/seitlich (l.)

Rumoren, Kollern

Schmerz < vor Frühstück/in Hypochondrien r. [(langes) Sitzen (stechend)]/in Leber (stechend/r. Leberlappen)/Leistengegend (< Gehen/stechend)/in Nabel (lanzinierend/abends/krampfartig + Durst)/seitlich [brennend/drückend (+ Hitze)/unter den Rippen]

Rektum: Flatus abends

Obstipation (weicher Stuhl/ungenügend)

Weibliche Genitalien: Fluor braun (< während Menses)

Menses - spärlich (ersten 3 Tage)

Schmerz [< Kälte (drückend)/< während Menses (drückend/windend, drehend)/< Wärme (drückend)/in Ovarien (l./erstr. rechts)/Uterus (< Beugen/nach Koitus/< während Menses)]

Trocken Vagina

Sexverlangen fehlend/vermindert

Husten: „Wie durch Staub“

Brust: Zusammenschnürung < tief atmend/“Wie durch eine Rüstung“/unterer Teil

Beklemmung < tief atmend/unterer Teil

Schmerz [+ Schwäche/schneidend/stechend/erstr. Rücken/erstr. über die Brust/falsche Rippen r./untere Rippen r./zwischen den Rippen/seitlich r./Zwischenrippengegend (neuralgisch)

Rücken: Schmerz [drückend/< Liegen/> Geradestrecken des Rückens/< nach vorne gebeugt Sitzen/Dorsalregion erstr. Handballen/unter den Schulterblätter (l./stechend/

< Kopf drehen/< Sitzen)/in Zervikalregion [greifend, packend/Nacken (zusammenziehend)]

Schwäche > liegend

Spannung in Zervikalregion/Steifheit in Zervikalregion bei Kopfschmerz

Zittern in Zervikalregion

Glieder: Ameisenlaufen in Zehen

Bewegung unwillkürlich in Kniescheibe

Gefühllos, taub mehrere

Jucken in Handgelenke Innerseite

Kalt und heißes Gesicht/und heißes Körper

Knacken in Gelenken - Knie (l./< Bewegung)

Krämpfe mehrere

Pulsieren im Gesäß

Schmerz [l./< Sitzen/stechend/in Beine (< Gehen/stechend)/Ischiasnerv (r./< Gehen/< Stehen/> Sitzen)/in Gesäß (reißend)/in Hände (< Greifen von etwas)/in Handballen (Wehtun/< Greifen von etwas)/in (l.) Handgelenk/Hüfte/Knie(stechend/> Bewegung/> Reiben)/in Zehen (< Bewegung/krampfartig

Zittern in Beine „Wie durch alkoholische Getränke“

Schlaf: Erwacht nach Mitternacht 3 h - 4 h.

Schlaflos durch Bauchbeschwerden

Schläfrig [abends (18 h)/< Fahren im Wagen/plötzlich]

Träume: Angenehm/Decke, Zimmerdecke stürzt ein/Dunkelheit/Dusche (Gerät)/erotisch (Koitus mit 2 Frauen/Ehemann fällt ins Wasser/zu fallen, zu stürzen zuversichtlich, ohne Angst/rohes Fleisch/Flughäfen/Flugzeuge (in einem Flugzeug zu sein)/Flüsse/Treffen von Freunden/Gärten/Tempel bricht zusammen/Geburt im Wasser/Gefühl von Gefahr fehlt/Gehen auf Stelzen/Geld/Gemüse/Gleichgewichtsstörung/glücklicher Ausgang, Happyend/spirituelle Gruppen/Haus stürzt ein/Hochzeit/Jugendliche, Heranwachsende/von Kindern (entführt, gekidnappt/in Gefahr/spielenden/gehen verloren)/Kirchen/Leitern hinauf zu klettern/von einer Kommune/schöne Landschaften/von licht/Make-up/Menschenmengen/hohe große Möbel brechen zusammen, stürzen ein/Obst/Pflanzen, Vegetation/Picknicks/religiös/Ringe/zu steigen und zu sinken/Strände/Strom (Gewässer)/Dinge zu teilen/Tochter/Vater/verfolgt zu werden (von Mördern)Wasser (darin schwimmend/darin watend)/ist zuversichtlich und bestimmt/Zwillinge

Frost: Abends (18 - 22 h) - 21 h



Haut: Hautausschläge - symmetrisch

Allgemeines: l.

Körperliche Aktivität vermehrt/Leistungsfähigkeit erhöht/“Wie Kraft, Durchhaltevermögen“

> Baden, Waschen (verlangt zu baden)

> Flatusabgang

Verlangt sich hinzulegen

Hitzewallungen < Er-/Aufregung

Ohnmacht < beim - Treppensteigen

Schmerz erstr. nach oben

Speise und Getränke: <: Brot/Choc; Verlangt: Brot/Eiscreme/Erfrischendes/kalte Getränke, kaltes Wasser/Mehlspeisen, Teigwaren/Schokolade;

Völlegefühl innerlich

Schwäche [mittags/nachmittags (14.30)/abends/+ übel/während Kopfschmerz/“Wie durch Schläfrigkeit“/und übel]



Mind: Absentminded

Desires activity

Angers easily


Cheerful [Morning (on waking)]

Aversion to company


“As if drunk”

feeling of ease

Euphoria/Mirth (in afternoon)



Indifference with aversion to work

Irritable at slightest contradiction

Always too late

Laughing (constant/”As if drunk”/easily/at trifles)

Loquacity ”As if drunk”

Desires mental exertion

Makes mistakes speaking (misplacing words)

Mood agreeable

Sad - causeless/evening

Sensitive to touch

Singing [morning (on waking)]

Time, in

Tranquillity, serenity, calmness

in Work, in

Vertigo: Forenoon

During chilliness

With nausea

Head: Constriction - Band or hoop

Pain - Afternoon/evening/+ pain in nape of neck/+ stiffness in nape of neck/+ pain in abdomen/in forehead [above eyes (r./morning/ext. Temples)/behind/burning]/in temples (burning/during menses)/”As from a nail in temples” (l.)/from noise/pressing [in temples (evening/in spots)/in vertex (evening)/over eyes/morning on waking/”As from a band”]/stitching in temples l./on stooping

Eye: Eruptions about eyebrows - pimples

Pain - r./bruning at night/stinging/stitching


Paralysis of r. upper lid

Sticking lids

Styes l. eye

Vision: Colours before the eyes - grey veil/white

Dim r. (# clear vision)

Foggy in evening/while driving

Ear: Discharge r.

Noise “As if a bubble bursting”

Pain in meatus/stitching (l./morning/afternoon)

Stopped r.

“As if water in ear”

Nose: Pain - burning, smarting “As from pepper”/burning, smarting in wings/sore in wings

Face: Eruptions acne (divided symmetrical)/Pimples [chin/forehead (painful)/on temples]

Pain in r. Cheek/with toothache

Swelling in Cheeks/Lips (upper(lower)

Mouth: Aphthae inside upper/lower Lip

Dryness with thirst

Eruptions - Pimples on Palate/on sides of tongue

Indented tongue

Prickling palate (+ thirst)

Taste sweetish/saltish

Teeth: Pain in l. (lower) premolar/upper r. premolar

External throat: Trembling

Stomach: Appetite increased + Nausea

Eructations (morning/afternoon/after eating

Heartburn - afternoon/at midnight/after eating

Heaviness after eating

Nausea [morning (on waking)/afternoon - 15 h/night after lying down/before/after breakfast/> chocolate//after chocolate/> eating/after eating/during eructations/pressure on stomach/riding in a carriage or on the cars

Pain - Lancinating

Thirst - Afternoon/+ pain in abdomen/+ heat in abdomen/+ prickling palate/for large quantities/after breakfast/before breakfast/unquenchable

Abdomen: Distension [evening/after eating/> passing flatus

Flatulence (evening/after eating)

Heat - Morning/forenoon/sides (l.)/in region of umbilicus

Heaviness of sides

Pain - Morning before breakfast/in r. hypochondria after sitting for a long time/in liver in r. Lobe/in sides below ribs/in region of umbilicus (evening)/burning in sides/cramping, griping (+ thirst/in region of umbilicus)/lancinating in region of umbilicus/pressing + heat/pressing in sides/stitching in r. Hypochondria/stitching in Hypochondria sitting/stitching in groins (walking)/stitching in liver


Rectum: Flatus >/evening

Constipation [difficult stool/soft stool/insufficient]

Female organs: Dryness in vagina

Leukorrhea brown (during menses)

Menses scanty (first 3 days)

Pain in ovary (l.)/constricting, contracting in r. Ovary/in uterus (bending/after coition/during menses)/pressing during menses

Sexual desire diminished/wanting

Cough: “As from Dust”

Chest: Constriction in lower Part/”As from an armor”/during deep respiration

Oppression in lower part/during deep respiration

Pain + weakness/in intercostal muscles/between ribs/cutting/neuralgic - intercostal/stitching (ext. To back/ext. through chest/in r. lower ribs/(lower part of) r. Side

Back: Pain while lying/sitting bent/> straightening back/in cervical region on moving head/in dorsal region (ext. to ball of hand/under scapulae while sitting/under l. Scapulae on motion)/contracting in (nape of) cervical region)/lancinating under l. scapula/pressing/stitching under l. scapula (while sitting)

Stiffness in cervical region during headache

Tension in cervical region

Weakness > lying down

Extremities: Pain - Cramping in troes on motion/stitching (in ball of hand/< walking in lower limbs/in (l.) knee (> motion)/in knee (> motion/> rubbing)/tearing in nates/(l.) wrist/in hand (grasping/in ball of hand)/in sciatica (r./> sitting/< standing/< walking)(l.) hip

Cracking in joints (l.) knee (when flexing)

Itching in wrist inner side

Motion of knees involuntary of l. Patella

Numbness (r.) hand /(l.) knee (while driving/ext. to toes/(l.) foot (sitting/standing/in toes)

Cramps in hand (grasping/in palms/in 4th Finger)/in nates/in calf (r./stretching leg)/in foot/in (l.) heel/in (r.) sole/

Formication in Toes/pulsation in nates (sitting)/trembling in lower limbs “As if drunk”

Coldness with heat of body/with heat of face

Sleep: Sleepy (evening - 18 h/riding in a carriage)/sudden

Waking after midnight - 3 h - 4 h

Sleepless from abdominal complaints

Dreams: Adolescents/airplanes (being on an airplane)/airports/amorous (with husband and an other woman/with 2 women)/going up and down again/beach/childbirth in water/about children (being kidnapped/lost/in danger/playing/daughter)/chocolate/churches/climbing ladders/collapsing house/collapsing temple/collapsing ceiling/collapsing high furniture/communion/ is confident and assertive/lacking sense of danger/darkness/husband falling in water/falling with confidence/father (rescues her)/meeting friends/fruits/gardens/spriritual groups/high places/landscape is beautiful/light/make-/raw meat/money/crowds of people/picnics/plants/pleasant/being pursued (by murderers/being rescued by someone/religious/rings/river/sharing, lending/showers/spitting/stream/threats/equilibrium unstable/things have a happy ending/twins/urinating/being soiled with urin/vegetables/vegetation, greenery/walking with stilts/(swimming in/wading in) water/wedding/to be a woman (in a man)

Chill: in general

Evening - 21 h/in upper part of body

Skin: Eruptions divided symmetrical

Generals: l.

Activity increased/physical

Desires/> bathing

Efficiency increased

Faintness ascending stairs

Food and Drinks: <: Bread/Choc.; Desires: Bread/Choc./cold drink, cold water/farinaceous food/ice cream/refreshing things;

Feeling of fullness internally

Flushes of heat with excitement

Desire to lie down

Pain ext. upward

“As if strong”

Weakness (at noon/in afternoon 14 - 15 h/in evening/during headache/”As from sleepiness”/+ Nausea)


After Synthesis 8.0

MIND: Absentminded

Activity; desires

Anger - Easily


Cheerful [Morning (on waking)]

Company - Aversion  to


Delusion - is drunk

Ease, feeling of




Indifference - with aversion to work

Irritability - Contradiction at slightest

Late - Too late; always

Laughing (Constant/”As if drunk”/easily/at trifles)

Loquacity - ”As if drunk”

Mental exertion - Desire for

Mirth (afternoon)

Mistakes; making – speaking - misplacing words

Mood - Agreeable

Sadness – Causeless/evening/to touch

Sensitive - Touch, to

Singing [Morning (on waking)]

Time, in

Tranquillity, serenity, calmness

Work, in

VERTIGO: - Forenoon

Chilliness, during

Nausea, with

HEAD: Constriction - Band or hoop

Pain – Afternoon/evening/+ pain in nape of neck/+ stiffness in nape of neck/+ pain in abdomen/above eyes (r./in morning/ext. temples)/temples (during menses)/burning (r. temple/in forehead)/dull

during menses/”As from a nail” (l.)/from noise/pressing [in temples (r./evening/in spots)/Vertex (evening)/pressing (over eyes/evening/on waking/”As from a band”)

EYE: Eruptions - Pimples about Eyebrows

Pain – R./burning at night/stinging/stitching


Paralysis - of upper lids – r.

Sticking lids

Styes - Left eye

VISION: Colours before the eyes - Grey veil

Colours before the eyes - White

Dim – Right/# clear vision

Foggy – Evening/driving

EAR: Discharge r.

Noise - Bursting of a bubble

Pain – Meatus/Stitching (l./morning/afternoon)

Stopped - Right

Water; sensation of - In ear

NOSE: Pain - Burning, smarting – “As from pepper”/wings

Pain - Sore - Wings

FACE: Eruptions - Acne

Eruptions - Acne with a symmetrical distribution/Pimples – Chin/Forehead (painful)/red/temples

Pain - Cheek - Right

Pain - Burning - Toothache, with

Swelling – Cheeks/lips

MOUTH: - Aphthae - Lip - Inside upper

Aphthae - Lip inside lower/dryness with thirst/Pimples – Palate/Pimples on sides of tongue

Indented - Tongue

Prickling - Palate (+ thirst)

Taste – Sweetish/saltish

TEETH: Pain - Lower teeth - Left premolar/lower l. premolar/upper r. premolar


STOMACH: Appetite - Increased + nausea

Eructations (morning/afternoon/after eating)

Heartburn – Afternoon/midnight/after eating

Heaviness - after eating

Nausea [Morning (on waking)/afternoon - 15 h/at night after lying down/after +/o. before breakfast/> chocolate/after chocolate/after dinner/> eating/after eating/during eructations/pressure on stomach/

riding in a carriage or on the cars

Pain - Lancinating

Thirst – Afternoon/+ pain in abdomen/+ heat in abdomen/prickling on palate/for large quantities/before/after breakfast/unquenchable

ABDOMEN: Distension (in evening/after eating

Distension – after eating/> passing flatus

Flatulence (evening/after eating)

Heat – Morning/forenoon/sides (l.)/Region of umbilicus

Heaviness - Sides

Pain - Morning before breakfast/ in r. hypochondria sitting for long/below sides of ribes//in r. liver lobe/region of umbilicus in evening/burning in sides/cramping, griping

(+ thirst/in region of umbellicu)/lancinating in region of umbilicus/ Pressing + heat/pressing in sides/stitching in r. hypochondria/stitching in hypochondria sitting/stitching

in groins (walking)/stitching in liver


RECTUM: Flatus (>/evening)

Constipation (difficult stool - Soft stool/insufficient stool)

FEMALE ORGANS:Dryness - Vagina

Leukorrhea - Brown  (during menses)

Menses - Scanty (first 3 days)

Pain - Ovaries (l.)

Pain - Constricting, contracting r. ovary

Pain in uterus – Bending/after coition/during menses

Pain - Pressing during menses

Sexual desire – Diminished/wanting

COUGH: - Dust, as from

CHEST Constriction - Lower Part

Constriction – “As from an armor”/during deep respiration

Oppression - Lower part/deep respiration

Pain - + weakness/intercostal muscles/between ribs/cutting/neuralgic intercostal/Stitching (ext. back/ext. through r. lower ribs/sides chest (lower part)/

BACK Pain – lying/sitting bent/> straightening up the back/in cervical region moving head

Pain in dorsal region (lancinating) - ext. ball of hand/under scapulae sitting/in l. scapulae by motion

Contracting in cervical region (nape)

Lancinating - Dorsal region - Scapulae - Under - left


Stitching in dorsal region under l. scapulae (sitting)

BACK: - Stiffness in cervical region during headache

Tension in cervical region

Weakness > lying down

Glieder: - Pain - stitching in ball of hand

Pain - Cramping –in toes on motion

Pain - Stitching - Lower limbs < walking/in knee (l./>on motion)/in knee (> motion/> rubbing)/

Pain - Tearing - Nates

Pain - Wrist (l.)

Pain - Hand [grasping anything/in ball of hand (grasping anything)

Pain - Lower limbs - Sciatica (r./> sitting/< standing/< walking)

Pain - Hip (l.)

Cracking in joints - Knee (l./flexing)

Itching - Wrist - Inner side

Motion - Knees - Involuntary - left patella, of

Numbness - Hand (r.)/Knee (l./driving/ext. toes)

Numbness - Foot (l./sitting/standing/in toes)

Cramps - Hand (grasping/in palms/4th finger)

Cramps - Nates

Cramps - Leg - Calf (r./stretching leg)/foot [heel (l.)/sole (r.)/

Formication - Toes

Pulsation - Nates (sitting)

Trembling in lower limbs “As if drunk”

Coldness - Heat; with - Body; of

Coldness - Heat; with - Face; of

SLEEP: Sleepiness - Evening (18 h./riding in a carriage/sudden)

Waking – after midnight -- 3 h /after - 4 h

Sleepless from abdominal complaints

DREAMS: Adolescents/airplanes (being on an airplane)/airports/amorous (her husband and an other wife/with two women)/ascending - Going up and down again

each/Childbirth in water/about children (being kidnapped/being lost/in danger/playing

Children; about - Daughter



Climbing - Ladders

Collapsing, is - House

Collapsing, is - Temple

Collapsing, is - Ceiling

Collapsing, is - High furniture


Confident and assertive, she is

Danger - Sense of danger lacking


Falling - Water, into - Husband is falling

Falling - Confidence, with


Father - Rescued by her father, she is

Friends - Meeting friends



Groups - Spiritual

High places

House - Collapsing

Landscape - Beautiful

Light; of


Meat - Raw


People - Crowds of




Pursued (by murderers)

Rescued - By someone ; to be




Sharing, lending





Unstable equilibrium

Things have a happy ending



Urine - being soiled with

Vegetation (greenery)

Walking with stilts

Water (swimming/wading)


Women - A woman ; to be (for a man)

CHILL:Evening - 21 h /uper part of body/chilliness

SKIN: Eruptions symmetrical


Activity – Increased/physical

Bathing - >/desire for

Efficiency increased

Faintness ascending stairs

Food  <: Bread/chocolate;

Desires: Bread/chocolate/cold drink, cold water/farinaceous food/ice cream/refreshing things;

Fullness; feeling of - Internally

Heat - Flushes of with excitement

Lie down - Desire to

Pain ext. upward

Strength, sensation of

Weakness [Noon/Afternoon (14-15 h.)/evening/during headache/”As from sleepiness”/with nausea], with


Vergleich: Siehe: Neptunium + Chlor


Synchronicity: The Mexican War began. It would see 13.000 Americans die but only 1.721 killed in battle. The majority died from disease.

British defeat Sikhs in battle of Sobraon, India.

Battle at Gwanga: British troops beat Bantu.

Polish revolutionaries march on Cracow, but are defeated.

Mormons leave Nauvoo, Mo for settlement in west.

Saxophone is patented by Antoine Joseph Sax.

Robert Thomson obtains an English patent on a rubber tire.

1st baseball game (Cartwright Rules)-NY Nines 23, Knickerbockers 1. Cape Girardeau meteorite, a 2.3 kg chondrite-type meteorite strikes near the town of Cape Girardeau in Cape Girardeau County, Missouri.

Elias Howe patents sewing machine.

Japan invents the rickshaw.

Anesthetic ether used for 1st time (Dr Wm Morton extracts a tooth).

Karl Marx und Friedrich Engels gründen in Brüssel das Kommunistische Korrespondenzkomitee.


Allerlei: Quelle: Schmidt-Nagel

Künstliches hergestelltes Element named after the planet Neptune discovered after planet Uranus.

Has affinity for liver/skeletal system/adrenal glands.

Ne eliminated mainly through the urinary system. Chemical toxicity affects the liver with a rapid fatty degeneration. Osteosarcomas have been observed, as might be supposed by neptunium’s tropism for bone tissue, as well as soft tissue (liver/kidney).

Planet Neptune exists out of H + He + Mentan/has no solid surface.

Neptunium’s picture: upward and downward movement of a great wave or like a cyclone that lifts up everything in its wake, then drops it to the ground.

The metabolism of neptunium shows a particular tropism for the liver/skeletal system/adrenal glands to the latter it seems to permanently fix itself. It is eliminated mainly through the urinary system. Osteosarcomas have been observed, as might be supposed by neptunium’s tropism for bone tissue, as well as soft tissue, especially of the liver and kidney. Contrary to plutonium, neptunium has never been the subject of a toxicological study in humans.

Neptune 2nd last planet in our solar system, both by its distance from the sun (the diurnal temperature is very low: - 190°C) as by the relatively recent date of its discovery/is one of the 3 planets invisible to the naked eye (Uranus/Pluto). First observed on September 23, 1846 by the German astronomer Galle, thus confirming calculations made by

Le Verrier. Photographed 1st time in 1989 by the Voyager II probe. Has a blue color/contrasted is a white spot in the southern hemisphere whose shape and size are continually changing and which conjures up images of sea foam. This spot leads to believe that violent gaseous currents are constantly streaming through the upper layer of Neptune’s atmosphere. Neptune as Jupiter/Saturn/Uranus, has no solid surface. The blue planet is the last of the giant planets: its size (equatorial radius) is slightly less than that of Uranus, but almost 3x smaller than that of Jupiter. It takes 164.79 Earth years for it to complete one revolution around the sun and rotates on itself every 15 hours and 48 minutes.

Search for the undifferentiated primordial state from which all creation sprung (gods included) - we know today, that at the beginning the Earth was entirely covered by water and that little by little a single continent emerged, named Pangea (etymologically: the whole earth). In fact, whether it is a question of the abolition of the social classes, the equal sharing of riches, the exploration of faraway lands, a quest for the sacred or the invisible, we find this search for paradise lost (cf. the myth of Atlantis), for that golden age when there was no consciousness of being separated from the creator or other creatures.

Undoubtedly, this consciousness is at the beginning of all suffering, and in this we can see the idea of original psora. Drug use (cannabis)/generally any behavior that seeks to escape objective reality goes back to this fusional state - with God for some, with the rest of humanity, with the rest of the universe for others.

It is the experience of denial of self as a separate individual that Neptune symbolizes in astrology with all his consequences. Psychic level: intuition/sensitive to surroundings/the ability to see through the veil which separates from outside/hypersensitive to the presence of others and to the atmosphere around them/this may lead to clairvoyant or mystic states beyond the control of the subject.

If Neptune symbolizes the sacred (= not strictly the divine)/it indicates sacrifice (= literally "that which makes sacred"). Sacrifice is the process by which the self/ego seeks (unconsciously) to be reabsorbed in primordial level/to disappear as a separate individual. Observed is that behind any sacrificial behavior hides a guilt either related to wrongdoing (imaginary/unconscious/inherited from an ancestor/fear of abandonment related to the absence, inability, or non-recognition by one of the parents).

Astrology: Neptune has a special affinity for the Sign of Pisces/= last of the 12 atrological signs/symbolizes the invisible fluid from which everything came and into which everything will be reabsorbed in the end. Observing the many similarities linking this sign to Christianity in general [Christ: called ichtyos (fish in Greek) by the first Christians/using a fish in the sand as a sign of recognition].



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