Opium Kind Anhang


Comparison.x of Carcinosinum and others


Op. bei Kinder = Croc-s


Moralisches Empfinden spät/wenig entwickelt, faltig/mit schlaffem Gewebe, << Annäherung Fremden.


[Dr. Ajit Kulkarni]

5.a. Foetal state

    Mother had experienced a state of fright during gestational period.

    Mother addicted to opiates, heroine, morphine etc. 

    H/o Mother had taken sedatives during pregnancy. 

    Mother suffered from constipation during gestational period.

    Lively and violent foetal movements.

    Difficult labor: mother in a shock stage and has received inj. morphine and birth of a child has occurred.

5.b. Neonatal state:

    Asphyxia neonatorum with consequent effects at mind and body level. The child is unconscious, pin pointed pupils, convulsions, cold perspiration.

    Retention of urine soon after birth.

    Constipated bowels; no urging for days.

    Birth trauma - Caput medusae. Head injury.

5.c. Child:

    Delayed milestones. Mentally retarded. Imbecile.   

    The child is born emaciated, non - fleshy, puny, not putting on weight; remains thin and undernourished; failure to thrive.

    Nursing mother as if in a state of fright, child suffers from convulsions.

    Retention of urine in newborns.



    Non-demanding with tendency to lie down. Indifferent to immediate surrounding, appears apathetic. No sense of responsibility as his normal faculties of

mind are not developed. Confusion of mind. If asked to perform two tasks, he creates confusion.

    Lack of maturity results in impulsive, audacious behaviour; boldness or recklessness. Dreamy. Doesn't understand the ground reality.

    The child is absent minded with abstraction of mind. He appears cheerful and innocent, hence pampered. No responsibilities to be shouldered hence his capacities

have not developed.

    Procrastination and avoidance of task – the usual features.

    Kleptomania. Active, sharp or weak memory. Deceptive. Temper tantrum.


[A. Farrington]

Shriveling of every fibre of the body suggests its use in marasmus of children. Wrinkled and looks like a little dried-up old man. The characteristic stupor is present.



Audacious children who have no sense of discrimination for danger.

Behavioral and neurological problems that arise after a death in the family or a frightening experience, where the fear remains for long (years) after the frightful experience

Indifference to pain (spanking or punishment from the parents). The child becomes unsympathetic and hardhearted, shows no affection.

Antisocial behavior in children who come from broken families and are abused sexually.

Children who are born during a period of war frequently require this remedy (Stram).

Children who tend to withdraw from the outside world and lock themselves up in a shell after prolonged, painful, events. The withdrawal characterized by absentmindedness, asking for nothing, brooding, confusion, daydreaming, dullness, indifference, laziness, reserve, stupefaction and taciturnity.

Confusion of memory and dullness in children who take phenobarbitol for epilepsy on a long-term basis.

Deceitful, kleptomaniac children who suffer constant physical abuse and reproach from their parents.

Hidden aggression in children, who are dominated, insulted, punished and reproached by their parents or teachers. The aggression is characterized by

throwing things around, abruptness, biting, destructiveness, malice, quarrelling, rage and wildness.

High-spirited and full of energy. Needs activity all the time (at night); the child loves activities such as crafts, drawing, painting, etc.


Ailments start after head injury (forceps delivery, mechanical trauma, accidents, intracranial surgeries).

Babies who are born with poor Apgar scores.

Neonatal asphyxia.

Anxious and besotted expression with dilated pupils, dusky red face and thick lips.

During coma, the pupils are insensible to light and unequal, with stertorous breathing.

History of near-death experiences (anaphylactic shock/cardiogenic shock/neurogenic shock).

Newborn babies who appear red all over.

Retention of urine or respiratory arrest in the newborn after anesthesia was given to the mother for Caesarean section or painless delivery.

Sudden suppression of skin diseases (scabies, warts, atopic eczemas) results in attention deficit disorder, behavioural problems, dyslexia, epilepsy or febrile convulsions.

Want of susceptibility, when a well-chosen remedy gives no reaktion (Psor. Tub. Sulph. Zinc-met.).

Other important symptoms


Active and cheerful during fever (Acon. Thuj.).

Cowardice or absolute fearlessness and foolish boldness.

Has an aptitude for writing well and convincing his elders and friends (Rubric: Speech, convincing).

Indifference to pain or suffering (during fever); says he is well, even when very sick.

Makes gigantic plans for every project.

Sharp and witty children who are quick to act.

Arrested development in children with tendency to masturbate.

Awkwardness; strikes against things when walking.

Capricious; rejects the things that he has been asking for.

Dullness in children who find it difficult to concentrate on their studies.

Fear of the dark and of rats.

Feigning sickness.

Gets frightened and startled easily; ends up trembling from fear.

Involuntary picking at the bedclothes during perspiration stage of fever.

Irritability during pain, with stamping of feet and howling.

Laughing at trifles; similarly tends to weep and sob at trifles.

Loud speech.

Slow in learning to talk (Nat-m).

Spoiled child with a violent temper; gets angry at trifles or from the slightest contradiction; rolls on the floor, throws things around, becomes destructive,

knocks the head against the wall, etc.

Talks to himself (autism).


Unable to raise the head from the pillow, due to a sensation of leaden heaviness in the occiput (hydrocephalus).

Useful in cases of meningitis and encephalitis with increased intracranial tension and cerebral oedema

Headache after head injuries and after fright or emotional excitement; + nausea, pain and stiffness in the nape of the neck, red face, salivation and vomiting.

Examination findings:

- Cerebral haemorrhage (Both. Cocc)

- Cold perspiration on the forehead (Carb-v. Verat)

- Constant, involuntary movements of the head; rolling or turning the head from side to side (in meningitis).

- Hydrocephalus; hot head with cold extremities.



Frequent desire to rub the eyes.

Lachrymation with cough.

Examination findings:

- Eyes brilliant, red and staring, with a wild look.

- Pupils are contracted and sluggish or non-responsive to light.

- Convergent strabismus.

- Hippus sign +


Acute sense of hearing (in sleep).

Examination findings:

- Impaired hearing from paralysis of the auditory nerve.

- Redness of the ears.


Acute sense of smell.

Liquid comes out through the nose on attempting to swallow (paralysis of cranial nerves IX and X).

Examination findings:

- Constantly bores his fingers in the nose (Arum-t. Cina).

- Pinched nose.


Twitching at the corners of the mouth (Ign).

Examination findings:

- Cold perspiration on the face.

- Swollen lips on a sunken and wrinkled, old looking face, with distended veins and a vacant, stupid expression.

- Bluish circles around the eyes.

- Drop jaw with oozing of saliva from the corners.

- Lockjaw.


Difficult dentition.

Grinding of teeth.

Examination findings:

- Constant motion of the tongue in the mouth.

- Paralysis of the muscles of the tongue, causing it to be drawn to the right side (paralysis of the right hypoglossal nerve).

- Purplish-black discoloration of the tongue.

- Speech indistinct, thick and stammering.


Impeded or difficult swallowing, due to spasms or paralysis of the oesophagus (Stram); food gets lodged in the throat and liquids are brought up through the nose (paralysis of cranial nerves IX and X, with involvement of Nucleus Ambiguous).

Examination findings:

- Enlarged tonsils.

- Exophthalmic goiter.

- Swollen veins with visible pulsation of the carotids (Bell).

- Torticollis.


Child makes ineffectual efforts to retch and vomit.

Cramping and cutting pains, with distention of the part after eating.

Vomiting of mucus due to cough.

Aversions: Food in general, meat and onions;

Desires: Brandy/sugar;


Paralytic ileus after operation.

Reversed peristalsis with faecal vomiting.

Cramping pains in the abdomen before stool (when constipated for a few days); > doubling over/taking warm milk.

Obstructed flatulence, with rumbling in the abdomen.

Rigidity of the muscles of the abdomen, which seems to be retracted.

Examination findings:

- Tender and inflamed inguinal hernia, tending towards strangulation (Bell. Nux-v).

- Enlarged spleen.

- Hard, tympanic abdomen.

- Intussusception.

- Tenderness in the ileocecal region (Bell).

- Umbilical hernia (Nux-m).


Involuntary stools from emotions like fright, grief or sudden joy.

Severe constipation of newborns; stools remain long in the rectum with absolutely no urge.

Constipation # diarrhea (Ant-c. Nux-v).

Diarrhea in nurslings after anger (Coloc. Gels) or with typhoid fever (Hyos. Phos).

Itching around the anus.

Retention of stool in the ileus (after an operation).

Tenesmus before and during stool.

Unable to pass stool in the presence

of another person (Ambr, Nat-m).

Examination findings:

- Bloody mucus oozing from an open anus.

Stool: Dry, hard, crumbling at the anus or like black balls, with a very offensive odor; need to be removed mechanically (Nux-m).

Urinary organs:

Painful retention of urine in nursing infants after fright (Acon. Bell)

Child drinks much but seldom urinates.

Difficult urination; child must wait and strain for urine to start, due to spasms of the sphincter.

Involuntary urination during sleep in children after a fright.

No urging to urinate, in spite of a distended, swollen bladder (Caust).

Weakness of the muscles of the bladder (after an operation).

Examination findings:

- Dark brown colored urine, which leaves reddish, sand-like sediment on the diaper.

- Urine: Albumin ++, RBC ++, glucose +

Male organs:

Early disposition to masturbate in young boys.

Male organs:

Offensive leucorrhea in children, with disposition to masturbate.

Larynx and Trachea:

Loss of voice in small boys after a fright (Acon. Gels).

Paralysis or spasms of the muscles of the larynx.

Respiratory organs:

Neonatal asphyxia (Ant-t. Camph)

Stertorous breathing, rough inspiration and loud puffing expiration (during sleep and after convulsions).

Sudden attacks of spasmodic asthma with arrested breathing on falling into deep sleep; must be awakened to avoid suffocation (Grind. Lach).

Examination findings:

- Central neurogenic hyperventilation.

- Chest X-ray: Pulmonary oedema.

- Cheyne-Stokes respiration.

- Irregular respiration, sometimes slow, sometimes hurried.

- Respiratory acidosis.


Violent suffocative cough (at night/on rising in the morning); > taking cold drinks (Caust. Cupr).

Spasmodic dry coughing fits at night from a ticklish sensation in the larynx; loose during the daytime, with blood-tinged expectoration.

Examination findings:

- Cyanosis with bluish discoloration of the face during cough.


Examination findings:

- Aspiration pneumonia.

- Pneumonic consolidation in infants.

Palpitations of the heart after fright.

Examination findings:

- Congestive cardiac failure.

- Pulse: Irregular, intermittent, soft or hard, frequent or slow.


Examination findings:

- Curved spine; opisthotonos.

- Myelitis or spinal meningitis.

- Spasmodic drawing back of the neck and head.


Awkward lower limbs; knocks against things or stumbles when walking.

Inclination to keep stretching out the feet.

Trembling of extremities after fright.

Examination findings:

- Automatic, involuntary movements of the limbs [upper limbs (athetosis)].

- Clenched fingers with legs drawn up over the thighs.

- Convulsive twitching of the limbs.

- Cyanosis with bluish discoloration of the tips of the fingers and toes and of the fingernails.

- Thin nails.

- Tottering gait; drags his legs when walking.

- Veins of hands swollen (Puls. Sulph).


During sleep: Eyes half-open or staring, with rolling movements of the eyeballs; loud snoring; makes grimaces and strange faces, with involuntary motions of the hands; moaning; open mouth with a protruded tongue; sighing, sobbing, stertorous breathing (with a rough inspiration and loud puffing expiration) and whimpering.

Extremely sleepy with nearly all complaints.

Cannot lie on the left side.

Child feels very sleepy when trying to concentrate on his studies.

Comatose sleep in cases of uremia.

Profuse, hot perspiration during sleep with a desire to uncover.

Sleep is frequently disturbed by frightful visions and nightmares.

Tends to be very loquacious before and during sleep.


Desire to uncover during all stages of fever; cannot tolerate warmth in any form.

Chill: - Deep sleepiness, loud snoring and stiffness of the limbs with shaking chills.

- Chills begin in the hands and feet (Nat-m).

Chill stage followed by heat with hot perspiration.

Heat: - Active, cheerful and restless during fever.

- During heat the child falls into a deep, stupefying sleep or has complaints like epistaxis, headache, loathing of food or ravenous appetite, profuse salivation,

red and flushed face, retention of urine or scanty urination, unquenchable thirst or absolute thirstless and vomiting (of an offensive, greenish or faecal matter).

- Heat and redness of the head and face, with cold extremities.

- Hyperpyrexia.


Examination findings:

- Loss of hair from different parts of the body.


Ailments from: Anger; deep sleep; dentition; drugs; exposure to bright light; fright experienced by mother; high fever; injuries; shock; sight or approach of strangers;

suppressed eruptions or when eruptions fail to break out; uremia; and warmth in a room.

Aura/before convulsions: - Congestion to head, shrieking and vomiting.

During convulsions: - Mentally: Rage, with shrieking and weeping.

- Physically: Biting of tongue, cold skin with trembling, contracted pupils, epistaxis, face bluish-red or very pale, falling backwards, frothing from mouth, head drawn backwards, offensive greenish or faecal vomiting, opisthotonos, red face, sighing or slow shallow breathing, spasms or convulsive movements of the chest muscles, stiff limbs, tetanic rigidity, and vomiting.

- Convulsions without consciousness.

- < in the evening and night; > out in the open air.

After convulsions: Rage, sleepiness and stertorous breathing

Stupefaction with intense sleepiness between convulsions.


Central cyanosis in infants.

Painlessness of complaints that are usually painful.

Unconsciousness with Cheyne-Stokes respiration, delirious talking, drop jaw, involuntary passage of stool and urine, snoring and wide-open eyes;

answers correctly when spoken to, but delirium and unconsciousness return at once.

Bad effects of drugs [antipyretics (paracetamol)/analgesics (brufen)/anesthetics (chloroform, diazepam)/exposure to carbon monoxide, abuse of iodine (cough syrups)]

Chorea from fright.

Collapse with profuse, drenching, hot perspiration in the morning and during sleep, on all parts of the body except the lower limbs, with a desire to uncover.

Dark, red-faced and wrinkled child, looking like a small and withered old man.

Emaciated, dwarfish-looking or disabled children who are very sluggish and always like to lean onto something.

Insulin-dependent juvenile diabetes.



Septicemic states.



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