Acalypha indica (Acal) = Indisches Brennkraut/= Indian Nettle/= Muktavarcha/= Rudra


Vergleich: Enthält: Ca; Bry + Kali-c + Phos (wann versagen), Acet-ac. Kali-n.

DD.: Mill. Phos.                                   

Siehe: Malphigiales


= Podo-ähnlich: + Blutung/= Ip-ähnlich;

Vergiftung: dark chocolate colouring of the blood. Contact with the plant can cause dermatitis;

Negativ: A. Blutung (abends hellrot + morgens dunkelrot/Tb./Lungen), B. Abmagerung (+ Nachtschweiß), C. < morgens;


Niedergeschlagen/trübsinnig/ermattet, Wunsch zu leben, hartes + trocknes HusTEN mit blutigem Auswurf/Blutung, BrustSCHMERZ (brennen),

morgens ERschöpft + gewinnt Kraft im Tagesverlauf, < morgens, ohne Fieber, Verdauung (spritzende Durchfall).

alimentary canal/respiratory organs. Tb. with hard, racking cough, bloody expectoration, arterial haemorrhage, but no febrile disturbance.

WEAK morning, gains strength during day.

Progressive Bronchitis/(trockener) Krampfhusten; Hämoptyse/Hämoptoe; Bronchien/Lunge; Bluthusten (morgens trockener Hustenanfall);


I have used this remedy with great success in my practice, with the following indications. This is used mostly in case of pulmonary tuberculosis, but recently I have started

using this remedy in case of lung cancer, especially when the expectoration is bloody-bright red, and not very profuse but in streaks, this comes, especially after a violent

bout of cough which has two very unique features and those are, this cough is always < at night and secondly, the patient is extremely exhausted when he wakes up in the

morning and as the day advances, he gathers the strength and energy to work during the day. These are the characteristic features that I have noticed of this remedy.

Once, many years ago, I had read a very interesting case of Acalypha in ‘haemorrhage from rectum’. Since then I have also been using this remedy for haemorrhage from

rectum, either due to piles or due to cancer of the rectum. Here, the most important indication is profuse bleeding, unlike haemoptysis where the bleeding is scanty.

Another important indication is that the blood is bright red. The potency that I successfully used in this condition is 6x. I do not usually repeat this remedy much few doses

are enough for a good action; This is used mostly in case of pulmonary tuberculosis, but recently I have started using this remedy in case of lung cancer (expectoration bloody

- bright red, and not very profuse but in streaks, this comes, especially after a violent bout of cough which has two very unique features and those are,

1. this cough is always < at night,

2. extremely exhausted waking up in the morning and as the day advances, he gathers the strength and energy to work during the day.

Once, many years ago, I had read a very interesting case of Acalypha in ‘hemorrhage from rectum’. Since then I have also been using this remedy for haemorrhage from rectum, either due to piles or due to cancer of the rectum. Here, the most important indication is profuse bleeding, unlike haemoptysis where the bleeding is scanty.

Another important indication is that the blood is bright red. The potency that I have successfully used in this condition is 6x. I do not usually repeat this remedy much few doses are enough for a good action;



Gemüt: traurig

Gesicht: gelb

Innerer Hals: Schmerz [brennend/erstr.Ösophagus (brennend)]

Magen: Appetit vermehrt/Schmerz (brennend)

Bauch: Auftreibung/Darmbeschwerden/Flatulenz/Beschwerden Magendarmtraktes/Rumoren, Kollern/Schmerz (abwärts drängend, zerrend/brennend/krampfartig)

Rektum: Blutung aus dem Anus (morgens)/Diarrhoe (akut)/Flatus - gewaltsam/laut

Schmerz (Tenesmus)

Stuhl: Gegoren/gewaltsam, plötzlich, in einem Schwall/laut, geräuschvoll/herausspritzend

Weibliche Genitalien: Fluor - dick/dünn, wässrig

reichliche Menses/Metrorrhagie - geronnen/hellrot

Husten: im Allg. Morgens (6 - 9 h)/abends (18 - 22 h)/nachts (22 - 6 h) (+ Schweiß)

Tagsüber reichlicher, grünlicher, salziger Auswurf < morgens

Erschütternd/hart/trocken (+ Absonderung von Blut)

Brust: Blutung der Lungen (geronnenes Blut/hellrotes Blut/+ Husten)/Lungenkrebs (+ Blutung)/Schmerz (heftig)

Tb. [Anfangsstadium (+ arterieller Blutung/ohne Fieber)]/Atemwegsbeschwerden

Auswurf: Morgens (6 - 9 h)/Blutig [morgens (reines Blut, dunkelrot, geronnen abends)/dunkel (nachmittags)/hellrot (morgens)]

Haut: gelb/juckende Pickel/Schwellung

Allgemeines: 7 h./Morgens/Abmagerung progressiv fortschreitend/Blutung (morgens/pathologisch)

Schwäche - morgens (> tagsüber/nach Tb.)



Chest: 1. Cough dry, hard, 2. hoemoptysis; < morning/night. Constant/severe pain in chest. Blood bright red and not profuse in morning; dark and clotted in afternoon.

Pulse soft and compressible. Burning in pharynx, oesophagus, and stomach.

Bauch: Burning in intestines. Spluttering Durchfall with forcible expulsion of noisy flatus, bearing down pains and tenesmus. Rumbling distention, and griping pain.

Rectal haemorrhage; < morning.

Skin: Jaundice. Itching and circumscribed furuncle-like swellings.

Generals: < morning.


[Mrinal Mohapatra]

Proved and applied by Tonnere of Calcutta, and Payne of Bath. Holcombe’s cure.

Mind: Gloomy and despairing, but very unwilling to die. θ Hamoptysis.

Leucorrhoea, sometimes thick, sometimes watery. θ Consumptive patient.

Cough: Cough, with bloody expectoration. θ Tuberculosis.

Violent dry cough, followed by bloody expectoration.

Hamoptysis: expectorates pure blood in morning, dark lumps (clotted) in evening. Cough most violent at night. θ Tubercular deposits in apex of lung.

Chest: Dullness in chest on percussion. θ Hamoptysis.

Constant and severe pain in chest. θ Hamoptysis.

Heart, Pulse, Circulation: Pulse small and depressed.

Pulse from 100 to 120. θ Hamoptysis.

Fever: Slow fever.

Time: Night: cough most violent.

Morning: expectorates pure blood.

Evening: expectorates dark clotted blood.

Tissues: Progressive emaciation. θ Hamoptysis.


Gut gefolgt von: carb-v. ferr-p. iod.


Ähnlich: Acet-ac. chin. erig. ham. hydr-ac. Ip. kali-n. kreos. mill. Phos.


Antidotiert von: Calc.


Wirkung: Tuberkulin.                                    

Allerlei: = mit kalkhaltigen Kügelchen bedeckt bei schwülem Wetter


Phytologie: Blutung hat dunkler Farbe/venös





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