Acidum chrysophanicum (Chrys-ac)


Vergleich: Enthalten in: Chrysar; + Rheum + Senna; Rumx; (Chrys-ac wird hergestellt aus Rumx).

Siehe: Acidums allgemein


Schwäche ohne Irritation +

Vergiftung: Übel/erbrechen/Photophobia;

Negativ: Augen sensitiv vor Licht; Haut (Bläschen/Schuppen/eitrig), Schleimhaut/Auge/Ohr;


Komplementär: Phys + Pilo (= An)



Auge: Entzündet Bindehaut

Magen: Übel/erbricht

Schlaf: Gestört durch Erbrechen

Haut: Hautausschläge - Herpes/Pityriasis versicolor/Psoriasis/Tinea


[E.W. Beebe]

This drug has well-known uses as an external application in scaly skin affections, but, so far as I know, has not been used internally in diseases of the eye until an accidental proving which came under my observation led to its use, as will be here noted.

 We find from the U. S. Dispensatory that "this substance is extracted from Goa powder, which is found deposited in the wood of the trunk of the Andria araroba, a native tree of Brazil. = Bahia-Pulver/= Chrysarobinum/= Goa powder


 "The tree is large, often attaining a height of one hundred feet, the trunk being smooth, with a spheroidal, not very bushy, head.

 "The wood is yellowish, and has numerous longitudinal canals and interspaces or lacunae, in which the chrysarobin is found.

 "Workmen who procure it often suffer severely from irritation of the eyes and face.

 "When taken internally in sufficient dose, it is a decided gastro-intestinal irritant, producing large, very watery stools, of a brownish color and repeated vomiting, without much nausea.


 "It has long been used in South America and India as a remedy in skin diseases."

 In a recently published homoeopathic pharmacopoeia it is stated that Chrysophanic acid is an extract from the ordinary commercial rhubarb and I mention this fact that no mistake be made in using such preparation.

 A professional friend while preparing this drug for external use, applied some of the ointment (one part to ten of vaseline) to the edges of his eyelids, thinking it might be

a relief to a marginal blepharitis which had annoyed him for some years; the effects were immediate and of sufficient severity to satisfy him that it could not be used in such strength in affections of the eyelids.

 He was attacked at once with a severe inflammation of the eyes, characterized by the following symptoms: Marked conjunctival inflammation of globe and lid, contraction

of the pupils, with intense photophobia, the least ray of light producing great pain, which was intensified by a throbbing sensation, synchronous with the action of the heart; this was accompanied by phosphorescent flashes of light, like that from the application of a galvanic current.

 On forcing the eyes to look at objects in the darkened room, retinal impressions of them were left or retained for some time after closing them.

 There was swelling of the lids and irritation of the skin about the eyes.

 These symptoms continued for some days, it being nearly a week before he could bear sufficient light to enable him to leave his darkened room.

 On recovering, he was pleased to note the marked improvement in the condition of the blepharitis, which amelioration led him to use the remedy again in a more attenuated form. An ointment of the strength of one to a hundred was applied, and this application was followed by the same symptoms as when first used, but in a somewhat modified form.

This heroic treatment completely cured the diseased eyelids, although the condition was evidently due to an error of the refraction, he being astigmatic, and unable to wear correcting lenses with comfort.

This accidental proving led me to experiment with it in the various forms of blepharitis. In some cases with very gratifying results, while in others it seemed to cause

an aggravation of the existing conditions.

It seems best adapted to that variety of the disease known as blepharitis ciliaris, and should not be used in greater strength than one part of the powder to a thousand of vaseline, for fear of aggravations.

It is not, however, in affections of the lids that I have been most pleased with its action, or where it promises to be of greatest service.

The array of symptoms brought out by the proving gives us a most complete picture of retinal asthenopia, or, as Graefe called it, optical hyperasthesia, a condition difficult

to cure and for which we have but a limited number of remedies.

In its action upon the retina, iris and ciliary body, it is an analogue of Physostigma and Pilocarpin, and should prove of equal value in affections implicating these structures, when its sphere of action shall have been clearly defined by thorough provings.

It will undoubtedly prove of greater value when administered internally and used as a collyrium in overtaxed eyes, than as a myotic, as its action is too violent when used

in sufficient dose to produce its characteristic effect upon the pupil.

I have given it internally in the third decimal trituration in photophobia attending scrofulous ophthalmia, trachoma, keratitis and iritis, with seeming good effect, but I believe it more applicable to those cases of retinal asthenopia which are caused by undue irritation of the ciliary system from straining the eye, either by an intense or insufficient illumination.


Dr. G.C. McDermott: I thank Dr. Beebe for his suggestion of chrysophanic acid in optical hyperaesthesia and certain cases of ciliary blepharitis. In the latter affection,

where we have a scaly condition of the lids, with not much ulcerative condition, but associated with conjunctival hyperaemia, it will prove a valuable remedy to help us out.

I can recall several cases where, by giving it internally as well as locally, we can derive wonderful benefit from it. I am pleased with Dr. Beebe's paper, and glad to hear that Chrysophanic acid has been added to our list of remedies.

Dr. A.B. Norton: I have used Chrysophanic acid with success, not only in blepharitis, but also in conjunctivitis and keratitis of the phlyctenular variety. I have also used it in cases of eczematous condition behind the ears. I use it locally as well as internally. I have not found any aggravation from its local use, and I have employed an ointment of the strength of eight grains to the ounce.



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