Ammoniacum gummi (= dorema) (Ammc)

Dorema ammoniacum = Ammoniakharz/= East Indian sumbul/= Ammoniakpflanze


= Ant-t-ÄHNlich + wann Ant-t versagt/= Asaf-/+ Galbanum-ähnlich;

Vergiftung: 1. Rötung auf an Sonne bloß gestellte Haut, 2. Bläschen/Blutung, 3. Hautrissen, 4. Pigmentflecken/Knoten/Magenbeschwerden (übel/erbrechen);

Akut: Alt/gealtert (geistige Trägheit), Bronchitis + erschöpft/Fieber/Nachthusten (Faden ziehender Schleim);

Negativ: A. < nachts, B. Periodisch im Winter, C. Schwach durch Bewegung + träge aufstehend, D. Schleimhäuten;

Geistig träge/apathisch/gleichgültig/geistige Arbeit unmöglich/lesen macht müde, schwach/alt/GEältert, tagsüber schläfrig/abends erregt, Lungenbeschwerden +

FIEBER + nächtliches Husten + AUSwurf nachts; Blähungen, <: Winter/Kälte/liegend l. Seite; Rheuma;

Aged and feeble (chronic bronchitis). Ill humor. Sensitive to cold. „As if burning and scratching in neck and oesophagus“;


[Farokh Master]

Visual disturbances/vision becomes (after having an injury to the eye or by overstrain), eyes become irritable, red, congested or painful;

Eyes smart and burn (working on a computer or in a call center in the night and strained their eyes through out the night with an artificial light from a tube light or from the monitor of a computer.

Eyeshbecome injected, the eyes can sometimes throb and the inner canthi of the eye become swollen, red and prominent. I sometime have to differentiate this remedy from Belladonna or Ruta which also have similar type of symptoms.

Large accumulation of purulent matter or purulent sputum with very feeble expectoration, < cold weather, in an old person, expectoration very tough and hard to expel with difficulty breathing;

1. Mürrisch/schlecht gelaunt/unzufrieden, Ausscheidungen weniger, 2. Arbeit unmöglich/träge/gleichgültig, Ausscheidungen VERmehrt; <: kalte Luft/nasskalt/bedeckter Himmel; 3. Depressiv;


Vergleich: Enthält: Harz + Bitterstoff + Gummi + Salizylsäure + Ätherische Öle; Liebt Na; Ant-t (Ammc = Ant-t-ÄHNlich) + Bry (Ammc wann versagen), Ferula tingitana (= African ammonium Apiales).

DD.: Ambra. Bell. Hippoz. Kali-bi. Ruta. Seneg.

Siehe: Apiales + Lacs vegetabil

Bell Ammc (Augen) Ruta


Ähnlich: ambr. ant-t. bell-p. con. cop. ferr-met. kali-bi. phos. Seneg.



Antidotiert: Apis. Chlol.                        

Antidotiert von: Arn. Bry.                        Kaffee.           


Wirkung: hydrogenoid                                   

Allerlei: Steppen Asiens/wurde gesammelt in Amon beim Tempel/Jupiter geweiht

was named after the temple of Ammon, because the gum resin was first extracted from plants in this area of Libya, its use mentioned by Hippocrates in the 1st century CE.

The gum resin exudes naturally from holes in the stems caused by beetles.

A Persian gum obtained from Dorema ammoniacum, an umbelliferous plant. A drug famous since ancient times. Proved and introduced by I.G. Jahnel in 1837, proved again by J.B. Buchner in 1840, and by several others in 1847.


Phytologie: Krampflösend/Ausscheidung fördernd

Asthma/Bronchitis/Husten + schwer löslichem Schleim


Husten, Blähungen, Ödeme,




  *  Respiratory system.

MIND: - -  Melancholic. No pleasure in life.

  -  Morose. Cross. Displeased with everything. Dissatisfied.

  -  Slow. Dull. Difficult thinking, comprehending.- -  Apathy. Indolence.

  -  Sadness. - -  Not capable of mental work, with sleepiness.

  -  Excitement, restless evening in bed; dull, sleepy in morning.

GENERALITIES: - -  WEAKNESS. - -  AGED, weakened constitutions. Old people.

  -  < WINTER, cold wet weather, cold air, cloudy weather. - -  < Exertion, 21 h. - 5 h.

  -  At first decreased mucus discharge, later increased.

HEAD: - -  Pain with frontal sinusitis (Kali-bi.).

EYE/VISION: - -  Combination of Ruta and Belladonna symptoms.

  -  Weakness, pain as from overexertion, like reading. Easily fatigued eyes.

  -  Fiery points before eyes, < evening, when tired.

NOSE: - -  Motion of wings, constant, in pneumonia.

ABDOMEN: - -  Rumbling with soft stool and accumulation of gas with confused feeling in head, < afternoon.

RESPIRATION/COUGH: - -  DIFFICULT respiration from MUCUS in trachea.

  -  Catarrh in old people. Catarrh alt. with diarrhea (Seneg.). - - MUCUS in air passages.

  -  CHRONIC BRONCHITIS in weak, old people. Organism can not get over it.

    Every winter cough at night with copious, stringy expectoration.With accelerated pulse, oppression of chest, dyspnoe + some anxious restlessness. Dyspnoe is not very serious/fatal. - -  RATTLING respiration/COUGH. Difficult expectoration.

  -  Acute bronchopneumoNIA (Ant-t./Bry.): Exhaustion, high fever, persistent violent coughing at night.Cough < 21 h. - 5 h. Easily expectorated, ropy mucus with the cough.

    Dyspnoe, stitching chest pain < left side.Patient looks sleepy, is irritable, nothing seems to interest him. Patient looks older, indifferent.

BACK: - -  Pain lumbar region when breathing.

EXTREMITIES: - -  Rheumatic pains. Gout. - -  Weakness, lameness, heaviness.



Gemüt: Alles abgeneigt

Auf-/Zusammenfahren aus dem Schlaf (durch Erstickungsgefühl)

Enthüllt Geheimnisse


Erregt (nachts/sprechend)

Faul (morgens/während Fieber/bei Schläfrigkeit)

Furcht (vor Unglück)

< gehend im Freien

Geistige Anstrengung < [unmöglich (bei Kopfschmerz)]

Gleichgültig, Apathie (mit Schläfrigkeit)


Mürrisch/Reizbar, gereizt (sitzend)

Ruhelos (nachts)

Schüchtern, zaghaft

Stumpf [morgens (aufstehend)]


Traurig [morgens (nach dem Aufstehen)/nachts]


Unzufrieden (mit allem)

Verwirrt geistig (mit Kopfschmerz)

Kopf: Gefühllos, taub im Hinterkopf

Hautausschläge - Pusteln (am Hinterkopf)/Jucken der Kopfhaut

Prickeln, Kribbeln

Schmerz einige

Auge: Amblyopie durch einen Schlag


rot < Lesen/Hitze im Auge/Injiziert innere Canthi

Photophobie (< bewölktes Wetter)

Pulsieren in den Augen (< Lesen)

Schmerz einige

Tränenfluss < Gähnen/trocken

Eingesunken, eingefallen

Schwach (< Lesen)

Sehen: Farben vor den Augen - Gegenstände erscheinen grau/grünen Hof um das Licht/schwarze Flecken

Feurige Punkte (bewegen sich zusammen mit den Augen)/Funken (abends)/farbige Kreise um eine helle Mitte/Sterne

Nebelig/trübsichtig, trübes Sehen morgens (< nach Aufstehen)/abends

Verlust des Sehvermögens - abends

Ohr: Geräusche im Ohr, Ohrgeräusche - Sausen, Brausen

Ohrschmalz vermehrt/Ohrschmerz mit Zahnschmerz

Nase: Absonderung - reichlich/schaumig

Katarrh gefolgt von Stirnhöhlenbeschwerden/von Stirnhöhle herrührend/Schnupfen

Trocken innerlich nachts - weckt sie

Bewegung - Nasenflügel - anhaltend, ständig/“Wie Fächer“ (bei Pneumonie)

Niesen (häufig)

Schmerz an Nasenwurzel (drückend)

Verstopft weckt ihn nachts auf

Gesicht: blass/brennende Hitze in Lippen/trockene Lippen

Mund: Zunge gelb

Rauheit - Zahnfleisch/Zungenspitze

Trocken morgens erwachend

Geschmack - bitter (> nach Essen)/fade (morgens/süß)/“Wie Lehm“/pappig/süßlich

Zähne: Schmerz erstr. Ohr (ziehend)

Innerer Hals: schabendes, scharrendes kratzen


Schmerz [brennend/Ösophagus (brennend/kratzend, kratzig)]

Spasmen (zwingt zum Würgen)

Trocken (morgens/< im Freien)/Völle

Äußerer Hals: Schmerz (brennend/kratzend, kratzig)

Magen: Appetit fehlend < während Menses

Aufstoßen (heftig)/Arte des Aufstoßens sauer nachmittags/übel

Bauch: Entzündete Appendix

Flatulenz (nachts)

Jucken in Leistengegend (r.)

Rumoren, Kollern (nachmittags)

Schmerz mehrere

Schwere in Hypogastrium

Zucken und Rucken in Leistengegend

Rektum: Durchfall (gallig)

Flatus - nachts - herumdrehend im Bett/übel riechend (saurer Geruch)


Schmerz < Sitzen (drückend)

Stuhl: Braun/hart/reichlich/spärlich/teigig, breiig/dünn, flüssig/wässrig/weich

Blase: Uriniert tröpfelnd < nach Urinieren/unterbrochen

Urin: Sediment - schleimig

Harnröhre: Schmerz (brennend/in Fossa navicularis/in Meatus/stechend)

Männliche Genitalien: Hydrozele

Jucken an behaarte Teile

Schmerz mehrere

Weibliche Genitalien: Menses - fehlend/schmerzhaft/unregelmäßig

Kehlkopf und Trachea: Katarrh (bei alten Menschen/Trachea)/Krupp - membranös

Schleim in Trachea/Stimme - heiser, Heiserkeit

Atmung: Ängstlich

Asthma, asthmatische Atmung (spasmodisch)

Atemnot, Dyspnoe, erschwertes Atmen bei alten Menschen/durch Schleim in der Trachea

Beschleunigt/Rasselnd (bei alten Menschen)

Brust: Angst in der Brust/Blutandrang zur Brust

Entzündete Bronchien (bei alten Menschen/+ Schwäche/chronisch)/Entzündete Lungen (gramnegative Bazillen)

Katarrh (bei alten Menschen)


Herzbeschwerden/Herzklopfen - < Rückenlage/l. Seitenlage; stürmisch, heftig, vehement, ungestüm

Schmerz l. (stechend)


Husten: bei Alten Menschen (im Winter)/> essend

Gelöst, locker ohne Auswurf/heftig nachts/im Winter (rasselnd)/aus der Tiefe kommend

Auswurf: Nachts (2 h. - 6 h)/eitrig/in Fäden/gelb

Reichlich (alten Menschen)/schleimig (alten Menschen/< kaltes Wetter)/Schwierig (alten Menschen)/zäh

Rücken: Jucken in Zervikalregion/Schmerz wenige

Glieder: Gefühllose, taube Füße

Jucken in Fußsohle/Kribbeln in Füße

Lahmheit in Beine < gehen/Lahmheit in Hüfte


Schmerz viele

Schwäche (Arme/in Hüfte - abends/in Oberschenkel

Schwellung in Finger/Gelenke/Knie („Wie geschwollen“)/Zehen

Schweregefühl (abends)

Spannung im Knie < gehen

Ungeschickte Beine stolpert gehend (< Treppe steigend)

Schlaf: Einschlafen spät (+ schläfrig tagsüber)

Gestört durch Träume/erwacht häufig/ruhelos

Gähnt (bei Leere im Magen/mit Tränenfluss)

Schlaflos (nach Mitternacht - 3 h/durch Kopfschmerz (im Kopf)/durch Pulsieren/aus Schwäche)/schläfrig [tagsüber und spätes Einschlafen/morgens (< Aufstehen)/

während Kopfschmerz/mit Trägheit/unerquicklich]

Träume: Alpträume, Alpdrücken/ängstlich/schrecklich/verworren, wüst

Erinnerlich, bleiben im Gedächtnis/zusammenhängend


Frost: < Steigen

Schweiß: im Allgemeinen

Haut: Hautausschläge - Juckende Pickel

Allgemeines: Periodische (jedes Jahr)/Winter/Abends - 12 h. - 5 h/nachts

Alten Menschen

<: körperliche Anstrengung/Kälte/kalte Luft/Schwäche (Aufstehen/Bewegung)/körperliche Trägheit (Aufstehen);



Pulsieren äußerlich

Schleimhautabsonderung vermehrt

Schmerz (wund schmerzend/äußerlich (drückend)/innerlich (stechend)

Schweregefühl äußerlich

Speisen und Getränke: Abgeneigt: Milch;

Äußere Wassersucht

Zusammenschnürung äußerlich

< bewölktes Wetter/< nasskaltes Wetter bei alten Menschen


Repertory: [Mrinal Mohapatra]

Mind: Anxiety, with congestion of lungs.

Low-spirited; sluggish; drowsy.

Indisposed to mental work.

Intellectual labor prevented by headache.

Vertigo: Aching in forehead with confusion of whole head, and such drowsiness that any effort or labor was impossible.

Forehead confused, with weakness of sight and heaviness in loins.

Confusion of head and sleepiness, with a sensation as if bruised in limbs, and pains in course of crural nerve.

Head: Pains throughout whole forehead; increasing all day till evening, preventing intellectual labor.

Severe headache continuing during night, preventing sleep.

Aching in forehead, with confusion of whole head, and such drowsiness that any effort or labor was utterly impossible.

Pressive pains in whole forehead, and over eyes.

Transient, stitching pains in left temporal region.

Tearings in left side of head.

Pressive pain in whole head, especially in supraorbital region and occiput.

Stitching pains through head.

Heaviness of the head.

Itching, mostly on border of hair in nape of neck.

Pimples on border of scalp.

Frequently returning knifelike stitches in middle of hairy scalp.

Stitching in occiput, on edge of hair; under hair pustules formed.

Numbness in occiput.

Eyes: Daylight hurts his eyes.

Aching in upper part of eye.

Vision: Stars and fiery points floating before his eyes.

Beams of light and sparks proceeding from eyes.

Candlelight surrounded by brilliant colored rings.

Glaring as from melted metal before eyes; sparks and streaks < in evening.

Sees things through a thick mist or a cloud of dust.

Dim sight after a blow on head.

Eyes fatigued from reading; they become injected and throb.

Dimness and obstruction of sight in evening, amounting almost to blindness.

He sees before him smoke, which, taking flight of small birds, forms a large circle and is most distinct at twenty paces, on a white ground. Generally smaller circles are present; in which case the smoke seems only an appendage to these circles. The appearance and motion of these circles depend upon the unsteadiness of the look and correspond to

an appearance of congestion at internal corners of eye. The margins of the circles are always grey, and become black on sudden motion. On first looking at an object, circles appear above lens, but on looking steadily they sink to middle and remain floating there. They are clearer in clear weather and dimmer in dark weather. Sometimes he also

sees a black spot which becomes larger as night advances. θ Amblyopia, after a blow.

Ears: Pain in ears, with toothache.

Large secretion of earwax.

Hearing: Buzzing, roaring in ears, with hardness of hearing.

Nose: Mucous discharge from nose with frequent sneezing and mucous expectoration. θ Coryza.

Dry nose on waking.

Constant motion of ala nasi. θ Congestion of lungs.

Face: Pale face, feels sick; frequent change of color.

Drawing in right malar bone towards temple.

Dark face, anxious, parched look. θ Congestion of lungs.

Darting from region of lower jaw to interior of mouth.

Mouth: Darting from region of lower jaw into mouth.

Taste: Insipid taste.

Teeth: Toothache, pain ext. into ear.

Throat: Bitterish unpleasant taste in throat.

After swallowing, a sensation in throat as from a dry cough.

Sensation of sharpness and burning in throat and oesophagus.

Dryness of throat, most troublesome in morning, always increases by inhaling fresh air.

Stomach: Want of appetite.

Belching after eating.

Disgust, with inclination to vomit.

** Vomiting and purging.

Aching in pit of stomach.

Abdomen: Induration of liver.

** Infarcts of liver, spleen and pancreas.

Slight pains in belly with borborygmi.

Chilliness and wandering pain in abdomen, followed by an abundant mucous stool.

Dull, shooting, jerking pain in region of cecum; < turning on to right side.

Pressure and heaviness in pubic region.

Rectum: Constipation.

Chronic diarrhoea, with cutting pains, weakness, discharges bilious or mucous.

Summer complaint of children.

Stool: Abundant mucous stool, after chilliness and wandering pain in abdomen.

Stools sometimes fluid.

Fetid flatulence with papescent stool.

Urinary Organs: Lactate of urea much increased.

Burning in urethra.

Dribbling after urination.

Urine: After a few days many torula were formed in urine.

Male Organs: Heaviness and aching in pubic region.

Itching in pubic region.

Shooting and drawing in right spermatic cord and penis.

Indurated testicles.

** Hydrocele.

Female Organs: Menotasia, dysmenorrhoea from obstructions in portal system.

** Irregular menstruation, amenorrhoea from chlorosis.

Larynx and Trachea: Rough throat.

Tickling without cough.

** Chronic bronchitis.

Respiratory Organs: Short, loud, accelerated breathing, with anxiety.

Oppression and stitches in left chest, when inspiring.

Difficult breathing. θ Congestion of lungs.

Oppression of chest relieved by raising tough phlegm.

** Spasmodic asthma.

Cough: Mucous expectoration.

** Asthenic pulmonary complaints.

Promotes power of ejecting sputa if sick have not the strength.

Mucus tough, profuse and hard.

** Chronic pulmonary and bronchial catarrh, with nauseous thick fluid, puslike sputa.

** Large accumulation of purulent or viscid matter, with feeble or difficult expectoration.

Aged people suffer in cold weather from bronchial affections, with accumulation of mucus and much difficulty in raising it.

Chest: Pressure in chest.

Dull and numb feeling in posterior part of right chest, followed by pressure deep in.

Lungs congested; dulness on both sides; great difficulty in breathing and anxiety, constant motion of ala nasi; face dark with anxious and parched look;

no expectoration; with this an attack of asthma. θ Suppressed eczema following vaccination.

Heart-beat stronger, but not more rapid; extends into pit of stomach; < evening when lying down/lying on back or l. side.

At night, when lying down, heart and arteries throb; eyes weary after reading; cannot get to sleep.

Pulse small, corded, quick and hard.

Pulse quickened, frequent and hard.

Pulse tense.

Back: Weight and pressure in lumbar vertebra, with stitches in loins during inhalation, and rheumatic pain in left pelvis.

Limbs: Lancination in shoulder joints.

Left arm weak.

Rheumatic pain, “As if bruised”, most in elbow joint and l. wrist, with tearing in right hand.

Pain in left shoulder joint and arm.


Stitches in right hip when sitting.

Stitches over hip when walking, he limps.

Cannot walk from pain in right hip joint.

Darting pain in left thigh along crural nerve.

Violent pain over knee when walking.

Knee swollen in evening, while sitting, with pinching in bend of joint.

Stitches in right knee, in tibia and tarsal joint.

Gouty pain in left big toe.

Itching on soles of feet.

Tingling in right foot.

Pinching, tearing, drawing, burning in left foot.

Swelling of toes.

Tearing pain in wrist and ankles, followed by swollen toes and fingers.

Tired feeling and heaviness in limbs, even after slightest exertion.

Sleep: Drowsiness all day, sleep full of dreams.

Drowsiness with headache, making labor impossible.

Gaping because stomach is empty, brings tears in eyes.

On awaking: nose, mouth and throat very dry.

On getting up in morning: lazy, drowsy and depressed in spirits.

Skin: Red rash over whole body.

After itching, little blisters like rash in typhus, but containing a yellow fluid; afternoon, violent fever with swelling of face, more like a red rash.

Suppression of eczema following vaccination. θ Congestion of lungs.

Fever: Chilliness followed by slight fever and headache.

A running chill from feet up over back.

Disposition to sweat.


Rest, Position, Motion: Lying down on back or on left side; heart symptoms worse.

Turning on right side: increases pain in cecum.

Sitting: stitches in right hip; knee swollen, pricking in bend of joint.

Walking; stitches over hip; pain over knee.

Cannot walk: from pain in right hip joint.

After slightest exertion: tiredness and heaviness of limbs.

Nerves: Uneasiness; weariness.

** Hysteria with weakness.

Time:Temperature and Weather: Night: headache continues; heart and arteries throb.

Morning: dryness of throat <; lazy, drowsy and depressed on rising.

All day till evening: pain throughout whole forehead.

All day: drowsy.

Evening: glaring before eyes; sparks and streaks before eyes <; dimness of vision; heart symptoms <; knee swollen.

As night advances: sees a black spot. θ Amblyopia.

Fresh air: inhaling it makes dryness of throat worse.

Cold weather: increase of bronchial troubles.

In clear weather, objects look clearer; in dull weather, dimmer. θ Amblyopia.

Periodicity: Right: drawing in malar bone; dull and numb, posterior part of chest; tearing in hand; stitches in hip; stitches in knee; tingling in foot.

Left: transient stitches in temple; tearing in side of head; stitches in chest; rheumatic pains in pelvis; arm weak; rheumatic pains in wrist, arm and shoulder joint;

darting pain in thigh; gouty pain in big toe; pinching, tearing, drawing and burning in foot.

Below upward: running chill from feet up back.

Locality and Direction:

Sensations: Stitches: in left temporal region; through head; in hairy scalp; in occiput on edge of hair; in left chest when inspiring; in loins during inhalation; in shoulder joints;

in right hip when sitting; over hip when walking; in right knee, tibia and tarsal joint; as from dry cough in throat after swallowing.

Lancination: in shoulder joints.

Darting: from region of lower jaw into mouth; in left thigh along crural nerve.

Shooting: in right spermatic cord and penis.

Tearing: in left side of head; in right hand; in wrist and ankles; in left foot.

Cutting pain: with diarrhoea.

Sharpness and burning: in throat and oesophagus.

Drawing: in right malar bone towards temple; in spermatic cord and penis; in left foot.

Burning: in urethra.

Aching: in forehead; in upper part of eye; in pit of stomach; in pubic region.

Bruised feeling: in limbs; in upper limbs.

Pinching: in bend of joint; in left foot.

Heaviness: of head; in loins with headache; in pubic region; in lumbar vertebra; in limbs.

Itching: on border of hair in nape of neck; in pubic region; on soles of feet.

Tingling: in right foot.

Numbness: in occiput; in posterior part of right chest.

Dryness: of nose; in throat.

Chilliness: in abdomen with wandering pain.

Pain: in forehead; in course of crural nerves; in ears; in left shoulder joint and arm; over knee.

Stinging, tearing, pricking pain, here and there, mostly in lower limbs.

Tired feeling and heaviness: in limbs after slight exertion.

Dull shooting jerking pain: in region of cecum.

Toothache extending into ears.

Pressure: in chest; in pubic region; in lumbar vertebra.

Rheumatic pain: in left pelvis; in elbow joint and left wrist.

Gouty pain: in left big toe.

Pressive pains: in forehead; in whole head.

Tissues: TISSUES.

** Hemorrhages.

** Causes abundant serous discharges.

** Dropsical complaints.

** Gout not developing in usual form of attacks, but disturbing general health.

** Scrofulous tumors or enlarged joints.

Touch, passive Motion, Injuries: Blows with a stick over the head, followed by dim sight. θ Amblyopia.



Vorwort/Suchen                Zeichen/Abkürzungen                                    Impressum