Aqua Bath o. Aqua Sulis


Vergleich: Enthält: Total mineralization 2295, ph 6.9, Ca 393, N 22°, Mg 58, K 18, Sulphate 18°, Cl 325, Bicarbonate 17°, Nitrate °.35, Sr 6.3, Fe 2.°, Ba °.°3, Boron .5, Silicon 19.5, Mn .3, Bromine 1.8, Iodine . 41, traces of Radon, Helium, Radium and Uranium/radio-activ elements: Radon 8°° pCi/l (1 picocurie pCi = °.°37 becquerels, Bq)/Helium (7°° 1° cm H2O)/Radium (1°.2 pCi/l)/Uranium (°55 micrograms/l (U238 activity ratio 2.77). The radio-element contents, although greater than in shallow ground water, are an insignificant hazard for public tasting of the waters;

Aqua Bath

Siehe: Aquae allgemein


Bath Aqua = Cross spring


[Raymond Sevar]

Traditional medicinal use of the spa and diseases found to benefit; chemical and radiological constituents of the water

Only site in Britain with water over 4°° C rises naturally to the surface.

King’s Spring/Hetling Spring/Cross Spring emerge around 1°° metres from each other. The springs flow at different temperatures: the King’s Spring at 45° C and the Hetling Spring at 47° C are too hot from prolonged immersion or sustained bathing without exhaustion or overheating. The water of the Cross Spring flows at a constant 41° C, giving an average sustained bathing temperature in the bath of 37.7° C and this proved to be the most comfortable for immersion and bathing and accounts for the size and great popularity of the Cross Bath since Tudor times.


Medicinal use of the geothermal springs in Bath

The legend of the healing waters of Bath begins with Bladud who had returned from his travels a leper and was employed as a swineherd. In cold weather his pigs took to bathing in the hot mud near the springs. Finding his pigs free of scurf and scabs he bathet in the water and was cured. He became the 9th king of the Britons in 863 B.C., founded the town of Bath around the hot springs and built baths so that others might be cured.

In 1138 Bishop Robert built a house for lepers close to the Cross Bath. Term leprosy describe chronic scaly eruptions many of which would be termed psoriasis or eczema.

Patients with skin diseases represented 15% of admissions to the Mineral Water Hospital - between the years 1755 and 1764 some 241 lepers were admitted.

Of these, 122 were “perfectly cleansed” and 85 were much benefited”. Only 16 had no benefit and 4 of these died in hospital.

Treatment of infertility.

Diagnoses fell into 3 main areas: palsies (39%), rheumatics (33%) and skins (1°%) - (children 5% of admissions). The most consistent results were in the treatment of paralysis due to lead poisoning. From 1760 to 1879 there were 3377 cases of lead palsy treated by standing head out of water immersion (SHOWI) plus drinking around 5°° ml of the water daily. Of these: 93% benefited, 1533 patients (45%) had no residual paralysis on discharge and were said to be cured; 1629 (48%) were said to be greatly improved.

The average length of stay in hospital was 24 weeks.

The extent to which other factors (clean water, improved nutrition, better housing etc.) influenced the results remains unknown.

The physiology of immersion in thermal waters

Cardiovascular, renal and hormonal changes in normal subjects and in those with early lead toxicity were noted after immersion in Bath spa water and tap water at temperatures from 33° to 39° C

at immersion times of 1, 2 and 3 hours. The greatest changes occurred with immersion at 37° C (the bathing temperature in the Cross Bath was 37.7° C).

Cardiovascular: Significant (p less than °.°°1) rise in cardiac index and stroke volume and fall in peripheral resistance were found. The percentage rise in cardiac output rose from 34% at 35° C to 8% at 37° C.

Renal: The increase in diuresis was found to be most stable at 37° C. There was haemo-dilution with fall in haemoglobin, red cell count and plasma viscosity; increase in urine volume and increased excretion of N + K + Ca + Pb.

Hormonal: Decrease in the secretion of anti-diuretic hormone, rennin, aldosterone and catecholamines, and increase in the secretion of atrial natriuretic peptide.

Although there were differences in results between tap water and spa water these were not statistically significant.


Age of the water of the Cross Spring

Best estimates are that the water is at least several hundred years old and may be several thousand years old. The isotope composition and noble gas recharge temperatures

of the water shows that it was recharged within the last 10.000 years. The Uranium U234/U238 activity ratio suggests the water has resided deep in the Carboniferous limestone for perhaps 3, years. The high Radium content is typical of geo-chemically evolved waters and suggests that the water is old, probably at least several hundred years old.

The high temperatures attained by the water during its transit makes accurate dating using Carbon unreliable. Chemical geo-thermometers suggest that the maximum temperature attained was 64 - 69° C, probably closer to the lower figure. A geo-thermal gradient of 2°° C/km indicates water circulation to a depth of 2,5 metres.


[Dr Raymond Sevar]

A Homeopathic Proving of The Water of the Cross Spring in Bath aqua

2. August 2014


A placebo controlled, double blind homeopathic proving of the water of the Cross Spring, Bath in 6 CH and 30 CH potencies.

1st phase double blind, 13 provers, 7 men and 6 women (10 verum, 3 placebo).

2nd phase unblended; the three placebo provers take verum. Six provers had symptoms and four did not. Of the three placebo provers two had symptoms and one did not.

The duration of symptoms was 5 to 44 days. There was concordance of symptoms in several provers. Extraction of symptoms occurred in 3 phases with a reduction in

symptom number in each phase.

The idea for this small scale proving arose when I learned that the British Homeopathic Congress was to be held in Bath in October 2000. I presented a summary of the results of the proving at the congress. The attempt to resurrect Bath as a spa has been generating a great deal of research in many disciplines since public access to the springs ceased

in 1978.

      The timing of the proving was auspicious: the water was obtained in January 2000,just ten months before the worst floods in recent centuries in October/November 2000. The floods caused extensive damage to the catchment areas of the River Avon, the springs flowed at an increased rate and the spring water was mixed with much larger amounts of rainwater and shallow ground water.

      Bath is the only site in Britain where water over 40° C rises naturally to the surface. The total yield of the 3 springs in Bath is around 1.25 million litres of water daily,

with a temperature of 41° - 47° C. The King’s Spring, the Hetling Spring and the Cross Spring emerge around 100 metres from each other. These springs flow at different temperatures: the King’s Spring at 45° C

the Hetling Spring at 47° C are too hot from prolonged immersion or sustained bathing without exhaustion or overheating.

the Cross Spring flows at a constant 41° C, giving an average sustained bathing temperature in the bath of 37.7° C and this proved to be the most comfortable for immersion and bathing and accounts for the size and great popularity of the Cross Bath since Tudor times.

Medicinal use of the geothermal springs in Bath

The legend of the healing waters of Bath begins with Bladud who returned from his travels a leper and was employed as a swineherd. In cold weather his pigs took to bathing in the hot mud near the springs. Finding his pigs free of scurf and scabs he bathed regularly in the water and was cured. He became the 9th king of the Britons in 863 B.C., founded the town of Bath around the hot springs and built baths so that others might be cured.

      In1138 Bishop Robert built a house for lepers close to the Cross Bath. This bath was unusual for its time as it was within the city walls. While leprosy existed in Britain before Elizabethan times, the term lepra was used loosely to describe chronic scaly eruptions many of which would be termed psoriasis or eczema today.

      Patients with skin diseases represented 15% of admissions to the Mineral Water Hospital- between the years 1755 and 1764 some 241 lepers were admitted.

Of these, 122 were “perfectly cleansed” and 85 were "much benefited”. Only 16 had no benefit and 4 of these died in hospital.

      A reputation for the treatment of infertility drew many to the baths. James II despatched his apparently infertile wife Mary to try the effects of the waters. Soon after wards Mary was pregnant with a son who ensured a Catholic succession. The birth was celebrated by the erection of an elaborate cross (crucifix) in the Cross Bath.

Whether this pregnancy was due to the effect of the waters or other pastimes in the baths remains unclear. The Cross Bath had by this time earned a reputation for “the performance of every wanton dalliance imaginable”.

The range of diseases which seemed to derive benefit from the waters became very wide. However, the Mineral Water Hospital tried to be more objective, even though its own interests would best be served by substantial cure rates3 The majority of referrals were cases found to be incurable by any other means and I the poorest of patients.

Diagnoses fell into 3 main areas: palsies (39%), rheumatics (33%) and skins (10%) - (children 5% of admissions). The most consistent results were in he treatment of paralysis due to lead poisoning4. From 1760 to 1879 there were 3377 cases of lead palsy treated by standing head out of water immersion (SHOWI) plus drinking around 500 ml of the water daily. Of these: 93% benefited, 1533 patients (45%) had no residual paralysis on discharge and were said to be cured; 1629 (48%) were said to be greatly improved.

The average length of stay in hospital was 24 weeks. The extent to which other factors (clean water, improved nutrition, better housing etc.) influenced the results remains unknown.


The physiology of immersion in thermal waters5

Cardiovascular, renal and hormonal changes in normal subjects and in those with early lead toxicity were noted after immersion in Bath spa water and tap water at temperatures from 33° C to 39° C at immersion times of 1, 2 and 3 hours. The greatest changes occurred with immersion at 37° C (the bathing temperature in the Cross Bath was 37.7° C).


Significant (p less than 0.001) rise in cardiac index and stroke volume and fall in peripheral resistance were found. The percentage rise in cardiac output rose from 34% at35° C to 80% at 37° C.


The increase in diuresis was found to be most stable at 37° C. There was haemo-dilution with fall in haemoglobin, red cell count and plasma viscosity; increase in urine volume and increased excretion of sodium, potassium, calcium and lead.


Decrease in the secretion of anti-diuretic hormone, rennin, aldosterone and catecholamines, and increase in the secretion of atrial natriuretic peptide.

Although there were differences in results between tap water and spa water these were not statistically significant.

The Cross Spring in Bath

Throughout the centuries many physicians in Bath remained convinced that the water worked best if taken fresh from the springs. The water gradually loses carbon dioxide, helium and radon after rising. There is also oxidation of the ferrous (= Eisenhaltig) salts to ferric [oxidation number of +3, denoted iron(III) or Fe3+ (= rust)] salts on exposure to air.

      Bath closed as a spa in 1978 after the discovery of Naegleria fowleri, an aerobic pathogenic amoeba, in the water. A great deal of research has been conducted into the geothermal waters of Bath since then. The control of Naegleria was achieved by specially boreholes which convey unoxidised thermal water to the installation where it is used. This constant flow provides no time for oxidation to take place and is deemed to be a permanent safeguard. Regular testing has confirmed biological purity of the water.

      In 1987 an inclined borehole was drilled to the source of the Cross spring confirming its temperature as a constant 410° C, with a stable flow rate of 800 gallons per hour. In 1988 a permanent Aqiline lined pipewell was sunk to the source of the Cross spring. This has been tested monthly and been found to be consistently free of Naegleria fowleri. This is the source of water which will be used in the new restored spa in Bath and is the source of the water in this proving.


Chemical analysis of the water of the Cross Spring

Total mineralization 2295, ph 6.9, Calcium 393, Sodium 220, Magnesium 58, Potassium 18, Sulphate 1080, Chloride 325, Bicarbonate 170, Nitrate 0.35, Strontium 6.3,Iron 2.0, Barium 0.03, Boron 0.5, Silicon 19.5, Manganum 0.3, Bromine 1.8,Iodine 0.041, traces of Radon, Helium, Radium and Uranium. The chemical composition of the water shows that it has chemically equilibrated with carboniferous limestone. The variation in the chemical composition of the water shows a very small influence from rainfall or superficial ground water.

Radio-active contents of the Cross Spring

The largest contributor to the spring’s radio-activity is Radon: Radon222 800pCi/l (1 picocurie pCi = 0.037 becquerels, Bq), Helium4 700 10 cm H2O, Radium 22610.2 pCi/l, Uranium 0.055 micrograms/l (U234/U238 activity ratio 2.77). The radio-element contents, although greater than shallow ground water, are an insignificant hazard for public tasting of the waters.


Age of the water of the Cross Spring

Best estimates the water is at least several hundred years old and may be several thousand years old. The isotope composition and noble gas recharge temperatures of the water shows that it was recharged within the last 10.000 years. The Uranium U234/U238 activity ratio suggests the water has resided deep in the Carboniferous limestone for perhaps 3,000 years.

      The high Radium 226 content is typical of geo-chemically evolved waters and suggests that the water is old, probably at least several hundred years old. The high temperatures attained by the water during its transit makes accurate dating using Carbon14 unreliable. Chemical geo-thermometers suggest that the maximum temperature attained was 64-690 C, probably closer to the lower figure. Ageo-thermal gradient of 200 C/km indicates water circulation to a depth of 2,500 metres.



Substance: Water taken from pipe-well of the Cross Spring by Public health Department officers of Bath during routine biological testing of the water in January 2000.

Three 5ml amber glass bottles were filled brim full (to avoid oxidation) and these were sent to Helios homeopathic pharmacy.


Was by the Hahnemannian method using 90% alcohol and 40 hand successions against a large leather-bound Bible. Potentisation was continued to 30 CH using a new bottle for each step.



Verum: of the 10 provers 6 produced symptoms(6cH: p2, p5, p13; 30cH: p6, p17, p20); 4 provers had no symptoms (30cH: p1,p11, p25,: 6cH: p12).


Placebo: 3 provers (p4, p7, p24). Two recoded symptoms. One of these (p7 placebo, p20 30cH) had nausea from placebo and from verum. The nausea from placebo was associated with diminished appetite. The nausea from verum was associated with increased appetite even though the nausea was made worse by eating (this was similar

to the nausea of another prover, p56cH).

This was the only similarity between symptoms in the placebo and verum symptoms. He also had emotional symptoms taking placebo and “but only a few physical symptoms” taking verum, so he was disappointed. He had taken part in a previous proving in Ireland and had had “many deep emotional symptoms.”

Extraction of symptoms

      Despite best efforts the name of the remedy “leaked out” to three provers in the double blind phase (p1, p6 and p13) and one prover in the second unblended phase (p12). The symptoms of these provers were all excluded in the third phase of symptoms extraction, however the symptoms of prover 13 are given in the Appendix.

      Symptoms were produced in the mind and various regions of the body. There was concordance of symptoms: three provers had dreams of water, head, face and eye symptoms; two had stomach, general symptoms and sensations as if.


Symptoms began on the first day in 4 provers and lasted from 5 to 44 days. 5 provers had symptoms for 5 to 11 days and 3 provers had symptoms for 40-44 days.



I didn’t want to get up, whole body heavy, lack of enthusiasm for the day or work, felt flat and bored, weepy, tired.

Dreams of water:

  Going to get water for an allotment from a large pond.

  (4 a.m.) Driving a lorry with kids on snow, helping a cyclist who’d slipped on snow and then cycling on snow.

  In a room with lino on the floor, snake-like bulge under the lino, felting nails holding down lino. I thought that water under the lino would fountain out of the nail holes. What did come out

of the bulge was a small creature.

Dreams in which the emotion seems unusual or inappropriate

  A crowd at the bottom of a mountain made way for a car to come through and the car hit a friend of mine. I suggest giving him a kick as “like cures like”.

  Drove onto a moor on sandy ground to retrieve a collie dog with a damaged leg - the car slipped down a slope and turned over. No panic, even though knew I was going to die as the car roof crushed in.

  A group of women had a man in a chair handcuffed and one of the women was brandishing a hacksaw and threatening to cut off his hand. I intervened and took the saw and cut at the wrists of one of the women. I woke up feeling regret - 5 a.m.

Sensations “As if”

  I have moved my bowels but do not feel finished and the sensation persists for some time

  Left side of body feels calmer, heavier and more robust

  12 noon - a woolly sensation over my forehead

  Left corner of mouth felt as if cracked

  My feet feel hot inside but are cold to touch

  My feet feel swollen but are not


  At 3.30 h. I went for a walk and felt powerful vertigo and a cold sweat on my head, face and back which lasted 10 minutes and I felt very heavy

  At 16 h. I felt unsteadiness on movement without any precipitating factor



  Headache onset one hour after each of the 6 doses which lasted about an hour each time - occipital and spreading forward with a congested feeling, a fullness and tightness like a band sensation. The headache completely > eating. Headache + a hot, hard and tight feeling in eyeballs and my eyelids feel hot along the lid margins. This headache recurred each day for 4 days and then ceased

  Headache is heavy and pressing on vertex - a dull ache < thinking and concentrating and > fresh air

  A head pain boring inwards above my left eye of sudden onset on the 1st and 10th days

  Headache all day above and behind my eyes with a tightness of the forehead and above my eyes and a hang-over type feeling

  A tightness about my head which increased to a pain deep behind my eyes and the next day it settled into my occiput and left eye as a sharp pain

  A headache from early morning gradually increasing with a sense of tension and bursting which spread to vertex and occiput and was made worse by glaring light. The pain became severe and bursting and was better from a walk in the fresh open air. The headache persisted for two days


  My eyeballs feel hot, hard and tight and my eyelids feel hot along the margins with a gritty sensation as a concomitant to a headache which lasted 4 days

  Itching of my eyelids for 30 minutes at a time recurring several times a day for four days - there was no redness of my eyes and no lachrymation

  The whites of my eyes have become yellow - this began on the 2nd day and persisted for 42 days (author’s note this prover has Gilbert’s syndrome which may been provoked by the action of the remedy or it may be a coincidence)

  Pain above right eye for 2 days with excess tears from both eyes made worse in fresh open air. My eyes feel hot and tired and I want to sleep

  My eyes felt hot a dry and itchy and heavy for 5 days


  I have a sore feeling in the end of my right nostril with a clear, slightly acrid discharge which is not profuse. The skin is not reddened by the discharge

  Sneezing episodes lasting 30 minutes at a time lasting two days

  A runny nose like a cold with fluent bland coryza but intermittent and worse in the mornings lasting from the third to sixth days


  A dull pain in my right shin, right middle finger and then the right side of my face and head

  A sudden aching pain in my left eye and bridge of nose and upper cheek which moved to above my eye. The pain waxed and waned for 2 days

  A crack in the right corner of my mouth with a pain like a cut

  Lower lip swollen and lips are dry


  Ulcer on inside lower lip

  Base of tongue become white and feels dry

  A burning prickling in mouth which is not hot to touch and made better by cold drinks


My throat is dry and I need to clear my throat before I speak - not > drinking - and the dryness increases throughout the day.


  Nausea began one minute after the first dose and persisted for 44 days. I feel the nausea around my xiphistrenum and it extends around my epigastiurm and intercostals area.

Nausea < pressure when it feels like it rises like a lump to my throat; < in the evenings and usually made > exercise like walking or running but not always and sometimes the nausea appears while walking or running. The nausea associated with an increase in appetite although eating makes the nausea <, a feeling of oppression of the chest, a pain in my liver, a sharp pulsating stabbing pain

to the right of my xiphisternum and there is a sour flatulence with the nausea. (Author’s note: in this prover the persistent nausea was accompanied by some yellowing of the sclera of the eyes.

The patient had Gilbert’s syndrome but this had been asymptomatic for over 10 years prior to the proving. During the proving he gained 6 kg in weight and lost it again over the next month)

  Nausea lasting 8 days, worse in the evenings but with increased appetite although the nausea is made worse by eating. Sometimes with nausea there is pain in the stomach, especially in the evenings. The nausea was associated with a sensation of oppression in my chest in the evening of the sixth day


  A sudden sharp pain in the right of my abdomen in line with my liver associated with a dull pain passing through to my right shoulder blade made worse by bending over made > movement in fresh air. It feels like an eructation would relive the pain but I cannot belch

  I have flatulence with a sour smell with a pain in the left side of my abdomen below the ribs made better by going out for a run


  During exercise a get a sharp pain in my right groin and rectum which moved to my penis - a sharp and raw pain which lasts about 10 minutes

  Burning about the anus after a loose, sour-smelling stool


A constant urge to urinate but I pass no urine which causes a pushing down feeling inside < sitting and better standing with my legs apart


A pain in my right kidney while walking occurs on days 2, 8, 9 -11, The pain moves across my back and is dull and sore and is associated some days with nausea and on day 11 it was a sharp pain.

On days 10 and 11 there was also a pain in my left kidney which waxed and waned and left a dull ache.


My head and feet feel hot and I had to sleep with my feet out of the covers


  A dull pain in my right shin, with middle finger and then right side of my face and head

  I woke at 5 h. with a pain in my l. foot which was followed by sharp pains in both feet which recurred for 19 days

  Sharp pain in r. Achilles tendon > walking


Palpitations with formication of my skin and my skin feels cold associated with tingling of my mouth lips and tongue


  Internal restlessness at night

  Weakness and lassitude as if I have had influenza

  Fatigue - a heavy feeling with not enthusiasm to get out of bed or take exercise - and I fall asleep while reading - made > walking in the fresh air



Quality of results

The “leaking out”of the source of the remedy was unfortunate. Since the effect of this knowledge upon the symptoms produced remains unknown, the symptoms of those provers was excluded from the list of symptoms given above. Dreams of water were experienced by three provers taking verum but not in those who knew the source of the remedy.

However knowledge of the source of the remedy did not produce a uniform effect in the 4provers. One prover (a homeopathic physician) knew the source and had no symptoms from placebo (double blind) or from 6cH verum knowing it to be verum.Provers number 1 and 6: knew the source of the remedy and nothing of homeopathy before the proving; both took verum 30cH double blinded and prover 1 had no symptoms and prover 6 did. Prover 13, a 45 year old experienced and respected homeopathic physician , sustained and dramatic symptoms from one dose of 6cH double masked.

The degree of supervision

Provers had varying degrees of supervision depending on the experience and personalities of each prover/supervisor pair. Prover 5 had the closest supervision, recorded the most symptoms and had the greatest reduction in symptom numbers at each stage of the extraction process. Prover 17 had little supervision and had 4 symptoms which survived each stage of the extraction process.

Prover’s health,selection and expectation

The provers were in what was for them a stable period of good health. They were able to recover quickly from acute illnesses, none had an active chronic illness, none had taken any form of medication for a month prior to the proving. Prover 5 had Gilbert’s disease but this had been asymptomatic for twenty years and all his symptoms were new. The effect of expectation was clearly demonstrated only in the prover who had many emotional symptoms with placebo double masked (excluded in the extraction process) in contrast to the few physical symptoms and no emotional symptoms from unmasked verum.

      Vithoulkas is reported to have called for great circumspection in regard to new provings, the selection of provers, interpretation of findings and inclusion in repertories. I would have preferred

to select provers from those people who had reported symptoms from drinking the water. The closure of the spa in 1978 made this impossible for this trial. The new Bath Spa Complex is due to open later this year, so, in future it maybe possible to select provers from those sensitive to material doses of the water.


Appendix: the symptoms of prover 13

She is a 45 year old Homeopathic Physician who took part in the double blind phase of the proving. As soon as she opened the packaging and held the bottle of pilules she had this symptom:


I felt my arm sinking down with the weight of the remedy, and a feeling of the remedy being from deep in the earth.

She felt an apprehension about taking the remedy as she intuitively felt that the remedy would affect her profoundly. At this stage she did not know the source of the remedy knew the source of the remedy and it was in the double masked stage of the proving. Eventually, 3 months later took one dose from bottle number 13(which turned out 6cH) and had the most severe sustained, sustained and dramatic emotional symptoms and sustained physical symptoms. The effect of knowing the source of the remedy on the following symptoms which she produced remains unknown. Each reader will form their own opinion on the validity of these symptoms but I include them here so that nothing which may be of value should be lost.

      I have known her as a friend and colleague for nine years. I have no doubt that her symptoms were provoked by the remedy and that they display her unusual and unexpected peculiar sensitivity to this remedy. Her symptoms began after a few moments. The severe emotional symptoms were observed in all their force by her husband. Her husband is a “down to earth” practical man who has worked on a North Sea drilling rig for many years. He was frightened by the power andi ntensity of her emotional reaction and thought that she might divorce him in her rage. Her determination to suffer severe oesophageal pain for 38 days without any attempt to antidote the reaction is testament to her courage.



  Rage, uncontrollable rage for two days with lots of tears - my husband thought that I would divorce him.

  I want to be alone. I want to escape - it must be to a high open hill with trees - it must have trees. The desire to be alone lasted two days

  Desire for death, I really wanted to die for two days, I really wanted to cut my throat

  Overwhelming grief at the Earth’s plight, a feeling of great grief for Gaia lasting two days

  Sympathetic: heart feeling very open for a misunderstood colleague (the feeling was well localised to the heart) again lasting two days

  This remedy is poison, real deep poison - the feeling lasted for five days


  Dream about castles

  Very vivid dreams of being taught by a great Master - he had something hugely important to tell me

Sensation “As if”


Oppressive weight in upper chest with a strong well localised feeling of heartache for five days

Head: Pain

A vague headache behind eyes with actual pain well localised in bones of maxillae and ethmoid plates lasted for two days


Well localised pain in bones of maxilla for 2 days


  Two days of complete loss of appetite

  Unquenchable severe thirst for 2 days for still, filtered water. I wanted to drink many litres of water. I would normally want something fizzy like sparkling mineral water if I was thirsty, but for these two days it had to be still, filtered water


Constipated and bowels just not right for 5 days - although I am passing motions I still feel constipated.


Burning pain in oesophagus which is felt throughout the whole length of my oesophagus which lasted 38 days and began as the emotional symptoms resolved on the third day. The pain is linear,

well localised and burning in my oesophagus. At times I feel it in different parts of my oesophagus - upper, middle or lower. The painis made better by eating - I have to eat every two hours or

the pain is terrible. (Author’s note: despite eating regularly she lost 3 kg in weight.The weight loss persisted for 6 months and then spontaneously returned to normal).


  Pain in lumbar spine radiating and extending to the back of my thighs -the pain is deep at the level of connective tissue lasting for two days

  A sharp pain in my sacro-iliac joints felt deep in the joints lasting for two days


  Unquenchable severe thirst for 2 days for still, filtered water. I wanted to drink many litres of water. I would normally want something fizzy like sparkling mineral water if I was thirsty, but for these two days it had to be still, filtered water

  Desires: salt and I am usually averse, lasting for five days/vinegar and I am usually averse, lasting for five days

  I am so chilly that I had to wear a down-filled jacket. The sensation was of being so cold inside that nothing would warm me up (outside temperature 20-240 C day and 110° C at night) and the chilliness lasted for five days.



Mind: I didn’t want to get up, whole body heavy, lack of enthusiasm for the day or work, felt flat and bored, weepy, tired.

Sensations as if:L. side of body feels calmer, heavier and more robust

12 h. a woolly sensation over my forehead

L. corner of mouth felt as if cracked

My feet feel hot inside but are cold to touch/my feet feel swollen but are not

Vertigo: At 14.30 h. I went for a walk and felt powerful vertigo and a cold sweat on my head, face and back which lasted 1 minute and I felt very heavy

At 16 h. I felt unsteadiness on movement without any precipitating factor

Head: Headache onset 1 hour after each of the 6 doses which lasted about 1 hour each time - occipital and spreading forward with a congested feeling, a fullness and tightness like a band sensation. Completely > eating. Headache + a hot, hard and tight feeling in eyeballs and my eyelids feel hot along the lid margins. This headache recurred each day (4 days) and then ceased

Headache heavy and pressing on vertex - a dull ache < thinking and concentrating and > fresh air

A head pain boring inwards above my l. eye of sudden onset (1st and 1°th days

Headache all day above and behind my eyes with a tightness of the forehead and above my eyes and a hang-over type feeling

A tightness about my head which increased to a pain deep behind my eyes and the next day it settled into my occiput and l. eye as a sharp pain

A headache from early morning gradually increasing with a sense of tension and bursting which spread to vertex and occiput and was made worse by glaring light.

The pain became severe and bursting and was better from a walk in the fresh open air. The headache persisted for two days

Eye: My eyeballs feel hot, hard and tight and my eyelids feel hot along the margins with a gritty sensation as a concomitant to a headache (4 days)

Itching of my eyelids for 3° minutes at a time recurring several times a day (4 days) - there was no redness of my eyes and no lachrymation

The whites of my eyes have become yellow - this began on the 2nd day and persisted for 42 days (author’s note this prover has Gilbert’s syndrome which may been provoked by the action of the remedy or it may be a coincidence)

Pain above r. eye for 2 days with excess tears from both eyes < in fresh open air. Eyes feel hot and tired and I want to sleep

My eyes felt hot a dry and itchy and heavy (5 days)

Nose: I have a sore feeling in the end of my r. nostril with a clear, slightly acrid discharge which is not profuse. The skin is not reddened by the discharge

Sneezing episodes lasting 3° minutes at a time lasting 2 days

A runny nose like a cold with fluent bland coryza but intermittent and < mornings lasting (3rd to 6th day)

Face: A dull pain in my r. shin, r. middle finger/then the r. side of my face and head

A sudden aching pain in eye and bridge of nose and upper cheek which moved to above my eye. The pain waxed and waned (2 days)

Crack in the r. corner of my mouth with a pain like a cut

Lower lip swollen and lips are dry

Mouth: Ulcer on inside lower lip

Base of tongue become white and feels dry

A burning prickling in mouth which is not hot to touch/> better by cold drinks

Throat: My throat dry and I need to clear my throat before I speak - not > drinking - dryness increases throughout the day

Stomach: Nausea began 1 minute after the 1st dose and persisted 44 days. I feel the nausea around my xiphistrenum and it extends around my epigastrium and intercostals area. The nausea < pressure when it feels like it rises like a lump to my throat; < evenings and usually > by exercise like walking or running but not always and sometimes the nausea appears while walking or running. The nausea + increases appetite although eating < nausea, a feeling of oppression of the chest, a pain in my liver, a sharp pulsating stabbing pain to the r. of my xiphisternum and there is a sour flatulence with the nausea. (Author’s note: in this prover the persistent nausea was accompanied by some yellowing of the sclera of the eyes. The patient had Gilbert’s syndrome but this had been asymptomatic for over 1 years prior to the proving. During the proving he gained

6 kg in weight and lost it again over the next month)

Nausea lasting 8 days < evenings but with increased appetite although the nausea < eating. Sometimes with nausea there is pain in the stomach (evenings). The nausea + with

a sensation of oppression in my chest in the evening of the 6th day

Abdomen: A sudden sharp pain in abdomen r. in line with my liver + a dull pain ext. r. shoulder blade < bending over, > movement in the fresh air. It feels like an eructation would relive the pain but I cannot belch.

I have flatulence with a sour smell with a pain in the l. side of my abdomen below the ribs > going out for a run

I have moved my bowels but do not feel finished and the sensation persists for some time

Rectum: During exercise a sharp pain in my r. groin and rectum which moved to my penis - a sharp and raw pain which lasts about 1 minutes

Burning about the anus after a loose, sour-smelling stool

Bladder: A constant urge to urinate but I pass no urine which causes a pushing down feeling inside which is worse sitting and better standing with my legs apart

Kidneys: Pain in r. kidney while walking occurs on days 2, 8, 9 -11, The pain moves across my back and is dull and sore and is associated some days with nausea and on day 11 it was a sharp pain. On days 1 and 11 there was also a pain in my l. kidney which waxed and waned and left a dull ache.

Extremities: Head and feet feel hot and I had to sleep with my feet out of the covers

Pain: A dull pain in my r. shin, with middle finger and then r. side of my face and head

I woke at 5 h. with a pain in my l. foot which was followed by sharp pains in both feet which recurred for 19 days

Sharp pain in r. Achilles tendon > walking

Dreams: of water: Going to get water for an allotment from a large pond.

Driving a lorry with kids on snow, helping a cyclist who’d slipped on snow and then cycling on snow.

In a room with lino on the floor, snake-like bulge under the lino, felting nails holding down lino. I thought that water under the lino would fountain out of the nail holes.

What did come out of the bulge was a small creature.

Dreams in which the emotion seems unusual or inappropriate

A crowd at the bottom of a mountain made way for a car to come through and the car hit a friend of mine. I suggest giving him a kinck as “like cures like”.

Drove onto a moor on sandy ground to retrieve a collie dog with a damaged leg - the car slipped down a slope and turned over. No panic, even though knew I was going

to die as the car roof crushed in.

A group of women had a man in a chair handcuffed and one of the women was brandishing a hacksaw and threatening to cut off his hand. I intervened and took the saw

and cut at the wrists of one of the women. I woke up feeling regret - 5 h.

Skin: Palpitations with formication of my skin and my skin feels cold associated with tingling of my mouth lips and tongue

Generalities: Internal restlessness at night

Weakness and lassitude as if I have had influenza

Fatigue - a heavy feeling with not enthusiasm to get out of bed or take exercise - and I fall asleep while reading - made better by walking in the fresh air


Mind: one prover

“As if my arm sinking down with the weight of the remedy/a feeling of the remedy being from deep in the earth”.

She felt an apprehension about taking the remedy as she intuitively felt that the remedy would affect her profoundly. At this stage she did not know the source of the remedy/it was in the double masked stage of the proving. Eventually, 3 months later took 1 dose from C 6 and had the most severe sustained and dramatic emotional symptoms and sustained physical symptoms. The effect of knowing the source of the remedy on the following symptoms which she produced remains unknown.

            Her symptoms began after a few moments. The severe emotional symptoms were observed in all their force by her husband. Her husband is a “down to earth” practical man who has worked on a North Sea drilling rig for many years. He was frightened by the power and intensity of her emotional reaction and thought that she might divorce him in her rage. Her determination to suffer severe oesophageal pain for 38 days without any attempt to antidote the reaction is testament to her courage.

1.      Rage uncontrollable for 2 days with lots of tears - my husband thought that I would divorce him.

2.      I want to be alone. I want to escape - it must be to a high open hill with trees - it must have trees. The desire to be alone lasted 2 days

3.      Desire for death, I really wanted to die for 2 days/wanted to cut my throat

4.      Overwhelming grief at the Earth’s plight, a feeling of great grief for Gaia lasting 2 days

5.      Sympathetic: heart feeling very open for a misunderstood colleague (the feeling was well localised to the heart) again lasting 2 days

“As if this remedy is poison, real deep poison" - the feeling lasted for 5 days

Head: A vague headache behind eyes with actual pain well localised in bones of maxillae and ethmoid plates lasted for two days

Face: Well localised pain in bones of maxilla for 2 days


1.      2 days of complete loss of appetite

2.      Unquenchable severe thirst (2 days) for still, filtered water. I wanted to drink many litres of water. I would normally want something fizzy like sparkling mineral water if I was thirsty, but for these two days it had to be still, filtered water

Rectum: Constipated and bowels just not right (5 days) - although I am passing stool I still feel constipated.

Chest: “As if oppressive weight in upper chest with a strong well localised feeling of heartache” 5 days

Burning pain in oesophagus which is felt throughout the whole length of my oesophagus lasted 38 days and began as the emotional symptoms resolved on the 3rd day. The pain is linear, well localised and burning in my oesophagus. At times I feel it in different parts of my oesophagus - upper, middle or lower. The pain is made better by eating –

I have to eat every 2 hours or the pain is terrible.

(Author’s note: despite eating regularly she lost 3 kg in weight. The weight loss persisted for 6 months and then spontaneously returned to normal).


1.      Pain in lumbar spine radiating and extending to the back of my thighs -the pain is deep at the level of connective tissue lasting (2 days)

2.      A sharp pain in my sacro-iliac joints felt deep in the joints lasting (2 days)


1.      Dream about castles

2.      Very vivid dreams of being taught by a great Master - he had something hugely important to tell me


Desire salt and I am usually averse (5 days)/desire vinegar and I am usually averse (5 days)

I am so chilly that I had to wear a down-filled jacket. “As if so cold inside that nothing would warm me up” (outside temperature 24° C daytime/11° C at night) and the chilliness lasted 5 days.

Vergleich: Enthält: Chemical analysis: Ph 6.9, Ca + Na + Mg + Ka + Sulphate + Chloride + Bicarbonate + Nitrate + Sr + Fe + Ba + Boron + Silicon + Mn + Bromine + I + traces of Radon + He + Rd + Ur + Limestone + = radio-active;

Siehe: Aquae allgemein


Allerlei: Legend: Bath begins with Bladud who had returned from his travels a leper and was employed as a swineherd. In cold weather his pigs took to bathing in the hot mud near the springs. Finding his pigs free of scurf and scabs he bathet regularly in the water and was cured. He became the 9th king of the Britons in 863 B.C., founded

the town of Bath around the hot springs and built baths so that others might be cured.

The Goddess Sulis was adopted by the Romans and known as ‘Sulis Minerva’, her major shrine was at ‘Aquae Sulis’ the centre of modern Bath, where they built their temple where the Druids' grove had stood. Sulis was an ancient British goddess associated with healing waters, the spirit and the craft of medicine. The name Sulis is thought to be associated with the derivatives Sul or Sulla from the Celtic Siul or ‘eye’.

Sulis had a great reputation as a healer and people travelled to her shrines to take the waters, commune with the Goddess and seek a cure for their ills. The hot springs were viewed as particularly good for rheuma and gout. Like the Celts, the Romans believed that the Goddess guarded the entrance to the Underworld in the Baths themselves.

Sulis was also a Goddess for women as she was associated with fertility and childbearing. Votive offerings of bronze and ivory breasts were found at her shrines. It has been suggested that these offerings were originally worn by breastfeeding women as amulets until they weaned their infants. The amulets were then offered to Sulis in thanks-giving for a bountiful supply of milk.

Minerva was the Roman goddess of wisdom, medicine, the arts, dyeing, science and trade, but also of war. As Minerva Medica she was the patroness of physicians.

She was the daughter of Jupiter. In the temple on the Capitoline Hill (Rom) she was worshipped together with Jupiter and Juno, with whom she formed a powerful triad

of Gods.

In the 60s AD, the great Temple of Sulis Minerva was built.

The temple precinct, (enclosed area around place of worship) included the thermal healing baths, which used the Hot Springs for worship, health and social interaction.

The spring overflow can still be seen today in the Roman Baths Museum, stained bright orange by the oxidised iron salts.

The reservoir formed the sacred pool of the temple, near to the sacrificial altar which was in the courtyard of the great Classical temple building.

The ancient world marvelled at Minerva's great temple in Bath.

Shrouded in steam, pilgrims approached the mysterious sacred spring at the heart of the temple believing it to be the actual residing place of Sulis Minerva, whose healing

cult had spread from Britain throughout the Empire. Not only was Minerva's water renowned for its healing powers; by throwing their offerings into the spring, pilgrims believed that they could communicate directly with the Underworld. Almost 20.000 coins and several gold and silver artefacts have since been recovered. In the Great Bath, many suppliants left votive offerings.

Amongst the most remarkable and revealing artefacts recovered from the Roman baths are the written dedications, vows and curses that centuries of pilgrims cast into the hot spring. As well as appealing to Sulis Minerva for health or wealth, the pilgrims inscribed curses on thin pewter sheets which were then usually rolled up and placed in the water. Typically, each curse stated a lost love or piece of stolen property; numerous suspects 'whether pagan or Christian' were often listed with an appeal that the guilty should meet some foul end. "To Minerva the goddess of Sulis I have given the thief who has stolen my hooded cloak, whether slave or free, whether man or woman. He is not to buy back this gift unless with his own blood."


1. Water: Wet/dry, Thirst, Bloated/Swellings, Night-Time Urinating

2. Clarity/calm

3. Fuzzy/angry

4. Energy

5. Pregnancy/fertility/sexuality

Cold/Body temperature


Phytologie: The range of diseases benefitting from the waters became very wide.

Diagnoses fell into 3 main areas: palsies (39%), rheumatics (33%) and Skins (10%) - children 5%. Best results were in the treatment of paralysis due

to lead poisoning. 1760 - 1879 there were 3377 cases of lead palsy treated by standing head out of water immersion (SHOWI) plus drinking around 500 ml

of the water daily. Of these: 93% benefited, 1533 patients (45%) had no residual paralysis on discharge and were said to be cured; 1629 (48%) were said

to be greatly improved. The average length of stay in hospital was 24 weeks. The extent to which other factors (clean water, improved nutrition, better housing etc.) influenced the results remains unknown.

The physiology of immersion in thermal waters

Cardiovascular, renal and hormonal changes in normal subjects and in those with early lead toxicity were noted after immersion in Bath spa water and tap water at temperatures from 330 to 390 Celsius at immersion times of 1, 2 and 3 hours. The greatest changes occurred with immersion at 370 C (the bathing temperature in the Cross Bath was 37.70 C).


[Mary English]

Bath lies in the West Country in the county of N E Somerset and deep in the centre of the city stands ‘The Baths’. Ever since Roman times, Bath has been famous for its hot springs and for the treatment or alleviation of rheumatism and other medical conditions.

Queen Elizabeth 1st placed the Hot Springs under the care of the Civic Authority of Bath in 1590 and from that time until its closure in 1977, Bath was an important medical and social centre which attained the peak of its fame in the 18th Century. Its waters were thought to be particularly effective in helping barren women conceive, which was the main reason for the patronage of the two queens, Catherine of Aragon and Mary of Modena. (Wife of King James II)

The Kings and Cross Baths are to be re-opened this year as a luxury health centre and have caused a lot of local discontentment due to the lengthy proceedings and spiralling costs.

The Romans came to Bath in AD 50 and during their time here, built a city, and thriving community which aimed to incorporate the local religious beliefs with their own.

The Baths were built on the site of a spring that the Iron Age People used to worship their Goddess Sulis. Romans achieved is astonishing for until the Temple was built

the springs bubbled up out of open marshes.

A lead lined reservoir was built where the springs rose and a sluice gate arrangement was put in place to cope with the  h.ount of sand brought to the surface by the water.

The water travels at a speed of 15 litres in a second and has an average temperature of 44° C.

The Goddess Sulis was adopted by the Romans and known as ‘Sulis Minerva’, her major shrine was at ‘Aquae Sulis’ the centre of modern Bath, where they built their temple where the Druids' grove had stood. Sulis was an ancient British goddess associated with healing waters, the spirit and the craft of medicine. The name Sulis is thought to be associated with the derivatives Sul or Sulla from the Celtic Siul or ‘eye’. Sulis had a great reputation as a healer and people travelled to her shrines to take the waters, commune with the Goddess and seek a cure for their ills. The hot springs were viewed as particularly good for rheumatism and gout. Like the Celts, the Romans believed that the Goddess guarded the entrance to the Underworld in the Baths themselves.

Sulis was also a Goddess for women as she was associated with fertility and childbearing. Votive offerings of bronze and ivory breasts were found at her shrines. It has been suggested that these offerings were originally worn by breastfeeding women as amulets until they weaned their infants. The  amulets were then offered to Sulis in thanks-giving for a bountiful supply of milk.

Minerva was the Roman goddess of wisdom, medicine, the arts, dyeing, science and trade, but also of war. As Minerva Medica she was the patroness of physicians.

She was the daughter of Jupiter.

In the temple on the Capitoline Hill she was worshipped together with Jupiter and Juno, with whom she formed a powerful triad of Gods.

In the 60s AD, the great Temple of Sulis Minerva was built.

The temple precinct (enclosed area around place of worship) included the thermal healing baths, which used the Hot Springs for worship, health and social interaction.

The spring overflow can still be seen today in the Roman Baths Museum, stained bright orange by the oxidised iron salts.

The reservoir formed the sacred pool of the temple, near to the sacrificial altar which was in the courtyard of the great Classical temple building.

The ancient world marvelled at Minerva's great temple in Bath.

Shrouded pilgrims approached the mysterious sacred spring at the heart of the temple believing it to be the actual residing place of Sulis Minerva, whose healing cult had spread from Britain throughout the Empire. Not only was Minerva's water renowned for its healing powers; by throwing their offerings into the spring, pilgrims believed

that they could communicate directly with the Underworld.

Almost 20,000 coins and several gold and silver artefacts have since been recovered. In the Great Bath, many suppliants left votive offerings.

amongst the most remarkable and revealing artefacts recovered from the Roman baths are the written dedications, vows and curses that centuries of pilgrims cast into the hot spring. As well as appealing to Sulis Minerva for health or wealth, the pilgrims inscribed curses on thin pewter sheets which were then usually rolled up and placed in the water. Typically, each curse stated a lost love or piece of stolen property; numerous suspects 'whether pagan or Christian' were often listed with an appeal that the guilty should meet some foul end.

"To Minerva the goddess of Sulis I have given the thief who has stolen my hooded cloak, whether slave or free, whether man or woman. He is not to buy back this gift unless with his own blood." So what possessed me to make a proving of this water? Well it was prompted by an email from the US, from a Homeopath called Kim:

"Client has done reasonably well on Carcinosinum cum Cuprum, Cuprum and Calc. (other mineral remedies during acutes), but just wasn't getting quite as well as I know a deep similimum can do.

So I asked her to describe the most healing substance in the world to her - and she said it was green and warm, more liquid than solid but solid enough to support her body, it was peaceful and calming with the music of nature all around her, there's no shape to it and it flows on forever, nurturing like the green of the woods, it's moist - then she spontaneously said "oh - it's green water!" but was very clear to say that it was very warm, healing and fresh water, not the ocean. This was when I silently asked my guides what water this was, because I could not think of any fresh warm green water - and Aquae Sulis is what c h.e. And it perfectly fits her description of what she needs, and with such a high concentration of copper, and of course the calcium as well, it also makes perfect homeopathic sense given the remedies that have been healing for her in the past."

I decided to not only make a remedy of the water for this lady, but also to conduct a proving to find out the healing qualities it might contain.

Homeopath Usha, agreed to help with the proving, she’d never conducted one before and Kim in the US also agreed to do one that would commence soon after ours finished.

I sent a sample straight away to Helios, having been assured that they encouraged new provings and after a few days I received back a 30 C bottle and 200 C.


The Proving

Eleven provers

Earth = 3

Air = 2

Fire = 3

Water = 3

We divided the provers, so half would have the 30c and half the 200c.

The instructions to the provers were to take one tablet to start at 9 h. on Monday 23rd January and we would assess how they progressed, to see if they needed a repeat.

As none of the provers knew what they were taking, it was interesting afterwards to discover that Prover number 9 had already proved the water from The Cross Baths.

Provers 2, 8 and 9 were 'double-blind' provers being supervised by Mabel Smith who didn’t know what the remedy was either.

Provers 2 and 9 produced the strongest symptoms.

Provers 1, 5, 7, and 10 were supervised by Usha.

Provers 3, 4, 6 and 11 were supervised by me.

‘P’ represents partner, child or other close family member.

Nearly all of the provers were new to provings and spent a lot of time wondering what the remedy was, were the symptoms they were feeling part of their ‘self’ or part of the proving?

I quote Samuel Hahnemann's ‘Organon of the Medical Art’ sixth edition edited by Wenda Brewster O’Reilly p158, § 138:

"During a proving, all ailments, befallments and alterations in the prover’s condition should be attributed to the medicine."

Prover 9

Day 1:

9 h. Took Remedy

9.20 h. - Meditate - "Image of green, tall grass as if  I am inside a swamp-breeze blowing the grass above my head. As if  I am very small-looking up to this grass and the sky beyond. My Guide took me up and we looked down on tall grass stretching out below us, some bulrushes in there as well. Water-small streams running through.

Now set me down in a deep dark forest-makes me think of rainforest. Very wet, I’m still small, some branches, things seem huge. I can hear the sound of insects, very noisy cacophony. I could be frightened but I feel secure at the moment. It’s warm & damp. This forest, the grass has been here forever, since the planet began.

Stepped into a swampy hole, sucked down. Mouth, ears, eyes filled with swamp. Hands above my head, travelling very fast down a channel of light, feet first. Deep into the earth, into its core.

Hit rock with a bump. I’m me, but more elemental than who I was, more the essence of me, part of a shaft of light. (Feel tired, heavy-the meditation).

Rock is cold, dark like jet, jagged, glistens in the light. Rocky landscape, no sky but light enough for me to see. Textures important-smooth rock, sharp, jagged rough not easy to walk so I sit in one place. No sound, sulphur smell-volcanic? I slip into a crevasse and become part of the rock-shaky, shard, brittle, easily broken up……… (words which come to me) Stepping back from meditation now."

Prover 2

Day 1: Evening

Very scattered energy. I feel on the one hand like marching up and down the streets bellowing and yet on the other hand applying a soft healing balm to myself. I get cross cos I’m supposed to be serious and thus have to channel this pixie energy…..something from a museum? old head?

Day 2: I am fine. Sort of neither here nor there. If I think of being in my body then I feel like a warrior, or an old lady huddled up. Not sure which.

Day 4: Lunchtime

I am thinking of heads. Skulls. Ashes. I know that it’s something connected to a museum- an artefact that is celtic. I thought maybe a spearhead but not a spear or arrowhead. I think something different. Which museum. I muse perhaps the witchcraft one in Tintagel, but more likely the British Museum, or something local. I think it is an object connected to someone, perhaps the warrior I felt the other day. King Author?


I see it, feel it. A warrior, male. Now that kind of does come from nowhere in me, as if it’s the remedy.

Prover 9

Day 4: This is based on my concern for a great niece. The dream is set in her house and in the sea. There is contamination in the sea. The great niece collects water in a plastic container and continues to fiddle with it in the house- I didn’t recognise her but her Mum was there. The great niece develops sores on her arms and she is taken to hospital with smallpox. Her mother is told to clean the house,

wash everything. I can’t keep awake so occupy a room to sleep. In the early hours, the doctor + other people bring their car with the niece into the entrance hall and have to wait as I have to clean the room  I am in-very dusty, messy. In the midst of this, my father goes out, stays out all night and returns to sleep in the early hours.

Day 10: In charge of a school having to organise a day of events. Events happen, everything goes smoothly, I have nothing to do. I give a speech which no one can hardly hear, but those who do think it’s good. A happy contented dream! Needed to find a toilet in the dream.

Day 24: Very mixed with images + people from the day before + unknown + family. The main feeling was getting ready for the wrong thing, in the wrong clothes which kept unravelling + no-one seemed to be able to help, basically not being ready. I needed to wash my hair + in the dream someone gave me a sh h.poo which made my hair fall out-public place like a swimming pool.

Prover 2

Day 1: Morning: had a dream that my mother died. I was given her ashes, which I put in my mouth and swallowed. Then I became pregnant ~ with my mother. Gave birth to my own mother.

Took remedy at 11.00 h.

Prover 10

Day 7: There was a dream-very blurred now so had to get up quickly to write this. Something about choosing a present for someone and not being able to find the right colour scarf. Some people took my needles and were poking them into a board and I said “Those are my needles, and anyway, what you really need is pins for that job”. But they took no notice. And I was doing a job with some pins at the same time and it was difficult talking to them as I was holding a pin in my mouth and I was afraid I would swallow it.

Day 8

I did dream-about a steep house with lots of floors and everywhere there was a lot of snow-and I dreamed of colours mauve and pink and a man in a grey suit. Dreamed I was in the front garden in dressing gown and fell asleep on bench-then wondered what the neighbours would think.

Day 15

Up at 6.30 h. -had a broken night- got back to sleep and dreamed vividly Â- when I woke up I remembered it was about a very controlling mother (mine -but she was not like mine- she might have been my mother in law or even myself) and there was a wraith like child who I think was my son and he was very white and ghostly and might die. Whenever I have dreams they seem to be connected to what

I have been worrying about - but usually I do not remember them for long. This one I did remember clearly.

Prover 7

Day 1: Dreamt last night of needing to keep myself dry on the inside.

9.30 h. - Took remedy

Day 2: Dream: Being with my sister, riding to school along a dusty road. School toilets were dirty and not working -Yuk! Couldn’t wash my hands as the taps weren’t working.

Day 3: Dreamt of being on a yacht for dinner with my husband and son, suddenly it sped away and I wondered how all the food and drink would be balanced at such speed~ arrived at an island with

a lady asking if her daughter could marry my son.

Day 9: 7 h.- Recalled short dream with my sister and my daughter or son-slightly threatening-involved a not nice person, going down a shaft, a car and a key.

Day 14: Dream recall of my ex-husband and he visiting our son in a huge shelter. The people were given sugary plastic-looking dough/pastries to eat. Our son always on roller skates.

Prover 11

Day 14: Very vivid dream about an old house, clearing it out and selling it, cleaning up the past and putting light into dark corners.

Day 22: A lot-me as a priest/monk, with a black robe.

Day 28: I remember cycling with flat tyres (but not worrying about them too much).

Prover 3

Day 11: Dreamt I got married + people were throwing cheese onto other people’s heads.

Prover 4

Strange dream, everything was disintegrating like in a paper shredder, almost like a large wall, bits of wall were floating around, massive paper floating down through the air. Bits were floating off from the wall. Uniform bits, about the size of a pebble. Not had this dream before-felt very clear-disintegrating-being trapped not sure about it-not clear enough.

Day 14: Dreamt of one of my first girlfriends but it looked nothing like her- in fact she looked like a girlfriend of an old friend who is now dead- it was a strange dream- about the impossibility of reconciliation.

Prover 1

Day 9: Falling off a cliff in the car, P (daughter) with me. Shinning golden light as I was falling, thinking that I was about to die but at peace. Blacked out landed at bottom, rescued and was fine!

Day 12: Night time, dark red bricks at shopping centre, meeting up with son.

Day 13: Full of people, good atmosphere.

Day 14: Crowded with people. Trying to organise return trip from abroad, all felt too complicated but not my problem. Golden lovely light around.

Day 16: Golden landscape.

Day 17: Full of happy people.

Day 18: Busy, lots of brown colours.

Day 19: Happy and warm in a shack on a mountain.

Day 20: People at a festival, crowded but not uncomfortable.

Day 21: Got married, happy but couldn’t actually remember the ceremony other than it took place at the bottom of stairs looking up.

Prover 6

Day 14:

I didn Themes


The following 'themes' came-up in this proving and I have listed them in this order

1.Water : Wet/Dry, Thirst, Bloated/Swellings, Night-Time Urinating






Prover 10

Day 1: Lots of trouble with the house and a flooded garage-lots of phone calls-I can think of a better way to spend an evening but it did not really affect my mood.

Prover 5

Day 2: While in the bath an image c h.e to me of water lilies. It is as if I sit upon a small lily pad with my boys… safe and secure. There are other lily pads a little way away across the pond and green stalks not only going down in the water but there is one leading from my pad to a larger, more comfortable, padded, safe lily pad. I feel that  I am starting the journey edging slowly along that stalk to the other pad with my boys still safe on our little pad. I can call them if the going looks good. But I can also turn back to the safety of our lily pad… the life I have created for us is calm, warm and secure, a haven for us. But other lily pads could feel safe too, if not safer and more secure.  I am the cowboy swimming a little ahead to test the water and the possibility of a more comfortable life sharing someone else’s lily pad.

Prover 3

Day 15: Feeling a little light headed + dizzy. Not a bad sensation just slightly away with the fairies-swimming with ideas.

Prover 11

Day 9: Dream: still a lot, and detailed-holiday near beach: sudden solar eclipse (unpredicted)-yet I wasn’t ‘fazed’ by this.

Day 15: I’d like to learn more about “the memory of water” and how Homeopathy might work. But analysis is not the answer!

Prover 2

Day 5:


Went for a walk and there was a stream my boyfriend and I crossed. The water was bubbling over stones and then got deeper and poured under the bridge. It was very beautiful. And the waters were gentle, warm and nurturing. The very gentle rippling felt energetically like the energy flow in my womb. Sort of still, peaceful and yet moving in a steady flow. I felt that river in my womb.

Day 7:

Dream: And there was a tree, that before the 1900’s is where they used to get beer from. A woman was there in brown tunic-pagan england, she was laughing at us moderns thinking that beer didn’t

exist before the turn of the century. (has vague “getting water from a well” connections.)

Day 9:


I talked things through with my boyfriend and I became calm and still. Then I went and had a shower. I felt as if I needed to get clean. I was in the shower and wanted to be in deeper water so I ran the bath and sat in it with the shower still going. I had a vision of being in a pool, a maiden, washing, with nature all around me; rocks and plants. It was really nice. Sometimes the shower was like a waterfall, and I sat with my head under it and sometimes falling like rain on the river I saw a few days ago. When I turned the shower off, I didn't like the stagnancy of the water and began moving and then the deep sadness that I felt, but had no visible channel to get to, started to rise up…… I do feel an overwhelming urge to be held and hold my boyfriend. I do feel much love for him, as I something has just shifted in me, moved, and I have plummeted 60,000 ft below sea level and stand between two pillars and I stand with my arms outstretched, and in every inch of my being is desire to love and be loved.

Not scared anymore. I remember I cried in the bath -'where is the air to breathe' and also of something else that was wrong and appertaining to a basic need.

Day 11: If Mabel were to ask me how I was-I would say that there is stuff swimming in me. In time it will surface, rather like a dead body in the sea. First it sinks, then it rises. Rather like the phoenix

who rises from the ashes.

Prover 4

Day 14: Morning

Another strange dream about picking P up from school but I couldn’t get through because of floods. I phoned my sister and he was with her, but my friend was following me around and I became stranded and trying to shake him off.


Feeling quite content and in control of life. Seems like the storm has passed.

Day 20:


Got up late + feeling really washed out.

Day 21: Difficult to get up although slept quite well. Feeling quite washed out.

Prover 9

Day 23: Travelling home today. Walked on the cliffs + gazed out to sea, very bracing, exhilarating with the wind and the sun.

Prover 6

Day 21:

Woke up in the middle of the night from heavy rainfall and had difficulties to go back to sleep.



Prover 6

Day 1: General dryness of mucous membranes.

Day 3: Mucous membranes of nose are extremely dry.

Day 9: Slept through until 4.30- no dreams. Abundant nasal discharge-suddenly stre out the nose. Breathing through nose caused burning of mucus membranes. Nose was either dripping like a tap-clear watery or when nose is blown-yellowish (sometimes)

Day 12: Still a lot of yellowish nasal discharge mainly from left nostril. Mucus membranes in nose and very dry.

Day 13: We went skiing today. I felt generally better because of the fresh air- my nose didn’t seem to stop running. I used a whole packet of tissues during the day it really irritated me!

Prover 10

Day 7: Runny nose.

Prover 7

Day 14: Woke up, mouth dry.



Prover 10

Day 1: Taking a cup of water to bed-which I do often but not always.

Prover 6

Day 1: Thirsty for water.

Day 5: I must have been drinking litres of hot tea because that made me feel a bit better.

Prover 9

Day 1: Woke up about 4 h. for a drink of water.

Day 2: Woke 5.45 h.-slept on + off till 7 h. (not as thirsty)



Prover 10

Day 4: Bloated. Probably because dinner had a lot of cabbage and beans. Abdomen distended. Went to bed 10pm.

Day 5: Bloated feeling has gone.

Prover 7

Day 4: 21 h. Left foot feels swollen.

Day 12: 20.30 h. - Both feet feel like there’s oedema. Left foot-toes itchy, hot, swollen. - Cold water over my feet eased the swelling/oedema.

Day 13: 13.30 h. - Slight oedema like feeling around top of toes and feet; slight itchiness on left foot.

Prover 11

Day 21: Rather overate- a bit bloated.


Night-time Urinating

Prover 6

Day 1: Again I must have had too much tea last night-woke up @ 2.45 h. to go to toilet.

Day 2: got up at 3 h. to go to toilet.

Day 3: Got up at 5.30 h. to go to toilet.

Prover 10

Day 2: Woke in the night 2 h. but straight back to sleep after going to the toilet.

Day 3: Think I woke up-maybe for the loo-quite normal-back to sleep.

Day 4: Had a good night’s sleep although woke up for the toilet in the early hours.

Day 8: Night- up for toilet am I more restless in the night? It seems I have been up for the loo every night-that always happened, more than 50% but not 100% of nights.

Day 10: Woke up thinking I wanted toilet but managed not to go and got back to sleep.

Prover 9

Day 10: Awoke 5 h. needing to go to the loo!

Prover 7

Day 8: Woke up at 3-4 h. to go to the toilet.



Prover 2

Day 6

Evening- Even more good news-to do with my spiritual work. I have been given a task to do…..I have been asking for this for a while, but  h. coming through to a clarity with it. I feel a lot of humbleness in the last few days which with the clarity of ‘emptiness’ enables me to reassess where  I am and what steps I need to take next. It’s about being responsible for the path I walk. I know what I need to do next in my work, only I’m not sure why-where it leads to. Thing is to have faith and strength in the feeling of Christ in my heart.

Prover 4

Day 1: Also feel very calm. Given I drove 200 miles and had a quite difficult 4 hour meeting this morning is quite striking.

Day 2: Midday. Feel very alert and together today, but also quieter in manner than usual. I feel quite comfortable with myself but that could be because the sessions went well today.

Day 13:


Again calm and quiet-felt good to be this way. Went to theatre with P-again-good to be out with my daughter.

Prover 1

Day 4: Slightly resentful of balance in relationship, however communication skills are very good at the moment so able to put across point of view in a clear and calm manner. Equilibrium restored to partnership.

Day 8: Usual array of chaos but quite calm.


Prover 6

Day 2:

It’s difficult to say, but I thought I was somehow calmer- I got an email which usually would have made me very angry, but I answered normally. Also have my in-laws around is sometimes not easy, but I feel more relaxed.

Prover 3

Day 15:


My clarity of thought has, I think improved with the pills.



Prover 5

Day 19: 23 h. - Just when I thought it was safe to go back in the water… joke! I do think the remedy did something in the last few days and I felt so crap I didn’t write it down! I felt exhausted all day Thursday and had symptoms of a cold and a cough. I was also really bad tempered, wanted to be left alone, and overwhelmed with all that I had to do. I haven’t been in that space for a long while so I wasn’t happy about it. Having sailed through the whole proving on a high, no different really from the high I was on before the proving, I had given up on the remedy taking affect. So yesterday morning I did a bad thing, and  I am sorry. I took my constitutional remedy. I just couldn’t cope with feeling that crappy and ruining this weekend. And what made me convinced it was the remedy that made me feel crappy, was the fact that the symptoms went away!

Prover 3

Day 1: PM - P and I had another falling out + I ended up throwing a glass in the sink, on purpose + cut my hand in the process. I was fuming. Now I’m less angry-more sad + confused.

Day 2: I woke up very angry at P for not being kinder. Was woken 5 or 6 times in the night.

Day 4: Woke after another bad night with everyone waking me. Rather cross as P isn’t as helpful as I’d like in  h. with children.

Day 6: So annoyed that P can’t be more like me + I suppose I can’t be more like him.

Day 8: Emotionally-flat one minute elated the next.

Prover 6

Day 1: I got quite irritated when I went into town and the traffic was so bad.

Day 13: I couldn’t quite tell why I was generally so irritated today. There were a lot of stones and ice (skiing) and I was often shouting and screaming. At one stage I started crying because I was so angry.

Prover 2

Day 9: Trying to stay happy-wh h.: A friend of mine has just found out her boyfriend slept with another woman on holiday and has dumped my friend -all on the phone on the day of his return before she'd even seen him-and she lives with him. Have been counselling her all day about honouring her circle of being, about integrity, about 'spiritual love' ~love based upon spiritual principles. And I wanted my boyfriend to come round and he said no. I'm angry. I'm sulky. I'm miserable and I don't care. And very interested as to what complex these emotions came from. Indulgence. Right relationship.

Gee,  I am SO ANGRY.

Day 11:  I am pretty good, though preoccupied on a subtle level. Notice anger. Notice that 2 people I know have had boyfriends who have recently slept with other women. Makes me angry, insensibly outraged. Actually just remembered my first boyfriend cheated on me but he doesn’t know that I know that.

Day 15: I am stressed and f******g ANGRY. Don’t want to write or anything. Wish the whole world would leave me ALONE. Would like to smash everything up. - Then I got to work and realised

I was in no fit state to work, my entire body trembling cells 2 inches deep in skin. I couldn’t see straight or think straight. Shit man, this has been bad. MAD. + yesterday I was hitting my own head. + jumping away up the wall when I was touched and didn’t want to be. Hitting the sofa and then crying. Despicable behaviour- I feel disgraceful, truly.

3.15 pm

I though of drawing my dark rage, red and black, because I don’t know what it’s about. I know without the rage-at the deepest part of my soul-it is dead, wounded-it, some part of me doesn’t understand life, doesn’t see the purpose in living. I don’t know why. I really don’t, but I suppose I’ll find out. I did sense a clock ticking in my womb as if it’s only a matter of time. Yes. Eyes sore. Fed up. F*****g Angry.


Feel wounded, borderline anger + tears. Holding it together-where is hope? Think it is after I have eaten I get angry-have noticed that pattern. Have also been staring into space a lot.

Prover 4

Day 6: Morning

Had a dreadful night. Hardly able to sleep and feeling soooo angry towards the school, so defensive of P (daughter)


Very angry all day, not knowing what to do. Not angry with those around me, but generally with the school. I would like to take P away and protect her from the world.

Day 8: Morning I can’t seem to shake off the mixture of anger, emotional upset and tiredness.

Day 12: I really feel out of it like a glass bubble-couldn’t focus enough, lack of clarity and a weight on my head, or rather inside it.



Prover 3

Day 1: Mid PM -feeling ‘buzzy’, a little like I’ve taken mushrooms or something with a slightly funny/peculiar upper stomach sensation.

Prover 4

Day 1: Early evening.

I took the remedy at 9 h. while driving on the motorway……. early evening- I feel quite calm and in control of things + not as tired as usual. In fact I feel quite energised early evening. Felt really good this evening, haven’t felt this invigorated and energised for a long time.

Prover 11

Day 1: BIG PICTURE - Energy at work seems greater-more creative.

Prover 6

Day 1: Feel somehow more energised than usual.

12.30 Took RX (remedy)

Day 2: Got up early which didn’t seem too bad…..I’m not feeling tired at the moment which seems strange as I’d have expected it…

Day 7: Body feels weaker than mind

Prover 2

Day 1: Evening

So now I've remembered I've taken a remedy I notice how I can feel the pull of it kicking one thing out to make room for this one, or rather an integration process is occurring as my body accepts it in. And it’s causing a push/pull, as I try and make up my mind whether I'm to lie in bed ill or clean not the whole of Bath, but my room.

Prover 8

Day 6: Organised a meal this evening at my flat, very high today with lots of energy and dancing until the early hours.

Day 7: Feel happier like there’s a warm glow inside. More contented with myself and appearance, laughing out loud more especially at work as well as at home.

Day 8: Took 2nd dose today. Able to get up quite readily this morning. Brain seemed to kick in gear and woke up straight away. Still very bouncy at work. Thinking more about ideas of what I want to do for a career trying to look at the bigger picture. “Why  h. I here, where do I want to go”? Work for a charity, conservation or environment? Seems like a spark has ignited and beginning to fuel ideas.

Day 10: Got up with lots of energy wanting to clean or go to an exercise class.

Prover 1

Day 1: Slightly indecisive, but more together as the day wore on. Slightly bubbly/excitable/hysterical feeling!

Day 3: Energised and happy. Able to have self control and stick to detox, self denial is a difficult lesson for a Taurean!

Day 12: Still quite “giggly”, teenage feeling.

Day 13: Tired but energy improved as day progressed (unusual) Went to party, laughed the entire evening, life and soul of event.

Day 15: Nothing out of the ordinary, quite calm and straight forward.

Day 16: Not particularly hungry, (unusual). On and off giggly, ongoing teenage feeling!

Day 17: Feelings; normal, still with a tendency to find things  h.using.

Prover 7

Day 12: Midday-Felt good. Didn’t get to eat lunch. 3pm-Surprising I’m not hungry! Unusual.



Prover 6

Wed 18th Jan. More determined. Decided to fall pregnant this year- excited/afraid.

Day 9: Profuse leucorrhea. Burning inside vagina.

Day 11: I haven’t mentioned it yet as I consider it quite normal that I don’t feel the need to be too close to my husband at the moment as I just don’t have the energy-I kiss and hug him, but that’s all-

I don’t even think about sex.

Prover 1

Day 5: Quite sexually charged. Dream: rejected by long-term partner, devastated.

Day 6: Sexually charged.

Prover 2

Day 4: My meditation today also made me remember that I had a funny sensation in my womb the other day. It was a nice feeling, but puzzling, sort of quivering……I do feel life-change in there, not in terms of being pregnant-can’t be since I just had a full on period…It’s just that I can really feel things happening in there, as if its sensitive…………..I wonder if I could become self fertilising……….Death/Rebirth-REGENERATION.

Day 5: Lunchtime

Can feel movement in my womb. Went for a walk and there was a stream my boyfriend and I crossed. The water was bubbling over the stones and then got deeper and poured under the bridge. It was

very very beautiful. And the waters were gentle, warm and nurturing. Their very gentle rippling felt energetically like the energy flow in my womb. Sort of still, peaceful and yet moving in a steady flow. There was a tree also that overstretched the water. It was magical and life giving. I felt that river in my womb.

Day 7: Have awoken from a nightmare. I had been putting silver thoughts into a cooking dish, like a cauldron, that my ex-boyfriend was cooking. These were the strands of my creativity, stories that I was giving, as proof of my fidelity I think. Then I was in the back garden and I was seeing why my fidelity was against my integrity- I knew that something was going to happen. People dressed in old celtic english dress. I heard a child cry ‘mummy’ and I felt a physical whoosh over and within my womb, as if something was leaving the story but it was just the nature of this contact. I knew that the child was going to die. Something very sinister- I think murdered by the man I had given everything to. I have shivers running down me writing this and  h. positively spooked…………….

Before this in the dream….I was passing a guy with a girl and I knew him, he had said something to me something -about having sex, but it was in a language that spoke of sexual truth, about the penis entering the womb. I wasn’t sexually explicit but more something everyday. I was happy and serene about it. It was truth about love.

Then it was I met my ex-boyfriend who was then my partner in the dream. He was moaning that I wasn’t committed to him, because he knew of the conversation I’d had with the young boy, which I’d had with other boys/men. It meant that I might go off with them. He asked me to think about it, and committing myself to him. I did, and that is where I gathered the silver threads of my stories from the crown of my head, weaved them into the cooking pot. I knew as soon as I heard that child a little boy, 6 0r 7 call ‘mummy’ - a cry for help-that I had reason not to have committed myself, because there was something in the man that was evil. That child was going to die-and I remember the river that I stood by two days ago feeling how it connected to my womb, and a tree- and  I am positively spooked.

I wondered a few days ago if this remedy was to help one get pregnant, because of the movement and life I have felt in it, and also now if it is to do with fidelity and commitment.  I am also curious about the silver threads-each a different colour that went into the cooking pot that my ex was stirring. My creativity, and my womb, being stirred by a man. Just that he wasn’t OK and I had been right not to commit because he was to murder our little boy. Perhaps the remedy is for integrity. The whooshing, like a wind, over my womb which woke me up, does feel very pronounced. As if the story were being taken away. Phew! Horrid, horrid dream.

And I thought earlier in the week that it would be a remedy good for one who has had miscarriage before.

Day 9: I sang in my Atlantean way that I often do, singing the deep feelings. The images I got was of a baby - and the deep wrenching choking being sick grief was of the baby dying. Dead. I had a few of these, and then I felt that the baby I saw was to be alive and this deeply touched me to tears in another way. I saw that the cauldron, my womb, the holy grail, and the light within the cup, Christ, was Life: In this a baby, is new life. And I felt in my body, understood, the need for human touch. I can be as spiritual as I can and resolve things alone in this way, but there is a need, and instinct, for human touch - we are after all human's together. And touch is infinite and sacred. (social her instinct)

I also saw that new life -from a perspective of the beginning of time-is fund elemental to the existence of life on this planet. It thrives on it. I felt for the first time what it must be like to grow an entirely new human being, life, within my womb, and give birth to it, and see that new life that came from me in existence. Its  amazing, a miracle and so important-more fund elemental than anything. It was quite beautiful to see and feel this morning (sexual instinct has awakened) self preservation.

I do feel still now.  I am aware that the last two days have been quite high and turbulent recently. I know that when I was high and in love I wanted a baby deeply.

Day 12: And I have a pronounced emptiness inside me, inside the skin and bones and organs of my body that  I am not pregnant, as if the only thing that mattered in the world was to create new life, as a momentous and catalytic essential thing. This complete desire is at odds with my rational mind and sense of the reality of my life.

Prover 3

Day 11: Dreamt of a strange operation that a woman or I had while pregnant to lift the womb or pelvic floor or some such!

Prover 7

Day 10: 6.30 h. Dreamt of my sister-in-law + mother-in-law. My sister-in-law had an operation on top of her head the shape of a key; she was crying over the loss of her baby

6 years ago.

Prover 8

Day 3: Bled today thought it was beginning of my period but turned out to be a very unusual bleed as I’ve never experienced a full on big blood spot before without a period to follow.

Day 5

Had a very erotic dream it woke me up during the night giving me an ‘orgasm’!!

I’ve never experienced this ever. My libido has almost disappeared over the last 6 months so when this woke me up it made me laugh.

Dream- Was at an Egyptian Pyr almost like an Indiana Jones type of film set. I was a heroine figure and the male in this dream was someone I’ve admired from afar for a long time. (I’ve never dreamed about someone that I fancy before)

We were running away from snakes and the ancient ruins we were climbing were collapsing all around us, I saved him from falling throughout this dream. Whenever he was making advances towards me I was reminding him that he wasn’t a free agent. Finally I succumbed and whilst in an embrace he entered inside of me and this is the point that I woke up with a smile on my face!

Day 10: Having lots of dreams of sexual nature. Todays:

Lots of symbols can’t remember names of many of them: pentagr h., witch’s knot, weaving of thin thread almost like a spider’s web. The male who was Richard Harris, the character of ‘A man called Horse’. Trying to make me conceive by winding the thread in a four pointed star almost like a pentagram incorporating all elements but wanting to leave out one-cannot remember which one. This spiritual male who was intimidating me but I wasn’t frightened, woke up feeling very turned on. ’t really have a dream, but just saw a huge group of people- couldn’t see what they did….

Day 15: I was dreaming about children-somebody was looking after a baby, playing etc.


Cold/Body temperature

Prover 4

Day 3: Midday. Couldn’t seem to get warm no matter what.

Prover 9

Day 11: 22 h. I have felt very cold all day-it has been -1°C or -2°C. I was to go out this evening to an event in the village bit I couldn’t face the cold. I didn’t want to go out.

Prover 11

Day 19: Really well, fighting off (successfully) lots of viruses.

Day 20: Fine and happy; but didn’t like feeling of cold coming on.

Day 21: Fine- winning with cold.

Day 23: Still feel a virus battle-felt ‘rough’ in evening and took a paracet h.ol.

Day 26: Very well-occasional hint of a cold coming, and itchiness/temp sensitivity.

Prover 7

Day 2: of proving but provers Day 1

21.30 h. Felt very chilly-hard to sleep as I was feeling chilly.

Day 3: Midday- Felt chilly during Yoga class.

Day 4: 14 h. Feeling chilly-hands & feet cold as well

18.30 h. Chilblains on left foot-slightly chilly.

Day 6: Felt chilly in early morning hours 6  h.-ish.

18.15 h. Cold hands/chilly feet.

22.30 h. very cold hands.

Day 7: Still a cold feeling.

Noon- chilly feet, hands cold.

15.45 h. very chilly feet/cold hand but not chilly.

Day 8: 18.30 h. Chilly hands, feet cold.

Day 9: 7.30pm-Feet feel quite chilly. Hands are OK.

Day 10: 10 h.-Feet chilly.

16 h. Hands/feet are cold.

Day 11: 9.30 h. Cold feet/hands cold as well but not as cold as feet.

Day 18: 19.30 h. Feet feel very chilly/hands are warm.

Day 20: 21.30 h. Chilly feet, feel tired and despondent.


Eye symptoms

Prover 10

Day 7:

Conjunctivitis in right eye-woke up with it-no idea why but I do get this sometimes esp. if late night or tired etc.

Prover 5

Day 2: My eyes are a little drier than normal so my eyes are bothering me but that could be because of the fan heater.

Day 9: 20 h. My eyes got really dry a couple of hours ago and I had to take out my lenses.

Day 15: 11.45 h. My eyes are dry too actually so  I am going to take out my contact lenses and work with my glasses.

Prover 6

Day 2: Eyes dry and sore inside.

Day 3: Eyes feel sore.

Day 7: Dried yellowish discharge in inner angle of eyes. Painful eyeballs + heavy eyelids.


Throat/Mouth symptoms

Prover 5

Day 13: Woke up, mouth dry.

Day 15: 11 h. I woke with a bit of a right sided sore throat and thirst but it has gone off.

Day 17: 16 h. slight sore-throat.

19.30 h. sore throat eased.

Prover 6

Day 3: Throat slightly more on right side feels raw on coughing/clearing throat, mucous seems to run down throat and makes me swallow or cough to clear it.

Day 4: Still had sore throat and increased mucous production. Throat bec h.e worse in the evening also mucous secretion dropping in throat.

Day 5: Throat still sore, red and swollen better hot drinks, wrapping up, lots of mucous. Throat worse after talking a lot.

Day 6: Woke at 6.30 with great pain in throat, feeling of rawness worse from swallowing, worse from drinking cold water.

Day 7: Throat is still extremely sore. The only thing which helps my throat is drinking hot tea which I do the whole day.

Prover 1

Day 10: Sore throat on and off, not painful but uncomfortable.

Prover 7

Day 7: 20 h. Slight tender throat.

Day 18: 16 h. Slight sore-throat.

19.30 h. Sore throat eased



Vorwort/Suchen.                                Zeichen/Abkürzungen.                                    Impressum.