Argemone pleicantha = (bluestem) Crested Prickle Poppy /= thistle poppy/= chicalote/= Cardo Santo/= Mexican poppy


= Argemone mexicana - ähnLICH;

Vergiftung: Many alkaloids = similar. Arge-mexicana/poisoning: Mania/convulsions/cataracts and ophthalmia (blurred/foggy/weak vision)/tapeworms. Dreams of worms in both provings. Op./Chel./Sang. Have many same proving symptoms

Typical drug;

Thema: Irritably in company + peacefulness and bliss when alone;.

Kind: Angst nachts/ruhelose Schlaf;

Positive: Thinking and understanding come from visual observation, hearing, as well as involving your emotions to 'feel out' a situation. You learn through mistakes; many of them. Understanding that success does not always happen the first time around, you are passionately eager to try your game plan again until you get it right. You do not care for standard schooling and are likely to avoid academia in lieu of living your life in order to become educated;

Negativ: Irritability + strong desire for one’s own space/desires to be in a dark cave/being underground in the dark.

Apathy + no interest in others (childeren)/emotional numbness/disconnection. has analgesic properties when smoked/applied topically. Similar experience as with recreational drugs.

Obsessiv, ängstlich, Angst (vergiftet zu werden/blind zu werden)

Dauerkopfschmerz, verlangt zu schlafen, unruhigen Schlaf;


Living your risk taking life-style to the extreme, you may become what is known as a "trauma junkie." We see this in firefighters/paramedics/security service/police. Drug addiction lures/will

start smoking cigarettes/loves gambling/other obsessions. as sex. Sexually transmitted diseases (AIDs/HIV)/Victim or codependent mentality ("poor me").


You are a visceral, gut-level experience kind of person. Your survival instincts, inner knowing and trusting what you know, is your classroom. You do well outdoors/in a vocational environment. And are a risk taker! You're into anything that will give you a 'rush' to make you feel alive in every possible way. Many of you will want to serve your local area, regionally or perhaps, nationally. Many politicians and states people, the caring professions such as teachers, nursing and health related fields are found here. You like to give. Wisely, however, you know your boundaries very clearly so that you don't give at the expense of yourself. And serving your country may also appeal to you, as well.


This study was conducted to explore the relationship between the flower essence proving and a homeopathic proving of the same plant.

An excellent flower essence proving of Argemone pleiacantha was conducted by

Eileen Nauman:

We could postulate that remedy is needed for a person who is rarely in touch with their emotions. What little vulnerability is left of them after enduring and surviving the harsh climate of a dysfunctional, hard, tough childhood, or perhaps enduring a post traumatic stress disorder, becomes protected. In order to survive and thrive in a highly antagonistic anti-life environment,

something must be given up. They cut off their emotions in order to protect themselves. Intuition as well as creativity is also blocked. These people survive but the cost is brutally high;

13 provers were engaged (2 males/11 females). They came from around the world. The provings lasted 3 - 14 days (average 7 days). The reason for stopping the proving were the

spaciness, inability to concentrate while driving or other critical functions that could have serious ramifications if they continued the proving, (auto accident/injury to themselves).

No mistaking the raw, haunting beauty of the Crested Prickle Poppy plant. Here are two mature blooms with several thorny 'buds' that have three distinct 'horns' upon them. To look at this plant

with all it's ethereal beauty and then view the leaves gives a person a diametrically opposite feeling about this marvelous dreamer!

Here in the Southwest, there are many legends of cowboys and Indians, the Old West and the wild nature of its inhabitants. Part of the history involves a plant known as the "Cowboys' Fried Eggs' or more officially as Crested Prickle Poppy. If one saw this plant on the range, it was a sign of over grazing . These 3 foot tall, highly thorny plants with crepe-paper like white petals and a huge, bright gold orange stamen with a dark brown 'cap' or stigma, was a warning sign to ranchers to stop putting their cattle into the area.

Crested Prickle Poppy is as tough as the cattle and cowboys who still proliferate the ranges (which consist of high desert plateaus that are covered with a mixture of hardy grasses, cedar, juniper, chaparral, Mormon tea bushes and cacti). No plant survives long in this hundred-degree plus environment with the Southwest sun is beating down relentlessly across the yellow and red sand

of the region. No plant is hardier, and needs less rain to suddenly pop out of the sandy desert, than the Crested Prickle Poppy. It ranges from 1.000 – 8.000 feet, from the blistering yellow

sands of the unforgiving Sonoran Desert up into the mountains of the northern part of Arizona.


The original essence being made by the magnificent stand of Crested Prickle Poppy. In less than an hour, most of the white petals touching the aquifer water, had become transparent!

I made my essence of this plant on April 5, 1995, in the Sonoran Desert, north of Phoenix, Arizona. I located a number of Crested Prickle Poppies in a median 'strip' between two major

highways. These plants were growing in the grayish-yellow sand, and conditions were dry, hot and arid. The Crested Prickle Poppies stood out, tall and proud. Their crepe-paper white petals gently folded and unfolded to the slightest of breezes, while the rest of the three-foot plant stood unbending, dominating the terrain. At first glance, this plant is formidable in its array and arsenal

of thorns - it bristles with them, much like a porcupine in full defense armor response or short, thick hypodermic needles sticking out all over ever inch of the plant. There is a toughness, an inflexibility to the plant compared to any other plant around it.

Could it be that people who need this essence are people who are proud, indomitable, inflexible, defensive and have dried up on the emotional level to where they are no longer in touch with

their feelings or intuition?

Desert plants, in general, remind me of people who have few inner resources of 'water' (which is symbolic of our emotions, intuition and creativity). These people are efficient despite their

lack of receiving very little watering (positive emotional sustenance and nurturing) of any kind. Yet, these people are able to withstand the heat (life stresses, a dysfunctional family background

or suffered some extreme form of trauma). The drought conditions symbolize lack of water or emotions or possibly not being positively nurtured and emotionally supported during their growing

up years. The poor, sandy and rocky soil in some of the most inhospitable climate and conditions could be indicative of a lack of an impoverished, low-economic childhood was endured.

It could also indicate a childhood where everything is 'rocky' for them. In response, their vital force, in order to survive these marginal conditions, goes out of balance. The result is it toughens

these children up, cuts off their emotions in order to protect themselves. It can potentially be a family who does not nurture, feed or support their child's individuality and the parent(s) are unable

to meet or provide for the child's emotional needs.

When one views the need of very little water to not only survive, but thrive, plus the rocky, sandy soil that carries very little nutrition, a picture begins to assemble for us of this person via

Crested Prickle Poppy. Laying the plant's habitant as a transparency over a human being, we could postulate that this is a person who is rarely in touch with their emotions. What little

vulnerability is left of them after enduring and surviving the harsh climate of a dysfunctional, hard, tough childhood, or perhaps enduring Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) symptoms,

becomes protected. This individual's 'thorny' armor may consist of offensive or defensive measures. S/he will survive even in the harshest of family climate's and becomes stronger instead of

being destroyed by it. Surviving such a barren, drought-like, harsh childhood comes at a high cost to their vital force. In order to survive and thrive in a highly antagonistic, anti-life environment, something must be given up.

What is sacrificed or given up is our being able to be vulnerable; our feminine energy expressions, that part of us which expresses not only our connection with our heart and therefore, our

emotions, but also, to our intuition as well as our creativity. These people survive. But the cost is brutally high.

Most of them have suppressed their feminine energy expression in order to survive and may indeed appear to thrive in our world. For them, life is a harsh desert and the only way to make

one's way across it successfully, is to put out a bristling defense, or a 'thorny ' personality. Any situation or person who gets too close to their tiny flame of vulnerability that still burns down

deep inside them, they will respond with their thorny mode.

Visually, Male energy exudes around this plant; it's sense of self-reliant nature, it's inflexible, even rigid pride and yet, the flowers atop this plant speak of the soft, inner core of our being –

our trapped feminine energy within the confines of this plant's thorny, military exterior. The flowers are thin, delicate, almost translucent. They are excruciatingly delicate and pliable to the

touch. That is what is trapped - our feminine energy. And this has to do with our Kundalini energy that is coiled at the base of our root chakra or coccyx region.

When one part of us (our emotions in this case) is re- or suppressed, that part remains unintegrated within us. In Jungian terms, that is our Shadow. Our Shadow are those parts of unrealized

self sent into 'exile' by Life's harsh conditions.

Our Shadow is primal, it is survivalist in nature, our primitive animal instincts at their finest--to help us survive. However, survival at any cost has a high price tag, too. The Shadow lurks in our subconscious, deep in the subterranean wells of ourselves, roving, pacing and stirring up all kinds of energy, attracting certain situations to us, to get us to pay attention to it and finally, to begin integrating it in our mid-forties--our greatest mid-life challenge.

Carl G. Jung, psychotherapist, was a great believer in dreams and dream work as a way into our unconscious. Dreams were a translation device to speak directly to our consciousness.

Through our dreams, he believed we could first become aware of our Shadow and through them, how the Shadow was trying to communicate to us via symbols. As we became conscious of

our Shadow dreams, we could then begin to welcome our 'desert traveler' who was homeless and orphaned, back into the 'fold' of ourselves. Without integration of our Shadow elements,

we can never hope to attain Individualization, or be a complete and whole person in this lifetime.

The promise of the Crested Prickle Poppy is that if you have the courage to mount your own array of defenses and risk everything, even the thorns that could bloody you by your continued investigation, once inside these defenses, you would be given the gift of the white flowers - the removal of blocks, reconnection and the reward of integrating your intuition, reconnection

with your emotions and taping into your creative energies once more.


Mind: > Lack of confidence, more confidence is gained by the individual.

Delusions: time distortion, expansion and out of body sensation.

Fears that are normally repressed or suppressed, are confronted directly and quickly.

Dreams: Most powerful aspect dreaming. Dreams are more vivid, detailed, more often recalled and often increased than normal. Helps those who don't remember their dreams or don't dream

(they think), to recall them more easily.

hypodermic needles/danger/anger being felt/expressed/animals/death, people/being pursued by danger and about strangers/'Cosmic', about aliens/being in a space ship/being out in space;

trees/making lists.

Most of the dreams addressed our Shadow issues--that which we had not yet confronted, worked through completely, let go of, or released, addressing our deepest, darkest fears or blocks,

were the main themes of the dreams.

(3 dreamers had connected, ongoing dreams that they would recall, usually in sets of three, with an ongoing theme throughout, although not always to resolution at the end of the third dream).

Sleep: Gives the ability to have a very deep, profound, uninterrupted night's sleep may make this a remedy to consider for those who have insomnia in some form.

Generals: Addictive cravings to sugar and especially chocolate. (cut the craving or desire for sugar and/or chocolate).


Psychological Ramifications: Shadow transformation, integration of one's Shadow contents in our subconscious, bringing of Shadow issues to conscious awareness (usually through dream state, although it can physically manifest quite quickly, within hours of taking the Natural Essence). Emotional issues. PTSD issues. Abuse issues. Rape/incest issues can all be addressed by Crested Prickle Poppy---but it should be done only with therapy support if the person is unstable mentally or emotionally or spiritually. By a stable individual it is a Natural Essence that will open the door to spiritual, mental or emotional growth, the addressing of one's addictions (no matter what they are, even recreational drugs), and working toward harmony and integration with one's Shadow. Integration work. Individuation process is speeded up with the use of the Natural Essence.

If this work is undertaken by the person, the result is a centering, an inner harmony is reestablished along with a fuller sense of confidence and self-esteem being built within the individual,

and a recognition and honoring of their own uniqueness in our world.

This Natural Essence has the ability to make some of us feel like daydreaming, to tap into our more creative side, to reconnect and feel completely alive. There is a sense of 'we are all related'

when taking this Natural Essence; an understanding that we are not alone, rather, the spiritual and metaphysical implications that we are truly bound to one another, manifests in the most positive

of ways. By making this connection, we are being given the insight and realization that while the world festers, there is famine, addictions, drugs and dying, that compassion enables us to shift

our consciousness to understand that all is truly well even within the scope of this life.

If a person is spacy, ungrounded, out of his or her body, then this essence can help put this person back into their body to become grounded, focused and living in the moment. This also helps

those who are caught up in the throes of an addiction. A number of provers mentioned that they no longer craved sweets or chocolates while on this essence. Part of the lure of drugs is to put a person into an 'other world' state, and of course, this essence would stop that and help the person shift their attitude and vision so that every day 'real life' could be coped with more positively

and effectively--rather than 'checking out' with a drug for a few hours to escape the pain of living.

On the flip side of this, I've seen a person utilized the essence and during the aggravation phase, become more psychotic and emotionally/mental unstable. This was evidenced in one prover

who was going through a highly emotional, harrowing time in his life when he was proving this essence. The aggravation lasted roughly 4 hours after one dose (four drops under the tongue). Homeopaths who think of using Crested Prickle Poppy should NOT use it on this type of an individual who is mentally or emotionally unstable. Or the homeopath must ensure that proper

safeguards are in place before taking the essence, such as warning the patient and having a qualified therapist in place should the aggravation occur.

Another 'plus' to this essence is that people who want to dig into their subconscious contents, discover the blocks, their Shadow material and work consciously with it, will find this essence invaluable. In stable mental/emotional people, this essence generally works in one's dream state and brings up Shadow dreams or issues that are left unresolved and need to be worked with and through. It always addresses our deepest, darkest fears, those things we're afraid to integrate about ourselves.

Sleep-related issues, insomnia.


Mind: Confidence increased

Delusions: “As if body separated”/exaggeration of time

Fear – of being alone/dying/falling

Memory – lost/weak

Mistakes making - writing transposing words

Dreams: hypodermic needles/danger/anger being felt/expressed/animals/death/people/being pursued by danger and about strangers/'Cosmic', about aliens/being in a space ship/being out in space;

trees/making lists/worms.

Generals: Food and Drinks: >: chocolate/sweets;

Sleep: Prolonged/deep


DD.: Total (Incl. all polycrests): Lyc. Nux-v. Phos. Puls. Bell. Sulph. Arg-n. Ars. Lach. Merc-v. Verat.

Total (Incl. small remedies, 15 polycrests): Arg-n. Hydrog. Verat. Arn. Con. Carbn-s. Hyos. Zinc-met. Cann-i. Gels. Alum.

Total (Incl. small remedies, strange, rare and peculiar and 15 polycrests): Hydrog. Arg-n. Verat. Cann-i. Am-c. Con. Anac. Nux-m. Arn. Op. Zinc-met.


[Tod Rowe]

The remedy was made from mother tincture of the flower essence into a 30C used for this proving.

Core Sensation: Flat, detached, numb versus prickling/tingling

Central Movement: Floating

Miasm: Typhoid


Key Points

    Desolation. Outsider. Isolation.

    Blissful/Peaceful. Out of body

    Flat/Detached/Numb emotionally.

    Underground, hiding. Dark cave.

    Feeling of betrayal, cannot trust anyone

    Death, dead people, worms

    Sand, irritability, prickliness

    Pursuit and escape

    Diarrhea, constipation, urination, blood, feces, toilets


    Pregnancy, childbirth

The central sensation of the proving was that of being pricked or tingling. Several of the provers described it as follows:

Feeling of being pricked by a teddy bear cactus-like someone needling me.

I kept getting this feeling of being pricked; something poking me when I first took it.

Felt like bugs crawling on skin while sleeping.

Foot-sensation of itching pulsation; scratch the foot by rubbing it on the floor like a horse or bull, but it did not relieve.

Itching, creeping sensation moving from place to place-if I rub against something it starts to itch; not > scratching.

Formication, prickling, tingling and itching were prominent. This was confirmed in the flower essence proving. This is a common sensation when brushing up against the plant and part

of its common name. Itching was also a recurring theme in many of the physical symptoms throughout the proving, accompanied by stinging pains.

The plant sap has been used historically to treat heat rash, hives and groin itching. Rashes noted on the thighs in several provers immediately after taking the remedy. What was

characteristic about the rashes was their checkerboard pattern.

Prickliness can also be seen on the mental and emotional level in the form of easy irritability and easy anger.

The idea of prickliness also manifests through the sensation of sand that recurred throughout the proving. (interesting the plant prefers sandy soils).

Pain in small spots a general characteristic noted in several provers.

Central theme: tremendous feeling of desolation, apathy, emotional numbness and disconnection from others and from self.

The narcotic nature of the Papaveraceae well known: users of the drug prefer to be alone, in their dream-like state, without any interferences. The plant is well known to have analgesic

properties both when smoked and when applied topically.

When around people there is a great feeling of irritability and prickliness. One prover described it as content and calm internally, but irritable externally. Several provers stated that it felt as if “people were wasting their time” and “I am tired of having to put up with others”. They needed to push people away. This is similar to the plant itself. Argemone is very poisonous. There are no animals other than morning doves that are able to eat it.

Drug Themes

Many of the symptoms and themes that arose in the proving are typical of a drug remedy. This is not surprising in view of the strong narcotic properties of the plant and its botanical similarity to Opium. Out of body feelings, “As if in a dream”, Dreams increased, Dreams unremembered, Deep sleep and sleep disturbed, Feelings of isolation and separation, Spacey feelings, Tranquility, Concentration difficult, Disorientation and Clairvoyance.

Individuals in the proving desired to be in a dark cave. They described this as being underground in the dark. Desire to remain in bed providing a feeling of darkness, holding and safety.

Dreams: Circles and tunnels, underground, sensation of darkness/worms.

I was in an underground place, deep dark place in the forest

Visiting friends who lived underground.

Wanting to be in a cave and rent movies and stay at home.

I feel like I am inside something like a closed space. It feels like that tunnel is inside the earth or inside me; a feeling of dark, holding and safety.

Difficult staying connected to their everyday lives. This showed up everywhere; in dreams, in work-related situations, in the interpersonal arena and in parenting.

I would have difficulty feeling enough; it was almost that I did not want to be bothered with my patient’s stories. I felt numb emotionally and no interest in others, removed and indifferent, disengaged from life. I had a job shift at the beginning of the proving; a job came to an end. I feel like I should have been more upset about it than I was. I feel like I am in a bubble.

I could not make a connection with people. An invisible barrier between me and others.

Decision to resign from work.

Distant and removed.

Bland; nothing seemed to matter.

In dream I felt depressed as if nothing in the world mattered or was worth doing.

Dream: I had someone’s baby to take care of and I did not remember it for several days. I got scared when I remembered that I had not fed it.

Pregnant and baby was not moving. No feeling with it. (Recurring dream)

This was also described as “numbness towards others”.

One prover described dreaming that she was dying, but feeling peace and no distress. The natural connection to affection seems to be broken with this remedy.

I am a bystander in a murder of an innocent person in a game. I do nothing to stop it. I am ashamed and embarrassed.

The reverse side of this came out in dreams of social gatherings and contacting old friends. One prover had the cured symptom of feeling much more affectionate towards her students and caring how they felt about her for the first time. She also went back to visit her childhood hometown for the first time in years. Every time she had gone back in the past, this had been accompanied

by great anxiety and distress. During the proving, this trip was accompanied by a feeling of warmth and peace.

            Difficulties with work

Job loss was big theme, in combination with feelings of betrayal and mistrust.

Felt like everyone was out to get me or not support me; I could not depend on anyone.

Decision to resign from work.

Problems at work; they were getting ready to let me go.

Quit job this month; felt betrayed at work.

Dream: a woman at work lost her job during a lay-off.

            Bodily fluids featured prominently in dreams of urination, catheters. Diapers, toilets, dripping, blood, flowing, etc.

I take three babies from a woman and finish what she was doing. They need diaper changes.

The children’s father is there and he needs their blood. They are lined up in glass cases; their father is split open and their blood is raining into his torso.

Taking care of a 3 to 4 year old male child. His mother has a urinary catheter in place with urine flowing pale, constantly. I am trying to use diapers. Had to go to the bathroom, unable to

stop the flow of water.

Feeling of voiding in front of others.

A farm with a community space where people could pee or wash dishes.

Dream of dripping urine on a white tiled bathroom floor.

At a graduation but could not participate because I kept having to urinate.

Strong odor of urine.

            In dreams and physicals, many symptoms were noted in the lower abdomen, relating to pregnancy and menses as well as to diarrhea and constipation.


Desert Themes

Argemone pleiacantha is a plant that is found in the North American Deserts. The genus is well adapted to desert environments. Many of the themes of this remedy are typical of desert remedies. This includes Drug issues, Poison, Isolation, Desire for darkness, Sunburns, Clarity of vision, Heat rash, Sensitive to light, Time passes too slowly, Codependency, Tranquility, Dryness,

Dust and sand sensations, Empty hollow sensations, Expanded and heavy sensations, Pursuit and escape and Formication.

Mental and Emotional Characteristics

1. the predominant emotion that came out during the proving was the feeling of detachment, numbness and disconnection. 2. irritability was strongly present.


General Characteristics

Many of the provers experienced feelings of heat. Two of the provers experienced hot flushes. Another general symptom that came through strongly was lassitude < in the afternoon.

Also a prominent symptom of Argemone mexicana.

            Physical Characteristics

The remedy has strong connections to the urinary tract, female reproductive system, and gastrointestinal tract.

Proving symptoms resembled symptoms of urinary tract infections and urethritis. The most characteristic symptom was a strong urging to urinate (which was seen in 5 of 13 provers). Kidney pains were noted. Interestingly, these symptoms spilled over in the dreams. One prover also had the recurring sensation of feeling that they were urinating in front of others.

Several of the provers described feelings consistent with the 1st trimester of pregnancy (morning sickness). There were also itching, eruptions and swelling of the breasts that were related to the menses. One prover who had not had her periods for over a year found her menses restored after the remedy.

Eye symptoms.

Incl. foggy and weak vision, swelling of the lids, lachrymation, itching, agglutination, dryness and a sensation of sand in the eyes.

            Cramping abdominal pains. Crampy pains are also prominent symptoms of Argemone mexicana. Frequently + nausea and loss of appetite. Nausea was noted in 5 of 13 of the provers. Diarrhea was also common. There was straining accompanying the rectal symptoms and a feeling of never getting done.

            Back and hip pain was fairly severe in several provers. One prover elected to end the proving prematurely, because of this pain. Back spasms were noted. Feelings of tension in the back were common.

8 of 13 provers noted significant headaches. For some, these were disabling. The headaches < morning and tended to localize in the occiput, sometimes extending to the forehead. Several provers noted them in small spots.

Itching occurred, accompanied by stinging pains. Rashes were noted on the thighs in several provers immediately after taking the remedy.

DD.: Chocolate, Argemone mexicana, Opium, Sepia, Papaveraceae


DD.: Arge-m. Much similarity between these two remedies. Arge-m. Phytologie: arthritis combined with Bright’s Disease and colicky cramps and spasms of the bowels.

Many of the alkaloids similar in both plants. Arge-m. mostly known through poisoning and intoxification symptoms and has never been well proven.

Poisoning symptoms: Mania and Convulsions (not observed in Arge-p. Arge-m. has been used to treat tapeworms. Although no tapeworms were observed during the proving of

Arge-p. provers dreamed of worms in both the flower essence and homeopathic provings, which indicate that it may be effective in this condition.

Arge-m. used herbally in the treatment of cataracts and ophthalmia in the past. Although cataracts were not reported in the proving of Arge-p. blurred, foggy and weak vision, indicate

that it may also be a useful remedy in this condition.

Arge-p. can also be compared to other Papaveraceae remedies.

Strong overlaps between Op. Chel. Sang. can be seen.

Many of the symptoms and themes that arose in the proving are typical of a drug remedy. This is not surprising in view of the strong narcotic properties of the

plant and its botanical similarity to Opium.

Choc. a strong theme through the proving. This is not surprising in that this remedy has much similarity to the remedy Chocolate. Both represent drug remedies and share the feeling of

separation and turning one’s back on one’s children. Chocolate also represents a way of self-nurturing when one cannot feel this from the outside.

Typical drug themes:

Great feeling of irritability when with people and the feeling of peacefulness and bliss when alone. One prover described it as content and calm internally, but irritable externally.

Several provers stated that it felt as if ‘people would waste their time’ and ‘I am tired of having to put up with others’. They needed to push people away. This is similar to the plant itself. Argemone is very poisonous. There are no creatures (other than mourning doves) who are able to eat the fruits and seeds. When cattle have been allowed to overgraze a pasture, this plant

grows in profusion.

Irritability + a strong desire for one’s own space. Individuals in the proving desired to be in a dark cave. They described this as being underground in the dark. A desire to remain in bed,

Which provided a feeling of darkness, holding and safety.

Another strong theme was that of apathy, emotional numbness and disconnection.

The plant is well known to have analgesic properties both when smoked and when applied topically. Many of the provers compared the experience to that of recreational drugs when  younger. One prover described the apathy as ‘I would have difficulty feeling enough; it was almost that I did not want to be bothered with my patient’s stories; I felt numb emotionally and no

interest in others; removed and indifferent; disengaged from life; I had a job shift at the beginning of the proving; a job came to an end; feel like I should have been more upset about it than I was;

I feel like I am in a bubble; I could not make a connection with people; invisible barrier between me and others’. This was also described as a ‘numbness towards others’.

Another prover described dreaming that she was dying, but feeling peace and no distress. The natural connection to affection seems to be broken with this remedy.

The inverse side of this came out in dreams of social gatherings and contacting old friends. One prover had the cured symptom of feeling much more affectionate towards her students and caring how they felt about her for the first time. She also went back to visit her childhood hometown for the first time in years. Previously, every time she went home, she felt great anxiety and distress.

During the proving, the trip was accompanied by a feeling of warmth and peace for the first time. She states that ‘the anxiety was caused by having a tremendous lack of nourishment while I was growing up’.

Most centrally, this apathy rose around the issue of children. One prover had a recurrent dream of being pregnant and that the baby was dead and yet she felt nothing. The feeling was one of

not caring for one’s children and not feeling nurturing.

A strong general characteristic was the sensation of prickliness. This was confirmed in the flower essence proving. This is a common sensation when brushing up against the plant and part of its common name. Itching was also a recurring theme in many of the physical symptoms throughout the proving, accompanied by stinging pains. The plant sap has been used historically to treat

heat rash, hives and groin itching. Rashes were noted on the thighs in several provers immediately after taking the remedy. Characteristic a checkerboard pattern.

The idea of prickliness also manifests through the sensation of sand that recurred throughout the proving. It is interesting to note that the plant prefers sandy soils.

‘Pain in small spots’ was another related symptom that was a general characteristic noted by several provers. Prickliness can also be seen on the mental and emotional level in the form of easy irritability and easy anger.

Many of the provers experienced feelings of heat. Two of the provers experienced hot flushes. The tea is known to ameliorate PMS hormonal shifts and menopausal symptoms.

Another general symptom that came through strongly was lassitude. < afternoon. (also in Arge-m.)

Physically, the remedy has strong connections to the urinary tract, female reproductive system, vertigo, eyes and gastrointestinal tract. Urinary symptoms were quite strong. The most characteristic symptom was a strong urging to urinate which was seen in five of the thirteen provers. Kidney pains were noted.

The plant has been used historically to treat urethritis and prostatitis. The proving demonstrated symptoms consistent with urinary tract infections and urethritis. Phytology: Bright’s Disease = a kidney problem. Interestingly, these symptoms spilled over in the dreams. One prover also had the recurring sensation of feeling that they were urinating in front of others.

Several of the provers described feelings consistent with the first trimester of pregnancy (morning sickness). There were also itching, eruptions and swelling of the

breasts related to menses. One prover who had not had her periods for over a year found her menses restored after the remedy.

Five of the thirteen provers experienced symptoms of vertigo. The strongest characteristic < motion. Several provers associated the vertigo with the feeling of being disconnected from the

world or that reality seemed distorted. Vertigo symptoms were confirmed in the flower essence proving.

The majority of the provers experienced eye symptoms. This included foggy and weak vision, swelling of the lids, lachrymation, itching, agglutination, dryness and

a sensation of sand in the eyes. In ancient times, herbal Argemone was used to treat cataracts and ophthalmia.

Cramping abdominal pains were also confirmed with this proving. Six of the thirteen provers experienced these pains. The tea has reportedly been used as an

antispasmodic. Crampy pains are also prominent symptoms of Argemone mexicana. These symptoms were frequently accompanied by nausea and loss of appetite. Nausea was noted in 5 of the

13 provers. The tea has been found to be helpful for hiatal hernias. Diarrhea was also common. There was straining accompanying the rectal symptoms and a feeling of never getting done.

The seeds have been used as a cathartic. Palpitations were noted in only one prover. Tea > heart palpitations.

Back and hip pain was fairly severe in several provers. One prover elected to end the proving prematurely, because of this pain. Back spasms were noted. Feelings of tension in the back were common.

Eight of thirteen of the provers noted significant headaches. For some, these were disabling. < morning and tended to localize in the occiput (ext. to forehead). Several provers noted

headaches in small spots.

Sleep tended to be deep and profound. The plant has been used as a tea to help induce sleep. Interestingly, the homeopathic provers noted a sharp decrease in dream activity. This is in sharp contrast to the flower essence proving where provers noted a marked increase in dreams. The flower essence proving also noted a capacity to resolve old issues from the past through dream work. This was much less noted in the homeopathic proving.


Vergleich: Liebt sandige Boden; Arenicola marina). Choc. (= Arge-p-ähnlich).

Siehe: Papaverales


Antidotiert von: Op.


Wirkung: poisoNOUS

Allerlei: milchig-gelbes Saft


Phytology: antispasmodic. (Crampy pains Arge) hiatal hernias. / heart palpitations


Repertorium:                                                                                  [Dr. Todd Rowe] [Eileen Nauman]

Argemone pleicantha

Gemüt: Angst (nachts/durch Erwartungsspannung/vor einer Verabredung/grundlos)/Furcht (etwas werde geschehen/vergiftet zu werden/zu erblinden)

Argwöhnisch, misstrauisch

Auffahren, Zusammenfahren(durch Geräusche/aus dem Schlaf)

Beleidigt, leicht

Verlangt lange im Bett zu bleiben


Verlangt Dunkelheit

Einswerden, Vereinigung, Unio - Gefühl des Einswerdens (mit Allem)

Empfindlich (gegen Geräusche/Gerüche/Kritik/Tadel/Vorwürfe/Licht)

Entrüstung, Empörung


Faul/ Hast, Eile

Gedächtnisschwäche/vergesslich/in Gedanken versunken/Selbstbetrachtung/Konzentration schwierig/unmöglich/klarer Verstand/

geistig verwirrt (in Bezug auf die Zeit/Morgen)

Gefühle, Emotionen, Gemütsbewegungen unterdrückt

Gesellschaft abgeneigt (> alleine)

Gewissenhaft, peinlich genau in Bezug auf Kleinigkeiten

Gleichgültig, Apathisch gegenüber andere+/o. geliebte Personen/Arbeit/

Glückseliges Gefühl (wenn allein)

Verlangt, nach Hause zu gehen

Kummer, Trauer (über vergangene Ereignisse)

Reizbar, gereizt # Geduld/möchte allein sein/wenn angesprochen/in Gesellschaft/durch Kleinigkeiten/leicht/vor Menses/durch Widerspruch)

Ruhelos nachts/ängstlich

Schweigsam/Seelenruhe, gelassen/ Still sein, seine Ruhe haben; möchte


„Wie in einem Traum“

Traurigkeit (in Mammae empfunden)


Wahnideen [wird nicht anerkannt, geschätzt/Körper und Geist seien getrennt/sei von der Welt getrennt/schwebt außerhalb des Körpers/schwebt (in der Luft)/von anderen getrennt/Kluft zwischen sich und anderen/sei verloren]

Weint (leicht)

Verträgt keinen Widerspruch

Zeit - langsam, scheint länger; vergeht zu

Zorn (wird leicht, schnell zornig)

Schwindel (im Allgemeinen/< tief/aufstehen/“Als ob Bett in Bewegung“/< Bewegung/< liegen/< stehen/erwachend/kommt kommt vom Magen/„Wie Schaukeln“/+ übel/in Wellen

Kopf:  morgens/nachmittags/abends (schneidend)/nachts

„Wie Ausgedehnt“/Hitze/Jucken der Kopfhaut (Hinterkopf)/Leeregefühl/“Wie hohl“/

Schmerz (+ Übelkeit/< Bewegung/drückend/dumpf/schneidend/“Wie ein Ziehen“/erstr Schulter/Hinterkopf (erstr zu Stirn)/an kleinen

Stelle/Stirn (hinter den Augen)

Schweiß der Kopfhaut/Haarausfall

Auge:  - Verklebt morgens/Gefühl von Absonderungen/“Wie Film auf den Augen“

Jucken (morgens/Canthi/gereizt/Schmerz (brennend/“Wie durch And o. Staub“/fein stechend/

Tränenfluss (morgens/nachmittags/< Gähnen/trocken morgens/“Wie müde“/geschwollene Lider (morgens/Unterlider)/Zucken in Lider

Sehen:: Nebelig/Schwach, schwachsichtig/Überempfindliches Sehen/verschwommen

Ohr: Geräusche im Ohr, Ohrgeräusche - abends/Klingeln

Hautausschläge - Furunkel/Jucken/r./

Schmerz l./stechend/Völlegefühl

Nase: Absonderung (gelblichgrün/zäh)/Katarrh (morgens)/Risse in Nasenlöchern/< Schnupfen während Essen/trocken innerlich/

Jucken/Niesen (morgens)/schorfige Nasenlöcher/verstopft

Gesicht: bläulich Ringe um die Augen

Hautausschläge (Akne/“Wie Pickel auf Lippen“/Lippen)


Lippen [kribbeln/pulsieren (nachts erwachend)/< Bewegung]/empfindliche Lippen/ Lippen „Wie verbrannt“

Kiefer (Schmerz dumpf/stechend)


Schwellung der Lippen (Oberlippe)

Spannung derKiefer

Mund: Aphthen/Geruch „Wie Schwefel“/übel riechend/Zahnfleisch (wund schmerzend)/trocken (nachts)/

Geschmack etwas salzig/“Wie Schwefel“/widerwärtig, ekelhaft

Zähne: Empfindlich gegen Kälte/< Kauen


Innerer Hals: Blutandrang/Jucken/bei Rednern und Sängern/Reizung/Schmerz/erwachend/nagend/> warme Grtränke/Speisen bleiben

im Hals/trocken

Magen: Appetit vermindert/Durst erwachend/Durstlos/Leeregefühl/Schluckauf/Schmerz

Übel [morgens/< o. > nach essen/< liegend/während Schwangerschaft/< trinken/in Wellen]/Völlegefühl

Bauch: Auftreibung < während Mense/ schwer

Schmerz  [während Diarrhoe (krampfartig)/erwachen (krampfartig)/krampfartig/< während Mense/stechend/Leistengegend/

Rektum: Diarrhoe (abends/# Obstipation)

Flatus/Jucken/Obstipation (ungenügend/vergeblicher Stuhldrang + vergebliches Pressen)/ Schmerz

[bei Diarrhoe (brennend)]/drückend

Stuhl: „Wie Lehm“/schleimig/unverdaut

Nieren: Schmerz (morgens erwachen)/nachts/weh tun/zwickend, kneifend)

Blase - Schmerz - morgens/brennend/vor Urinieren)Urinieren (mit Drücken/Dysurie/Harndrang/häufig/unwillkürlich (< hustend/< niesend

Harnröhre: Schmerz/brennend

Urin: Geruch kräftig

Weibliche Genitalien: ist sich des Uterus Bewusst, nimmt ihn wahr

Blutandrang/Menses (zu kurz/zu spät)/Metrorrhagie

Ovarien (l./drückend)/Uterus (krampfartig/< während Menses/tut weh/

Uterus < während Menses/tut weh /erstr Rektum/erstr Rücken

 Beschwerden während Schwangerschaft/“Wie eine beginnende Schwangerschaft“

Völle Uterus

Sexverlangen - vermehrt o. vermindert

Kehlkopf und Trachea: Kitzeln in Luftwege/Stimme heiser, Heiserkeit

Atmung:  Atemnot, Dyspnoe, erschwertes Atmen (> Bewegung/< nach Essen)/Schnarchen

Husten: Morgens (6 - 9 h)/Nachts (22 - 6 h)/hohl/Reiz in den Luftwegen/Kitzelhusten, durch Kitzeln/< singen/trocken

Brust - Hautausschläge - Mammae/Hitze abends/Jucken in Mammae/Zusammenschnürung > gehend/an einzelnen Stellen)

Herzklopfen (> gehend)/< r. Seitenlage)/

Schmerz [stechend/in Mammae < während Menses (wund)]/Schwellung in Mammae < während Menses

Rücken: Knacken in Zervikalregion + Kopfschmerz/pulsieren in Sakralregion

Schmerz (r./morgens/< Aufstehen vom Sitzen/< beugen/> Bewegung/erwachend/pulsierend/< sitzen

Dorsalregion [Schulterblätter (> Bewegung/stechend)

Lumbalregion (drückend/schneidend/> warme Anwendungen/weh tun)

Sakralregion/Sakrum (wehtun)/Zervikalregion

Spannung (Zervikalregion)/Spasmen

Steif in Zervikalregion

Verheben; leichtes, schnelles

Glieder  Übler Fußgeruch ohne Schweiß/Hautausschläge („Wie Masern“/Oberschenkel)/Jucken [Beine/Füße (morgens/Sohle)/Handflächen (morgens)]/Schultern/Unterarme/Zehen (morgens/nicht > kratzen/Kälte in Füße

Pulsieren in Zehen

Schmerz  [Beine/< Treppensteigen/tun weh]/Hände [abends (stechend)/Gelenke]

Schmerz in Hüfte (r./<  Bewegung/< stehen/stechend/tun weh/ziehend)/Knie nachts/Knöchel - stechend/oberhalb

Schmerz in  Schultern # Jucken/reißend/tun weh

Schmerz in Zehen

Knie geschwollen (r.)/Beine „Wie schwer“

Spannung in Schultern/Steife(erwachend)

Zucken in Daumen

Schlaf: Einschlafen schwierig/tief/erwacht (nach Mitternacht - 3 h/schwierig)/Bauch-/r. Seitenlage/ruhelos


Frost: < im Schlaf

Schweiß: Klamm, feucht/Reichlich

Haut: Ameisenlaufen nachts/Ekchymosen/Jucken (abends/heftig/wandernd)/Schmerz (fein stechend)

Allgemeines: verlangt Bettdecken + >/> Bewegung/< Erhitzung/“Wie Hitze“/Hitzewallungen/> Kälte/matt (nachmittags)/Schmerz (wund)

Verlangt: Alkohol/Äpfel/Fett/Gewürzmittel/kalte Getränke, kaltes Wasser/Schokolade/Süßigkeiten/Wein; >. Schokolade;

Symptome treten an einzelnen Stellen auf/körperlich träge/> warmes Einhüllen/> nasses Wetter

Zittern äußerlich



Vorwort/Suchen                                Zeichen/Abkürzungen                                   Impressum