Azadirachta indica (Aza) = Neembaumrinde/= Nimba (I)/= Margosabark

“Geschenk des Himmels”

= Echi-/Eup-per-/Okou-ähnlich;

Vergiftung: Schwindel/Sehen vermindert/erweiterte Pupillen/verwirrt/Qual/Koma;

Negativ: A. Fieberanfang 15 h. - 19 h. + glühendem Hitze im Gesicht + SCHWEIß Oberkörper, B. Schweißanfang am Stirn + erstr. langsam über Rumpf,

C. VERlangt kalte Getränke, D. Rechtsseitig;


Depressiv/schwaches Kurzgedächtnis, Fehler in (Rechts)schreiben, inaktiv/ängstlich, Appetit/Durstlos/Durst mit lange Pausen, Fieber periodisch/(Spätnach)mittags (mit Hitze + brennen), OberkörperSCHWEIß, Rheumaschmerz, brennen (Gesicht/Augen/Hautflächen/ Fußsohlen), Juckreiz ohne Ausschlag/for low grade infection;

Ursache:   Kälte ;


Vergleich: Enthält: S.; Androg-p [= King of Bitters/= Indische Echinacea/= Bhui-neem (= kleine Neem)/= Hempedu Bumi (= bile of earth)]. Ars. Cedr. Chin. Nat-m. 

Neem Hair Lotion wa Läuse.

Siehe: Sapindales + Insektiziden  

Echi (fördert Immunsystem) ó Tabebuia  ó  Aza (antibiotisch/ antiparasitisch/antifungae)


Unverträglich: Kälte als Ursache/Abmagerung/Erschöpfung


Antidotiert: Chin. Chinin.


Wirkung: antiviral/antibakteriell/fungizid/insektizid/psorisch/sklerotisch/periodisch/sterilisierend                           r. seitig    

Allerlei: tropisch Asien/Afrika anspruchslos/Schatten/Staubfänger/Tierfutter


Phytologie: Verdauung (Milz)/Kreislauf/Atem-/Harnwegen




Stärkt Immunsystem

Rezept 2 - 3 Gr. Blätter o. Rindepulver als heiße Aufguss/danach übernacht stehen lassen/morgens schlückchenweise trinken

Haut: Rezept: 2 - 3 Esslöffel mit 1 Ltr. Wasser abbrühen als Badezusatz

Öl nur äußerlich bei Pilz/Lepra?


Southeast Asia in combatting lice/other insect pests as well as for internal treatment for worms/gastritis/rheumatic complaints and skin ailments. Twigs from the Neem  are also widely used as “toothbrushes.” Chewing on the end of a twig produces a bundle of fibers that is well suited for tooth cleaning, as it gives off aromatic-tasting and anti-inflammatory substances that promote oral hygiene. Because of their toxicological safety, low production cost, favorable eco-toxicological properties and the ease of cultivating the tree in the tropics, Neem preparations now used across the globe to fight migratory locusts and other insect pests. In our latitudes as well, a purified Neem extract (NeemAzal) has been successfully tested on a great number of plant pests and has been authorized in Germany as a plant protection agent. NeemAzal preparations have also been successfully used in combatting clothes moths and other textile pests, as well as in home environment treatment to prevent dust mite allergies. The preparation Milbiol (mit Neembaum-Öl ist fünffach biologisch wirksam gegen Hausstaubmilben), made by Biocur, has been licensed for this use based on its success in long-term studies.

What is particularly remarkable about Neem extracts is their highly specific insectistatic action, which operates essentially by influencing the insects’ molting process. This is why death of the insects does not ensue immediately (and the discovery of living lice after application is no sign of failure), but only at the next molting of the growing animal. There is however an inhibiting effect on the animals’ eating and biting behavior even before molting, so that complaints such as itching of the scalp mostly recede after the initial application. In vitro tests with Neem extract demonstrated that its inhibiting effect on cell growth is approximately 106 x more powerful on insect cells than on the 3 different mammalian cell lines included in the study. Reports from India refer to cases of poisoning after oral intake of Neem oil by children, who developed symptoms reminiscent of Reye Syndrome (plötzlich erbrechen/bekommt Fieber/ruhelos und reizbar/Hypoglykämien). It is assumed however that the intoxication was due not to the Neem oil itself but to mycotoxin impurities (aflatoxins B and G). The Trifolio-M company of Lahnau, which works intensively with organic approaches to pest control, has produced a purified and certified aflatoxin-free Neem extract in shampoo form suitable for louse control, although it is officially marketed as a “hair care product for lice control”. The NeemAzal extract contained in it has been thoroughly tested in animal tests, and very minimal toxicity was found with oral application (no cases of lethality/temporary apathy and bristling of fur in rodents at extremely high concentration). No symptoms similar to those of Reye Syndrome mentioned above were observed; hence it can be assumed that the substance responsible for the isolated cases of acute toxicity of non-purified Neem oil was eliminated in the extraction and purification process. Dermal compatibility was very good: Long-term studies revealed no indications of carcinogenic action and genotoxicity tests in bacteria, mammalian cells and mice gave negative results. The results of two-generation feeding studies with rats showed no indications of reproductive impairment with oral administration (in vaginal application Neem extracts have been successfully tested as a spermicide in India); nor have any teratogenic effects been observed.

Niemann and Hilbig of the Bundesinstitut für gesundheitlichen Verbraucherschutz summarize as follows: “Based on the available data from valid toxicological studies, Neem Azal-T/S can be assumed to pose no health risk to the applier or user.”

At the pediatric clinic of Iserlohn a clinical study was conducted on a product now available in pharmacies under the name of “Neem-Extrakt FT-Shampoo” (generally the manufacturer must be indicated as well). In this study, children were treated both for head lice and scab mites (for which tests are now in process). With head lice, the treatment was particularly successful when the hair was shampooed on the 1st, 3rd and 10th day. The shampoo should be allowed to act for at least 10 - 20 min. Neem Hair Lotion wa Läuse.


Repertorium:                                    [P.C. Majundar]

Azadirachta indica

Gemüt: Demenz (senilis)/Dementia

Fehler; macht (schreibend/sprechend (Buchstabierend)

Gedächtnisschwäche [für Eigennamen/für Tatsachen, Fakten (kurz zurückliegende Tatsachen)]/Gedächtnisverlust/vergesslich


Kopf: Kopfhaut empfindlich gegen Berührung

Schmerz (Wehtun)

Auge: Schmerz - Augäpfel

Nase: Katarrh

Gesicht: < während Hitze

Mund: Papillen - aufgerichtet/vergrößert

Vergrößert: Zunge

Rektum: Durchfall

Männliche Genitalien: Erregbarkeit der Genitalien/Sexverlangen vermindert

Weibliche Genitalien: Fluor reichlich/Metrorrhagie

Brust: Schmerz - (hinter) Brustbein/Rippem/Zwischenrippenmuskeln

Rücken: Schmerz [Dorsalregion (Schulterblätter)]

Glieder: Hitze in Finger/Füße (während Fieber)/Hände (während Fieber)/Handflächen/Zehen

Kribbeln - Finger/Hände/Handflächen/Zehen

Schmerz einige

Schlaf: Erwacht häufig/schlaflos

Träume: Kämpfe/Streitigkeiten

Fieber: Nachmittags (13 - 18 h)

Anfallsweise erscheinendes Fieber, in Schüben - nachmittags

Intermittierendes, chronisches Fieber, Wechselfieber

Schweiß mit Hitze

Frost: Geringer, leichter Frost

Schweiß: an oberer Teil des Körpers

Haut: Hautausschläge - Lepra

Allgemeines: r./15 h./nachmittags (13 - 18 h)

Chininmissbrauch, Folgen von


< im Freien

Schmerz - rheumatisch

Speisen und Getränke: Verlangt: kalte Getränke, kaltes Wasser/Süßigkeiten;

Gehen abgeneigt



Vorwort/Suchen                                Zeichen/Abkürzungen                          Impressum