Mag-c. + Mag-m. + Mag-p. + Mag-s.
Used in practice:
indicates in a general way a thin, emaciated, sensitive, almost neurotic
individual, worn out, exhausted; in other words - done. This then in a general
way is the make - up of the Mg person.
Mag-c. the worn out, done appearance
Mag-m. there is a slow, sluggishness of
everything, the liver and the circulation in general. Symptoms of gastrointestinal
Mag-p. thinness, the emaciation etc., the
neurotic characteristics predominate;.
Mag-c. was the first of the Mg salts proved by H.
puny, sickly due to defective nutrition, the reason for this being hard to
discover. It may be because it refuses to take milk which is the natural food
of childhood, or if persuaded to take it, colicky pains come on in the pit of
the stomach and the milk is passed undigested. Colicky pains forcing the child
to draw its legs up, very similar to that of Coloc.
children as in adults: green and slimy, like the scum of a frog pond. Sometimes
it looks as if there were lumps of tallow floating in the stool. Here then is
found something that is an indication for Mg.
DD.: Cham.
a yellowish - green stool, like chopped eggs.
Calc. rejection of milk, and sweating of the
forehead and the feet and distention of the abdomen. The adult is "the
acid dyspeptic type". Starchy foods seem to upset him (potatoes). Cabbage
and, in general, all starchy foods seem to produce a warmth which seems to
increase in intensity: anxious and warm in the whole body (head) while eating
warm food.
H.: This is
the first important rubric, he lays great stress on it so we find in the adult
what has been called acid dyspepsia predominates as a symptom; acid risings
into the mouth often with vertigo, nausea, retching and even vomiting. The
stomach feels sore and pressure elicits hypersensitiveness, common to all
Magnesias. There is great rumbling: of gas in the abdomen and there is loss of
tone in the abdominal muscles, with a lack of firmness in the underlying
viscera with splashing on percussion with frequent passage of frothy liquid
stools which smell sour. In fact, in the child everything about its make - up
is sour: breath/catarrh (result of errors of diet)/perspiration. When there is
abdominal pain it takes the form of colic and griping which is > bending
The child
is one of lax fiber, obviously of a nervous type and decidedly anxious and
irritable, but above all sour. A definite craving for meat is present. In the
stools often worms are found.
Mag-m.: different picture. Stool hard and knotty,
difficult to pass or they may be crumbly at the anus or covered with blood and
mucus. Feces may accumulate to such an extent as to cause obstruction. In
Mag-c. there is an absence of tenesmus but in Mag-m. there is violent tenesmus
with burning and smarting at the anus.
Mag-p.: stool thick, brown and watery, changing
color from brown to almost white and latterly covered with blood. May be
spasmodic retention of urine during stool with desire to urinate on standing
erect (dysentery in later stages) when there is a catarrhal condition of the
bowels left as a sequel. In the acute stages of dysentery Nat-s comes in with
the liquid stool intermixed with blood and here the blood predominates in the
Mag-s.: diarrhea with great thirst. Key-symptom:
thirst. When a chill is present it is followed by thirst though sometimes this
thirst marks the beginning of the chill. This thirst is < in the early
morning, > after breakfast, though it may be present in the evening as well
(during menses). LOSS of appetite with this thirst. The very thought of food
seems to upset at times and aversion to meat.
Mag-c.: has
violent thirst as well but more often in the evening and at night.
Mag-m.: has
dryness of the mouth at night, but has little or no thirst with the dryness but
in this drug we get a peculiar thirst which comes on with intensity at 3 h. In
considering the female symptoms we find under Mag-c. - menses delayed, scanty,
but more profuse at night than by day; discharge dark like pitch. any pain
present during the menses is ameliorated by pressure on the abdomen and by
stooping. In Mag-mur we find hysteria with marked globus and diarrhea. In
Mag-phos pain precedes the flow with great weakness. In Mag-sulph the
characteristic feature is the thick dark, often black flow.
The Effect of the Mg Salts on the Nervous
Mag-c.: the
nerves come in for special attention; as regards the face we find a tearing in
the left zygoma at night. It forces here to sit up in bed, but even that is not
enough. She gets out of bed and rushes from room to room holding the painful
side and wagging the head, and whenever she remains quiet back it comes in its
full intensity. When it comes to toothache we find a similar state of affairs,
- pain radiating to the temple and driving the patient out of bed.
Mag-m: heaviness in the head with reeling
and the feeling almost of loss of consciousness. Sometimes the headache is so
intense that it feels as if the head would burst, somewhat > hard pressure
from both hands. Wrapping up the head also seems to help a neuralgic headache
round the eyes < for motion and < for fresh air, but > for pressure.
This type of headache is often associated with liver symptoms.
to the hepatic region - pressing pain in the liver; seems to be hard and
Mag-p.: the
pains are more of a nervous nature. the abdominal pains are of a more general
hypersensitive nature more in the nature of a colic generally radiating from
the navel, ameliorated by bending double or from deep pressure of the hands and
by hot applications and often associated with a watery diarrhoea.
Mental and Emotional Symptoms
definite uneasiness together with a decided fear (manifested in various ways
from a general trembling of the hands to a generalized trembling. All day this
fear, almost amounting to anguish, is apparent). There is no desire to talk for
talking, or any mental exertion whatsoever, simply makes the condition <.
The trembling and fear seem to pass off on going to bed at night.
Mag-m.: not
the same turmoil of mind, there is the desire for solitude with the
disinclination to talk. Here also mental exertion seems to tire easily and
although there is anxiety this is relieved in the open air. But there is a
softness about this drug that does not appear in the carbonate, shown by a
tearful outlook.
Mag-p.: the
mind dwells more on the actual pain than the other Mg salts. One cannot lead
him into any other train of thought. The pain is there and the patient keeps
lamenting that it is still there and nothing seems to shift it. All sorts of
nerve pains are found, intercostal, neuralgia, sciatica, tic douloureux. It has
proved an excellent remedy in writer's cramp and in shingles. A constant state
of nerve tension and the paroxysms of pain are so sudden that he almost lies
waiting for them. After they seem to come in waves, cutting or boring into the
body and changing from one place to another to such a degree as to make the
poor sufferer sob and even scream out and lament against them.
difficulty in concentrating. Everything has got to be noted down. mental effort
also tires and if a student there is marked disinclination to settle down to
studying, Mag-p.:hos patient can never be a "swot" (= Streber) until
he has had a few doses of Mag-p. If he should be forced to make an effort with
the shadow of an examination coming nearer and nearer to him his mind may
suddenly seem to be clearer but when he begins to study he has great difficulty
in warding of that insidious feeling of drowsiness which seems to overcome him.
Mag-s.: As
in all magnesias there is apprehension with general uneasiness in fact it may
lead almost to complete prostration till she is almost beside herself with anxiety.
All kinds of figments of the imagination are present even to believing that she
sees persons who are not there. Everything somehow seems to be wrong. No use
trying to calm her for she only flies into a passion, then tends to pass into a
state of anxious weeping. Of the use of this drug in the treatment of diabetes
there can be no doubt and this can probably be traced to its diuretic action
with great thirst which tends to pass of after breakfast. A dislike to meat, so
differing from Mag-c.
Comparison of the Outstanding Symptoms of the
Mg Salts
As it is
only in details that we get any difference between the Mg salts we must make
Mag-c. the central study and compare the symptoms of the others with it and in
a paper like this only the outstanding symptoms can possibly be given.
points out that one leading note is sensitiveness, mental and bodily, sensitive
to touch, sensitive to air. To be considered in the treatment of the effects of
shock, blows or mental disorders. A characteristic symptom often found in
children as well as adults, is that the least touch causes starting. Often this
is to be found in children with dilated stomachs, whose condition has been
brought about by unhygienic conditions and improper feeding. These are children
of lax fire, who smell sour and are sour, children of a highly nervous
temperament and who are very irritable whose faces are pale and of an earthy
color, red # pale. Often toothache (after eating, after a bus journey, greatest
intensity at night). Teeth have been late in erupting, often with herpetic
eruptions round the lower point of the mouth. “As if teeth too long”, with a
sour bitter taste in the saliva with a dry mouth.
almost all the symptoms of Mag-c., seem to centre around the gastro - intestinal
organs and that all other symptoms depend upon this action more or less.
Coloc.: no green, slimy stool
Rheum.: stool sour, slimy and frothy, followed
by colic
Child Cham.: cries for different things and
rejects its favorite toys.
Sleep in
Mag-c. is never refreshing. In child with the strong craving for meat, look for
a tubercular family history. In the female during pregnancy there is toothache
(Ratan.) and a grand indication
in this
remedy is that the flow of the menses is only at night (Am-m.), or lying down
and ceases when walking.
"As if white of egg dried on the face”. “As if teeth are too long”. Throat
as if scraped by an awn. As if rectum pricked by needles. Back as if
broken". Pain in the right deltoid (Sang.)
may be
present. Like some other drugs Mag-c. has a periodicity every 2nd day and every
3 weeks. In Mag-m. periodic every 6 weeks. As regards the eye symptoms there is
nothing of very great importance though cures have been reported in cataract,
but in Mag-m. there is a green halo round the candle in the evening. In Mag-p.,
however, eye symptoms are more marked (horizontal double vision, rainbow
colors, nystagmus and ptosis, photophobia). In Mag-s. pain in the eyes “As if
protruding from the orbits when looking aside”.
In Mag-m.:
is a slow sluggishness of everything. It is more often indicated in
(hysterical) women than the carbonate, < after dinner; rises from the table
suffering from nausea. Their digestion has slowed up. The liver is sluggish and
even enlarged and there are pains in the liver, < for touch and lying on the
r. side. After dinner too in addition to the nausea, there are noisy
eructations with a feeling of faintness, or with a headache which has the
sensation of boiling water in the head and has to be relieved by pressure of
the hands against the temples. Globus is also present and is relieved by
eructation which can be easily understood when one considers the laxness and
distention of the stomach. We must also expect with the liver disturbance and
with the interference with the portal circulation that the lower extremities
should suffer. A vicious circle is set up involving the heart with consequent
dysponea and oedema of the legs and feet. We find this liver condition also
present in rickety children. We find too as an irritating symptom, palpitation
of the heart, < when the patient is quiet and in this it resembles Gels.
very closely and differs from Digitalis. There are also uterine symptoms of a
spasmodic nature with pitch - like menses with pain in the back. The Mg salts
have a distinct effect on the nervous system. Thus we find that although all
the Mg salts affect the intestinal track and the nervous system the carbonate
or phosphate are indicated in repeated attacks of neuralgia. In people of lax,
debilitated fiber, Mag-m. takes its place in hysteria. The stools in Mag-mur
are crumbly as if burnt. A symptom that has often proved useful in the Mag-m.:
during dinner or after, the mouth fills with water and heat mounts up to the
face. This by the way, is one of the symptoms of dysentery, not in the acute
stages, but much later when one has been left with a certain degree of colitis
due probably to the fact that one, or more, small portions of the lower bowels
have been stripped of their endothelial lining so the Mg salts ought to prove
useful in the treatment of dysentery.
Mag-p.: the fact that the Magnesias acted as tonics to the nervous system lead
Schüssler to Mag-p. as a nerve tonic and in his tissue remedies we get an
excellent proving of this remedy. Wheeler in his recent book suggests that the
use of
Now let us
consider the symptoms of the sulphate, so well known to the old school as
"Epsom Salts". An advertisement as to their virtues reads thus:
"They relieve acidity and sweeten a sour stomach at once. The stomach
starts digesting food right away and finishes its work with perfect ease. You
feel nothing - no heartburn, no flatulence, not a twinge of your old stomach
Try them to
- day". How does it differ from the other Magnesias? It has got the
softness and the lack of tone of the others with the tearfulness, the
uneasiness, the pains in the malar bones the hypersensitiveness, the urinary
symptoms, but it differs from the carbonate in its dislike for meat. In the
sulphate there is more weeping, resembling to a certain extent that of Puls.,
foreboding anxiety too is prominent; melancholy and apprehension with, as
mentioned before, the tendency to fly into a passion and to take everything in
bad part. A peculiar symptom is stinging in the fauces more between than during
acts of deglutition and in this it closely resembles Ign. throat symptoms >
swallowing solids and < for liquids and in this Ign. resembles Mag-p., whose
throat symptoms are < for swallowing fluids. While Mag-s. > walking,
Mag-c. even a short walk seems to tire. Both have lassitude - Mag-c. affects
the feet mostly when seated, while in Mag-s. there is more tendency to stagger
and with the lassitude there is a peculiar sick feeling with dry warmth of the
skin and intense thirst.
Mag-c. shows the effects of mental distress,
vexation and fits of passion; the results of injudicious feeding and the bad
effects of milk; and above all the green frothy stools.
Mag-m. has the ailments arising from a sluggish
liver and a sluggish circulation with the stools dry and knotty.
Mag-p. intensity of nerve involvement shows
adverse reactions to cold winds, cold bathing, standing in cold water, working
with cold things and amelioration from warmth
Mag-s. produces marked urinary symptoms +
intense thirst and loss of appetite.
Levin Krupp]
Based on
the works of Rajan Sankaran, David Warkentin, Val Ohanian, Eric Sommermann, and
Jan Scholten.
wants to be a salt, it is best in relationships. It needs to bond and does it
easily. There is the sense that without bonding they won’t survive. There is
the feeling of being bereft. This mineral is full of cares and worries about
not getting the love it needs. These people often feel that something critical
is missing from them.
On the
physical level, Mg is a key element in cardiac functioning: affects blood
pressure, arrhythmia and heart disease. There is also a spasmodic element to
Magnesium. There are Magnesium shortages in women at the time of hormonal
changes and in men at times of great physical stress. People who need Mag tend
to be averse to leafy, green vegetables. Tend to be malnourished on some level,
as a result they have problems with absorption, of taking in what they need.
All Magnesiums have hot feet like
Magnesiums have
abandonment issues:
Mag-c. sensitive to parents;
Mag-m. sensitive to friends;
Mag-p. gets irritable. All are sensitive to
fighting and confrontation.
Mag-s. gets insulted;
Mag-c.: Tubercular miasm STOMACH AFFINITY
Mag-c. is
the child.
Relates most
directly to absorption of nutrients. It is known as “the orphan’s remedy”. The
basic feeling is “nobody loves me” and “I’m not going to make it, have to worry
about everything,
have to
look out for myself because there is no one to look out for/after me”. Sense of
blame comes up in this state. Cannot tolerate confrontation. can become
mediators as adults, but the flip side is they can become explosive. Can look
hard and sour or soft and needy.
Failure to
thrive infants; cannot absorb nutrients or milk. This remedy has its major
affinity with digestive issues, stomach problems.
Feeling of not getting the love they need to survive. Hate quarrels and
confrontation; will do anything to keep the peace. Very anxious; many worries.
Hates violence and aggression yet can be violent and have a temper. Very
susceptible to noise.
Generals: Susceptible to upper respiratory
illness. Tissues flabby; feel weak in muscles. Tends to cramping and spasms.
Sour in general: sweat/stool. <: 3 h./hormones/cold; Toothache before
menses. > pressure/lying down. < open air. Aversed to fruit + vegetables.
Head: Headaches; face aches; better from
pressure. Trigeminal neuralgia.
Stomach (main system involved); Stomach
pain, cramping. Slow digestion. Constipation/diarrhea. Irritable bowel. <
milk. Averse to or crave green vegetables. Dislikes fruit. Craves bread and
farinaceous food.
organs: KEYNOTE:
menses, bleed at night, not during day.
Sleep: < 3 h., up for a couple of
hours, wakes up tired.
Mag-m. more
the teen-age stage of life.
Mental/emotional: Feeling of being friendless;
loneliness related to this. Dreams of being lost in the woods: nobody loves me,
I am all alone in the world. In a divorce situation, the fighting before the
divorce is < than the divorce itself. Anxiety at night; restless and hard
time falling asleep. Depression. Adults can appear quiet, sad, passive. Because
it is a liver remedy, looks prematurely old and worn out (Lyc). Delusion
friendless; wither away.
Generals: Cold remedy < cold. > open
air. < lying down. < waking up, tired and hung over feeling.
Head: Many headaches, long-lasting. >
hard pressure/lemon water (fits with liver affinity. lemon cleans out system).
Skin: Dry skin. Many wrinkles, deep
Stomach/abdomen: Liver problems;
right-sided pain. Gallstone, colic. Gas and bloating
Rectum: Constipation
Stool: hard/dry.. Food cravings. desires
fruit; craves vegetables.
Reproduction: painful periods; sick before
menses; irregular. uterus infection with retention of urine.
Sleep: Restless. Wakes with jolt at 3 h.
Unrefreshed, hung over feeling.
Mental/emotional. Edgy, sensitive,
irritable. Sensitive to feeling abandoned and deprived. Fears similar to Phos.:
thunderstorms, darkness and abandoned.
Generals: > heat and pressure (wrapped in
a blanket and hugged)/rubbed and massaged. Right-sided.
Head: Headaches and neuralgias with
shooting pain. Right-sided pain, > heat and pressure. Major remedy for tooth
Stomach/abdomen. KEY – cramping, colic, intense pain, >
pressure and bending over.
organs: Big PMS
remedy; high reactivity and weepiness at time of menses. Menses painful, >
heat and pressure.
Extremities: Sciatica, right-sided; > heat
and pressure; < cold. Cramping in hands and feet; writer’s cramps – >
heat and pressure.
and intellectual, lofty pursuits. Feeling of being abandoned and feeling of
entitlement. Can be angry at parents for not supporting them through adulthood.
Most explosive of
salts (except for Mag-n. and Mag-cyan). Magnesium salts. Anxiety is focused on
health – like Ars. Tends to be hot like
Mental/emotional. Feeling abandoned. Sense
of entitlement. Wants to be independent yet feels entitled to be cared for.
Anxiety about health. Can be explosive if needs are not met.
Will be
giving to others, but angry if they don’t get something back.
Generals: Oversensitive to pain. > open
air, likes to walk in the open air. Not as lazy as Sulph.
Stomach/abdomen: Extremely thirsty (most thirsty of
all Magnesium salts). Aversion to fat, meat; natural vegetarians.
Rectum: Diarrhea after anger. Stools smell
sour, not aware of sour smells like Sulph. Problems with milk: pains and cramps
from drinking milk.
Reproductive: Everything < with menses. Achy
and headache with period.
Sleep: Wakes up in the middle of the
night with heart palpitations.
Vorwort/Suchen Zeichen/Abkürzungen Impressum