Fluor Anhängsel





Fluor (zusammen mit Magnesium u.a.) bindet Äther/Prana im System + sorgt für Gleichgewicht.

Sorgt vor intellektuell auf Materien bezogenes denken. Sorgt vor richtiger Spannung im Stoffwechsel. Vermittler für Astralkräfte im Ätherleib. Macht das Gewebe fest/formt der Mensch zu Mensch/beseelt die Beweglichkeit (Überdehnungsmöglichkeit der Gelenken) + Geschicklichkeit

Fluorverbindungen: Angst Geldverlust/mag hofiert sein/ geschäftig


Macht Ätherkräfte in unteren Pol beweglich + bindet Ätherkräfte in oberen Pol


Normal                                    Abweichend

Intellekt materiell ausgerichtet     Geistig nicht interessiert/unkreativ/dumpf vergesslich/mangelnde Konzentration/oberflächlich/

Pflicht abgeneigt

ausgeglichene Verdauung                     Krampfader/Senkungsbeschwerden/ geschickt                         

^                  Durchfall/Hände +/o.                      Füße „Wie taub/gelähmt“/ViTAL/KraftEMPfinden

Warmblutig                                  heißblutig/Nasenbluten

gute Zähnen                                 Karies-/Knochenfrakturneigung

                                          Nägel brechen leicht

Gewebe fest                                  Bindegewebe schwach/weibliche Organen    



[Otto Wolff] M.D.

Hydrofluoric acid and its salts were produced as early as the beginning of the 18th century, but the element fluorine itself was not discovered until much later. In their endeavors to isolate this "extremely aggressive" element many scientists fell victim to it. It poisoned or sickened them, and occasionally even caused their death. Eventually in 1886 they succeeded by isolating elementary fluorine by electrolysis. This is still practically the only method of obtaining it. In anthropomorphic terms we might say that the ele­ment resisted dis­covery as hard as it could. However, once discovered, fluoride was considered vital to many areas including dental health.

The Halogens

Fluorine is the first of four halogens (I/Br/Cl/F) on the r. side of the periodic table. Its occurrence is significant. The other halogens occur in relatively low concentrations, but are wide spread over the earth's surface. Fluorine occurs in high concentration in fluorine-containing mineral springs that rise up out of great depths. Fluorine is not at home on the surface of the earth where life abounds; it 'belongs' to deeper, lifeless strata even though it is lighter than the other halogens. Polar regions, eternally cold, possess fluoride in CONcentrated form.

All halogens are toxic. A characteristic property is their deadening effect (lower life forms)  such as bacteria. I the least harmful, is widely used as a disinfectant. Br and Cl are toxic to higher life forms as well. Fluorine and its compounds stronger still; its poisonous effect extends to all spheres of life. All active vital principles are blocked by it.


The most common fluorine compound is called fluorite or fluor spar, CaF2, a calcium compound that frequently accompanies quartz minerals. Fluorite has large, often cubic crystals in a range of colors, but it can also occur as octahedrons, (the cubic, earth, element at a higher level). When fluorite is put under invisible UV light, the light becomes visible, an ability fluorite shares with certain carcino­gens.

Fluorine in Technology

Today, F has been thoroughly investigated and is widely applied. Its properties are extreme in almost every respect, which makes it a most unusual and dangerous element. An attempt will be made

to illustrate this, to gain access to its essential nature.

A remarkable feature is the way fluorine reacts with pure carbon. Recently, relatively new C and F compounds have gained great practical significance in everyday life. Teflon® is a compound similar to polyethylene in which all hydrogen atoms have been replaced by a concentrated F, "tamed" by C. Applications include the coating of frying pans which makes them extremely practical.

Food can be fried without fat, nothing will stick and they are easy to clean. Other fluorocarbons, above all polytetrafluoroethylenes (PTFE) are widely used in chemical fibers that are light, moisture repellent, acid resistant, with excellent insulating qualities. These fabrics retain their elasticity irrespective of temperature; outstanding qualities for textiles and shoes. They are marketed under trade names such as Gore-Tex®

Problems arising have so far attracted little attention. Discarded clothes are burned as garbage. Combustion of PTFE products yields a much more toxic and aggressive fluoric acid.

These products are still very new, but eventually their destruction will cause major environmental pollution. By comparison hydrochloric acid production from PVC is like 'lemon-flavored water.'

It seems that no one yet feels concern over the safe disposal of these products.

Father is an empty person, fixed on luxury etc.; teflon (C2F4)n.

Fluorine and Thinking

In the human being the highest concentration of F is found in dental enamel, the hardest tissue in the body. Dentine limits further tooth development. Essentially this is also a spiritual matter, for the human being is meant to come to a conclusion, i.e. achieve exact definition (finis = end), which gives our thinking its specific quality.

The relationship between the quality of thinking and the condition of the teeth has been known for some time, but is little understood. Thinking can take many forms, but today it is often one-sidedly hardened and intellectual. Other, typically human, qualities such as a sense of mission, achievements in art, moral­ity, wisdom and so forth literally vanish or are considered un­important and neglected. One-sided development is always a danger and we must be concerned as insidious fluorine enters more and more into all aspects of our life.


Frei nach: Otto Wolff, M.D.

Ever since it was found in human teeth, F (= F) has been considered important (for healthy teeth). The literature on the subject is overwhelming. It is accepted that the incidence of caries is reduced as the natural F content of drinking water increases (up to circa 0.8 mg/1), opinions differ on whether it is necessary to give additional F to ensure healthy teeth, and the discussion tends to be emotional rather than objective. Even if we accept that F gives healthy teeth, the questions still have to be asked: does the significance and influence of this element go beyond the teeth, and what is the general effect on the whole human being? F is also found in bone, though in smaller quantities, which is why the clinical use of F for osteoporosis has been under discussion. Extensive statistics have again yielded contradictory findings, and there is a constant demand for further investigations.

F is the first of the 4 halogens (Fl/Cl/Br/I) on the r. side of the periodic table.
Its occurrence is significant. The other halogens occur in relatively low concentrations, though they are widespread all over the earth's surface. F occurs only rarely and essentially only in F-containing mineral springs, but then in high concentration. The water always comes from great depths. F thus does not come from the uppermost strata of the earth where life is able to develop but "belongs" to the deep strata where death reigns, despite the fact that it is lighter than the other halogens.
The commonest F compound is fluorite = fluor spar = Calc-f. (all other F salts are known as fluorides. (Siehe
Fluor). Fluorit: large/handsome crystals in a range of colors. These are primarily cubic, image of the earth, but may also occur as octahedrons, which is the cubic element at a higher level.
F occurs in concentrated form in the polar region, where no life is found. Krill (small crustaceans, found only in polar waters, that provide the basic food for whales, penguins, seals and other animals) or "animal plankton" in polar region (Krill ist ein norwegisches Wort und bedeutet übersetzt Walnahrung.
Im engeren Sinne bezeichnet Krill Euphausiden. Das sind Kleinkrebse, die Teil des Planktons (Zooplanktons) sind und zu den garnelenähnlichen Krebstieren der Ordnung Euphausiacea (Leuchtkrebse) gehören.

Antarktischer Krill

Die bekannteste Art ist der Antarktische Krill (Euphausia superba DANA). Krill bildet riesige Schwärme. Die Biomasse wurde früher auf bis zu über eine Milliarde Tonnen geschätzt, mittlerweile gehen neuere Schätzungen von 35-60 Millionen Tonnen aus, eventuell auch bis zu 125 Millionen Tonnen (CCAMLR 2000 Survey) im gesamten Südpolarmeer. Damit ist Euphausia superba wahrscheinlich die erfolgreichste Tierart der Welt (Weltfischerei-Ertrag etwa 100 Millionen Tonnen pro Jahr zum Vergleich). Ohne Schädigung des gesamten Ökosystems dürften zirka 10 % dieser Biomasse nutzbar sein.

Der Krill filtert Phytoplankton aus dem Wasser und ist Hauptnahrung vieler Wale/Robben/Eisfische/Tintenfische/Pinguine/Albatrosse/anderer Vögel. Krill wird bis zu sechs Zentimeter lang, zwei Gramm schwer und wahrscheinlich bis zu sechs Jahre alt. Der „Magen“ schimmert grün durch die transparente Haut, Anzeichen dafür, dass Euphausia superba sich überwiegend von Phytoplankton, besonders Kieselalgen ernährt, die er mit seinem Fangkorb aus dem Wasser filtert. Er wandelt die Primärproduktion direkt in ein relativ großes Tier, also sich selbst, um. Krill kann auch Algen von der Unterseite des Packeises abernten. Der Gesamtfang von Euphausia superba beträgt etwa 90.000 Tonnen pro Jahr. Krill wird auch Leuchtgarnele oder Leuchtkrebs genannt, da er in den Augenstielen und am Körper 10 Leuchtorgane besitzt, die ein blaues Licht aussenden (Biolumineszenz). Accordingly have a remarkably high F content. Extreme quantities of F accumulate in the krill skeleton, i.e. in definitively dead matter (up to 4 g/kg dry weight), and not in the flesh. This, however, contains so many enzymes that the carapaces are completely dissolved a short time after the creatures have died. Anything caught at sea and not used for human consumption is processed into fish meal, with the result that uncontrolled amounts of F end up in eggs, chicken, pork and trout.

The story of how F was discovered is highly characteristic. Acid-fl. (= Hydrofluoric acid) and its salts were produced as early as the beginning of the 18th century, the element not discovered until much later. Many scientists fell victim to it in their endeavors to isolate the "extremely aggressive" element, the actions of which were known to them. (poisoned/invalids/died). It finally proved possible to isolate elementary F by electrolysis at -23° C in 1886. Electrolysis is still practically the only method of obtaining it. In anthropomorphic terms we might say with some justification (for we are here considering the action on human beings) that the element resisted discovery as best as it could.
Today, F has been fully investigated and is widely used. Its properties go to extremes in almost every respect, which makes it the most unusual and the most dangerous element. A few of the many extreme reactions may serve to illustrate this, and an attempt will be made to gain access to the essential nature of the element from a completely different point of view, considering its occurrence, properties and significance for the whole human being (not only the teeth), which might then also provide indications for its clinical use.
The following experiment can tell us a great deal. All halogens combine with H to produce acids, with HI the weakest/HF the strongest. Iodine does not easily combine with hydrogen. Nothing happens if the two elements are brought together, but light, or a single spark, will cause an explosive reaction resulting in the compound. If, however, liquid hydrogen and solid F are combined under conditions of extreme cold, where practically all reaction ceases, the explosion will occur even in the dark, requiring no activation, at temperatures as low as -235° C, and a flame is produced. No "help" is needed to combine with another element, F being itself full of energy. This is the reason why it is so aggressive towards other elements. This is also why F does not occur in native form and forms compounds with practically all elements in the periodic table, including the noble gases.
The HEAT energy generated by F on combustion may be seen from the following table:
            H + O yield 2800°C

Acetylene ein farbloses Gas mit der Summenformel C2H2.) + O yield 3500°C

F + H yield 3700°C

Because of these high energies, F is also an attractive proposition in rocket technology.
F may be seen to hold the lead among non-precious substances, and at the same time to be the one with the strongest energy. The combination of non-preciousness and extreme strength makes it dangerous.
          F and life
F is not only the element with the greatest energy but also the most powerful oxidizing agent. It will displace O from hot water, being more powerful, which results in highly aggressive fluoric acid (HF) being produced (H2O + 2F = 2HF + 0). The grotesque situation is that O is released during this "combustion process“. Evidently O does not give up its "accustomed" place on the hydrogen with alacrity - it has to yield to another who is stronger/more brutal.
What does this signify? Surely no less than that F is able to transform water, the typical vehicle for life, into the highly toxic fluoric acid.
What does oxidation signify? Combustion above all but also a killing process.
Essentially, plants grow because they take up light, which is based on a reduction process, whereas the vital processes of humans and animals are oxidative. Put more accurately, biologic life is killed by oxidation processes, but this provides the basis for life in soul and spirit. This is not generally realized today. People only see the "free radicals" that ultimately kill biologic life. Factually, this is correct; but if these processes go in the right direction, they also allow the life of mind and soul to develop.
Little attention has been paid to the role F plays in modern chemotherapy. Many
cortisone derivatives have a F atom in the B ring of the steroid structure, and this enhances their effect quite considerably.
We can understand this anti-inflammatory action if we consider the relationship F has to cold. The connection to the earth that goes hand in hand with this is utilized in psychotropic drugs. Among neuroleptics, all (auch haloperidol), have a F atom on the phenyl group.

Hallucinations reflecting a partial agitation process are a specific indication here, with F undoubtedly helping to "earth" the patient symptomatically. At the same level, we have the action of Fluoride - the aging factor.
            F dissolves glass
F and Fl.-acid can "dissolve" glass/quarz (etching). We may say that something of the essential nature of the substance shows itself here, but we also have to realize that in nature both elementary F and fluoric acid are controlled by Ca and the aggressive forms are produced or released by human manipulation.
Most F salts are soluble, which gives the impression that Ca practically the only, or at least the "physiologic" element to "tame" F.
A characteristic phenomenon to be mentioned in relation to this is the solubility of silver halogens, which at 18° C. Unlike Ag, Al. compounds are widely used in foods and drugs, and with the mutual support they give each other in solubility this may mean their unrecognized intake by humans. This may have consequences in pathology, for one issue that is quite rightly being considered is that the extremely hard aluminum protein silicates found in the brain of patients with Alzheimer's disease cause the pathologic condition by blocking physiologic brain functions. F may play a role in this, as it makes aluminum, much used in kitchen utensils and medicines, highly soluble.

F in technology

Ca is able to tame F/even more so C. No one would think that a nontoxic, well-tolerated compound contains the most aggressive of elements. Yet that is the case, for instance, with dichloro difluoromethane (CCI2F2), for decades considered completely safe and used as a coolant (frigen) in refrigerators, until it was found that its destructive powers only took effect in the stratosphere, where they destroy the ozone layer.
F goes to extremes, being on the one hand safe and well tolerated (in the bound state) and on the other becoming extremely aggressive later on in a different place.
The element also plays a significant role in the production of atomic material. Hexafluorite is needed to separate 235U from 238U and enrich it. Without this separating process, which depends on F, the atom bomb and nuclear reactors might not have been possible.
A remarkable feature is the way F reacts with pure carbon, a reaction not seen with any other element. The reaction is exothermic, causing red heat and producing CF4. All hydrocarbons and other carbon compounds, too, are destroyed, producing only HF and CF4.
More recently, relatively new carbon and F compounds have gained practical significance in everyday life. Teflon is a compound similar to polyethylene (= thermoplastischer Kunststoff) in which all hydrogen atoms have been replaced by F, concentrated F "tamed" by C. One application = the coating of frying pans which makes them extremely practical. Food can be fried without fat, nothing will stick, and they are easy to clean.

Other fluorocarbons, above all PTFE (= Polytetrafluorethylen = teflon) are widely used in chemical fibers that are both light and have excellent insulating qualities, are moisture-repellent and acid-resistant. These fabrics also retain their elasticity irrespective of the temperature and do not grow friable in the cold (coping with temperatures ranging from -240° C - +270° C). These are outstanding qualities for textiles and shoes (GoreTex)/difficult is their disposal.

All halogens are more or less toxic, F = toxic. The difference from chlorine is great, that from "harmless" iodine enormous. A characteristic property of all halogens is their disinfectant action (lower forms of life/bacteria). Iodine is widely used for this purpose (aqueous iodine or Lugol's solution), being practically nontoxic to humans. A genuinely toxic effect for higher life forms begins only with bromine and is greater with elementary chlorine. Its soluble salt acts as a preservative even in concentrated form (common salt) has disinfectant properties. The action of F and its compounds is not limited to lower life but extends to all spheres of life so that practically all enzymes, vital active principles, are blocked by it.

F and thinking activity
The highest concentration of F is found in dental enamel, which is the hardest tissue in humans. It limits also development of teeth. Hardness is probably not the prune purpose of dental enamel, for this has the negative aspect of growth being limited by F (blocking enzymes). Essentially this is also a spiritual matter, for the human being is meant to come to a conclusion, e.g. achieving exact definition (finis = end), and this gives our thinking its specific quality.
The essential nature of thinking is, creative; and neither animals nor computers are capable of this. Thinking can take many forms, though today it is used in rather one-sided, intellectual fashion. This needs a conclusion, and physiologically this is given in the enamel setting a limit to the dentine in a tooth, which requires F. This same principle applies to the whole organism.
In practice, this means that with excess F made available in absolute or relative terms more of the characterized qualities enter into the human being. This will limit the whole of his biologic life (not only of the teeth), not only causing general hardening but also influencing the quality of thinking, which must then go more in the direction of all that it dead, earthly, mineral and non-precious. The outcome of this is technology with all its achievements, including the atom bomb, environmental pollution, etc. Other, typically human qualities, missions and achievements in art, morality, wisdom and so forth literally vanish in the face of this or are considered "unimportant" and neglected.
This is not to say that we should reject technology as such. The intention is merely to show that it is a one-sided development. This is a danger, and it may be enhanced as F insidiously enters more and more into all spheres of life.
The old saying "You are what you eat" could also be taken to apply very much in the case of F.



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