Gnaphalium spp.


Vergleich: Siehe: Asterales


Gnaphalium polycephalum (Gnaph) = Gelbes Katzenpfötchen/= Wollkraut


= Coloc.-ähnlich - > pressure;

Akut: Ischiasnervbeschwerden;

Negativ: Durchfall + irritiert + morgens + stinkend, Ischias (r./schießen/schneiden/> im Stehen)/Rheuma +/#  taub im befallenem Teil, < nachts/hinlegen/kaltes/nasses Wetter/ Bewegung/gehen/während Periode, > sitzen/Glieder bewegen; Irritable (coming on several days after a diarrhea and during the severe attacks of neuralgic pain). Vertigo may be present while rising from the bed. There is fullness

about the temples, also a dull, continuous pain in the occiput with shooting pains in the eye balls ; the headache comes on or is worse at 3 – 4 h. or on walking; > washing in cold water or bathing the head with bay rum.

Face dull, heavy, bloated appearance. Intermittent neuralgic pain in both upper maxillary bones. A flat, sweetish, sickening taste and the tongue is covered with long white fur which can be removed by thorough washing with cold water. Mouth feels parched and tastes badly. The stomach and abdomen are distended with much flatus and there is nausea windy eructations and hiccough, colicky pains in various parts with sensitive cæcum ; borborygmus with emission of much flatus. Rumbling in bowels with stool before breakfast. Looseness of bowels with passage of pale-colored fæces;

Diarrhœal discharge in the morning and during the day with irritable temper. Pain in bowels of child; dark colored liquid offensive stool in morning followed by pain in bowels all day. Vomiting and

purging like cholera morbus in the night and all next day.

Pain in the kidneys with frequent slight pain in prostate gland; sensation of pain and fullness in bladder even when just emptied.

In the male, the provings brought out an increased sexual passion with an irritation of the prostate gland.

In the female, dysmenorrhœa, menses scant and very painful the first day, sensation of weight in the pelvis, or of fullness in the pelvis. Numbness of lower part of back with lumbago is a strong characteristic pains often extending down over gluteal regions and along the course of the sciatic nerve to the foot.

Upper limbs feeling of weakness as if unable to lift the slightest weight rheumatic pains in the elbows and shoulders.

Lower limbs the pains are first dull then darting or cutting from the right hip joint extending posteriorly downward to the foot. < lying down/from motion/by stepping; > sitting in a chair with painful limb drawn up. Intense pain along the sciatic nerve causing the patient to toss and roll and cry out in great agony. Numbness at times o./# pain. Exercise is very fatiguing.

Cramps in calves or feet, at night in bed.

Gouty pains in the large toes.

Fever and night sweats.

A frequent characteristic symptom is pain extending along cord to testicle.

Nerve and rheumatic symptoms < early morning/at night/cold, damp weather/exertion and strain; > sitting in a chair with painful limb drawn up.

The headaches are relieved by cold bathing.

Gnaph. is one of the greatest medicines not only for the relief of pain but for its cure as well. A far deeper remedy than most homœopathic physicians suspect it to be because it has cured very chronic and obstinate cases of arthritis after the failure of some of our best proven and successful polychrests.


Series: Hydrogen, Carbon, Silicon, Iron, Silver series and Lanthanides; emphasis on Lanthanides.

Clades: Astereae; Asterales; Campanulidae.

Phase: 4; Subphase: 5.

Stage: 5.

English: Cudweed; Old Balsam; Sweet-scented Everlasting Flower; White Balsam.


They have an inner dignity and refinement that is often not seen and understood, not by their parents, spouse, teachers or managers. That means that they are often bypassed, neglected and walked over. They do not have the power to do anything against it. They try to divert the problems, avoiding the difficulties as they feel too weak to manage the conflict. They also feel too weak to leave the situation and thus keep on enduring the stressful state, hoping for the better. In all this they still maintain their own individuality and go their own way as far as they can without getting into an open conflict.

By hiding themselves it is possible to maintain their own dignity and autonomy. They feel empty, lacking energy and power to address the situation. It is their philosophical understanding and spiritual trust that makes it possible to endure so much.


Tendency to injure himself.

Increased sexual passion.

No self-reliance, no self-confidence, insecure.

Feels guilty easily.

Insecure, withdrawal, not knowing how to react, > not reacting.

Feeling of being walked over.

Energy: weak, cannot resist being overruled, have to tolerate it.

They do not show emotions.

Feeling of not being seen, being overlooked.

Perfectionism, wants to do things right.

Dream: lying in a coffin and everyone walks over her.

Generals: Physical: < walking/lying; > flexing limbs/sitting;

Weather: < cold damp.

Time: < 5 pm; periodicity.

Aversion: appetite and taste are lost.

Discharge: blood.


Energy: languid, exhausted, < morning.

Fever: colds, fevers, night-sweats.

Vertigo: giddy, especially after rising from recumbent position.

Head: headache, > washing in cold water/bathing/cold applications; migraine: > vomiting/< chocolate, + vision of yellow spots; pain in occiput, dull, continuous pain, < 15 h., < waking; full temples.

Eyes: shooting pains in eye balls.

Nose: sinusitis. frontal; hayfever.

Face: dull, heavy expression; bloated appearance; intermittent pains of superior maxillary.

Mouth: parched; toothache, < heat;

taste flat, sweetish, sickening, badly; tongue long white fur, > cold water.

Chest: pains, darting from side to side.

Stomach: vomiting and purging; nausea, belching; hiccough.

Abdomen: distended; pain, colic; flatulence borborygmus, windy belching; rumbling, < before breakfast.

Rectum: offensive diarrhoea with colic, < morning/summer; coecum sensitive; constipation; debility in anus.

Stool: pale, dark, watery, copious, offensive; cholera in children;

Urinary organs: polyuria; bladder full, = urination; pain kidneys.

Male organs: irritated prostate, pain; pain extending along cord to testicles.

Female organs: menses chocolate-brown, painful, scanty, dysmenorrhoea; pelvis heavy, full; uterus bruised, sore, heavy, bearing down, prolapsed, displacement, < standing/walking/sudden jar;

relaxation of vaginal tissue; leucorrhoea.

Back: chronic backache, lumbar, > resting on back, + numbness in lower part of back and weight in pelvis.

Limbs: ! sciatica, pain neuralgic, numbness, formication, > sitting on bended knees/drawing limbs up/flexing limbs; rheumatism, pain ankle, legs, as if joints lacked oil;

pains, cramps in calves, feet, < in bed; gouty pains in big toes, nodules; neuralgia anterior leg; debility arms.

Skin: wounds; acne.



Woman, 35, backache.

She started to have a backache and scoliosis in puberty. She was put in a plaster cast which was horrible. She had operations on her hernia with sciatica and later spondylodesis, which she found

very severe and heavy. She had to lie on her back for six weeks and was bound to the bed. She had a hallucination that she was lying in a coffin and everyone walked over her. She was so afraid

that she sat up with all the bindings. The nurses came and fought her back down. It all felt humiliating. She has pains everywhere in muscles and joints, < exertion/at the end of menses.

Her backache was with sciatica, a deep neuralgic pain and numbness ext. toes, < lying on her back, sitting, better from warmth. She could have a high fever of 40°C, feeling very hot. She has bone pains, like needles inside her.

She had other operations: removal of appendix, cyst on the r. ovary, diverticulum; dysplasia of the uterus; benign cyst from l. breast; exostosis from left side of head.

She had a miscarriage and two Caesarian sections.

She had severe migraines in puberty, especially after parties, < chocolate.

She has trouble with bladder and intestines after surgery. She has vomiting, >> sleep, saw everything green and yellow.

She has a vaginal infection twice a year.

Her birth was problematic: born a month early, three pounds, in fleece and unexpectedly as the second of the twins; already then she was walked all over.

Her husband was not very loving and protecting. Once when she was very ill with severe vertigo and could not even walk, he did not care for her or even the children.

She is very sensitive and refined.

She works as a therapist for children.

She is obedient but goes her own way quietly. She avoids conflict and gets what she wants in other ways.

Weather: chilly; likes the sun; aversion winter, foggy wet weather; > hot shower.

Time: < 5 h.

Desire: cheese, farinaceous, fruit.

Aversion: fat/eggs!/brussels sprouts/meat/milk/fish;

Colour preference: 16B, 2AB.


Lanthanides: individuality, therapist.

Asteraceae: high fever; bone pains; goes her own way. Stage 5: avoids conflicts; obedient; quietly goes her own way.

Gnaphalium polycephalum: sciatica with numbness; walking bent over.

Follow up

She is been on the remedy for six years.

She is increasingly able to stand up for herself and towards her husband.

She was hit by a ball on the beach and had vertigo again.

After that, she divorced her husband.

Her backaches are also improving, though she thought they never could change.

Ten years later she takes Gnaphalium from time to time and it continues to help her. Homeopathy, orthomolecular support, meditation and Buddhism certainly have helped her.

Gnaphalium helps her a strong to feel strong in herself.




   *   Sciatica.

GENERALITIES: - -  < Right side.

BACK: - -  Muscular rheumatism of back and neck. 

   -  Numbness of lower part of back with lumbago.


   -  SCIATICA WITH/# numbNESS. - << r., < lying down/motion/stepping.

       > Sitting in chair, drawing up limb, flexing thigh on abdomen. - -  Rheuma/Gout.



Gemüt: Mürrisch

Ruhelos (nachts)

„Wie verlassen“

Wahnideen (sei empfindungslos/Menschen laufen über sie hinweg)

Zorn (bei Durchfall)

Schwindel: im Allgemeinen

< nach Aufstehen

Kopf: Hinterkopf

Völlegefühl (Schläfen)

> Kopf waschen

Gesicht: Trigeminusneuralgie

Mund: Zunge weiß

Geschmack - fade/pappig/schlecht/süßlich/Übelkeit erregend

Magen: Schluckauf

Übelkeit während Schwangerschaft/< beim Stuhlgang

Erbricht während Durchfall/< während Schwangerschaft

Bauch: Rumoren, Kollern (vor Stuhlgang) - vor

Schmerz (morgens - 7 h/nachts/krampfartig/wund schmerzend/in Ileozökalregion)

Schwere in Beckengegend

Rektum: Cholera/Durchfall (morgens/# Obstipation/bei Kindern/im Sommer)


Stuhl: Dunkel/übel riechend/groß/hell/reichlich/wässrig (morgens/nachts)

Nieren: Schmerz

Blase: Völlegefühl (< nach Wasser lassen)

Urin: blass/rot/geruchlos/reichlich/spärlich

Prostata: im Allgemeinen


Schmerz (dumpf)

Männliche Genitalien: Erektionen erwachend und danach

Sexverlangen [vermehrt (morgens (erwachend)/nachts]

Weibliche Genitalien: Menses - schmerzhaft (Ausfluss spärlich/am 1en Tag/krampfhaft)

Uterus und Uterusregion (abwärts drängend, zerrend)

Brust: Schmerz [stechend/erstr. von einer Seite zur anderen]

Tumoren in Mammae

Rücken: Gefühllose, taube Lumbalregion

Schmerz > Rückenlage/in Lumbalregion (+ Gefühllosigkeit, Taubheit/+ Schweregefühl im Becken/Wehtun)

Glieder: Entzündete Gelenke

Gefühllose, taube Beine/Unterschenkel

> Hochziehen, Anziehen der Glieder

Krämpfe in Füße (< im Bett)/in Waden

Kribbeln - Ober-/Unterschenkel

Beine >/< Liegen/> Ruhe

Schmerz - viele

Schmerz in Ischiasnerv <<< viele >>>

Oberschenkelbeschwerden in hinterer Teil

Schlaf: Erwacht durch Erektionen

Unerquicklich (morgens)

Haut: Hautausschläge - Pusteln

Allgemeines: 3 h./7 h./15 h./21 h./Diabetes insipidus

Gefühllos, taub (bei Schmerz/äußerlich/in erkrankte Teile)

< Liegen/> Sitzen

Schmerz [betäubend/neuralgisch/rheumatisch (Muskeln)

Gelenke „Wie trocken“

Schwäche - morgens (erwachend)/nachts/durch Durchfall 



Komplementär: Sulph.


Folgt gut: Dros.                                             Gut gefolgt von: Dros. Xanth.


Vergleich: Flieht Ca. enthält Si; DD: Cham. Coloc. Dios. Gins. Mag-p. Rhus-t. Tell. Xan.

DD.: Pain periodical intermittent nerve pain: Coloc. > pressure,

Lyc./Hell. (< 16 h. with exception of the headaches which may occur at 15 - 16 h.)

Siehe: Comparison .Gnaphalium + Coloc. + Cham. + Mag-p. + Rhus-t. 

Gnaph. Leon. Arn.


Antidotiert von: Dros. Nux-v.


Wirkung: lithämisch/sycotisch/hydrogenoid/tuberkulin

Allerlei: O.USA:            Ödland


Phytologie: Ischias wenn Schmerz im Fuß ausstrahlt + Taubheitsempfinden im Fuß:



Gnaphalium arenarium (Gnaph-arenarium) = Sandstrohblume/= Immortelle./= Everlasting


= Gnaph-ähnlich;


Vergleich: Ca. fliehend;                      


Allerlei: Mitte/O.Europa            sonnige/sandige Lage


Phytologie: Galleblasenentzündung/-steinen



Gnaphalium dioicum


666.45.02 Antennaria dioica = Bärenpfötchen/= Himmelfahrtblüchen/= Immortelle/= Ruhrkraut

Series: Hydrogen, Carbon, Silicon, Iron, Silver series and Lanthanides (emphasis)

Clades: Astereae; Asterales; Campanulidae.

Phase: 4; Subphase: 5.

Stage: 2.

English: Mountain Everlasting; Catsfoot; Cudweed; Stoloniferous

Pussytoes. French: Pied de chât.

Botany: can reproduce without fertilisation.


They want to keep their dignity and respect which is difficult in the situation they live in. They can feel degraded and belittled by their parents, friends, teachers or authorities. They feel powerless to act on it. Their solution is to become invisible, to hide and go their own way in secret. They feel very precisely that it is incorrect what is done to them, knowing their own value and talent. It is only that they are too weak to resist criticism and beatings.


He does not understand the opposite sex, affection, sees only sex.

No self-reliance, no self-confidence.

Anger, < < being forbidden or impressed.

Ailments from admonitions.

Defiant, naughty, < reprimands, admonitions, being forbidden.

Obstinate, angry, bossy.

Worse from laughing, anger.

Desires to have a red rag with him.

General :

Weather: < heat; > mountain.

Time: < 3 h.

Aversion: soup.

Discharge: blood.


General: immune system undermined.

Fever: high, <- eating, drinking, + redness cheeks/eyes/upper lips/nose; + abdomen pain, -> stool + icy cold feet but -> uncovering feet.

Ears: otitis.

Nose::sinusitis, frontalis; hayfever, sneezing.

Throat: sore; subacute pharyngitis; hoarse.

Mouth: inflammation; < < dentition, late.

Lungs: cough + vomiting.

Stomach: belching, < < after eating,  + weeping; hiccough < < laughing.

Rectum: diarrhoea, like spinach.

Urinary organs: cystitis, after influenza; urine scanty, frequent.

Limbs: O-legs.

Skin: wounds.


Stage: 5.

English: Cudweed; Old Balsam; Sweet-scented Everlasting Flower;

White Balsam.


They have an inner dignity and refinement that is often not seen and understood, not by their parents, spouse, teachers or managers. That means that they are often bypassed,

 neglected and walked over. They do not have the power to do anything against it. They try to divert the problems, avoiding the difficulties as they feel too weak to manage the

conflict. They also feel too weak to leave the situation and thus keep on enduring the stressful state, hoping for the better. In all this they still maintain their own individuality and

go their own way as far as they can without getting into an open conflict. By hiding themselves it is possible to maintain their own dignity and autonomy. They feel empty, lacking

energy and power to address the situation. It is their philosophical understanding and spiritual trust that makes it possible to endure so much.

Mind: Tendency to injure himself.

Increased sexual passion.

No self-reliance, no self-confidence, insecure.

Feels guilty easily.

Insecure, withdrawal, not knowing

how to react, -> not reacting.

Feeling of being walked over.

Energy: weak, cannot resist being ov

erruled, have to tolerate it.

They do not show emotions.

Feeling of not being seen, being overlooked.

Perfectionism, wants to do things right.

Dream: lying in a coffin and everyone walks over her.


Physical: < walking/lying; >:: flexing limbs/sitting;.

Weather: < cold damp.

Time: < 17 h. periodicity.

Aversion: appetite and taste are lost.

Discharge: blood.


Energy: languid, exhausted, < morning.

Fever: colds, fevers, night-sweats.

Vertigo: giddy, especially after rising from recumbent position.

Head: headache, > washing in cold water, > bathing, > cold

applications; migraine, > vomiting, < chocolate, + vision of yellow

spots; pain in occiput, dull, continuous pain, < 3 pm, < waking; full temples.

Eyes: shooting pains in eye balls.

Nose: sinusitis. frontal; hayfever.

Face: dull, heavy expression; bloated appearance; intermittent pains of superior maxillary.

Mouth: parched; toothache, < heat; taste flat, sweetish, sickening, badly; tongue long white fur, > cold water.

Chest: pains, darting from side to side.

Stomach: vomiting and purging; nausea, belching; hiccough.

Abdomen: distended; pain, colic; flatulence borborygmus, windy belching; rumbling, < before breakfast.

Rectum: offensive diarrhoea with colic, < morning, < summer; stool pale, dark, watery, copious, offensive; cholera in children; coecum

sensitive; constipation; debility in anus.

Urinary: polyuria; bladder full, = urination; pain kidneys.

Male: irritated prostate, pain; pain extending along cord to testicles.

Female: menses chocolate-brown, painful, scanty, dysmenorrhoea; pelvis heavy, full; uterus bruised, sore, heavy, bearing down, prolapsed, displacement, < standing, < walking, < sudden jar;

relaxation of vaginal tissue; leucorrhoea.

Back: chronic backache, lumbar,

> resting on back, + numbness in lower part of back and weight in pelvis.

Limbs: ! sciatica, pain neuralgic, numbness, formication, > sitting on bended knees, > drawing limbs up, > flexing limbs; rheumatism, pain

ankle, legs, as if joints lacked oil; pains, cramps in calves, feet, < in bed; gouty pains in big toes, nodules; neuralgia anterior leg; debility arms.

Skin: wounds; acne.

Vorwort/Suchen                                Zeichen/Abkürzungen                                  Impressum