Bimatoprost = prostaglandin F2 alpha (PGF2alpha (Marke Lumigan/Latisse)
Gebrauch: Zur
Behandlung Inneraugendruck in Glaucoma/Kosmetik. Wimperwachstum.
Amaranthaceae Symbol of immortality in ancient
Finasterid (= Proscar/= Propecia/= Fincar/= Finpecia/= Finax/= Finast/=
Finara/= Finalo/= Prosteride/= Gefina/= Appecia/= Finasterid IVAX/= Finasterid
Gebrauch: gutartige Vergrößerung der Prostata/Kosmetik: Kahlheit bei Männern:
Nebenwirkungen: Libido- und Potenzstörungen (verschwinden nach Absetzen der Therapie vollständig)/Vergrößerung der Brust/Prostata verkleinert sich/hormonabhängige Körperbehaarung
wird spärlicher.
Darf nicht eingenommen werden von Frauen/Jugendlichen unter 18 Jahren.
Weniger Prostatakarzinome (aber die auftretende sind aggressiver/schwerer behandelbar).
Depressionen?. Fehlfunktion der Meibom-Drüse.
biloba a geriatric remedy
Increases blood flow to the brain and other parts of the body, thereby
improving the delivery of necessary nutrients and oxygen to every cell. It
increases metabolic efficiency, regulates neurotransmitters, and controls the
transformation of cholesterol to plaque, associated with the hardening of
arteries and relaxing constricted blood vessels
Hydra viridissima = grüne Hydra/zieht sich zurück bei Wasserverschmutzung/erneuert sich fortwährend/Kloner/Aquarie Mollusca
Tretinoin = Vit-A-Säure
Gebrauch: Akne/Haut
Haut/empfindliche Haut/Hautröte/Schuppen/Juckreiz/Brennen/overempfindlich für
Sonnelicht/dünner werden der Haut/Dyspnoea/Fieber/Gewichtszunahme/Wassersuch
unter der Haut
Unverträglich: Frauen in
gebärfähiges Alter.
Ur-ac (Eucerin/Ombia)
Wachstumshormone = Somatotropin (STH)
Abrot = Eberraute/= Citronelle/= Lad’s
Love/= Hexenkraut/= Old Man (Wormwood)
Atriplex nummularia = old man’s saltbush Caryophyllales
Celacereus senilis = old man cactus Caryophyllales
Chion-v = Arbre de Neige/=
Fringetree/= (Wurzel)rinde/= Schneeflockenbaum/= Old man’s beard
Clem-v = Gemeine Waldrebe/=
Clematide des Hayes/= Traveller’s joy/= Old man’s beard/BB
"Equisetum limosum - Rubellit" w bei geistiger
Leistungsschwäche/ergänzt Phosphorverbindungen [Arg-p (stärkt die
Erinnerung)/Stry-p (bei gelähmten Bewusstsein)/Kali-p
(Nachlassen der geistigen Spannkraft)]
Geum triflorum = Old man’s whiskers Rosales
Gnaph-arenarium = Sandstrohblume/=
Immortelle/= Everlasting
Old man winter = father winter = in
Russland Santa Klaus
Turritopsis nutricula = Qualle/=
biologisch unsterblich.
Geraten wird Verzichten auf rotes
Fleisch/tierische Fette/Zucker/regelmäßigen Kaffee-/Alkoholkonsum und Nikotin. Rotwein
wird in Maßen empfohlen.
Fisch/wenig Fleisch/Obst/viel Gemüse/Soja(produkten)/weniger Kalorien als Sättigung erreicht (= geringere Nahrungsaufnahme eine verringerte Stoffwechselaktivität bedeutet und somit
die Bildung von weniger freien
Der wichtigste äußere Faktor bei
der Hautalterung ist die Einwirkung von UV-Strahlung (Sonnenbäder/Besuche im
Solarium). Auch "Altersflecken" sind Sonnenschäden. Rauchen
verursacht Hautalterung mit Faltenbildung.
Ungefährliche Falten“remover“
Carbon dioxid
Glucosamin enthalten in
Grünlippmuschel (natürlich im Körper vorkommendes D-Glucosamin ist Bestandteil
des Knorpels/Gelenkflüssigkeit. Genauer ist das N-Acetyl-D-Glucosamin (GlcNAc),
das am Stickstoff acetylierte
D-Glucosamin, Teil in der Polysaccharidkette der Hyaluronsäure, des
„Schmiermittels“ der Gelenke und Rückgrat des Proteoglycans, einem
integralen Bestandteil
des Knorpels. Im Proteoglycan und
in der Cornea kommen auch Ketten des Keratansulfats vor, das ebenfalls aus
N-Acetyl-D-Glucosamin aufgebaut ist/= Teil Hyaluronsäure.
= Vit. A1: Gebrauchsallergie: zeitweise rötlich/Juckreiz/Irritation/feines
Stechend/trockene Haut
Allerlei: Cleopatra soll in
(verdünnter?) Eselsmilch gebadet haben um jung und schön zu bleiben
Auchenorrhyncha = Zikade
Alt + langsame/schwache Puls:
Succ. Altersleiden (Angst vor dem Tod).
Als Schmuck/als Homöopathikum in Lebenselixiere einarbeiten; ergänzt Aur-met.
In old people with indolent circulation [headaches (drunkards)].Animalia as
humans require complex organic food and pass out faeces and nitrogenous waste
Ambra: This is a great remedy for the aged with impairment of all functions,
weakness, coldness and numbness, usually of single parts, fingers, arms etc. Thinking
is difficult in the morning.
Anac: Exhausted: after serious illness, sexual
excesses or the breaking down processes in old age. Greedy, suspicious,
malicious old man can use this remedy for all his physical and mental
symptoms. > eating.
Ant-t: Catarrh of the chest for years and every
sharp cold spell in the weather brings on catarrh of the chest with thick white
(yellow) mucus attended with great dysponea. (must sit up and be fanned/cannot
lie down, due to difficulty breathing and filling up of the chest).
Bac.: Lung problems of old people with chronic catarrhal condition and
enfeebled pulmonary circulation.
Bar-c.: Adapted to the aged with mental and
physical weakness, mental exhaustion, stupor, groaning, murmuring. Childish
behaviour of old people.
Crot-h.: Nutritional trouble of old age. It is
useful in senile dementia with forgetfulness of figures, names of places. Antipathy
to his family; he imagines himself as if surrounded by foes
or by hideous animals.
Hyos.: Spasmodic cough in old people at night from
continuous tickling in throat as if palate were too long.
Hydr.: Bronchitis with thick yellow tenacious
stringy phlegm in exhausted old people.
Seneg.: Profuse secretion of mucus in
the lungs of old people with loose rattling cough.
Remedy Emotional
Alumina:dry and slow
Confused and depressed, especially in the morning. Mind slows down,
forgetful and absentminded.
Easily disoriented: gets very distressed if hurried. Skin: dry and itches without an
eruption. Severe constipation even with a soft stool. Weakness with trembling. Dry,
hacking cough. Bladder weak: urination slow, has to wait for it to start.
Ambra grisea erratic and embarrassed
Many bereavements and losses. Forgetful and confused. Easily
embarrassed: shy and anxious in company (with strangers). "Prattles"
and asks questions without waiting for answers. Prefers to be alone. Constipation: with anxiety and
ineffectual urging and straining. Can't pass stool or urine if others are
within hearing distance. Dry, nervous cough which is < from talking and is
followed by burping. Insomnia: finds it difficult to fall asleep before
midnight. Vertigo: + feeling of weakness in the stomach. Numbness, twitching
+/o. trembling anywhere.
Arsenicum album: anxious, fussy, and restless
Very scared of disease/cancer/death. Fears < alone; to the point of
despair. Extremely tidy, cannot rest until everything is in its place. Indigestion with burning pains and nausea.
Loss of appetite and weight. Diarrhea < in the morning. Involuntary
urination: day and night. Insomnia with restlessness and anxiety. Skin
eruptions: itching without eruption. Palpitations with anxiety.
Bar-carbonica: childish and petty
Absent-minded, confused and forgetful. Revisits childhood in old age. Has
great difficulty making decisions. Extremely anxious about little (unimportant)
things. Gets upset thinking others are talking about them.Vertigo: when getting
up or bending down. Headache when bending. Indigestion and weakness after
eating. Constipation with straining and an unfinished feeling. Weak bladder
with involuntary urination: frequent urination at night with great urgency. Rattling
cough with difficulty coughing anything up. Insomnia: restless sleep, wakes
frequently from getting overheated.
Carbo vegetabilis: sluggish and gassy
Great indifference and apathy. Sudden, recurring loss of memory and
difficulty concentrating. Rude and irritable, (relatives). Indigestion, flatulence, and
diarrhea. Severe, painful bloating with gas, > burping. Rattling cough with
breathlessness, > burping. Sluggish mentally and physically
Conium maculatum: withdrawn, slow, and dizzy
Absent-minded, forgetful, and confused. Difficulty understanding when
reading. Tired of life: becomes withdrawn; doesn't want company. Superstitious. Everything is slow: thinking,
answering, moving. Digestion, respiration, pulse, healing are all slow.
Ignatia amara: loss and grief
Very upset after a loss or a big disappointment. Wants to be alone and
doesn't want any comforting. Finds it difficult to cry but eventually sobs
hysterically. Sighs a tremendous amount. “As if there's a lump in the throat. Headache, indigestion, diarrhea,
palpitations, insomnia +/o. weakness from grief. Twitches and spasms and
unexplained numbness anywhere.
Lycopodium: irritable, anxious, and gassy
Depressed and anxious: worries about absolutely everything. Any changes
or responsibilities are very stressful. Lacks self confidence. Becomes
absent-minded and forgetful. Snappy: irritable and critical. Sentimental: cries
when thanked. Thin and gassy.
Appetite poor: feels full after only a few bites. Everything turns to gas,
terrible indigestion with bloating. Frequent urination especially with prostate
problems (in men). Rattling cough with lots of expectoration (mucus).
Phosphoric acid: weakness and apathy
Overwhelmed by loss especially bereavements. Ailments from grief and
disappointment. Forgetful; mind is too weak to even think. Severe weakness. Painless diarrhea,
palpitation, headache, and extreme weakness after grief. Headache
Rhus toxicodendron restless, stiff, and achy
Anxious and forgetful. Terrible restlessness; can't rest in any position
(because of the aching). Joint
and back pains (rheumatism and arthritis) which are < on first motion and
> for continued motion and stretching. Shingles
Nr.5 Kalium phosphoricum D6
Tabletten verbessern die Gehirnleistung in jedem Alter, in stressreichen
Zeiten, bei starker Beanspruchung in Schule und Beruf, bei Erschöpfung oder
Überreizung.4- 6 x täglich 2-3
Tabletten im Mund zergehen lassen.
Nr.3 Ferrum phosphoricum D12
Tabletten verbessert die Konzentration bei Sauerstoffmangel, Müdigkeit,
3-5 täglich 2-3 Tabletten im Mund
zergehen lassen.
Nr.16 Lithium chloratum D6
Tabletten - Vergesslichkeit bei älteren Menschen.
3x täglich 2 Tabletten im Mund
zergehen lassen.
Nr.2 Calcium phosphoricum D6
Tabletten - geistige und körperliche Erschöpfung nach einer vorangegangenen
Erkrankung, Regenerationsmittel
D 3-5 täglich 2 Tabletten im Mund
zergehen lassen.
Nr.7 Magnesium phosphoricum D6
Tabletten bei Verspannungs-, und Verkrampfungszuständen
D 3-4 täglich 2 Tabletten im Mund
zergehen lassen.
Generals: Old people: AMBR. Ammc. Anac. Ant-c. ant-t. Arg-n. Arn. Ars. AUR-met.
BAR-C. Bar-m. Bry. Calc-p. cann-i. Carb-an. Carb-v. Caust. Cham. COCA cocc.
coff. Colch. Con. Fl-ac.
Graph. Hydr. Iod. Irid-met. Iris. KALI-C. kreos. LACH. LYC. Mill.
nat-c. Nat-m. Nit-ac. OP. Ov.
Phos. SEC. SEL. Seneg. Sil. TEUCR. Verat.
Blood – Aneurism of large arteries: Acon. Aur-met. Bar-c. Bar-m. Bell. CACT.
CALC. Calen. Carb-v. CUPR-met. Dig. Ferr-p. Kali-i. Lach. Lyc. SPIG. Spong.
Sulph. Verat-v.
Old age premature: Agn. Ambr. Aur-met. Bar-c. Con. Cupr-met. Fl-ac. Kali-c.
Old bachelors: con.
Old maids: bov. cocc. con. lil-t. mag-m. plat-met.
Old men: bar-c. sabal Sel.
Old thin, scrawny women: sec.
Alzheimer’s disease: alum. cordyc. hell. nux-m. zinc-met.
Old people - paralysis: Bar-c.
Con. Kali-c. OP.
- weaknsess:
Ambr. BAR-C. Con. Cur. Nux-m. Phos. Sel. Sul-ac.
Emaciation: Ambr. anac. BAR-C. carb-v. chin. chinin-s. Fl-ac. IOD. LYC. nit-ac.
op. rhus-t. Sec. Sel. Sil.
- lack of
vital heat: alum. ambr.
Arteriosclerose: bar-c. stroph-h.
- Externally
trembling: alum. ambr. aur-met. aven. bar-c. calc. cann-i. cocain. con. kali-c.
merc. op. phos. plb-met. plb-act. sil. stront-c. sulph. zinc-met.
Mind: < in old people: bar-c.
Childish behaviour: Bar-c.
Dementia senilis: Ambr. Aur-i. Bar-c. Con. Crot-h. Cupr-met.
Mental exertion impossible in old people: Ambr.
Insanity in old people: bell. ign. nat-m. nux-v. sep. sulph.
Sadness in old people: Aur-met.
Fear of getting old: lach. lyc. marb-w. sep.
Delirium tremens in old emaciated persons: Op.
Moaning in old age: Bar-c.
Gestörtes Gedächtnis und
Geistesabwesenheit bei älteren Menschen: Apis.
Bladder: involuntary urination at night in old people: apoc. benz-ac.
kali-p. sec.
Prostrate gland: Swollen in old men: aloe BAR-C. Benz-ac. Con. DIG.
ferr-pic. Iod. nux-v. prost. Sabal. SEL. Staph. sulph.
Vertigo: in old people: Ambr. arn. Ars-i. Bar-c. Cupr-met. RHUS-T. sec.
Head: Apoplexie: BAR-C. Bell. COCC. CROT-H. Glon. HYDR-AC. Ip. NUX-V.
Hearing: Impaired in old people: bar-c. Cic. kali-chl. kali-m.
mag-c. merc-d. Petr. phos.
Stomach: Indigestion in old people: Abies-n. ant-c. ars. Bar-c. caps.
carb-v. chin. Chinin-s. Cic. fl-ac. Hydr. juni-c. kali-c. nux-m. nux-v. pop.
Rectum: Constipation in old people: ambr. Ant-c. Bar-c. Bry. Calc-p. Con.
Lach. lyc. Nux-v. Op. Phos. Phyt. Sel. Sulph.
Diarrhea in old people: ANT-C. ant-t. ARS. Bry. Carb-v. Chin. Fl-ac.
Sleep: Sleeplessness in old people: Acon. ars. Bar-c. carc. op. passi.
phos. sulph. SYPH.
Cough: in old people: Am-c. Ambr. Ammc. Ant-t. Bar-c. Carb-v. DULC. Psor.
Respiration: Asthmatic in old people. Ambr. ARS. Bar-c. Carb-v. Coca
Con. Seneg.
Skin: Itsching in old people: alum. arg-n. ars. bar-act. bar-c. con.
dol. dulc. fago. fl-ac. kreos. mag-p. merc. Mez. nat-sil. olnd. op. sul-ac.
sulph. urt-u.
Generals: lack of vital heat in old people: alum. ambr. (from operation:
stront-c./during pain: agar. alum-sil. ars. caust. dulc. led. mosch. sil.)
Winter and Senility
The climate conditions of winter are highly favorable for the
development of all kinds of weakness and tendencies to organic disease
(brain/heart/blood vessels/kidneys/liver).
Defects in these organs manifest themselves most frequently and severely
in cold weather. The whole constitution is lowered by the conditions of winter,
and, to an extent devitalized.
The aged must be helped by the provision of heating apparatuses.
‡ Folgendes hat anthroposofische Einschlüsse ‡
[Mary Kelly Sutton, M.D.]
Aging brings a shift of life forces away from the physical body towards
the finer structures of the human makeup. Sensibilities, wisdom, character and
judgment all can grow richer, gifted with decades of experience, as this shift
occurs. In ancient Rome one had to be sixty to be considered for the Senate. A
British lady I knew said every woman should return to university at menopause
since new mental capacities open up at this time of life.
These are important things to consider, given our cultural fixation on
youth. We must know that age has value to human development, and that the
lesser physical strength or skin tone one experiences
with passing decades is not an overall decline but a shift of focus -
for good reason.
How then, practically speaking, can we support our physical temple,
slightly vacated by the life forces at this time of life? How can new spiritual
strengths, developed with the years, remain integrated with the physical body?
R.S. spoke of the value of birch leaf tea, 2 cups daily, to everyone
over 35 years of age. The tendency with age is to harden physically, to deposit
minerals in ordinarily flexible places (joints and blood vessels), degenerative
arthritis (osteoarthritis) and hardening of the arteries (arteriosclerotic
vascular disease). Birch tea gives people the capacity to maintain flexibility
in these areas, and therefore has 'anti-aging' properties. The leaves of the
white birch can be harvested when ½ - 1" in diameter/w. Taken in larger
amounts than 2 cups daily, birch leaf tea can relieve mild arthritic pain.
Note: it is bitter if brewed too long.
While arteries and joints tend to harden, bones often lose calcium
(women in the first 2 years after menopause). Calcium sources: greens,
fermented dairy products (yogurt, kefir, quark, cottage cheese, cream cheese,
sour cream, buttermilk). Each serving of either group supplies about 300 mg. of
calcium, so 3-5 servings per day is a good target.
Exercise promotes sound bones, good circulation and flexible joints. It
raises metabolism slightly for several hours after the exercise. Using the body
is a wonderful way to keep it vital, (enjoyable exercise and brings us into the
beauty of nature).
Digestion is not always as vital with age. If hydrochloric acid is
lacking in the stomach, nutrients are not available no matter what one eats! Lactic
acid foods (fermented dairy products, sauerkraut and sourdough bread or
pancakes) support stomach digestion, and the good bacteria of the colon. Lactic
acid also feeds the liver, whose basic health is fundamental at all ages. Sauerkraut
juice, 1-2 ounces just before the meal is excellent. Other acid sources, though
not as highly recommended, are ½ tsp. of vinegar in a little water, or
HCl-Pepsin tablets from the health food store.
Bitters (Gentian tonic or Amara drops) enliven the entire digestive
process, both the acid and enzyme production, and are ideally taken 30 minutes
before a meal.
Remember: heavy food (protein and fats) early in the day, and light food
at supper is a sound habit for promoting good digestion and sound sleep.
Digestive disturbances not remedied by such simple methods, as well as
any symptom of ill health, require a visit with the doctor. A general physical
exam and lab work to know if any risk factors exist, such as elevated
cholesterol or low thyroid, are worthwhile. Anthroposophic treatments address
such abnormalities gently, ordinarily without side effects, and are of value.
Warmth is a sign of a strong immune system. It is common to see adults
with lower than normal (98.6° F) body temperature. Protect the warmth your body
does generate with adequate clothing in layers, recognizing the value of wool
as good insulation that still lets the body breathe. Put the hot water bottle
to use at the feet at night, or wherever a touch of comfort is needed. Use
warming herbs in cooking, such as cayenne and ginger.
Vorwort/Suchen Zeichen/Abkürzungen Impressum