Carboneum dioxidum (Carb-diox) = Carbonic acid gas/carbonic anhydride/= dry ice (solid)/= CO2


Vergleich: Enthalten in: Coca cola + Bath + Carb-mon.: (= Abgase); Carb-mon: (= Car Exhaust Fumes). Culx (angezogen von moisture/Lac-ac./Carb-diox./body heat/movement). Spiru. (verwertet Kohlendioxid). Kombucha.x

„Kohlensäurehaltige Mineralquelle“ enthalten mindestens 1.000 Milligramm freies Kohlendioxid. Bad Steben Wiesenquelle mehr als 3.700 Milligramm/Max-Marien-Quelle über 2.500 Milligramm.

Siehe: Carbon + Oxygen


= „älteste Carbon“/= Petr-ähnlich;

Gebrauch: Sour taste/stinging sensation in nose and throat;

Understanding Carb-diox. through Chemistry: Siehe: Gesetze der Gasen + Carbon Element

[Catherine Sharfstein/Louis Klein]

Carb-diox. follows the laws of gases.

General Properties

6. J.B. van Helmont (1577 - 1644) discovered that a gas is formed when a limestone is treated with acid, and that this gas differs from air, and it does not support life.

He also found that this gas is produced by fermentation. The same gas is present in the Grotto del Cane, a cave in Italy, where dogs become unconscious.

This gas is Carb-diox.

(Carb-diox. person may become unconscious quite easily and have asphyxiation attacks. He may feel intoxicated - confirmed in the proving. Also, he may be sensitive

to fermentation processes that may occur in intestines after having excessive amount of sweats.)

7. This gas escapes from fissures in the floor, and it was displacing the air in the lower part of the cave.

(Carb-diox. person would have a problem with high places, he would love to take lower stable positions. He will displace any lighter substances in any given space just to

be located as low as only possible. He will have mainly movement downwards + >.)

8. Carb-diox. is a colorless and odorless gas.

[Carb-diox. is barely noticeable in a group of people, would have fair skin, pale face (in caucasian group)/would wear colorless clothing and would not have any body odor. However, Watch out for him!)

9. It is about 50% heavier than air. (Air would not mix with Carb-diox. - Carb-diox. would occupy levels close to the ground, unless another heavier gas is present

at the time. There are 2 heavier gases than Carb-diox.: Iodum and Xenon. It is possible that because of his heavy molecular weight of 44, he can not compete with air or any

other multiple lighter gases.

(Car-diox. will have the inferiority complex, low self esteem and self confidence. - confirmed in the proving.)

10. When it is dissolved in water, only about 1% of it reacts with water and it forms carbonic acid with a weak acid taste.

(Carb-diox. would have a low fear of water)

11. CO2 + H2O = H2CO3/Carb-diox. is easily soluble in water. One liter of water at 0° dissolves 1713 ml of the gas under 1 atmosphere of pressure.

(Carb-diox. would feel comfortable in water, and when the opportunity presents, he leaves the water without being hurt or changed.)

12. Carb-diox. represents the most highly oxidized condition of carbon/ it is therefore the ultimate oxidation product/is the major product obtained when carbonaceous matter is burned in an abundant supply of air or oxygen.

(Carb-diox  may have a feeling of victimization/looks the oldest out of all available carbons/has a wrinkled skin and the skin is dry without elasticity, and a little bit of a darker color. It is possible that dioxide person will have dry eczema problems with deep cracks.)

13. When the supply of oxygen is insufficient to provide a complete conversion of Carbon to Carb-diox. - CO2, the less highly oxidized product Carbon monoxide - CO is formed.

(Carbon monoxide person looks not as old as Carb-diox. person. The skin of dioxide person will be darker then the skin of monoxide person.)

14. Carb-diox. molecule consists of 3 atoms.

(All provers confirmed that number 3 appeared very often in their every day life)

15. Carb-diox. is an example of a molecule with two double bonds (2 x 2 = 4) to the same carbon. (4, as number, was comforting in a proving.)

Physical representation of Carb-diox.

16. Carb-diox. may also exist in crystalline/solid and liquid forms under certain conditions (of temperature and pressure). Solid Carb-diox. is known as dry ice/is used as a refrigerating agent. "Dry Ice" has the advantage of not melting into liquid, but sublimes and it absorbs 3 times as much heat per gram of weight as the regular ice in refrigeration

(It is possible that Carb-diox. person may take cold very well, as well as he takes the heat. Depending on the environmental situation, he may be solid as a crystal rock, or liquid with white coloration or a colorless gas. However, Carb-diox. feels the most comfortable in every day situation as a colorless gas - he has less restrains.)

17. Some of the commercial solid Carb-diox. is made from the gas emitted in nearly pure state from the gas wells in the western U:S: Most of  the Carb-diox. used commercially, is a by-product of cements mills, iron blast furnaces and breweries.

(It is possible that Carb-diox. people may be occupied in the cement mills, near iron blast furnaces and in breweries.)

18. Carb-diox. can be liquefied at an ordinary temperature under a pressure of about 70 atmospheres.

(If a liquid is heated sufficiently, it will become a gas or a vapor, if a gas is cooled sufficiently, it will liquefy. If Carb-diox. person is under a lot of pressure, he does not brake, but becomes more solid, more together, but rigid with less flexibility, and he can be in this condition for as long as the pressure exists, even if this condition is not very comfortable.)

19. Carb-diox. is available commercially in steel cylinders as liquid under the pressure of its own vapor/= non toxic in low concentrations/= toxic in high concentrations.

(If the pathology of the Carb-diox. person progresses, he may have toxicity problems, therefore, CO2 may be a good liver remedy, and a remedy used for gas poisoning.)

20. Human beings lose consciousness when exposed to an air containing 10% of Carb-diox. for only a few minutes.

(Carb-diox. may be a good lung and fainting remedy. Provers had an anxiety whether they will have time to complete their work/difficulty with concentration to accomplish projects. This anxiety may be related to the toxicity of Carb-diox. and inability to clearly think in the presence of Carb-diox.. Human beings watch out for the presence of CO2  + try to control and reduce its amount. This may create a feeling of danger around = confirmed in the proving.)

21. Carb-diox. used for the manufacture of  sodium carbonate (= washing soda/used for cleaning/sodium hydrogen carbonate (= baking soda/baking/slacking dough),

(Some provers had digestive problems with excessive formation of gas, some had stubborn constipation )

22. carbonated water, for use as a beverage (soda water/Coca-cola). Water is charged with Carb-diox. under the pressure of 3 or 4 atmosphere.

(All provers desired carbonated water, some started to drink carbonated water just during the period of the proving, some purchased several crates of carbonated water, and some came with the bottles of carbonated water to the meeting of provers.)

23. Carb-diox. used in fire extinguishers because it is 1½x heavier than air and not supporting ordinary combustion.

Plants use CO2 in the photosynthesis process. It this process, chlorophyll (the catalyst) and sunlight (the energy source) must be present. The reactions and products of this reactions are: 6 CO2 + 6 H2O = C6H12O6 (simple sugar) + 6 CO2 or 6 CO2 + 5 H2O = C6H10O5 (cellulose) + 6O2

(It is possible that Carb-diox. person may be involved in some of the above businesses, or in the production of the above products.)

24. Carbonate Minerals

The most important carbonate mineral is Calc. CaCO3. This substance occurs in beautiful colorless hexagonal crystals as the mineral Calcite.

Marble is a microcrystalline form of Calc.

Limestone is a rock composed mainly of this substance. Large amounts used in the manufacture of cements.

Dolomite [= CaMg(Co3)2]/Siderit [FeCo3]/Aragonit

Calc. is a principal constituents of pearls, coral and most sea shells. /

[Most provers had a craving for boiled eggs (Calc). Calc. contains Carb-diox. Therefore, Carb-diox. may have some of specific symptoms of Calc. + C + O]

Atmospheric Carb-diox is a widely distributed gas, which makes up 0.4 % of the air. There are processes in nature that keeps the amount of atmospheric carbon

dioxide at a relatively stable level. The main contributors participating in this cycle through various processes are:

natural Coal,             gas................................burning........................... CO2

- Plants (sugar, cellulose, starch)...........decay............................. CO2

- Animal (glycogen, fat).........................respiration, decay......... CO2

- Limestone, marble, chalk, coral + soil acids.........................…. CO2

(The molecule of Carb-diox. consists of an atom of C and 2 atoms of O. All provers had financial problems with imaginary loss of large sums of money. This symptom,

most likely, is related to the presence of C. C as in diamond form has to do with large sums of money. Calc. has fear of poverty. This is another relationship with loss

or fear of loosing money.)

Preparation and test for Carb-diox. Laboratory preparation of CO2 consists of treating calcium carbonate in form of marble chips with hydrochloric acid, (although any carbonate/bicarbonate/common acid could be used). The gas is collected by water or air displacement:

Ca CO3 + 2 HCl = Ca C12 + H2O + CO2

Commercial preparation of CO2 is accomplished by burning of coke or petroleum C (amorph) + O2 (gas) = CO2 (gas)

- a by-product of fermentation

- "burning" or decomposing of limestone

Ca CO3 (crystal) = CaO (crystal, lime) + CO2 (gas)

The test for Carb-diox. consists of passing it through limewater Ca(OH)2. If CO2 is present the limewater turns cloudy, because of the formation of the white precipitate

of finely divided Ca CO3:

Ca(OH)2 + CO2 = Ca CO3 + H2O

By far the most important sources for Carb-diox. in human metabolism are the three oxidative decarboxylation processes, as they are called, in the citric acid cycle, pyruvic acid cycle and glycolysis.

[Alexander Dallmus]

Etwa 5.700 Gramm CO2-Äqivalente stecken in einem Kilo tiefgekühlten Pommes aus dem Supermarkt. Damit lässt sich vergleichen, wie stark Lebensmittel zur globalen Erwärmung beitragen. Zahlreiche wissenschaftliche Studien wie vom IFEU-Institut in Heidelberg oder zuletzt 2021 von Jesko Hirschfeld, Forscher des Berliner Instituts, bestätigen diese Ergebnisse.

Kartoffeln sind nachhaltig

Anbau von Kartoffeln nicht sonderlich klimaschädlich. Zum Vergleich: In einem Kilo, ökologisch angebauter Kartoffeln aus der Region, sind lediglich 140 Gramm klimaschädliches CO2 gebunden. Selbst in Kartoffeln aus konventionellem Anbau, stecken nur 200 Gramm CO2-Äquivalente pro Kilo.

Erst die industrielle Verarbeitung zu Pommes sorgt für eine Vervielfachung des CO2-Abdrucks um den Faktor 40. Es ist besonders energieaufwändig, Kartoffeln unter heißem Dampf zu schälen, zu schneiden, zu trocknen und zu frittieren. Anschließend müssen die Pommes tiefgekühlt transportiert und gelagert werden, um beim Endverbraucher dann nochmals frittiert zu werden. In der Summe sorgt das eben für den entsprechend großen, negativen ökologischen Fußabdruck.


Repertorium:                                                                                    [Louis Klein]

Gemüt: Beißen (Nägel)

Erschöpft geistig


Tadelsüchtig, krittelig



Schwindel: im Allgemeinen

Kopf: Schmerz morgens Erwachend

Auge: Reizung

Nase: Niesen

Gesicht: Jucken/Kiefer fest zusammengebissen

Zähne: Schmerz in Prämolare

Innerer Hals: Spasmen in Ösophagus

Magen: Übel

Bauch: Auftreibung/Schmerz (krampfartig)/Völlegefühl

Rektum: Obstipation

Blase: Urinieren unwillkürlich

Harnröhre: Schmerz (brennend)

Brust: Jucken in Mammae l.

Rücken: Schmerz in Sakralregion

Stuhl: Hart/knotig, klumpig

Glieder: Unterschenkel rötliche Flecken „Wie Insektenbisse“

Jucken - an Ferse r./Unterschenkel „Wie Insektenbisse“

Jucken - Unterschenkel - Insektenbisse; wie durch

Schmerz - in Kniesehnen

Schlaf: Tief/erwacht zu spät/gähnt/Schlafbedürfnis groß/schlaflos (nachts)/schläfrig

Träume: Basketball zu spielen/Dschungel/hat sich verliebt/von alten Freunden/Gefahr/gewalttätig/Glas in den Füßen/wie das Haus ihrer Jugend/Hunde/Krieg/Soldaten/lebhaft/einen Überfall durchzuführen/Homöopathie zu unterrichten/in einem Krankenhaus verlaufen zu haben/aus ihrem Käfig davonfliegende, fliehende Vögeln

Allgemeines: Hitzewallungen

Lebenswärmemangel/> Sonnenlicht

Speisen und Getränke: Verlangt: hartgekochte Eier;


Carboneum allgemein yxz (Carbn)


Gemüt: Ruhelos - Herumwerfen im Bett/nachts

Kopf: Hitze

Mund: Krämpfe in Zunge/Zunge weiß morgens

Innerer Hals: Entzündung

Brust: Gefühllos, taub

Glieder: Kälte in Hände

Allgemeines: Konvulsion (tetanische Starre/Starrkrampf)

Müde morgens aufstehend

Schwäche nach Konvulsionen/nachmittags/morgens aufstehend

Speisen und Getränke: Verlangt: saure Speisen, Säuren;



Vorwort/Suchen                                Zeichen/Abkürzungen                                    Impressum