Graphites naturalis Anhang



The combination of excitability and relief from expressing emotions is seen as characteristic of this remedy.

Graphites is a remedy of the mineral kingdom. It is prepared from black lead, an amorphous Carbon. There are two very striking features of Graphites which blend together. The first is an excitement from the smallest possible cause and the second is an amelioration from weeping.

The Graphites woman is excitable, and trifles can create turmoil in her. She becomes restless and anxious, irritable and despairing, very sentimental. She gets worked up about the smallest of things and this accounts for her fastidiousness.

She simply cannot stay calm. It is as if she has to be excited in order to survive. One situation that would demand such an easy excitability would be that of a woman whose family takes things easy. The house is a mess, nothing works, everyone’s work is undone or half-done, and her husband and children could not care less. They relax and enjoy themselves. And so the woman is disappointed, and has to be excitable and restless.

Graphites patients are timid and lack of self-confidence. They are cowardly, irresolute and are always doubting themselves. This creates in them an anxiety. They are dull and cannot concentrate. They become restless when they have to concentrate, to think, to apply their minds to work.

These people will sit hours at a conference, drawing and scribbling, unable to concentrate. If asked about the conference, they may be able to repeat the events verbatim, but there will be not precise, because the later involves thinking, comprehending and understanding.

They cannot plan, are absent-minded and easily confused. Graphites is one of the chief remedies for “Ailments from anticipation”. They are always uneasy and fretful with

the feeling of some impending misfortune. And any small trouble or problem can drive them to despair.

This excitability from trifles is markedly ameliorated from weeping. Weeping is an expression and the Graphites patient is much better from expressing her emotions.

This disposition to weep seems like Pulsatilla, but the whole mood of the two remedies is very different.

Graphites will be excited, anxious, apprehensive, sad, despairing and despondent; but the moment she expresses her emotions, she becomes calm and relaxed. She can hardly keep anything to herself: her doubts, fears, loves and hates; they have to be expressed or conveyed. It is like a tuning fork that vibrates from a slight jerk and rests only when this vibration is transmitted to something else.

The excitability from trifles which is markedly better from an expression of the emotions makes of Graphites a unique personality. An example of Graphites might be one of

a housewife who has received a letter about someone’s ill health or who has had an altercation with the shopkeeper, while her husband was away.

She becomes worked up, frets, is excited and restless. She cannot sit and do her work, but anxiously awaits her husband’s return. And almost as soon as he opens the door,

she pours out the whole story to him. She describes everything that happened, excitedly and with a lot of details, and calms down only when she is finished.

Graphites patients in the clinic also seem excited, and describe their complaints with attention to the minutest detail. For example, the patient will say to you: “Doctor, when

I got up in the night, I found that there was a burning in my chest, burning like a fire, and then when I drank cold water, I felt better, so much better.”


·         Despair over trifles.

·         Restlessness while sitting at work.

·         Anxiety about future.

·         Concentration, difficult.

·         Conscientious about trifles.

·         Death, presentiment of.

·         Dullness, sluggishness from mental exertion.

·         Excitement, excitable.

·         Weeping ameliorates symptoms.

·         Weeping causeless.

·         Despondency, she must weep (Allen’s Hand Book).


·         Skin, cracks in winter.


·         Fidgety.

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[Ulrike Sommer]

Themen: Abschottung, Dumpfheit, Tollpatschigkeit

Gemüt: wechselnde Stimmung - voller Ahnungen - Kummer, Sorgen - Mangel an Entschlossenheit - Furcht - Unruhe - weinerlich - Kontaktschwierigkeiten, will sich abschotten

von Umgebung - Geist ist träge, schlechtes Kurzzeitgedächtnis, weinen bei Musik - unkompliziert - sehr arbeitsam, körperliche Routinearbeit, die keine großen geistigen Ansprüche

stellt - besorgt, verstreut, einfach strukturiert, nur zu einfachen Aufgaben fähig - grob, dickhäutig (Elefant im Porzellanladen) - ruhend, phlegmatisch, träge (ähnlich Calc.) - morgens

heiter, abends depressiv

Träume: Keller, üppige Landschaften;

Körper: Krankheiten des Lymphdrüsensystems - Morgenkopfschmerz mit Brechreiz, meist einseitig – „Wie Spinnennetz im Gesicht“ - Brennen auf dem Scheitel - Tränenfluß wund machend - Knacken in den Ohren beim Kauen und Schlucken - Schwerhörig - Geruchswahrnehmung gesteigert - fauliger urinartiger Mundgeruch - Wasserbläschen unter der Zunge - morgens Schleimwürgen mit unangenehmen Geschmack - chronische Heiserkeit, überschnappen der Stimme - Erstickungsanfälle, die aus dem Schlaf wecken - trockener, schmerzhafter Husten - Leber angeschwollen, hart und druckempfindlich - Eiterabsonderung durch Nase - Eiterungsneigung auch bei geringer Verletzung - chronischer Schnupfen - Erkältungsneigung- friert ständig - Augenentzündung, wenig Lichtscheu - Bindehautentzündung - Neigung zu Fettleibigkeit (äußerlich/von innen heraus) - EMPfindlich im Bereich einer Narbe - Schüttelfrost - Schwellungen der Lymphdrüsen auf der Stirn - Kältegefühl am Herzen - bei Verstopfung vermehrt Lippenbläschen (Herpes labialis) - schmerzendes Daumenballengrundgelenk - Nierengegendschmerz vor Harnlassen - Ausschlag von Knötchen auf Innenseite des Oberschenkels – Ohrgeräusch > Straßenlärm - linkes Ohr heiß - statt der Regel, Stuhl blutig - Stuhl, schleimig, tassenweise - Trommelfell weiß - Neigung zur Fettsucht (Adipositas) - Überfunktion der Schilddrüse - Haarausfall - Haarausfall der Barthaare - kurze und breite Fingernägel, die zu einer entsprechenden Hand und einem gedrungenen Körper passen - Fingernägel: dick, hornig, spröde, brüchig, mißgestaltet - abblätternde Schichten an der Fingernagelplatte - Zehennägel oft seitlich eingewachsen - antonische Obstipation, kein Drang - Stuhlgang besteht aus harten Knollen mit Schleim bedeckt, widerlicher Geruch - stechender Schmerz mit Stuhlgang - After wund, ekzematös - brennende und blutende Hämorrhoiden, < nachts/im Bett/beim Abwischen/durch Berührung/während Menses - Eierstock hart, geschwollen, sticht beim Einatmen - Erektion (mit Glucksen im Penis/verschwindet während Akt) - Samenabgang bei schlaffem Glied - starke Abneigung gegen Coitus

Haut: Neigung zu Hauterkrankungen, Hautentzündungen, Rötungen, Bläschen, Flechten - Haut ist trocken und rau - bei Neurodermitis - Absonderungen von nässenden Hautausschlägen sind gelb, zähflüssig und honigartig - starkes Jucken der Kopfhaut, nässender Grind mit üblem Geruch - reichlich Schuppen, besser durch Waschen - Hautausschläge mit feinen Fissuren im Gesicht - derbe, verdickte und schrundige Haut - hinter den Ohren oft nässend und sehr empfindlich, wie wund, krustig - sehr harte, dicke weißliche, derbe Schuppen - Rissige, Fingerspitzen, Fußzehen, Mundwinkeln, Lippen - Sommersprossen - licheninfiziert mit brennender, stechender Empfindung und Jucken in der Bettwärme - rote Stellen im Gesicht von alten Ausschlägen - wunde Haut, wo Krusten ab

Verlangt: Hähnchen/Wurst/Pommes Frites/Fast Food/Bier/sauren Getränken/viel, reichlich - Hausmannskost;

Abgeneigt: Süßigkeit/Salz/Fisch;

Typ/Erscheinung/Kleidung: Körperbau ist undifferenziert, fettleibig - Sommersprossen - blass klassische Berufe: Bauarbeiter, Fernfahrer

<: Morgens beim Erwachen/durch Musik/bei Bewegung/durch Fasten/bei Zwang hochdeutsch zu sprechen;

>: durch warmes Einhüllen/Bettwärme/Essen/Druck, Massage, Reiben/im Freien;

Kind: ungesund/dick/verlegen/kein Selbstvertrauen/unschlüssig/handelt kaum/schüchtern bei Stuhldrang auf Toilette zu gehen;

Voll ausgeprägter Graphit-Typ:

Fleisch abgeneigt - Fett schlecht vertragen - Süßigkeiten = Übelkeit – Brennen im Magen mit Hunger - Sodbrennen - Magenschmerz zeitweilig erleichtert durch Essen, durch warme Speisen und Getränke - einige Stunden (etwa 2) nach dem Essen aber < - Völle im Leib mit festsitzenden Winden, muss Kleidung lockern - vor Abgang von übelriechenden Winden starke Blähungskoliken - kein Stuhldrang - obwohl im ganzen frostig, verträgt große Hitze im Sommer oder in geschlossenen Räumen schlecht


[Jenny Boyle]

H. first proved this wonderful remedy. His instructions: “Pulverise one grain of the purest black lead taken from a fine English pencil, and prepare the triturations and dilutions in the usual fashion.”

Graphites, one of the carbon remedies, which also contains a small percentage of iron, is a major eczema remedy, and it is prescribed extensively for this condition, as well as other skin problems. Fatness: Appearance is often described as obese, but at the same time poorly nourished, with a pale, puffy look (Calc.). The face is said to have a pale, waxy, sickly hue.

Coldness: It is an extremely chilly remedy, and patients can be sensitive to the least draft of cold air. But they are also averse to great heat and feel oppressed in a hot stuffy atmosphere. They can crave air like Puls. and Carb-v. Sweating on the least exertion and profuse night sweats which stain linen yellow are also features. Foot sweats are offensive.

Tiredness: Often excessively tired and sleepy. There is utter lack of zest for any form of activity and a tendency to sudden onset of exhaustion, with a desire to lie down.

Drowsiness by day is followed by sleeplessness at night so they feel unrefreshed in the morning.

Flushing: There can be a rush of blood to the head with a flushing face (Ferr-met.). At the same time there can be icy cold hands and feet. A peculiar aspect of Graphites patients is that they become flushed just before experiencing a physical symptom.

Aversion: sweets & salt;

A great skin remedy

Eruptions: Liability to skin eruptions (eczema). The dry skin cracks and flakes. Where the skin cracks, there is the thick honey-like fluid characteristic of Graphites that dries into yellow crusts.

Kent (1894-1916): The eruptions of Graphites are apt to occur on flexor surfaces, that is in the bends of elbows, groins, behind the ears, in the corners of the mouth, and in the eyelids.

Fissures: Can also have fissuring of the skin [at the mucocutaneous borders (eg sides of nose, mouth and anus), as is found in the remedy Nit-ac.]

Thickening: Eczema areas can be thickened and there is a tendency to form thick scars (keloids) after a wound or surgical operation. Also, the nails can be thick and distorted.


E.B. Nash (1838-1914), a US physician and exponent of keynotes, described several cases cured by Graphites. One of these was an old, obese woman, with eczema on her legs. He wrote: “Sulphur brought out a rash all over the body which exuded a glutinous, sticky fluid. A dose of Graphites cured the eczema and left the skin as smooth as that of a child.” His conclusions about Graphites were that “it cures complaints of many kinds, when two things are present:

1st tendency to obesity and 2nd glutinous eruptions.”

Kent: problems due to scar tissue. He tells of the case of a girl with a stiff elbow after inflammation, due to rheumatics: “She had the adhesions broken down, but they recurred, and

she again presented herself a year later. She got Graphites and in a month’s time the elbow was found to be freely movable.”

A gastro-intestinal medicine: Treatment of gastric or duodenal ulcer and other stomach problems. There is stomach pain, often some hours after food > hot food or drink (warm milk). There can be acute attacks of heartburn often accompanied by a feeling of intense heat in the stomach and throat, causing a desire for cold drinks, but this aggravates.

Constipation, especially where the stools are large, hard, knotty and covered in viscid mucus.

The menopause: Hot flushes, night sweats, irregular or late periods, decreased libido and vaginal dryness.

The mental picture of Graphites


[George Vithoulkas]

The main idea that comes to mind in Graphites is blandness. They don’t seem to degenerate into deep mental pathology – it is the blandness that stays with them.

He says: “Outside impressions do not seem to penetrate, resulting in a blandness of the entire system. The mind is dull and lethargic, slow to receive information. In the interview,

the patient will answer questions only superficially. It seems difficult to make contact in any real way with the patient.”

[Jan Scholten]

Adopts a fixed set of values, usually copied from their parents or tradition. They switch off the mind and just carry on. They do everything “because it should be done like that”.

[Rajan Sankaran]

Problems with understanding and comprehension, eg at a conference when the speaker says something that excites them and you ask them what was said, they try to repeat, word

for word, but cannot be precise because precision involves understanding and comprehending. (Bar-c. – both have incapacity to think and abstract.”)

Poor memory: the short-term memory.

Indecisive: Irresolution and they cannot make even the simplest of decisions. They cannot plan and there is a strong feeling of inadequacy.

“The Graphites patient will say about themselves: to me, survival depends on not bothering about the big things in life, there are others to take care of them. I do not have to make decisions because someone else will make them for me.”

Trifles: Can be upset or irritable about trifles. They are also conscientious about trifles, which can make them fastidious. They weep on the least pretext or for no reason at all.

The Graphites wife who bores her husband with trivia has also been described.

Weepy: (Puls.) Sentimental weeping. They don’t weep from depression. They can be weepy, sad, despondent, full of self-pity and, at times, pre-occupied with thoughts of death.

When they are in an unhappy mood, listening to music makes them feel even more miserable.

Fearful: “Ailments from anticipation”. They are anxious, restless, apprehensive, full of fearful forebodings which cannot be stilled. They are timid people who lack self-confidence.

This self-doubt creates anxiety. They are always uneasy and fretful, with a feeling that misfortune is just around the corner.

Mood swings: A quick change of moods is characteristic. They are often quite cheerful in the morning, but show signs of agitation, impatience and irritability (late afternoon and evening). There is a desire for solitude because they are annoyed by everybody. They may get really angry and fly into a rage, but are easily consoled.

Picture of Graphites

Rajan Sankaran encourages us to keep an open mind about Graphites and not adhere strictly to a rigid image of the remedy as described above. While Vithoulkas paints the bland, dull picture of Graphites, Sankaran shows us another view with two very striking features: excitability and weeping.

Excitability: the Graphites patient is very, very excitable. They become excited by the smallest possible thing. This excitability can be expressed as sentimental, despairing, irritated, or

sad. The slightest cause is sufficient to create turmoil within them. This makes them very restless, and anxious. They are the kind of people who get very worked up over the slightest thing. This also accounts for their fastidiousness. They talk in an excited manner, and their actions are hurried and very restless. They feel that something has to be done, but don’t know what.

One situation could be a wife/mother in a house where other members of the family do not bother about anything. The house is a mess, and nothing works. The husband and child

are enjoying themselves, and do not care about the house. So the wife becomes disappointed and excitable. She becomes excited over small things. A Graphites lady may have a Calc.

or Sulphur husband.

Weeping is an expression and the Graphites patient is much better by expressing her emotions. Until she has expressed these emotions, she will be excited, anxious, apprehensive, sad, despairing and despondent. Her mind will be all shaky and vibrating and the moment she can express it, it becomes smooth and calm. This can happen when she comes for her consultation. She seems so excited when she describes her problem, and after she has finished, she is so relaxed. (Homeopathic Links, 1992)


Puls.: weepy, changeable, irresolution;

Ferr-met.: tiredness, fatness, coldness, flushing;

Calc.: chilly and obese, but Graphites has an aversion to mental work and Calc carb will persevere.



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