Hypothalamus (Hypoth)


Positiv: Zuverlässig/freundlich/Ausdauer/liebt Kunst;

Negativ: Weinen, > Bewegung/im Freien/frische Luft, < Trost/Sonne/ kaltes Wetter/Wärme;


Gemüt: Angst (in Dunkelheit)/Furcht (vor Menschen/die Augen zu schließen, aus Furcht, er würde nie wieder erwachen)



 < Geistige Anstrengung (ermüdet)


Lachen (# Weinen)/milde/umgänglich, freundlich

Traurig (nach Anstrengung)

Weint (über Kleinigkeiten)

Verlust der Willenskraft

Kopf: Haarausfall - Menopause

Mund: Zunge weiß

Weibliche Genitalien: Fluor zwischen den Perioden

Menses - dunkel (mit Klumpen)/fehlend nach geistiger und körperlicher Überlastung/geronnen/reichlich > Liegen/unregelmäßig

Atmung: Asthma, asthmatische Atmung

Schlaf: Schlaflos durch Gedankenandrang

Schläfrig - überwältigend


Allgemeines: r./21h.


Fettleibigkeit - endokrin bedingt

„Wie Hitze“


< Kälte

Kongestion - Blutandrang

Konvulsionen - epileptiform/in Pubertät


Beschwerden während Pubertät  bei Mädchen

Speisen und Getränke: <: rohe Speisen/Süßigkeiten;

[Richard Pitt]

The Hypothalamus, a very important gland, is found in the brain near the pituitary gland: it works by telling the pituitary to produce hormones such as dopamine, oxytocin, corticotrophin stimulating hormone and thyrotropin releasing hormones etc. Little has been written about this sarcode so it is somewhat difficult to define its picture. As with other sarcodes it is often given as an intercurrent or support medicine. O. A. Julian in his Materia Medica of New Homeopathic Remedies1 has some of the following information:

Hypothalamus (Hypoth)

    Gentle, likeable and extremely sensitive.

    They are easily discouraged, cry about trifles.

    Alternating smiles and tears.

    Depression linked to psychological or physical stress

    Useful for very sensitive patients who are alert to every nuance in a situation and are very diplomatic.

    Patients who cannot make decisions

    Anxiety in the darkness

    Fear of falling asleep lest they should never wake.


Similar to Pulsatilla, it has been considered that this medicine could be used to treat conditions such as anorexia and bulimia, as symptomatic of conditions in which there is a feeling of never having enough, whether food, love, attention etc., with a corresponding anxiety about who and where they are in life. In this context it could also be considered with milk and sugar medicines. Immaturity and childishness, even autism could be seen, with child-like obsessions and fantasies.


Gut gefolgt von: Cortis


Vergleich: Stimuliert: Corticotrophin; Chlorpr. (unterdrückt konditionierte Reflexen). Dys-co. (= Hypoth-ähnlich+ < Trost + wachsam). Gammaoryza-nol + Octaconasol stimulieren Hypoth + Hyph. Vasopressin + Oxytocin (= produziert von Hypoth). Serot. (Hypoth hat hoher Anteil Serot). VAB. Tub.

DD.: BCG. Puls. and Tub. are related remedies.

Siehe: Drüsen- + Pulsatillagruppe


Unverträglich: Salz


Antidotiert von: Cortis, Kaffee


Wirkung: Tuberkulin/psorisch/syphillitisch

Allerlei: steuert vegetatives Nervensystem



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