Lac ovinum = Schafsmilch


Vergleich: Lac enthält: Solids 16.3,  Fat 5.3, Eiweiß 5.5,  Lactose 4.6, Ash 0,9;

Comparison Lacs

Q-Fieber Nos. = Coxiella burnetii/= Q-Fever

Lana ovis

Siehe: Mammalia + Oves:


Positiv: liebevoll, kontaktfreudig, warmherzig und verschmust;

Negativ: störrisch und verschlossen, wenn zu einer Entscheidung gedrängt.

Körper: Empfindlich gegen Wolle auf der Haut;

Lac Ovinum people are shy by nature. They may find the hustle and bustle of life easily overwhelming (Theme: Task too big for lil’ol me). They may prefer solitude to the noise and attention they may find in groups

(Theme: Withdrawn). Although being a part of the group is very important, (Theme: Rejected) they do not like being the center of attention and this makes them very uncomfortable.

The Sheep are perennial nurturers (Theme: Good Samaritan). They remain calm in all situations and love to take care of other people (Theme: Remaining calm) They are very much like their animal counterpart: gentle, easy going, content and peaceful.

For sheep, their two areas of sensitivity are to feeling inadequate and to being rejected by the group. They are very task-oriented, meaning that life is about doing what is expected of you. There is a sense that they will not be able to live up to expectations and that they will let people down as they try to perform their job. Inside is the feeling that they are inadequate and they will try their hardest to hide this. They work very hard and are often overwhelmed (Theme: Hurried). They may be kind at heart, but they are not always mentally sharp (Theme: Low energy). They often feel that things are hopeless and they are trying to do too much in too little time. This brings out their pessimistic side, that tends to give up in situations that feel too big for them. In the end, they feel overworked and may find themselves exhausted (Theme: Low Energy) as their capabilities fall short of the mark.

In a flock of grazing sheep there is little or no sign of dominance. In small domestic flocks, sheep will compete for small amounts of food by pushing and shoving rather than active bunting. For the sensitive sheep they expect equality within the group and they will get irritated if they are left to do more than others (Theme: Equality). However, they fear being kicked out of the group and will tolerate being uncomfortable (Theme: Gentle, no complains) in order to offend anyone.

Like other remedies made from milks, Lac Ovinum has a feeling of being forsaken (Theme: Forsaken) and the conflict between two wills, one their “bad” instinctual animals side and the other their “good” human side (Theme: Two wills). They also have feelings of self-disgust (Theme: Disgust).

[Eric Sommermann]

Sheep’s milk is highly nutritious; it has a rich, bland, slightly-sweet taste. It contains minerals like calcium, phosphorus and zinc and many important vitamins; it is loaded

with the enzymes that enable the metabolizing of calcium and it is much higher in total solids than either cow’s milk or goat’s milk. The proteins in humans, sheep, and

goats, are very short, which is why babies and the elderly, people with asthma, eczema and other psoric skin conditions will often thrive on sheep's milk.

Sheep were a staple of the Ancient Romans, who descended from shepherds, mixed with wine it was served as a drink and made into cheese that was mixed with herbs, honey, nuts, and fruits.


Physical Summary

There would be several confirmations on a physical level to prescribe Lac-o. The first would be headaches. It would be surprising to see a Lac Ovinum case without some sort of headaches. Characteristically, the

headaches are behind the eyes, in the temples, and sometimes around the back of the head. The second would be chills and running very cold, with cold hands and feet and occasional flushes of heat. Due to this, they tend to dislike cold and it may aggravate conditions.

It would also be difficult to prescribe Lac-o. without hunger. They will tend to think about food alot, be hungry often, and have difficulty getting full. They also have many digestion symptoms, rumbling in abdomen, gas, eructations, and nausea. They may have constipation # diarrhea. They will also be very thirsty. Dryness in general is a problem, in mouth on skin etc. This may cause itching.

They can also have congestion and runny discharge from the nose and post-nasal drip with desire to hawk to get the mucus out of the throat. They can have aches and pains

in their extremities, most the legs. They seem to have tightness or soreness across their upper back (shoulder blades). They often desire to stretch to relive this tightness or stiffness. Lac-o. also has a strange tingly sensation at times (almost a chill, coolness, or numbness), on top of head or in extremities.

They can also get very exhausted. They can experience weakness in general, low energy, and desire naps. They seem to be ameliorated when they get outside in fresh air or

just start moving.

[Jason-Aeric Huenecke]

The second modern proving conducted by the Northwestern Academy of Homeopathy took place in 2002 with the milk of a Rambouillets-Hampshire ewe milked one week after lambing:

Eric Sommermann, PhD, CCH, RSHom (NA) led the proving.

‘Sheep’ derived from the Old English sceap, or scep, words of unknown origin. ‘Sheep” implied “timidity” in Old English; the meaning “stupid, timid person” is attested from.

Proving Mental Themes include but are not limited to:

Self-sacrificing, desiring to be helpful, leads to depletion, and exhaustion

Desiring equality on principle

Duty, sense of responsibility, and the sense of being mother to all

Fear of being exiled, out of the group and sent alone into the desert

Fear of inadequacy, lack of confidence, and timidity

Giddiness, laughter, and glee, childlike innocence

Helplessness and defencelessness (and yet may be defiant)

Slow moving, monotonous, same thing, different day

Walled off or separated from other; the family group offers protection

Proving Physical Themes include but are not limited to:

> open air

Back pains (shoulder area)

Cough, expectoration difficult

Extremities, coldness, numbness of hands, feet, toes

Extremities, rubbery sensations

Head pains were experienced by an overwhelming number of provers, especially head pain “As if a hoop or band around the head”!

Nose, acuity of smell

Skin, bruising easily

Vertigo, rocky sensations

From Clinical Practice:

Lac ovinum has themes of self-sacrifice, unworthiness, feeling devalued, and betrayed.

Ailments from abuse, grief, and betrayal.

Long standing, chronic insomnia.

Religious-minded, desire for prayer, commitment to God.

Obedience and submissiveness.

Self-sacrificing brings about the exact opposite of what is desired; these individuals sacrifice their time, energy etc. to the community, give into their children and set no healthy or clear

boundary with others (until the remedy acts!).

Curative for migraine headaches.

Curative for Fuchs’ Dystrophy.

Curative for urethral stenosis, accompanied by frequency and urging for urination.


Excerpts from the Proving that are Representative of Sheep’s Milk:

Predatory Behavior, Abuse and Killing of the Innocent:

“[I am] thinking of a drama involving domestic abuse, a couple of very vicious assaults on women. There is a victimized feeling of anger and injustice about how women are treated.”

“In my dreams last night, there was another bald man (one appeared in a previous dream in this proving); he was shorter than the last man. In the dream I was attracted to him; then I saw him with an 11-year-old boy, he was dragging him by his hair down this hill to a creek. He was going to kill him. I couldn’t believe that my judgment was so off!

I knew he was coming for me next. I was afraid he would murder me!”

“I notice that I’m becoming more predatory when it comes to sex. I was driving today and noticed a person whose pose suggested to me that she was a prostitute. After a few blocks, I did turn the car around to check it out. The person was gone. All I could say is, ‘Thank God’, I really do not need this in my life...”

“I am part of a work force to stop the poaching of monkeys. These monkeys were hunted for their brains. The poachers hunted the monkeys with smaller heads.

These monkeys were infected with some type of bacteria that made their heads smaller. The heads were roasted over an open fire. This was supposed to be quite the delicacy when eaten immediately.”

Pursued by Thieves:

Several dreams of thieves and pursuit by men. Sheep rustling has been a problem since the beginning of sheep domestication. “I had dreamt that I was being chased through the backyards in my neighborhood by group of men, bad guys, thieves. I knew that if I could get to this one house I’d be safe, but I had to sneak there. I never got there – woke up while I was being chased. I wasn’t scared when I woke up!?”

“While walking my dog at dusk, I became fearful that someone was following us. I imagined that my footsteps were the sound of someone else’s, my clothes rustling was someone else’s clothes. When I first arrived at the park, there were many parked cars, but I haven’t seen anyone here. I imagined horrible things that could have happened to the other people. Maybe someone who is lurking down here murdered them all. I assured myself that this was not the case, of course, and continued walking.”

The Way of the Selflessness:

“Since the proving remedy, I want to help people with their problems. I feel chatty, want to talk and be more intimate and really make a difference in other people’s lives, help them... It’s a very good feel, a good feeling.”

“I went to go to bed. There was a bed of blankets set up on the floor. Someone had made it up for me very nicely but in the wrong order so that there was very uncomfortable burlap that I had to lay on. I did not want to offend the person who had been so kind to set it up, so I did not change it. Being uncomfortable so as not to hurt someone else (sacrificing self).”

The Endlessness of the Crunch of Time:

“I seem to have an urgency to get things done on time. Get from one point to another –  it’s not so much about what gets done, but getting to the next and the next thing.

If something gets in the way, I will just forget it and go on…”

“Irritability. Sweating when I put something down and then I am in a time crunch to find it.”

“I felt anxiety (centered around my heart)... My mind was acutely aware of all the things that need to be done.... I woke up before the alarm and was aware of how much time I had to get ready…I feel rushed!”

“Very tense and busy – I feel there are so many things to do. I feel pressure to do too many things in a short period of time.”

“I felt a sense of dulled unreality… …like my thoughts and perceptions were filtered through cotton. My thoughts have slowed to a slow one thought at a time.”

Hahnemann and the Pasteurization of Sheep’s Milk:

Richard Haehl writes on Samuel Hahnemann in Samuel Hahnemann: His Life and Work, “‘Cream and milk can be kept fresh for several days, even during hot and thundery weather, if boiled once a day; by this process, I believe, the gases of fermentation are expelled each time…’ Hahnemann was on the way to the discovery of the pasteurizing

of milk. Hahnemann gives an explanation why sheep and goat cheese are more digestible and agree better than ordinary cheese prepared from sour cows’ milk.”

So he was also on the way to discovering lactose intolerance as well.

History of Sheep:

Sommermann felt that this was a very important proving considering its long history of domestication by humans and its rich tapestry of symbolism in world religious traditions and our survival as a species; the unique relationship of humans and sheep enabled them to roam the far-corners of the earth in desolate conditions and survive.

“The animal sheep originated in central Asia 10,000 years ago, valued for its wool and meat. The earliest sheep growers used their fleece as a kind of tunic, but it wasn't until 3,500 BC that man learned how to spin wool.

Sheep and wool spread to Europe between 3,000 BC and 1,000 BC, travelling mainly through ancient Greece. Over the next 1,000 years, Greeks, Romans and Persians contributed to improvements in sheep breeds. The Romans were also responsible for the spread of sheep to North Africa and Europe…

Sheep were introduced to America when Columbus made his famous voyage in 1493, including sheep among the livestock he took to Cuba and Santo Domingo. In 1519, when Cortez began the expedition which would open Mexico and the western United States, he took with him the offspring of Columbus' sheep as a walking food supply.

After the pilgrims landed at Plymouth Rock, they bought forty sheep from the Dutch on Manhattan Island. By 1664, the sheep population had grown to 100,000. As settlers moved west during the 1800s, they took with them flocks of sheep from the eastern seaboard. Most of these sheep were of English breeding, more suited to producing lamb than wool.”

“Rambouillet: a breed of sheep developed from selections of a few hundred of the best Merino sheep of Spain in 1786 and 1799 by the French government at its national sheepfold at Rambouillet, France. First imported to the U.S. in 1840, the breed was successfully molded through selective breeding to meet the needs of a large class of United States sheep producers. Rambouillets prevail on the western ranges, where two-thirds of the sheep of the U:S. are produced.” “Hampshire: breed of medium-wool, dark-faced, hornless sheep originating in Hampshire, England.” The Rambouillets-Hampshire breed is well known for its wool, but also for its meat, both lamb and mutton. It has been described as a dual-purpose breed, with superior wool and near-mutton breed characteristics.

James Tyler Kent: “All the milks should be potentized, they are our most excellent remedies; they are animal products and foods of early animal life and therefore correspond to the beginning of our innermost physical nature. If we had full provings of monkeys, cows, mare's, and human milk, they would be of great value.”

The Sacrificial Lamb:

Sheep have played an important role in the history of human spiritual and religious traditions as a sacrifice to the gods, this is true in all Abrahamic traditions, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Sheep are featured in ancient religious traditions throughout the Middle East and the Mediterranean Worlds.

“In Judaism, in accordance with the mandate of the Torah a lamb, known as the Paschal Lamb, was sacrificed on the eve of the Passover to commemorate the night of the event referred to as the Passover when God took the lives of the first born sons of the Egyptians and spared or passed over the first born sons of the Israelite slaves…

The Old Testament also refers to sacrifices of lambs as a means of atonement for sin…

The popular and well know Psalm 23 is analogous of sheep and shepherds, where God is compared to a shepherd and His followers to sheep…

The symbolism of sheep or lambs is an important part of the Christian Tradition. Jesus is often referred to as a Shepherd and his followers as a flock. For instance in the Bible: "I am the good shepherd, and know my sheep, and am known of mine. As the Father knoweth me, even so know I the Father: and I lay down my life for the sheep.

And other sheep I have, which are not of this fold: them also I must bring, and they shall hear my voice; and there shall be one fold, and one shepherd… John 10: 14 - 18

Jesus is also given the title the Lamb of God. As mentioned earlier, in the Christian tradition, the ultimate mission of Jesus to die on the cross to atone for man's sin is analogous to a sacrificial lamb.

In Christian churches you will often see the Agnus Die, a symbol of the Lamb of God or Jesus Christ depicted as a lamb. Agnus Dei is a Latin term meaning Lamb of God;

it refers to Jesus as the perfect sacrificial offering that atones for the sins of humanity.”

[Farokh Master]

Gemüt: liebevoll, kontaktfreudig, warmherzig und verschmust, aber störrisch und verschlossen, wenn zu einer Entscheidung gedrängt Körper: Empfindlich gegen Wolle auf der Haut

[Eric Sommermann]

Specific Mental Themes

Equality, Irritable about Unfairness, on Principle

“I hate it when people act that way and there is someone in class that really feels she deserves special treatment” (dream) “He wanted to be with me. I felt angry for his wife…. I objected on principle“. Within the sheep herd there is a certain equality. Unlike in some herd structures, sheep don’t exhibit a dominance of one sheep versus the others. Within this remedy we see a sensitivity

to things being equal.

When this remedy gets angry, it’s usually about things being unfair or someone getting special treatment. Although most often they will just grumble about this to themselves (Theme: Gentle, Not complain). They get upset if they have to do a lot more work than the other people in the group. Of course, with their “giving nature” and task orientation it’s inevitable that they take on a greater responsibility than others. They also seem to have a sensitivity to principles. They have an inner barometer for principles and for behaving with respect and kindness to others. They also believe in following the rules. They feel upset when asked to behave against these principles. They may find themselves split at times (Theme: Two wills) between these principles and what would be considered more “base” desires like sex and security.

On Principle

Gentle, Not Complaining

(dream) “I did not want to offend the person who had been so kind to set it up, so I did not change it“.

Lac Ovinum has a gentle nature. Not wanting to be hurt by others they are equally sensitive to avoid hurting others. They will avoid expressing their anger or lack of comfort in order to not upset the other person. When they do act, they will be concerned that someone will be angry with them.

Giddy, Playful

“Looking a little peevish, childish grin”

There is a playful nature to this remedy. It has a childish quality to it. They might giggle, tease, make faces and talk in a childish voice when feeling happy. They also might feel frisky when in this playful mood. They seem to experience this happiness in random spurts, not all the time.

Good Samaritan, Desire to help

“Since the remedy, I want to help people with their problems. I feel chatty, want to talk and be more intimate and really make a difference in other people’s lives - help them”

A key theme for Lac Ovinum is the “Good Samaritan“. They will have a desire to help others. They will find themselves in dreams and in life having to help people in need. Some times when they

are just able to listen, the interchange is good for them. They feel as if they have helped someone just by being there and caring, as they would want for themselves.

Sometimes the situation requires a larger effort on their part. Really doubting their own ability to handle things, they can feel overwhelmed when people need help in more serious situations. Given their non-complaining nature (Theme: Gentle, Not complain) they will often trot off whenever someone calls for help, even stopping something they perceive as important to get done.

A key indication of Lac Ovinum would be a dream where people are getting hurt and they have to help them and they feel anger or irritation that it is all up to them.

Hurried, Not enough time, Impatient

“I have all this stuff to do at home – no time to do it. Too much stuff. Feel hurried, unsettled”. “In evening, irritable when driving. More impatience with people, with my dog, especially when

they “get in my way“. Lac-o. seem to have a time pressure. They are task oriented, meaning that they like to accomplish things, not big monumental things just simple tasks that need to be done.

The pressure most likely relates to their feelings of inadequacy (Theme: Too big for little ol’me). In that whatever they need to do, can make them feel overwhelmed. They have this need to accomplish so they hurry to get things done off this huge list of things they have to do. The general feeling is – “I have so much to do and not enough time to doing it in” In dreams, they often find obstacles to accomplishing things and feel under time pressure to complete the task.

This sense of hurry is in opposite to the laid-back (Theme: Remain calm) nature of this remedy. They can find themselves relatively calm in a situation that should be pressurized and on the other hand frantically hurrying.

When they do accomplish, they feel very good. What does get them irritated is to impede their progress when they are in a hurry. They really dislike to have people or things “get in their way“. They won’t necessarily express this annoyance (Theme: Gentle, not complain) but they definitely feel it. They can also exhibit a general impatience when they are stressed.

Irritable and Impatient, Don’t get in my way!

Low energy, Moving slower, Exhaustion

“I felt a sense of dulled unreality. Like my thoughts and perceptions were filtered through cotton. My thoughts have slowed to a slow one at a time”

“Everything is too much work” “Exhaustion returned… A collapsed feeling“.

Lac Ovinum has severe exhaustion. Acutes seem to hit with exhaustion and no desire to move or do anything. They may wake still tired and not rested. They may get tired in afternoon and find themselves napping.

They may go to bed early or oversleep. They also just seem to have bouts of low energy or lack of motivation. They just may be happy to sit on couch and vegetate. They may just feel lazy and desire to lie around all day.

There is almost a sense of slowing down in these episodes. As if their thoughts “are filtered through cotton“. Their actions may slow; their thoughts may slow. This relates to that laid-back feeling,

when they are just happy being and not doing.

Not motivated, Lazy

Exhausted, Low Energy

Remaining Calm and Relaxed

“After walk, felt more relaxed driving than usual, not at all impatient; very calm, passive”

The life of a sheep is pretty calm. Even among the herd, behavior is seldom aggressive. It’s not surprising then that several provers experience a calm and relaxed state at times when they might have normally been stressed.

This seems the exact opposite of the hurried theme (Theme: Hurried) when they are frantic having too much to do in too little time. In this relaxed state, they are actually moving slower than normal and remaining calm.

Task too big for lil’ol me, Feeling Inadequate

“I can’t get it all done, hopeless“.

Lac Ovinum feels inadequate. They are very task oriented, this means that their inadequacy revolves around doing their job. They have dreams of unsuccessful efforts. They can easily feel overwhelmed, that things are too big for them. They can feel that any effort is futile and hopeless and that they will never be successful. They worry about letting people down. They worry about “making the grade” and being part of the group. They might feel they have to keep working and working in order to be okay.

They feel they try very hard but never succeed. There can be a hopelessness that they reach at a point, where they just want to give up, and “lie down in the snow and never get up“.

At times they are actually surprised that things go well and are easier than they expected.

Feeling Inadequate, The task is too big

Hopeless, Just give up

Unsafe, Flight, Attack

“The bunnies jumped up as high as waist, jumping at me and attacking my leg...Feeling: felt scared, like it was a vicious rabbit“.

Yea, for thy sake are we killed all the day long; we are counted as sheep for the slaughter. -Bible (Old Testament), Psalms 44:22.

Sheep has no natural defenses against predators, they are “Sheep for the slaughter”. They have only minimal safety through being part of the herd. Domestic, they rely on the shepherd/man to protect them.

They can get anxious when having to face a conflict and prefer to avoid conflicts if at all possible. They feel entirely at a disadvantage in situations of personal safety. Their first instinct is to run.

In dreams they may find themselves running away from harm.

Withdrawn, Not center of attention, and Avoidance (Sycotic)

“Felt like mom was being too nosey. Wanted my own space and place“.

Lac-o. has a shyness. While they may want to be part of the group, they do not want to be the center of attention. They will balk and get irritated if they get too much attention. While there is safety in number, there is no privacy. They have dreams of being in dormitories and in crowds where there are lots of people around. They just get tired of talking to people and don’t want people to talk

to them.

Sometimes it just all get too much for them and they want to go off by themselves. They can really withdraw from other people. This could be a state of extreme shyness. Here the sycotic aspect

of this remedy accentuates  the situation. Not wanting others to know about their inadequacy, they may withdraw even more to hide these flaws. They can avoid situations and fear the embarrassment of doing something wrong in front of others.

All of these feelings along with the natural shyness can create a very withdrawn person. I want to be alone, Withdrawn

Not the center of attention

Living in crowds


Common Milk Themes

Lac-o.: feelings of disgust. Dreams of faeces and poop, dreams of bugs or dreams of repulsive and disgusting people.

Their response to this filth is to be disgusted and to want to stay away. Like other Sycotic remedies Lac-o. will want to have things clean and neat to hide this inner feeling of selfdisgust.

Forsaken, Alone and Sadness

“Family out of town. Felt a bit abandoned and alone. No one to take care of me“.

As with remedies from milk’s we see the theme of being Forsaken. The sadness behind this is deep and can come on with tears and sobbing. They express the emotions with their grief but not necessarily to anyone else.

Rejected by the group

“We grouped together against him and chased him to the top of the stairs. We forced him out onto a small ledge at the top. We began to taunt him“.

As with other herd animals, sheep are most fearful and sensitive to being put out of the group. In their dreams the group turns on someone and forces him out or behaves rudely to him. The group becomes almost like a “lynch mob“. It’s as if there is power in numbers and the group can band together and kick someone out. They fear being verbally rejected in front of others.

Two Wills

“I knew not to believe this, but I was flattered anyway. Again, tension between sexual attraction and principles“.

Similar to other mammal remedies, Lac Ovinum shows an inner conflict between their two sides, the animal instinct side and the human side. Here the conflict seems to be between sexual attraction and the sheep’s adherence to principles (Theme: Equality). One side has the desire to be good and the other is the part of them that feels inherently bad.



Mind: > eating, as

< Noise,

> Alone, being/opüen air

Anger, outbursts


Anxiety; anticipating (about health/work)



Cares, worries, full of


Concentration, difficult

Confidence, want of self

Company, aversion to (desires solitude)

< Consolation


Delusion - is going to be attacked/will be kicked out of the group/must save everyone/work easier than expected/running out of time





Fear - of abuse/of being alone/of attack/of being pursued/of rejection/of being ridiculed/of being forsaken

Help, desire to

Indolence, aversion to work/dullness

Impatience (in work/mania for work)

Irresolution, indecision 

Irritability (< hunger/wishes to be alone/work too much, to do/others talking to him/and remains quiet/too much responsibility on him/when watched/work distributed unfairly/when someone gets in

his way)

Hurry, haste


Mistakes, making

Mood, changeable, variable

Morose, sulky, cross, fretful, ill-humor, peevish

Pity, pities, herself


Sensitive, oversensitive - to noise/to moral impressions


Spoken to, aversion to being


Sympathetic, compassionate

Taciturn, indisposed to talk

Talk, taking, talks - childish/desires to talking to someone/loudly


Thoughts, sexual

Weary, of life

Weeping, tearful mood

Will, contradiction of

Work - aversion to/> to accomplish

Yielding, disposition

Violence, aversion to

Vertigo: Dizzy/+ minty all over/light-headed/rocking sensation  

Head: Pain  [< leaning forward/> lying/< noise/> pressure/comes on suddenly/behind eyes (r.)/< movement of eyes/temples/“As from a band“ (r.)/dull/throbbing]

Tingling on top („As if drops of water on top“)

Eye: Discoloration; red spot 


Movement of eyes < head pain

Vision: Acute 

Hearing: Acute

Distant, sounds

Nose: Congested

Discharge (clear/watery/profuse, running down/in crusts)

Drainage from posterior nares


Smelling acute (felt assaulted by the strong smell of heavy perfume)

Face: Pain in jaw

Mouth: Saliva, profuse (salty )

Tongue, tingling

Cracking, right corner of mouth

Teeth: Sensitive (to cold)

Throat: Dry


“As if a lump”

Mucus (tenacious)

Pain (raw/scratchy)

Tingling (minty sensation)

Neck: Pain


Stomach: > eating


Appetite - increased/ravenous, snacking/diminished (in evening)

Eating, though not hungry 


Hunger, on waking 

Full, feels/can’t get it to feel full 

Nausea (extends to throat)


Abdomen: Hunger pains

Pain; stabbing



Rectum: Flatulence




Stool: Loose

Brown, soft, tan colored  



Male organs: Impotence

Sexual desire - diminished/increased 

Female organs: Sexual desire - diminished/increased (during the day; decreased at night in bed)

Discharge, white creamy, gel-like 

Menses: copious/early/scant brown in beginning 

Respiration: Difficult 


Cough: Dry 


Expectoration; difficult

Egg-white, sticky 

Chest: complaints of mammae before menses

Back: Chill 

Pain - in shoulder blades (r.)/< bending/> rubbing/desires to stretch/dull ache/burning/drawing (across shoulder blades)/tight


Extremities: Left-sided/r.-sided/one-sided


Falling asleep easily  

Cold [feet (toes)/hands]


Minty, sensation in arms  


Pain [cold/legs (r.)/knee]

Rubbery sensation 

Stretching, desire to


Weak legs  

Sleep: deep


Falling asleep - easy/difficult




Sleepiness (overpowering while eating)/sleeplessness

Tossing much   (5, 14)

Waking - tired/chilled/with perspiration/feels hot on awaking

Dreams: Alone, want to be/guardian angels/fear of attack by animals/anxious/betrayal/arm falling off/buffet/climbing on hay bales/coition/college campus (dormitories), Hotels/confidence increased and ability to get things done/crowds, parties/difficulties/dirty/eating/embarrassing/endless tasks/faces hovering above bed/family, aunts, cousins, sons/food/frightful/houses/hurrying/insects/angry mob chases person out on ledge/conflict with morals/would be murdered/persecution/pursued by police/problem-solving/ridiculing, taunting another/running (being chased)/attracted to anal intercourse/singing/tasks, which should be difficult, but are completely easy/unsuccessful efforts

Fever: # chills 

Perspiration: with chills

with flushes of heat

Skin: Bruising easily 




Itching (wandering)

Sensations, numb, rubbery, thick

Warts (healed symptom) 

Generals: > open, fresh air

< Coldness



Food and drinks: Desires: anything edible/Alcohol/Bacon/Bread/Cakes/Chocolate/Chicken/Cold drinks/Eggs, hard boiled/Farinaceous, pasta/Fried foods/Garlic/Ice cream/Meat, bacon, chicken, salted/Mint/Parsley/Peanut butter/Pickles/Pineapple/Potato chips/Raw foods/Salt/Seafood, shrimp, sushi/Soup/Spicy/Spinach/Sweets/Tea/Tomato, salsa, tomato juice/Warm foods.

Aversions: Cheese/Cold foods/Cream/Dairy/Fruits/Meat/Slimy foods/Vegetables.

Heat, flushes of 


Lack of vital heat

> lying down/walking, continued motion

Minty sensation throughout  


Desire tom stretch




Vorwort/Suchen                                Zeichen/Abkürzungen                                    Impressum