Comparison Lacs
Milk is
laden with many essential vitamins and minerals, milk is the nourishment which
newborns depend on for a healthy start in life. This is undoubtedly truer
within the animal kingdom.
The milk of
the female of the species is essential to the survival of her offspring, and
ultimately to the survival of the species as a whole. Within the animal
kingdom, survival is also dependent
on the
ability of the species to defend themselves from other predators, and from
mans’ need or greed, (as with dairy herds in the
and also
their behaviour within their own particular societies.
In several
of them there is an issue of some kind with milk. Expressed as desire,
aggravation or aversion. weakness on the physical level
falling is found.
Lac Caninum = Dog ForgetFUL
(leaves purchases and walks away without/makes mistakes when speaking or writing,
using the wrong words and missing letters. Over-sensitivity on all levels.
Can fly into a rage with cursing and swearing from slightest cfause. Changing
sides: sore throat 1. one side, 2.
otherside (Rheuma in the ankles will be painful on alternating
sides/headache and ovarian pain change sides). LACK of confidence; body feels
ugly and imagine that being insulted, heaping the feelings of worth-lessness.
Had a difficult childhood and that these difficulties can give rise to LACK
of self confidence. Delusion often epitomises the central disturbance of the
individual. Very passionate, very lascivious. Can be quite
aggressive/defensive. Feels like are going insane yet they are very aware of
it and fearful of it. Sankaran contends that the remedy (similar to the
domesticated dog) has been totally controlled and civilised so that it has to
suppress its basic animal nature and can only express its controlled,
civilised side. Fear: of snakes (delusions involving snakes/dreams of
snakes). May be of USE when a mother has lost her child during the stage when
she was still breast feeding and it has become necessary to dry up the milk. Craving
for milk (have a headache even the thought of milk will make them sick). May have
falling as causation. |
Defloratum = skimmed cows
Made sick from milk. Kent says,
‘ much can be learned by mediating upon the milk constitution; some may think
there is a difference of importance between milk skimmed and new milk, but
for all practical purposes the skimmed milk is sufficient and cures the
oversensitiveness to milk, if used in high potency’. ChilLY and sensiTIVE to
draughts (nothing will warm)/WEAK/fatigue from slightest motion. Low
nutritional status of the person; unable to assimilate their food, will
completely lose their appetite. DESpondent and will want to know what is the
quickest and quietest way to commit suicide. No fear of death but are sure
they are going to die. WEAK physically and mentally: As with many of the
other milk remedies the mind of this person has grown weak, ‘listlessness and
disinclination for either bodily or mental exertion, loss of memory. There is
great sadness with this remedy, and the Lac Defloratum patient does not want
to see or speak to anybody. It is as if they cannot bear the suffering any
longer and wish to die. AverSION to milk, drinking milk gives a sick
Felinum = cats milk, craving or aversion to milk Fear of falling down the stairs,
without an accompanying feeling of vertigo. of sharp or pointed objects.
‘Mental illusion that corners of furniture, or any pointed object near her
were about to run into her eyes; the symptom is purely mental, the objects do
not appear to her sight to be too close’. The cat has an instinct to be wild
and even though it has been raised as a domestic pet, will often bring chewed
up birds and other creatures into the family home, ‘ a desire to be pampered
as opposed to desire to be independent’. This remedy may also be indicated in
cases where there has been incest or a rape. Dreams of sexual intercourse;
many dreams of being pursued for rape, even by relatives. |
a desire
or aversion or an aggravation from milk. |
Lac Loxodonta farican, African elephant
has its very existence threatened through being maimed or killed by humans for their
ivory tusks. Themes:
murder and violence, terrible dreams. ‘I do not want to fight, but I have to
or I will die’. A sensation of
timelessness with this remedy, a spaced out feeling, a strange
sensation of mental fuzziness. Time feels like passing too slowly or it is
distorted in some way. Trouble
finding things due to the dullness on the mental level and difficulty in
thinking. I was
surprised, as the elephant is an animal that we associate with a good memory,
‘elephants never forget’. Elephants also after one or more of their group
have been killed are able to stand on the same spot a year later and ‘mourn’
for the dead. |
Lac lupinum.: Wolves very family orientated, living
together in packs ranging in size between 3 - 24 members/led by a dominant
pair (alpha male and female)/usually mated for life and take responsibility
for the rest of the pack. Intelligent and proud, has not enjoyed kindness
from mankind, and has been hunted, (predominantly through fear and
superstition), almost to extinction. Wants to
protect children, or of feeling an unreasonable amount of concern towards
children (dreams and everyday life). This feeling extends to wanting to help
others who are less fortunate. May be
critiCAL, wanting to blame others An element of confusion , repeatedly losing
their keys, wallets and purses. Interesting that through either dreams or in
reality, the provers aware of dangerous liquids and holes in the legs of
their stockings. Wolf often shot at, or else poisoned with strychnine-treated
bait. “As if dying” of feeling that one does not have the strength to go on.
Wolf has been battling for a long time against the odds, to avoid complete
extinction. |
Lac caprinum. goats’ milk, Fear of falling. The goat is
very sure-footed creature, ‘wild goats live in dry, rocky region with little water,
unlike the ibex, another member of the Capra species, they are not marked
mountain dwellers. Can climb to great heights’. Fear of
being taken by surprise/FEAR of being pointed at, with a finger or a sharp
object. Response to fear is to avoid it. Like it’s source, the goat, this
person will try and find a high social position where they have control, and
‘no-one can get me while I am up here’ kind of attitude. Become so dependent
on this high position that a fear of falling is an almost inevitable consequence.
Vermeulen: ‘this falling and degrading must be prevented. One of the means to
prevent it is to be just ahead of it by hiding, camouflaging, deluding,
deceiving, telling lies, so that you cannot be caught in the very act’. A
state of indifference may ensue, serving as a mechanism not to have to face
reaching the high position, which would ultimately lead to a fall. This
remedy may also experience strong sexual urges, but is very fearful of these,
almost uncontrollable, feelings. This leads to suppression and prudish
behaviour, ‘This fear is not founded on sympathy with your victim, or moral
scruples, but only on the possible consequences of being caught in the act
and thereby losing your position’. Consistent with the social climbing,
dreams involving staircases. |