Lac felinum (Lac-f) = Katzenmilch


Vergleich: Enthält: Solids 25.4,  Fat 10.9, Eiweiß 11.1,  Lactose 3.4;

Marb. (empfindet sich wie Katze). Merc. Merc-if.

Teucr.: = Katzengamander/= Moschuskraut/= Herbe mastiche/= Cat thyme

Comparison. Lacs.

Siehe: Lacs allgemein + Raubtiere. Mammalia Anhängsel + Felidae (= Katzenartigen)


„der gestiefelte Kater“

Thema: Abhängigkeit; Lösung: Grenzen ausprobieren;

Kind: Abhängig # unabhängig; [Vermeulen] Lac felinum dependent # independent child;

Positiv: Hilfreich/Umstände anpassend;

Negativ: Depressiv/verdrießlich/launisch, intolerant vor Verpflichtung/Fremdbestimmung/ Druck/Unehrlichkeit, sieht sich als hässlich o./+ nicht intelligent, kleine Fehler werden als Verbrechen gesehen, kann sich nicht treu bleiben/sich nicht abgrenzen, leidenschaftlich (Augen), Angst (spitze Gegenstand/Treppe hinunter zu fallen ohne Schwindel/verlassen werden), „Als ob irgendetwas mich umbringt“ Angst vor/Neigung zu Unfällen (fallen), Nagelbeschwerden, Schlaf leicht/erwacht bei jedem Geräusch/ Sexträume, appetitlos + wählerisch mit Essen, <: Hunger/nachts; Augen (LichtEMPfindlich/Keratitis), Füßen dürfen sich nicht berühren;

Craving or aversion to milk.

Acute pain from vertex down l. eye and temple

Excruciating headache causes to run from room to room.

Shooting from inflamed eye to temple and eyebrow, < early morning; hazy sight; dull iris.

Ciliary neuralgia, < lying on l. side; pains in eyes back into head, extremely sharp

PhotophoBIA to natural and artificial light, < reading or writing; general lassitude; loss of appetite; constipation.

1. Enttäuscht in Mitmenschen/verachtet sich selbst, 2. Selbstzerstörung/Hass/Tötungsimpuls;

Gemüt: Gefühl von Vernachlässigung und Missbrauch: reagiert darauf mit Durchbrechen der Normen, um sich selbst zu befreien und Unabhängigkeit zu erlangen;

krankhaft gewissenhaft

Körper: Kopfschmerz: l. Schläfe und über l. Auge; gleichzeitig Speichelfluss und Kopfschmerz durch Belastung der Augen; scharfe, schneidende Schmerz durch das

Zentrum des l. Augapfels, hinterlässt einen inneren sehr wunden Schmerz und bewirkt reichlich Tränenfluss.

Themes in the Remedy

    * Fear of falling down stairs, but without vertigo.

    * Great depression of spirits.

    * Mental illusion that the corners of furniture, or any pointed object near her, were about to run into the eyes; the symptom is purely mental;

the objects do not appear to her sight to be too close (asthenopia).

    * Morbid conscientiousness; every little fault appeared a crime.

    * Very cross to everyone.

    * Sympathy with others pregnant

    * Sensuality

    * Violent sexuality

    * Incest

    * Lack of self respect

    * Fastidious

    * Moody and clinging to independence with sudden bursts if ill temper

    * Desire to be alone/for freedom

Physical Symptoms

    * Headaches over eyes, temples and front vertex with burning and pulsation

    * Affinity with the eyes - weary, twitching, darting pain, inflammation

    * Sinus problems

    * Brassy taste on the mouth and loss of taste

    * Salivation with tongue enlargement

    * Stomach swelling and a desire to eat paper

    * Anorexia, nausea, cramps

    * Amenorrhoea, dysmenorrhoea, diarrhoea

    * No appetite, heat in the epigastric region

    * Chest symptoms with oppression and difficult breathing

    * Cold # heat

    * Dullness with heavy and prolonged sleep where they don’t wake easily

    * Intolerance of hunger

[Jonathan Hardy]

When my wife, Theresia, and I were on holiday last autumn we were staying in a small Mediterranean villa, which was frequented by a group of half-starved, semi-wild

cats. We could not resist feeding them. Three were orphaned kittens of about six weeks old which were skin and bone when we arrived. They quickly put on weight on a diet of Greek yoghurt and cat food, but from time to time we would see them apparently suckling another cat that was not their mother. The three would lie and suckle from this cat, but one day, on close inspection, I realised that not only was this other cat a mere kitten, but it turned out to be male. The kittens were gaining no physical nourishment, but all four animals seemed to need and enjoy the experience of “going through the motions” of suckling. This young male cat was a delightful, very affectionate and gentle animal – he very nearly had to come home with us! What this taught me was that the desire for suckling – the physical closeness, warmth and contact, both to have it and to give it – is extremely powerful in mammals. This delicious, warm, comforting feeling is what I call the “mammal feeling”.

This early physical and emotional nourishment helps to make the young child (and the adult into which it will grow) feel content, happy and secure. If this process, however, is in some way disturbed then the opposite is the case – the individual can feel profoundly unfulfilled, empty and insecure. These feelings can be so deep that they lead to severe emotional problems and a range of physical complaints.

The unique adaptation of mammals is the production of milk. Milk is produced from the mammary gland from which mammals gain their name. Thus suckling – the feeding of the young with milk – is a uniquely mammal activity. Suckling is a wonderful combination of both physical and emotional nourishment. It involves feeding the young, but more than this it entails a physical contact between mother and young with the warmth and intimacy that this provides. Humans are mammals and are unique in that when

they suckle, mother and child can actually look into each other’s eyes. Thus the combination of physical togetherness, nourishment and emotional intimacy are all combined

in the process of breast-feeding. This is what bonds mother and child.

[Farokh Master]

Gemüt: Gefühl von Vernachlässigung und Missbrauch: reagiert darauf mit Durchbrechen der Normen, gleichsam um sich selbst zu befreien und Unabhängigkeit zu erlangen; krankhaft gewissenhaft

Körper: Kopfschmerz: linke Schläfe und über linkem Auge; gleichzeitig Speichelfluß und Kopfschmerz durch Belastung der Augen; scharfe, schneidende Schmerzen durch das Zentrum des linken Augapfels, hinterläßt einen inneren sehr wunden Schmerz und bewirkt reichlich Tränenfluß

[David Lilley]

If you ask anyone what they love most about cats they will nearly always say, “they are so independent”. They will often also remark on their cleanliness, elegance and poise.

All these characteristics came out in the homeopathic proving. People needing Lac felinum will usually be extremely independent. Several of my Cat’s milk patients have in

response to their difficult childhood developed a very strong desire to leave home at an early age and fend for themselves. They tend to be elegant people with good taste in

clothing and  jewellery. They tend to be agile and extremely good at sports. Sometimes they will be excessively clean and fastidious. They nearly always love cats intensely.

Type A. Eigensinnig + wünscht Freiheit/Unabhängigkeit/Aufenthalt in Freien;

Ursachen: Verwahrlosung/Inzest/Tod einer Katze;           

Repertorium:                                     [Swan]

Gemüt: Angekleidet, angezogen auffällig, leuchtend und wild

Anorexia nervosa

Verlangt, sich auszudrücken (durch Mimik/verbal)

Geistig behände, beweglich

Berührt werden abgeneigt

Beschwerden durch Adoption von Neugeborenen - Symptome erscheinen später

Beschwerden durch/nach Missbrauch, Misshandlung (sexuellem Missbrauch)


Denken in Extremen

Eigensinnig, starr-/dickköpfig


Frühreife, altkluge Kinder

Furcht [zu fallen, zu stürzen (Heruntergehen einer Treppe)/vor dem anderen Geschlecht/vor Hunde/vor Nadeln/vor Schlangen]

Verlangt Gesellschaft

Verlangt nach Harmonie/liebt Natur

Gewissenhaft, peinlich genau i.B. auf Kleinigkeiten/heikel, pingelig (nur wenn unter Stress)/verlangt Ordnung


Hochmütig, arrogant - trägt gerne besten Kleidungsstücke/bunte Kleider/geschmackvolle Kleidung/verlangt Schmuck zu tragen

Indiskret, taktlos


leicht zu magnetisieren/vertrauensvoll



Religiöse Gemütsstörungen, Störungen in bezug auf die Religiosität - beschäftigt; zu sehr mit Religion

Sauberkeit, Reinlichkeit - Reinlichkeitswahn, Putzwut


Tadelsüchtig, krittelig

liebt Tiere, Tierliebe (Katzen)

Wahnideen [schweben (in der Luft)/würde vernachlässigt (bei Frauen)/große Willenskraft, Anstrengung des Willens/Flucht vor der Wirklichkeit/Wohlwollen, Güte/Zügellosigkeit, sexuelle Ausschweifung]

Kopf: Ameisenlaufen in Scheitel

Hitze(wallung) vor Kopfschmerz

Hitze in Scheitel (erstr. l. Kopf-/Gesichtsseite)/in Stirn

Kälte, Frösteln etc. kalter, kühlender Schmerz läuft die Mittellinie zum Scheitel hinauf und zum Ohr hinunter

„Wie Hirn lose, locker“

Schmerz [< lesend/in Scheitel erstr. Ohr/l. Schläfe (brennend)/in Stirn l. über den Augen (stechend)]

Schweregefühl - Stirn

sAuge: Asthenopie

Entzündet (in Iris chronisch)

Schmerz [r. < l. Seitenlage/l. (< l. Seitenlage/stechend)/ruckend/schneidend/stechend)/starr blickend (stechend)/< lesend (stechend)/ < l. Seitenlage (schneidend)/ruckend/schneidend/< Schreiben (stechend)/stechend (nach hinten/nach innen)/Hinterkopf (stechend)]

Tränenfluss durch Schmerz im Auge

„Wie eingesunken, eingefallen“


Nase: Kälte vor Kopfschmerz/Kälte in Nasenwurzel

Beschwerden der Nebenhöhlen

Mund: Eingedellte Zunge


Schmerz in Zunge (brennend)

Innerer Hals: Katarrh

Magen: Appetit fehlend

Aufstoßen/Auftreibung < nach Essen



Bauch: „Wie ein kaltes Band“ um dem Bauch - unterer Teil


Schmerz (krampfartig/“Als ob Menses erscheint“)

Rektum: Durchfall

Obstipation (schwieriger Stuhlgang - Stuhl schlüpft zurück)

Weibliche Genitalien: Fluor - gelb

Jucken - wollüstig

Menses - fehlend/schmerzhaft

Schmerz in Uterus und Uterusregion < Stehen (abwärtsdrängend, zerrend)

Husten: # Bronchitis/# Erkältungen

Brust: Entzündete Bronchien (# Erkältung/# Husten)

Geschwollene Mammae < vor Menses

Rücken: Schmerz (krampfartig)

Glieder: < Berührung der Füße

Empfindliche Füße

ein Fuß kalt andere heiß

Zittern - Finger/Hände

Schlaf: Schlaflosigkeit (bei Kindern)

Träume: Erdbeben/Katzen/Leistungsfähigkeit, Effizienz/etwas zu Organisieren/Putzen, Reinigen

Haut: Hautausschläge - (flüchtiges) Ekzem

Allgemeines: Allergien gegen Katzen geneigt

Konvulsionen durch Diätfehler

persönliche Krankengeschichte von Vergewaltigung

Speisen und Getränke: Abgeneigt: Fett/Milch/Venusmuscheln;  Verlangt: gesunde Speisen/Kalk, Bleistifte, Erde, Kreide, Lehm/Milch/Papier;


Komplementär: Spig ?


Allerlei: verbunden mit Mystik/Zauberei/Hexen

= Einzelgänger + bequem/geht Verhältnis an um leicht Nahrung zu bekommen.

The domestic cat evolved from the Egyptian wild cat. The Egyptian wild cat was much bigger, huge, wild, independent, free. In the areas where they lived food became scarce.

Their only way to survive was to come closer to human habitation, where there would be food. But the way they were, if they came, as they were wild cats, they would be killed.

So they had to come in a way that would be acceptable to the human population. Over years they became smaller, they lost their wildness. These are the only animals that have

domesticated themselves. The dog, the sheep, poultry, horse were domesticated by man for their use but the cat domesticated itself for its own survival. In a sense it has prostituted itself.

Why are cats so independent, unlike dogs? Why do they keep asserting their independence?

Cats are an image of wholeness - a merging of the physical and spiritual, the psychic and the sensual. For a cat, these are not separate worlds, but one. They have been tagged with a

variety of traits, including curiosity, nine lives, independence, cleverness, unpredictability, and healing.

During the thousands of years in which the cat has lived among human beings, it has been venerated at one period as a deity, and at other times cursed as a demon.

Cats have long been held sacred and linked to images of power. Egyptians named the Goddess Bastas the divine mother of cats. The cat was sacred, and to kill one might be punishable by death. Diodorus Siculus, the Greek historian, described how a Roman who killed a cat was murdered by a mob despite the pleadings of high Egyptian officials. If a cat died, from any cause whatever,

its owner went into mourning, shaving his eyebrows and performing elaborate funeral rites. Cat cemeteries were established on the banks of the Nile, where the sacred animals were mummified

and then laid to rest, together with vast quantities of cat mascots and bronze cat effigies. The Egyptian term for cat was Mau, an imitation of a cat’s cry and a mother symbol.


[Provings: Swan, Divya Chhabra]

[Ghanshyam Kalathia, Carole Sanders]

Cats have always been connected with dignity, royalty, grace, and power. Like all felines, domestic cats have great leaping ability, acrobatic skills and sudden, short bursts of speed. Their walk is

very precise; each hind foot falls almost exactly over the footprint of the forefoot of that side. Eyesight, taste, and touch are the most highly developed senses of cats. Their night vision is excellent

but their daylight vision is relatively poor. They can turn each ear independently towards the direction of sound. Cats are fastidious about their cleanliness. They have a unique ability to survive falls

from high places and land safely.


Strong sense of independence

Cats like to be solitary. They are self-sufficient; they hunt on their own and will not share their food with others. This self-sufficiency can be viewed in humans as a 'strong sense of independence'.

Cats often dislike being stroked when they do not choose it themselves; they prefer to be pampered when they wish. This is unlike dogs, who are happy whenever they are petted and merrily come

wagging their tails to their owners at all times. This aspect is commonly seen in children. Parents of Lac felinum children often say that these children come to them on their own accord, only when

they want to be cuddled, and may resent being fondled otherwise.

Owing to their independent nature, cats cannot be bullied and will leave their owner if treated badly. They do not stand abuse and may revolt in such situations. Similarly, Lac felinum individuals

cannot tolerate intimidation and will not submit to maltreatment or inhumane treatment for long; they may strongly voice their displeasure about this. This is in contrast to Lac caninum people,

who are known to submissively bear abuses and harassments because of their dependence.

Shameful, cheapening oneself

A conflict between dependency and independency in cats is very pronounced: being cats, they need to be independent but, in the process of domestication, they need to give up their dignity and

become dependent on human beings; this conflict is the main focus of the remedy.

Wild cats became the domestic cats of today in order to get food. They will not completely relinquish their dignity and love of independence, hence the conflict. In patients, this theme is expressed

as: “Dirty feeling about oneself”; “Feeling of not being respected”; “Of being treated contemptuously”; “Feeling of shame”.

Cleanliness and fastidious

All cats are lovers of cleanliness, but in Lac felinum this is more pronounced.


Other symptoms

  Fear of VIOLENCE – They are afraid they will do something violent

  Avoidance of emotional involvement, stable relationships.

  Fear of sharp pointed objects

  Illusion that corners of furniture, or any pointed object near her, were about to run into the eyes



This is a case of a thirteen-year-old boy with contact dermatitis.

D: Tell me about your problems…

P: I don’t have any problem?!! Yes, I have this (contact dermatitis). It’s just like a small skin rash, nothing so serious (when I see the rash, it is as big as our palm!!).


D: Yes, tell more?

P: I’m all right. I have fights (Hand Gesture) with my younger brother but still we enjoy our company (HG: of pouncing).


D: Yes

P: I have small fights everyday at school too (sits facing the back of the chair and expand his hands over the handles of the chair).

I can’t bear injustice. This is the main cause of my fights. Nobody has the capacity to fight against me. I am solo in the school. It’s not an issue that somebody is fighting me but I can’t bear injustice to any smaller guy. That’s why I take the weaker person’s side and fight with the opponent instead of that weak guy.

I have capacity. I can fight with someone twice as strong as me. When I get angry in a situation like this, it doesn’t occur to me that the person is bigger than me. Yesterday, I slapped a rickshaw driver because he was taking more than the usual money from a person who was new to the city.

I can’t tolerate it if somebody tries to overpower me. We had a new student in my class at school and he tried to become the boss. He is more powerful than me because his father is a policeman. One day, he wanted to show me his power. He ordered me to open my lunch box during lunch time so I went towards him slowly and, suddenly, I opened my lunch box and smashed it over his face even though it had very spicy vegetables in it, and then I emptied my entire water bottle in his pants. I didn’t give him a second to react. Just one attack and it was finished (HG).

I can speak straightforwardly to a teacher if he tries to insult me in front of the class. I accept my faults but I don’t want to compromise my dignity. I say to my teacher: “Keep within your limits. I respect you as teacher but you have to accept that we students are also human beings and have our honor and dignity. If you respect students, then students respect you. If anybody tries to cross the limit, then they should be prepared for the consequences.”

At school, teachers know that I never fight without reason, that’s why they made me monitor in my class instead of punishing me. I’m the only person who has the capacity to keep discipline in the entire class. Suppose there is lot of noise in the class and students are not listening to the teacher, then I stand up and make a big sound like ‘si..le..nce’ and everybody becomes quiet. Then, I feel lot of energy

in me.


D: Yes, tell me what you feel at that time?

P: I feel as if I have lot of power. I can feel every muscle of my body at that time. I feel like I have capacity to rule the whole class. I’m like a king at that time.


D: King?

P: Yes, like the movie ‘Sarkar’. He was a very old man but if he made one sound everybody sat down. He is the real ruler. His voice is enough to bring order. His single word is like a command for everybody.


D: How does he make a sound?

P: He collects all his energy together. His muscles contract and collect all the strength and then, he make a big but very deep sound, like lions use to roar in the jungle.


D: Lion?

P: Yes, lion. I often feel that I might have been a lion in my past life (laughs). I don’t know if it’s real or just because I like lions that I think this way.


D: What you like about lions?

P: The lion is the ruler of the jungle. He is powerful and nobody has the capacity to go against him. He fights for the weaker guys. He can’t tolerate injustice. When he is ready to fight, he doesn’t think

of the consequences. He never harasses weaker persons. He never tries to attack anybody without reason. He never attacks if he is not hungry.


D: How does he attack?

P: He is so strong and powerful that his one pounce (HG) is enough to kill smaller animals like deer or calf. The lion is very strong but he is very big, so he is not able to chase animals like cheetahs do.

So, he tries to go as close as possible to the victim and then attacks them, and with one attack the opponent is on the ground.



Kingdom: here, we see a clear picture of “me versus the others” in his fighting pattern. “Anybody who tries to oppose me or any weak person, I will attack and finish with one pounce.” This is the Animal kingdom pattern of talk.

Subkingdom: direct and face-to-face fighting is unique for mammalian fighting strategy. They do not attack from a hidden place, like reptiles do. The mammal’s opponent is similar or weaker in strength, while reptiles attack one who is strong and powerful, so their attack strategy is hidden. In this case, the Mammal theme is clear.



- Confidence of the patient is very high. He sits backwards on the chair and expands his hands as if sitting like a big commander.

- “Nobody has the capacity to fight against me.”

- “I’m solo in the school.”

- “I can fight with someone twice as strong as me.”

- “I can’t tolerate it if anybody tries to overpower me.”

- “I don’t give him second chance to react. One attack and it’s done.”

- “I stand up and make big sound like ‘si..le..nce’ and everybody becomes quiet.”

- “I feel like I have the capacity to rule the whole class.”

- “I’m like a king at that time.”

Prescription: Lac leoninum

Follow up

His dermatitis disappeared in the course of six months. Now, there are no complaints from his school about fights and his parents say he rarely fights with his younger brother. I noticed that he has become calmer and he agrees that since taking the remedy, he has less anger.



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